Duck you Suckers!
This is a test, this is a test for suckers; ALL of us are suckers, all will be sucked in.
Okay y’all—DUCK !!!
EVERYBUDDY an’ his donkey’s got their dungarees in a bunch ‘bout this BLAST o’ hot 5G-whizz (cheeze ‘er otherwise) comin’ our way so I thought I’d toss my $2 hat inta the ring with my thoughts.
FIRST, gotta say I’m darn sorry ta have been a stranger lately! I'll do some real postin' soonz I can!
(still goin' thru lots on the home front tho’ things ‘r better fer sure)
BUT anywhoo, this October Surprise! --no not that one—ruther the one comin’ down on the 4th i.e. the four-alarm chili hot n' spicy alarm that's goin' round the innertubes faster n' bees chasin' a honey bear (who appears to be named Jason Shurka)… got me a thinkin' ‘bout this OP (as others are doin' too!) an' ball-park frankly (ha!)—them weenies have got us suckers good this time, cuz yer damned if you do turn off ALL yer devices an' damned if ya don't (I bee-lieve that a treasure trove 've data awaits them weenies). SO…
What ta make’ve this “TEST?”
First, in spite of what they’re tellin’ us, this is NOT a test fer the "emergency broadcast system" like some've us 'member from our toddler years on the teevee where ya got a weird set of patterns on the screen an' a radar countdown blip… no alarms back then, nothing ya couldn't turn off on the ol' teevee. An' frankly, this ain't a test even fer the "high tech" electronics. Heck, they do that all the time with all them alerts—Amber, Red, Orange, all the colors of fire! (All the time 'cept in MaoWhee where it's takeover time an’ they DID NOT USE THEIR EMERGENCY SYSTEM so folks were NOT WARNED…on purpose). Sigh.
Do not think fer a minute that THIS test is ta make up fer “mistakes-were-made” in MaoWhee.
Anywho… WE are ze test subjects now! SO. ZEY. SAY.
Now they (or "zey" in Schwabbian) are tellin' us they'ze testin' two frequencies on US human beans an' yup—it's 5g as wull as 4g, 3g, an' mebbe PG13 if they wanna put some racy messages inta the "blasts." (jus' kiddin' but heck, they kin do that actually…). However, as I said up top, the “regular testin’ tech is already in workin’ order an’ there an' the only "bugs" in it are the digi-tall-tale ones they wanna use ta spy on us; the system itself, soundin' an ear-splittin' alarm, flashin’ messages on the phones, ain't buggy at all (those runnin' these psyops are plenty buggy but that's another story!)
They DO wanna SKEER us so this is, among many things a digital TEMPERATURE TEST FOR FEAR.
What else 're they testin' fer really? Lotsa stuff…
A. COMPLIANCE ! so they'll know WHO "we who ain't gonna comply" are now, AND also WHERE we are cuz when our devices an' vices are ON (few humans live without them ever…) they track us, know where we live, stay, do our bizness (all ways!), go dawg go, an’ even sleep! They know which of us are armed and dangerous… an' jabbed ‘er not. This is easy work with the test cuz our no-response ping-back to their "call" registers in their system as a response—i.e. a "no response." Message received anyway (in ways you can’t see but they kin) IF the device is just off cuz….
Y'all know that “OFF ain't OFF” with any phones an’ with many appliances if still plugged in, right?
"Zey" can still USE (fer spyin' purposes) any phone that's off as there are backdoors, portals, whatever. You jus' don't see the lights on so ya think you’ve rendered yer device inoperable with the off button. Nope! Given that OFF ain't OFF, they'll see you turned it off which means they’ll see you THOUGHT YOU TURNED IT OFF (you non-complier you!).
In any case, lists will be made of us non-comp-pliers so they kin find us when they'ze ready fer us…find us:
in person (armed mercenaries /”ass-eye-lum sneakers” show up at our doors…)
remotely via 5G—THAT is a blast like in "The Kingsman" (via PHONES, pre-dick-tive prog-grammin’ thar) that we've been told to expect now… the Big Kahuna xtree strong blast just fer us “objectors”
remotely via DAW weapons-of-mass-destruction (when they'ze good n' ready ta find / fry us)
NOT sayin' this iz a “done deal” an’ we’ze doomed, but any way ya serve it methinks this TEST for us suckers is just to confirm / tease out WHO we are an WHERE we are (livin' in pockets in red states? "Vegging out" at local farmers' markets? Hangin' out at churches an' DAR meetin's?) –such that they ain't gonna pull an item 2. (above) WITH a warnin' folks.
THAT, if/when it comes, will be a surprise attack "Injun style" OF COURSE (like in the movies!).
Oh an' natch those who "git the message" and "comply" are their regular patsies—"zey" vill be dealt mit separately, they'ze the easy ones…kiss kiss bang bang!
B. NON-COMPLIANCE ! Wull yup, I said they'd figger out who us non-comp-pliers are per their above toolbox, but apart from testin' FOR compliance (who will, who won't, who cain't) they are ALSO testin' FOR non-compliance and mebbe in degrees too! Did Mister Jones just turn off only hiz phone or ALL his many "devices?" Inquirin' (evil) minds wanna know—
Y'ALL KNOW that even fairly OLD "Energy Star" appliances (how evil duz that sound?), even the Non-SMARTy pants ones—TALK TO WIRELESS FREQUENCIES at least to some degree—they (zey) know when we're usin' 'em or not an’ the newer they are the more “zey” kin find out—ET-phone-home electronics ARE inside ‘em all. Kinda like them older cars from around 2000 that could contact the dealership if yer car got stuck. Con Edison (talk about an oxy-moron!!!) didn't just “by chance” send cust-o-mers those bar charts to tell folks they kept their fridge or air cond. on too long by chance… That type'a monitoring wuz (per what I've recently read) built-in decades ago y'all—even sans smart meters that deciphered that data.
An’ honestly, many ‘ve us may turn off our phones an' even our printers too, BUT our fridges n' freezers, really? So WHEN they “do” their signal, some sayin’ that even at “best” they can jigger with yer regular electricity—dirty ungrounded lines ‘specially. An’ again, MANY of us will still keep our fridges an’ freezers an’ stoves plugged in… So WE again are split up—the ones keepin’ on the bigger appliances vs those goin’ FULL TILT TURN OFF. Some WILL go that far.
An’ u betcha, “zey” wanna know WHO vill go that far, who IS that prepared. At least the way I figger… they’ll be watchin’ YOU (you, me, all’ve us).
TANGENT: Think about THAT song. It’s by a band called THE POLICE an’ the lead singer is…STING. STING operations catch folks, STINGRAY is the national police “tech” that’s used to interface with EVERY CELL PHONE they wish to tap. Stingray intercepts your call at the tower, records the contents, an’ then (only then) relays it to you. Police. Sting. Watching YOU. EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE. ghasp! (Yup, we didn’t know it back then….) (Tangent ovuh)
C. AI-ENHANCED-TRACKING. Ya may think it sounds like a lot ta monitor all the PING data from this upcomin’ October 4th Surprise, but AI is regrettably useful for dumbass number crunchin' an' the spooks n' goons crunch numbers lots and often usin' AI. The task is not as gargantuan as ya'd think. If I wuz a programmer, based on the type of response ya'd get post-test, I’d give each type of ping a number an' then it's just a matter to count 'em up… keeping track've addresses an' locations an' such too of course…so…
message received/ phone on—COMPLIED
phone off / message not received—DID NOT COMPLY
devices off but plugged in – NON COMPLIER LEVEL 2 (heightend risk level)
faraday (see below) and everything OFF-- NON COMPLIER LEVEL 3 ("red" alert) – see below
D. SUB-CATEGORIZIN’ within the “non-complaint” group inta the Foul or Fair-a-Day groupings. FARADAY means TAG you're IT. If yer devices are just OFF an’ they "ping" yer phone while it's just OFF they'll know that –they’d get a no-response ping back (i.e. signal still gits TO the target phone in a "message received not retrieved" hit—notice them wurds, target…hit!—but when yer cell or device is vacationin' in them Faraday Islands – "zey" know "zat" too upon testin' cuz there iz ZERO RESPONSE an' there ain't no “negative” pingback at all! Zey cannot reach the target… and THAT kin be recorded.
Faraday Islands folks tend ta be preppers…level 4 non-comp-pliers above…usually fans o' the 2nd as well.
NYET / not yet.
It'll be Zombie Apocalypse LATER. I'm convinced they'ze gonna re-enact the boy who cried wolf scenario first. Ganz nichts (nuttin') this time an' the next an' the next, then WHAMMO when you've been "groomed" to distrust any phone-related attack warnin's from your most trusted "alt media" sources.
Also, REVISIT RAWANDAN GENOCIDE / Operation Crimson Mist (that was orchestrated with an electromagnetic phone-like signal from a small nearby plane).
Nuttin' much iz gonna happen on the 4th at least AS WRITTEN (oh yes there's more to it!) so all the blue pillers kin guffaw an' all the red pillers iz gonna go "shucks" we got "had" an' all the black pillers iz the ONLY ones sayin' JUST YOU WAIT SUCKERS…it's a comin'…this wuz a fear appetizer…full meal comin'.
We were “warned” that zey might "zend" out a few frequencies that'll release Marbug 'er Ebola out from them nanobots doin' the Charleston in the blood of all the (yet alive) bejabbered folks ('cept them the lucked out an' got saline—if that wuz the case….) an' mebbe in some of the rest've us; we who declined the killer “countermeasures” are purebloods in mythology only cuz, ya know, “sheddin' “ iz real (no it ain’t sheddin’ but the signal or exosomes ‘re somethin’ is transferred…) an' we've ALL been poisoned with chemtrails an' other hidden crap (even in the food!) fer deck-aids.
THEY MIGHT do JUST THAT, but NOW? I DOUBT IT. They'ze savin' that fun fer later. Frankly they don't need Marburg or even Marlboro (ciggies) or Ebola or BolaBola (fried meatballs in banana sauce if ya must…) ta kill us all—5G an' the right signals will do that nicely without any help. Think've the 10K po’ cattle that just keeled over an’ DIED. Think of MaoWhee (I ain’t blamin’ the CCP but sounds like they had set their site-lasers on the joint with our gubbamint orchestratin’ the holocaust there). So yeah, with DAWs, all the G's (geez!)… NO WALRUS NEEDED. Ta add that Marburg or Ebola is “overkill.” The payload IS the energy weapon, bells n' whistles AND programmin’ killer diller TONES are extree (no charge on the receivin’ end…’cept the electric-cull one!), but yup, them “inclusions” in the hydrogels are just icin' on the kill cake.
That said, I do not distrust brave attorney Todd Callender (included in Greg Reese’s warnin’ viddeyo) fer shoutin' out the warnin'…who the HELL knows 'bout this stuff anywayz?
Ever been bullied where they whale ya a fake punch—another fake—another fake an' ya finally conclude theyze bluffin' an then WHOMP! A knockout! ???? Me neither (ha!) but I seen it puhlenty in movies—an' I do recall some chuckleheads fake-punchin' me in skool… but that's whut them Sausage Weenie Globalists DO… they're bullies an' fakers (fakirs mebbe too…) an’ they’ze gonna use this “4 alarm chili bell” ta come n’ git us ta cry wolf ‘fore they come down the mountain salivatin’…. for REAL.
SO I think this test is a FAKE PUNCH but it tells THEM a LOT 'bout us SUCKERS (an' of course tells US a lot about them suckers too!)
What IF you keep yer phones ON? All yer devices ON?
Doin' so will NOT fake 'em out in reverse an' tell 'em you're really a good lil' soldier to the "schtate"…nah, they'ze ready fer that. (I doubt any’ve us are THAT dumb…)
But even with them NOT BLASTIN' us with killer frequencies with this 2x "novel signal" warning they kin see LOTS:
a) behavioral stuff (study how folks' actions change…u kin be SURE they'll have cameras all over stores n' shoppin' centers watchin' folks, how they react…) It's one big "social study" class fer 'em
b) measure FEAR? I briefly touched on this up top here. Fear IS vibrational—it's an energy that registers electrically an’ in brain waves AND it CAN be weaponized against us, just sayin'. How much FEAR will be in the air ta the degree it’s measurable? (FOLKS DON't BE SKEERED…like Carlin so aptly sez, "Don't be skeered, it's just a BEARD." A beard / a cover, a disguise here….)
c) test alarm an' bell an' siren normalization? / a “follerin’ orders” test?
Will folks "learn to" accept loud alarms, air raid sirens, screaming yellow zonkers—inta their lives as NORMAL now? Think about this… In skool (gubbamint) kids are very VERY abnormally taught to hop to it when that bell rings—like pavlovian doggies they stop werk, jerk (up), gather books, an' do the bye bye marchin' in the hallways an' waiting fer the NEW BELL. Ding dong. Like prison… PLUS them endless fire drills.
Now, taday they drill 'em fer attackers an' killers an' terrorists—in them skools—it's normalizin' trauma an' trauma response. “As if” it’s gonna happen, does happen…. make them kids live in FEAR!
Previously it wuz "duck n' cover" drills (I know folks that 'member this stuff, hidin' under desks!)…
Back in my day an' now CONTINUING there were them dreaded frequent (monthly?) FIRE DRILLS. It's arguably NOT helpful (we always exited outta the same dang front door anywayz) but ruther trauma groomin' ta teach kids to regularly hear sirens an' "pretend" their entire buildin' is on fire an’ practice for the day when it will be! Nobuddy liked these things (back in my day it meant waitin' out in the cold sans coats cuz the idear was ta "git out fast.") Whatta crock!

OH an' fer all these drills ya practice "marchin' in line" (goose schteppin’ fer them duckers!) an' quietly / calmly linin' up while bein' escorted OUT the buildin'.
HOGSFEATHERS! (more re-dick-u-lost than horsefeathers!) Show me that BLOCK WARDEN!
In Lahaina the ONLY folks that survived did NOT line up, did NOT wait their turn (to die), did NOT show patience trusting their "leaders."
Do not comply!
DRILLS in skools have always trained folks to NOT respond ta save their lives but ruther ta TRUST THE LEADERS. Hmm…see where it got 'em during them psyops! (Blessin's on the fierce mama in Uvalde, TX who defied police orders AND shameful ARREST THREATS, grabbed her kids like footballs an' ran like the dickens fer the goalpost ta save her boys!)
Line up, foller orders, trust the BLOCK WARDEN… duck, cover. See now why I hate skools?
This TEST is a DRILL to git ya used to ALARMS an' follerin' orders! Fuk it.

(advice fer that non-stop proper-gander adds “quackin’” at us…)
DO turn off all yer devices ANYWAYZ.
Faraday cages too if ya got 'em.
NOT fer protection (like I said, they ain’t gonna dose us YET), but ruther due to DATA SUCKIN' (fer us suckers a' course). Memer they’ze plannin’ social credit scores an’ CBDSeize an’ all that. This is test fer that stuff too…
But fer now, it’s about DATA…BIG DATA. Cuz fer those that stay in "ON" mode, I don't wunder that they'll take ALL the info they kin with these new special signals. Do I know fer sure? NO! But I DO know the apps. ALL track ya an' that yer innertubes searchers an’ saves are bein' tracked an’ all that gives 'em puhlenty cuz so MANY folks literally have their lives on their phones—SO it just stands ta logic that they / zey MIGHT do some extra "data recovery" – or mebbe DNA recovery 'er thumbprints 'er a snapshot of yer iris while you READ the "harmless" message. What a laff riot fer them.
Who in heck knows? Not I… but this I do know: Folks… NUTTIN' zey do is fer NAUGHT.
Certainly not something like this dry run TEST. As I’ve written about, in NewYawk they did all manner’ve testin’ in the subways droppin’ “test bioweapons” fer years—then (imo) they dunnit! (Droppin’ sumthin’ “bioweapony” in NYSeize an’ WooHan an’ Lil’Italia per James ”Gorgon-no” to “kick off” the plandemic.) NUTTIN’ IS FER NAUGHT. Remember that!
They do operate via bait n' switch, sure—tease nukes, USE the DAWs fer example. Anyway ya slice n’ dice it, somethin's up.
So hey all you Yogis (the smarter than the average bear kind not the human pretzel kind!)—do ya THINK the "broadcast" only goes ONE WAY? From their transmitter to “our” receivers? I have no idear what the "exchange" may be (or the exchange rate!), but Boo Boo an' I are headin' fer the woods 'fore 2pm an' takin' JUST our picnic baskets with us! (actually the entire “fam” is headin’ fer the hills…)
Friends, we've been suckered no matter what we do—damned if we do (turn 'em all off), certainly damned if we don't…
So…be WISE to the CON, all them Con Edison(s) out there…No Sh!t-Sure-locks too!
An' just in case, as we are all faced with this dilemma, take it from Farmer Brown here an' be ready to…
DUCK !!!!!
alwayz tryin’ ta warn my “peeps” by makin’ a big SQUWAK!
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
Bonus tune:
another cover… “CUTE” (eeeeeeeeek, check out the slide whistle…)
an’ last but not least… the master of ironic musical counterpoint (shum shum shum!)—Ennio Morricone!
whelp! fer this "blasted" test 'er "tested blast!," YES. (Still again, turn yer devices off, head fer them hills fer a couple hours if ya can...) But we ain't totally down the crick without a paddle--gotta git ridda that 5g...all the signals but 'specially the 5g. SOME folks are startin' ta understand...slowly. Yup, it sounds overwhelmin' but not so much cuz human hands kin tear down the tech; I'm keepin' an eye on them cheeky Brits who are takin' down the trackers (that limit cars ta the 15min cities...). They'ze takin' 'em down fast as they're buildin' 'em up...
Frenchies have pushed back too! (they don't wanna be French Fries!)
IF we take down the tech first, then stop them chem-trails... the rest is gravy (goin' after them global weenies with their own pitchforks!) Pray, sing, an' warn yer loved ones... there's a lot in that too!
Solution for “Suckers”
1) Remove SIM card from cell phone
2) Smash with Hammer (or any blunt object)
3) Dispose - Garbage or Burial (depending on your emotion)
4) Breath
Problem Solved!