Trains & Boats & Planes
Reflections on the Planned Demolition of our Infrastructure--all've it!
TRANS-PORTATION —goin’ across roads n’ streets n’ land—and takin’ stuff with ya what besides (that’s the port-tation part).
THIS has been our human heritage since our cave-”mansestors” invented the wheel! That is until now…. 2023 that is. What a time, WHATTA WEEK!
When it rains it pours....chemicals (chemi-CULLS!!!!!) here y'all go...
We KNOW: they do not want ya to drive (hence them dystopian "15 minute cities") so they: make gas un-a-FORD-able (an' tease us with rationin' due ta arty-fish-all shortages--blamin' RussiaRussiaRussa!), allow bridges to rot, encourage road potholes deeper than birdbaths ta remain unrepaired an’ unfilled, plus they even make some roads disappear (due to bein' racist per Biden (?!), AND they want you to drive crappy sardine-can electric cars which have signifiCAN'T limitations in how far they kin go, spontaneously combust, cost a fortune, and are no more energy efficient than takin' a Lear Jet to the grocery store.
But killin' CAR CULTURE is just the half of it...
(Ol’ Route 66 or 666 fer those sin-a-cul—wasn't THAT our America??? Blue Plate Special Diners? Mom n’ Pop stores? Roadway Inns???? Tourist attractions an’ their homegrown Souvenir Shops!!!!)
We know they're ALSO killin' aviation (by obviation! jus' don't ask!) be-jabberin' all the pilots (which causes pilots ta, y'know CRASH n' burn an’ take the planes down-along with ‘em…), by screwin' up radar signals with 5g (a known risk to accurate landin' an' take off), by replacing seasoned pilots (who may or not be "white") with younger "diversity hires" (who may or may not be qualified but are definitely GREEN! an' thus lackin’ experience are certainly a risk in flight...), by causin' accidents with manmade "weather events" (geo-engineered blizzards, etc which trigger emergency landings foller'd by a call to HALT FLIGHTS), and by planning "freak" computer failures (which stop all flights an' flight communications) and NOW by populatin' our airways with crazy-ass CCP Balloons and ALIEN Craft (which may be our own dang circus balloons) and other such dirigibles so-over-crowding our formerly friendly skies that--you got it--FLIGHTS ARE CANCELED... So aviation, formerly just unaffordable, is now TOO RISKY—aviation (and passengers…pass-INJUREDs): DOA.
So much for this once-popular mode’a travel….
(Cass has a worthy message too....)
Natch they're annihilatin’ the trains. Would YOU take a train today? Will it be derailed? Blown up? Filled with toxic chemicals????
Trains USED TO BE mechanical marvels—train trips, somethin’ ta look forward to…
Something ta SING ABOUT!
(Johnny, one'a my all-time fave musicians sang a passle'a GREAT train songs....bless'im!)
HOWEVER… if yer up on the Weekly Whirled Nooz ya know they're literally (litter-alley!) "killin' it" in Palestine, Ohio. IT meaning people, fish, pets, farm animals--plants and all the arable land too. And of course covid-jabbed humans and animals have already compromised immune systems so this "op" is a win for the Illuminati DePop Band (the “Big C” ain't just "covid.")
Smack dab in the middle'a all this War of the Worlds SHOW (aliens on the way, look out fer Hollyweird holler-grams from Project Blue Beam) ....DO note that this week alone there were THREE (count'em) planned choo-choo DERAILMENTS! (here, have a derail mint, suck on that folks…)
Ohio, Texas, and N. Carolina and such hand-picked TAKEDOWNS (vs fingerpicked Foggy Mountain Breakdowns) are not just a sign of our failing neglected infrastructure--we gotta 911-style CONTROLLED DEMO of our already compromised/neglected infrastructure, ALL PLANNED.
I understand that in December of 2022 a NetFlix movie aptly called White Noise (talk ‘bout drowin’ out yer surroundin’s) was about (hold onta yer hats!), a train derailment in Palestine, "Oh-hiya" wherein....surprise, surprise...TOXIC killer chemicals are released from the cars and EVERYONE has to evacuate. Oh and there's a Hitler element too (uncanny y'all, no?)....Trains & toxic gas seem to go hand and hand--ask the SS about the "Theresienstadt Tango" folks....things go better with GAS (dioxins...zyklon-b, ethylene glycol monobutyl…. und so weiter)
Boatin’ is bein’ bumped off too! Surely we already know about all them "Super Spreader Cruise Ships" which’ll do ya in worse than too much shuffleboard! No more roman-tick LOVE BOAT connections (today you’d be “sunk” trustin’ Gavin MacLeod & Bernie Kopell). Honestly, who takes boats nowadays to "go places"???? (Mebbee we SHOULD?... this a' course is a nuther’ story worth discussin’—) In the meantime, losin’ our sealegs is also a sorry sign’ve the times. In honor of worthy water travel (worth its weight in salt, harhar!), here's one'a my favorite oldies 'bout the packet boats which folks DID use to git around from town ta town AND were also useful as all get-out fer gettin' goods an' services to folks:
(and remember:)
You'll always know your neighbor
And you'll always know your pal
If ya ever navigated on the Erie Canal
I won't tarry long 'bout the takedown've truckin’ and of all them good truckers (y'all know Daisy n' Kin did a little vidde-yo tribute to the Canadian Trucker heroes HERE!)--but by uppin' the price a' diesel and givin' our fuel to Chyyyyna (and creatin' an arty-fish-all GAS n' diesel shortage) AND by arrestin' decent humans tryin' to "hold the line"--there's no question that they've got their crosshairs on TRUCKING.... (and inner AND interstate supply transport too.) Long live truckin’ —another fight to keep it goin’ AND meanwhile…this truckin' song fan (ME!) ain't gonna allow this musical oper-tune-itty ta escape, no sirree:
(a bonus mode'a transport fer us city folks...)
That they’re sinkin’ the subways (how low can ya go? lower than the UNDERGROUND?) is a damn’ shame. In our now-former abode of New Yawk Shitty they took the decrepit subway system to a literal (litter-all !) new low making ridership plummet like a lead matzoh ball in yer soup (ya want 'em fluffy folks and it's an AHRT!).... How so? Wull, apart from cuttin’ trains (the number of ‘em) and never runnin’ on schedule (delays ‘r us!), there are lots of folks gettin' pushed onto the tracks where the 3rd rail kills them with enough electricity to light up Las Vegas IF they ain't already crushed by the oncomin' trains. NEXT, they make sure all the voice-to-skull overly be-jabbed zombie-crazies (homeless or not) are 5g prodded and angered with race-baitin' and similar SJW come-an-git-it dog whistle calls to take all sorts of HARD OBJECTS like hammers and baseball bats and wrenches and cheap wino bottles and BLUNGEON folks to death on the train tracks. The subways are SO bad that NOBODY waits fer trains near the edge any more (a formerly common if risky practice) and SOME people actually belt themselves to the metal pylons in stations to avoid being pushed while awaiting their trains (kid ya not agin'!).
I "Miss" the Subways I used'ta know and wax mighty nostalgic for their his’try:
They don't want you to leave your "homes" which soon will be called PODS (peeee pods!). America (and yes, I know this transit takedown is international too) was all about the JOYS of TRAVEL FREEDOM using all marvelous means've transport.
At very least let's celebrate that TRUE tradition folks--and FIGHT for its return because once we are home-bound it's gonna be bad...sad, and poor (poor) locked up dad.... How ta fight?
TIP: IF you’re a parent and yer kiddos don’t know this book, git it! And DO read all manner of books ta yer kids about travel—by car, truck, auto, and even by howda! When the’re old enough, Jules Verne’s Around the World in Eighty Days is a goodie!
Since it's nowadays (sadly!) a genuine HAZARD and a RISK to take "trains n' boats n' planes"—Freedom Travel Alliance aside for those deep-pocketed enough—an unfortunate fact we know is PLAN-DEMICALLY PLOTTED to get us humans too dang SKEERED to board these “danger-US” heaps a' metal they've MADE purposefully unsafe with jab-injured drivers n' aviators, via sabotage, and of course lettin’ us in on these Real-Life Disaster Movies per predictive programmin'.... JUST take charge of the danged wheel and DRIVE!
Go places! See! DO!!!! Take friends, take the fam—GO dawg GO!!!
(an' fergawdsakes if ya got one, git ridda yer not-at-all SCHMART CAR pronto!)
And thus… let's hear it for trains an' boats an' planes
(RIP Burt Bacharach--I lover yer music!!!!)
Here's another travelin’ tune fave' a mine as is the Marvelous Mister Miller
(cain't resist):
And last (but not least) this golden nugget!
Fergit all the signifyin' "numerology"--get yer kicks (by all means the fambly-friendly kind if ya like) on what's left of our GREAT highways an' byways (weather permittin') and exercise yer god-given rights to GO!!!!! (Another swell cover HERE btw.)
Stop the Demolition!
De-fuse the planned implosion!
Movin' is GROOVIN' an' this time we gotta groove ta save our ever-lovin' lives!
Now ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
BONUS cinematic treat fer off-kilter film fans:
Daisy here don’t dwell on the dark side no-how, but I also won't dump my genu-ine fandom for creative talent I admire.... thus I share a longtime favorite here: Kenneth Anger's brilliant (an' obviously fetishistic) and BEAUTIFUL and poetic paean to American Car Culture (an' of course a LOT more "boy" golly wink wink winkeroo...).. ENJOY!
Let’s win THIS race!
gee thanks Mary an' xo's back at'cha--a few tips then fer some fun drives! a) BRING the dog (if ya have one)--most've 'em we've had just LOVE car rides and b) that'd be mix tape time! (or "new school" mp3 mixes which get a pass on the highway)--an' include Roger Miller by all means!
In fact, one of my fav-o-rite Miller tunes (great fer choppin' veggies in 4/4 time) is a perfect drivin' tune:
ha ha, wull there are puhlenty'a reasons to be Howard Beale this week in particular--BUT...there are 2 small reasons to be "cheerful" as ya say....
1. I DO believe that despite the MSM cover-up of the demo-"licious" destruction've our infrastructure, regular folks ain't buyin' it--I've seen MANY leaked an' even post-tweeted citizen journalists showing the real story in Ohio and this stuff is now being SEEEN.... and (kinda related since they are takin' out farmland with spills n' thrills and uber-rich buyouts with hopes to feed us "mystery meat...") that it's now bein' reported that the GMO-fake-greenwarshed "Impossible" Burgers & "Beyond" Burgers--have thankfully met their Probable Demise in the Great Beyond of bad food fads--folks ain't buyin' the stuff and the patent was revoked. Slooooowly there are some sleepy eyes startin' ta open. Reasons to be cheerful I'd say....with a modicum 've caution... AND
2. ... there's been a touch've walkback at the WHO on the global digital passports (idea pulled...for "now") -- not quite a WIN but it's a little "WHINNEY" an' I heard it... Even FElonMuskOx was quoted this week on the topic.... that nations shouldn't totally lose their identity as, y'know, the grand plans may cause a collapse...
So that's 2 reasons to be tentatively "more" cheerful. PLUS you kin still drive! If you own an older pre-2014 car they can't even "take it out" remotely.... nice.
Your "Nooz" stories seem to demonstrate that "business as usual" reigns-- of COURSE the WSJ is gonna push their pro-jab editorials or Op-Eds what have ya... paid for by Pffffizer. Of COURSE no 2 newspapers of Wreck-Chord're gonna agree (be it on funeral attendees or the price of eggs in Peoria--that is IF you kin find 'em).... Readership of MSM is down though--and I'm cheerful 'bout that!
Reasons to be Cheerful, Part 3 (a very amusin' old-style bloke-"rap")