FLASH! BAM! Alakazam!, ORANGE Colored Sky on Endless Repeat
a pants on fire song from the album-gift that keeps on givin'…
So the skies here are still orange, ding it!—less intense but still kinda like Sealtest Orange Sherbet mixed with gray dishwater. NOT a normal color for any sky, an’ this ain’t even a “Tangerine Dream” natch’ral volcano! It FEELS weird!
As I wrote 'bout HERE, bein' a fair wayz upstate & upwind from The Moldy Apple still don't spare us all from the phenomenal FUMES (today it smelled like burnt marshmallows mixed with benzene…), but it duz give me cause to pause n' think' a spell while throats yet burn an' eyes water. We're goin on 11 days now of this, not good not good. (Guess doin’ the deed in East Palestine wuz just the start…) ‘Tween sneezes I’ll be sharin’ some thoughts on how they dunnit, but first a bit’o Muzik!
Now, like Slick Willy, I "did not inhale," ruther I'm exhalin' one’a them “earwig” tunes in honor of the now- Artifice-all Agent Orange-Juice ORANGE-colored skies of New Yawk. And since them "machine-driven" circular wind-patterns keep repeatin' this condition like a broken record (poly-vinyl perhaps?) here there an’ eventually everywhere on the East Coast, I'll start by cuein’ up the city's new tune-cum-ANTHEM, ORANGE COLORED SKY… (with more "sirius" formations below yuk yuk…)
Cover number 1! First up, Adam West aka the one n' only BATMAN!, sends it outta the ballpark with this crooked-cutie-conquerin' high-CAMP number! (Clearly our Caped Crusader iz more zinger than singer, but he puts it over anywayz!) Hotcha!
Next up, a rinse n' repeat from his pardner in crime-fightin' Burt Ward, aka ROBIN the Boy Wonder, who does him one (less) better (oh my! but buzzsawz are kinda fun…) By the by, FRANK ZAPPA produced this 'un !!!! (yes! really!)
OK, 3rd repeat… now you can hear it done RIGHT! Go Nat!:
So, lookin' up here’bouts with skies still orange-brown-gray on some dirty rinse cycle, we noted that the last few days they've also been sprayin' like the dickens up here (I mean chemtrails…) so I'm guessin' that's to keep a CAP on the toxins, keep 'em from drifitin’ off, keep ‘em close ta breathin' space. Ditto in the city I'm sure.
Gee thanks ya dang Weenies!, yer all killin' me/us with kindness ta do that!
HOW'D THEY DO IT? Lemme count the ways…
My first question is… is this guy right?
Wuz it Amonium Nitrate?
Or wuz it dioxin-toxin Agent Orange ?
Y’all recall that Agent Orange is by-design used ta DEFOLIATE (trees & people). That PLUS it also has the benefits (ask a Vietnam Vet…) of givin' ya CANCER, diabetes, & causin' profound BIRTH DEFECTS & of course DEATH. Hey Joe, isn't that like the ClotShots? hmmm…Defoliate Canada first, then the rest of our lit'rally god-forsake'in + Shakin' n’ Bakin’ country FRIED to crisp perfection?! Theyze takin' down the forests so fast even Smokey the Bear cain't run nor hide! WHAT ABOUT THE ANIMALS? WHERE WILL THEY GO? I shudder ta think how many poor critters died or are sick as… the blazes, eh?
ALSO, the smoke alone's gotta be harmin' EVERYONE but 'specially all them that took the clotshots an' got respir'tory DISEASE. Killin’ 2 birds / and a passle’ve humans with one stone (i.e. one gargantuan non-stop fire)…
Or wuz it Weaponized Wildfires with Nano Chemtrails aka Chemi Culls plane-dropped from the skies?
Per the tireless an' always on top of Geologi-cull Genocide guy “Dire Dane Wigington” (okay, he's got every good reason ta be dire!), there is THIS too:
And THIS too!
OR… wuz it water an’ metal-seekin’ Directed Energy weapons?
Beams that kill trees from the INSIDE an’ fry the roots?
Robert Brame, forensic arson expert, interviewed below by journalist Peggy Hall on the directed energy methodology that's involved. Brame’s a man whose studied lit'rally HUNDREDS of fires. An lemme add, the SOIL under these fires is destroyed for AT LEAST ONE HUNDRED YEARS. ROOTS—gone! Forever! Soak that in folks. ONE hundred years… Sure, them globalists kin wait… but anyone sayin’ that the trees’ll grow back soon were think’in of Mother Nature, NOT of Father Napalm! (it’s long but the one below’s a good ‘un to wartch!)
Next up in the “how'd they dunnit” mystery show, there are DRONES so…
Wuz it Flash Drones?
These contraptions are often seen in forests distributin’ seeds… but heck, if they can carry a load it could be ANYTHING? Ask the WEF that sponsors them… telling, right?
Wuz it ARSON ?
“Premier Danielle Smith says the government is bringing in arson investigators from outside the province to trace the cause of the unprecedented wildfires in Alberta. (…)
Smith responded that she’s concerned about arson when it comes to about 175 wildfires in Alberta with no known cause and said the province would bring in the additional investigators.” (Below, a hoot-worthy piece by Banksy!)
Mark Crispin Miller shares some GREAT links here too, some that I haven’t covered…
Meantimes, we DO know them wildfires did NOT start themselves, no sir
a. GREEN TERRORISTS (Terroir-istas!) — see the “BULL” below… though yes, the “far left” aka Ex-STINK-Shun Rebellion may invent/create various nooz-worthy situations or crises, their services are not needed here ta “prove” Climate Change cuz that show’s already on yer teevees as the OFFICIAL STORY anywayz…. Not that team Tsuris (Soros) warn’t behind somma this but… nix. nah.
that’d be in spite’a whut “expurts” say….
c. “Climate Change”
d. MAME ! (Rita may’a burnt up the place but NOT thatta way!)
When Mrs. O'Leary's cow
Kicked the lantern in Chicago town
They say that started the fire
That burned Chicago down
That's the story that went around
But here's the real low-down
Put the blame on Mame, boys
Put the blame on Mame
Mame kissed a buyer from out of town
That kiss burned Chicago down
So you can put the blame on Mame, boys
Put the blame on Mame
And honestly, whatever it MAY BE as their chosen modus operandi, re. the above, they are killin' our precious trees as fast as Jack Flash and killin' us, what-besides, even FASTER.
Pointin a finger at ‘em firestart-turds:
Yeah, they’re Old Goats, we know their kind an’ they ain’t…”kiddin’ “ (sorry fer the cornball!)
The FLAMES burnin’ DO signal their “fests & feasts” and apart from the signifyin’ 6/6 start date I’m sure theres more in the numbers, whatever meanings they have.
While we try ta breathe, they’re “paintin' the town RED” (that’d be BLOOD-red while people & animals ghasp fer air), plus they likely dipped their goatees in (Agent) ORANGE, and given whut chemi-culls they’ze usin’, likely they even got some DAY-GLO too on their brush-y tails… That goes fer Schwab & King Charles Spaniel & Gates an’ all that are in them “CLUBS”
Color me FIRE ORANGE !!!
SO, We kinda know WHO dunnit, we kinda know HOW (one or all’ve the methods above…)
BONUS (while they’re waitin’ fer us to DIE!):
Cain’t ferget too that we human beans git our essential Vitamin D from the sun! Plants need sun for photosynthesis… Since we lowlifes ain’t got mega nuke shelters underground nor access to them traffic(k)in’ tunnels… where artifice-all solar seems ta be a thing, we proles need THE SUN — can’t GROW our OWN food without it either! (an’ ding’it if ol’ Hell-Gates didn’t git his way ta block the sun in spite of his project bein’ blocked).
And when the sun is blocked, SOLAR POWER got the cold shoulder TOO with these fires. YUP.
Solar power production in the USA is Waaaaay Down (beecuz fires). No surprise there.
Pause n’ think—many OFF GRID FOLKS ARE SCREWED too, at least in Canada & here on our East Coast. How can SOLAR POWERED homes an' generators & PCs n' stuff WORK when THERE IS LITERALLY NO SUN cuz the skies are dim / dull / dark. (Sayonara preppers….)
Out out out damned (sun)spot—the entire thing—they want it DOWN.
(Oh, an’ grid down comin’ to a climate thee-ate-’er near you too!) BUT in the meantime…
Lordy I’m a singin’ loud n’ clear with Sir Elton (even if he wuz fool ‘nuf ta plug the danged jabs):
Don't let the sun go down on me..…
Let’s all hope n’ pray for a reprieve…
Meanwhile, amidst all the DARKNESS, the PRESS presses on…
While “Rome” (aka NYC) burns an’ the rest’ve us cough n’ sneeze n’ wheeze, The Rollin' (GALL-) Stone gathers no moss! They're bizzy as mechanical bees pushin' out faux royal jelly-cat facts 'bout “Climate Change” an' villi-fryin' all of us Cwazy Conspiracy Theorist-Climate DENIERZ who are sayin' these fires warn't natural results of our “criminal” fossil fuel* usage—IMAGINE?
* y’all know there ain’t no fossils in fossil fuels, that wuz a LIE we wuz all told so we’d think they wuz “precious” an’ scares, made from “dino-sores” (poor beasties!) an’ not abundant an’ having zip-all ta do with the dinos…
An’ while they’re killin’ our BEES (the real ones), I ain’t even hearin’ CRICKETS either ‘bout these fires from Orange Man (yeah, I know hez got troubles of his own…) and even RFK Jr. is a lil’ oblique on the matter (‘less I missed something, he’s just sayin’ not ta “blame” Canada—doi!—but not pointin’ fingers at them that dunnit either!). TOO MUCH SILENCE, this is no small matter fols… stealin’ our sun, our air, our trees it’s JUST as skerry as takin’ away our “data”—I mean it’s ALL BAD… but we need folks to SHOUT IT OUT what’s happenin’ !
Cuz frankly, no comb-over's gonna hide THESE bald rootless acres… an’ neither the hair NOR the forests’r gonna grow back far as I kin tell… NOT good folks…
While they tell us THIS:
We KNOW that’s a lie… (Right Boo-Boo? ) THE REAL TRUTH is we gotta do like Yogi here an’ not let them “rangers” aka Weenies take away our PICNIC! Realize, it might take evokin’ the “2nd" ta keep our baskets owrn — an’ lets just HOPE we kin get our SUN BACK too!
This is WAR folks, git ready! Git yer famblies ready too-
cuz we awake ones ain’t givin’ up OUR “luncheon on the grass” so easy!
always up fer a picnic!
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
Click on the image below fer the song!
An’ meantimes… try ta laff when ya ain’t coughin’ !
Fun. Serious shit fun.
You have such a knack for weaving vintage pop culture with modern calamity -- amazing, Daisy! And who knew Adam West could sing (and Burt Ward could not)? Thanks for all of the possible explanations and links -- good stuff.