On this day-after-Mother's-Day, our beloved children have a yet-perilous future an' nobuddy but "us" ordinary humans can be responsible for them, "WE" who are ALL bless'ed children of the world!

First, for I talk ‘bout sum serious stuff—a quick announcement from our sponsors who are me,myself, an’ I, yer Chief Crakpot Daisy:
BLESS you an' yer famblies an' yer children! Give 'em a good hug (an' some spicy chicken hearts & gizzards if yer so-inclined)—an' spread those good vibrations out inta the ether!
Cue sumthin’ velly scenty-mental (ve call it “schmaltzy” but it’s also sweet or “zis”!)
Now for our feature presentation!
If Israel Falls, We're Next
Offa the bat I wanna say, howevah ya feel 'bout the "chews" (my affectionate shorthand fer "us" who are jews) OR Israel OR the bloody war goin’ on…, I'm gonna ask ya ta put ALL THAT ASIDE today (love, hate, indifference, a little agita) leavin' enuf time ta consider what many "Wisemen" (includin' the ladies!) are sayin' to WARN US ALL.
The more we KNOW the less likely IT will happen. "IT" ain't good.
This is not about "only" one country, though the future of the United States is in the balance. This postin' & these warnin's are about a global /globalist plan to turn the USA inta something WAY WURSE than we got now. YourUp's already well on its way ta bein' there. IF we let this happen on our watch… heads will LITERALLY roll and roll and roll. (An' tho' I know many things ARE staged fer the cameras.. nope folks, these are not from Pallywood…they may “reHearse” but these hot-blooded executions are bizness as usual fer them so-called holy “rollers!,” no paid crisis “acturds” needed!) OR mebbe it will be just a dang Peckinpah - Tarantino shootin' party à la Charlie Hebdo . An’ I mean HERE (there, & everywhere).
We know how that turned out, don’t we?
(I’d even take “Global Cap” over “De-Cap” any day!) So…
PLEASE listen ta these caution'in' Cassandras when they tell ya—
Israel IS just the canary in the coalmine.
(An' a lotta little birdies might wanna THINK 'fore they TWEET!)
Dear peeps,
We are bein' GAMED.
The KEY ta this puzzle is IRAN.
Pay attention! Tell yer friends.The future (goldurnit!) is NOW.
💓love 💓,
This postin' is FOR YOU!
LISTEN to these WISE VOICES, put yer fav-o-rite SCAPEGOATS out ta PASTURE if only for today—
I know some'a you may like individual "chews" but otherwise "side" otherways. SO BE IT. I know many of y'all might believe Mossad / Israel is "runnin' the USA inta the ground" an' not the INVERSE. It's complicated (more 'n many of ya know) BUT again, "SO BE IT," I won't take yer time up today ta disagree.
THESE BELIEFS WILL NOT MATTER ONE BIT when all you value that's AMERICAN is full-out destroyed. (Ditto fer YourUp!)
Do NOT lose yer head over this war, over Israel, or yer efforts will be repaid us ALL by REALLY “losin’ our heads” — on American soil! (Canadian too).
Moreover, the gubbamint is indeed preparin’ ghee-oh’teens (yup, real steel GUILLOTINES) for us who will lose our dang heads (if/when they bring in marshal law should we take the bait an’ rise up ta fight in a civil war). That too is whut “zey” want…
(fwiw, if it lets ya tone it down a notch, per David Adesnik, below, the Hamas numbers widely quoted are waaaay off / fudged + they count missin’ persons as bein’ “dead.” Not justifyin’ anythin’ just sayin’ it mebbe fewer casualties—I sure hope so!)
The watchword of this postin' comes from Pastor Martin Niemöller via' his PROFOUNDLY truthful warnin' (excerpted below):
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
HISTORY is repeatin' itself:
MANY many folks just disregarded Niemöller warnin’ b/c “it’s the chews again,” they’ze “cryin’ wolf.” I’ll say ignore his warnin’ at yer own peril—an’ ours!
DO start here with the TRULY BRILLIANT Francisco Gil White (notta chew!)
I've linked to the part where he starts talkin' bout the bigger pick'chur but I STRONGLY advise also goin' back an' givin' a listen ta the whole enchilada, “The Israel-Iran War and the future of The West”
Professor Gil-White (originally from U Penn but booted fer his own heterodox thinkin') ALSO gave a hugely informative (nay-brilliant) interview about the Israel-Hamas war post Oct. 7th here/ below (you’ll better understand what most in the USA do not):
This Prof. usually gives his talks in Spanish—regrettably "no entiendo"— BUT he's now gotta fabu STACK! with English postin’s too, so wallah!:
If ya wanna explore further on his stack, I’m pointin' out fer my readers the follerin' posts (in English) helpful ta better understandin' the current global shenanigans:
WAR IS PEACE: Did the US force Israel to cede strategic territory to Iran?
SEMITISM vs ANTISEMITISM : Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Now I found out 'bout the fab Franciso Gil-White from the equally awesome Ilana Rachel Daniel, whom ya might recall from CHD's "Jerusalem Report" where Ilana spoke up fiercely an' articulately against the jabs-bad, against the literal sacrifice of the Israelis ta Big Pharma+Big Data, while showin’ her mettle as a fearless an' constant voice of reason an' truth at a time when most voices from Israel were either wrong-side-strident (get’cher jabs-types) or dead silent or simply "not translated." (I’ll say she did have some good comp'ny like Dr. Shimon Yanowitz re. the clot shots, but today few are speakin’ out about after 10/7 or regardin’ the current chaotic polity-cull scenario). ANYWHOO..
Ilana has conducted MANY fantastic interviews lately, but I'll share some key ones here, à propos of this toe-pick, that will lend light onta yer understandin' of the BIG PICTURE an' how Israel (and it's fate) fits in it—I’ll be startin' with her own tee-riffic Two-Part interview with Francisco Gil-White, both parts WELL WORTH listenin' EVEN if ya already heard Prof. Gil-White's other talks above, as he always adds interesting new stuff:
PART ONE and PART TWO for Francisco Gil-White with Ilana Rachel Daniel
THIS ONE that FOLLOWS is ESSENTIAL LISTENING TODAY re. Iran, Israel, AND how THE USA is NEXT — again, from Ilana Rachel Daniel :
Last but not least—a’nuther equally important take from John O’ Looney via Alexandra Bruce’s ForbiddenNews Stack below—this pairs well with all Prof. Gil-White told us—a ‘nuther must-hear, lend yer ear!
Knowin’ the past we could easily say, "Nothing "Is-Real" but then "IsReal" today!
We here in the USA an’ in other countries too are all bein' “asked” (forced?) to focus on far-away lands and far-away wars an' suddenly have strong (yet fairly unschooled) "opinions."
In a whirled where all are takin' sides, some of us that grew up in a faith* where near every prayer contained a blessin' for their ancestral land, where beaut-tee-full songs and stories oft spoke to us of the hopes 'n dreams for this "Land of Milk and Honey," which stirred feelin's even fer many of us not living there, thus I’ll share a nourishing gem from the late, great Jerry Herman (sung by “Mister Debbie Reynolds!”):
* fwiw I grew up “Reforme” an’ now consider myself “humanistic with a big dash of the divine in us as G_d” but I never stopped celebratin’ even tho’ now we do things “our own way”
An’ no matter what YOU think ‘bout “This Land” (now quite contested), If YOU wanna be free I think “That Land” better STAND…

There is SO MUCH MORE I could say but I do wanna limit what I'm lobbin' yer way—it's already a LOTTA listenin' — hopin’ you’ll give some of it “an ear.”
Ye might laff but the one benefit (the only one!) from no longer havin' an' automatic dish warsher due ta our "kuntry well warter” is that I LISTEN while I WARSH our mehny (mehny) pots n' pans n' dishes. It’s hard, even then, ta keep up!
I know most (many?) of my readers are truly good-hearted souls jus' tryin' ta figger out how ta save as much as they can of our disintegratin' freedoms and direct their justified anger at those whom they "think" are the baddies. I'm with ya there tho' I think many (certainly outside’ve this particular Stack) are "MISDIRECTIN' " all that pent up anger not knowin' WHUT THEY WROUGHT (or are "ROTTING!" as we speak) an' that—I'm not proud ta say—includes some'a my "fellow" chews—who fully (near vehemently) denounce the existence of the State of Israel at (IMO) their own PERIL—an' in fact I’d add at the PERIL of the AMERICAN PEOPLE. Like I said, even y’all have nuttin’ but scorn (‘er worse) for trigger-happy BBGun—please try to listen ta the above “wisemen” (an’ wise women!).
I PROMISE ta share more when I’m able, too! (yup, there’s puhlenty more that ya won’t here EVEN in alt-mee-DIA)
Song of SIGH-ON
Y'all it's not about Zionism or Anti-Zionism. I need to address those faulty definitions, once innocent, now weaponized, LATER ALLY-GATER—This Iran vs Israel question is too PRESSING, too urgent-immediate an issue to worry 'bout false daffy'nitions now. (I mean it!)
We'ze in a full 3-d game of chess (an' CHESS-FEEDIN'! too—yup that's part've the war game) an' the GOAL of the Globalists is, as ya might've heard, CIVIL WAR.
CIVIL WAR—any surprise this predicktive “move-thee” came out NOW?
The push (putsch!) fer Civil War wuz started under the plandemic—with BLM Floyd-IDiotic Riots, with the Vaxxerz versus the Anti-Vaxxers, with Red vs Blue, with Black vs White, with Trans vs Cis, an' now with (pro-)Palestinian vs (pro-)Jew /Zionist an' so on…
WHILE WE SLEPT an' an' suffered under lockdowns an' shutdowns an' breakdowns, the scAmazon scamdemic takeovers an' the build-up of 5G an' the IOTs all ‘round us, the already compromised EU (which wuz a globalist CONcept from the git-go IMHO, a plan for destroyin' all individually unique nations fer the sake of a ONE WORLD EUROPE later ta be the ONE WORLD GUBBAMINT)… was FULLY INVADED.
MOST OF YOURUP is ALREADY TAKEN OVER soon ta be GONE (unless…unless…I fer one would sure like ta reverse that damage…)
I'll say the quiet part LOUD! Whuther yer in Sweden or Ireland or England or France—MORE THAN HALF of the population in these places are foller'erz of ISLAM with many “new-cummerz” bein’ single young men. Now, these once unique an’ strong countries are near-DESTROYED. There are more turbans than kilts—an' no, I ain't bein' "racist," I'm talkin' bout a PLAN MAN. For this is a plan. Yer "Erin go Bragh" iz bein' replaced with "Allah, Go Bro’!" **
** Not sayin’ that ANY peoples should not exist — on the contrary—but their fully takin’ over YourUp means erasure of other nations, aka The Great Replacement, plain ‘n square—an’ effin’ no it ain’t whut most chews want an’ nope, Soros (Tsuris!) ain’t no chew! So…
Many of these "refugee-immigrants" are waitin' for their "CUE" ⭐ — while raping the ladies an' stabbin' the babies an' slittin' the throats / executin' any who dare mock their faith—all for JIHAD. The Eye-Oh-Tole-Ah has long-made his stance clear 'bout ALL of US "infidels." Every cheer fer the brutal crushin' of "The Land of Milk & Honey" from the "river to the sea" is a scored point fer "Co-MANY" & TEAM… jus' sayin'. An' they ARE indeed MANY! meeeehny (so be careful, I’d say freakin’ careful, whut y'all wish for friends…)
⭐ CUE, yup, LITERALLY. (an’ MKUltra/NWO long aside ‘bout HOW they’re programmin’ it all)
SO… there will be a WAR built up in stages an' those "programmed" and/or hired will all git one cue or "signal" at Stage 5. It'll be the same signal for all particy-pants includin' our Thoroughly Modern MillieTerry, for the gender-addled drugged-up MKUltra'd teens (yup, these teens are our future mass shooters), for all the MKUltra'd SRA "footsoldiers" who have indeed been PROGRAMMED TO KILL US REGULAR CITIZENS "do not comply" an' who "don't take their jabs quietly in Quarantine Camp land." This will happen "EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE" when they git their "trigger cues" AND it applies to ALL these programmed gee-haw'd-ists / ji-hadded "mercenary" soldiers of the apocalypse of the "noble faith"
This "signal" will likely be a trigger sentence WHEN ALL THE "POLY-TISH-UNS" SAY THE SAME THING—even if it's a benign-soundin' statement like "It's a rainy day." She adds that even now there are signals they all share—like wearin' a color like yellow or orange (as "Laydee" Michelle & Killary did one day). Crackpot 'er not—I'mma believin' this truth-teller, riskin' life 'n limb ta git this out!
DO LISTEN to her, SRA-survivor-now-healer, LAURA WORLEY here in this jaw-droppin' interview with Gabbi Choong.
Aforementioned important LAURA WORLY interview (click onnnit below)
GO TO THE 27 minute MARK if yer short on time:
We cain't let it git that far—to CIVIL WAR on our turf as, per Laura, it will be TOO LATE THEN!
She sez WE WILL BE INVADED (if we don't stop it).
Laura feels the CCP will be at the lead've the invasion, but I'm also guessin' IRAN given Gil-White's informed predictions (in the viddeyos I’ve linked already)…
JUICY Bonus Bites:
Laura sez Tony Fraudski wuz one of the NWO "Tree of Death" PROGRAMMERS!—yup, she saw him in 2014 the DUMBS fer her "upgrade" but didn't recognize that lowlife weasel until the Plandemic when he came out as the "Star" of the Show! OMG no wonder he looks like 20 yrz younger… adrenochrome on steroids! We kinda "knew" already--but she confirms!
FWIW folks, I recently larned that Uncle Klaus wuz also a "handler." That makes sense b/c Heinz Kissinger wuz HIS teacher (an’ Henry Handled lots—ick). Laura ALSO saw Soros (aka Tsuris!), Oh-BAM-a-Llama, Killary, & "Bidet" an’ of course members of “The 13” famblies in the DUMBS too.
As I said, if yer short on TIME an' wanna git ta the part where she speaks specifically ‘bout the NWO Update Programmin' an' the deets on how the UPCOMING WAR will PLAY OUT if we don't schtop it (ourselfs) then hop to the 27 min mark. But the entire thang is worth a listen!
It has already begun…
An' now it's started here with the bringin' in of SO MANY MY-GRUNTS. Many will be mercenaries instructed ta KILL US ALL. Sorry that ain't a heppy-go-lucky message for (day after) Mother's Day but as a tough ol' Mama Bear, I want my cubs ta thrive an’ not live under tyranny.
If ya LIKE WHAT'CHA hear or at least if ya find what I’ve shared VALID or COMPELLIN' please, by golly, by god, by yer love of all that's good 'n free 'n just, SPREAD THE WORD like so much buttah!
The (imo) fool voices chantin' fer DEATH-2-ISRAEL have NO CLUE whut they're wishin' fer. Go ahead an’ critter-cize the gubbamint there, the “way” they’ve waged war, sure. As I've written, I'm NO FAN of NetAn'Yoohoo myself, but that MAN is no more the equivalent of "Israel" than Pedo Joe is “America.”
fer the noobies here, me an' the Talented Tonika of Visceral Adventure offer up our take on the POT-US in the Orrifice, i.e. that goin' goin' GONE ol' Joe – enjoy it!
Like I said, SPREAD THE WORD! also like so much “rich” manure! Wise words “fertilize” minds! As far as “how-to,” I don't give a hoot if ya link ta my own postin' or just to the viddeos shared here directly— but GO TO IT Y'all!
And…. Shalom! y’all (hit it Robert!)
Shalom!—that means peace be with ya, an’ with all of us human beans!
And a HAPPY (Belated) Mother’s Day ta all you mamas an’ grannies out thar!
Any suburban mother can state her role sardonically enough in a sentence: it is to deliver children — obstetrically once and by car forever after.
~Peter De Vries, in LIFE, 1956
playin’ it to ya fair while tryin’ hard not ta be gamed!
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
Signin’ off with a passle’ve (day after) MAMA’s DAY songs! It’s MAMA MIX!
We begin’ with The Fab Four!
now we’ll git a mite scenty-mental with Eddy Arnold…
Now here’s a fine mama-tribute from the Joni I 'member (not the new-fungled one)..
We up the pace with The Shirelles singin' out how they warn’t duped cuz their mama gave ‘em all a good “heads up”…
An' how could I not share this “mighty” message from the hilarious an’ Might-T-Fine Mister T! (Treat Your Mother Right!)
an' finally one fer the HUSBANDS out thar!
Ernie K. Doe with a wry look at "Mother in Laws" (Mother in LOL!—oh them lyrics!) :
Shalom-shalom, Daisy. Happy belated Mother's Day to you as well. May you be inscribed in the Big Book of Blessings for the coming year!
My hope and trust is in God the Creator and Sustainer alone. The reason why things are such a mess is our own fault; we have put God aside in order to follow our own way, which always ends badly though we refuse to see. We keep doing the same thing over and over expecting somehow a different outcome, as the world becomes progressively more insane as many cling and cleave to their madness.
Thanks for pointing this out to me. Funny because I had just been listening to Gil-Whote right before I read this. So much truth here.