jj might be right (w/out his own cartoons and spells) but then, what's left...?

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Some interesting fireworks on JJ's 8/15 show, featuring Mark K donning a hat & shades 'disguise' while they dissect G. Webb & 'Dr' Cattrell. Not getting easier to figure out who *to* trust, but it's getting easier to figure out who to be extra suspicious of.

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so G Webb is buds with Dr C an' tho' Curious George HAS been "on top" of some good stuff--I've been far more cautious that others in "embracin' " ANY of the famous "Webbs" (who all along all seem to have Waaaaaay more info than most normal bizzy brains might obtain...i.e. they git help...mebbe from friends in high places). Many trust ol'GW (ha re them initials...) but mebbe there wuz no cherry tree ta confess ta if ya git my drift. He has gone full-tilt hard on James O'Keefe when PV revealed that male bimbo Jordon-Tristan-Walker wuz a Pfizer employee. GW said no, not Pfizer, just a grad student but O'Keefe wuz right... Walker was sub contracted by Pfizer directly thru Boston Consultin'--sure that Directed Evolution talk was hogwarsh but that's the swill they fed Walker (who wuz too dumb ta question) . GW has gone off similarly on others... so let's just say I got my "radar" on fer that 'un... an' the other Webb too...

I'll have ta look at the 8/15 show, thx! Much ado in Moses-land here an' I'm waaay behind on my wartchin' !

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This is how you write it... Add the following to the end of the url... ?t=01h43m00s


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Woo hoo! Thank ya ever so much John, I could not fer the life've me figger it out!

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No worries. Just change the numbers to suit where you want the vid to start. For instance to have it start at '15 mins and 12 seconds'.... ?t=15m12s

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What's left is figgerin' out whoze legit--separtin' the good eggs from the rotten ones (even some not quite full-rotten but goin' south), I guess! I do trust Dr. Ana--she's not "an insider" but she wants ta help an' kin speak for her free advice cuz thanx ta EDTA (transdermal as we couldn't find nor afford the IV-type anywayz), my older girl is finally havin' normal one-not-two periods / month -- the freaky double cycles (full too--eeeek!) started when she got exposed ta a newly jabbed friend of the fambly--AND she's a type1 as well (insulin is nano-tainted per Drs Ana & Sansone...). So there ARE at least "bandaids" fer some'a the harms--AND trusted doctors--but we non-medical-types need JJ's expertise to navigate... lotta hucksters out there I guess!

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One thing to add to this calculation: who has lost money by speaking the truth? Mike Yeadon is a wealthy man; but he lost all of his very lucrative consulting contracts since 2020 in his semi-retired career. If anyone is a good egg, Dr Yeadon surely is.

Is that "JJ" guy the researcher who was first in on the "lab leak" hypothesis? but then had a big change of mind ("biologically impossible") ? - The guy I am thinking of subsequently missed out on invites to Malone's ranch! - (where his lab leak colleagues were still welcome). Two more tells there - dis-invites from Malone and - seriously - guys who can and do change their minds - those who are honestly grappling with difficult, technical issues will do that - those who are pursuing an agenda from self-interested incentives will not.

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yup, JJ, he's rethought his "hot takes" bunches've times--Yeadon too who admits that initially he didn't question the virus itself, just the jabs-bad, now he questions it ALL! Right ta foller the money--JJ fer sure ain't rollin' on the dough ('cept mebbe playdoh cuz he's got young'uns!) Mouthpieces tend to be higher on the foodchain an' stay there... a real "tell"!

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Here from Sage with some Dr Carrie Madej ... suspicions. I was a big fan 2020 - what a breath of reason and, may I say so, of beauty. But then things fell apart - I go through this stuff fast - not like I have done careful, documented research. But 1, the CV numbers don't add up - med school grad 2001 - would take her close to 50 by 2020 - the woman who appears in the video is not close to 50. 2 and worse - the plane crash - how many people survive small plane - cruising height to ground - crashes? I heard her describe her broken leg in gruesome detail - compound fracture - foot turned 120 degrees the wrong way ... to Tenpenny, etc on a podcast. Two weeks later - I am almost sure I went from her site to her Instagram site which showed the legs of a woman reclining (so, presumably her) - the broken leg wrapped in an ace bandage ... ?!? - for that kind of fracture? - an ace bandage? - makes no sense.... ... I was devastated - I had admired the woman so. ... She has had detractors from the beginning - some association with a new-agey - Kabbalistic group ... others have pointed out the CV numbers not adding up.

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yup, all that an' then some! I too started out far more trustin'--the whole plane story (post poisonin') turned it 'round an' then some...let's call 'em "testy-monials" (not so kind, some turned up DOA post-"treatment" so it all duzn't add up ta me). An' WHY would she reprint such a thing fer KK? Prayers or other stuff, sure... Let's say it leaves me...."spooky!"

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Thanks for reading my notes; I like that word "spooky" - I have used it lots the last 3.5 years. Even the single masked couple at the crowded farmers market this morning were a bit spooky ... call it a harbinger of what might just be ahead (I figured (and still do) that they will wait for Sept 2024).

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yup, still seein' be-masked folks ready ta comply fer the next set of commands to obey--not even willin' ta hear they've been conned! (mebbe it's the prolonged lack've O2?)

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So many good questions raised, Daisy. We are in such a soup of lies; it makes me nauseous to consume enough to cherry-pick the truth. Thanks for the heads-ups!

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yup, an' we gotta mistrust some'a them widely hailed cherry pickers too.... gotta duck them fallin' pits... 'er them "pitfalls" of wantin' ta think' some've 'em are watchin' our backs... Wull some've 'em are but they're the ones with the shivs! (uh oh!)

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