SUPER SLEUTH SCIENTIST, JJ COUEY, whose crackerjack research I've shared here before:
NOW, REVEALS a real “Scooby Doo” on ALL OF US!…
….that what we are watching is a rehearsed non-meeting of the non-medical-minds, it’s a SHOW, a PSEUDO discussion, an’ we’re the “planned audience” (AUDI-ANTS!) of “truth-seekers.”
It's BULLSHART folks!!!!!! We've been HAD AGAIN!
Per “J,” these "ACTORS" with "SCRIPTED" bullet points, are takin' us on a long walk off'a short pier. In my noggin', for comparison, it's like the kids that put the blindfold on ya, spin ya round, an' TELL YA TO FIND YER FRIENDS. Ha ha ha! (not.)
FAST FORWARD to the 1 hour 43 minute mark of THIS VIDEO:
Click on the above image ‘er go to the link here:
Folks, we've been PUNKED! It's a Medicine Show alright!
(It’s akchally Passamaquaddy an’ it’s the BRILLIANT Jim Dale with Red Buttons in Pete’s Dragon!)
For three dagnabbit cwazy wabbit years we've been spendin' HOURS upon WASTED HOURS tryin' ta understand the UN-INTELLIGIBLE-gibble-babble—jibber-jabber- gerbil Bawana Junction Junction What's Yer Function Gain of Function GIBBERISH!
Not bein’ skilled in this stuff (just mistrustin’ of medi-cull mayhem but not knowin’ a “hydro-gel” from a Hydra-Jelly an’ thinkin’ “Graphene” sounds like the name of a Pencil-Slim Southern Drag Queen (!) ), I thought, we thought, we ALL thought— it wuz impressive "medical talk" or "science talk"—not TWIZZLER-TWISTED-TWADDLE!
Ok, some of it wuz the real deal, but much of it WUZ NOT. Shoot!
(Is it not possible ta git what yer wishin’ fer—like the TRUTH? Sensible people may say…)
Now we (who are all “dizzy in the noodle” from all “just the facts ma’am bein’ lobbed at us) need an' interpret-teur as JJ is tellin’ us that many of our “DARLINGS” (not sayin’ even heros or heroines) just those whose “campfires” we regularly gathered ‘round, those we TRUSTED— were givin’ us “coal for Christmas”—i.e. NUTTIN’ of use.
Leadin’ us all down the primrose path with money-grabbin’ gobbledygook (sing it Ginger!):
SOOTH-SAYERS? I DO (yet forsooth!) believe in all the nano-stuff an' metals that La Quinta Columna, Dr. Ana, Dr. Shimon, & David Nixon & Mat Taylor found IS the operatin' system they're tryin' to "INSTALL" in us. But the howz wherefores an' why's… what de-activates an' what does diddly squat (the so-called “solutions”)—that we gotta known, NO? Yes!
OPERATION “The Game” / “The Show”:
it takes a LOT of CONTROL (over “us”)
they "claim" to have it—BUT do they? Folks we got a LOTTA questions now!
If ya wartched the eggcellent interview that The Last American Vagabond’s Ryan Christian did with Hawaiian citizen journalist "'s" Shelby Thomson you'll note at the 23 minute mark she starts talkin' bout how FIRST RESPONDERS WERE "UNRESPONDENT" (i.e. UNRESPONSIVE) as if in a HYPNOTIC STATE -- as in not doin' their jobs, ignorin’ true cries for help, NUMB to their fellow human beans, DEVOID of FEELIN's. WTFrick folks?
Was it programmin'?
Shelby T thinks mebbe so… Wuz it? Is this indeed what wuz in them jabs—the operatin' system AT WORK? (No longer just a “game” that gits yer nose lit up red…) Hearin’ this stuff (the cold, callousness stuff) freaked me out ya'll.
ALREADY in the cities (NY Shitty fer sure), cops are doin' NOTHIN' when folks are bein' robbed, hurt, all over. Here's one example: when an old couple got smacked upside their HEADS with a plank (they are alive by sum’ miracle…) by a crazy "uhHOMEd unHINGEd person" in tony Tribeca (a VELLY "nice" neib in NYC); COPS DID NOTHING, they did NOT REACT.
A good samaritan tried to stop this deranged man from attackin' but the cops DROVE AWAY:
"I was also chased by this man with my dog and had to hop in a police car. I demanded to be let out of the police car at chambers and church so the two police offers in the car could handle this man. They promised me they would and when i left the car they went the other direction and didn’t manage the issue.
I failed to get their information as they should be reported. It was clear they were scared for their own safety and let’s call it what it is, they were cowards. Because of them the 64 year old woman and 70 year old man were struck. He should have been stopped at church and warren but they failed to do so. It was unacceptable, I’m still infuriated."
Are they bein' programmed to NOT REACT? This is BEYOND "stand down Uvalde-style" foller’in orders; this is COLD CALLOUS ZOMBIELAND-INDIFFERENCE.
Are we now seein' the jab-induced OPERATIN' SYSTEM in action in these “robotized” first responders? As Shelby (above) sez, first responders HAD TO TAKE THE SHOTS. Is this how POLICE, FIRE, EMS employees will LET US ALL DIE?!
In MaoWhee, ALREADY we’ve learned from first hand “reportage” that the WARNIN’ ALARM system was OFF. The WATER was shut OFF. NO first responders were flown in from Oahu where there are many more of ‘em. ROADS were BLOCKED, there were NO EMS TRUCKS. Did all the men an’ women who were TRAINED TO SAVE LIVES just, I dunno, say “okey dokey” we’ll let our people DIE DIE DIE while we hang out in the donut truck? OR WERE THEY PROGRAMMED in a way that at least temporarily erased their consciences or ability to react?
Were they 5G NUMBED so they “played dumb & mom” in some way?
Inquirin’ minds wanna know: ARE WE IN…WESTWORLD?
I DO wanna know! Bet’cha do too!
JJ, you need ta help us non-Stemmies with this stuff !
Also, none of the familiar medi-sinners speak much about how weaponized mind-control an’ how medicullers like James Giordano fit into the "jabs-bad" picture.
RECENTLY both Dr Ana and Brave Sasha have started to delve deep inta this stuff (an Daisy here is behind on her watchin’! I’m a gonna git to it soon tho!)
BRAVE SASHA: Are you programmable? Mind Control-Part 1
DR. ANA: Brain-Computer Interfaces: US Military Applications and Implications
JJ, mebbe you can team up with these Super Sleuth “Velma’s” ta join ya as Super Sleuth Shaggy?
Do we HUMAN BEANS need "jabs" to be fully controlled?
How advanced is the tech?
Are these first responders "demo models" or kinda like test subject super soldiers our DOD uses (under "misantrho-paths" like Giordano) — SHOW ROOM DUMMIES?
Scientists Control Human DNA Using Electricity AND YOUR BEHAVIOR…????
Super Sleuth SABRINA WALLACE who tells us:
"Your ass is attached to THE CLOUD."
The video-journalist "NonVaxer420" in the first viddeyo is mort-i-fied of course but he shares footage of "enthusiastic coverage" of this technology in the “Scien-Tiff-Frick” community. There is a very cavalier assumpt-shun that such tech will basic-cully be used "for good"—not for…EVIL! Not for CULLIN’ the HERD / killin' us an’ stuff like that, y'know
Tho’ always a fan of warm incandescents, I was a bit STUNNED watchin’ that first viddeyo ta larn how the LED lights (zat zay are mandatin', right?) are SENSORS that will spy on you an' convey/transmit all that info over 1-2 KM (over 2 miles). Holy moly! THIS IS REGULAR LED BULBS folks. I mean sure, I hate the dang things but 'puter screens…like the one I'm usin' right here…are LED. ADDIN’ whut I know from Dr. Ana’s work that the Quantum-Dot LED LIGHT tech in the JABS-BAD alone kin cause self-assembly…
SO MANY RABBIT HOLES—Shaggy, Scooby to the rescue, please!
CALLIN’ the TEAM of JJ COUEY an’ trusty PALS who know which VOICES are not trust-worthy!
JJ warned us that "THEY" (he's referrin' to the psycho-dok-turds an' medi-cull mad scion-tists), DO NOT THEM-dang-SELVES UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY ARE DOING, they are MAKIN' IT UP. They are only makin' it up CHEAPER that they used ta do… His take seems ta be similar ta Sasha’s—i.e. that they are messin’ with us an’ yup, tryin’ ta “take us out” but they are “fuk-ups” too—they know not “whut they do” as much as they kin’ DO BRAVADO!
I waiver ‘tween “yup, they are that skilled” an’ “whoa Nellie, there’s the BLUFF ahead!”
So far too many of us have been ALL EARS, attentive to all that’s shoveled at us… WE NEED TA SORT THRU THE DUNG HEAP ta avoid more WASTED TIME / WASTED TRUSTS!
So folks, we gotta eat some HUMBLE PIE!
We've been "had" not just by them that tried ta sell us the "CrackerJABS" with the killer-diller "prize inside"…but also a LOT of our TRUSTED TALKIN' HEADS.
JJ needs to share with us a LIST of those he trusts (cuz it’s likely safer than listin’ those he DON’T!) I won't name names but you'll see JJ do a little of it…an' call a few more inta question.
THE TIE-IN (better than "Tie Die'in!")
In my last postin' -
I spoke of creatin’ a website entitled YOUR GOVERNMENT WANTS TO KILL YOU DOT COM to Wake up the Normies, to let 'em know their bed's ON FIRE, lit by a psychotic "spirit" that lives in the shadows so they BETER WAKE UP…or die.
Duz this not sound like "Crazy Bertha" lighting Rochester's bed in Jane Eyre?! It duz ta me! I mean the MURDERER is in the HOUSE, WAKE UP! it’s not like there’s any distance between US and THEM (given’ spyware, stingray, LEDs, an’ the nano from the chemtrails…)
We all gotta help scotch that fire like feisty Jane! (Jane Jane stop this crazy thing!)
NOTHING I can add;
JJ is onta the swindle an' I'm so GRATEFUL fer that, fer his insights and INSTINCTS too!
Thinkin’ in retrospect of my own instincts, MORE n’ A FEW speakers who are on the rah-rah “lecture circuit” felt phony ta me… Now SOME we know are “limited hangouts” an’ a few are downright nefarious—yet others… wull, somethin’ IS just off. There’s also a few that I wasn’t so sure of early-on but at this point they “seem” to be a-ok after all (both Dr David Martin & Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche both come ta mind…) — of course subject ta change… AND YET…
Many’ve us kin be fooled by a good actor (whose really a “bad actor” an’ not just Kevin Spacey either!).
In the meantime, look out fer them FRAUDS! TRUST yer SCOOBY SENSE! … an’ be ready to RUN !!!
Tryin’ ta keep one step ahead of them Medi-SIN Show Quacks, an’ Evil Weenies—includin’ the WHITE COATED Janus-Faced dok-turds!
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
ps yer moment of zen—the kinda GOOD non-medi-cull gibberish that you kin boogie to!
(Enjoy them Pig Latin Blues!)
What's left is figgerin' out whoze legit--separtin' the good eggs from the rotten ones (even some not quite full-rotten but goin' south), I guess! I do trust Dr. Ana--she's not "an insider" but she wants ta help an' kin speak for her free advice cuz thanx ta EDTA (transdermal as we couldn't find nor afford the IV-type anywayz), my older girl is finally havin' normal one-not-two periods / month -- the freaky double cycles (full too--eeeek!) started when she got exposed ta a newly jabbed friend of the fambly--AND she's a type1 as well (insulin is nano-tainted per Drs Ana & Sansone...). So there ARE at least "bandaids" fer some'a the harms--AND trusted doctors--but we non-medical-types need JJ's expertise to navigate... lotta hucksters out there I guess!
Some interesting fireworks on JJ's 8/15 show, featuring Mark K donning a hat & shades 'disguise' while they dissect G. Webb & 'Dr' Cattrell. Not getting easier to figure out who *to* trust, but it's getting easier to figure out who to be extra suspicious of.