HOCHUL THE HARRIDAN, I've jes' learned today, got BIG funny money from Pfffffizer—and friendly pharma friend Eli Lilly too (can she shake the dew off THAT Lily?!!!). Looks like about 10% of her gargantuan budget came from "team" Big Pharma n' a few select Corporations—
She's laughin' all the way to the bank (of election machines)!
Now y'all wonder why the Happy Harridan KEPT pushin' the jabs here after our Excelsior Emmy Winner left skid marks on this already corruption be-soiled-state? $$$$ from big pharma's little Santa Bag and you kin’ see it in black and white (and RED all over) in today's NY TIMES (yeah, I know, the Gray Lady's "Yeller" as in crappy sensational yellow journalism…but I'll take what I kin git!).
The story only mentioned this fact "in passing" about whar the Guv'ner got'er (ill-gotten) campaign gains but my eyes surely lit up!
Daisy here quoth-eth the damning ARTICLE below:
Since she took office last year, Gov. Kathy Hochul’s voracious fund-raising apparatus has been a source of curiosity and concern among various factions of New York’s political and business elite. (…)
More than $2 million came directly from corporations, unions and political action committees, including Eli Lilly, Lyft, Charter Communications and Pfizer. (…)
But with just a month left in one of the nation’s marquee governor’s races, it has given Ms. Hochul an increasingly clear payoff: a financial advantage over her Republican opponent, Representative Lee Zeldin, as she seeks to become the first woman to be elected governor of New York. (…)
She will enter the homestretch of the race with nearly $10.9 million in cash at her disposal — two and a half times as much money as Mr. Zeldin.
So jes' in time for Hallo-Weenie, our very own NY Witch is READY to push more vaxxx mandates and quarantines in her "goodie bag," well-filled by Pfffizer n' Pharma Friends. (whatta Whoopie Cushion!)
Wonder what this Ho ho ho!'s got up her sleeve fer Christmas?
PS If you think I was kiddin' about the Ho Ho Hochul, she IS tryin' to make it legal Mister Segal! So…
The Old HO HO HO is tryin' to legitimize the world's oldest profession by legal means. Letting hookers off the hook in Amsterdam caused sex trafficking (including child sex trafficking) and related industries like drug trafficking to explode (er…skyrocket…um, that's just as dirty ain't it? hmmm…).
The BIG LIE is that such legalization protects "sex workers"—well if they are owned and enslaved and The Law looks the other way, who cares if they get free herpes testing and a supply'a clean towels? I'm not so clear this protects anything but profits. Once upon a time Daisy here didn't think "makin' it legal" was an issue at all, but the more I know an' the darker I go (down THAT rabbit hole) the more assured I am that this tis a BAD BAD BAD idea. (I won't argue the "pernt" here tho as this is about the GRIFTING fer the GOVERNORSHIP dog n' pony show goin' on here in NY State and that is enuf of a doozie!
Yup indeedy! that's her--she claims she gits "special delivery" direct from God, like the USPS iffin ya pay the extree (she did, clearly).
Chick no more tho, imo, she's one Cacklin' Old Hen that's paid by Pfffizer to lay rotten eggs all over NY State ('cept it ain't chicken feed she's paid, no siree!).
Tough old hen without an ounce of tenderness (wantin' to lock us all up! lookee here: https://attorneycox.substack.com/p/tyranny-denied ) -- she should be STEWED! (and a few times at her fundraisers she looks like she is too!).
I fer one've had 'nuff of her squawkin, that's fer sure. And NOW we know she's really in the chicken house (or is the Cat House?).
This is the same chick who was invoking the Great Vaccine Higher Power to get the injections into bodies.
"COVID-19 vaccines are ‘from God to us,’ N.Y. governor tells Brooklyn megachurch"