Naught to worry !

(as I hear it’ll soon be raining cats and dogs in Springfield...)

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...hope they have 'nuff BBQ sauce!

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Yes! The sauce is paramount...

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And to carry on ( it’s a slow night)

“ Do do that voodoo that you do so well..”

Extra bonus ( yeah, they’re gonna bone us)


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diggin' it! I see we're goin' "there" so I got'cha one that'll knock it outta the nosebleed seats--Hot Voodoo! Ain't nuthin' beats THIS! :


Also, since were a' venturin' inta that kinda terry-tory... RIP Maya Deren an' her Divine Horseman (THAT "Voudou" didn't go so well....sadly) -- I'm'a wonderin' if she ended up with the cats 'n doggies....

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I didn’t hear about Maya Deren.

‘Meshes of the afternoon’ was a college cinema course favorite

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I can’t like on my phone for some reason Daisy- otherwise I would...

Kingdom of the planet got’s nothing on Marlene...


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thx EB!--yes, Marlene--I mean ain't she just da BOMB in that number?! how kin ya not go (snare crash) apeshit! fer that epic performance! Hot Voodoo indeed! now THAT wuz cinema!

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Ditto! (i.e. college sin-ema course fave of mine here too!) She likely died filmin' her last epic in Haiti--she got a little too curious--ya know they never found her body which makes the mystery of her death all the darker....

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I appreciate all the children’s literature you’ve included in all this. I’ve never heard of any of these books.

“Everybody Wants to be a Cat” is one of my faves. We sing it a lot at home.

Really, there’s a Springfield in every state? I was only aware of the capital of Illinois. And the Simpsons which I thought was modeled after the capital of Illinois. 😂

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yes yes! you should check out Wanda Gag's books--there are more--all great! Ping too! an' all with mahvelous illustrations (imho) -- "Everybody Wants to be a Cat" is indeed awesome--glad it's a fambly favorite. YES, oddly there is a Springfield in EVERY state. So this is like sayin' "everyman" meanin' "everywhere"--comin' to a theater near you!--even a Springfield,NY. An' given the Simpsons are also predictive, it's not by chance they too are in Springfield... Bottom line tho' is the psy-op on all of us--tryin' ta git us all skeered an' pullin' out a tried & true "method of manipulation"--the "pets" angle... sadly it's effective but once aware we kin be on the look-out for these cons. while we ALL try ta escape from Oz!

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