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Jun 24, 2023
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thanks fer all'a this good stuff! been outta the loop for a few days (much ado still here an' the orange colored skies are like Good Humor push up sherberts I used ta like as a kiddo)--Thanks fer the historical link an' thanks too fer the Elsa Schieder summit stuff--I don't know Andrew Johnson but Judy Wood (imo) has been at the epicenter of what went down with 9/11 (directed energy stuff--she's brilliant!)--from all I'm readin' they dunnit a few ways (just ta be sure!)--the entire WTC structure was also built with detonation in mind. I'll try ta take a look'it that summit--SO many great minds all together in one place, I'm sure there's a lotta gems thar!

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Jun 19, 2023Edited
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all with ya, great suggestions! many thanks! I'm only a tad iffy on the clay thing--so many cultures "eat" kaolin an' bentonite b/c the stuff DOES kill parasites an' has antibiotic qualities but the "mo" of doin' it is aluminum poisonin'--cuz there'z puhlenty've aluminum in the clays (aluminum silicates). Some studies say the clays DETOX heavy metals but others say they don't an' I just do not know -- ditto fer health "expurts." Some of the clays have lead (PB) too (not sold commercially I hope! but in trad. cultures that eat the stuff. from the Earth direct..) I'm also on the fence with zeolites fer same reason--I'd keep clays an' zeolite at hand fer emergencies (like radiation...) but not so sure 'bout clays otherwise... again, studies are a mixed bag

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Jun 18, 2023
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Hmm...Schindler movie...Zionist movie maker...Zionism in general...Nazis bad, Communists alright...it's a rich tapestry.

"I'd rather drive a truck."

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Schindler the man saved lives. Spielberg, the man, is a pedo / murderer (look at Raiders #2, that's his "inner circle")-- some say responsible for the death of young child actress Heather O'Roarke. Too bad some'a hiz flicks 'r good. A Hollyweird story of many... That he's a Zionist is NOT what makes him skeery (or corrupt). He's a BAD GUY plain n' simple.

Zev Zelenko was a staunch Zionist an' I still believe that if there are any heros in this dang plandemic, he's one'a them!-- an Orthodox Jew, Truth Teller, and Zionist who traveled at great risk to Israel (under death threats from the Medi-cull authorities) to warn the (corrupt-like-ours) gubbamint there NOT to keep pushin' the vax. Some listened to him (thankfully!)--not the gubbamint. (Ilana Rachel Daniel is a' nuther truth teller from Israel... bless 'er too!)

I think it's way too facile an' mean spirited ta just go hatin' on the Zionists--so I'll greatly appreciate it if instead'a paintin' them all with that very wide (unfair imo) brush, you call out folks individually.

Those that wanna still believe in the USA ("patriots" etc) should not be BLAMED fer the rotten tooth our country's become OR the schemers that sold us out. Those regular Jews the world over who wanna believe in Israel should also not be denounced or BLAMED fer the schemers that SOLD THEM OUT.

I think ya know, we are ALL DUPES and most regular folks are good people--including Zionists most've whom are regular folks too...

Blame Lord Balfour, Blame Truman & FDR & the Banksters... Blame Hitler--blame Stalin too! But blamin' anyone that dares to call Israel home is not fair... an' not welcome on my Stack, Jerry.

No general hatin' allowed here. (To wit, I just deleted some posts of a person that went blanket anti-gay with some purdy mean name-callin' cuz even though I'm VERY against the current twisted "gay/lgbtqrstuvwxyz 2 spirit "agenda"-- I have n' hold nothin' against regular folks who happen ta be gay, live n' let live. So I expect any group that's not like...I dunno--Satanists (i.e. full out evil) ta git the same respect in general.

By all means call out hypocrisy here--or a corrupt individual but wartch the over-broad brush strokes--with thanx in advance thar fer understandin' an' respectin' my stack rules... No hard feelin's...just gotta state the limits when I see some speedin' !

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I'm working on several projects so could only manage a glance here. I will give it more attention when I can. But good for you as always. As usual, paranoids are the only ones who notice anything. Janny meanwhile said regarding "Adam West aka the one n' only BATMAN" -

quote I love her end quote.

As always, keep up the good work and just remember: they wouldn't do this to their own people - even as the parameters of that class of entities have definitely shifted.

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You have such a knack for weaving vintage pop culture with modern calamity -- amazing, Daisy! And who knew Adam West could sing (and Burt Ward could not)? Thanks for all of the possible explanations and links -- good stuff.

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aw shucks, thank ya Mary-- Mister West even played a little gee-tar fer hiz less campy croonin' -- tho' hardly a "beatnik" here's a fun clip've him in his pre-Batman daze gettin' called one! (kin ya tell, I'm a FAN?!)


But yeah, we don't know 'zactly how they dunnit but not a bad idear ta "count the wayz" they might'a...

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I'll admit, when I watched Batman as a young'un (as you might say) I had a wee crush on Mr. West. I loved his voice and his unperturbable panache...😂

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Yup, an' now as a grown-up (or as my girls say groan-up!), give a look-see agin'--he's a fine feller thar, no? Gentlemanly, handsome as all git-out, polite, an' fer sure that slightly resonant smooth voice... I totally got why Cat Woman wuz a purrin'!!!! (Today's heros ain't "got IT"... my kids make fun'a me fer likin'.... BATMAN!!!!!) Gotta laff!--AND his deadpan delivery was just so purrrrr-fect! Mr. West (of course) wuz the ONLY Batman (just as there is just ONE James Bond i.e. Sean Connery--another looker with charm and a VOICE!)...also not bad at all singin'....

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You've got me laughing, Daisy, thanks!!

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Fun. Serious shit fun.

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Jun 24, 2023
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THANK YOU!!! All this making connections.

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Jun 24, 2023
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I've subscribed to your substack. Didn't get a notification. Would you please send an email address, so we can stay in touch.

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Jun 24, 2023
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