Cats, Dogs, an' Satanic Trauma COMIN' SOON to a Red State Theater NEAR YOU!
Drive-In or In-House, tickets are FREE but don't fergit to stop by the Concession Stand cuz Pets 'r People too on MKUltra Menu! Theyr'e dishin' up Civil War! Cannibalism! & Satanic Ritual Abuse!
Just when I thought I’d have a moment of peace & quiet long ‘nuff ta work on the other half of my “I Remember Mama” piece the MeDia BUSTS OUT on this full-out freak-a-zoid story ‘bout Haitian MyGrunts eatin’ PETS (dogs, cats) an’ farm animals includin’ the ducks & geese from the parks in SPRINGFIELD (Oh Hi Oh!).
There’s a town of Springfield in EVERY state!*—so y’all think this targetted “sightin’” was by CHANCE????—not a chance! (Tho’ they picked a REDdy Teddy town not a BLEWy Louie one, that’s obvious… —an’ methinks that’ll be their M.O. at least fer starters!)
*okay, NEARLY every state; it’s 34/50… thirty four states have a Springfield ;-)
So….I jus’ gotta share a few “thinkin’s” ‘bout the STAGING of this particular PRODUCTION, folks…
It’s TRAUMA-on-Tap!—your’s mine, an’ OURS!
(this pet-killin’ spigot-flowin’ trauma is “draughted” just for US! courtesy of the “weenies” that want us DEAD!)
In Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), achieved via MKUltra Programmin’, one of the FIRST things they do ta ya as a child—under 7— is make ya git attached to a pet—a cute, sweet, beloved puppy ‘er kitten mostly—sometimes a baby chick or duck—an’ then they KILL IT brutally in front of you!
An’ that’d be stuff like rippin’ the poor creature’s head off, mutilatin’ it! (Literally “Gut Wrenchin’ stuff—!)
And WORSE… soon thereafter they make ya kill yer own beloved pet!
If ya don’t comply, they’ll kill YOU — so most kiddos do FULLY comply and form a “split” or “alter” (like an alter ego—but it’s an’nuther FULL personality) to cope with the trauma that is so unfathomable.
This “trick” is indeed super sick but it’s also super-well-documented by MANY SRA survivors. Brought ta the USA courtesy of “superman-surgeon/ubermensch underminer” Dr. Joe Mengele & the Paperclip Nazis—vielen dank y’all (not!)
The idear is ta make that chile’:
a) eventually able ta commit horrific crimes him/herself by compartmentalizin’ that trauma an’ brutality in one part of the brain while the other parts function per usual and
b) totally compliant & subservient to the “WILL” of their handler / trainer, an’
c) capable of bein’ totally unempathetic & unsympathetic against their very human nature so that later on they kin perform “on pitch” as a blackmailer, torturer, and as an assassin…
Groomin’ 101. and… It ALL starts with PETS moves on ta PEOPLE!
The process NORMALIZES violence against PETS en route to NORMALIZING violence against PEOPLE! yes…. PEOPLE!

EAT IT UP folks! (Trauma & Flesh are on the menu!)
🩸🔪🩸🔪🩸 The above-mentioned technique’ll of mind control will effectively TRAUMATIZE most of us human beans no end; when they start’em young it’ll split personalities, but even a later exposure can have a PROFOUND effect on us human beans AND make “us” far more malleable & programable!🩸🔪🩸🔪🩸
SO (imho)… even tho’ we who have not been recruited inta the official S.R.A. “program” an’ ain’t GROOMED yet like the poor captured little kids would be from BIRTH or TODDLERHOOD—it’s still TRAUMA PROGRAMMIN’ for US!
We will be so SHOCKED & HORRIFIED that our fellow humans are doin’ this—STEALING and EATING our BELOVED ANIMAL COMPANIONS (whether they are really doin’ this or just planting the THOUGHT in our mind that they are!) THAT our own sense of well-being will be SEVERELY DAMAGED, our own sense of NORMALCY tiped on it’s HEAD!
Folks will leave their HOMES! Good fer the GLOBALISTS! Deplace humans! Send ‘em RUNNING! Lets ‘em take OVUH the joint & put their own armed MyGrunts in place!
And… because they’re runnin’ this as a PSY OP—the MSM will do a “Lady Doth Protest Too Much Cover-Up wink wink!”
The DEMOCRAPS will all go ahead an’ DIS-MISS this per their “talkin’ head” Miz KaMAULah / KCabalAh (they’re still useful idiots so this works out great fer the cabal) but the REPUBLICONS are gonna BELIEVE that it’s REAL cuz it’ll be ALL OVER their innertubes, their sites (black, white, READ all ovuh!—it’s happenin’ NOW!)
⚰️ 💀 So did I lay it out like a MORTICIAN ‘er not?! 💀⚰️
Speakin’ ta what I know of the above, I’ll cite a couple exact quotations from “da source” an’ the rest from my own impoifect but handy memory which should suffice fer this postin’…
WITNESS “Wizard of Oz” / “Over the Rainbow” programming in S.R.A:
Lemme make it clear that the delightful Frank L. Baum books an’ film were NOT made ta program anyone or anything BUT they are used EXTENSIVELY in Mind Control.
Below are a couple examples of Oz programming from the book “Total Mind Controlled Slave” by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler.
“The close relationship between Dorothy and her dog is a very subtle connection between the satanic cults use of animals (familiars). A Monarch slave as a child will be allowed to bond with a pet. The child will want to bond with a pet anyway because people are terrifying by this point. Then the pet is killed to traumatize the child. “
🐶 😿 How-Dee! an’ Welcome to SPRINGFIELD!😿 🐶
For the Satanists who are “Programmers”—pets are often useful FAMILIARS and they are used in dark RITUALS — different from the literary “familiars” of witchery — far DARKER! In fact OFTEN the animals are abused sexually along with the children which both connects them in TRAUMA and makes the child the animal sadist. There is a history of famous illuminati “ill-Luminaries” with animal “familiars” that includes Alfred I. du Pont (of toxic Dupont Industries!) whose dog “Mummy” was a familiar “spirit” used often in the sex-magik rituals in which he participated. And you’ll see below that Perverse “Little Potato” Justin Turd-O’s own degenerate daddy Pierre Turd-O also “enjoyed” some nefarious rituals with doggies… one was a “familiar” named PePe!
Cathy O'Brien, the brave, warm-hearted, an’ articulate S.R.A. Survivor & Whistleblower who has dedicated her life to “waking up people” and helping other S.R.A. survivors, contributes much more on the way ANIMALS (pets) are used in PROGRAMMING an’ to induce TRAMA in her epic publication, “The TranceFormation of America.”
A few excerpts I’ll share below…but first: She writes, I’m recallin’, that children often are encouraged to IDENTIFY “as” pets—this will make it easy (later) for them to be demoralized (put on leashes / choke chains, “shocked” with cattle prods, defecated-on, made to eat outta dog bowls, thrown in the doghouse/basement as punishment, an’ generally abused in every way), abused, “trained” (often brutally but also via “rewards“ that keep them motivated), an’ “groomed” (via a manipulative MIX of kindness—brushin’ the hair, soaped in the tub… and violence). Also, if they IDENTIFY as pets, seein’ other “pet animals” KILLED in gruesome ceremonies and at the hands of their own trusted/feared “instructors” (handlers) is all the MORE traumatic as it could be THEM!
To add to the above, like pitbulls in a ring, children are often pitted AGAINST each other—sometimes in fights to the DEATH! (this is a sickko spectator sport in satanic illuminati land…) It’s LITERALLY DOG EAT DOG fer ‘em! — for SURVIVAL!
So the ANIMALization of CHILDREN is a “thing” in S.R.A. an’ we might even argue that the “dear pets” or “FUR BABIES” of Springfield… are indeed stand-ins for the CHILDREN too!
THIS all comes at a time when some children ARE identifyin’ as “FURRIES!”— yes as ANIMALS!
A SIDE THOUGHT… as timing is everything! This “event” also comes at a time where kids are ENCOURAGED to erase their GENDER surgically & medically (via hormones) so they will be forever CHILDLESS an’ MUST literally supplant regular babies or hopes to have any naturally with “furry” ones—eventually transHuman ones (trans like themselfs!) but for now the ANIMAL connection is indeed part’a the plan! So making THESE genderless trans folks includin’ those identifyin’ as furries “ANIMAL ADJACENT HUMANS” means less understandin’ fer the human “race” BUT perhaps even more trauma when it comes to their identifyin’ with the ANIMALS—those harmed or EATEN (per the MeDia) in Springfield! What I’m sayin’ is that these genderless youn’uns are MIND CONTROLLED too—to both BOND WITH and to IDENTIFY WITH the ANIMALS — they are literally a NEWLY MINTED TRAUMA GROUP! (And of course these kids are totally obsessed with their own “traumas”—in that to them, everything is TRAUMATIC, “triggerin’ “ and requirin’ of “safe spaces.” Turnin’ Springfield into a HOTBED of animal abuse must be puhlenty “triggerin’ “ fer these furry tranny whosits, no?
And it comes at a time when “furrified” ADULTS are groomin’ CHILDREN to CUDDLE with their own pervy FURRY selves (egads it’s sick!). This is SO LIKE the mindcontrol SRA victims experienced AND truly an’ ABUSE of TRUST! and thus natural “affection” for animals then is twisted inta something awful!
So now, given that programmed children are “groomed” like animals an’ encouraged to identify with them in their MKUltra training, it’s not a big surprise that Cathy O’Brien writes, too, that “Kitten" was the nickname & the “trigger word” for one of her alters! A trigger world cause you to “go into” that alter. And of COURSE this means “sex kitten” too and was in line with what she was expected to do! It gits WORSE!
In 1968, Michigan Congressman Guy VanderJagt (to whom Cathy was a child sex slave) introduced Cathy to the Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau who then abused her himself and used her for porn involving his “familiar” — the French poodle named "Pepe" (also rudely called “Peepee”) — which he had given TO her as a pet FOR his own pleasure! As a child, Cathy was also FORCED to appear in porno movies WITH Pepe the Poodle; these were films sent to Prime-Pedo Turd-O Sr. when Cathy’s services were unavailable “in person.”
Just imagine formin’ a close bond with a pet doggie given to ya an’ then bein’ compelled to engage in obscene sex acts with the dog—I cannot even FATHOM this.
One more thing—bein’ FORCED to kill your dog is a required ritual to prove yer loyalty AND yer ability ta be ruthless—when you are workin’ fer the “spooks” — i.e. CIA, MI6, an’ so on. BUT we also know that the Monarch Slaves an’ other S.R.A. Victims also worked fer the gubbamint (many of our programmed Manchurian Candidates / Assassins were…nay ARE programmed) an’ this is true here, in the UK, an’ most likely in ALL 5 EYES NATIONS too… So in a sense all secret service trainin’ has a MKUltra component that involves MURDERIN’ yer own pet (just ta prove yer muster). To wit—the moovie “The Kingsman” features just such a scene where “agent” Eggsy cannot shoot his own (overly cute) pet pug JB (whom, he says is not named after “James Bond!”). Nevertheless he prevails…cuz that’s how Hollywood rolls!:
So pet-sex (beastiality fer gawdsakes) & pet brutality AND pet murder — REALLY?
Once more with feelin’—
WHY do I share these awful truths? Why NOW?
Because WE are bein’ GROOMED—MKULTRA’d even! around the dubious doings in SPRINGFIELD (we need ta be aware of this!)
Because of the deep connection between ANIMAL ABUSE and human slave “GROOMING,” between ANIMAL ABUSE and “TRAUMA,” and because of the BLURRING of the distinction between ANIMALS and CHILDREN.
TO WIT: this is WHY we got fur babies, furries, SINGLE ‘effin CAT LADIES… ALL terms bein’ bandied about RECENTLY?! (watch them language trends y’all…)
Are you gettin’ it? GOOD! A bit more ta git-good here so you understand WHO is behind all this and WHO will not suffer ANY consequences for the fallout:
When Cathy O’Brien was a child her father gained complete immunity from prosecution after having been caught selling pornography which involved Cathy and her pet boxer dog, Buster. The man was protected ALL HIS LIFE for literally SELLING CATHY inta SEXUAL SLAVERY and to the MKUltra Program. Not even the ASPCA was called let alone the law protectin’ the CHILD.
THIS MEANS that the LEGAL SYSTEM, the LAW ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM and the JUDICIAL SYSTEM are all SO COMPROMISED that the innocent victims are left high & dry WHILE the perverts & criminals & the criminally INSANE have full protection!
Cathy states in “TransFormation” a’propos of her programming that:
…nearly all MPD / DIDs (that’s people with Multiple Personality Disorder and/or Dissociative Identity Disorder) have suffered the loss of pets during ritualized torture.
THIS IS A THING folks—an’ it’s happenin’ right in apple-pie, baseball, all-American “SPRINGFIELD!”
*** EVEN if it’s not REALLY happenin’—the MESSAGE that it IS—ties right in with this PROGRAMMING!***
Cathy goes to share that with her "Over the Rainbow in Oz" programming, all of Baum's primary character Dorothy's nightmarish experiences in Oz stemmed fully from her desire to risk her own life to protect her threatened pet Toto (with whom, you’ll remember, she’s been trained to identify).
And again, this same PROGRAMMING was used on MANY other children as well—MILLIONS I hear...
The innocent an’ natural instinct in all of us to PROTECT yer beloved PETS as ya would yer CHILDREN—of course, this instinct is so HUMAN—is bein’ ABUSED in this reprogrammin’ effort to make us INhuman (an’ subjected to inhuman treatment) an’ of course make us ALL scared as heck!
IMO—like the covid-con where folks SAW people in “other places” droppin’ DEAD from the deadly WALRUS an’ got SKEERED (not knowin’ those photo-shots were fakeroos), you bet’cher boots they want us ta see / witness “quaint” Springfield bein’ beset with pet-eatin’ CANNIBALS—with the implication that they’ll eat US too!—so we’ll git SKEERED as all git’out once again!
THEN—once we’re amply traumatized— we’ll “submit” to what?
MARTIAL LAW? LOCKDOWNS FOR OUR SAFETY so the milley-terry kin “clear the streets.” THIS IS A CON an’ an OP!
And YOUR little dog too! (yes YOU!)
Per Cathy O’Brien, handler-abusers use this particular animal-at-risk lesson in their “Rainbow Oz” programming “to condition the victim to drop all resistance and cooperate or ‘I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog (or child) too.’ “
“Drop all resistance and cooperate…”
“The ‘over the rainbow’ scramble of dreams vs. reality provides abusers a theme by which to manipulate an MPD's subconscious perception of switching personalities."
In a similar way “ZEY” who are already familiar to MIND CONTROL on a MASS SCALE (covid-con bein’ a warm up) are ALSO playin’ to OUR subCONscious perception—tryin’ to SWITCH an’ SPLIT our own minds up in this dreamlike world (an American NIGHTMARE!) where CANNIBALS descend on our CITIES an’ nab our pets—with the implantin’ of the idea that “WE WILL BE NEXT!”
Is that NOT our worst nightmare?!
‘Member “Mayberry RFD?” Will it become THIS? :

NOW kin ya see how we are bein’ PLAYED with this SPRINGFIELD TALE?
“Drop all resistance and cooperate…”
Like Dorothy runnin’ scared thru Oz to rescue her little doggie an’ ta find a way back HOME—to reunite with those that love her! to find the familiar—the safe! — WE (the Sheeple) are bein’ LED to BELIEVE our “little dogs too” are at risk! This is OUR “fever dream” and OUR PROGRAMMING!
AND… don’t ferget, WE have already been trained to see these MyGrunts as bein’ kinda SCARY!—an’ it’s not “just made up.” That’s a real issue—none of this kin be dismissed offhand as a “fairy tale” (or nightmare!). I mean truth be told in the “shitties” like my hometown of NYSeize, they are actually SCARY—behavior-wise at least. There ARE random stabbin’s an’ there’s much brutality includin’ CHILDREN who are holdin’ up NYC citizens at GUNPOINT an’ beatin’ the crap outta ‘em (NYPD alwayz standin’ down) AND murders. It’s said now that 75% of the crimes in NYC are now perpetrated by MyGrunts an’ if ya think about how MUCH is ignored—what ARE the real numbers then? Worse no doubt…

So… while the USA is unWRECKogNizeAbull! an’ indeed gettin’ kinda scary / skeevy an’ downright dystopian… while we enjoy such overall fear-inducin’ imagery:
In particular we’ve been recently GROOMED to especially FEAR folks from HAITI (they are now—Hate-ees!)
All in PREPPER-ray-SHUN fer Springfield!
Lemme add TOO that Cathy O’Brien ‘splains how the entire country OF HAITI wus subject ta MIND CONTROL as it wuz both a HUGE market fer ADRENOCHROME since the 1970’s, an’ fer CLINTON-CRIME-TRAFFICKIN’-an’ fer VOODOO-CANNIBALISM that was not so much a “religion” as it wuz an OPERATION called VOODOO WARFARE! Read ‘bout that HERE.
In prior months this past year we saw fear-porn images of the Haitian gangster leader named “BARBEQUE“ — an imposin’ man who supposedly EATS HIS VICTIMS! and of Mad Dog Magloire who actually DOES eat his victims (for warrior-like strength they say or other “powers” ya zap from yer ennemies—not unlike…the Royals an’ Spirit-Cookin’/blood-drinkin’ Satanists —’cept this fella doesn’t bother settin’ out the sliver & the good china!—no napkin’ in sight either!)
SERIOUSLY—do you not remember last year seein’ all this Haitian cannibalism NON STOP on the NOOZE fer a time?
There wuz also the “cannibal love story” MOOVIE—Bones & All and other human “meal” prepping tales includin’ BIDEN’s UNCLE eaten by CANNIBALS (‘member that whopper?! no mattah however apocryphal that story appears ta be…) an’ then articles like this one in “The New Scientist” normalizin’ cannibalism!
These well-circulated gruesome images from Haiti were presented to the US public in ADVANCE so we would be prepped & GROOMED in the funny papers to FEAR these newly minted Haitian Americans—BEFORE they all arrived here en masse.
This DOGS & CATS thing was totally part of the PLAN man!
ducks, geese, pigeons, squirrels, and random chipmunks that seem to have “arrived” at their feet too!

However offensive it may be—and YES, settin’ up Haitians as “primal purple people eaters” 👾 (i.e. as barbaric monsters) is TOTALLY not “kosher”—THIS “press release” of sorts via all the “Fine Young Cannibals”⭐ is absolutely PLANTING FEAR in us all.
Of COURSE it’s PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMIN’!—we’re watchin’ the ZOMBIE channel!
They git us ready fer the TRAUMA via the well-circulated pre-production “stills”& promo “footage” which we got in the “pre-release sneek-peek” earlier this year! To put it an’nuther way: WE ALL SAW THE TRAILER!
Most of us, no matter where we stood politically, were treated to these gruesome COMING ATTRACTIONS!

NOW mebbe some of these newly minted “SpringFieldians” are indeed “people eaters” & pet eaters too!—we do not know fer SURE (apart from what we’re told); the UNKNOWN is of course makin’ us frightened—lettin’ our imaginations run wild—just like “Oz” programmin’!. HOWEVER: With us all having SEEN predictive placement of CANIBALISM already in various MeDia—that is full-out TRAUMA conditioning!
Thus, WE have been “MKUltra’d” too!
We KNOW they (these Ass-Eye-Lum Sneekers!) have lived under DANGEROUS circumstances. We have been told about SOME that are SO ruthless they will indeed (we’re led to believe) EAT YOU and/ or…YOUR LITTLE DOG TOO! which leads us to:
Cannibalism Programming! both in MK Ultra and via the TIGER (by the) “tale” of: LITTLE BLACK SAMBO ! 🥞
🥞 ‘fore I splain what I’m thinkin’ ‘bout what seems to be an APT literary analogy, lemme first head off at the pass any accusatory finger pointers by informin’ y’all that Helen Bannerman’s charmin’ children’s book was about a clever child from INDIA (notta black boy as mistakenly attributed) who FOOLS a pack of TIGERS into NOT eating him by GIVING UP HIS OWN LOVELY CLOTHING such that these VAIN BEASTS absurdly don the brightly colored human togs an’ all fight each other over who gits what an’ ultimately they all chase each other by the TAILS SO fast ‘round a tree that they ALL turn into delicious BUTTER which Lil’ Sambo puts on his PANCAKES! (Since the Tigers BECAME butter, then of course he’s eatin’ those that would’a eaten HIM!) Eat ‘er be eaten!
It’s likely the inspiration of the aforementioned an’ truly adorable “Kid from Borneo” (okay Spanky IS adorable—beyond words—the Wild Man is not adorable but he’s just a total hoot!)
I’ll add that the ORIGINAL “Sambo” children’s book illustrations by Helen Bannerman are endearing an’ folk-art-y and inoffensive. Later, regrettably, there were indeed crude an’ arguably racially unflatterin’ drawings made in unauthorized publications of the past (copyrights didn’t hold then), BUT this should not CAST any SHADE (lol) on Bannerman who made up the tales fer her little ones while LIVING in India herself! She meant for this clever boy from India ta be a charmin’ HERO—an’ to many of us SO he was!. Now, with that offa my chest:
IMHO the tale of “Little Black Sambo” comes inta play here in 2024 with this news from Ohio; we have a 21th century 🐅 BOY vs TIGER 🐅 tale!
Certainly it’s a tale/tail! about survival when it seems the odds are against ya.
Specifically it’s about one SMALL BOY presented with an “AMBUSH” of HUNGRY snaggle-toothed MAN- (an’ BOY-) eatin’ TIGERS — the one against the many an’ the many are SO velly intimidatin’ an’ stronger! Thus our wee Sambo has ta use his brains cuz he ain’t got much brawn! (in the process he’s gotta give up all his prized clothin’ an’ his dear little umbrella too!) in order ta save his skin as to AVOID bein’ EATEN!
Zo, I may be stretchin’ the analogy a bit here (why not tho?!) but in truth…
WE are NOW bein’ put in a position—in town, in city—that is also one of SURVIVAL too. Have we not heard: IT’s A JUNGLE OUT THERE?!Like little Black Sambo, we Americans are bein’ OVERWHELMED by the sheer NUMBER of these IMMIGRANT “TIGERS.” HUNGRY, fierce, desperate an’ (so it appears) PREDATORY!
Ganged up together or even individually as they are most often STRONG YOUNG SINGLE MEN an’ some’ve us (like myself, a little “white lady” under 5’3”, albeit a feisty one!) — at least unarmed—have ZERO chance of defendin’ ourselfs against a bunch’a these mighty and DESPERATE fellers (with desperation comes both ruthlessness AND strength!) —so it’s EASY ta scare us SH*TLESS!
This is like a HORROR MOOVIE script as well as a childhood tale of the JUNGLE!
TODAY we Americans are presented with such humans that size us up fast! They size up our pets too! AND they appear ta absolutely be lookin’ upon us as PREY!
They can seem FEROCIOUS! (Tygers burnin’ bright indeed!)
From the NOOZ, it appears…they DO behave literally like TIGERS!
(eatin’ cats ‘n dawgs ‘n ducks RAW an’ takin’ over the public spaces in town is fairly WILD an’ UNcivilized behavior!)Again, I’m layin’ out the OP / Psy-OP… what’s really true is nearly beside the point!)
AND… what keep us up nights IS that they MIGHT eat US…. an’ our LITTLE DOGS TOO!

Let’s PLAY this PREVIEW of THINGS TO COME in terms of of MAN vs TIGER MKULTRA PROGRAMMING! (yes, it’s a thing!)
So, first, all these INTERSECTIONS now surface between We-as-Humans vs We-as-Pets (wherein we also literally identify with our pets such that a risk to our furry pals is considered a risk to us) and between our Pets-as-our-Children (fur “babies”) and our Children-as-Pets! (also part of our programmin’—as well is that of MKUltra…) — and all that melded with the WESTERN idea of not eating our children (like Cronus!) —of that bein’ TABOO and the HORROR of bein’ faced with CANNIBALISTIC TIGERS (includin’ HUMAN ONES) who do NOT SHARE OUR SAME TABOOS!
Thus we git:
Springmeier & Wheeler (mentioned above) also connect CANNIBALISM (this angle of mind control) with the S.R.A. programmin’ UNDER the ““Wizard of Oz” / “Over the Rainbow” awning, bringin’ in TIGERS too, as follerz:
We have already seen that children are often taught to identify as “cats” or “kittens.” In Baum’s “Ozma of Oz” we find a Cannibalistic “Hungry Tiger” who instructs Dorothy in the fine art of eatin’ your own BABIES or YOUNG an’ thus CAT EATING / Cats-Eating-Cats / Eating their OWN YOUNG is part of this TRAUMA PROGRAMMING for S.R.A. vitims… So if children are cats (“big” or small) an’ eatin’ their own young is normalized, it’s not a stretch that these children will eventually eat their own young! And. This. Happens. But not gettin’ ahead of ourselfs here, to quotheth the portion of Baum’s book used in this particular programming:
“Let me introduce to you a new friend of mine, the Hungry Tiger.” (…) He displayed two rows of terrible teeth and a mouth big enough to startle anyone. ’‘ ‘Dreadfully hungry,’ answered the Tiger, snapping his jaws together with a fierce click. “ This is programming for ‘deeper cats’ in an alter system. “
“For my part, I’m a savage beast, and have an appetite for all sorts of poor living creatures, from a chipmonk to fat babies.’ ‘How dreadful!’ said Dorothy. ‘Isn’t it, though?’ returned the Hungry Tiger licking his lips with his long red tongue. ‘Fat babies! Don’t they sound delicious? ... If I had no conscience I would probably eat the babies and then get hungry again, which would mean that I had sacrificed the poor babies for nothing....For it is the nature of tigers to be cruel and ferocious, and in refusing to eat harmless living creatures I am acting as no good tiger has ever before acted.” (i.e. it would be “unnatural” NOT to eat harmless living creatures…hmmmm)
This portion of the book is used to help teach the child alters which think they are tigers to be cannibalistic and actually participate in eating babies (!)— this means both their own “cubs,” as “cats,” and their own HUMAN ones too!
As we see with the TIGER in the story who CHOOSES to control his innate impulses, the children MIGHT BE SPARED, MIGHT BE NURTURED or MIGHT BE COMFORTED but the all-consumin’ (ha ha) CANNIBALISTIC appetite for ingesting “FAT BABIES” is there! the potent potential is ever-present, the claws and teeth are sharp—and… the impulse to KILL—so the children do learn in their Oz-Tiger programming—is most “natural!”
In “Little Black Sambo” the TIGERS are quite HUMAN just as they appear to be in Oz. Sure, they wish to eat the boy (quite animalistic we own), but they have a weakness for fine clothing, for social snobbery in looking down upon their less dapper fellow tigers, in acquiring useless accoutrements (like the impractical umbrella and the elegant red shoes that actually impede their fleet strides!). They are humanly competitive and combattive to the point where they wish to out-run their “mates” in order to “steal” their swanky swag! their trophied booty! (in other words, the fine “stuffs” from little Sambo). Though they appear to be quite ruthless and would CERTAINLY have eaten Sambo in one gulp had they not been tricked to DESTROY each other.. we may wonder if this story might also be a bit of a CAUTIONARY TALE (for humans, of course). We must all temper our tempers—and our impulses to GRAB… to acquire…to bicker…. Using yer head (as Little Sambo does) is vital.
We are all vulnerable—like this boy—in some places (YourUp!) already “we” (longtime law-abidin’ citizens who had ta work fer that priviledge as did our ancestors…) are OUTNUMBERED. Methinks it’ll be not “survival of the fittest” but survival of the WIT-est!
An’ so… we may HOPE that we prevail over the TIGERS planted in our CITIES an’ now SMALL TOWNS since we are all—in a sense—of the same STRIPE!
🐈⬛🐈⬛ MILLIONS (an’ BILLIONS) of CATS! 🐈⬛🐈⬛
In a story that might have been, itself, lightly based on “Little Black Sambo,” Wanda Wanda Gág delightful childhood classic “Millions of Cats” is ABSOLUTELY a cautionary tale for “we” children! and one that in a VERY TIMELY way reflects not ONLY on our “Haitian guests” but on ALL the MyGrunts we have taken in so swiftly…
We begin this tale with a well-intentioned elderly gentleman who wants to make a home for a kitty in need. We might compare him to the many good-intentioned liberals—that there bein’ my own roots, I’ll admit it!—who FEEL for the lonely, the homeless, and poor, the sick and for ALL who seem ta need HELP… (NGO’s prey on the these well-meanin’ souls if I may add…)
He chooses a lovely kitty to help BUT in seein’ so many cats—ALL mewing an’ hungry an’ needin’ TLC an’ all of ‘em lookin’ up at him with TENDER eyes, NEEDY eyes he starts pickin’ out more to help—he just CANNOT refuse!
As it happens with MyGrunts and others—one “cat” follows the next (big cats, fat cats, small cats, and downright DANGEROUS cats!). The old man has no way to “VET” the cats (all meanin’s ha ha!)—there are too many! He stops to allow time for his kitten to have a drink—an’ the entire massive herd of cats drains the entire pond dry!
Cats here, cats there,
Cats and kittens everywhere,
Hundreds of cats,
Thousands of cats,
Millions and billions and trillions of cats.
He stops to allow for his little kitty ta munch some grass—an’ the entire hill is laid barren in no time! There are MILLIONS of CATS (billions of cats) an’ it’s all just TOO MUCH!
By the time the man gets home his wife is AGHAST! There is no way she can AFFORD to feed them all, water them all, brush them all and care for them all. In a strategy similar to the one Little Black Sambo used to git the tigers to bicker with each other to the point of turnin’ inta butter (a far safer situation for him!), the old couple asks the cats “Who is the prettiest?” and though no cats turn to butter—they quarrel SO fiercely amongst themselves to gain the title of “prettiest” that they literally DISAPPEAR in the cloud of furn an’ dust kicked up by their in-fighting.
FINALLY when said dust settles, the man and his wife at first see NOTHING—not a cat left! None in sight! But then, one scrawny rag-tag lookin’ little kitten crawls out from hidin’—he is the only one left! HE, the old couple declares, IS the prettiest!
An’ in time he seems ta grow inta that special title they bestowed upon ‘im—as they love him, care fer him, an’ feed him well so he becomes a sleek, handsome, an’ affectionate family pet who lives with them fer the rest of their days.
So yup, it’s a GREAT story (one’a our fav-o-rite children’s books I must say!)
It’s too bad America an’ the nations of YourUp didn’t read it!
(only HALF jokin’ there!)
BACK TO SPRINGFIELD…an’ the Cat ‘n Dog ‘n Duck ‘n Goose-eatin’ HAY-SHUNS…
They are, as we’ve shown, bein’ presented as if they were near-BEASTS or—as implied—cannibals!
NOW (thanks ta Daisy here! yer welcome my peeps!) we are AWARE that we are under a major PSY-OP an’ bein’ directed inta the DARK CAVE OF FEAR with this whole MKUltra pet & cannibal programmin’—unhuh, it’s INDEED a form of Satanic Ritual Abuse—ready’in us fer FULL COMPLIANCE when they ramp up the next plandemic, fer civil war, fer martial law…WHATEVUH! (But “whatevuh” will be SOON!)

Whether ‘er not these Haitain MyGrunts ARE literally eatin’ pets or not in Springfield (unlikely fer the most part if ya ask me…) they DO present a risk—usin’ up our RESOURCES (even if we put gubbamint fundin’ aside—tho’ in theory our OWN need it sorely—our infrastructure needs TLC, our elderly, we need funds ta clean up the POLLUTION we’ve wrought— an’ SO. MUCH. MORE.!). I may not feel all cozy ‘bout skools but these folks are crowdin’ the classrooms an’ makin’ teachin’ IMPOSSI-BULL from all I’m gatherin’! They are settin’ up TENTS an’ "encampments” on folks’ LAWNS an’ this ain’t right—they jus’ don’t understand how “we” roll with “private property” I guess?
Look in theory there IS enuf space fer ALL (invited an’ “un-”…) but we have not BUILT up places fer all these folks. (Not that I think we should—I DO NOT — but the bottom line is—even if this wasn’t an operation—we cannot do stuff yestiddy—especially with half the nation bein’ clot-shotted WALKING WOUNDED!) An’, it’s not that the USA cannot produce enough FOOD (in theory they could—’specially if the gubbamint didn’t PAY to plant crap crops an’ pay farmers ta let land go fallow so the prices stay high…) or it’s not that our country cannot provide enough clean water—PRIMARY WATER of course is ENDLESS!—but if it ain’t drilled yet—if there ain’t the wells… then it ain’t THERE!
BOTTOM LINE, we are not remotely PREPARED to do this—an’ THAT was the PLAN!
Again, this may be a bone’ve contention with some folks (mebbe not my readers here but there are PUHLENTY who are still of this mindset out thar…) but I DO NOT think we SHOULD be doin’ this, an’ bleedin’ heart liberals be damned. As the wise Rabbi Hillel said long ago:
“If I am not for myself, who will be for me?”
And to the above, he famously and memorably added:
“If I am only for myself, what am I? “
The message is FIRST you take care of yourself—literally yerself (O2 mask on first!) or else you’ll be in no shape ta help ANYONE else! Then of course, ya help your fambly an’ then your extend fambly—extensions of yerself in a way!
BUT then—an’ ONLY THEN (the USA ain’t there yet by the way…ready to welcome in MILLIONS in makin’ the entire NATION a lazy inattentive version of ELLIS ISLAND! ) —DO ya reach out—only THEN you DO help others… an’ of COURSE you should—when yer PREPARED. Then it would be in your community (not halfway across the nation), next (if doable), sure…beyond (kinda like America FIRST, then you go an’ help friends beyond—not the other way round!)/ An’ this you / we/all’ve us should do—EACH IN HIS OWN WAY of course! With art, with free legal help, with song, at a food kitchen, speakin’ out, WHATEVER ya do!
BUT we cannot be all HERDED inta givin’ up our homes, our “freedoms” (what’s left’ve ‘em), literally pull the food outta our mouths an’ those of our children—to “SAVE the WORLD.” Doin’ so will—ironically—be the DEATH of us ALL.
To save the world “as best we can,” we MUST save ourselves first.
Like the good Rabbi said!
I’m prayin’ fer the good folks of SPRINGFIELD, OHIO and ALSO for their PETS! (be they truly at risk or not at all, lol).
I pray that all the S.R.A. victims can heal, an’ that in learnin’ what they tell us, in LISTENIN’ to THEM!, then we shall also be better able ta protect ourselves, our loved ones, our nation! And…of course—I pray for AMERICA…. the America I do STILL love, even as a dang CRACKPOT stranded most improbably in the boondocks an’ wonderin’ if I came FROM OZ or I’m in it NOW?!!! (either way I’m a bit of a fish outta warter like that three eyed-carp in the mock-postcard of Springfield!)
Meantimes, hug yer pets, hug her kidz, hug yer friends (‘specially the unvaxxed ‘uns!) an’ hug yer fam’ (if they’ll allow it lol!)—an’ let’s hope we git past this NEW mess an’ not end up ourselfs in a CANNIBAL STEW!
While in Springfield they may be askin’ this….
… but here, I’m simply wonderin’ WHEN we again kin confidently just let our kids out, our cats out, an’ our “little doggies too!” — in city, in town, an’ in-between — without the drum-beat tattoo of fear-mongerin’ an’ without literally these strange intruders our lawns, without hepped-up TranQ addicts campin’ out on our sidewals, without worry that we’ll have ta count our dang chickens (‘fore or AFTER they hatch!) or have ta keep our ducks in row. May that happen—an’ soon!
from yer nose-to-tail WRITER!
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
PS… Addin’ ta the “chaos chanticleers” (ha ha), I must include a fairly freaky “this just in” from Chris Ruffo on the cat-eaters of Springfield—footage shared there. “They had a blue grill and the father would find meat in the neighborhood.” Oh dear. Guess it’s “always” BBQ time now!” THIS info—whuther the kitty-cafeteria is really “open” (open season!) or not… is still consistent with what I’ve written ‘bout above — the BROADCAST MESSAGE of TRAUMA & FEAR an’ the “They’ll git you an’ yer little dog too” threat are loud & clear.
For all I know… they (their “hosts” on the US payroll) TOLD the HAITIANS ta grab ALL the kitties & puppies & local fowl they wanted— “dis American custom!”— to git things shakin’ (& bakin’ too!)…
I claim no inside info re the above but it’s a “pussybility” (meow! 😸)
An’ now…
Ta start with I gotta say…that what comes outta Disney today (an’ from the last few DECK-aids too) leave me colder than a an Eskimo Pie! —BUT when it comes ta tunes ‘bout ANIMALS I gotta say Disney wuz ONCE the King (of the Forest!)—Too many good un’s ta list (so I’ve I’ve limited myself to those kinda related ta domestic ani’mules… no elephants or weasles or even sneezles! in Springfield)
Enjoy ‘em all! (other good no-Diz Biz stuff follers it)
Ev’ry body Wants to Be a Cat ‘cept in Springfield ha ha (sing it Phil Harris & Scatman Crothers! RIP you AMAZIN’ Sherman Brothers!)—dang this is SO good y’all!—don’t skip it!
Here’s a far better solution fer the doggies than that Haitian “bow wow stew” (courtesy of Mel Leven an’ performed by the always warm-throated Bill Lee (who dubbed in the singin’ voice of Capt’n Von Trapp fer Chris Plummer too!)
As I’ve written, no “cannibal island” fer me but in “In a World of my Own” i would ALSO be a “Wonderland” (tho’ I ain’t sure if the cats an’ rabbits SHOULD wear trousers!)
The Cab man sings a fine jitterbugger ‘bout chickens!
You’ll never think of ducks the same way again after y’all hear this moldy oldie—it’s be just waaay too cwazy to ‘splain to ANYONE from Haiti tho! (This WAS actually a hit!)
Now, I dunno if they have MUSKRATS in Springfield but they seem ta be fairly common “wildlife”—but not not in this song—oh no, these are very STRANGE muscrakts that “chew on bacon an’ nibble on cheese”—where CHEESE is the operative word! (good fer a laff—the song is simultaneously AWFUL an’ WONDERFUL! an’ will also be totally inscrutable ta our “guests” from Haiti…)
I’d be REMISS if I didn’t make a mmoosical NOD ta the CANNIBALS on the airwaves… ta wrap it up (use a napkin!) HEREwith we start with the AWESOME Thurl Ravenscroft with the equally AMAZIN’ Cliff Edwards (Ukelele Ike!):
An’ here—the song of the Kissin’ Cannibal King! — a real outlier from Phil Ochs! (who’d a thunk? but he has fun with it!)
’Memer this truly ODD one any of ya’s? (Not sure if I should be glad I do ‘er not?!)
Again…I ask why (oh why) wuz this a hit? Must ‘a been that muskrat luv?!
Last but not least we’ll end up with some food SUITABLE fer human consumption (fish!) Mebbe ol’ Louis Jordan kin convince folks ta leave the cats an’ go fer the CATFISH instead!
Gone fishin’!
I appreciate all the children’s literature you’ve included in all this. I’ve never heard of any of these books.
“Everybody Wants to be a Cat” is one of my faves. We sing it a lot at home.
Really, there’s a Springfield in every state? I was only aware of the capital of Illinois. And the Simpsons which I thought was modeled after the capital of Illinois. 😂
And to carry on ( it’s a slow night)
“ Do do that voodoo that you do so well..”
Extra bonus ( yeah, they’re gonna bone us)