Excellent post, as per! The IMDB page is just plain mockery.

However, a few more things irk me about this bizarre case:

1. Lynne (“Lying”?) Mishele: On the day this happened, we saw her looking the way she does in the pictures above. Not a spring chicken, exactly, just an average blonde(d) woman of a certain age. But after they said Anne wasn’t going to make it, SHE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE ANNE HECHE. Seriously, look at it, guys. The woman in these pictures in this post are not of the woman in the pigtails/ braids and glasses. See the picture of the new and improved Lynne Mishele here: https://www.newstimes.com.ng/who-is-lynne-mishele-woman-whose-house-was-destroyed-in-fatal-anne-heche-crash/amp/

This reminds me of the crazy interview on Sky News the day David Bowie died. A journalist named Jack Steven was talking about how a part of him died that day… WHILE LOOKING EXACTLY LIKE DAVID BOWIE. Same laugh even.

2. It’s also possible that she wasn’t in the car at all, seeing as it was remote controlled. If you’re flying at 90 mph (145 km/h), I don’t see how you survive any sort of impact, hedge or not. I know, I heard the would-be brake sounds too, but to be able to be carried out without a neck brace and just pop up like that, after having being in a high impact accident, it’s just too much. Remember it’s not just brick vs hedge, it’s also the high speed. Im guessing her speed was way higher than the bar picture…

3. As always with these psy-ops, I wonder if we were supposed to see the pop up from the stretcher. (Also why on earth wasn’t the ambulance right next to the house??) These things are weirdly orchestrated… Why did the helicopter camera zoom in, in, in JUST for those few seconds while she popped up? And why was there no indication of struggle or sign of life while she was being transported on the stretcher aaaallll the way from the house, around a labyrinth of vans and cars, and then suddenly the pop-up right at the end? Odd.

4. Richard Glass. These names, I tell you. He looked an awful lot like the doctor we heard from later, same body size and build and skin color. ETA: Oh haha 😂 and the doctor’s name is…. Drum roll! Dr Michael Cooper 😅 They aren’t even trying

5. Someone needs to do a Gematria deep dive on this. I know Zachary Hubbard has done a video but there’s way more to this story. His channel and webpage is Gematria Effect News.

6. The red wig is probably an Illuminati symbol of something. I’ve read theories about how personas change with new hairstyles as we see in every big musician. The pink wig is a huge ritual, they’ve all done it: Britney, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Doja Cat, Gaga, etc. I don’t know about the red color for the wig, other than it’s the color of sacrifice. Somebody wrote a comment that she played a red head in a movie named Cedar Rapids. There are usually a trail of bread crumbs the whole way…

7. What a fortunate coincidence that every step of AH’s morning was documented…! From selfies with the salon owner who kept emphasizing “RED WIG” (if I was the owner, i’d just say “she bought a few items”, not hammer on about the RED WIG), the clips sold to TMZ about the garage incident, the photograph taken of her in the car, the car flying down the road on the Ring cameras, and then the stretcher pop.

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Thanks, Krevilli. This is all well observed and expressed. And I wondered about the ambulance part of the story. We have no way of knowing if that was an intended take away, but it seems likely. Let's not forget the "obvious" on screen irregularities and absurdities in the hook that was sandy. Also, we don't know who that was trying to escape or who if anyone was in the car. We don't know if Heche ever entered that hospital. We only know that the story fails the smell test.

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And do we even know for certain, that the blue Mini Cooper S ‘home security camera captured speeding down the road’ was indeed Anne’s car? And was that even Anne in the car? Anne and her “Real car” may have already been on set when that car came barreling through the hedge! Was that car driven by a Hollywood stunt driver perhaps?

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Yes, yes, I touched upon that with both the 2-car theory -- that the wrapped car on the set could've been Anne's own car. They could have also switched out her real car the night before the accident and subbed it for a duplicate with same props incl. the booze bottle--after all, if they had it in the studio that is NOT an all night task if they already have the mechanics of the souped up car pre-set and ready for remote. But again, you can remote even a regular car, there is just stop-on-a-dime control with a true stunt car combined with the tech. Most folks would not notice every detail if they wake up and enter their car (oh didn't I leave sunglasses on the seat?)--as long as the key works and it looks right they'd just take off... So in brief, YES I think the car narrative could involve two mini-coopers (possibly other faked vehicles as well). I certainly wonder about the number of extras on the set--59 firefighters, really? (Again, all the numbers mean something in spooky-land). I think it was real Heche in the car--her last starring role which is both sad and as twisted as was the "wreckage"... We'll never know...

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You've followed up here with a wealth of interesting observations and speculations. It's worth noting that regarding this story and all others from which terrible smells emanate, no one need scrutinize every detail and anomaly. One needs only to establish that no reasonable person (no matter how rare reasonable people are) would believe this story. For the mind controlled majority the media AND public incredulity will always do the rest.

It was especially sickening to see how quickly the fundraiser for the supposed resident (renter we are told) appeared and how much she has already "earned." I considered reporting it but we both know how that would turn out.


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Agree that the fundraising thing is just obscene--she may have to share that with her fellow "actors"... Indeed, as you said, if something stinks we may not ever know all the deets or the full truth (JFK is one better and more important example--SO much there!) but we ALL agree here that there are stories not being told and the official one is preposterous. We are now getting used to looking critically at ALL such incidents... and despite these uncertain times, being uncertain about reporting is a very good thing for all of us tryin' to think critcally

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Not long after I sent that message, I received an email that contained a link to a detailed analysis of the event. I won't include it here for two reasons:

1. I don't think it would be appropriate to include it with (as it might detract from) the work you've done.

2. There's something about the guy's delivery and style that put me off.

I'll mention only one detail: the author is of the opinion that rumors of Anne Heche's death are greatly exaggerated.

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The bottom line for me is that I'm glad others are not just seeing this event as just another regrettable accident (or vaxxident) from an actress who supposedly was on drugs--so as you said the idea of questioning the event as MSM portrayed it is what counts.

To mention deeper, darker waters---you likely know this anyway--but there are many intel-funded trolls that seem to have the "better theory" and have some inside info so as to seem credible in questioning the counter-narratives that question the official stories. These are not your average "devils advocate" types but, let's say, far more devilish in nature. (Of course, proceed with caution if something seems genuinely dark...)

The movement to dismiss legit writers and truth-tellers as "controlled opposition" is HUGE and well-funded too. Many of these folks appear to be just regular writers who question all narratives. and often conclude that "nobody died" or even that "all were clones or holograms or dummies" or that XYZ person is a shill when the real shill may be they themselves!

We all need to read critically and if your instinct says something is dubious, trust it. Most people landing here and reading this are already critical thinkers and can find on their own "more" if they so desire, more that validates my 2 cents plain or their own "wonderings" or stuff that contradicts it. This reading critically caveat includes theories that go so far as to say nothing happened at all--we only saw video-images of a whole "show" and nothing was real at all--not even the mini-cooper or the wig shop. (Not my angle as I'm not in the Matrix...but there those that go that far)

I think a good rule of thumb is to share what feels right, so the fact that this felt not so right to you had me grateful for your not sharing it :-) It may or not be the alphabets having a wank at the readers' expense--we always have to be watchful for that. Indeed, my crackpot theory about this whole event is there is a lot of wanking going on at the public's expense and (to keep the analogy going)--I hope all those evil wankers are caught and tried in court and that eventually justice is done... I know it's a crude analogy but that's what I think of 'em and not much more.

Thanks for sharing this info though...

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Thank you for replying at length. I will not try to do likewise because it would be only that, the act of trying. A real conversation is required and nothing here is of the real world.

I wish you well in all your pursuits.

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I don't focus on numbers and dates, but someone pointed out that the crash missed (by one day) being exactly 60 years after the death of Marilyn Monroe.

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All good comments--thanks y'all.. A few thoughts.... I DO think it was Heche in the car and that the popup was unplanned. The aerial camera zoom in was only when he saw something going on and the man he thought it was--moved. That seems genuine and perhaps the only genuine info. I also think that clip got out by accident and then they change the story when it didn't go with the plans--the coordination betw. paid actors and the media was not perfect--as they say, stuff happens.

We are only TOLD she was going 90mph because that's the special number / narrative as they like to use numbers---could'a been 75 or 80 and film can be sped up or not AND special "prop cars" or those so-fitted can be stopped on a dime...literally. (That part is not new, I used to work in film though not Hollyweird--once regrettably, now with gratitude given what I know!)) That said, there are AIR BAGS and they were released... so no problem surviving--she may have had a concussion but Air Bags can prevent the whiplash and more. People can and do survive this stuff--EVEN if the plan was for her not to. But I do acknowledge and totally give airspace to the fact that people might be saying it was all fake--no Heche there and so on. My view is just one'a many at this point.

Spilling the beans on child trafficking has long been a death sentence for many a brave soul so that's where I position this staged event causing what I see is a real death--Hollywood style. Either way, it gives a good throttle to our minds. I haven't seen the other videos--I'll try to check into them when I have a moment as they sound interesting but yes, someone doing a deep dive would be good. To me Glass and Dr. Cooper do not resemble each other (both are black, it ends there for me) BUT good observation--Michael Cooper / Mini Cooper (and the barrel connection)--he didn't treat her, just a bit of signaling from a talking head whose name was an inside joke. I think Glass was the real deal though Heche may have "had to" buy the wig (V2K or something weird).

Yes re the red wig being part of the ritual--I wrote this in one of the prior pieces (the first I believe)--this is the third story I wrote on the topic so it's a LOT to digest! I mentioned the satanic connection and MKUltra (monarch connection). The documentation of everything is part of the production, of course. I do think (crackpot theory !) that we were watching a planned snuff film so it was all covered. I think the aerial guy was legit and the spooks running this have their own footage--some is released (ding dong the WITCH IS DEAD doorbell camera stuff), other stuff we'll never see. (I'm SURE there were cameras behind the green door and at the hospital--which could have been real but of course hospitals in LA are used to folks filming there and to having folks with special passes enter--that is long known as is the corruption of coroners -- ALL interesting stuff right? We are all, in a sense, in Oz... Thanks for commenting!

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Sep 15, 2022
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Thank ya much and glad ya found this/ my three long posts on the topic too! There's also a lot I shared in the comments. To find stuff you can click on "archive" on any individual substack--may help a bit--then search on the page... Anywhoo...

Yes, Celia Farber's instincts that the whole thing didn't add up are aligned with mine and her thoughts re the "numerology" of it--I go into way more deep diving down a bunch'a rabbit holes on this one and I do think I mention the numerology and some specifics in two of my posts (or in comments on them) -- including that of the address of the house.

The Illuminati def. pick special days and "indicate" preferred numbers in just about everything they can plan--time and time from point A to B, street numbers and names, ages, dates--you got that right and I agree that Her Royal Hiney's death certainly is a goldmine for those who know all the number stuff (this again is Illuminati-related / masonic--not just "regular" numerology). There are not just Catholic / known religious dates--there is quite the pagan calendar and there are equinoxes and all manner of stuff and some people really can tease it out (not I but I invite it for any of this stuff).

I have a few giant posts to put up already (and the "fambly" here is mid-move so it's purdy chaotic) but here's a link re the death of Lizardy Liz II that I just reposted on Celia Farber's substack after posting it on MCM's substack a few days prior-- here ya go:


Once there choose "most recent" first and either search for Daisy or try the first sentence:

"The timing of HRH's demise seems fortuitous"...


Adding quickly--Heche's death was, imo, ritual revenge (she was the whistle about to blow I think...) That of the Devil-Dowager Queen was likely a planned "day of rest"-a selection of the most fortuitous date and time for someone whose mind may have left her body a long way back (despite the Baby Blood-y Mary's). HRH was offed at a very ripe old age and 96 looks like 666 / 3 sixes in that you have three to the third power plus another 6 if you figger it that way) Only those inside the Bucking-Ham will know what the real deal is but methinks the old bat suffered not at all. Heche's death was untimely and horrific--and the snuff film was inadvertently made public...

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Anyone know what the tattoo on Mishele's arm was?

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I wondered that myself--it looked like a rose...and there is another one on her ankle...also large (sorry don't have link handy, may be on her go-fund-me site). Usually ladies of a certain age aren't sportin' giant tattoos... Odd, right?

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Here’s more to add into this. A recent judgement against this renter’s organization business for 10k plus costs.


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Thanks for sharin' this fine--that IS interesting. Well, she's made her money back now...

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