Help & Prayers fer "Good Gonzalo!" PART 2
a quick update, more prayers needed! Gonzalo Lira briefly re-emerged post-torture, got nabbed again tryin' ta cross the border to seek asylum in Hungary
This one wuzn’t a planned stack but there’s been a worry-some (i.e. worry LOTS) UPDATE since my first post about “helpin’” Chilean-American Journalist Gonzalo Lira—the one I made a few months back upon his second arrest:
This poor man wuz tortured for about 3 months (not purdy stuff folks):
“Once inside Sizo Prison, I was tortured in two of the four cells I was in—by the other prisoners. Guards NEVER beat prisoners—they outsource torture to the other prisoners.”
“I got a cracked rib in my first cell, but it wasn’t too bad. The worst stretch was in my fourth cell. From 1pm on June 21 until 7pm the next day—30 hours” two inmates tortured him and at one point “used a toothpick to scratch the whites of my left eye, while asking me if I could still read if I had just one,” Lira wrote.
One of the torturers was allegedly reprimanded for bruising the 55-year-old blogger’s chest, because the instructions were to leave no marks. (They left marks.)
He looks bad y’all / aged too I think…
Apart from being prevented from postin’ bail (until last week after MONTHS of imprisonment despite him havin’ bail from the git-go) AND forbidden from havin’ any communications with his wife and their two small children (ages 8 & 10), he’s gotta heart condition.
By his own estimation, Lira will not likely survive the 5-8 years in a forced “Labor Camp” which is near-certain where they’ll put ‘im (Putim’) now that he’s been re-arrested.
He states that neocon swamp creature “Vicky” Nuland HATES HIS GUTS so his chance of gettin’ released are near-zero. (Vatever “Vicky” wants, Vicky gets an’ “Little Men,” Miss Vicky wants you…)
Per Lira, he was beaten and tortured in part because, once they saw he actually wasn’t a “Russian Agent,” the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) wanted to extort him for all his savings of about $70,000 (includin’ the value of his confiscated computers and phones). I hope his wife an’ fambly has a source of income as it looks like the SS Ukraine done made off with the family savin’s….
He credited the Chilean Embassy for any care he received in jail, noting that the US Embassy “called me three times, but gave me nothing but ‘support’—empty bromides.”
Lira seems ta have been “set up”—he was given back his Passport + Driver’s License an’ they didn’t attach the “trackin’ “ ankle bracelet as had been his understandin’. In the video he tells us:
“I’m posting this thread just as I'm getting to the border checkpoint,” he tweeted. “If you don't hear from me in the next 12 hours—whelp! I'm on my way to a labor camp! Wish me luck.”
Thus, “Good Gonzalo” is still in need of prayer an’ (if possible) HELP again! (Know any diplomats who might stick their neck out ta assist?)
Certainly our corrupt-warm-mongerin’ gubbamint WILL NOT help this articulate and brave journalist. No no, they save their “bargain’in” fer the law-breakin’ pot-smokin’ likes of a “whoa-MAN” — I mean Calvin Klein model & Basketball Jones celebrity giant Brittany Griner, now a 2-time “MEME-WAR-writer” (the first about bein’ bullied, the second about her sufferin’ in a Russian prison). Bollocks (“hers”) of course.
Allow me ta say that it’s ROTTEN that not a single congressman/woman or representative is tryin’ ta get an American Citizen back. Listen at the 23 minute mark (at least this journalist from The Gray Zone is speaking up!). He confronts the US State Department and the response which takes less than 10 seconds—is that NO COMMENT will be made until the situation can be verified. It’s just ‘bout the same as sayin’ NEXT in the check-out line…SAD.
He broke no laws an’ whuther ya like ‘im ‘er not (I do like ‘im! he’s a funny feller an’ as I wrote, reminds me of the late filmmaker Jean Luc Godard)— EITHER WAY, it’s the JOB of our representatives an’ ambassadors ta help BRING HOME ALL Americans wrongly imprisoned abroad. Ain’t that what we’re pain’ their “celeries” fer? Wuz it “Vicky Gnu-Land” that got all the amb-assy-dores ta do nuttin’? Did she put the kibbosh on helping Gonzo?
So let’s all put-in (here’s that Putin agin’!) HEALIN’ THOUGHTS & PRAYERS & WELL DIRECTED MISSIVES (that’s missives not missiles! — any idears whom ta write?) that “GOOD GONZO” is RESCUED in time, freed from Voloddy’s Saks 5th Avenue “clutches.”*
* let’s say the Man-i-Pedo Press’i-dent likes fawncy dudz as much as his white lines on the Roche Bobois cawffee tables
Lira’s only “crime-notta-crime” was in statin’ his opinion that Putin wuz winnin’ AND that Russia had ample “justi-fuk-cation” (sure did!) to go after Ukraine SIMPLY ta git his strategic borders back after we yankees schtupped Russia good an’ weaponized the already weaponized NATO an’ pulled most of the EU in the scuffle whut besides.
So heap on the Help n’ Prayers fer "Good Gonzalo!"
ps them wheel’s o’ proper-gander are already rollin’— they got their “official token trannie” givin’ us a Zelensky-wurthy “snow-job” on Gonzo, 7 min mark…
The Prisoner set the stage—click on image… “I am not a number, I’m a FREE MAN."
May Good Gonzo be set FREE & spared “Labor Camp” an’ the life of the Chain Gang
Feeling heavy-hearted for Gonzalo. Abundant prayers for his safety and freedom restored.
It’s not lookin’ good for him, that’s for sure. If the expressing of a learned opinion can get one into this kind of hellish bind, just imagine how it’s gonna be, if and when, they push their anti-misinformation bill through?! Wishing him safety, freedom and restitution.