Take a leap down if ya wanna jump inta the WE DIDN’T START THE FIRE story first!
1st things first:
PASSOVER is upon us now, an' wherever ya stand on the unarguably BLOODY MESS goin' on in the Middle East 🫣 an' wuther or not ya honor this holy-day yerself, I DO hope you'll PUT ON YER PASSOVERALLS with me an' join me (an’ Pete here via the Dayanu yodel) in prayin'however ya pray ‘er wish ‘er concentrate yer good vibrations — for PEACE for everyone yonder AND here too!
🫣 I'll throw in my 2 cents plan eventually on whut’s goin’ on deep in the “SandLand,” but y’all know how I feel ‘bout that egomaniacal rotter NetAn’Yoohoo who should answer fer lettin’ a pogrom happen on his watch (ignorin’ warnin’s an’ letting so many innocents die—nothin’ adds up about any of this…).
Meantimes, as I said, as a “peacenik”—go an’ put on yer PASSOVERALLS cuz:
I Ain’t Gonna Study WAR NO MORE!
Today, we are ALL SLAVES (to greater an' lesser degree)—more than we ever imagined! EVEN in AmeriKa (once the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, now Land of the Booboisie, Home of the DEPRAVED!)
So tomorrow night we Chez Moses, in our own HETERODOX an' somewhat crackpotty but sincere way, will be prayin' for HUMANITY an' yes, fer our fellow Chews the world over where THINGS ARE NOT WHUT THEY SEEM (an’ 'll add too that the Newfangled BURNING MAN trickeroo in TrumpTown is ALSO not whut it SEEMS—
Now Passover, y'all likely know, is named after the "Angel of Death" passin' over all Jewish houses marked with the blood of a kid 🐐 ( that's a GOAT not a CHILD ferlordsakes) or lamb.
"Seder" means order—an' the "seder" is traditionally a precisely ordered ceremonial an' literal meal where chews eat (chew'in', natch!) an' remember how they were once slaves in Egypt, now slaves no more (if only!), an' showin' grattytude for it, over a relaxed (loooong) meal that could never have been enjoyed under slavery or "on the run" (from whence came unleavened bread i.e. matzoh, baked in a hurry under the blazin' hot sun, no time for it ta rise / proof, hence a flat dry thing that cries for mercy—or chopped liver!).
Most "haters" (yup, sadly there's a lott've 'em) don't know that at every Passover seder, ALWAYS, Jews pray for PEACE for EVERYONE in the world who lives under oppression, includin' an' always those left in the Land of Egypt ta suffer under Pharaoh's plagues. I repeat, not just “chews” but EVERYONE is included in this prayer fer peace. Most non-chews also don’t know that in the “soivice” when we call out the 10 Plagues (boils! frogs! darkness! an’ so on…), for each plague called we dip a pinkie finger into our “wine” glasses (i.e. grape juice, organic natch) cups and shake off a drop of this “wine” onta our plates: one drop for each plague. This is both ta remember the Egyptian sufferin’ too, an’ in doin’ so ta “remove” a little of our own fruit of the vine, knowin’ that our liberation, our cuppa freedom is a little less-than-full due to the sufferin’ of the Egytian people whom, we recognize, were also punished for Pharaoh’s crimes.
Also addin', that we "chews" always say, at the end of the meal, "Next year in Jerusalem" or " L'Shana Haba'ah B'Yerushalayim" (in the original vernacular!) with the hope that one day soon—"next year" bein' wishful thinkin' now’daze—Israel will soooo peaceful (an’ safe, an’ free of strife…) that we may choose ta be there for the next seder, ALL "slaves no more," ALL able to enjoy a meal without interruption (bombs? air raids? general mishegas?) to celebrate FREEDOM. Like Thanksgivin’, Passover gives thanks for freedom from oppression—but what other holidays ‘round the world besides “Pesach” wish EVERYONE such freedom? wish everyone ta be “slaves no more?” Ta quotheth the Pineapple Princess fully outta context, “It’s a good thing.” Ta quotheth my mama, “if it’s good, don’t knock it!”
It's traditional and common for guests to be invited to Passover Seder. There’s a lotta food, it’s a “mitzvah” or blessin’ ta share it! We also leave a filled cup an' place settin' for Elijah (the "prophet") but also make room for neighbors, the hungry, anyone without a place to be too (within’ reason, NOPE not MyGrunts with filled debit cards!), but IMPORTANTLY an’ again—not only chews—an’ most folks do NOT know this lovely tradition. So….
So while I'm a' thinkin' of all of you readers here as my virtual guests—wishin' only peace an' goodness on y'all wherever ya might be—'fore goin' into my next toe-pick, I wanna share with you a clever an’ yet TRUTHFUL take on the Holy Land via filmmaker Nina Paley's brilliant an' concise sin-o-matic short "This Land is Mine" (usin' the theme song from Exodus no less!) just in time for Passover! It's a little DARK (ironic I mean…fair warnin’) but hey, so is history… ENJOY!
More more more?
If ya want the FULL FEATURE Ms Paley made, DO check out the ironically titled "SEDER-MASOCHISM"* an' high tail it over HERE ta see it for FREE!
* no it ain't kinky in spite’a that title—its clever tho!—an’ of course ANY tale of Chews talkin’ about themselves has gotta have at least a weencie amount of…yeah, masochism in the mea culpa oy vey kick me but don’t really kick me sense of things… Nina herself makes a "runnin'-gag" appearance as the sacrificial "kid" with Moses as her father (played by her real-life father), wishin' she had a more reliable profession affordin' her a bit more stability than, say, filmmakin' – a story familiar ta some of us which is SO apt ta the story of the chews wanderin' 'round the desert for 40 years… enough time for stable finances, nu? Anyway, it's good. EVEN BETTER (an' how my fambly discovered Mlle Paley) is via her AWESOME animated feature "Sita Sings the Blues" which tells the tale of the wronged Sita in parallel to Nina's own husband dumpin' her for a younger woman WHILE she wuz stranded in India no less. Told lovin'ly with the BEST MUSIC ever from Torch Singer Annette Hanshaw. Git it free HERE an' be sure ta watch the 1080 version which is the sharpest ;-)
An’ now for something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!
(as per the BBQ TEASER ON THE MENU!)
WE HAVE: Psyop-Land Courthouse STUNT 101 = Burnin' Man 2.0 = Flamin' Trump Roast served with Shock ‘n Awe sauce on the side….
EVERY year 'fore the plandemic wrecked Life As We Knew It I'd schlep my curious kiddos to the Astoria Film Studio's annual block party (sponsored by the Museum of the Moving Image) an' without fail they ALWAYS had STUNT MEN & STUNT WOMEN settin' themselves on FIRE!
They were AWESOME an' the FDNY standin' by wuz never needed cuz "team special effects" knew their STUFF so well that moments after the Burnin' Man Demo (performed “on the hour”), the so-called "victim" would come out ta receive applause an' take bows. This was always done a matter of FEET From the CROWD (maybe 20? not more…) yet velly safely). An’ as a BONUS there wuz always a special trailer where ya could see “special fx makeup” bein’ done “live”— elves, fairies, realistic burns, gashes, even ZOMBIES! (yeah, that’ll come in handy sometime soon too…)
SO havin' spent YEARS watchin in-person stunt folks "set themselves on fire" the MOMENT I saw that nooze piece 'bout the so-called Manifesto of Max Azzerello I smelled a rat!
Oh, an’ fwiw, EVERYBUDDY an’ his cheesedawg must leave a Manifesto (written within’ a matter of a few months of the “event”—no more—by Alphabet Soup C(r)ooks who are really not velly creative an’ likely use AI ta make up the BALONEY Sandwich aka the Mani-Pedi-FEST-O’ served cold. Be it on FB or Substack ‘er on some YT mickety-muck viddeyo—it’s all ver-schpook-in’a bullshart… SO obvious, no?
Not unlike: OH we find zee photos of zee callin’ 9/11 “terror-ishts” in minty-fresh condition “right on the ground” by WTC1 all together now (wreck-OG-nize-a-BULL!?!)—jus’ like we find zee Man-ee-ElFresco right away yessiree sir, wull this ‘splains it all, no? NO. (An’ I gotta bridge ta sell ya too!)
Mad Max Azzerello performed a STUNT i.e. PsyOp.
Purpose: to make “conspiracy theorists” look like nut jobs, make Substack look like a hornet’s nest of nutters + proximity to “Orange Man Bad” with hope it’ll rub off (a triple hit!) one more: yet another distraction from more important stuff like war, MyGrunts, the trashin’ of the CONtry
Cui Bono?: the cabal, the failin’ MSM that would “nevah” promote conspiracies!
The feller is a HOLLYWEIRD LEGACY kid an' IMHO he's ALIVE an' WELL an' mebbe layin' low in nifty kool makeup (a mask?) or possibly (bein' no looker) he's opted for a NEW FACE which sounds like a plot in one'a hiz daddy'o’s comics.
Daddy Brian Azzerello wrote it:
“It's a tale of secret agents, double agents and a charismatic madman with a fiery, lethal touch.”
So right, this character “DEATHBLOW” works for the GUBBAMINT (a Navy Seal in the comix) an’ dies durin’ a FIRE but is REVIVED.
Lordy, they’ze peein’ on us an’ sayin’ it’s rainin’!
DADDY, OH! (Oh Daddy!) — with one of Daddy’O’s “woiks” in the center… Duz YOUR Daddy look like this? Duz YOUR Daddy script SUICIDE SQUAD scripts? That’s S.S. fer short! I understand that “Harley Quinn” wears a T-shirt in S.S. that sez “Daddy’s Little Monster.”
Is MAX Daddy’s Little Monster?

Nope, nuthin’ ta see here—a regular “fella” like all’ve us—POOR BOY.
Mad Max Azzerello is NEPO stock, a great grandson to Bing Crosby (no dirt here rubbin' off on Der Bingle tho'!—but his father-in-law, der Bingle's son—wuz a piece'a work…), SON to an UBER-FAMOUS DARK COMICS Creator that makes up stories for a livin' an looks kinda like a devil himself! The man that MAKES UP DARK TALES like THE JOKER! (An' folks this ain't the Caesar Romero Joker neither! this is the sinister Joachim Phoenix HANGRY Joker of REVENGE….)
This young STUNT MAN (let’s say if he wasn’t one before—there’s a LOT of Hollyweird pros—includin’ in his Flurrida Home or in New Yawk that could’a set him up…) is IMHO alive an' well an' either in the witness protection program (not havin' been a witness but havin' done a "good deed" for the Democraps?) OR vacationin' somewhar nice like Little St. James Island with some hot chix, waitin' for the new nose ta "set."
I hadda feelin' an’ it wuz actually my younger gal that led me ta some of the “comic” info—but I cain't take full credit fer the DEETS—that HONOR goes ta George Webb (yeah, I know I know…web of intrigue an’ all—but fer this FishTale I'll "Play it as it Lays" cuz this TRUMP CARD (lol!) is ACES in my book! Here ya go if ya wanna visit George who adds a lotta related background stuff:
Specifically I’ll cite the fambly’s hist’ry of DBAs / FICTITIOUS NAMES:
An’ also THIS is mighty curious, no?
Predictive Prog-Rammin’? That’s sum title, no???? Anywho—the JOKER is WILD! an’ the Joke appears ta be on US…
Like Laura Palmer who “returned” from the “dead”—perhaps Max is also comin’ back from the FIRE? As in: Fire Walk with Me…???
I’ll add that this interestin’ factoid—the Lynch film was an AARON SPELLING production an’ who lived in the fambly Crosby mansion after Der Bingle died? AARON ‘effin’ SPELLING. Again’ Max’s mom wuz Crosby…
I think there’s more ta this FIRE than we know—even tho’ as Billy Joel sez, “WE” didn’t start the fire… Meantimes, here’s a hot one fer y’all—
An’ once more, HAPPY PASSOVER wuther ya celebrate or not—an’ sharin’ this classic ol’ tune from none other than the GREAT Gad Saad!
One’a my VERY FAVORITE JEWS!!!! (velly controversial, fierce, funny!)
As we say…thanks ta the hilarious comic Alan King:
keepin’ bizzy with a fire under my keester (‘er keyboard) an’ one on the stovetop!
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
Bonus comic! (in case yer contemplatin’ buyin’ me a cuppa Joe!)
poifect "FireWall Paper" (ha)--makes me think'a Pink FREUD (cuz it's velly psyOp-o-logical!)
Oh my goodness.
Love This Land is Mine. Brilliant! Will look up other Nina Paley stuff.
I only have one Jewish friend who is completely non-practising and even though I remember reading books by Jewish writers in my youth I've never learnt much about the culture so it's interesting reading about Passover and Seder and how the Jews wish for peace for everyone.
Utterly fascinating about Max Azzarello's background. I will add this to my post on self-immolations.