Huffin' & Puffin' Won't Blow The House'a Cards Down
A quick link to a Limited Hangout Servin' of COW PIES
Ding it—how is it that when i have SO MANY things in the durned hopper AND so much goin’ on in real time… a home-run whopper (an’ golly this is one’ve ‘em) lands right under my duck shoe… COULD NOT RESIST. This is a quickie tho:
”Wait?! The DoD Was Behind This WHOLE Thing?? - Whistleblower Interview”
LINK here if clickin’ on the pix doesn’t work….
Watch as much as ya kin stomach of the interview (courtesy of Alexandra Bruce), with Seth Holehouse (Man in America) and Andrew Huff (so-called whistleblower…) — specially startin’ at about the 14 min “bark” to git ya started, it heats up at about the 15:30 min mark… then WAIT FOR IT… predict-o-rama….
OUT IT COMES from the hose nozzle:
NOPE the gubba mint (he assures us) is NOT TRYIN’TO KILL ANYONE.
I quothet this honored whistle-tooter:
They “wanted this technology SO… badly…they were willing to sacrifice oversight to make it happen…”
SHUCKS…and they MEANT SO WELL! (Earache my eye!)
Would YOU trust this guy????? Not I said the Little Red Hen, not I! Thus:
ENGAGE yer noggin’ PRONTO…GIVE THIS A PROPER-GANDER! (it sho nuf’ is!)
NOTE that NOW the latest new Vape-o-Matic flavor of the month is HERE!
YES YES YES, the NEW NARRATIVE is to ADMIT it’s the DOD (DARPA/BARDA) WHO DUNNIT…SURE…. So the newly minted an’ minty-fresh script sez yes indeedy the “story has changed…” all the mouthpieces are to “admit” that The DoD Was Behind This WHOLE Thing?? ….
BUT…but but… Huff PUFF, Huff Puffs: sure DOD/DARPA/BARDA (HHS) DID fund this whole operation but THEY only meant WELL—they just SO sincerely wanted to help folks they were CARELESS and LAZY (he literally says they didn’t wanna work). Shucks, that was it! Well PHEW now we kin move right along, nuttin’ ta see here… we just gotta tell them lazies ta buck up! Wake up! OVERSIGHT! That’s what we needed… OH and he also BLAMES THE CCP! (Later sayin’ that the CCP didn’t do it INTENTIONALLY.) Tell ya what I think’a this tale:He adds that the “virus” was released by people wanting to take down TRUMP. My head’s spinnin’ like Linda Blair’s in The Exorcist… (Mr Warp Speed hisself? Take’im down whar? Basement’ve Bubba Gump’s?)
Wull if this TALKIN’ HEAD MOCKIN’BOID ain’t a crawdad sayin’ he’z a shrimp I’ll eat my worm bucket—ain’t takin’ this BAIT. It’s SOOooooo obvious this is Bugs Bunny in Sombrero and Moustachio tellin’ ya he has no clue, Señor, where da Wabbit Went.WHO will fall fer this blast o’ “Pineapple Ice” vape-juice liquified baloney inhaled and blown ever so gently in their face? Huffin’ vape juice, say WHAT?…well:
”AndrooHuff’n’Puffer” of Vape-o-Matic fame (he actually worked for Juul and “some”* say Vaping Lung Disease associated with the 51 Flavors of Vape Juice (consumer-tested JUST before the plandemic…) was a test release of the soon-to-come “covid” bioweapons… Yupper do, a test for the real one(s) that were selectively dropped (spread? sprinkled?) in big cities like on so many sparkly unicorn cupcakes.
Huff ‘n Puff’s gotta ‘nuther hustle too! He’s pluggin’ his new book (no doubt PROOFED for Alphabet-i-cull correctness…)… listen to his hard sell—how it so nicely changes the topic too!
*Housatonic /Couey, cain’t find the link but if y’all have it put it in the com-mints!
KNOW that this’ll be the new boy on the block, the new STORY du Jour: blame the well-intended (but lazy clumsy) gubba-mint includin’ Sloppy Joe and CCP Shrimp Chips and the DOD (Doi?)…ze meant vell…. Expect others huffin’ n’ puffin’ round the innertubes to trot out this new type’a lunch meat…
Do not eat ‘r smoke it … it’s baloney!
(takin’ some nice smoked hogs jowls instead’a this phony baloney any day!)
Now ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
Shucks, it’s only a CARTOON… Mr Wolf is still holdin’ all the cards…
Lotsa great points Lucinda! So, yup, many moons ago my girls and I read the original Wizard of Oz books--we have the full collection!--and I DO believe the story works on SO many levels! as Jerry mentioned, much has been written about Baum's spoofing of finance (silver/gold standards/ yellow brick roads!/Emerald City green like money/greenbacks, populism, etc) but scholars have later and also clarified (fwiw) that Baum was poking fun've all sides (politically) and was actually known to come to stump speeches for all parties runnin' fer office and make wiseacre comments to literally "stump" the speakers! He felt a lotta politicians were full'a hot air--like the balloon in the story!
But the idea of the official story bein' wrong and rewriting it STILL as a cover (Huffin' an' Puffin'!) --as you show, the OZ collection is really many stories and indeed some are so impossible in reality you need green glasses (as in OZ) to "believe"--not unlike the way media "tints" and "colors" the perspective and views of the populace in general. And of course we sure get this idea of public vs private "stories" in Oz with the man behind the curtain being VERY different from the powerful Whizz-urd we see in public--he is sort of an original DEEP FAKE!!!!--like AI... so yer bringin' up the original W-O-O (woo is right!) is spot on! I'm there with ya..!
Now all ya mentioned about the church (Catholic /pope) is one of the horrible realities of the way today's religion(s) have been co-opted/infiltrated...and it goes back back back in time. Kissing a shoe or a ring is idolatry--someone needs to write a book about the dark side of the rituals alone... And yes, Red Shoes in recent decades (look up McCauley Culkin's red shoe story--gives ya the willies!) having even darker meaning...
But in the 1939 movie... I read the red shoes were chosen because of technicolor and wantin' them to stand out-- This is often done (color changes from what's in a book when translated into film...even hair color of characters is changed!)... AND though MKUltra HAS long used Wizard of Oz imagery and symbolic triggers fer programming and monarch training... I do NOT think the Hollywood movie (which is a HUGE favorite of mine) had ANY stealthy imagery or satanic hoodoo goin' on--that stuff came later (in terms of intentional stuff) but re the Wizard of Oz film itself--it's use with the MK Ultra team started post WWII---so it was not part of it.
Also, as you said, in all incarnations GOOD triumphs over EVIL, the way "back home" is always in OUR Power (Dorothy is like us--on a journey and needing to learn that the real magic is inside her and the power to be free has been there all along!) an' of COURSE there is much (for a later time mebbe!) to unpack in terms of all the positive and humanitarian messages in both the books and the movie... a few come to mind--like know-how and ingenuity! innocence and spunk! brave animals (go Toto!...go Lion!) good people forced to work for a baddie--people who later "wake up" like the witch's guards..., "monkeys" follerin' orders, the importance of HOME and makin' peace with your own ambitions and far flung grass-is-greener fantasies too....
Anyway Lucinda, thanks for that deep dive into Oz there--very much apt an' enjoyed!
As fer the rest...yes, as you list all the war games / exercises/tabletop operations--Huff n' Puff is right in there and this NEW cant on the WooHan story is yet another psyop / game--or window shade to stop folks from looking into the fragile house of cards (still standin' but flimsy)--behind the curtain! I think he's a bad liar.. but clearly decent people like Holehouse are takin' this guy at face value (sigh)
And yup, as Porky sez (the late great Mel Blanc doin' him AND Bugs...) "That's all folks!" -- it's a big show, a cartoon...and these wily mouthpieces ain't to be trusted more than ya'd trust a coyote (Wily Coyote!) near a hen house... thankfully some've us hens 'r gonna squwak!
woo hoo! thank ya much nymusicdaily! yup, I know there's been Stuff on Huff's Puff (ha ha).... but this newfangled angle--newfangle!--is that he "admits" DOD is in on it....ONLY to twist it like a twizzler ta say that it was just them "bein' lazy"and sloppy, cain't make this up!