If ya read my last postin’, ya caught wind of my somewhat wacky but heck-why-not?/ nothin’ ta lose idear ta jus’ give an “off ramp” — a sorta git outta jail free card (with contractual obligations, natch), to the miscreants runnin’ the gubbamint (all levels), an’ also to those that’r runnin’ the private comp-a’-ninnies that affect our daily lives (telecom, utili-tease, medi-cull—all that stuff…).
Of COURSE we’re all graspin’ at straws here but it’s gettin’ purdy rough in the former “Land of the Free/ Home of the Brave”—our skies here in the NordEast are still orange-ish from toxic chem-fires, therz heavy chemtrails daily, they gotta new plandemic in the werks plus climate lockdowns on the way, AND even the local AMISH farmers we know are worried (lordy may none’a them Lone Star Ticks with Alpha-Gal come here’bouts an’ force us ta give up —I’ll post about this too…) SO TIME IS NOT ON OUR SIDE (no it ain't...)
Anywayz, tho’ unintuitive (gracious me, we’d all like ta see them baddies strung up by their u-know-whatsis-z an’ justice done), I suggested the off-ramp no matter how unspeakable the crimes. REMEMBER: the m Alphabets work that way, right? Wear a wire / turn “canary,” take the dough, no jail time fer you—but we are watchin’... (previously I also mentioned they kinda did that with the "Royal" Paperclip Nazis here)
PLUS… as I thought it out, the elite “Masters” wouldn’t need ta actually take the ramp fer the scheme to work (they could…but given that old habits die hard they might not be…”so inclined!”—some pun). Even if just a THIRD ‘of ‘em took the deal, we’d certainly be in a far far better place than we iz now.
NOBUDDY ain’t comin’ ta save us (nobuddy is comin' to our "DEFENSE," oh the irony of that!), that’s fer sure. SO in the name of triage, herez where ta start:
The above ain’t comprehensive—it’s barely COMPREHENSIBLE (! we just fund it) an’ it’s certainly REPREHENSIBLE (an’ sooooo “INdefensible”) that the people runnin’ AND “servin’ in” the above branches of our gubbamint are doin’ their double-dawg durndest to KILL US ALL while enagagin’ in unspeakable acts (with minors, children, even babies…) to “keep” their members in line.
DARPA insists on high employee turnover. Program managers typically remain at DARPA for a maximum of FIVE years, meaning the agency has limited institutional memory—which, in turn, makes it difficult for reporters (journalists) to develop relationships with staffers. (Indeed, “reporting” at DARPA is likely an oxymoron. What employees there know is limited in scope and “secured” with sordid acts recorded on video which keeps them in check until they exit, sworn to silence).
ALSO Nobody is Spared ‘cludin’ we “truth tellers” cuz:
“They might just as well have used the motto ‘We Spy on Absolutely Everybody,’”* Tim Dowling wrote in The Guardian.*kindly look above at Logo #4, the IAO—masonic pyramid-with-All-Seeing ”I” of “Providence & the O being the Globe/the world they rule, the symbolism sez it all
Put them two ideas together—EVERYBODY is watched by DARPA an’ their OWN (watched) employees watching US have limited exposure/ access to these SURVEILLANCE tools (an’ likely to the other tools bein’ used against us too). So they are all limited-time contract killers, we might say. Would not THESE type of folks be the first happy to take an off ramp? By design of high turnover, they have no job security!ALSO: Author Annie Jacobsen who wrote about the Paperclips (an’ thus their Off Ramp) and who knows a thing ‘r 2 ‘bout “intelligence” is quoted as writing:
“DARPA, by its mandate, pioneers advanced military science in SECRET. A revolution is not a revolution unless it comes with an element of surprise.”
Keeping secrets (some velly ugly ones) is taxin’ on the soul (for them that have one) an’ on the “self preservation chart” even for the soulless. Would they not, these ordinary lower-up “drones” of DARPA & DOD & BARDA, take a ramp ta leaven their worries an’ optionally share their secrets without obligation ‘er consequences?
It’s kinda like confessin’ ta a priest or “shrink’ but without the limitations of the current laws that such “confessors” may void confidences IF a crime has been committed? WULL it’s ALL CRIMES that were committed (no good that I know of…) so givin’ them an off ramp with a built in optional confessor /no consequences (keep the change!), could be temptin’—specially, again’, since not much job security. (And I DOUBT they keep all but a few folks on the payroll after they are “move on.”)
Thinkin’ more ‘bout it, within the general eddy-fuss of our gubbamint is this very specific dark “structural” core of weaponized + weapon-makin’ FOULNESS wherein lie the “show runners” (in the bloody clot-inducin’ war against “We the People”). I’m referrin’ to the uni-formed obedient psychopaths that make up DARPA & the DOD with a little ol’ “assist” from BARDA.
Why not concentrate our laser efforts on THESE captured departments specifically?
We know from Brave Sasha that the dual-purpose “covid/rono jabs” are “DEPLOYED” as defense contracted “COUNTER MEASURES”—all comin’ right outta DARPA & the DOD. Our Curious Sage has dug deeper into the BARDA piece an’ highlighted Ralphie Bear’s furly-savage role in clawin’ hiz way ta the top of the honey tree. And, NOW we know from the Tireless Dane that the CHEMTRAILS have always been ordered via DOD / DEFENSE contracts—not that we didn’t know they were weaponized against us but I DID wonder who ordered ‘em—an’ now the answer is clear.
Check this ‘un out too!
THUS, given the PRECISE MILITARY ATTACK ON US….an’ given that WE are deemed the ENEMY (or simply the useless nuisance), slated to be murdered in hot+cold “running” blood, it seems that if we kin prioritize the offers, then the DOD and DARPA gotta be first in line (since we are “first” in their firin’ squad line up).
The more of ‘em that take the ramp an’ step down the BETTER our chances of stoppin’ the show ENOUGH ta PULL OPEN THAT CURTAIN an’ show the dumb-struck audience what the finale will be UNLESS we start objecting ‘en masse. IF a LOT of off-rampers leave the DOD / DARPA and other “gubbamint” positions, I do believe notice WILL BE TAKEN (jus’ like “CreepyGIJoe” cain’t really hide the unemployment stats).
Folks WILL ask why an' enough truths might JUST slowly leak outta the truth balloon ta make a difference. That’s my guess—here’s some evidence that such truth-leaks DO happen.
👀 Look: many who for 3 years runnin’ nearly elevated Dr. Fraudski to sainthood are now demandin’ he do some serious ‘splainin’ an’ mebbe it’s just dawin’ on these slow-learners that the man’s hidin’ puhlenty under his Jesuit robes an’ uncannily unwrinkled unfurrowed adrenochromed brow…
👀 Look again’: see that the majority of folks on NY-Seize massive welcome wagon fer them “asylum seekers” ain’t so happy now seein’ how these noble, fearless (!) “freedom seekers” camp out on their front steps leavin’ beer bottles n’ peepee stains on their sacred sidewalks… THESE formerly fierce SJW-type folks ‘r bitchin’ (albeit belatedly) ‘bout Mayo Adams-Apple (Rotten Apple it iz now) an’ how “they” (zey, zir, zoo) should come first bein’ AmeriKans an’ all…
AND one more reason to “TARGET” the DEFENSE “WORLD” FIRST…
To riff on the famous trope:
Whoever owns “entertainment” owns the world.
The eyes 👀 of the world are literally theirs, “their” content carefully crafted, carefully orchestrated, carefully directed… and DARPA’s very logo too shows OWNERSHIP:
The CLAIM that the DOD owns HOLLYWOOD was put succinctly here:
“Most moviegoers are completely unaware of the Pentagon’s involvement with the film industry, and the U.S. military would like to keep it that way. As of 2016, the Department of Defense has helped produced more than 410 movies, including classics like James Bond’s License to Kill, biographical thrillers such as Captain Phillips, and many more popular movies like Transformers: Dark Age of the Moon. The most successful entry in the DoD’s oeuvre is Top Gun. Directed by Jerry Bruckheimer in collaboration with the Pentagon, Top Gun was a massive box office success and grossed $356.8 million from a budget of $15 million. However, the return on investment for the US Navy was even greater. The well-timed release of Top Gun led to a 500% increase in young men signing up to become naval aviators and, crucially, portrayed the pro-military, colonialist themes to help rehabilitate the U.S. military’s post-Vietnam public image.”
“The agreement is dead simple. Films that portray the U.S. military in a positive light receive taxpayer funding, set locations, and military consultation from the Department of Defense.”
The “image” of the military is just, of course, a tool. The direction we are in now (media-wise) started when the DOD/gubbamint started turnin’ peace-loving hippies into so-called psychopaths (like the manufactured “Manson”) an’ by the time the “Star Wars” franchise came about, as they way, “The West Was Won” (it was once again a-OK ta buy yer kiddos space guns, good vs evil, all that stuff…) Another story fer another time but KNOW that the DOD /DARPA / BARDA should be the first targets of any off-ramp campaign (I humbly offer)…
The time is NOW… I’m just a little peep in the wind here but WE can see what’s comin’ down twister-styel. Witness the ongoin’ harms from them weaponized jabs, the killer “skeeters” an’ “SKEER-turds” such as malaria, dengue, an’ mebbe leprosy/syphillis (scare-tactic cons ‘er not I’m SURE they kin put jabs-bad in weaponized insects… ones that sing ya, ones ya gotta EAT!), ta the weather warfare (not just chemtrails but also the FLOODS, DROUGHTS, FIRES & the high-pitched HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) manipulations, the AI, the surveillance non stop (say howdy ta the WorldCoin yeball-scan ORB from Hell…), the CBDseize AND all the G’s (5G and beyond!!!!) that got us “berlin’ ” like frogs ‘er freezin’ like lil’ sparrows on a frozen branch.
Endin’ with some prophetic wisdom from the late, great (an’ likely taken-out)
Phil Ochs, via his brilliant anthem (excerpted here):
“The War is Over”
Silent soldiers on a silver screen
Framed in fantasies and drugged in dream
Unpaid actors of the mystery
The mad director knows that freedom will not make you free
And what's this got to do with me?
I declare the war is over
It's over, it's over
Trust your leaders where mistakes are almost never made
And they're afraid that I'm afraid
I'm afraid the war is over
It's over, it's over
Angry artists painting angry signs
Use their vision just to blind the blind
Poisoned players of a grisly game
One is guilty and the other gets the point to blame
Pardon me if I refrain
I declare the war is over
It's over, it's over
So do your duty, boys, and join with pride
Serve your country in her suicide
Find a flag so you can wave goodbye
But just before the end even treason might be worth a try
This country is too young to die
The gypsy fortune teller told me that we'd been deceived
You only are what you believe…
I too believe this country—an’ our once-beautiful world—ALL real nations—are TOO YOUNG TO DIE. Fuk the damned Globalists, I may not know the “right” way ta do it—but I’m a gonna try!
Here’s ta fightin’ the good fight! Blessin’s to you, yourn, an’ all’ve us!
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
My soul
Has been saved;
(& trained to love
It’s deformation.)
Howzabout y'all's…? ;)
Good idea.
Good compilation of logos.
Nice little feisty ones with petal helmets.