MIRROR-CULL on 34th Street !
KILLER SMOGS have been goin' on a LUNG time!, they've dunnit BEFORE!
It appears that back in 1966 (look'it that DATE y’all SIXTY SIX…) a KILLER SMOG in New York Shitty sickened the entire metropolis an' took out 200 people in one fell swoop (more succumbed later), sort've like a Mirror Image of what's goin' down now in Killer Karbon Psy-op land all across the East Coast.
Manhattan looked like THIS in ‘66:
It looks like that TODAY too (but uglier cuz they’ve un-beautified the formerly nifty-coolsignature skyline — now ya gotta lotta boring silver bic pens in a smoggy bundle).
If at first ya don’t succeed… lie lie again!
THUS, just as we've learned that the "AIDS EppyDybbuk" was a practice session fer "The Covid19-Plandemic-Show", we now see how back in 1966 letting loose a Killer Smog (really?! / smirk..) in NYC wuz also a practice for the new 66 (6/6 to be exact— 6/6/2023). I'm SURE the numbers all match up in some “meaniful” way—the signifyin' number-ology ain't my wheelhouse but I’m sure someone kin figger it out.
Just remember 66 (they’ze gettin’ their kicks now…)
Today they're blamin’ it on man-made CLIMATE CHANGE back then they blamed it on POLLUTION. Same old, same old. I'd yawn at it if I warn't coughin' so much!
Yesterday, y’all sawr I published this STACK on the topic:
In it I wrote about the orchestrated AIR ATTACK on the East Coast of AmeriKhukhukuh (gimme a handkie) cuz that'd be AmeriaCoffin' or AmeriCough'in. (Take yer pick.)
I had no idear this was a TREND (another peep at the KILLER SMOG of ‘66):
From all I read, NOBODY knew HOW MANY DIED back in 1966 until 1986 when the EPA (! that bastion of honesty…) released the data and published the facts—belatedly when frankly nobuddy cared much. Convenient like hopin’ ta release the Pfffizer study data 75 years hence…no?
In the VERY belated EPA story REPRINTED BELOW they mention previous KILLER SMOGS including one in NYC declared Nov. 21st 1953 (number signifyin' too? interestingly BOTH NYC killer smogs occurred in "late November") that took out 200-260 people immediately (with others succumbin' later) and ALSO a few similar killer-smog-scenarios in London (1952, 4K dead, 100K sick), Bhopal, & Cameroon.
Per The Gothamist: "In November 1953, smog killed between 170 and 260 people in NYC; 10 years later it killed 200; and in 1966 it killed 169."
Folks, these numbers may seem SMALL but Panic Inc. is a tool 've patience (on the part of them installin' an' instillin' it) AND think of the saved. I once read that each human over 60 years old costs the gubbamint 1 million bucks from then until they kick the proverbial bucket—so when 260 folks die, that might be a cool $260,000,000 bucks SAVED on not payin' fer medicare, payin' out in social security, and more—WooHoo!
Sad aside, the above-mentioned article sez that the -53 Killer Smog did in the late great poet Dylan Thomas.
The KILLER SMOG trend started in 1948 (Paperclip THAT! you Nazi New-hires) in Donora, PA. where 14,000 folks "became ill" BUT only 17 died (they'd do "better" later with the death tolls, y'all)..
Per the EPA article (see below) the Killer NYC Smog wuz fondly dubbed by the NY Times as bein' "SMAZE" as in smoke + haze = SMAZE. S'AMAZE'in that they had a sense've humor then cuz the Gray Lady is HUMORLESS now (gray n' wearin' a shroud, death surely becomes 'er)! But yeah, they JOKED about it.
Though the EPA story of 1986 cheers-on their own (dubious) efforts and proclaims the NYC air "much better today" as a result, the cheerin' wuz fairly short lived.
Accordin’ to The Gothamist, "back in 2006, the EPA declared "that 68 out of every million New Yorkers is at risk for getting cancer just from breathing the air." Imagine that. Guess they can always WISH for what they want, right? (Mebbe they got their wish too?… mebbe it came in 2020 with them lockdowns an' forced breathin' in of non-fresh INDOOR air an' wearin' MASKS, no?) Anywayz…sound the ALARM!
Comin' to a (SCHMART) City Near YOU!
SO folks, hmmm…. are we talkin' about a conspiracy of TRENDS here? Just like, I dunno… the trends of hijackers or serial killers or school shooters or NOW… KILLER SMOGS? Ok Illuminatti Goons, where next?
Click on EACH of the three pages for the DEETS (for bigger images):
And a few HIGLIGHTS..
There now, don’t ya feel BETTER? Trustin’ the EPA an’ all ta keep ya SAFE?
Now as ya see, NOBUDDY sez HOW those “short lived” / rapid onset KILLER SMOGS came ta be. Not really. Some mention (in passin') temperature inversions. But heck, those things happen lots, we all learned that in Jr High Science. So how’d they cook ‘em up? Today I’ll bet they use some hotsy (emphasis on the HOT part) directed energy ta start the blazes. Funny, just like the Moon Landin’, in the article they EPA does say there haven't been any more (Killer Smog events) "since."
Right. Wull, as they say in the movies (many of ‘em), "They're baaaaack!"
In case ya didn’t see the addition in my last post, this iz what our AREA’s air quality looked like TODAY:
HERE is my other addition—WHY they’d take out the FORESTS (only what’s burnin’ ain’t only WOOD, no way!):
A couple more take home points…
So were ALL “Killer Smog” events planned? This ‘un wuz fer sure but yup, I’m RETHINKIN’ the past…fast! Just as all former pandemics were plandemics (since the Middle Ages even! Bubonic-plague dok-turds rubbed sputum from the sick on doors ta encourage “spread” of The Black Death SO they could possess the property of the dead (sound familiar?). An’ nope I’m not gettin’ inta the “virus can/can’t exist / spread” thing—I just know malfeasance wuz part of EVERY known plague or “plan-demic”…. So now, KILLER SMOGS (see the list above WHY)…
ALSO, we know “they” weaponize weather, we know chemi-culls are rained down upon us DAILY, we know FIRE (think’ve Californey recently…) is weaponized an’ used ta take down homes, destroy farming areas, an’ (like in Palestine, ILL), make folks ill (an’ KILL… animals and people) so “valuable” land and resources (includin’ water) can be “reclaimed” by those greedy enough to NOT CARE whose wasted in the wake of their destruction…
So yeah, I think it’s time to REVISIT HISTORY cuz all them KILLER SMOGS (imo now) were KILLER CULLS from them KILLER CULTS.
Not sure WHERE this’ll all lead but I predict… fiery and foggy DAZE ahead…
keep yer air filter machines runnin’ an’ stay on the ball y’all, they’re uppin’ the ante…
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
a post script: yup Velma said it in a nutshell, we’re ALL lost in a FOG (an’ bein’ SCOOBY DOO’d too!)
Burning all those trees breaks my heart. 💔
Killing people to boot. Demons gonna demon. No matter what you believe, pray.