HIP-GNOSIS - NY Theater World STILL "under hypnosis"
Jabs, Masks, & Tests all required, insanity of the dazed and delusional
Howdy y’all, first have a look at this:
Now that I’ve raised yer temperatures a few notches (tee hee), I’m offerin’ ya a fairly short one today, my highlighting of course sez it all! (Note how I used those cute Ukrainian colors!)
Now I know zip about this particular show but as an ahrts person I still get daily ahrtsy announcements in my inbox and some of my fahrtsy friends (off their terlet's in thinking things are back to normal) still send me stuff – invites, discounts, freebies.
AS IF I could go…
Cuz, y'all, NYC is not back to NORMAL.
NOT REMOTELY and this thing (above) is NOT some outlier example of artistic apartheid here. It’s TYPICAL folks. (If you are in a saner city, take note.) The message is clear; go through the acrobatics (comply!) or you will be "denied entry or asked to leave the theater!"
Most of America thinks that because they recently heard that most Broadway theaters finally lifted the "bans" and razed the execrable vaxx and testing requirements (a few plan to do so starting in the fall) –that all is hunky dory in Big Apple Land and there are no more mandates.
Witness the above HYPOV flyer, an indicative example of the ongoing and astoundingly asinine delusions under which the NYC Theater World still operates.
DID the CDC message not git to them? Did not the CNN communist network news itself (that oracle of objectivity) hint that everyone was supposed to take a "stab" at treating the eviscerated like equals again?
NOPE. Not on your life.
Ya know that little announcement, the one where unjabbed folks are not to be "differently treated?" (er, we CLEARLY are "differently abled" tho—we have functioning"brains!…)
Yes, YOU know it. I know it. But NO, this announcement did not arrive in the "ahrts" community, it did not make it to one of the biggest cities in the country, NYC. HERE the message got LOST Must'a gotten blocked by all the tall buildings.
Maybe it appeared on some phone screen during a TikTok dance, but they blinked. DID NOT SEE IT. As you see, they are SCREENING and TESTING those with no symptoms UNLESS you can show you are jabbed, you must “COMPLY.”
Now folks, they call this show HYPROV and subtitle it "improv under hypnosis." Aptly so my friends as (not having gotten "the message") they are IMPROVISING MAKE BELIEVE 'RONA RULES as if UNDER HYPNOSIS. Improv is “making it up on the spot.” Yup.
So keep on keepin' on ya bunch'a fools in this my fallen city. By the time new (as in coming soon to a covid theater near you) lockdowns are (re-)imposed here along with new requirements for using the rotten-EggSellsior passport, most of the NYC music/ dance/ theater world will already be right there—they never left! How easy for them.
I'll call this phenomenon "HIP-GNOSIS"
…. it's what hipsters know, right? (not!) kinda hip or kool, kinda esoteric-gnostic like a made up “belief system” an’
They know Covid™ is EVERYWHERE, Covid™ is ALWAYS. Mask up, it's a beautiful thing (to NOT see yer ugly mug).
Do not BREATHE… do not BREATHE (yoga hands, yoga hands)
Under "hip-gnosis" time stands still and everyone follows zombie-like, eyes darting left and right as the shiny object swings before them (it's a little candy-red ball with blue spikes). Back n' forth, cases 'r up, cases 'r down, 1 mask good, 2 masks better, distancing "in," distancing "out" … swing swing a DING. Hip-gnosis.
Theater folks may be a hip bunch—but they ain't hip to any reality—completely clueless that they've been riding a LOTTA BULL in the ongoing 'Rona Rodeo (show-de-oh). Cow pokes (monkey-pokes too), all just mosey along and don’t mind at all about discriminating against perfectly SANE people (ya know, crackpots like myself).
I already wrote (here) that EVEN if the rules, regulations, and temperatures on the boiling frog pot are lowered, I will NOT return to any of the venues that banned me; I will not pretend all is a-ok let bygones be bygones fine n' dandy. Nooope I will not patronize these joints again unless or until there is some major reckoning (which I don't exactly see forthcoming). So…
no Hyprov / no hip-gnosis for me!
THE TIMING of it all…
Let me add this… My posting about this on-stage absurdity serves a barf-o-matic bookend to the recent posting I did (here) regarding the galling NYC Dept. of Education "vaxxine" flyer-cum-announcement, a glossy costly printed pamphlet sent out, at taxpayer expense, to every household with kids in NYC, instructing we parents to "git yer kids injected before skool* starts" (that's injected, inspected, detected, infected, neglected and selected) so they'll arrive just in time to not learn anything. As I highlighted, they are touting that their ginned-up jabs are now even available for tots n' toddlers. Stick 'em good n' early.
Same plan for the theater world…
Thus and so, in some alternate universe (like the rest of Amerika except Californey), mandates and covid "theater" rituals are lifted but here (in ground zero for malevolent machiavellian measures…), they are STILL pushing the jabs for stew-dents of all ages and they are STILL playing footsie with the mandates and the masking and the testing because…what they cannot let go, they KNOW, will return. Mark my woids!
So, indeed, while much of the nation has moved on, not New Yak (the yak part as in my reaction to all this with apologies to the nobly awkward animal). Watch what they do here folks, you'll be getting it next (some red states excepted if they can hold out and if the Resident refrains from declarin' martial law on us all…)
While other burgs, mostly south'v'us, the uninjected (uninspected, etc.) are now "permitted" to enter sans swabbing or proof-of-pudding status, at least for the current 15-minute moment, here in New Yak it's just plain old hip-gnosis (what hipsters "know is right") and we can thus n' therefore leave this newfangled "Mass Formation Psychosis" diagnosis for the other 49 (or 48 as it were).
And any news varmint that's been tellin' ya that mandates are lifted in NYC is lyin… or is jist under hip-gnosis.
yer tinpot crackpot (certainly hipper than them phony baloney hipsters),
Ironic then that the Health Commissioner during the so-called Spanish flu was Dr. Copeland, a homeopath who insisted that theaters stay open during the epidemic as part of healing was not focusing on the flu, but finding ways for the people to distract themselves. He said the Sun was the greatest disinfectant unlike this one in which we were illegally and insanely locked down - sick until proven not sick. The end result? NYC had one of the lowest mortality rates for the Spanish flu. Obviously that plan doesn't work if your goal is to terrify people and raise the death rate.
Thank you for your wit in this depressing moment in time! Stay strong! I hope you and Eric Metaxas are friends and can commiserate together!