Black Friday "Dim Bulb" Sale: Yer LED Holiday Lights are Weapons, We're the Dim Bulbs
How a couple a' decades of ubiquitous LEDs shed lurid light on our undoin'…
LEDs are our undoing—not just the “holly-day” ones—all’ve ‘em.
For at least a deck-aid (dealt this deck that’s supposed ta "aid" us), we've been sold a lousy bill'a goods with LEDs meant to "save the planet" by usin' less energy. The unvarnished truth’bout LEDs is that they’re meant ta control us in our “kill boxes” (aka our now-weaponized homes / spaces) an’ do us harm (bodily), while sappin’ an’ zappin’ US of our own natural energy—a far different story indeedy.
Fergit, fer a moment, that if the Rocky-feller goons didn't kill Tesla we'd all’ve had FREE energy an' wouldn't worry 'bout over-payin' fer it or about scare-city or about sub-par bulbs. Fergit, fer a moment, that the danged planet duz NOT need savin' an' there is no Climate Change except fer that which has just happened normally—an' nominally—in our solar system. Remember just ONE THING today:
LEDs are a trap an' AmeriKa has been roped inta fallin' inta it—likely YourUp too. Captured in a dark “web of light” — fake light that is.
Now, ta "groom" us human beans inta trustin' these lurid LEDs as if they wuz just safer, better "alternatives" to “heat producing” incandescents & halogens an’ mercury-laden flickerin’ fluorescents, LEDs have been hyped not only as energy-savin' nifty inventions, but as bein’ "cool," "green/eco" (neenurneenur—false! they use a lotta rare earth metals an' crap), an' kid friendly (toyz toyz toyz that buzz, beeeep, an' flash—none creatively or interactively—JUST watch the stunned deer children blinkin' dumbly at the "headlights" bedazzled by their glowin’ electronic shit "toy” show, all made in CCP with child labor an’ dubious materials…) so-called illumination options-that-aren’t-options (now mandated in the land of zero options).
OH an' they'ze supposed ta make fer better headlights too (if ya like ta be "Blinded by the Light") but truly they are simply WEAPONS (meant to harm our DNA, wreck our vision, allow others ta control our bodily functions (oh yessiree that's real), AND all the while SPY ON US TOO!
Don’t believe me? Read more below ‘fore ya decide to keep ‘em around…
Now truth be told, many of us balked at them ugly LED bulbs an’ didn’t want ‘em in our livin’ space, but a great many were…as I said above, "Blinded by the Light" an’ gobbled ‘em up like so many donuts (or so many flags-for-Ukraine).
SO let's look a bit more inta the evil them LUCI-farians wielded with them, eh?
As energy costs (our bills) went up up up (artificially of course..), folks started ta purchase these lousy LEDs that NEVER NEVER NEVER produced pleasant light suitable fer humans—always made us feel a tad… queasy. If ya trusted yer gut ya'd never have bought even one've 'em…but again, many did! (Ownin' up—I have some as "tap on" closet lights an' my "kitchen strip" has 'em too…Plus my "emergency" lanterns are—ya guessed it—LEDs.)
First let’s give a QUIK look at aesthetics, cuz the evil ones want us to live in SWAMP LIGHT—ugly bluish greenish LURID creature feature light always cold (even in the warmer colors) in fact, completely devoid of any warmth.
Arguably this mebbe the least harmful aspect (aspic—lime flavored, ew!) of these funky bulbs but nevertheless IMPORTANT cuz most’ve us are affected (mood-wise, spirit-wise, emotinally) by the light around us. Moreover, our HEALTH is often responsive to light too—think’ve folks plagued by “seasonal affective disorder” more plainly put as the “too much dark in winter blues.” THE BLUES. LED is blue light. We ain’t talkin’ about purdy blue reflections offa the ocean. Blue wavelength—the bad kind. Light like THIS:
So yup, HEALTH—LEDs are bad fer yer health in general and in specific (they also mess with yer body chemistry an' DNA), but what many've us didn't know is that these lights were designed to "interface" with yer bioelectric energy AND do a lil' dance of death (that'd be cell death) with all the metal/graphene stuff "inside" us thereby allowin' the Global Goons ta control us cheaply an' easily… JUST with LIGHT. Remotely too.
Our bodies are now FILLED with LEDs (light emittin' diodes) EVEN if we are UNJABBED
Take it from Dr Ana Mihalcea who's been "on the case" doin’ brave “detective work” fer the last couple years (click on image ta see the article):
More bright blinkin’ (winkin’ an’ nod from them globalists…) inside us as per these discoveries (click on the image below):
Honestly, there’s a lotta “illuminating” findins’ on Dr. Ana’s powerful site—but just lookin’ at the LEDs an’ the way they stimulate the ROBOTIC ASSEMBLY of them graphene nanotubes’ll give ya the willies fer months. TAKE A LOOK ‘round if y’all got time (but I’m’a movin’ on ta the next angle).
Shock, Awe, an’ WONDER at them LEDs….

Even 'fore the incandescent lightbulb full-out BAN, everything went LED! No longer could ya find plain-jane appliances, electrics (vs electronics)—not a mention “SMART” Tech. It’s hard ta find stuff without it! (the tech an’ specifically the LED features).
Now, fer example, we like them "diffusers" where ya put some drops of sweet smellin’ essential oil in 'em with water an' they make ya feel like yer in the deep woods 'er in a fragrant orange grove—it DO lift the spirits!—an' if chez-you gits a tad musty smellin' (or a mite worse like in our “new” digs when they "spray pig manure" up the road…lordy!) then you'll know the value of these diffusers. 'Cept they ALL seem ta light up with LEDs (yeah, you kin turn off the actual LED light—but NOT their ability to "connect" as long as they're in use/plugged in).
SO MUCH is LED-a-fied. Key chains, tea kettles, kids sneakers (!), backpacks, blender buttons. Both our Air Machines (the operation lights, the filter lights) an' our remote WIRED PC speakers have "light up LEDs" on the panels. I don’t need ta land on the things, they ain’t runways, but light up blue an’ green they do. Ya cain’t win.
Most don't think of these features bein’ LEDs—the little lights on the panels, on the appliances themselfs. Sure, y'all know not to buy the ugly actual lightbulbs but most new-ish appliances have somethin' 'er other LED blinkin’ at ya now-daze. It's bad stuff—an' it's a WEAPON ta control us. (Again, they kin do it REMOTELY).
Let’s dive a bit deeper—adjust yer tinfoil helmets, it’s time fer take off!
Now if yer wonderin’ how long ago this LED “crime” wuz plotted, I hope yer sittin' down cuz this body-mind-spirit control plan's been in the "woiks" fer over a century. As Maxwell Smart'd say, "would you believe…?"—in this case that LEDs, short fer Light Emittint Diodes by the way—an' the science of electroluminescence, were invented in…1907! The very "concept" an' the first prototypes: 1907!
Why develop such things when lurvely incandescent light was already invented an' lettin' us all read past dusk very well thank ye much? I hate ta say it—but the reason wuz not "fer our good"… it wuz fer “theirs…”
It took a bit'o time fer the LEDs to be made a) practical (mass produced) an' b) cheap enuf ta force on us human beans, admittedly.
HOWEVER as we know, the EVIL ONES are patient. They waited.
Develop-mints took place along the way; red LEDs (the devil they did!) came out in 1962 (really? yassiree, keep sittin'!) Think've it: LUCI-FER = light + fire. (Luci-FER-ase is in the jabs-bad too an/ yes it reacts with LIGHT.)
OPTOGENETICS is actually not new at all (Biophotonics is part've it); we've just copped wise to it recently. Like I said, a century old! They've been zappin’ our biofields an’ ultimately usin' light (mainpulatin’ it) to KILL us fer a loooong time (Light kin heal too…healing light can indeed fix lots that ails ya—but them Satanist Weenies aren't inta healin' us no wayz—ruther than wanna make us HEEL! an’ woof!).
So yessiree, patience is a great virtue 'cept when it's our prospective murderers waitin' outside our bodily doors with their WEAPONS, LED included.
THINK BACK and WONDER why LIGHT SABERS are the WEAPONS in Star Wars? Light as a weapon. Light to fight. Dawnin' on y'all yet? Un huh!
Now, y'all know if you've been readin' my stack 'an lotsa others’ sites too, that our gubbamint—has been up ta stealin' our biofields—ASK SABRINA WALLACE if ya don't git that part (this link a good'un, she keeps takin' 'em down an' puttin' up others but that's her message).
It's important to understand this—this THEFT of our biofields—yes we ARE the Body Electric an' if you destroy or take over our biofields—our literal energy—that's our IMMUNE SYSTEM too. We are already “hackable” (we’ve been hacked, that’s fer sure, tho’ I tend ta differ with Hairy-Airy that we’re “animals.”)
So "they/zey" haf been zappin' our energy an' stamina an’ LEDs are part of this process; ever wunder why our forefathers and foremamas could work all day in the fields 'til they wuz old and many've us far younger couldn't haul wood if our lives depended on it? Yup! Also, zey haf been zappin' our IMMUNE SYSTEMS by takin' over our body biofield—an organ (literally)—usin' LIGHT / DIODES / LEDs.
They "amped it up" (pun intended) in 2014 from all I gather an' they "topped it off" with WARP SPEED purposefully injectin' folks with these hydrogel-based graphene supported floatin' DIODES so small no regular microscope let alone the nekked eye could never see'em.
They (these bioluminescent diodes / LED-emittin’ tech) were in the JABS, in the MASKS, in the TESTS an' more…
Injected, breathed in…swabbed in yer noggin’—an’ so on. Oy. Egads. (an’ grrrrr!)
As I said up yonder, the harm with these blasted LEDS started over A CENTURY AGO— Eventually The Destroyers (however ya wanna label 'em) figgered out how ta use LIGHT to control us…From afar they kin look "REMOTELY" into YOUR BODY (yers, mine, ours collectively). Mouse studies often duplicate what they’ve done with LEDs to us homosapiens (and are easier ta track down..).
Even if ya "et" organic, didn’t smoke ‘er drink any firewarter an’ avoided the jabs-bad—it's all a matter of DEGREE. We’re ALL AFECTED per Dr. Ana, per Sabrina, an’ per other wise ones like Celeste Solum. Food supply, as we know, has been monkeyed with fer years (via Nano Domestic Quell)—I (fer one) just DID NOT KNOW the LEDs were a piece of this puzzle…how it figgered 'in the bigger pitch’r. Now I know.
LEDs are at the CORE of this EVIL plan cuz incandescents are gen-u-inely "safe an' effective" (fer lightin' up our rooms, not our t-cells an' white blood cells). Incandescents don't mess with yer DNA or allow "outside entry or inside outry," an’ MANY a good “piece of work” (writer-wise) wuz written under the ol’ Edison bulbs…
That Sabrina link'll tell ya HOW yer body not only is getting' signals from the outside but is sendin' 'em out from the INSIDE.
Sabrina 'splains why just takin' down 5G towers or throwin' out yer cell phone (all good things ta do anywayz if ya "ast" me) ain't nearly enuf nor are faraday cages—cuz they'ze still gonna git ya! The TECH is in US!
Thus to my prior advice of tossin’ out yer 5G an’ wireless tech as much as possible—I'm 'a gonna add, as of today, that you shold be TOSSIN' YER LEDS—all've 'em ya can spare, spendy tho they are. Toss them lightbulbs? YES. Full stop. Non-essential LED featured devices too? DOUBLE CHECK!
QUESTION: What ta do 'bout yer 'puter screens? Yes, natch, to polarizin’ or orange filters to cut down on that harmful blue light, but what about the monitors? No ol’ “cathode ray” tube monitors are gonna cut the mustard an’ give ya digital at decent resolution. And what about the "remote access" capabilities of the LED screens? If they’re LED tech—bulb or sceen are I thinj the same. SHUT 'em OFF? Just at night? Faraday not cuttin’ it? I do wanna know—regrettably I “think” they’re just like the bulbs…NO SAFER ta have around…. Thus:
We kin AGREE that LED bulbs gotta GO. LED LIGHTS OUT.
(er, by the by, this song title is a mite forebodin’ given what’s goin’ down in Georgia as we speak…)
ALSO ta go—all them CANDY COLORED LED XMAS LIGHTS—yeet ‘em too! (Here at chez Moses we "do" Xmas & Hanukkah both –an' ding it if them hollydaze are all plagued by LEDs no matter if ya try yer best ta avoid ‘em. Even the teeeeny tiny sparkle lights on the "tasteful" paper mache cranberry holiday garland I got on sale years ago — comes with a teeny battery pack to create that lil' ole' LED "sparkle." SHOOT. Like I said, even OFF they “connect.” I’m a’ gonna at least toss them batteries… LED tech, it’s all over the holly-daze like white on rice:
GETTING' INTA THE WEEDS (put on yer Wellies folks!)
1. ALL LED lightbulbs can be 5g receivers....
(even the lil' teeny ones…ALL OF 'EM—click on headin’ below ta read the arty-cull…)
From the above:
"Engineers have devised a method of allowing almost any device fitted with standard LEDs to communicate with other equipment with similar lights (…) So, for example, the LED headlights in your car could communicate to the car in front of you through its LED taillights, or the LED display in your clock radio could tell the coffee maker to turn on via its indicator light. "and "Unlike conventional RF Wi-Fi, the system could also be used in places where radio waves create problems or are not permitted, such as around medical equipment in hospitals, inelectromagnetically-sensitive manufacturing environments, and in passenger aircraft cabins."
They fail to mention those "in" your body an' those controlled by "operators" outside it…
They fail, too, to mention that this stuff is ALREADY IN USE—at yer WallaWallaMart, at yer Dok-Turd's office, at Yer Skool, at the Stady-uum, at yer Gross-erie. Git' it? Good.
2. LED "Traffic" Lights / Street Lights (all over America & the EU…) are:
watchin' ya an' possibly controllin' ya AND doin' ya harm. Trackin' ya on foot an' in yer vee-hicle too.
Maria Zee interviews Amin Jabbi on the dangers of LED street lights and smart cities:
UK’s Mark Steele on the dangers of LED Street Lights:
and also look at THIS viddeyo regarding the TRULY lethal qualities of the LEDs / radiation emissions from ‘em
3. Don't look now but the LED light fixtures are spying on you
CLICK on headin’ above for full story:
"Whether or not you pay any attention to the lighting overhead, the lighting may be paying such close attention to you that privacy advocates are warning about the “terrifying” potential for misuse.""There are cases when a LED light can spy by covertly listening and then send that audio over 300 meters away to the eavesdropper. But this time, it is the LED fixtures that are the “backbone” of a new surveillance system scrutinizing and recording us. The New York Times reported that 171 LED fixtures inside Terminal B at Newark Liberty International Airport are “watching” us. “
Really y'all JUST at Newark? Only in Joisey? Sure sure, they'ze only spyin' on ya in NEWARK — my hiney they are…"
And (continuin’ with the above article…) "…the excitement comes from the mountains of data captured by sensors and analyzed by software about “the habits of ordinary citizens.” Right now Port Authority, which operates Newark Airport, “owns” the data collected, but law enforcement can obtain it via a “subpoena or written request.”
The light fixtures at Newark Airport are not the only lighting system intent on spying on the public to improve “safety” and “security.” It's not even a new idea. Yet three years ago when Internet-connected street light systems made by IntelliStreets came under fire for invading privacy, the company went on the defensive by calling its surveillance system a “big idea” and not “Big Brother.”
Conversely, Sensity Systems, the company that designed Port Authority’s light fixture surveillance system, believes its lighting provides the “perfect infrastructure” to build a new network “to gather information about people and the planet.”
“Sensity” founder Hugh Martin, clearly a real snowjob "ahrtist," worked in DNA collection before foundin' his surveillance camera company—ya don't say?! No coincidence? Give ‘im a listen:
(click on the headline below fer the story, nuttin’ like lightin’ up YER KID…)
"Before I describe Haas' theory and subsequent developments in detail, I would like to jump ahead in this story now to tell you that broadband transmission via the visible light spectrum — which is also called Li-Fi — is here, and there are multiple practical use cases for the technology. (…) But Li-Fi is also suited for more humble use cases such as providing broadband in a coffee shop or company headquarters.”
“Any building with LED light fixtures could be set up to use VLC technology, Holbert said. LEDs in lighting fixtures communicate by flashing or blinking too fast for the human eye to discern.”
"The prototype light fixtures we've developed are primarily made with readily available off-the-shelf hardware," he said. "We've been able to build simple prototype receiver hardware from $5 worth of parts." “(…how thrifty! -ed)
“NASA's interest is to use Li-Fi to supplement the International Space Station's Wi-Fi system, and possibly enhance it with such features as Global Positioning Satellite Routing Systems architecture. (…) It can connect to the Internet through any usual manner, such as a receiver/transmitter device connected to a laptop computer or cellular telephone using a USB (universal serial bus) port, he said."
(Right—from “humble” coffee shops to NASA?! Really?!…oh an’ “toyz” too! -ed)
IoT and DISNEY Magic Princess Dresses
“First the paper addressed the (by now) formality of the theory: LED light bulbs installed in a room can communicate with each other. But it also goes on to say that LED light bulbs can also communicate with other VLC devices. This paper explored how the Internet Protocol stack and other networking protocols can be hosted on Linux-based VLC devices and concluded that the IP stack and the proposed VLC protocols are flexible enough to interoperate.”
In case you are wondering why Disney is interested, I've got three words for you: magic princess dress.
As Disney researchers also note, VLC is also a great application for toys.
“The magic princess dress, for example, comes with a wand that triggers light effects on a princess dress. There are LEDs are embedded into the dress and when the child points the wand at the dress, it comes to life at exactly that location. Told you there were practical applications for Li-Fi in the works.”
5. Optical Fiber DNA Biosensor With Temperature Monitoring Based on Double Microcavities Fabry–Perot Interference and Vernier Combined Effect
Click on headin’ above to read about the follerin’:
Using LIGHT (Optogenetics) to monitor DNA and Temperature in the Human Body:
6. How LED Lighting May Compromise Your Health
extract from Dr. Mercola story HERE:
“Our eyes were designed to receive the light frequency of the Sun. Rays strike the optic nerve, which signals the pituitary gland, triggering the release of hormones and neurotransmitters that regulate our bodily functions. The mitochondria of each cell in the human body produce almost one’s entire bodyweight in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) per day (!) and the human body can only live for 15 seconds without it, as compared to 4-10 minutes without air, 3-4 days without water. The overwhelming percentage of our ATP production comes from the light we receive through our eyes and skin.
With many of us staring at screen devices or spending most of our time indoors with energy-saving LED lighting, few of us are aware of the adverse effects that LEDs have on retinal health, hormonal health and mental health, because these do not emit the correct frequency of light, in order for us to produce ATP.
LED lighting may actually be one of the most detrimental non-native EMF radiation sources you’re exposed to on a daily basis, which can have very serious long-term ramifications.
Ongoing exposure can lead to age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which is the leading cause of blindness in the United States and elsewhere. Other health problems rooted in mitochondrial dysfunction may also be exacerbated, and these run the gamut from metabolic disorder to cancer.
To Protect Your Health and Vision, Stick to Incandescent Lights
LEDs are a perfect example of how we’re sabotaging our health with otherwise useful technology. However, with knowledge, we can proactively prevent the harm from occurring.
IS IT TOO LATE? ARE THESE LEDs that are “in us” an’ “outside us but in control” a permanent “dis-improvement” of the human race?
Are we STUCK with this evil tech forever?
Have we been “cyber screwed” by those screwin’ their DIM DUMB BULBS inta our “sockets”—more like our “bioenergy fields?”
SABRINA WALLACE the Cryptic Cassandra of the “Truther” Set —an’ I DO believe her! — seems ta think there IS yet some time—the window is closin’ but has not shut. We have to take back our biofield, our “pizoelectricity.” An’ pray!
In any event, I sure hope she’s right!

Some MIT students made a NEW type of true INCANDESCENT BULBS that don’t heat up and even use LESS energy than LEDs (please Oh Rotten Rockyfellers, don’t kill ‘em or buy up their patent ta bury it!)
Some old advice applies here -
As my mama used ta holler when I wuz draggin’ my feet ‘er procrastinatin’:
“Git the LED out!”
Wiser words were never spoken!
takin’ heed ta wise advice with some well-aimed pot shots at those awful LEDs!,
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
BONUS TUNE! (now rock’it y’all!)
an’ below—ain’t the best viddeyo copy but it’s too good ta leave out! (enjoy it!)
Dark info! Love the final clip - light (in every sense of the word) and fun!!! Yes, vital to see the light!
Again, this is important to emphasize. I've written about this before, but it didn't seem to take:
Here is more about the weaponization of artificial light: