I'm so sorry, Daisy. It's a tragic saga. Your mom deserves better. You and your family deserve better. I trust that writing it all down -- every infuriating, agonizing inch -- will be cathartic for you, and for others who have experienced their own painful sagas.

I also see you on stage again someday, doing your one-woman show about all of this. Could be a while, clearly, but...someday. xox

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aw thanks muchly Mary--'til I saw my Ma in person I'd just been fumin' but didn't imagine the true carnage--an' golly seein' her it turned inta sumthin' completely different--literally like another human (a melted one!) took her place--nobody home--so with me an' my fam, it really hit home an' we are still reeling--like a loss without a funeral but still... I guess had it been one of those freak accidents we'd be makin' peace with it but this wuz imposed--an' part of (I'm sure) a greater plan to eliminate us all--but given the "save gran'ma" verbiage I suspect Mamas an' grannies were a special target!

So yup, it's indeed cathartic--gotta finish the second half but I hope others will see at least the "big points"--an' how live git wrecked along the way--the con of "expurt-tease" the literal faith in the "science"--the smug protocols an' the dismissin' of fambly members-- cuz this happened on a global scale--some folks seein' the effects right away, others (like us) havin' a later after-shock...

I DO hope I'll find a way back to the stage... sadly no such work now "in these hills" (an' the community theater I witnessed was...er...petri-fyin'!--I didn't know THAT BAD existed...not even in Joisey ha ha!) but who knows how things'll turn out--I sure hope so! The one-woman show idear is interestin'--tho' I'm imaginin' something more like a grand farce would suit the situation--arch but big slapstick--a bit of Lysistrata meets CovidCon with dancin' giant... SYRINGES! mebbe? A Greek Chorus warnin' folks "don't" (tho' of course Fate has them "do").... Hoss-spit-all robes instead a togas... False "Gods" runnin' the show from a flimsy pantheon held up by dancin' liars / lyres... Anyway, it's fun ta think onnit! Could heppen down the road--right now even those fed up with the country goin' ta pot aren't ready ta see the walkin' wounded of this war around us!

xo's yer way back!

(lol re agonizin' "inch"--vs the angry one -- which I never sarw but even then I wuz a bit horrified by the idear THAT kinds stuff made it ta B'way--I think THEATER has got a LOT of RECOVERY ta do too!)

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An epic in miniature Daisy, a tragedy for sure. The cost, as you unfold it for us, borne by yours and so many millions of families. This Plato’s cave story too isn’t it? 95% of humanity watching shadows cast on the wall of the cave and believing that this is reality. The exit from the cave, for these people, is becoming more and more remote, they are so deep in the illusion by now. Thank you for trying to bust the illusion Daisy, much appreciated.

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Aw thank ya Paul--ah, that Plato's cave analogy is a good'un--so true--an' they will not look out in the sunlight an' see they were watchin' a fake show all along... It so saddens me I'm not gonna git my Mama out inta the sun--she's too far gone--an' I think as ya said--the chance for exist is indeed more remote for so many who feel for the show script--Sadly too, some won't even live long enough even if the curtain were pulled back or someone blasted the cave open with a peck of dynamite. I hope ta keep bustin' the illusions... an' just also document how it wuz so many fell--how badly folks were treated--with disdain (even from their own famblies) an' by the "medi-cull" establishment over all. . This will be--I think--a time for the history books!

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Yes, absolutely; I hope you can continue your great work :)

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That's a unique kind of hell -- a loss without a funeral. My father had Alzheimers, allegedly, but he also drank himself into oblivion, so who knows? But there's nothing quite like seeing a parent become a ghost without dying. I feel for you so deeply.

I would write that farce with you! Agreed that no one is ready for it, but we could have it ready to go by the time they are...

Oh, community theatre. I want so much to love it because its heart is in the right place, and I'm a real advocate for individuals getting off their couches and participating rather than passively observing the world pass by... but wow. It's rough to watch, even rougher to act in a CT show. Did it once, never again!

I agree 100% with your assessment of the recovery needed in theatre. And first, like an alcoholic -- it needs to admit it has a problem!!

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Ugh! My heart goes out to you.....

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Big big hugs! Same happened here and with our Mom too, she passed away too soon. Lots of healing and sorting out to overcome these atrocities. Thank you for sharing your story, so needed to be heard. xxx

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Oh my goodness, big hugs back Catherina--so sorry ya lost yer dear Ma too... I feel mine, though still alive, is really LOST to us as well--indeed, we are alll mourning still an' sorting out the fall out from these atrocities.

Also agreed that even we who protected our own health best we could have so much healing to do. (In a way we are all the walkin' wounded!) It's often now on the alt media that those directly injured that are the focus of much writin' an' many exposes etc but many ferget we who suffered from the "fallout." my own writin' here--just one story of many of course should help point out how SO many of the rest of us were also injured even if "differently." I won't say indirectly as some of us "got it good" (lol). So many've us suffered these losses, all yet ta be recognized by the MSM, many yet ta EVEN be recognized by the alt media yet focusing on direct "victims" -- so yup, we've just been marginalized but may more voices speak up--thanks fer sharin' your story too, sad stuff indeed we're all goin' thru

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Thank you. I enjoy your writings. God bless!

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wull thank ya so much Catherina! means lots ta me--an' blessin's back yer way too!

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Thank you.

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I am still reading this long and full piece. What an utterly instant change, this "gutting" of a person. There is so much to what you write,

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thanks Elsa--breaks my heart that this is the story of so many--each unique in their own way of course--this is now a tale we all need ta tell. The focus is often on the harms done to the jabbed but not enuf is said 'bout the huge losses to famblies--mothers' imprints--once bold on a page, now erased to faint impressions, illegible & unreadable, of their former selves. The breakup of so many famblies too! Yup, it's a lot to unpack--never thought we'd see a world where folks would be literally "medically un-personed"--an' the effort cheered on (makin' it all the more painful for those who remember those lost...) So I find myself in mournin' now for a mother who isn't technically dead but who is now an un"wreck-og-nizeable" shell of her former self... an' yes GUTTING is so apt--I like that word cherce in particular as it emphasizes the brutality of it all... an' the literal removal of what was "inside"--the spirit, the warmth... anywho, the foller-up's comin' soon--thanks much fer yer thoughts!

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Yes, you're writing about a huge loss. Yours, but also that so so many people.

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