Oct 6Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Thank you for getting me to know of this wonderful healer warrior. Just listened to the Johnny Cash. song. Will watch the clip with her. Now listening to Sinead O'Connor - The Funeral. Was she suicided. My gut says that's more likely than her suiciding. So many needed her, need her.

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an' thank ya Elsa--yes, I too think "suicided" -- sometimes they are targeted in such a way even THEY don't fully understand -- dark thoughts projected, etc... all fer helpin' save lives--whatta topsy turvy whirled we're in'

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Oct 6Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

we are at crosshairs, as much as at crossroads, and as there's a cross in the cemetery , which hasn't been mowed in who knows how long, but a "reset" is just another word for the harboring of 'criminals' and harboring, ain't harboring until it's free... "

and that's all I got.

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All've us in them crosshairs now (an' there's some cross hares mad at us fer not dyin' in them rabbit holes whilst there's some've us left ta fight like Hazel an' BigWig...) an' more'n once we uppity rabbits have been under da gun belongin' ta ol' Jack Scratch awaitin' us at the CrossRoads (an' we'ze better not go the way of the "bunnies-Bob" i.e. them Roberts, meanin' Johnson & Zimmerman) cuz we still gots somethin' left ta lose (ergo we ain't "free")... an' it's up ta us ta fight fer what's "left ta lose"... in honor of them lost too! (like JJ an' other 27-erz includin' poor Dr. Stone an' the 27 counts against'er weigh'in on 'er like...er... Stones...) Now as ta harborin' ALL them crooks an' miscreants "fer free" we know which'a-way they went at them crossroads (tricked or treated?) but they really got lost an' I fear no BoPeep'll find 'em so we're at risk of bein' hasenpfeffer'd! (that's all I gotz too ha ha!)

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Oct 6Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

I just watched, listened to, the short video clip of Jackie Stone. I very much appreciated her words on ivermectin.- its power. I've been hearing so much on its lowering fertility, at least temporarily. Good to hear that all the good stuff about it is true.

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Yup, that's my bit in the "small print"--Dr. Ana sez they monkeyed with it--but they've monkeyed with EVERYTHING (like even toothpaste!)--"A Midwestern Doctor" (I think it was him...) sez the fertility issue wears off once discontinued. An' the jabs are messin' with fertility ANYWAY so if something out there is "relatively" benign--I say go fer it. Imho we're gettin' hit with all the chemtrails which contain the same nano (etc) as the new version of IVM an' ALL other supps too--so if IVM saves lives (it duz, it did) I'd ruther stock it an' eat clean an' work on stayin' healthy than eshewin' "ALL" supps entirely--

FWIW I think that's part-OP. I do not believe it's all just chemi-culls from India & Chynna as I've seen many supps help our fam. I think "some" truthers out there that try ta steer us ta stop takin' all supps an' vitamins (etc) are also part of the same "game" wuther unwittin'ly--or consciously. The Uniparty system applies ta vitamins too !

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Oct 6Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

We very much agree re IVM.

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Oct 6Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

She was my treating doctor in Mclaren Vale, Adelaide for a time. She stood out as an individual not following the herd even then. She did get angry with me for not vaccinating my child for whooping cough, but it looks like she woke up. I liked her authenticity. Got the sense she might feel more than many other practitioners. So sorry she worked diligently for her people and her qualifications were ‘erased’ for it. Beautiful Courageous Soul. She was passionate about her work alright. Thankyou for posting about her ❤️

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yer welcome, folks need ta know about those who died fightin' ta save lives--an' like ya said, sounds like she woke up AFTER she understood the game an' then kept on fightin' 'til the end. I don't fergive ANY that kept pushin' jabs "after" they knew of the harms--but early-on so many didn't know--even if they leaned holistic. That said, it's unfortunate she got angry at'cha but at least she didn't throw you outta the office or stop treatin' ya as MANY dokturds did when their patients didn't foller "ordures." Nice ta hear you knew a hero--for imperfect as we all are--she fought hard... an' indeed was a "beautiful courageous soul" thanks fer sharin' that too!

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Oct 6Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Poor woman. 27 times they dragged her through their courts and she felt it her civil duty to attend, if not only to stand up for her democratic rights in accordance with the rule of law. But of course, they finally broke her down. The procedure is the punishment. You do not take a stand against this insidiously invisible machine of totalitarian order.

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un huh, totally this like ya said: "the procedure is the punishment"-- courts co-opted, no justice in the judicial system--it's a "procedure" (aka profitable bizness) of makin' humans suffer--and doin' so in the public eye, makin' 'em all do the perp walk-and indeed it's insidiously invisible, seems like a court but it's a mockery of order... hence totalitarian as ya say--and THAT, sadly, shows "how" they'll shut us all up...

Dr. Jackie at least got ta save a lotta lives 'fore they "got to her" (yes, as punishment) so I hope folks'll remember this laydee, her bravery, her example... an' I HOPE we kin stick it to those that did her ugly... somehow, in her memory and for all our sakes!

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one'a my readers made this comment so'z I thought I'd share it ta clarify my take on this (it's also in the text of the postin') --

"So, she developed a successful protocol for the dis-esase that doesn't exist?"

I hear ya but what I wuz sayin' clearly was AIN'T NO WALRUS but a bioweapon or something similar-like. Combo of 5G, some kinda toxin, distributed selectively! I had friends ('member y'all I wuz back home in NYShitty then) who developed really bad symptoms, 2 endin' up in hoss-spit-all.

So as James Giordano had so eloquently an' deviously explained ta his West Point Stew-Dents--you release something toxic in select areas... The Rotten Apple wuz one, WooHan an'nuther--mebbe Zimbabwe yet an'nuther. Doesn't need ta be spread all over like nutterbutter--just enuf in the public sphere ta do some REAL harms ta real folks. THEN ya hype the fear! Ya put it on the evenin' NOOZ, ya show those affected lookin' like heck. After that, the hoss-spit-alls WERE empty but the canon ball was already rollin' down that hill! got it?

We stayed outta the subwayz when they did the testin'--others said pshaw--at least one'a them pshaw-erz got da "covid" which again ain't no walrus. She got a cold so bad she was laid up fer days, her kids too. The two that ended up in hoss-spit-alls early on ('fore the proty-culls, all the vents, etc) were both laydeez with asthma so methinks it hit 'em wurse. Both said it felt like an anvil on their chests--like nothin' they'd ever felt before, one did lose her sense of taste...

So--as I said in the paragraph above (search for "walrus" which is what I call 'em as walruses don't seem ta be walkin' around NYC 'er WooHan or polluted parts of Italy or Zimbabwe fer that matter!)--an' you'll find it along with a link 'bout my theory about DRONES droppin' something noxious--such as in places where no subway was conveniently located! (It's a good read y'all! check it out!)

IMHO "somethin' " DID hit folks in select "shitties" an' areas to gin up fear. JJ Couey the Scooby Doo man who's figgerin' it all out thinks they can make a synthetic infectious clone with a "limited hangout" (lol) so it won't last long but it would last long 'nuff ta git folks skeered an' actually cause some real symptoms in a few... This too fits in which what James James Giordano Giordano warned his little dumblings about...

Now, as ta WHAT they used--I dunno--some even say sarin was part of it, others say that cone snail toxin could'a been it--an' of course Dr. Ardis thinks "venom" in the warter supply which I think ain't QUITE right but later studies showed venom toxins in the jabs so who the heck knows what they sprayed, dropped, wiped down the trains with.

Like I said, for a ltd time IN SELECT SPOTS there's no doubt there wuz SOMETHIN' even tho indeed no walrus by the name of covid existed.

Jessica Hockett spelled it out--the data back me up!


Turns out one reliable (ha ha not Un-Re-LIE-a-bull) treat-mint fer bioweapon "illness" was the IVM.

An' Dr. Jackie found it worked as did at least two that I know personally...

So she's a hero still in my book! Good doctors (vs dokturds) had no CLUE what wuz goin' on but there wuz somethin' out there in select places... an' bless her fer figgerin' out something that worked against the THING that was not a walrus! (with no offense ta the large water mammals with the big tusk tusks!)

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I'd never heard of Dr. Jackie... But I'll send a prayer of peace for her tonight, and one of gratitude for her purpose-filled life. Thank you, Daisy. Xox

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