woo hoo! thank ya much nymusicdaily! yup, I know there's been Stuff on Huff's Puff (ha ha).... but this newfangled angle--newfangle!--is that he "admits" DOD is in on it....ONLY to twist it like a twizzler ta say that it was just them "bein' lazy"and sloppy, cain't make this up!
Yup, Lying liars gotta lie. Mockingbird peeps exist. Guvmint is often complict w/other forms of evil.
Cwazy Wabbit, vapes kill w/tasty teen tobacco genocide & only "Blame Joe & the CCP Commies" or else big farma & medical profits will keep swirling down the drain as C19 farma bankrupcies erupt.
Re: Juul ex-employee Huff's new book... often promoted books can & do explain both inside modus operandi as well as outside so-called fantasy narratives like JFK or 911 (govt public hearings & also use of lying whistle-blowers) as diversionary govt-agreed upon tactics to "try out" on the US plebes.
Common sense & acquired knowledge tells us, as Daisy does, that no one govt agency alone can be blamed for all the C19 hoax. It was a near total global coup led by those major evil-doers UN, WHO, WEF/leaders/Young Leaders & Gate Foundation, et al) plus "shadow" royalty & "black nobility" too.
There's a no end-a to the deep-state's [supah evil-dam-demon-doers] vile malignant malevolence. This WAS all planned out (simulated) beforehand so "they" have "planned shift narratives" as needed. See 2010 Rockfeller Scenario Report, Agenda 21, Dark Winter, Event 201, Crimson Contagion, etc etc.
When peeps (should say normies) consider (& dismiss?) all the"overlords'" heinous & malign intent to kill as many of us as "humanly" (??) possible in wars - military, drug & climate geoengineering, for example - just remember, both peeps & the liars are caught in a truth trap as they are exposed to the facts, so will spin out fantastical, albeit partially true, counter-vignettes to explain away true culpability.
Just now I was flashing on scenes from The Wizard of Ox between Glinda & Dorothy re: good & evil.
How does good triumph over evil in [the Bible etc &] The Wizard of Oz?
In The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, good always triumphs over evil, and evil respects the power of good. The Witch of the North first gives Dorothy a kiss on the forehead, & this kiss protects her from harm by the Wicked Witch of the West. Then she gives her protective "shoes" to also guide her journey to the Wiz. Kinda like physical GPS love guidance. [To me, these good-hearted gifts equal love, knowledge & understanding. And also protection by the good in people who always battle inside/outside demons.
Small OZ-related digression here as it just came to me, in thinking about C19 distractions & diversions,
HOW the famous movie changed a lot of what author Baum actually wrote in his Wizard of Oz book.
"And as a sincere thank you reward, the Munchkins, and the Good Witch of the North gave Dorothy the Wicked Witch’s charmed Silver Shoes, (Ruby Slippers in the 1939 movie)."
The silver shoes are changed from the book's silver shoes into the movie's "red/ruby sparkly slippers" shoes. which many of us probably don't know (or remember?) if we haven't read the original story.
You can read an archived pdf copy of Frank Baum's book (Chicago, April, 1900) in Project Gutenberg to recapture his original story-telling magic here > https://www.gutenberg.org/files/55/55-h/55-h.htm
Anyway, throughout time, the wearing of red shoes has symbolized satanism/blood/evil/loose morals (& also pedophilia) so don't you wonder about the apologist Pope's traditional public wearing of his custom-made, very expensive hand-tooled red leather shoes (that were worn by Popes for centuries)??
Read the history & what the Church tells you (overtly) about the significance & symbolism or exactly what the red Pope shoes supposedly "mean": The History and Symbolism of the Pope's Red Shoes
The pope's shoes are flat-soled shoes made of morocco leather or red cloth, for the winter, and silk for the summer. They are fastened w/red silk laces ending in golden tassels. A gold stripe runs around the edges & a cross is embroidered on the surface, because the pope offers his foot for the faithful to kiss.
Holy Moley. "the faithful kiss the Pope's red shoe"? Now that's some real creepy psycho shit right there. Satanic & representational of the Church hierarchy allowing an ongoing systematic abuse of children.
Returning to The Wizard of Oz points... remember that Dorothy kills the evil witch when her house lands on her & she is killed in Oz"??
What gifts did Dorothy first receive when she first landed in Oz?
Silver Shoes
Dorothy loses the Silver Shoes when she’s teleported back to Kansas in three steps! The Silver Shoes from Oz are the first magical item introduced in the story. Unlike the 1939 movie many other charmed items are placed into the plot of the book, for example: the magic Golden Cap.
Wow. We know that Dorothy asks Glinda to help her get back to Kansas when she arrives in Oz & meets her & the Munchkins. And we know that the Good Witch give her the "ruby slippers" to help her (supposedly protect her?) but how many know of Glinda's asking Dorothy to give her the Golden Cap once Dorothy returned from the Wizard?
Glinda tells Dorothy to go see the Wizard so that she can return home and to give her the Golden Cap when she returns from the Wizard. What is the significance of something "golden"? Could it be that knowledge is golden, or you put on your thinking (golden) cap, or that the powerful wear golden crowns, like royalty do?? (Wondering why was this very important symbolism left out of the movie?)
the Golden Cap
“And I think I shall need their service just those three [Dorothy's 3 companions] times,” answered Glinda, smiling. Dorothy then gave her the Golden Cap, and the Witch said to the Scarecrow, “What will you do when Dorothy has left us?” “I will return to the Emerald City,” he replied, “for Oz has made me its ruler & the people like me."
So, to re-cap (little golden pun there)... as Daisy tells us, don't trust the evil-doers ever... but esp when they keep dissembling w/new story-telling diversions to take eyes off the whole complicit, C19 ball.. The Popes/Church's power have symbolized satanism directly in their traditions/symbols for centuries. (Can y'all tell me why all the US Prez go visit the Pope in his Vatican center of power to "kiss his ring"?)
The Wizard of Oz story's magical fable still has really good insight into the fight between good & evil.
Words to live by for sure... when Glinda the good witch says to Dorothy near the end of the film:
”You always had the power, my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.“
That's ALL, folks. Roll credits on all those govmint mfers lying endlessly even when the jig is clearly up.
Great comment here and much deserved by Daisy. And I thought "The Wizard of Oz" was about finance. Maybe it is in part and maybe the cowardly lion was a parody of William Jennnings Bryan. I finally read the book a few years back and noticed all the differences.
Don't get me started on the c. church and the papacy. I'm planning to write a long piece on those subjects. I read (only recently) "In God's Name" about the exceedingly short reign of John Paul the first and a book by Malachi Martin (professional exorcist) and a more recent book about the church called "Infiltration." It was there that I first learned of sedevacantism (see https://www.gotquestions.org/sedevacantism.html ).
Please note that we now have a Jesuit pope (They've wanted that position for a long time) and according to the Catholic version of Nostro-whatshisname he will usher in truly bad stuff - please cue "Ave Satani."
Quite Frankly is a Nightly Talk Show for Current Events, Culture, Comedy, and the Mysteries of the Great Beyond; launched in 2010 by Frank, as a politically-charged spin-off of Zedalza New York, a comic variety show that started it all, in 2006. ... Dark to Light Podcast | Recorded live M,W,F at 8:30am ET on the UnCoverDC Rumble
Appreciate your links & points here. Great comment about the 1st Jesuit Pope now, too. And thanks for sedevacantism info (doesn't roll easily off the tongue, huh?) but the more I've studied organized religions myself, the more I despise the corruption, endless lies & obvious venality. We need communities of higher spiritual souls, just not led by crooks, shysters & pedophiles. The people truly do have the power to come together, throw off fear once & for all & overcome the overlords' evil plots. Do NOT comply.
Thank you. What I know about the C. church I learned after leaving - which suggests that I was somehow a part of it - and I wasn't. At this point I don't think of changing anything and I'm not awaiting that great awakening.
I know very little, almost nothing. But as long as we have the belief in leaders, any leaders, satanic entities will invariably oblige. I learned all I need to know of the nature of things by studying Teotihuacan.
Thanks but nah. Altho I'm a writer by training (print journalism), just don't have the time for a substack; primarily cuz there are so many excellent, enlightening & funny writers here (like Daisy) that bring new & interesting political/points to us already. Can't keep up as it is. BTW Apologies to all if my post above was too long here as it grew far longer than I expected. :-)
aw shucks an' thanks Lucinda! (keep on commentin' tho--I'm jus' back again after technical "difficulties" -- freezin' pipes, busted peecee monitor, etc--but I'll be postin' about how important comments are when I cover Part II of the one 'bout folks blamin' "us".... stay tuned!
Hope you’re settling nicely in your new digs, Daisy!
Re: Andrew Huff came into the scene with that statement he wrote about a year and a half ago, I remember. And even back then, I kept saying that something wasn’t right but everyone was so excited. Since then, I haven’t scene or heard anything from him that has changed my mind.
This essay is right on. And it’s pretty funny. I’m tellin’ ya: full on recorded monologues would be high entertainment.
aw thanks re the move Tonika--so bein' in the boondocks is STRANGE indeed (it feels a little like a cross between a David Lynch movie and Witness (!) and the "digs" are in turrible shape (so not so comfy...yet) BUT there are many benefits to bein' outta the sit-ee! The biggest is physically not havin' 5g all over the place--it's made my Lyme symptoms (which ain't no fun!) better... Also, it's quiet here...back in the city our neib. was goin' thump-a-rama with pylons from a new development on a Superfund Site (yup, on toxic sludge!). Hard water is....er...hard... (gotta find a non-spendy solution...) but overall it's none too bad.... I'll write on it more down the road a piece!
Re "this guy"--un huh, me too--the minute AnDrewHuff n' Puff appeared (as if in a pufff' a smoke!--which again, was one'a his jobs....) --AND from MSU which is a hotbed of Darpa-funded stemmy scummy intelligence programs (and housed that CCP dude who fled back to China with that election software...fergittin' the name but it was a big deal--he was "wanted" fore someone bribed the judge ta drop the case....), So yeah, that place is like an ink-u-bait-'er fer spooks. And I knew he was a con man--shifty eyed he wuz! If ya heard his cock'n'bull story of spook cars and copters showing up on his lawn as if HE was a victim (cuz they "STOLE" his software documentin' all the food fact'ries that later would be burned....wull, it's just too much of a tall tale movie script (he's already cast Tom Cruise playin' him when Hollyweird options his story ha ha!)
So yup--I too knew he was untrustworthy--but I find it VERY amusing that Alphabet Soup INC thinks they can use this "bad acteur" (in all senses) who plays "good guy whistle tootler" to fool folks inta thinkin' that the ONLY DOD/DARPA/BARDA etc involvement was to speed things up--well-intended and just "coverin' their mistakes to save face." Right. So this new story is just too much! So thanks fer the props--and yeah, one day I might record some'a my stuff....it's a simmerin' on the back burner (an' ha ha, the middle one is still broke from the move!)
stay tuned Mary--the "boonies" are purdy quiet but "soivices" like plumbers an' eeeeelec-tri-shams seem ta be rarer than hens' teech--"pronto" is not a known thing here so much adjustment for we city folk (countrifried tho I may be!)
Thanks, Daisy. I'm glad you're maintaining an energy level. I struggle constantly in that regard and others. And I don't have the time (meaning can't spare it) to watch the video, so thank you for describing, i.e., defining its contents. It's like the houses of cards contain houses of mirrors - or is it the other way round? - and everything is falling, and falling apart, more and more and faster and faster. Again, what is to be done?
...wull ya said it--it's one house'a mirrors that ain't a "Fun House" (though we have fun here in crackpot land...)--trickery, distortions--fer sure--an' yes, much of what we're seein' is a house of cards that WILL (I'm confident) fall--all heck may break loose when it does, but I think there's too much infightin' and too many of us "alert" folks for it all to succeed--This doesn't mean things won't git worse 'fore they git better--BUT I remain hopeful.... even while the Moreau-esque "House of Pain" (boy golly is it!)----it's still standin'. Some'a the Queens an' Kings an' JOKERS that make it up--will fall or kick the bucket. Eyes sharp! In the meantime I DID write some ideas 'bout what we kin do in the com-mints of your latest (swell!) stack post--check 'em out!
Thank you, Daisy. I saw your list of suggestions and I appreciate your taking the time, an item I don't have at the moment. I'm back in the drudgery of all things banal. I will respond properly as soon as I can.
Hey Daisy, have got to share this with you. Dont know why I received an email from thie Dr. Vinay Prasad MD, MPH this morniing, but....went to comment and only Paid subscribers can.
His page says "Sensible Mediicine" "All things Bio-Medicine " What? Anyway, at the bottom of the post it says: What about you? Time to join the movement #RCTorSTFU. Had to look up what RTC means, it stands for Random Control Trial. STFU had to look that up too. Shut the F up. These Doctors want a Random Control Trail for the Boosters. Ha, ha, dont they know they already took the Trial? The name of the post is: No more Covid-19 shots without evidence. These so called Doctors cease to amaze me.
oh this guy's a bozo--a famous one too! talk 'bout ltd. hangouts--I first found out about him on Bari Weiss's stack--before she created The Free Press (Bari is good on "some" things but she does NOT git "jabs bad" (yet) and regrettably she treated her foller-erz to this putrid pundit whose deal is that "most jabs good and this one is the ONLY one that ain't perfect..."... sadly, he appears to be very FAMOUS...
Lotsa great points Lucinda! So, yup, many moons ago my girls and I read the original Wizard of Oz books--we have the full collection!--and I DO believe the story works on SO many levels! as Jerry mentioned, much has been written about Baum's spoofing of finance (silver/gold standards/ yellow brick roads!/Emerald City green like money/greenbacks, populism, etc) but scholars have later and also clarified (fwiw) that Baum was poking fun've all sides (politically) and was actually known to come to stump speeches for all parties runnin' fer office and make wiseacre comments to literally "stump" the speakers! He felt a lotta politicians were full'a hot air--like the balloon in the story!
But the idea of the official story bein' wrong and rewriting it STILL as a cover (Huffin' an' Puffin'!) --as you show, the OZ collection is really many stories and indeed some are so impossible in reality you need green glasses (as in OZ) to "believe"--not unlike the way media "tints" and "colors" the perspective and views of the populace in general. And of course we sure get this idea of public vs private "stories" in Oz with the man behind the curtain being VERY different from the powerful Whizz-urd we see in public--he is sort of an original DEEP FAKE!!!!--like AI... so yer bringin' up the original W-O-O (woo is right!) is spot on! I'm there with ya..!
Now all ya mentioned about the church (Catholic /pope) is one of the horrible realities of the way today's religion(s) have been co-opted/infiltrated...and it goes back back back in time. Kissing a shoe or a ring is idolatry--someone needs to write a book about the dark side of the rituals alone... And yes, Red Shoes in recent decades (look up McCauley Culkin's red shoe story--gives ya the willies!) having even darker meaning...
But in the 1939 movie... I read the red shoes were chosen because of technicolor and wantin' them to stand out-- This is often done (color changes from what's in a book when translated into film...even hair color of characters is changed!)... AND though MKUltra HAS long used Wizard of Oz imagery and symbolic triggers fer programming and monarch training... I do NOT think the Hollywood movie (which is a HUGE favorite of mine) had ANY stealthy imagery or satanic hoodoo goin' on--that stuff came later (in terms of intentional stuff) but re the Wizard of Oz film itself--it's use with the MK Ultra team started post WWII---so it was not part of it.
Also, as you said, in all incarnations GOOD triumphs over EVIL, the way "back home" is always in OUR Power (Dorothy is like us--on a journey and needing to learn that the real magic is inside her and the power to be free has been there all along!) an' of COURSE there is much (for a later time mebbe!) to unpack in terms of all the positive and humanitarian messages in both the books and the movie... a few come to mind--like know-how and ingenuity! innocence and spunk! brave animals (go Toto!...go Lion!) good people forced to work for a baddie--people who later "wake up" like the witch's guards..., "monkeys" follerin' orders, the importance of HOME and makin' peace with your own ambitions and far flung grass-is-greener fantasies too....
Anyway Lucinda, thanks for that deep dive into Oz there--very much apt an' enjoyed!
As fer the rest...yes, as you list all the war games / exercises/tabletop operations--Huff n' Puff is right in there and this NEW cant on the WooHan story is yet another psyop / game--or window shade to stop folks from looking into the fragile house of cards (still standin' but flimsy)--behind the curtain! I think he's a bad liar.. but clearly decent people like Holehouse are takin' this guy at face value (sigh)
And yup, as Porky sez (the late great Mel Blanc doin' him AND Bugs...) "That's all folks!" -- it's a big show, a cartoon...and these wily mouthpieces ain't to be trusted more than ya'd trust a coyote (Wily Coyote!) near a hen house... thankfully some've us hens 'r gonna squwak!
Just thinking after reading you and Lucinda's great writing skills. What if you two collaberated on a Book, Maybe calling it the Wizzard of Covid? What a crazy book that would be to wirte, ha?
Daisy - Thanks so much for your wonderful unpacking- as always. <3
I know what you say about the new use of technicolor colors & visibility... but just have to disagree w/you on the use of red shoes/choices/costume bizness in OZ (1939) re: MK-Ultra point as my analysis was that the red shoes reflect satanism/sin/pedofilia & specifically the Catholic Church's satanism thru its LONG-STANDING i.e. centuries long "tradition" of Popes' wearing red shoes to telegraph that.
Anyway, the symbolic use of red shoes totally pre-dates the later post-WW2 US govt's official MK-Ultra programs altogether (which as you say came later on after the movie was relased.) However, I consider red shoes a predictive part of the later MK mind-washing program because other powerful institutions signaled their pedo/intents w/visual red shoes as symbols. And MK-Ultra is packed with symbology including sexual abuse/torture/sadism etc.
So, again my red shoes comment resonates, I think &, remember I posted a link from a Catholic history site that unconsciously ( ?) reveals this century-long tradition of suggestive kiddie abuse/corruption thru Pope shoes. >
"Anyway, throughout time, the wearing of red shoes has symbolized satanism/blood/evil/loose morals (& also pedophilia) so don't you wonder about the apologist Pope's traditional public wearing of his custom-made, very expensive hand-tooled red leather shoes (that were worn by Popes for centuries)??"
"Read the history & what the Church tells you (overtly) about the significance & symbolism or exactly what the red Pope shoes supposedly "mean": The History and Symbolism of the Pope's Red Shoes."
And this doesn't even include the historical research into CC's religious iconography, sculpture & use of innocent lil "cherubs" in compromising positions all over their church bldgs/manuscripts/texts/teachings. So adapting that mindset into satanic Hollywood films (like Disney has also done) is a no-brainer since many others have analyzed/investigated this too over many decades.
Symbolic satanic intent is everywhere in entertainment/pop culture. SNL often makes me sick to my stomach with their increasingly satanic sketches/musical guests (pop stars) now.
BTW Satanic Sam Smith at the Grammys this week, Daisy?? Just couldn't watch the entire clip...
As well as this Mike Yeadon-related post today > Dr. Michael Yeadon: Looks Like All Global Regulators (EMA, FDA, MHRA…) Accepted FAKE Westerns [re: vaxx jab "safety"] in the Submitted Dossiers - No one said a thing - Lioness of Judah Ministry - 11 min ago
Anyone still need MORE documents/evidence/facts/interviews/proof, even as Daisy posts it here > ”Wait?! The DoD Was Behind This WHOLE Thing?? - Whistleblower Interview”
housatonic on vaping, possible chapel hill nc 2019 lab leak and uptick in flulike illnesses fall 2019 https://www.bitchute.com/video/jmdn8YdV38r6/
huff is no stranger to the cya/limited hangout https://sagehana.substack.com/p/huff-the-magic-dragon
Important links so thank you most kindly. And yes... I would always "like to know." :-)
woo hoo! thank ya much nymusicdaily! yup, I know there's been Stuff on Huff's Puff (ha ha).... but this newfangled angle--newfangle!--is that he "admits" DOD is in on it....ONLY to twist it like a twizzler ta say that it was just them "bein' lazy"and sloppy, cain't make this up!
Yup, Lying liars gotta lie. Mockingbird peeps exist. Guvmint is often complict w/other forms of evil.
Cwazy Wabbit, vapes kill w/tasty teen tobacco genocide & only "Blame Joe & the CCP Commies" or else big farma & medical profits will keep swirling down the drain as C19 farma bankrupcies erupt.
Re: Juul ex-employee Huff's new book... often promoted books can & do explain both inside modus operandi as well as outside so-called fantasy narratives like JFK or 911 (govt public hearings & also use of lying whistle-blowers) as diversionary govt-agreed upon tactics to "try out" on the US plebes.
Common sense & acquired knowledge tells us, as Daisy does, that no one govt agency alone can be blamed for all the C19 hoax. It was a near total global coup led by those major evil-doers UN, WHO, WEF/leaders/Young Leaders & Gate Foundation, et al) plus "shadow" royalty & "black nobility" too.
There's a no end-a to the deep-state's [supah evil-dam-demon-doers] vile malignant malevolence. This WAS all planned out (simulated) beforehand so "they" have "planned shift narratives" as needed. See 2010 Rockfeller Scenario Report, Agenda 21, Dark Winter, Event 201, Crimson Contagion, etc etc.
When peeps (should say normies) consider (& dismiss?) all the"overlords'" heinous & malign intent to kill as many of us as "humanly" (??) possible in wars - military, drug & climate geoengineering, for example - just remember, both peeps & the liars are caught in a truth trap as they are exposed to the facts, so will spin out fantastical, albeit partially true, counter-vignettes to explain away true culpability.
Just now I was flashing on scenes from The Wizard of Ox between Glinda & Dorothy re: good & evil.
How does good triumph over evil in [the Bible etc &] The Wizard of Oz?
In The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, good always triumphs over evil, and evil respects the power of good. The Witch of the North first gives Dorothy a kiss on the forehead, & this kiss protects her from harm by the Wicked Witch of the West. Then she gives her protective "shoes" to also guide her journey to the Wiz. Kinda like physical GPS love guidance. [To me, these good-hearted gifts equal love, knowledge & understanding. And also protection by the good in people who always battle inside/outside demons.
Small OZ-related digression here as it just came to me, in thinking about C19 distractions & diversions,
HOW the famous movie changed a lot of what author Baum actually wrote in his Wizard of Oz book.
"And as a sincere thank you reward, the Munchkins, and the Good Witch of the North gave Dorothy the Wicked Witch’s charmed Silver Shoes, (Ruby Slippers in the 1939 movie)."
The silver shoes are changed from the book's silver shoes into the movie's "red/ruby sparkly slippers" shoes. which many of us probably don't know (or remember?) if we haven't read the original story.
You can read an archived pdf copy of Frank Baum's book (Chicago, April, 1900) in Project Gutenberg to recapture his original story-telling magic here > https://www.gutenberg.org/files/55/55-h/55-h.htm
Anyway, throughout time, the wearing of red shoes has symbolized satanism/blood/evil/loose morals (& also pedophilia) so don't you wonder about the apologist Pope's traditional public wearing of his custom-made, very expensive hand-tooled red leather shoes (that were worn by Popes for centuries)??
Read the history & what the Church tells you (overtly) about the significance & symbolism or exactly what the red Pope shoes supposedly "mean": The History and Symbolism of the Pope's Red Shoes
The pope's shoes are flat-soled shoes made of morocco leather or red cloth, for the winter, and silk for the summer. They are fastened w/red silk laces ending in golden tassels. A gold stripe runs around the edges & a cross is embroidered on the surface, because the pope offers his foot for the faithful to kiss.
Holy Moley. "the faithful kiss the Pope's red shoe"? Now that's some real creepy psycho shit right there. Satanic & representational of the Church hierarchy allowing an ongoing systematic abuse of children.
Returning to The Wizard of Oz points... remember that Dorothy kills the evil witch when her house lands on her & she is killed in Oz"??
What gifts did Dorothy first receive when she first landed in Oz?
Silver Shoes
Dorothy loses the Silver Shoes when she’s teleported back to Kansas in three steps! The Silver Shoes from Oz are the first magical item introduced in the story. Unlike the 1939 movie many other charmed items are placed into the plot of the book, for example: the magic Golden Cap.
Wow. We know that Dorothy asks Glinda to help her get back to Kansas when she arrives in Oz & meets her & the Munchkins. And we know that the Good Witch give her the "ruby slippers" to help her (supposedly protect her?) but how many know of Glinda's asking Dorothy to give her the Golden Cap once Dorothy returned from the Wizard?
Glinda tells Dorothy to go see the Wizard so that she can return home and to give her the Golden Cap when she returns from the Wizard. What is the significance of something "golden"? Could it be that knowledge is golden, or you put on your thinking (golden) cap, or that the powerful wear golden crowns, like royalty do?? (Wondering why was this very important symbolism left out of the movie?)
the Golden Cap
“And I think I shall need their service just those three [Dorothy's 3 companions] times,” answered Glinda, smiling. Dorothy then gave her the Golden Cap, and the Witch said to the Scarecrow, “What will you do when Dorothy has left us?” “I will return to the Emerald City,” he replied, “for Oz has made me its ruler & the people like me."
So, to re-cap (little golden pun there)... as Daisy tells us, don't trust the evil-doers ever... but esp when they keep dissembling w/new story-telling diversions to take eyes off the whole complicit, C19 ball.. The Popes/Church's power have symbolized satanism directly in their traditions/symbols for centuries. (Can y'all tell me why all the US Prez go visit the Pope in his Vatican center of power to "kiss his ring"?)
The Wizard of Oz story's magical fable still has really good insight into the fight between good & evil.
Words to live by for sure... when Glinda the good witch says to Dorothy near the end of the film:
”You always had the power, my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.“
That's ALL, folks. Roll credits on all those govmint mfers lying endlessly even when the jig is clearly up.
Thank you Daisy! And Lucinda, loved reading your story here. Never read the Book, but look forward to it now.
Great comment here and much deserved by Daisy. And I thought "The Wizard of Oz" was about finance. Maybe it is in part and maybe the cowardly lion was a parody of William Jennnings Bryan. I finally read the book a few years back and noticed all the differences.
Don't get me started on the c. church and the papacy. I'm planning to write a long piece on those subjects. I read (only recently) "In God's Name" about the exceedingly short reign of John Paul the first and a book by Malachi Martin (professional exorcist) and a more recent book about the church called "Infiltration." It was there that I first learned of sedevacantism (see https://www.gotquestions.org/sedevacantism.html ).
Please note that we now have a Jesuit pope (They've wanted that position for a long time) and according to the Catholic version of Nostro-whatshisname he will usher in truly bad stuff - please cue "Ave Satani."
Jerry, are you a Quick Frankly listener? Frank had a book club for supporters recently and they read Wind Swept House by Malachi Martin.
Good suggestion re: Quite Frankly podcast as I've listened to several of his interviews. >
About — QuiteFrankly.TV 5 days ago
Quite Frankly is a Nightly Talk Show for Current Events, Culture, Comedy, and the Mysteries of the Great Beyond; launched in 2010 by Frank, as a politically-charged spin-off of Zedalza New York, a comic variety show that started it all, in 2006. ... Dark to Light Podcast | Recorded live M,W,F at 8:30am ET on the UnCoverDC Rumble
Thanks. There is nary enough time.
Appreciate your links & points here. Great comment about the 1st Jesuit Pope now, too. And thanks for sedevacantism info (doesn't roll easily off the tongue, huh?) but the more I've studied organized religions myself, the more I despise the corruption, endless lies & obvious venality. We need communities of higher spiritual souls, just not led by crooks, shysters & pedophiles. The people truly do have the power to come together, throw off fear once & for all & overcome the overlords' evil plots. Do NOT comply.
Thank you. What I know about the C. church I learned after leaving - which suggests that I was somehow a part of it - and I wasn't. At this point I don't think of changing anything and I'm not awaiting that great awakening.
I know very little, almost nothing. But as long as we have the belief in leaders, any leaders, satanic entities will invariably oblige. I learned all I need to know of the nature of things by studying Teotihuacan.
Lucinda I hope you have/publish your own substack!
Thanks but nah. Altho I'm a writer by training (print journalism), just don't have the time for a substack; primarily cuz there are so many excellent, enlightening & funny writers here (like Daisy) that bring new & interesting political/points to us already. Can't keep up as it is. BTW Apologies to all if my post above was too long here as it grew far longer than I expected. :-)
aw shucks an' thanks Lucinda! (keep on commentin' tho--I'm jus' back again after technical "difficulties" -- freezin' pipes, busted peecee monitor, etc--but I'll be postin' about how important comments are when I cover Part II of the one 'bout folks blamin' "us".... stay tuned!
Yes, Lucinda, you can and should - and may it receive more readings than mine has. That shouldn't prove difficult.
Hope you’re settling nicely in your new digs, Daisy!
Re: Andrew Huff came into the scene with that statement he wrote about a year and a half ago, I remember. And even back then, I kept saying that something wasn’t right but everyone was so excited. Since then, I haven’t scene or heard anything from him that has changed my mind.
This essay is right on. And it’s pretty funny. I’m tellin’ ya: full on recorded monologues would be high entertainment.
aw thanks re the move Tonika--so bein' in the boondocks is STRANGE indeed (it feels a little like a cross between a David Lynch movie and Witness (!) and the "digs" are in turrible shape (so not so comfy...yet) BUT there are many benefits to bein' outta the sit-ee! The biggest is physically not havin' 5g all over the place--it's made my Lyme symptoms (which ain't no fun!) better... Also, it's quiet here...back in the city our neib. was goin' thump-a-rama with pylons from a new development on a Superfund Site (yup, on toxic sludge!). Hard water is....er...hard... (gotta find a non-spendy solution...) but overall it's none too bad.... I'll write on it more down the road a piece!
Re "this guy"--un huh, me too--the minute AnDrewHuff n' Puff appeared (as if in a pufff' a smoke!--which again, was one'a his jobs....) --AND from MSU which is a hotbed of Darpa-funded stemmy scummy intelligence programs (and housed that CCP dude who fled back to China with that election software...fergittin' the name but it was a big deal--he was "wanted" fore someone bribed the judge ta drop the case....), So yeah, that place is like an ink-u-bait-'er fer spooks. And I knew he was a con man--shifty eyed he wuz! If ya heard his cock'n'bull story of spook cars and copters showing up on his lawn as if HE was a victim (cuz they "STOLE" his software documentin' all the food fact'ries that later would be burned....wull, it's just too much of a tall tale movie script (he's already cast Tom Cruise playin' him when Hollyweird options his story ha ha!)
So yup--I too knew he was untrustworthy--but I find it VERY amusing that Alphabet Soup INC thinks they can use this "bad acteur" (in all senses) who plays "good guy whistle tootler" to fool folks inta thinkin' that the ONLY DOD/DARPA/BARDA etc involvement was to speed things up--well-intended and just "coverin' their mistakes to save face." Right. So this new story is just too much! So thanks fer the props--and yeah, one day I might record some'a my stuff....it's a simmerin' on the back burner (an' ha ha, the middle one is still broke from the move!)
As usual, your inimitable style shines. Agree with Tonika (again!) that audio of your posts would be FABULOUS. I know you have it in you!
Looking forward to hearing about life in the boonies. I'm looking for a quiet place; where did you and your brood land?
And I have to say... I do think good intentions exits throughout this tragic mess. I just doubt that those intentions start at the top...
stay tuned Mary--the "boonies" are purdy quiet but "soivices" like plumbers an' eeeeelec-tri-shams seem ta be rarer than hens' teech--"pronto" is not a known thing here so much adjustment for we city folk (countrifried tho I may be!)
Consider me tuned! :-)
Thanks, Daisy. I'm glad you're maintaining an energy level. I struggle constantly in that regard and others. And I don't have the time (meaning can't spare it) to watch the video, so thank you for describing, i.e., defining its contents. It's like the houses of cards contain houses of mirrors - or is it the other way round? - and everything is falling, and falling apart, more and more and faster and faster. Again, what is to be done?
Thanks again.
...wull ya said it--it's one house'a mirrors that ain't a "Fun House" (though we have fun here in crackpot land...)--trickery, distortions--fer sure--an' yes, much of what we're seein' is a house of cards that WILL (I'm confident) fall--all heck may break loose when it does, but I think there's too much infightin' and too many of us "alert" folks for it all to succeed--This doesn't mean things won't git worse 'fore they git better--BUT I remain hopeful.... even while the Moreau-esque "House of Pain" (boy golly is it!)----it's still standin'. Some'a the Queens an' Kings an' JOKERS that make it up--will fall or kick the bucket. Eyes sharp! In the meantime I DID write some ideas 'bout what we kin do in the com-mints of your latest (swell!) stack post--check 'em out!
Thank you, Daisy. I saw your list of suggestions and I appreciate your taking the time, an item I don't have at the moment. I'm back in the drudgery of all things banal. I will respond properly as soon as I can.
Hey Daisy, have got to share this with you. Dont know why I received an email from thie Dr. Vinay Prasad MD, MPH this morniing, but....went to comment and only Paid subscribers can.
His page says "Sensible Mediicine" "All things Bio-Medicine " What? Anyway, at the bottom of the post it says: What about you? Time to join the movement #RCTorSTFU. Had to look up what RTC means, it stands for Random Control Trial. STFU had to look that up too. Shut the F up. These Doctors want a Random Control Trail for the Boosters. Ha, ha, dont they know they already took the Trial? The name of the post is: No more Covid-19 shots without evidence. These so called Doctors cease to amaze me.
oh this guy's a bozo--a famous one too! talk 'bout ltd. hangouts--I first found out about him on Bari Weiss's stack--before she created The Free Press (Bari is good on "some" things but she does NOT git "jabs bad" (yet) and regrettably she treated her foller-erz to this putrid pundit whose deal is that "most jabs good and this one is the ONLY one that ain't perfect..."... sadly, he appears to be very FAMOUS...
Lotsa great points Lucinda! So, yup, many moons ago my girls and I read the original Wizard of Oz books--we have the full collection!--and I DO believe the story works on SO many levels! as Jerry mentioned, much has been written about Baum's spoofing of finance (silver/gold standards/ yellow brick roads!/Emerald City green like money/greenbacks, populism, etc) but scholars have later and also clarified (fwiw) that Baum was poking fun've all sides (politically) and was actually known to come to stump speeches for all parties runnin' fer office and make wiseacre comments to literally "stump" the speakers! He felt a lotta politicians were full'a hot air--like the balloon in the story!
But the idea of the official story bein' wrong and rewriting it STILL as a cover (Huffin' an' Puffin'!) --as you show, the OZ collection is really many stories and indeed some are so impossible in reality you need green glasses (as in OZ) to "believe"--not unlike the way media "tints" and "colors" the perspective and views of the populace in general. And of course we sure get this idea of public vs private "stories" in Oz with the man behind the curtain being VERY different from the powerful Whizz-urd we see in public--he is sort of an original DEEP FAKE!!!!--like AI... so yer bringin' up the original W-O-O (woo is right!) is spot on! I'm there with ya..!
Now all ya mentioned about the church (Catholic /pope) is one of the horrible realities of the way today's religion(s) have been co-opted/infiltrated...and it goes back back back in time. Kissing a shoe or a ring is idolatry--someone needs to write a book about the dark side of the rituals alone... And yes, Red Shoes in recent decades (look up McCauley Culkin's red shoe story--gives ya the willies!) having even darker meaning...
But in the 1939 movie... I read the red shoes were chosen because of technicolor and wantin' them to stand out-- This is often done (color changes from what's in a book when translated into film...even hair color of characters is changed!)... AND though MKUltra HAS long used Wizard of Oz imagery and symbolic triggers fer programming and monarch training... I do NOT think the Hollywood movie (which is a HUGE favorite of mine) had ANY stealthy imagery or satanic hoodoo goin' on--that stuff came later (in terms of intentional stuff) but re the Wizard of Oz film itself--it's use with the MK Ultra team started post WWII---so it was not part of it.
Also, as you said, in all incarnations GOOD triumphs over EVIL, the way "back home" is always in OUR Power (Dorothy is like us--on a journey and needing to learn that the real magic is inside her and the power to be free has been there all along!) an' of COURSE there is much (for a later time mebbe!) to unpack in terms of all the positive and humanitarian messages in both the books and the movie... a few come to mind--like know-how and ingenuity! innocence and spunk! brave animals (go Toto!...go Lion!) good people forced to work for a baddie--people who later "wake up" like the witch's guards..., "monkeys" follerin' orders, the importance of HOME and makin' peace with your own ambitions and far flung grass-is-greener fantasies too....
Anyway Lucinda, thanks for that deep dive into Oz there--very much apt an' enjoyed!
As fer the rest...yes, as you list all the war games / exercises/tabletop operations--Huff n' Puff is right in there and this NEW cant on the WooHan story is yet another psyop / game--or window shade to stop folks from looking into the fragile house of cards (still standin' but flimsy)--behind the curtain! I think he's a bad liar.. but clearly decent people like Holehouse are takin' this guy at face value (sigh)
And yup, as Porky sez (the late great Mel Blanc doin' him AND Bugs...) "That's all folks!" -- it's a big show, a cartoon...and these wily mouthpieces ain't to be trusted more than ya'd trust a coyote (Wily Coyote!) near a hen house... thankfully some've us hens 'r gonna squwak!
Just thinking after reading you and Lucinda's great writing skills. What if you two collaberated on a Book, Maybe calling it the Wizzard of Covid? What a crazy book that would be to wirte, ha?
Daisy - Thanks so much for your wonderful unpacking- as always. <3
I know what you say about the new use of technicolor colors & visibility... but just have to disagree w/you on the use of red shoes/choices/costume bizness in OZ (1939) re: MK-Ultra point as my analysis was that the red shoes reflect satanism/sin/pedofilia & specifically the Catholic Church's satanism thru its LONG-STANDING i.e. centuries long "tradition" of Popes' wearing red shoes to telegraph that.
Anyway, the symbolic use of red shoes totally pre-dates the later post-WW2 US govt's official MK-Ultra programs altogether (which as you say came later on after the movie was relased.) However, I consider red shoes a predictive part of the later MK mind-washing program because other powerful institutions signaled their pedo/intents w/visual red shoes as symbols. And MK-Ultra is packed with symbology including sexual abuse/torture/sadism etc.
So, again my red shoes comment resonates, I think &, remember I posted a link from a Catholic history site that unconsciously ( ?) reveals this century-long tradition of suggestive kiddie abuse/corruption thru Pope shoes. >
"Anyway, throughout time, the wearing of red shoes has symbolized satanism/blood/evil/loose morals (& also pedophilia) so don't you wonder about the apologist Pope's traditional public wearing of his custom-made, very expensive hand-tooled red leather shoes (that were worn by Popes for centuries)??"
"Read the history & what the Church tells you (overtly) about the significance & symbolism or exactly what the red Pope shoes supposedly "mean": The History and Symbolism of the Pope's Red Shoes."
And this doesn't even include the historical research into CC's religious iconography, sculpture & use of innocent lil "cherubs" in compromising positions all over their church bldgs/manuscripts/texts/teachings. So adapting that mindset into satanic Hollywood films (like Disney has also done) is a no-brainer since many others have analyzed/investigated this too over many decades.
Symbolic satanic intent is everywhere in entertainment/pop culture. SNL often makes me sick to my stomach with their increasingly satanic sketches/musical guests (pop stars) now.
BTW Satanic Sam Smith at the Grammys this week, Daisy?? Just couldn't watch the entire clip...
This should get wide-spread distribution > Don't Flinch - The COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Project
Sage Hana - 14 hr ago https://sagehana.substack.com/p/dont-flinch
As well as this Mike Yeadon-related post today > Dr. Michael Yeadon: Looks Like All Global Regulators (EMA, FDA, MHRA…) Accepted FAKE Westerns [re: vaxx jab "safety"] in the Submitted Dossiers - No one said a thing - Lioness of Judah Ministry - 11 min ago
Anyone still need MORE documents/evidence/facts/interviews/proof, even as Daisy posts it here > ”Wait?! The DoD Was Behind This WHOLE Thing?? - Whistleblower Interview”