Moving Targets and Grapeshot
5D BioWarfare: they're not only movin' the target, they're a' changin' ammo on us!'s hard a'nuff fer us bullet-dodgers (i.e. we jab avoiders) to be dodging the bio-weapon-style ammo designed to take out our humanity, our spirit and our inate immune systems 'cause WE ARE clearly the danged target of this diabolick'all cull and THEY’re’ a’ makin’ us move into their crosshairs, lined up and choreographed like pieces on’a chess board—in a rigged game! Bad enough, right?
BUT it's QUITE another thing ta' know that "the" dirty bullet aimed at us is not just a slug'a "buckshot" (the “BIG jabberoo,” any brand and it’s rooster…) with mebbe some planted landmines we already KNOW to avoid (like the graphene-laden masks that steal yer oxy-gin, like them long n’ pokey nose-swabbin' sticks which send yer DNA all the way to Chynna—literally! and give' ya some graphene and nano bots what besides inna noggin’..) BUT we didn't estimate the HALF've it.
Folks, this ain't just buckshot-- it's effin' GRAPESHOT—tiny ball's a lead comin' at us from all angles sprayin' us like peppercorns outta a forest've pea shooters…Just like the tiny “micro shards” of graphene in them injections… Grapeshot… lots’ve it. NO two points 'r calibers 'r weapons are the same! WE LITERALLY WON'T KNOW WHAT HIT US. (I think that’s the point…) It's a staged shootin' (by paid Desperados!) but only the director(s) know the script —kept from us “day players.” Again, we are JUST learnin' mebbe the half've it…which is WHY I'm writin' this arty-cul today…
(Gotta keep yer “Eagle” Eye out fer such Staged Shoot Outs..but as I said, they’s usin’ a great variety’ve wild and crazy ammo…)
NOBODY’s OK (not even at the OK Corral!)
NOW…most've us think we're "good" an' A-OK if we can avoid the jabs, eat organic/pastured foodstuffs (yadayada mahnahnana) avoid Wi-Fry as much'as possee-bull, an' stay away from conventional meds... I think most've us are "a-were-(wolf)" of the "sheddin' " be-jabbered zombies...and know ta' avoid gettin' too up close and "poisonal" with 'em be-jabbed an’ roostered covid zombies too...
We thought that was eeee-nuf, right?
NO folks...all them things...ARE NOT “ENUF”...
(an’ you'll see the links provin’ this below in a seccy…)
EVEN if yer also takin' supplements, air'in out yer pits in the sunshine to git some "D's," eatin' Pine Treez with Euell Theophilus Gibbons, mebbe listenin' to "Good Vibrations" - type-music (liftin' yer spirits with sum' higher frequencies...), spendin' time in nay’cher, doin' yer prayin' 'er chantin' 'er readin' poetry or whatever floats yer LifeBoat... YOU ARE NOT COVERED....OK…SAFE… not even CLOSE (though it could be worse…yes it IS worse if yer bejabbered…)
I've just learned that EVEN un-jabbed folks NOT goin' anywhere near sheddin' jabbed folks... NOT in a setting with Wi-Fi (Mat Taylor's now living in Ecuador in a wi-fi-free setting), NOT eatin' conventional foods (i.e. ONLY eatin' ORGANIC) are STILL showin' up with "nano/hydrogel" and graphene (ribbons and otherwise) and bio-freaky stuff like tiny hydras and weird abbynormal "rouleau" formations and other CRAP in OUR BLOOD.
LET THIS ROLL AROUND IN YER HEADS FRIENDS….PUREBLOOD BLOOD IS NOT PURE…per Dr. Ana Mihalcea… AND…I believe Dr. Ana said this was the case in like 70% of cases of UNJABBED patients!!!! 70% folks have compromised blood. GOLLY.
unjabbed blood with “graphene” ribbon artifact:
photo from Dr. Ana's website showing blood of unvaccinated patients
So, if this is what shows up in the blood’ve the unjabbed, is it from the AIR (the ether???) or from years of particulates bein' added to our FOOD? (whut's in the skies falls down on organic veggies too…even the grass them grassfed cows eat…) In the WATER?… WTF????
I ain't tryin' to ALARM my readers here. But I (me myself an' I) am somewhat ALARMED. I got kids. (So… mebbe we need to call in the Rescue Racer???)
Hurry! Hurry Cling and Clang!!!
I CERTAINLY am not sayin' "we'ze done fer.." nor suggestin’ we all throw in that proverbial towel and say go ahead an' EAT THE BUGS an' crank up the Wi-FRY cuz all we've done is for naught (fu_kit!).. But I am sayin'…Aaaaaaaa!
Clearly… THEY (the Evil Weenies with their Satanic Sausage Parties ) are far more complex in their designs than we suspected.
No comfort learnin' that even the jabs and graphene hit campaign's got more movin' parts stacked up than Jayne Mansfield & Diana Dors TOGETHER ridin' a Rube Goldberg Self-Operatin' Egg-Peelin' Tractor, y'all! (True, these movin' parts, however well-put together, ain't half as purdy as them laid-ees “arrived” built an’ stacked...
no sirree!).
Jayne an' Diana, though gifted with many movin' parts! (all natch-ural too, unlike whut’s in them vials…VILES!)
This brings us to…
Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD along with amazin'ly dedicated insightful doctors an' fellow scientists including Dr. David Nixon, Dr. Shimon Yanowitz, and Mat Taylor (electrical engineer / one "n") have all been workin' to study WHAT is in these jabs and WHAT the stuff in'em do. Others' a' course, have also been contributin' to this effort for the past 2 years but I'm'a gonna focus on THIS group, with a couple extree nods to the recent discoveries of JJ Couey here:
Dr Ana and team's info: HERE and HERE…
CURIOUS GEORGE (of the Jungle) and CURIOUS JAYNE (another swinger!) wonder about the following facts turned up under microscopic viewing:
A. Many injection vials had NO mRNA in them of if it's there, it's very fragmented (useless) or "low." Steve Kirsch was one among many that found this to be true…)
SO… though the long-outspoken and brilliant Dr Sucharit Bhakdi has told us ALL about the damage of the spike proteins VIA mRNA and the harms done by these vaxxes "as" mRNA jabs (too many times ta list!) HIS science specifially applies to the jabs WITH the mRNA (which do indeed do DEADLY harms and permanently destroy brains, hearts and yer endothelia…)
B. Dr. Ana and team are saying that in the many cases where there is NO spike protein in the jabs (as per Kirsch), then it's obviously not the spike causing the long covid and related issues (some very serious) that BOTH jabbed and unjabbed experience… They say the problems include:
the Liquid Nano Particles (LNPs)
the graphene and all the other dangerous metals
the biological "agents/entities" like the hydra…
the TECH (repeat an' rinse like 10x)—the tech…the nanobots, chips—robotic arms WHICH BOTH self-assemble AND are REMOTELY ASSEMBLED (an important distinction)
the emfs like 4g and 5g BUT we know from this same team and tests by Mat Taylor that EVEN IN ABSENCE of any electromagnetic signal these things are STILL in the blood… they DO assemble with a signal (and de-assemble when that signal is removed) but they are not eliminated in absence of signal—just lying dormant AND other harms can be done by the other components…
IN FACT… this nano stuff can IMITATE THE HUMAN BRAIN!—Crystal Tech…DARK Crystal Tech (ha ha!):
Nanobrain – The Making of an Artificial Brain from a Time Crystal
6. light including LED which can STIMULATE the actions of the stuff inside the jabs AND the assemblies therein… Luciferase may play a part, most think it's just a quantom dot marker, but LIGHT does have an effect on this stuff…
7. different people may be shedding DIFFERENT THINGS making some jabbed individuals more, less, or differently toxic .
8. the idea that folks in certain areas that generally seem to be OK (I'll add there that a predominance of 'em live in New Yawk City)… may not be..OK that is. We may see a delayed reaction (say they got no mRNA but have the time-released by 5G nano in them…) once their tech is "activated." It would be VERY helpful to know…especially if the commands weaponize the HUMANS as well as their tech!
9. another question some've us are askin'; did ANYONE really get saline? Are any vials totally inert (aside from those them polly-tischians an' certain "celebs" got). Or was their tech in them all with some yet to be "activated"…?
C. Dr Ana and team say that even WITHOUT THE JABS but WITH the graphene or other unnatural/souped up particles IN THE BLOOD (lipidnano junk, etc), the brain can be affected… HEAR THAT FOLKS—this is the most dystopian—the stuff ALREADY IN ALL OF US may be activated WITHOUT folks being jabbed and…adding this here—wait fer it… in ABSENCE of 4G or 5G—i.e. by some other energy force and/or light…
1. will dark microscopy reveal what is going on with these unjabbed people and if so—is there consistency between the uninjected folks when / when NOT exposed to a 4G or 5G signal..?
D. Clearly in the name of humanity we need to address unknown, uncertain, inconsistent cures and fixes…To what level will possibly cures and treatments NEED to be customized? It will be nearly impossible to "fix" all the uninjected folks (let alone the injected ones) if we will all be needin' customized treatments. The expense! The lack of "aware" physicians…naturopaths, etc! The lack of availability of said treatments (HBOT for example is not on every corner…)
So many questions (so little time)…
Some've this I have not fully absorbed partly cuz of being VERY distracted with a pending move, partly cuz the kids (big tho they are…) are restless ('specially the one with ASD, oh brother!), partly cuz it's "over my head" to varyin’ degrees—and also due to… all've the above. BUT what I DO know is that :
“THEY” are using MANY weapons (biological and synthetic, the Infectious Clones included, AND not only the red herring of "gain of function" but rather "gain of purity!") and so much MORE… There's ALSO a very scary ingredient (toxin/poison) called SM-102 (Amazing Polly did some good research on this one!).
The weapons are multifarious. We can no longer remain confident that we'll be okay if we avoid the jabs+swabs+masks trifecta.
The tech is arguably very advanced FAR MORE THAN WE MIGHT'VE IMAGINED This is not just them "messing around" to see if they can make us jump off buildings (they DID seem to be tryin' this in NYC recently tho..lotsa “jumpers” here…) but is, rather, DOD-funded precise and ADVANCED mind-control /body-control / harm-control dystopian tech on par with the pompous vauntin's of the uber confident psychopaths James Giordano and Yuval Harari. Anyone who says, nah, they're just messin' with us I fear underestimates what's been in development for decades—SURE some publications are "bluff" (like Theranos) but for every bluff and Crispr’fried disaster, there MAY be Metropolis 2.0. How can we know?
My concern is that: IF we DISBELIEVE the tech an' think the jabs are ONLY kill shots and that the tech is not more advanced than self-driving cars (which would be laughable if they warn't so deadly)…it MAY be at our own peril.
How advanced are they? I'd sure like to know…
WHO got the mRNA shots and was “who-got-what” (mRNA or none…) doled out by batch or time-of-release (eg March…)?
WHO got what "tech" inside their jabs… and in what proportions?
This ALL drills down WAY more than the nevertheless amazing work of Sasha Latypova and the How Bad Is My Batch Team. It's asking SPECIFICS that affect even small areas (say, the city within the state…)
SO much to dissect here!
I'm just asking OODLES 've questions and I do want someone to crunch existing numbers and data for the UNJABBED. Also, and of course only the jab-makers know this—it would be velly interestin' to know about what got distributed where…as in, "more graphene in Gilbertsville, more bots in Binghamton, delated release in Dubuque…
NO MATTER WHAT: this MUST be undone, stopped, exploded and…SHATTERED!
SHATTERED in New Yawk folks—the Stones said it, sho’nuf!
Pride and joy and dirty dreams and still surviving on the street
And look at me, I’m in tatters, yeah
I’ve been battered, what does it matter
Does it matter, uh-huh
Does it matter, uh-huh, I’m a shattered
Don’t you know the crime rate is going up, up, up, up, up
To live in this town you must be tough, tough, tough, tough, tough!
You got rats on the west side
Bed bugs uptown
What a mess this towns in tatters I’ve been shattered
My brains been battered, splattered all over Manhattan
Uh-huh, this towns full of money grabbers
Go ahead, bite the big apple, don’t mind the maggots, huh
Shadoobie, my brains been battered
Back ta' packin' now, but in the meantime thought I'd pack yer minds with all the country-dictions an' contra-dictions…'bout the jabs an' bout what’s goin’ down (hopefully not us!!!!)…
Keep alert ya'll—our MINDS depend on it now!
ps not ta state the obvious—but no’buddy should be diggin’ IN our minds other’n ourselves!
Now ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
wull.... no. Ain't over 'til the fat lady sings! (that ain't Lizzo, see mah earlier postin' on "her") anywayz...
1. we gotta stop the 5g AND the 4g at very least (doable!) and
2. we gotta stop the shots--all've 'em (doable -- not easy, but doable!)
3. since EMP (at a certain frequency) de-activates the nano in bodies, someone might need to set up cheap stations where folks can literally degausse themselves--sounds weird but LESS dystopian than what they're doin' to us! (clearly some folks ain't gonna buy into the "treatement" safe as it is...)
4. STOP THE CHEMTRAILS and the GEOengineering -- full stop, all've it
5. git smarties to figger out best way to regenerate arable land... we know Sunflowers take out heavy metals, mushrooms (yup!) can take out plastics... then...
6. no more monoculture, no more pesticides (or GMOs) which destroy guts...immune systems
7. ALL've us gotta keep on doin' "out best"--yes to supplments that help, yes to eatin' organic an' pastured an' grassfed as it's still "better"
8. Earthin' -- walk barefoot... (Wim Hoff cold / autophagy, etc are more solutions helpin' detox the tox..)
9. anyone with a few sheckles's gotta help the fast-thinkin' docs like Dr Ana, Dr. Carrie (Madej), Dr Ealy... (list is longer but y'all kin git my drift) as they ARE developing solutions and want to! Dr. Ana has already figgered how to "undo" the ageing process that happens in the blood (helped herself too!)--the process is COSTLY now but it could be made affordable... first "beta" video players wuz mebbe like $500 bucks and eventually most folks could get a VHS player for mebbe $50... some deal I hope!
10. spirit stuff... wuther' it's a faith, music / art, yer own good vibes, whatever it is--take it excelsior.... I'm a believer in "Good Vibrations" (with 'er without them Beach Boys who prevailed in spite've -- I'll add--a really psycho daddy!)
YES it is DOABLE! It ain't gonna be easy--but what is? But we gotta be informed... lotsa folks don't suspect just how much we don't know yet...
Well put, and thank ye kindly. Ramblin' Jack's a big favorite've mine--another Brooklyn cowboy! AND... bringin' in the Stones agin' (wowee, prophetic lyrics...) I do wonder if the "injections" wuz part've their MI5 "treatment" (aka "management")--purdy dark Tavistock stuff-- George's dentist (supplier've said injections, an MI5 agent himself...) so... I think that song goes into a leeetle rabbit hole I never sawr before! (golly!)