The UnPoetic Reality of The Metaverse
WE never asked for the fake plastic phantasm phantom-world bein' planned for us all.
To git the FULL IMPACT (as an intended crash test “dummy” for the global elite WEENIES)—ta git a real SENSE of the dystopic dyspepsic in-the-CLOUD-LIFE (if ye kin call it that) intended for us—for our “future”—there’s a long but VELLY INFORMATIVE viddeyo ta wartch (click on the image below ta see it) …
Cuz we cain’t fight whuts invisble to us—gotta see an’ hear the TRUE enemy:
The Metaverse IS our Enemy, make no mistake, ma friends!
If y’all think the future planned fer us was soundin’ like an impossibly hellish landscape/cloudscape as described by You’ve All Known a HairAiry (sorry ta be mean but frankly he IZ a hairy fairy an’ speakin’ loftily ‘bout us USELESS an’ MEANINGLESS human beans all takin’ drugs an’ watchin’ viddeyo games) seemed BLEAK, THEN check out the “idears” by the enthusiastic MetaVerse self-appointed “brainiacs” in the viddeyo.
Allow me ta say that the entire “Meta-whirled” smells sourly of MUSK (!) an’ is confected with way too much “sugar” which we call “ZUCKER-bergian…” in Germanesque (!). “X” marks the spot whar their TREASURE lies…an’ oh them LIES! But let’s not ferget, the Supreme Dr. EVIL behind this META/AI nightmare (mebbe a “friend” of JamesJamesGorgano?) —is DR. Ian F Akyildiz — REMEMBER HIZ NAME… (He’s ALSO the fine fella that wants ta permanently track our bodies via the Internet of Things so we kin be forcibly quarantined the moment our remote (internal) sensors tell our gubbamint that we have a CONTAGION—a “walrus” or jus’ bout ANYTHING. So we can get the vaXXines b/c this’ll keep EVERYBUDDY safe! AND, he wants ta “reprogram” us humans”—carefully so we don’t become cyber zombies. Whatta guy!)
Meantimes, herez some of their “BRILLIANT PLANS” fer us humans:
EVERY aspect of human life on earth will be created “better” in the METAVERSE. A few examples:
FOOD. Polly want an apple? The ones ya kin git in the metaverse simulation, they SAY, will be 100X as delicious! No bummin’ out ‘bout mealy ‘er bruised ones from real trees (sprayed ‘er not)—cuz THESE’ll be more temptin’ an tasty than the ones in Eden no less! So yup, ALL FOOD kin be BETTER in the metaverse! Heck, you won’t even need ta put some bug meal in yer mouth ta experience the burst of (simulated) flavor an’ experience the delicious “mouth feel!” It’ll be SO REAL to you, you’ll FEEL LIKE you are eatin’ the best apple in the world.
Bottom line message: Useless mouths do not need REAL FOOD
Lonely? LOVE & SEX! Yer VIRTUAL BEST FRIEND will be there fer ya—or yer VIRTUAL SPOUSE or LOVER or MATE! An’ since the AI will know just ‘bout EVERYTHING about YOU, the pard’ner of your DREAMS (they know them too!) an’ yer thoughts will be “virtually” THERE for you. You’ll literally FEEL them THERE! An’ with the glasses an’ electrodes (an’ implantables?) on/in ya, you can also feel the “JOYS” of LOVE! the THRILLS of SEX (whoohoo! they promise ya it’ll be the BEST an’ any way ya like ‘til Sunday an’ back again). Why meet real folks when AI-NOBODY DUZ IT BETTER… (note the BUTTERFLY, Carly worked with MKUltrar Handler Kris Kristofferson…)
Bottom line message: Useless blobs of flesh (humans) should not mate, couple, or reproduce (they’ll be energy nodes / batteries in the Metaverse until DEATH)
AMUSEMENTS. Why one of the panelists couldn’t stop speakin’ ‘bout the FUN we so-called humans would have—all day long, non-stop, yer best phan/fan-tasies custom created before yer very “eyes™.” One’ve the dyspeptic speakers ‘splained it like this. He used ta be keen on playin’ soccer — but now he’s too old ta play an’ “cannot usually” make it to the stadium. The TEEVEE version (wartchin’ games on the tele) duzn’t cut the mustard—the THRILL of “bein’ there” is gone. Whull MOVE ON OVER SPORTS FANS, yer MAKE A WISH (ya ain’t kiddin’ there—it’s yer last one!) will come TRUE (virtually at least). You will FEEL the RUSH of VR an’ know yer SITTING RIGHT THERE on the bleachers! You’ll sense the “crowd™” around ya, “feel™” the WIND on yer cheeks (under ‘em too?! them bleachers iz chilly), SMELL the Red Hots, an’ you’ll have RINGSIDE SEATS bein’ RIGHT THERE! (fer the fukin’ fake game made up by them leeeetle probes in yer gray matter).
They add (with ENTHUSIASM!) that these virtual “‘speriences” kin even include the feelin’ of TAKING DRUGS LIKE LSD! Trippin’ without the side FX! WOW. In fact it’s wRECK o’ MENDED! Now I see whut You’veAll meant all this time. (Oy.)
Bottom line message: no more real estate for stadiums, playin’ fields, theaters, no more clubs/pubs, not even parks. GimmeGimmeGlobalists kin sweep it all up as you’ll be in a dark smelly basement gettin’ a virtual jerk-off (sorry ta be crude y’all) while takin’ yer “trip”—the LSD kind.TRAVEL™! virtual travel will take ya all ‘round the whirled! Who wants the trouble ‘ve packin’ a suitcase an’ takin’ Kaopectate (ha!) when ya kin SEE IT ALL from yer fake “comfy” Herman Miller Aeron deskchair? Nothin’ yer own camera kin capture compares! Why you’ll foller the Great Wall of China as if ya were a
dronebee-you-tee-ful hummin’boid hoverin’ over magestic stone as you “whizz” by…you’ll climb Mt. Everest an’ ya git ta keep all yer toes! (nobuddy wants virtual frostbite…)
AND… of course this travel is GREEN! (no fuel needed!—hey the only power needed ta virtually “live” comes from yer own body—gettin’ sucked dry but’cha won’t know it cuz ya need no energy at’all ta experience “travel” this’a’way.stick VR headsets on the OLDSTERS so they kin ZONE OUT while waitin’ ta die — how is this NOT like the end of SOYLENT GREEN???? Bottom line message: no carbon footprint—NO FOOTPRINT (carbon ‘er otherwise) AT ALL! Why you’ll barely be ALIVE! All the nifty spaces fer travel will be THEIRS… them WEENIES never agin’ will see anybuddy but themselfs on a
crowdedbeach! Empty ski slopes fer them satanist “swells” all the way! An’ of course it all fits in with their agenda ta cancel all transportation fer anybuddy but themselfs! Not only will we human beans be stuck in our 15 minutehellscapescities, but eventually there’ll be no reason ta even leave ourkill boxesvirtually “well-appointed” apartments!HAPPINESS™! Amuse-ments aside, yer AI/VR world will create for you a HAPPINESS you’ve never known in REAL LIFE. We hear how arty-fish-all happiness is 10x BETTER than the ol’ fashioned kind. No disappointments! No thunderstorms on yer backyard BBQ, no gettin’ dumped fer anuther feller (laydee, whutever…), no gettin’ stuck with a lousy grade in skool or a bad report from yer boss. PURE PLEASURE fer you, PURE HAPPINESS!
Bottom line message: no happiness rilly, jus’ drugs an’ “pict-chures” ‘til we all DIE DIE DIE. Miserably!As fer “EDUCATION™” as we knew it… nah, one’a the speakers wuz clear that young’uns TODAY (an’ even office workers) have ZERO ATTENTION SPAN due to phones an’ social ME-DIA (the gawd of me!!!!!). So CUSTOM EDUCATION (virtual, natch) will involved only very short bits of learnin’—like in 10 SECOND BYTES (not even in minutes). Teeeeny Tiny BYTES/BITES an’ BURSTS ‘fore they look away. Most dogs (an’ their fleas) pay better attention!
Bottom line message: why both’a teachin’ them useless eaterz a dang thing? Jus’ amuse ‘em with “our facts™” ‘till they DIE! They all wuz sayin’ AI knows “better” an’ has more knowledge an’ learnin’ than ANY HUMAN kin ever have.
“WORK™” will be a thing’ve the past—here’s an OFFICIAL (off-fish-all!) viddeyo of the Office of the Future—”Oh What Fun.”
Bottom line message: why both’a havin’ offices or biznesses or even brick n’ mortar stores?—Folks connected ta the “cloud” with their VR weird-all-ity (an’ weird idolatry) will be the last generation of human beans (iff’in zey git their way) — cuz the METAVERSE WORKSPACE is the “Rainbow Bridge” ta a virtual funeral pyre on the Ganges… poof! (nice n’ clean tho’ no real ashes ta pollute the warters—they jest hit DELETE!). The Metaverse Future means NO WORK as Lil’Yuval said: jus’ DRUGS an’ VIDEO GAMES… with avatars… digital “twins”
I could go on but I won’t—they wanna cover it ALL—EVERYTHING in the METAVERSE:
So ya’s git my drift on ALL “ASPICS” of LIFE bein’ COVERED VIRTUALLY (no virtue in it tho’)—nuttin’ will be REAL in the ALL-EMCOMPASSING METAVERSE. Notta WHIF of REALITY if they kin help it!—but fer “starters” while we normies “acclimate” they talked about a BLENDED REALITY. The blender mix covers the “transitional” period before our BRAINS are taken over an’ we’re all METAstiSIZED!
The”slurppe” we’ll experience (kinda like PAGER) will be mostly virtual/AI, but some “real” stuff at the start—like that banana smoothie!
Ya’ll wanna live in a BLENDED REALITY?
HECK NO!!!!!
I’ll take the REAL DEAL ANY DAY!—Warts an’ All!!!
(I’m a huge fan’ve these fellers!)
A few more tidbits…
One’a the BIG subjects the interviewer wanted ta address was ta be SURE the presenters (present-turds!) were all takin’ inta account the SDGs… / SUSTAINABLE DEVELOMENT GOALS i.e. UN Agendas 21, 30 an’ BEYOND—CLIMATE CHANGE an’ TRANS RIGHTS bein’ foremost but also EQUITY an’
DELUSION INCLUSION. Let’s make the METAVERSE “equitable” so no brain is left behind the woodshed.5G needs ta be “souped up” but better yet 6G to support all that human bandwith an’ ASSURE the “complete an’ seamless META experience.” The team called fer LOTS MORE killer EMFs (nope they didn’t say killer!) an’ electromagnetic “infrastructure.” Stroooong MEGAsignals fer the METAverse.
Now slap my pappy but they actually posited the question:
“HOW DO YOU MODERATE REAL LIFE?” when talkin’ bout controlin’ the NARRATIVE(S) in the virtual world an’ orchestratin’ the CONVERSATIONS allowed within that sphere. On one platform if somebuddy mis-speaks too many times OR to the OBJECTION of those “in charge”— they may REMOVE that digital twin AVATAR’s MOUTH!!!! Yup, that’s right—how FREAKY is that?! (as if avatars are not freaky enuf?!) Even a couple’a the speakers thought that wuz a mite dystopian!So they “wrung their little VR-gloved hands” over not censorin’ “too much” but censorin’ “just enough” ta keep SAFE SPACES. I’d’a puked up last nite’s chittlins jus’ listenin’ to these “AI-For-GOOD” monsters—all makin’ sure only GOOD THINGS came of this tech (how noble of ‘em)—I mean how d’ya moderate real life my hiney?!?—but I didn’t wanna hit the pause button ta empty my stomach, so I made it thru the entire sufferin’ NIGHTMARE of a “Conference” just so I could share some’ve the highlights with you.
(Yer welcome!)
The importance of: SUCK-YER-ITTY
One topic (toe-pick, they pick’em good whin they ain’t navel-gazin’) of “concern” wuz SECURITY. Now listen’up—this is INSANE!!!!!
They figgered these VR Worlds were HACKABLE (like us animals?) so THIS is how they plan ta keep yer virtual identity secure:
a. Identifyin’ you by your DNA (yup, yer holy DNA). An’ they said this with a straight face too.
b. Identifyin’ you by your UNIQUE HEARTBEATS usin’ EKG-type monitorin’.
They monitor ALL yer bodily functions in the Metaverse anywayz with all these probes an’ chips n’ stuff that tell ‘em your “unique” cardiac electrical impulses. SO they figgered they needed ta ADD that to the DNA profile just ta “be sure.” Frankly I had no idear our heartbeats on an EKG were unique—but ta use THIS as an indentifyer is beyond the pale…
c. Identifyin’ you by your SENSE OF SMELL. So, each person has a unique sense’ve smell. I had NO IDEAR this too wuz the case. Since they’ll be SIMULATIN’ SMELL fer yer entertainment in the kill box (makin’ ya “smell” vir’chew’all flowers, foods, perfumes—mebbe yer own farts fer gawdsakes?!) they’ll have access to those unique OLFACTORY PROFILES an’ (bless ‘em—not!) they’ll use yer own very unique olfactory profile to IDENTIFY ya fer all “virtual” (certainly not virtuous!) transactions.
Security wise, even apart from finances, in order for ya to INTERACT WITHIN THE METAVERSE wuther yer makin’ a comment ‘er purchasin’ more BITCOIN ‘er CBDSeizes or whutever…
Hell no, I say!!!! I find it “amusin’” that they call SECURITY a series of THREATS (no sh_t Sherlock!) an’ OPPORTUNITIES. Right… OP-port-tune-itties fer THEM not us. We human beans are ta “mine” our manners whul they MINE OUR DATA.
To them we ARE just DATA. Ahhhhhhh!
Data an’ a source of energy ta power their diggy-tail currency… their NFTease (oh they spoke ‘bout that too).
This AI an’ VR will be our FUTURE—a blended WORLD they’ve planned fer us—a FUN WORLD (so they tell us)—this BRAVE NEW WORLD— has only a few concerns. One, as per above, is security (SICK-your-itty!).
An’ their worst concern? Nuthin’ that bad, it wuz kinda tossed off casually, is that:
yeah, we humans could LOSE OUR FREE WILL.
LOSE. OUR. FREE. WILL. Just. Like. That. SNAP!
HOW SO? Ah, they tell us:
The “guidance” of the VR, the INFLUENCE of the “right” voices—so subtle, so cleverly done—that people literally (they said) will not know if ideas are THEIR OWN or AI-GENERATED because AI is so GOOD AT IT ALL. Per these dastardly dementors (!), AI is so much BETTER than humans, better at thinkin’, better at CREATING WORLDS, that it could just TAKE OVER like that… an’ then of course we would have no free will. Ooops.
But they’ll make sure it won’t happen. TRUST THEM. They know what they are doing, right?
The UnPoetic Reality of The Metaverse they’re plannin’ fer us is a world with NOTHING REAL—no real flowers to smell, no real people to love or befriend, no delicious food to nourish us, no poetry, no art, no music (‘cept that which is AI-generated / not real..)…
There is another name for THE REALITY OF THE METAVERSE"
HELL. Hell on EARTH.
The METAVERSE means, must mean: DEATH
NO SEPARATION BETWEEN THE DIGITAL AND THE PHYSICAL — SEAMLESS STITCHING to “alter” our world, to “tailor” it to THEIR wishes, surely not ours…
That’s DEATH to we amazin’ imperfect-perfect creatures, “warts an’ all” that make incredible things that all speak of LIFE!
If what is “meta” is a made-up nightmare beyond the realm of our benevolent LIVING universe, let “artifice” speak of DEATH…. (such that killin’ it off is not a crime—i.e. killin’ the already DEAD!)
And let WE the LIVIN’ (yet!) speak ONLY of LIFE!
LIFE is our greatest durn creation! Only WE humans can make “real” life on Earth*—so the “mock” an’ the meta is a pale, deathly spectre of it. We, only we humans, also make an’ grow LIVIN’ THINGS like luscious gardens an’ boutiful vegetables, an’ JOYFUL THINGS like art, architecture (holy an’ secular, practical an’ fanciful!), literature, poetry! We make MUSIC that reaches the clouds! We lift voices uniquely HUMAN in song, in prayer, in protest, in joy. An’ sometimes in righteous anger too!—real people, not AI, has a right to curse-not-bless the EVIL WEENIE CABAL that killed their beloved fambly members with clot shots, lock-downs, medi-cull proto-culls… an’ FEAR.
*however ya believe in the divine creator, as one God, or as the divine inside of us, no dead machinery kin make a life—it kin only TAKE a life! We humans reproduce (some say “divinely”—an’ no test-tube-pod-tranny-rubber-bouncer-baby is ever gonna be REAL)
Since I embrace LIFE outside the “Metaverse” Hellscape, I do NOT FEAR AI—I simply LOATHE IT!
I LOATHE AI, VR an’ every single part of the METAVERSE an’ all it stands for! Grrrr!
An’ thus I share the fiercely poetic shining HUMAN brilliance of… the TYGR—a fine metaPHOR for human beans…in VERSE (metered but not meta) an’ in lyrical watercolor—sumthin’ I can sink my teeth into!
fightin’ HARD fer the REAL, drivin’ HARD against the FAKE… often in verse!
the rubber meets the road!!!
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
BONUS TRAX—the METAVERSE as seen thru Yet-Human Eyes….ENJOY!!!!
”See y’all in my avatar…”
I wonder if AI made up her lyrics tho…?
This’uns a mite salty but it’s a hoot!
Totally twisted… for the kidz… (no, notta joke!)
Thanks for this, and I'm with you, Daisy, on everything except the loathing part. I prefer to laugh at its absurd pretensions! any of Y'all remember those VR HEADSET that one of the characters in STAR WARS(?) was constant wearing? Another one of the PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING genre that appeared in that and in other immensely popular and endlessly hyped series like STAR TREK?
That in particular stuck out to me as very weird. Cutting edge Television "programming" from the 70's. Just early on "harmless entertainment" prototypes from the Metaverse.........