Thanks for the recommends, Daisy. I, too, am behind on substacks... I have your last big post saved. I will be circling around to it. Hope life being busy means that there’s never a dull moment. 🤗
Thanks, Daisy, for another worthwhile contribution. I was away (sort of) for a while, but not nearly long enough. I promised myself to come back thinking and doing differently. A big part of that entails doing only that which accomplishes something, I supposed being an unread writer doesn't qualify.
I'm back, as of not quite two days ago, from Patzcuaro, Michoacan and have much to report and no one to whom to report it, that is, no one who understands. By the way, you can (at this point) rent a serviceable apartment there for about 7500 pesos - 400 dollars - a month.
The trip was definitely to get away and this was as you might imagine only partly possible. Masked zombies in the airport, masked zombie passengers on the airplane(s), masked zombie stewardesses and stewards, masked waiters in the restaurants, masked locals (and tourists) walking in the zocalo. Somehow the masked children and teenagers walking to the indoctrination centers was particularly chilling even as I possess none of that peculiar and particular generalized fondness for the so called young.
Especially absurd was hearing the standard warnings prior to takeoff with additional verbiage to the effect that one should remove his or her "face covering" before putting on the oxygen mask.
Anyway, enough about me and thanks again for your good work.
Golly, I know what'cha mean 'bout folks still zombie-like with masks on (sawr this at the grocery jus' this week, young AND oldsters alike...)--but to see the same insanity in "Meh-heeco" is sad--I know they're fightin' thar against that GMO corn so I figgered they'd be less fearful 'bout the faux-vid. Still, gettin' a "git-away" is a good thing as is findin' cheap digs as in-FLAY-shun roars here stateside. I know've a few truth-reporters left the country (Meh-heeco) last year -- they no longer felt totally secure there... all goin' to (ha!) E. Europe for "freedom"--ain't that a hoot. Jus' glad ya had safe flights--given all them jabbed pilots with MyOldCart-itis (some've 'em Pilates!) it's a gamble now to fly. Egads! But keep on writin' no matter what--yer good at it AND... unread is just one state've affairs--folks circle 'round, I'm surprised to this day that some find me and check out really old stuff (and mind'ya I have a small reader-ship my self but folks manage to "navigate" the cyber-seas to git here...). Frankly, I think writin' an' thinkin' keeps us all saner--'specially those of us yet sidelined by the Brave New World Order summarily dumped upon us--the pen ( keyboard) does cut thru some've that muck (an' that's why we're all, in a way, muckrackers!).
Yes, it reminded me yet again how widespread and thoroughly/easily accomplished was this ongoing psy-op and how fully addicted these maniacs are to their insanity. Yes, Mexico has fought against the destruction (desecration) of its more or less sacred corn. By the way, the tortillas there are just better as I imagine the bread, pizza, etc. is in Italy. But maybe that's changed now.
We feel that we'd be safe, at least in that town, although some (including Sophia Smallstorm) have said otherwise. Well actually she said that we were likely to get duped or swindled. Interesting aside: the sister of one of the owners surprised us in that she seemed to know what's happening. Meanwhile she tried to interest us in renting a place that she owns. It was pretty awful but the location was interesting. Her son was our host as the owners, Eric and Vicky, were in France. He's French and she's from Oaxaca.
We met someone from Wisconsin who rents a place near the market where vendors sell produce and others offer vast amounts of other (often tacky) items. Seeing that always makes you a little sad of course. He reported no problems but then again he was far more the normal sort than either of us.
There is a fair amount of local controversy regarding that market. I'll tell you about it later.
Going to Europe for freedom is just a little bit insane. I'm not sure any of us can hope to find anything more than an increment thereof, i.e., freedom. I'm trying not to plummet any further but it's difficult to maintain any kind of positivity at this point.
Yes, I did think about the pilots. I didn't say anything out loud but I thought about them. I thought about a great many things. It will be interesting to read what I wrote while there - just scribbled notes that I have no memory of - but I assume Janice recorded some interesting details of the locale. She's better at being somewhere than I am, although I really tried to be there and more or less succeeded.
I don't think I was ever alright in any of the important routine ways. I said as much in the poem I wrote called "Try to Be More Like Dave." But we are where we are now and it seems to some of us a time of universal deception and madness and of course inversion.
Thanks for keeping up this correspondence. I appreciate it.
Wull my pleasure Jerry--interesting ya found some "ex-pats" there (and one aware of the plandemonium to some degree too!), but yes, as ya said, there is no sense "retreatin' " to Europe--right now nowhere is safe or as they say, "nowhere to hide!" I still have hope that after it gits worse here (mighty worse it could be...) we'll start clawing back as a nation, poorer but wiser (as far as the remaining people go). That said, I find it a hoot that 'fore we left NYC we knew three Russian families (three!) who were goin' back--all came here well 'fore 2000 and they were DONE! So yup, universal deception, madness, inversion... and... poetry, writin' , music still peekin' outta the woodwork!
ps re the junk--I saw a funny short doc (maybe 10 minutes?) about the "post-consumer-waste" garbage we funnel down to Mehico--surplus clothes from the charities AND the likes've KMart, Walmart, etc with logos, teevee and music imagery, all meaningless to the Mexicans (go team!?). But the irony is--it's all made in Chynnna anyway! No Made in America cachet there! And then those that cross the border bring it all back HERE--sort've like recycling... but yeah, a lotta this junk ends up in the landfills (not just duds but plain' ol' junk too) after it gets passed around and most've it should never have seen the light've day in the first place!
Thanks again for these messages in which you always manage to provide information and observations that I somehow missed. Regarding Mexico, or the part of which I just visited, I was (irrationally I suppose) surprised by the degree to which Mexicans, both well off and otherwise, the owners of the inn AND visitors to the country, including every guest of the inn, were uniformly mind controlled. Surprised isn't even an appropriate word. It was more like a blow to the soul.
Actually I (we) met no tourist or ex-petri-ot who was even vaguely aware. Only one person, the mother of the guy running the inn (and Vicky's sister) had some notion of what has daily unfolded.
I seem to recall hearing a few hundred or thousand times over the years that if you don't like things here then you should move to Russia. Finally some people are listening. Not exactly good news but vaguely amusing. I guess they haven't heard that Russia is the evilest place on earth. Or is disney world? By the way, the only people we know (besides one of Janny's sisters and one of her nieces) that have traveled to Mexico have gone to theme park Tulum type places AND have repeatedly made the religious pilgramage to disney-world.
Regarding your post script: I've seen vast amounts of the kind of tacky merchandise that you're talking about, including but in no way limited to sponge bob balloons, t-shirts and altar cloths and it always makes me a little queasy. As you said, most of it should never have seen the light of day.
I too am mystified--I would NOT have thunk that the "proper-gander" (directin' what folks should "see"... or not...) would have gone so far there / in Mexico I 'xpected folks there to be more circumspect, clearly not--a surprise fer me too! Let's just hope they don't fall fer the GMO corn with US pressure... that's a major staple in traditional food there so US pressure to poison an entire nay-shun ain't gonna be without a lotta casualties (cancers, etc). One somewhat dark "benefit" to the trade collapse comin' down the pike and the new "acceptable" rejection of all the boatloads've u know what from Chynna MAY be that we'll get less landfill literal crap here (made "just" fer Amerikan consumption)--the teeshirts, balloons, plastic beepin' toys--gawd, it's everywhere an' bein' an eyesore ain't the half've it (none've it degrades even if ya bury it!).
I would hope the theme parks there aren't hotbeds fer child traffik'in' but anything Disney (anywhere in the whirllled...) is tainted as ya know (and given the books on Death in Disneyland--related to poor safety standards and lack-a-daze-i-cull inspections, an' the cover-up of dead an' maimed theme-park attendees--not EVEN talkin' 'bout the darker stuff...), I'd warn them little nieces to stay away from MickeyLand and just keep Eyes Wide OPEN at the other theme parks given their underbellies! (What times?!)
I was disappointed only because I went there expecting more. That was my error. Even now I sometimes have lapses. I can't help thinking that the GMO corn will eventually be forced on them as the opium trade was forced on nineteenth century China. Or Monsanto et al will mount an advertising campaign so that the consumers will like the idea of GMO as in what happened in California. I seem to remember Hawaii being against and then getting it anyway.
Janny's nieces (daughters of sister Deb) haven't been to that magical place but a few in the clan have. There are four additional sisters who begat. Three have three offspring, Amy the more competitive (in that realm) had four. One of the sisters and offspring traveled to Disney places. And all in her family are quite normal, i.e., properly educated and inoculated. They have asked about and no doubt gossiped about our status. We've said nothing.
Meanwhile the Tulum family I mentioned (all full blown normaltons) have two daughters, Waverly and Reese. Of course. Father is high salary insurance exec, wife is teacher of, you guessed it, gender studies.
A ant is what it is and a grasshopper is what it is and Disney is what it is. Don't their theme parks have their very own flags?
yup! An' that's what my own granny always said, "never a dull moment!" True indeed! Listen' n' read when ya can, SO much good stuff out thar, includin' from yer own Stack! ;-)
Jerry, "no-buddy" but yerself can say "don't be so hard upon yerself!" but mebbe it's time? only you kin know... All've us human beans have disappointed others AND our own "selfs" puhlenty BUT/AND we also are capable of doin' some "good" (stuff'at we an' some others would indeed find' helpful / informative /worth a look-see!)--be it with writin' or "ahrtist-tick" endeavors, research, or just makin' a garden etc. It's not a "test" / pass/fail (some folks see it like that...not I!). It just IS!
This rocky boat ride makes us human (messin' up included!) an' few on this Earth are so "good" they won't make some-buddy's poopie list now an' then or even often! This isn't me bein' Mary Sunshine here--just realistic. We all make wrong calls (judgement-wise or even on the phone!). Make the best'a what ya can... I find intro-spect-shun an' all that self-image stuff over-rated.
If ya write a good piece (you've dunnit already!) or made a good comment on a "Stack" (yerz, mine, the lampost's!) then consider it time well spent, move on--matter'a factly!, an' don't soak yer feet in past errors, find the Epsom Salts instead! (it does a human good) THAT IS IT (at least accordin' to this one crackpot down-home phil-ossi-pher). And optionally, if ya wanna make some old past wrong right (certainly, not all kin be "righted"....) then do it without a lotta hootin' an' hollerin'. If not, so be it... don't be afraid NOT to judge (yerself, others)... it's not a require-mint! (navel-gazin' is a thing, but I think there's better ways we kin spend our time)
I appreciate yer support on my stack--betcha others do too! In fact, as I stated (on Backstabbers 2) it's one IMPORTANT thing folks do which in itself counts a lot (readin' offerin' insights...etc)
So that's all I gotta say on it, truly. An' thank ya, genuinely, for the kind comment 'bout them in my fambly that gave me the "bizness" about all things "covoid" (I don't see 'em as traitors as much as just deluded folks who judge cuz the teevee said that's what ya do...) + my ma (who is somewhat on the mend... I'll post an update one'a these days on that stuff...)
Interestin' story about the mouse book...Disney is full of mice--eg. the globalist pro-UN tales of The Rescuers ( The Rest-Skewers!) an' RATS too! I still like the really old Disney movies but today, the "corpora-shun" stands as a sorry microcosm fer all've Amerika (indeed, we gotta Mickey Mouse gubbamint an' the opposition side--it's the Donald!) Quack!
Gotta skedaddle--thanks fer the thanks! Candor is fine--good luck with the new plans ya mentioned--an' as I said, we all got clay feet so let's mold sumthin' with 'em!
"Moan" sounds like a hoot! (Mebbe post it?) Sad the man was humorless--I can comp-art-mentalize the "beats" (boy were they ever!) with new understandin' an' chalk it up to youthful fasci-nation--we are all flawed an' bein' CURIOUS is part've it all! We learn, we try ta be flexible, we see some former heroes an' heroines (an' those on heroin!) bein' knocked off their danged pedestals, gotta shift our views but not beat ourselfs up 'bout it.
I also will say--sometimes ya gotta separate the "woiks" from the "ahrtist"--had ta do this with both Neil Young an' the Stones--all pro-jabberin' vengeful Jabba the Huts! (an' yet the music stands....) I also love the films of "prevert / snuff maker" Roman Polanski. Wagner an' Degas hated Jews mightily an' widely but made great music an' "ahrt"--so the mind doth juggle! fer some'a these "ahrtists" takin' themselfs too seriously--that's a pity... If ya cain't take humor in stride or gracefully ya've lost part've yer humanity I think.... Swulled heads ain't good--it's like mental "en-sniffle-itis!" (an' I betcha his noggin' wuz purdy swelled...)
Aw shucks, nice've ya ta say 'bout bein' a groovy Daisy (been' know ta sing the 59th St.Bridge Song in the shower!).. But y' know I never thunk about it in general now that I got a fambly n' kiddos. It did cross my mind a few times briefly--I knew a fambly that skedaddled ta Costa Rica--then LEFT after a couple years as what started as bein' supercalifragilistic... turned sour'r than an old dill pickle when the plandemic came. I lived in "Your Up" for quite a few years as a stew-dent (!), traveled about an' liked it muchly ('course it was velly different back in the 20th C! student rail passes were cheap, many moo-seums free!). So, if the walls start goin' down like tower 7 I'd consider leavin' el norte, yup. (Though gotta add that this blasted plandemic made'a mess've our fambly income an' savin's... much to consider!) All that said, I'll add that if all heck breaks loose (eg. Biden provokes an incident at "Newcomb High") an' we HAD TO go, I'd be leavin' faster than a jack-rabbit in the "cross-hares!"
Thanks for the recommends, Daisy. I, too, am behind on substacks... I have your last big post saved. I will be circling around to it. Hope life being busy means that there’s never a dull moment. 🤗
Thanks, Daisy, for another worthwhile contribution. I was away (sort of) for a while, but not nearly long enough. I promised myself to come back thinking and doing differently. A big part of that entails doing only that which accomplishes something, I supposed being an unread writer doesn't qualify.
I'm back, as of not quite two days ago, from Patzcuaro, Michoacan and have much to report and no one to whom to report it, that is, no one who understands. By the way, you can (at this point) rent a serviceable apartment there for about 7500 pesos - 400 dollars - a month.
The trip was definitely to get away and this was as you might imagine only partly possible. Masked zombies in the airport, masked zombie passengers on the airplane(s), masked zombie stewardesses and stewards, masked waiters in the restaurants, masked locals (and tourists) walking in the zocalo. Somehow the masked children and teenagers walking to the indoctrination centers was particularly chilling even as I possess none of that peculiar and particular generalized fondness for the so called young.
Especially absurd was hearing the standard warnings prior to takeoff with additional verbiage to the effect that one should remove his or her "face covering" before putting on the oxygen mask.
Anyway, enough about me and thanks again for your good work.
Golly, I know what'cha mean 'bout folks still zombie-like with masks on (sawr this at the grocery jus' this week, young AND oldsters alike...)--but to see the same insanity in "Meh-heeco" is sad--I know they're fightin' thar against that GMO corn so I figgered they'd be less fearful 'bout the faux-vid. Still, gettin' a "git-away" is a good thing as is findin' cheap digs as in-FLAY-shun roars here stateside. I know've a few truth-reporters left the country (Meh-heeco) last year -- they no longer felt totally secure there... all goin' to (ha!) E. Europe for "freedom"--ain't that a hoot. Jus' glad ya had safe flights--given all them jabbed pilots with MyOldCart-itis (some've 'em Pilates!) it's a gamble now to fly. Egads! But keep on writin' no matter what--yer good at it AND... unread is just one state've affairs--folks circle 'round, I'm surprised to this day that some find me and check out really old stuff (and mind'ya I have a small reader-ship my self but folks manage to "navigate" the cyber-seas to git here...). Frankly, I think writin' an' thinkin' keeps us all saner--'specially those of us yet sidelined by the Brave New World Order summarily dumped upon us--the pen ( keyboard) does cut thru some've that muck (an' that's why we're all, in a way, muckrackers!).
Yes, it reminded me yet again how widespread and thoroughly/easily accomplished was this ongoing psy-op and how fully addicted these maniacs are to their insanity. Yes, Mexico has fought against the destruction (desecration) of its more or less sacred corn. By the way, the tortillas there are just better as I imagine the bread, pizza, etc. is in Italy. But maybe that's changed now.
We feel that we'd be safe, at least in that town, although some (including Sophia Smallstorm) have said otherwise. Well actually she said that we were likely to get duped or swindled. Interesting aside: the sister of one of the owners surprised us in that she seemed to know what's happening. Meanwhile she tried to interest us in renting a place that she owns. It was pretty awful but the location was interesting. Her son was our host as the owners, Eric and Vicky, were in France. He's French and she's from Oaxaca.
We met someone from Wisconsin who rents a place near the market where vendors sell produce and others offer vast amounts of other (often tacky) items. Seeing that always makes you a little sad of course. He reported no problems but then again he was far more the normal sort than either of us.
There is a fair amount of local controversy regarding that market. I'll tell you about it later.
Going to Europe for freedom is just a little bit insane. I'm not sure any of us can hope to find anything more than an increment thereof, i.e., freedom. I'm trying not to plummet any further but it's difficult to maintain any kind of positivity at this point.
Yes, I did think about the pilots. I didn't say anything out loud but I thought about them. I thought about a great many things. It will be interesting to read what I wrote while there - just scribbled notes that I have no memory of - but I assume Janice recorded some interesting details of the locale. She's better at being somewhere than I am, although I really tried to be there and more or less succeeded.
I don't think I was ever alright in any of the important routine ways. I said as much in the poem I wrote called "Try to Be More Like Dave." But we are where we are now and it seems to some of us a time of universal deception and madness and of course inversion.
Thanks for keeping up this correspondence. I appreciate it.
Wull my pleasure Jerry--interesting ya found some "ex-pats" there (and one aware of the plandemonium to some degree too!), but yes, as ya said, there is no sense "retreatin' " to Europe--right now nowhere is safe or as they say, "nowhere to hide!" I still have hope that after it gits worse here (mighty worse it could be...) we'll start clawing back as a nation, poorer but wiser (as far as the remaining people go). That said, I find it a hoot that 'fore we left NYC we knew three Russian families (three!) who were goin' back--all came here well 'fore 2000 and they were DONE! So yup, universal deception, madness, inversion... and... poetry, writin' , music still peekin' outta the woodwork!
ps re the junk--I saw a funny short doc (maybe 10 minutes?) about the "post-consumer-waste" garbage we funnel down to Mehico--surplus clothes from the charities AND the likes've KMart, Walmart, etc with logos, teevee and music imagery, all meaningless to the Mexicans (go team!?). But the irony is--it's all made in Chynnna anyway! No Made in America cachet there! And then those that cross the border bring it all back HERE--sort've like recycling... but yeah, a lotta this junk ends up in the landfills (not just duds but plain' ol' junk too) after it gets passed around and most've it should never have seen the light've day in the first place!
Thanks again for these messages in which you always manage to provide information and observations that I somehow missed. Regarding Mexico, or the part of which I just visited, I was (irrationally I suppose) surprised by the degree to which Mexicans, both well off and otherwise, the owners of the inn AND visitors to the country, including every guest of the inn, were uniformly mind controlled. Surprised isn't even an appropriate word. It was more like a blow to the soul.
Actually I (we) met no tourist or ex-petri-ot who was even vaguely aware. Only one person, the mother of the guy running the inn (and Vicky's sister) had some notion of what has daily unfolded.
I seem to recall hearing a few hundred or thousand times over the years that if you don't like things here then you should move to Russia. Finally some people are listening. Not exactly good news but vaguely amusing. I guess they haven't heard that Russia is the evilest place on earth. Or is disney world? By the way, the only people we know (besides one of Janny's sisters and one of her nieces) that have traveled to Mexico have gone to theme park Tulum type places AND have repeatedly made the religious pilgramage to disney-world.
Regarding your post script: I've seen vast amounts of the kind of tacky merchandise that you're talking about, including but in no way limited to sponge bob balloons, t-shirts and altar cloths and it always makes me a little queasy. As you said, most of it should never have seen the light of day.
I too am mystified--I would NOT have thunk that the "proper-gander" (directin' what folks should "see"... or not...) would have gone so far there / in Mexico I 'xpected folks there to be more circumspect, clearly not--a surprise fer me too! Let's just hope they don't fall fer the GMO corn with US pressure... that's a major staple in traditional food there so US pressure to poison an entire nay-shun ain't gonna be without a lotta casualties (cancers, etc). One somewhat dark "benefit" to the trade collapse comin' down the pike and the new "acceptable" rejection of all the boatloads've u know what from Chynna MAY be that we'll get less landfill literal crap here (made "just" fer Amerikan consumption)--the teeshirts, balloons, plastic beepin' toys--gawd, it's everywhere an' bein' an eyesore ain't the half've it (none've it degrades even if ya bury it!).
I would hope the theme parks there aren't hotbeds fer child traffik'in' but anything Disney (anywhere in the whirllled...) is tainted as ya know (and given the books on Death in Disneyland--related to poor safety standards and lack-a-daze-i-cull inspections, an' the cover-up of dead an' maimed theme-park attendees--not EVEN talkin' 'bout the darker stuff...), I'd warn them little nieces to stay away from MickeyLand and just keep Eyes Wide OPEN at the other theme parks given their underbellies! (What times?!)
I was disappointed only because I went there expecting more. That was my error. Even now I sometimes have lapses. I can't help thinking that the GMO corn will eventually be forced on them as the opium trade was forced on nineteenth century China. Or Monsanto et al will mount an advertising campaign so that the consumers will like the idea of GMO as in what happened in California. I seem to remember Hawaii being against and then getting it anyway.
Janny's nieces (daughters of sister Deb) haven't been to that magical place but a few in the clan have. There are four additional sisters who begat. Three have three offspring, Amy the more competitive (in that realm) had four. One of the sisters and offspring traveled to Disney places. And all in her family are quite normal, i.e., properly educated and inoculated. They have asked about and no doubt gossiped about our status. We've said nothing.
Meanwhile the Tulum family I mentioned (all full blown normaltons) have two daughters, Waverly and Reese. Of course. Father is high salary insurance exec, wife is teacher of, you guessed it, gender studies.
A ant is what it is and a grasshopper is what it is and Disney is what it is. Don't their theme parks have their very own flags?
yup! An' that's what my own granny always said, "never a dull moment!" True indeed! Listen' n' read when ya can, SO much good stuff out thar, includin' from yer own Stack! ;-)
Looking forward to watching -- thanks for bringing them to our attention, Daisy!
My downhome whizz-dom:
Jerry, "no-buddy" but yerself can say "don't be so hard upon yerself!" but mebbe it's time? only you kin know... All've us human beans have disappointed others AND our own "selfs" puhlenty BUT/AND we also are capable of doin' some "good" (stuff'at we an' some others would indeed find' helpful / informative /worth a look-see!)--be it with writin' or "ahrtist-tick" endeavors, research, or just makin' a garden etc. It's not a "test" / pass/fail (some folks see it like that...not I!). It just IS!
This rocky boat ride makes us human (messin' up included!) an' few on this Earth are so "good" they won't make some-buddy's poopie list now an' then or even often! This isn't me bein' Mary Sunshine here--just realistic. We all make wrong calls (judgement-wise or even on the phone!). Make the best'a what ya can... I find intro-spect-shun an' all that self-image stuff over-rated.
If ya write a good piece (you've dunnit already!) or made a good comment on a "Stack" (yerz, mine, the lampost's!) then consider it time well spent, move on--matter'a factly!, an' don't soak yer feet in past errors, find the Epsom Salts instead! (it does a human good) THAT IS IT (at least accordin' to this one crackpot down-home phil-ossi-pher). And optionally, if ya wanna make some old past wrong right (certainly, not all kin be "righted"....) then do it without a lotta hootin' an' hollerin'. If not, so be it... don't be afraid NOT to judge (yerself, others)... it's not a require-mint! (navel-gazin' is a thing, but I think there's better ways we kin spend our time)
I appreciate yer support on my stack--betcha others do too! In fact, as I stated (on Backstabbers 2) it's one IMPORTANT thing folks do which in itself counts a lot (readin' offerin' insights...etc)
So that's all I gotta say on it, truly. An' thank ya, genuinely, for the kind comment 'bout them in my fambly that gave me the "bizness" about all things "covoid" (I don't see 'em as traitors as much as just deluded folks who judge cuz the teevee said that's what ya do...) + my ma (who is somewhat on the mend... I'll post an update one'a these days on that stuff...)
Interestin' story about the mouse book...Disney is full of mice--eg. the globalist pro-UN tales of The Rescuers ( The Rest-Skewers!) an' RATS too! I still like the really old Disney movies but today, the "corpora-shun" stands as a sorry microcosm fer all've Amerika (indeed, we gotta Mickey Mouse gubbamint an' the opposition side--it's the Donald!) Quack!
Gotta skedaddle--thanks fer the thanks! Candor is fine--good luck with the new plans ya mentioned--an' as I said, we all got clay feet so let's mold sumthin' with 'em!
"Moan" sounds like a hoot! (Mebbe post it?) Sad the man was humorless--I can comp-art-mentalize the "beats" (boy were they ever!) with new understandin' an' chalk it up to youthful fasci-nation--we are all flawed an' bein' CURIOUS is part've it all! We learn, we try ta be flexible, we see some former heroes an' heroines (an' those on heroin!) bein' knocked off their danged pedestals, gotta shift our views but not beat ourselfs up 'bout it.
I also will say--sometimes ya gotta separate the "woiks" from the "ahrtist"--had ta do this with both Neil Young an' the Stones--all pro-jabberin' vengeful Jabba the Huts! (an' yet the music stands....) I also love the films of "prevert / snuff maker" Roman Polanski. Wagner an' Degas hated Jews mightily an' widely but made great music an' "ahrt"--so the mind doth juggle! fer some'a these "ahrtists" takin' themselfs too seriously--that's a pity... If ya cain't take humor in stride or gracefully ya've lost part've yer humanity I think.... Swulled heads ain't good--it's like mental "en-sniffle-itis!" (an' I betcha his noggin' wuz purdy swelled...)
Aw shucks, nice've ya ta say 'bout bein' a groovy Daisy (been' know ta sing the 59th St.Bridge Song in the shower!).. But y' know I never thunk about it in general now that I got a fambly n' kiddos. It did cross my mind a few times briefly--I knew a fambly that skedaddled ta Costa Rica--then LEFT after a couple years as what started as bein' supercalifragilistic... turned sour'r than an old dill pickle when the plandemic came. I lived in "Your Up" for quite a few years as a stew-dent (!), traveled about an' liked it muchly ('course it was velly different back in the 20th C! student rail passes were cheap, many moo-seums free!). So, if the walls start goin' down like tower 7 I'd consider leavin' el norte, yup. (Though gotta add that this blasted plandemic made'a mess've our fambly income an' savin's... much to consider!) All that said, I'll add that if all heck breaks loose (eg. Biden provokes an incident at "Newcomb High") an' we HAD TO go, I'd be leavin' faster than a jack-rabbit in the "cross-hares!"