Explainin' the END of the American Department Store with the END of Trusty "American" branding...
(This wuz a 9/11 on American RETAIL!)
Thinkin’ over the entire recent series of US-Name-Brand fiascos (‘fore seein’ the spot-on viddeyo below) already led me post haste to the conclusion that those forcin’ these formerly “wholesome,” a-politi-cull, reasonably-priced mom-n’-pop-type brand names, these regular “buddies”-type American companies, to BROADCAST crazy tawdry tacky tranny weiner-tuckin’ whatta drag bull-oney WUZ, from the git-go of these escapades / escape-aides!— done with the FULL INTENT to REMOVE trusted / reasonably priced Department Stores from the entire US of A (just like they removed 5 & Dimes, y’all miss Woolworths too?), AND, simultaneiously, to destroy Old School name brands associated with doin’ bizness here as regular Americans (vs woke-signifiyin’ virchual-signalin’ AmeriKans).
Above, the late GREAT “Divine” who would find today’s “normalizin’ “ of Divine Comedy freakish! Harris Glenn Milstead (Divine’s real name), a feller who wore bespoke suits when not on stage, did NOT in any way try to represent anythin’ but good-ol’-fashioned comedy an’ entertain folks, may I say Divinely! — Nobuddy took his hilarious and ARCH Act (for adults) seriously any more than we all “believed” in Dame Edna Everage (aka Barry Humphries, possums!), another great arch commedian (not-dienne!) who donned ladies duds to perform…
This piece is a quick’un after my last looong stack. Addin’ that this’ll be Part 1 of a 2-part purdy short “reflex-shun” on Target & other “Com-punys” (they made themselfs puny, Chapter 11 ‘fore closin’ fer good) all shootin’ themselfs in their dang feets & “feats” on purpose, joinin’ North Face n’ Bud on the trash heap of self-dee-struction.
As I said, it’s all a planned STUNT worthy of a veritable step-right-up SIDESHOW!
Fire-eatin’ like this gives “HOT MESS” quite a new name!
Ironic that “PattieGonia” here is sellin’ North Face duds given Pategonia IS the competition! But then again’ it’s KILLIN’ two boids (an’ 2 brands) with one stone / stoned trannie!
I’ll take my “patty” well-done! (real cheese, not the ersatz Cheeze-Whiz “she’z” sellin’)
Or look’it these genu-ine on-Target “Designerz” below….
(lordy, is this how y’all appear in offi-shall bizness publi-citty photos like ya just got outta the shower(s)? dig-natty? nope, an’ I question how much “pride” ya got showin’ so much “flesh” ta “sell” yer brand… )
These are BIG MACs if ever I sawr’ ‘em. (Big buns, lotsa meat on ‘em). HOT messes indeedy!
So folks…
FIRST they’ll destroy yer BRICK & MORTAR BRANDS.
the message they want ya to hear is:
Don’t go to TARGET!!!! (let’ ‘em eat fire n’ burn)
Don’t buy from NORTH FACE!!!! (‘member they had the most BORING black, navy, & maroon snow duds on the planet? gone!/gonia! y’all wanna look like a nylon rainbow?)
Don’t BUY CHEAP BEER (‘er dare have friends over for affordable BBQs like ya used ta…)
THEY WANT YOU TO BUY ONLINE INSTEAD and eventually an’ ONLY (it’s down the road a’ pice) do so by usin’ yer SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE (cuz you’ll only be able to buy approved / generic one-size-fits-all-dirtbags “uniform” drone-delivered duds and one-brand of approved / soylent green Beer).
Destroyin’ Brick & Mortar, Destroyin’ American Brands and… (drumroll) destroyin’ the American image—once wholesome an’ “reputable”—now repute-a’-BULL! All war gamed fer yer entertain-mint! Suck on it, feel the cool….
Wartch this feller—his piece complements mine!
(nailed it this guy!)
And now, let the SIDESHOW BEGIN! (sit back, enjoy the fireworks long ‘fore the 4th!)
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
step right up, hurry hurry!
ps As long as ya kin, DO buy from them Brick n’ Mortar American stores that ain’t gone woke yet—the pressure must be TREMENDOUS so those holdin’ out deserve yer bizness (in cash folks, avoid them credit card sharks!)
We sane Americans do NOT “Bash Back” but we’ll take our CASH BACK when what they’re sellin’ is DOGMA on a sesame seed bun! (below, one of the regrettables from an act-chew-all Target design-nerd)
I tip my hat ta the late, great Woolworths—they destroyed all the “we-got-it-all” dimestores ‘fore the 21st Cent-churri began…
“waxin’ “ nostalgic…
Absolutely 100% on the mark! They’re not doing this for any reason other than what you’ve stated. Seriously... would the company marketeers figure it a brilliant move to drive their existing mum and dad family market away in droves?! What purpose could that possibly serve? They’re moving fast now! Gotta destroy the current system before the sheep wake up ‘just enough to notice.’
Daisy, thank you for putting into words something that was rattling around in my brain but I couldn't put my finger on. Act 1 was when Walmart and the other big-box stores crushed most of the family-owned retail shops. What you've described here is Act 2, which represents a further reduction of choice. If you need a new pair of socks, your dollars are going to support this ideological agenda, no matter where you buy them from. In my opinion, Act 3 will be the counter-movement. No monopoly lasts forever, and competition is going to come roaring back.