At first it made me scratch ma’ head like a chicken diggin’ for a bug — the entire IDEAR is buggy!
Truth be told, in any SANE country it would make ZERO sense to combine food and drugs under the same roof—to literally smash’em together like some INSANE Lost Weekend at the IHOP hosted by Dennis Hopper and Robert Earl Hughes.
But on second thought, what’s been normalized in the Good Ol’ USA as just “another agency” is NOT just crazy, it’s a fairly kinda sick and twisted notion. In brief, the whole BUSINESS started in 1906 when it grew outta the Pure Food n’ Drug Act (FOOD + DRUGS, starring together in an ACT alright!) Well, it sounds wholesome, no?
This entity was created because PACKAGED food in the US was being ADULTERATED, usually for the purpose of long storage. PACKAGED meaning not fresh, industrially processed food-as-product to be MASS PRODUCED and sold commercially, specifically to folks in the CITIES. I can hear that National Cash register goin’ kaching!
Worst case was the “Embalmed Meat” scandal where SOLDIERS in the Spanish Civil War were given formaldehyde-tainted tinned meat so-treated to avoid spoilage and it sickened them mightily. (surprised?)
Holy Horsemeat Batman! Experimenting on SOLDIERS?! Ever heard of that or am I the only one that smells a Rockefeller here? This was SPECIAL food for the fightin’ boys—not what went on the public shelves. Who else tests toxic stuff on soldiers—jabs, poison gasses, u-name it?
Anyone worth their weight in SALT literally knows the stuff—i.e. salt—just plain ol’ salt—can cure and safely preserve meat (fish, chicken, all’ve it). Ya don’t even need nitrates (they’re not so good y’all). SO someone needs to QUESTION the whole business of adding skeery things ya don’t need because, as anyone might’ve guessed, the SOLDIERS got SICK. Other foods, especially sugar candies, had also been TAINTED. Golly, this sounds familiar…
This new agency was headed up by a guy named Wiley (good name for a coyote!) in the WAKE (yas, that’s right) of Upon Sinclair’s “The Jungle” (which honestly exposed the abominable conditions of the meat / meat-packing industry). Wiley has quite the fast-tracked interesting and FRIGHTENING career. The man got his chemistry degree from Harvard in only a matter of “a few months” (WHAAAAaaat?) and then became one of the heads of the German Chemical Society shortly after arriving in Germany (really?) —and then we have this food guy who is really a CHEMICAL Society Head.
Wiley’s specialty was SUGAR. All his life he worked to keep the “sugar industry” strong. Even back THEN folks knew sugar was BAD FOR YOU. This guy stinks!
Along with work FOR the sugar “industry” and with a focus on long-term PRESERVING of PACKAGED foods he came back stateside and was immediately employed by PURDUE U before gettin’ his US Guvva-mint gig. Purdue—home to animal experimentation, the dog food “industry,” the worst most toxic chicken…yeah, THAT joint.
And what was this first guvva-mint gig?
HEAD OF THE POISON SQUAD. Not shittin’ y’all.
Per Wikiwoodles, “Wiley was appropriated $5,000 in 1902 to study the effects of a diet including various preservatives, on human volunteers. These "poison squad" studies drew national attention to the need for a federal food and drug law. These tests were called Hygienic Table Trials. The subjects received $5 a month and free food to be systematically poisoned. (…) First to be tested was borax which tightened old meat which was starting to decompose. The borax was fed to the men in meat and dairy products.
BORAX kills roaches and rats. Whaaaat?!
Someone should do a REAL expose on the FDA… not a puff piece, a veritable INVESTIGATION as much of this STINKS like a rotten egg (and there are a few of ‘em here).
I’ll add that the Pure Food n’ Drug Act was also known as The Wiley Act. This, again, was the beginning of the FDA which was led by WILEY himself, Poisoner in Chief, sugar industry shill, and no real friend of any “farmer” except Fannie. Yes, Fannie Farmer (the boxed candy lady) was one of his supporters. C’’ain’t make this up folks….
Given FOOD can be yer BEST medicine when grown as nature intended—not with patented pesticides and GMOs and human biosludge (ewww…) while bein’ chemically “fertilized” with flammable fracking farts and anointed with about 159 chemicals spewed on our crops (both organic and conventional), courtesy of the the nice Amerikan LuftWaffen chemtrail delivery folks — the guys that Dane Wigington would like to deep six PDQ (an’ bless’im fer that) — it seems we have our priorities all mixed up!
Keeping America poorly fed and arguably POISONED by what’s in our food (preservatives, highfructose corn syrup, rancid veggie oils like cottonseed oil, GMO soy, “Golden Gates Rice,” n’ more) folks’ll turn to medicine — and that’s conventional medicine given shoddy American grooming to ONLY believe in drugs and “doctors…” for their CURE.
Sick from what ya eat? GPS directions freely given pointin’ ya to the Pharma-fed clinics and hospitals, not to the forest where ye can forage yer own fer free!
Since medicine here is also intended not to cure ya but to keep ya “just going” as a permanent medically-dependent (or addicted) patient ….it’s a nice little Crop Circle that our FDA “done up” with a lawnmower (after midnight, WHILE WE WERE ALL SLEEPIN’) to make y’all think it all just “IS” that way… and that the FDA way is normal.
Given these Coyote Wiley origins, no surprise why the Food and Drugs are all cozy under one cozy roof?
TO KEEP AMERICA SICK (permanently) under the S.A.D. (sad indeed—the Standard American Diet and the accompanying false and fanatical food pyramid under which good health is surely buried!)
TO MAKE SURE AMERICA DOES NOT GROW OLD (so the government won’t have to pay back on the “promised” of social security)
When it comes down to it all, the FDA stands for Funding Death in America.
It was all part of the plan man. What most Americans know is that as it stands, Food and Drugs do belong under the same ol’ umbrella because nowadays… FOOD n’ DRUGS are the same.
I hope one day the REAL chickens come home to roost!
DO NOT EAT THE BUGS (only chickens can)
ps speakin’ of the FDA, see what they’ve got goin’ for the public schools in “Californey”
The bug eating poster shows the strategy of enlisting children as propagandists. Critical thinking develops later than other abilities, so children will believe the posters and think they're doing good by repeating these points to their friends. Years later, some will understand the issues, but elementary school children can't. The same thing is going on with masks for children. So many children and babies in strollers wear masks, not for health, but because they will be the only generation born into slavery. Unlike older children, the very little ones have nothing to compare it with, so less resistance.
Absolutely shocking. The school poster is professionally designed for the already dumbed-down children to be amazingly "effective."