Oct 3Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

the function is called "ERASE"

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Oct 3Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot


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ha ha, yep, and on a "related" topic (toe pick!) we might add... "white out!"

(with thanks ta Mike Nesmith's Mama!)

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Oct 3Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Another brilliant deep dive, Daisy! Hats off to you I say! You’re so right on the money—in so many ways, it’s near damned incalculable! Yes, too right… whilst sleepy society sat back and allowed the TV and social media programmers to take over the baby sitting of their children… old Klausy baby and the evil boys and girls at Davos, slipped right in there like a water moccasin at midnight. No doubt Huxley’s Brave New World will be upon us far sooner than predicted.

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Many thx John! yup, it's so nefarious--first they git the young'uns lured inta the numbin' cathode ray glow an' then after they've "got 'em hooked" they feed 'em a candy-colored upside down truly dystopian an' truly twisted world that ultimately means their own erasure... Little do they know that in a world without Mamas (or Papas) there ain't no humans--not even SJW's (ha ha, they'd be first ta go)--an' I fer one sure don't wanna see babies in beakers grown ta be disposable drones workin' (an' mebbe twerkin' !) for the Schwabbian sickkos until their lives as human batteries (in all senses!) run out...

The more I read the more I find Brave New World was not just predictive--it was a blueprint! (I like yer snake in the night analogy!) Meantimes, gotta save the culture and our human traditions before the trans-human trendies in their robotic jack boots crushes 'em all inta dust! (Golly we do got our work cut out fer us!)

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Oct 3Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Happy New Year / Happy Rosh Hashana to you too!!!

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merci buckets!

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Oct 3Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

I nearly imploded from the "Deep Dive" you took us on with this. Down to explore the bottom of the Marianna Trench of Mommas!!

You understand cultural relevance, but don't allow it to control your mind. You use and control it, to powerful effect. That's God's gift to you, continue to use it wisely! He backgrounded you to equip you to do that.

I sincerely apologize for not using the comment section as you requested. I will try to do better in the future; See, I already am!!

May God continue to richly bless you this year and always

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Thanks so much Catherine! lovely thoughts an' I adore that Marianna Trench analogy! But YES, it's a velly deep dive an' mebbe it is a blessin' to "SEE" thru the murky depths--but I hope ta help guide my fellow human's boats ta safety--watchin' out fer icebergs while enjoyin' the view of the fish. Human know-how an' creativity have blessed us all with some lovely an' lastin' imagery--I hate when folks wanna toss it all--it's what uplifts us! So in the same sentence I can cheer on the highbrow an' the lowbrow an' the eyebrow (lol).

It's a skill ta wartch & enjoy the "good stuff" an' yet see hidden agendas even buried there. Like (fer example) that some "GOOD MAMAS" on tevee suddenly all became divorcees--NOT it makes sense--that was step one of pullin' apart famblies. But as crittercal viewers we kin extract the best an' see inta the not-so-good.

Appreciate yer comm-mints muchly Catherine--I wish I could handle the substack com-muni-ca-shuns platform better-- but glad yer here! An' also when ya put yer comm-MINTS here fer all ta see yer "breath refreshin' " other readers with yer ideas in a shared forum--which is one of the BEST things 'bout substack--that we can share thoughts, idears, an' of COURSE blessin's!

God bless back at'cha--andda Happy New Year too!

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