So-sez brilliant whistle-tooter Sabrina Wallace whom I’ll paraphrase herewith by hollerin’: “Stop payin’ folks buttloads of do-re-mi ta end humanity!”

So, yup JOBS is the top-pick today!
Now we ain’t got none here ourselfs (yet!) cuz there’s nuthin’ like losin’ yer day job due to a cooked-up plandemic leavin’ ya in the kitchen holdin’ the soup spoon! (Thankfully we ain’t in the soup kitchen—we’ze hangin’ in thar okay, but I know many regular folks like us—in the USofEhhh? an’ beyond also got the short straw same as us!). Thus an’ so--I been a’ thinkin’ bout JOBS a LOT lately!
First…in brief…(a quik Daisy update)
I do hope yer all holdin’ together yerselfs! It’s been purdy bizzy here-bouts. Amid all kinda minor mishaps (the car’s on the fritz again! boiler failed—again! roof rats returned—again! tho’ thru it all we’re still’a laffin’ anywayz). I’m smack dab in the middle’ve organizin’ a giant holiday fest an’ contra-type barn dance fer a passle of homeschoolers here an’ it’s (of course!) a joy but also a chore-an’-a half (50% harder) cuz it gave me a new profession (haha). Yup, Daisy here’s become somethin’ of a dentist (!) cuz gettin’ folks ta help out is like...pullin’ teeth! (Seriously y’all!) I’ll spare you nice readers fer the moment, but down the road mebbe I can reflect a touch on this whole “gettin’ things goin’ ” major challenge I’m encounterin’ beecuz folks ain’t used to offerin’ help no more! Folks now-daze ain’t used ta lendin’ a hand (‘er foot)—like “whaheppened?” to community? I thought I’d landed in the roll up yer sleeves Jimmy Stewart gumption Land of the Jaycees an’ the Rotarians an’ in Pancake SupperVille where volunteers make up the Fire department an’ (I’m near-sure) the police. But NOPE, that wuz the Land of my Imagination. (pure hokum?) Duz not EXIST now. These Kontry Kouch taters ain’t even makin’ it ta the microwave (iffin they wait long enuf, the nukes’ll cook them tater tots without their gettin’ up!). Now as an inveterate organ-izer, it alwayz wuz mebbe 80/20 – 80% NEVER git off their duffs an’ help out but the 20% would lend’ya some effort! Now it’s like 98/2! Not jokin’ here... So that’s a thing now with occupyin’ my time—an’ it’s a BEAR (grrr!) So I’m a notch bizzier than I’d’a needed ta be if more’ve them “Ameri-can-made” tater tots had got off their Layzee Boys an’ lent a hand—but meantimes I’ll get ta JOBS — the real “matter at hand” today! (update over an' out!)
SHORT TAKES: I wanna do a few short postin’s on “idears” that are stickin’ in my craw but that don’t require a lotta length. This first one is about JOBS!
Mostly I’m talkin’ ‘bout the JOBS that got us inta this gawdawful mess...the best-payin’ ones “near” the top are the ones we really gotta worry ‘bout—those in TECH (includin’ pharma tech..).
When it comes to $Dough-Re-Mi$, “Let’s Start at the Very Beginning!”
First, gotta peer down ta the bottom... Fer quite some time many’ve us, have mostly called out the LOW LEVEL fools that oiled the werks as these are the people we meet in our day-to-day lives. These are the folks with the “I’m follerin’ orders”-type JOBS. Some’ve us asked under our breath, how could they?! How could that power-trip-inflated bus driver kick off that poor wheezy old man fer not wearin’ hiz stoopid mask high enuf ta cover his schnoz? How could that smilin’ librarian hand out “killer” sodium azide poison-laden covid tests with nano in the schwabs (that make ya give out a MAC address an’ steal yer DNA ta boot)—to CHILDREN?! How could those fellers wearin’ 1970’s jumpsuits install them evil 5G towers everywhere they could an’ then some--durin’ “lockdowns.” (This last one includes even those that saw “covid” marked on a set’ve wires inside the blasted 5g boxes—givin’ a few less-slow-witted scholars a “cause to wunder.”) Most nursin’ home aides didn’t quit their jobs even if they quietly wondered about lockin’ up gran’ma fer her own “good” an’ bannin’ fambly visits.
But these folks with LOW LEVEL JOBS were NOT “in the know.” Those JOBS were not the kind that invent ‘er make the kill boxes or design the DAWs that set Canada on fire an’ murder every livin’ breathin’ tree fer miles (an’ poison a lotta human lungs too!). Nope—these folks are the just the “real estate agents” that show you in cuz they were given a key. C’mon down ladies, see the proper-tea, we have nice (Zyklon B) shower fer ya—gits rid’ve the fleas (an’ yer heart-beet too!). My pernt here is—this type of JOB is nearly drone-like, dumb/blind worker-beez... right? So blame is limited—an’ it’s a hard call askin’ these folks ta QUIT even tho’ a few brave ones did...they know NOT whut they DO.

Next ya go ta the middle—the MID-LEVEL JOBS. Here ya got the MEDI-CULL machine—those are JOBS too. Most’ve us knowin’ that the Nazi’s knew ta FIRST git the nurses on-board with murder, next the dok-turds. They took “Makin’ it easy fer the Clean up Woman” to heart! So they took ta murderin’ the disabled an’ mentally unfit, then babies, an’ then “chews”—so the JOBS were just “logical”—logi-cull if ya ask me! Similarly, with every nurse ‘er dok-turd givin’ out every “vaxxeen” on the childhood schedule an’ of course with every new crisis (managed) like the recent an’ ongoin’ plandemic—the BOSSES (DODeath, CDSeize etc) knew ta make chobs fer humans an’ get ‘em FOLLERIN’ ORDERs. Pay bump fer all that comply! Bonus-sez! Cuz, yup,those are JOBS all part’ve the “HEALTH” (hardeeharr harr!) Complex. Another related one is them PHARMA-CYSTS that delivered the jabs-bad (they too did the Kevorkian Cha Cha—whatta delivery system!) an’ also those doin’ CONTACT TRACIN’ (“for your protection” these were human rats—however well-intended--reportin’ on their fellow human beans most invasively--an’ haulin’ ‘em off ta “camp” in case of a sniffle—makin’ ‘em “Rat Finks!”), but yepper, that wuz also a job.
All these MID-LEVEL JOBS involved a bit more knowledge an’ agency than yer average “covid-caper-helpful” librarian posessed, more ‘specially once these jobbers sawr real life CONSEQUENCES (intended, natch) such as heart attacks, cancers, folks droppin’ dead—stuff like that—”Con-Sequences,” one fallin’ domino follerin’ the next, of what they wuz doin’ an’ STILL collected them paychecks... These folks should NOT be let offa the meat hook BUT...I’m not even talkin’ bout these jobs because...it’s the next level (Level 3) that is of GREATEST USE TO US in STOPPIN’ the CRIMES.
The JOBS that gotta be STOPPED FIRST and FOREMOST are the folks in TECH (military, pharma, cyber) that exist ALL OVER THE USA (and beyond) includin’ at our bought-n-sold univer-shitties! THESE are the chuckleheads (higher up on the food chain) we gotta STOP!!!!!
So y’all might’ve gleaned from prior mentions that one’a my favorite voices “in the ether” these days has been Sabrina Wallace. She’s a tech savant (thankfully others help translate her more esoteric missives!) bravely blowin’ her whistle LOUD an’ CLEAR ‘bout the baddies stealin’ our auras, nabbin’ our vital energies, an’ usin’ US—we humans--not only fer experiments but also as batteries, power sources fer their dang cyber “suck-curity” while destroyin’ our immune systems, an’ more.
She’s a hoot (I love when she calls out fools an’ hippo-critz) but her message is purdy dire, urgent, an’ vital!:
She’s CONSTANTLY alertin’ us that—indeed—“these are jobs.” People go ta work daily (‘er boot up their ‘puters an’ servers from home) TO KILL US.
So what duz that mean, “these are jobs?” It means that folks WHO DO KNOW what they are doin’---not just follerin’ orders but they cannot help but KNOW--are goin’ to work every day to DESTROY HUMANITY an’ doin’ so without any qualms ‘er sense of conscience. They’re takin’ paychecks (hefty) for it.
We need ta CALL THEM OUT (pull’em outta their dark cyber man caves—lady caves too!) an’ tell’em ta BE HUMAN. ‘Else we are lost...mebbe...I ain’t without worry! (An’ still we gotta pray, bless, send love out thar too inta the ether—but these miscreants were must call out!). “FUK’ these JOBS”—cuz they’ze fukin’ with US! (sorry ta curse...this stuff is life-an’-death vital so I git a bit “werked up!”—Alex-wuz-Right duz too tee hee!)
SO you mostly young tech-a-matic morons (no matter how schmart you THINK y’are):
Stop PROGRAMMIN’ an’ CREATIN’ software (an’ hardware) that monitors-nay-controls our health, lives, decisions an’ every move we make! also every breath we take! (sorry phil) Wwhuther it’s CBDC platforms ‘er “KILL SWITCHES” fer cars...all’ve it—any of it! Stop!!!!
Stop WATCHIN’ screens an’ monitors that SPY on folks, their bodily functions (oh yes indeedy they do this), their vital signs, even if they take their meds! their phone calls via STINGRAY an’ others…
Stop GANGSTALKING private citizens via job programs like Signature Reduction Force an’ others sponsored by the DOD /Army
Stop cyber-supportin’ ALL TRAFFICKING operations! I’m talkin’ ‘bout the elite “Finders” clubs an’ many other “secret” UNDERGROUND OPERATIONS that run from military bases to beneath Walmarts to the White House involvin’ every branche of our deranged gubbamint AND the “Alphabets.” This is not just CHILD traffickin’ but ORGAN, DRUG, WEAPONS, MONEY LAUNDERIN’ & beyond! I’m talkin’ bout the folks that facilitate these “businesses” with both cyber surveillance systems (protection fer the traffickers) AND cyber security systems programmed to funnel laundered funds, humans, drugs, weapons (bioweapons!) an’ all other fishy stuff smoothly an’ efficiently from suppliers to “buyers.”
Stop DESIGNIN’ spyware that is in every cell phone, computer, an’ SMART DEVICE (yer LED lights even! yer FitBit, yer phone, yer gol-durned blender!) that gives every real live human a reason to be more ‘n paranoid
Stop IMPROVING our KILL BOXES with tech that sends out body-harmful signals where folks live an’ work. Cuz yes Virginia, there is a SATAN (real or conceptual) an’ he WANTS US DEAD. Now “Satan” doesn’t just inform the doity doin’s of the Mistah Globals an’ Illuminatti Puppet Meisters— He takes the form (no shape shifin’ needed—but shifty he iz!) of an ordinary dude in Vans an’ some “Killer Clown” t-shirt, vapin’ an’ suckin’ down Red BULL an’ figgerin’ out ways to bathe us all in EMFs, sprinkle us with flesh-eatin’ bioweapons, an’ nail us into our home-coffins (or city/shitty coffins!) with DAWs (not just cut n’ burn MaoWhee style but with DAW lasers aimed right at our ever-lovin’ brains!). MAKIN’ FOLKS dwell in their own kill boxes—all via more tech than’d fill the Pyramid of “Geezer!”
Stop DE-HUMANIZIN’ humans (an’ gettin’ paid fer it). ANY tech you design, build, test ‘er prance about at yer EXPOS while holdin’ yer designer lattes are about invasively controlin’ we-human-beans cuz you believe we’re just MATTER (useless matter!) an’ sadly we DO NOT MATTER to y’all. Wuther meldin’ us with cyber-tech (pagin’ Pager!) or lookin’ inta our temperatures an’ heartbeats an’ hormones (‘er fer you, I’m ‘a guessin’ yer thinkin’ a’ whore-moans!) ‘er even our “doodoo!” (cuz yup, they can track yer DNA from the sewers an’ they DO—I WISH I warn’t kinddin’...)—ta do this diaboli-cull stuff they gotta mentally “other” us all—de-humanize us. Cuz the human spirit would naturally PREVENT such distancin’ an’ prevent us from totally de-humanizin’ us. Indeed, wargames an’ viddeyos (video games) teach soldiers to “De-HUMANIZE” the “ennemy.” Soonz they realize that human beans is all human beans—there ain’t no enemy so we also need ta...
Stop the HIRIN’ an’ PAYIN’ of IN-HUMANE BOSSES an’ CEOs an’ “Borgs of Direct-turds” from farmin’-out / pharmin’-out JOBS that pay folks ta de-humanize their fellow men (ladies included here!)
Stop orderin’ CHEMTRAILS ta be delivered in our skies, food, water an’ all ‘round the mulberry bush (an’ yes we should GROUND them pilots—do they never have pangs of conscience knowin’ it’s not even pesty-cides they’ze sprayin’ on us but explosive metals an’ radiation an’ morgellons goodies, graphene nanobots, all the toxic nano-hydrogel-soup meant fer murder (ta take the sun out at the knees too!)
Stop the IRS (stop workin’ fer the IRS!)—full STOP!!!! (an’ all “chobs” realated ta the INFERNAL REVENUE SERVICE! Now they’re hirin’ MORE (JOBS JOBS JOBS) an’ ARMIN’ them—AR15s back at’cha if ya “owe” the gubbamint? Seriously—we get taxation an’ zero REPRESENTATION!
Stop workin’ fer the Propaganda Machine an’ let’s Dock that Censor-ship! Now here I’m not talkin’ bout the “talkin’ head” idiots on MSM that just jabber out their pre-fab “talkin’ points” but more ‘bout those that program fer CISA an’ all them SPOOK organ-eye-say-shuns “Mockin’boid”-style. I mean them that hard code all the AI trolls (see my take on Ai-Ai-Yai! below) an’ create them internet bots an’ algal-rhythms (seaweed / see WEED! indeed) ta CENSOR folks an’ CONVINCE vulnerable MINDS that FEAR is the answer! An’ FEARin’ their unjabbed neighbors is even a better anwer! (Or them linkin’ them bots ta make sure that Wrong-Think’ll get yer bank accounts canceled too!)—dastardly stuff!
Stop the AI —full STOP! QUIT if this iz what’ya do! (yessiree, I know some’ve ya’s think “it kin be used fer good”—like arsenic mebbe? Hey it DID kill rats an’ turn wallpaper a purdy green... ) I know this ‘uns controversial but there is PUHLENTY of tech that is “NOT AI” that can rock our whirled in a MUCH better way!: tech that uses, values, LOVES the human brains that think an’ do incredible stuff! AI is the tunnel ta a fiery pit. It’s lettin’ the GPS rot yer sense’ve direction, it’s lettin’ grammar check make yer brain go blank on all them “golden rules,” it’s whut makes folks BRAIN-LAZY. I kid ya not, AI is the DEVIL! (in disguise/dis-guys…really!)—not bein’ just skepty-cull here—every thing AI touches—Art! Poetry! Cinema! Journalism! it corrupts, pollutes, cheapens, lessens an’ dumbs-down even when NOT doin’ evil. AI is baaaaad. (Hehheh y’all, I warned folks ‘bout the dangers’ve Facebook when it started an’ nobuddy listened ta me then either then! AI—gotta be stopped!)
Stop the WAR MACHINE! Look, I ain’t against a standin’ army or a line of defense—but the WAR MACHINE is a’nuther thing entirely—people are PAID to develope scary tech fer the military—then it’s used on US! Cyber soldiers, tech-enhanced bodies (licensed ta kill!) – it’s a James Giordano James Bond James James Morrison Morrison’s* “I’m in Charge” Wet Dream from Hell!.
* fer y’all who are also AA Milne fans you’ll recall that three-yer-old James James Morrison Morrison (Commonly known as Jim) Told his Other relations Not to go blaming him. James James Said to his Mother, "Mother," he said, said he: "You must never go down to the end of the town without consulting me." (talk ‘bout control !!!! of course that wuz tongue-in-cheek, today they MEAN IT an’ they behave as IF they are “only three!!!”
By all means, let’s have MORE “STOPS” along the ROAD ta RECOVERY!

I’m sure I’m missin’ some good’uns (so feel free ta share some more in them “comm-mints!” as an aperitif!) but the pernt is—these folks MUST QUIT, they MUST say NO, I will not use my joystick to send the Doremus fambly’s car OFF THE ROAD. NO I will not give Little Corkie Antrobus a seizure remotely in the shower cuz her daddy has 14 rifles in the closet. NO I will not remove all the data from Loretta “Loudmouth’s” hard drive... NO I WILL NOT!
An’ I know I’m preachin’ ta the choir here but PARENTS (uncles, aunts, cousins, gran’parents...you too!)—all gotta SPEAK UP! This means YOU—don’t turn around now—YOU! (if ya know somebuddy that duz this stuff).
If you gotta fambly member (or friend / adult child of a friend) that has a “top secret” job cookin’ up NANOBOTS or MEDBEDS or MILITARY BRAIN-MELTERS (meltin’ brains fer them that are in the hands of “the enemy”) or “TEEVEE REMOTES” fer controlin’ humans or BIOWEAPONS any kind /type/make... YELL at ‘em DAILY (weekly at least) ta QUIT. Some’a these youngster darksters don’t want famblies ‘er kids so they care NOT about future generations, THUS ya gotta make’em care!...somehow, someways-anyhow!
Someone’s gotta be THE ADULT IN THE ROOM to stop ’em---no matter how enticin’ the paycheck too!
Folks can QUIT. They can REFUSE TO WORK.
Whut else?
They can HACK (systems) to WHISTLEBLOW!
They kin (mebbe?) wage “Cyber-SABOTAGE” to make things NOT WORK. (To save humanity it ain’t a crime!!!!)
They might REVERSE or MESS WITH the tech so it backfires an’ no humans (‘er animals) are harmed.
MEANWHILE...back at the RANCH...
Since these are hundreds of thousands of jobs—maybe millions (?) might OTHERS in a position ta do so offer HUMAN-FRIENDLY jobs to these (mostly) young malleable minds with busy fingers doin’ the (google) walk. If programmin’ is their oyster, let’em design healthy ways ta clean up polluted warters ‘er git the dang nano outta our growin’ soils! Have ‘em figger out how ta reverse death-jab’s ill effects an’ turn some lives around! Heck, in such a lousy economy I’d normally not suggest folks QUIT their jobs but if ya got the kinda job of which I’m speakin’—DO IT!
There is LOTS of opportunity for them wantin’ ta SAVE humanity—not push it inta the fiery dumpster!
Blessin’s to all who QUIT.
Blessin’s to all who WHISTLEBLOW.
Blessin’s to all who QUIETLY SABOTAGE the kill-systems (like that German nurse that quietly gave saline ‘stead of the clot shots!)
and...as a mama I gotta say:
Blessin’s to all you MAMAS an’ PAPAS (an’ fambly members) who STEER YER YOUNG’UNS in the right direction to SAVE us Human Beans!
Lord knows bein’ a parent is no easy JOB itself! But someone’s gotta take it on! Parentin’ pays DIDDLY SQUAT in greenbacks BUT fer some’ve us—it’s the BEST JOB in TOWN!
all from yer un-gainfully employed aka currently unemployed ;-)
(I may not have a job but I’m TRULY a “piece of work” ha ha!)
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
Dolly didn’t know ‘bout the kinda jobs “programmin’ ta kill us all” in THIS song but “What a way to make a livin’?!” has a new meanin’ in 2023!
This’uns one’a my favorites—an’ it’s sure tellin’ it like it iz workin’ fer “The MAN”…again, “owin’ your soul ta the company store” also takes on NEW meanin’ today!
Here’s a Frank Loesser “tip” to all them waitresses! (Many a fine actor/actress carried a tray!) Another essential job canceled durin’ the plandemic…
OF COURSE…couldn’t skip this one…
An’ finally—the job of PARENTIN’! Any of y’all member this ‘un? Sure, it’s sayin’ parent’s kin do just about ANYTHING (‘er mommy on the oil rig in Alaska—unless ya were livin’ there—didn’t work out so well fer raisin’ a fambly…) but still back then, PARENTIN’ was important! (True in spite’a the fact that “Ms. CIA Bunny” Glorioski soitenly had some influence here…nevertheless this sounds nearly quaint!)
Back ‘at’cha soon!—I promise!
Now I’m only bringing this up because you included 9-5 in the end there, but did you see that Dolly donated money to get the shot developed and sang the Vaccine song to the tune of Jolene (blasphemy!)?
And for the record, even if these jobs didn’t exist, they’d be doing this shit under the table and behind the back door. The genie is out of the bag.
I also feel like a hypocrite, but I like using AI as a tool. Don’t kill me. I just really like what it bring to the table. Not that it should replace all the human things. And this is coming from me who would voluntarily take time to spent living life like the Amish.
Nice rant, Daisy! Thanks for posting the link in my comment section. I barely can catch up with all the reading I’ve missed these last few months.
So Daisy - I wuz list'nin' to a record from the 70's. On a cassette, remember them?
Rush 2112.
About the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx and their Great Computers which Fill the Hallowed Halls....and how makin' yer own music is ferbidden, you can only listen to what the AI priests give you....
Mr. Neal Peart (RIP) was a prophet.