deletedApr 19, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot
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I'll look forward to checkin' it out! Dr Rima's been 'round FOR-EVAH! (blowin' that NWO whistle warnin' us all at LEAST as long as Alex too, bless 'er!) She also has the ultra-fun distinction of havin' been married to The Man Who Stared at Goats (!), a gubbamint insider who turned "helpful" an' who also had a MOST awesomely Kubrickian movie-character name as his REAL name! Colonel Stubblebine! 3 cheers for Dr Rima!

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deletedApr 19, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot
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Wull shucks, that's a very kind thing ta say busterhans, I truly have NO CLUE how one'd go about it--'specially since I link ta viddeyos n' stuff... how d'ya put "watch-ables" in a book format? But I'm surely flattered an' happy to keep it in mind! ;-)

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

I second that.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

was just thinking the same thing.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

“Out, damned spot! out, I say! – One: two: why, then, ’tis time to do’t. – Hell is murky! – Fie, my lord, fie! a soldier, and afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?” WS

You got out of that hell hole in time, Daisy!

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Yup, sure did git out in time, dang! New Yawk is setting this dark example but bein' also a "tourist fly trap" they'll groom the "Whirled" this way cuz folks wanna come to the Rotten Apple. I saw SO many fools who got themselfs be-jabbered and b-masked an' ready to show their PASS "just" to buy their lousy Jamocha Lattees or see "Brucie" in concert (whatevah...)--not even those banned from work (like some've us!!!!) but just cuz they wanted to "be out and about" an' it's these obedient lambs who'll tolerate this--K5 & Spotty--that could mean the slaughter of freedoms (or bodies...) for all've us.

And indeed the GOONS feel confident:

"What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?" --

WILL Sour Grape Stick-o-Gum Adams (an' his handlers) ever know fear? WILL their power ever be called into account?

As we know, it didn't end well for either Macbeth or Lady M. post-murder but will THESE murderers meet the same fate? Betcha they have no bad dreams at night, that's fer sure... Mebbe we need some morally-minded the-ate-'er designers to create some holograph ghosts to HAUNT these Metro-Miscreants (are they out there?). Anyway, by the prickin' of my thumbs something wicked this way comes....

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Well said, dear. Even if I have to read extra slowly to get it all. 😂

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Excellent aggregation of info about these robots, Daisy. I've seen bits and pieces spread out, but you've pulled the threads together (and what a miserable tapestry it is). The real question is: what laws will these things be enforcing? NYC has already decriminalized all the antisocial behavior that we used to consider crime (theft, assault, etc.), so if the dogs aren't going to be running down muggers, rapists and shoplifters, who WILL they be chasing?

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Apr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023Author

Wull thanks! And exactly! In topsy turvy land the criminals are US! / those who do not comply. Didn't get yer booster? Gave $ to the "Walk Away" campaign mebbe? Search history shows Babylon Bee? Tweeted somethin' mean about Winken (smirky Kamala), Blinken (Tony), & Nod-Out (Biden)?

These dastardly machines kin scan a human's health & social wreck-urd in seconds--they connect with a person's phone OR MAC address, it sez, in REAL TIME so MEGAdata is theirs to exploit.

This isn't for anyone we once called law-breakers, in the land've the lawless, these machines are "for" US!

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deletedApr 19, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot
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yup, I've watched it--SO well done...an' true (sadly)

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Apr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Pretty soon they won't need your browser history because they'll be able to read your mind. Klaus & Co call it "brain transparency," and it gets them quite excited. https://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-2023/sessions/ready-for-brain-transparency

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my yes, I sawr this too--Some say it's THERE already, bein' tested out on soldiers (eg. if someone decides to go awol or not shoot ta kill, commanders kin see it an literally turn such "unwanted" behaviors around or cause the soldier to..."self- destruct"). Wuther they're bluffin' or not as to how far this mind-readin' technology has come, even bein' in Spotty land is jaw-droppin'ly intrusive an' skeery!

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

They could at least make one that picks up human feces, needles and litter from the street.

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HA! (but waiiiiit, there IS a talkin' trashcan it just rolled out in Man-Hat-In (this'un is at Astor place):


Some thought it a hoot but others called the thing CREEPY--comes up ta ya when it THINKS you have trash ta...trash. Hmmm....it KNOWS?! I don't wanna see what IT duz to them that litter...

But nope, as of YET they are happy ta leave all feces (human an' ani-maul), needles (includin' in the parks--another reason we left), an' litter "in situ" so folks git used ta Squalor Central (expect little, own nuttin' NOT even a Roomba!, be happy...)

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That's a lot of dogs to chew on, and they are hot! Well, a few roaches can also be added to the menu.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Are these bullet proof?

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Damn…these would be MUCH better target practice at 200 yards, than a television! 🥳

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deletedApr 19, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot
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What’s THAT???? It’s definitely NOT beer! 🤢🤮

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I think so as Digidogs are used in COMBAT... like I said, this is WAR an' its on US!

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

I could only give this a quick glance. I just don't want to look at X, Y and the Z looming ahead. Does that even make sense? That fact that you and others see what this is and means and that most don't is as horrifying as it is disgusting. Will videos of these mechanical manics attacking and mutilating soft targets become popular viewing?

An old song came to this tired mind. It contained these lines:

They will tell their empty stories/

Send their dogs to bite our bodies/

They will lock us up in prison/

Carry on, carry it on.

Thanks for paying attention to what others don't or won't see. But again (don't quote me) - what is to be done?

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it IS so deeply disturbin'--an' yer not wrong to evoke that ol' civil rights tune--In that era once (agin') "good" dogs who normally were raised to love an' protect human beans were "turned" to attack 'em (innocent decent humans in protest...). Same here--cutely named Spot will indeed BITE. The "op" of takin' down a buildin' fer show (I heard the one casualty was a nice old fella known in the neib--another innocent NOT saved but sacrificed to uplift Cerberus!) is just the beginnin'.... ain't gonna be purdy but ALL these "cyber killers" rely on the G's (5g etc) so one EMP would take these things out for good--a silver lining?...

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

They might have named it "Cujo" but they must always have their sick little jokes.

Silly side note. I'm currently reading "Horizontal Vertigo" by Juan Villoro. It's about Mexico, meaning Mexico City. I just read a section in which he tells us about Guy de Maupassant opposing the construction of the Eiffel Tower. Apparently a friend later met him and he was dining in the restaurant at the top of that building. The friend asked why and Maupassant said "It's the only place where you can't see the Eiffel Tower."

It made me wonder - where can we sit down and have drinks (or snacks or both) and not see the madness?

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Cujo is more apt...but I'm SURE they figgered on not givin' too much away with a more honest name! Interestin' an' humor"esque" re de Maupassant--a writer I'm fond've! Ah, sadly our skies are co-opted too--height affords no true view ta the madness an' in fact obscures the fugly doity doin's of reality. In fact, tho I've never been inside one'a them newfangled high-rises (that swing! literally!), I once gotta tour've the Woolworth Bld includin' inside a penthouse an' I'll tell ya--as fan 've the Eiffel too...--that it's both breath'takin' to be there AND so "far away from the maddenin' crowd" that ya'd never know you were even in a city! I think that's how the rich live... though I don't thing Sour Grapes Adams is allowed to reach anythin' so lofty (ha!)

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

A brilliant maniac named Wright imagined and possibly pitched a mile high skyscraper while knowing full well that we needed to spread our horizontally.

Excuse me for asking but do you ever think of the great beyond?


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Apr 20, 2023·edited Apr 20, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

How long ‘til Spot gets his own magnum and taser? How long ‘til Spot becomes the size of a fully grown stallion? Or a bison?

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yer ahead've the curve there, Spot is "designed" to shoot and tase by Boston Dynamics but team NYPD is holdin' off on the weaponry--for now. It's not EVEN a retrofit to give these killer pooches their "add-ons"--like peanuts on a sundae. AH, but in the name of bigger bein' better (or more lethal or more intimidatin'....) you are again thinkin' ahead... Already there is "Atlas"-- https://www.bostondynamics.com/atlas Also, the giant fire-breathin' "Satanic-Mechanic"(al) red-hot bull that appears at various events--shootin' fire, etc--like concerts and the UKs 2012 Olympics "Ceremony" -- fits the bill (the BULL too!) in terms of larger scale weaponized killers. Methings that evil comes in ALL sizes...

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Yep, these are the guys who’ll be keeping us all on the straight and narrow at that outdoor concert or protest. https://youtu.be/LLSqc-p4UhI

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Yup, ya got it. In FACT these row-butts (!) per the viddeoy ya sent are literally LAWS: Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems. Cain't make this up! "LAWS" keepin' us on the "straight n' narrow" fer sure... an' not just at concerts 'r protests--in ordin-airy life. As the regrettably man-made monsters in Dok-teur Moreau ask, "Are we not men?" WE viewers know the truth... No. Only people are people. Fewer and fewer "git" this basic truth...

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I cut a lotta slack fer visionaries--Wright wuz one've 'em--I'd a liked ta see that "Illinois" (which would'a been a one of a kind) vs the multiple unmemorable needle-nosed eyesores that dot MannyHatt'n like so many residential rectal thermo-meat-turds--ugh!

I'm not one ta ponder "the great beyond-er" at least BEYOND The Carter Sisters, but they wuz sumthin' no? An' "little" June a mighty talent in her own right, tamed that Johnny Tornado--an' she could JIG! (Daisy here's a big fan 've jiggin' an' the Carter-Cash contingent too!)

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Daisy, I don't know how else to send you this message, but even Irving doesn't deny the killing of Jews. To be fair, I added that to my previous articles.

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Thx Ray (I DO wanna investigate all ya sent with the other links--it's been a bit crazy here!) I think the problem with ALL "events" (not just that big one either) but all wars, all (pl)andemics, is that even with schmarties investy-gatin' an' tryin' to sort out what heppened, there's such a MIX of what is REAL and what is STAGED (an' what is REAL is STAGED too!) , an' vary-aye-shuns on the proper-gander, an' who are the Act-chew-all players behind the scenes (where good guys an' bad guys might be the same folks!)--So that it's quite a boatload of layers (onionz) ta unload n' sift thru. So even among those who question all the "facts" (or question their meanin' like all that spook-cabalistic-masonic symbolism with the 6mil number, etc) I'm seein' that there are huge discrepancies... even among the "cast of characters."

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