Feb 15, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

sweet playlist. some surf rock for kids who grew up on the richard scarry books https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvnV1v7PN8k

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

OUTTA THE BALLPARK! Thank you Daisy! Man, what memories! So bittersweet...

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Thanks. I can't wait for your next feel good piece. Maybe we should start a weekly "reasons to be cheerful" newsletter. OK, how about a monthly? A biannual? Say something.

I was in the local liberry yesterday surrounded by masked morons (both staff and visitors as I always note) and was briefly scanning the WS Journal. After a few minutes I glanced at the letters on the editorial page. The first I saw – because I was supposed to see it first- was about those insane antisocial so-and-sos who don’t want to be injected and of course he or she used the standard hideous hyphenated word. The gist of the letter was – the you-know-what manufacturers not only did God’s work but did it at record speed and the aforementioned sociopaths should be grateful. I wonder if (all) such letters are still written by actual living entities. I've penned a few that appeared in the local weekly but never made it into a daily paper like the aforementioned journal or the venerable NY Times.

I learned only this morning that the U.S.'s dear friend and dreaded enemy Musharraf had gone to his reward. The Washington Post told me that hundreds (twenty five of them) attended his funeral. The BBC told me thousands had - approximately 10,000. Well, that's hundreds too. A hundred or so.

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Love the message, Daisy! (And the messenger -- you are one of a kind.) The combination of pop culture, double-entendres, puns, and your inimitable twang is creative, hilarious, and sobering -- all at once. And damn! I haven't heard Roger Miller since I was a tiny tot!

Thanks for the exhortation to hit the road, any road. It might lead us all to a DOG PARTY!!! xox

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ha ha, wull there are puhlenty'a reasons to be Howard Beale this week in particular--BUT...there are 2 small reasons to be "cheerful" as ya say....

1. I DO believe that despite the MSM cover-up of the demo-"licious" destruction've our infrastructure, regular folks ain't buyin' it--I've seen MANY leaked an' even post-tweeted citizen journalists showing the real story in Ohio and this stuff is now being SEEEN.... and (kinda related since they are takin' out farmland with spills n' thrills and uber-rich buyouts with hopes to feed us "mystery meat...") that it's now bein' reported that the GMO-fake-greenwarshed "Impossible" Burgers & "Beyond" Burgers--have thankfully met their Probable Demise in the Great Beyond of bad food fads--folks ain't buyin' the stuff and the patent was revoked. Slooooowly there are some sleepy eyes startin' ta open. Reasons to be cheerful I'd say....with a modicum 've caution... AND

2. ... there's been a touch've walkback at the WHO on the global digital passports (idea pulled...for "now") -- not quite a WIN but it's a little "WHINNEY" an' I heard it... Even FElonMuskOx was quoted this week on the topic.... that nations shouldn't totally lose their identity as, y'know, the grand plans may cause a collapse...

So that's 2 reasons to be tentatively "more" cheerful. PLUS you kin still drive! If you own an older pre-2014 car they can't even "take it out" remotely.... nice.

Your "Nooz" stories seem to demonstrate that "business as usual" reigns-- of COURSE the WSJ is gonna push their pro-jab editorials or Op-Eds what have ya... paid for by Pffffizer. Of COURSE no 2 newspapers of Wreck-Chord're gonna agree (be it on funeral attendees or the price of eggs in Peoria--that is IF you kin find 'em).... Readership of MSM is down though--and I'm cheerful 'bout that!

Reasons to be Cheerful, Part 3 (a very amusin' old-style bloke-"rap")


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gee thanks Mary an' xo's back at'cha--a few tips then fer some fun drives! a) BRING the dog (if ya have one)--most've 'em we've had just LOVE car rides and b) that'd be mix tape time! (or "new school" mp3 mixes which get a pass on the highway)--an' include Roger Miller by all means!

In fact, one of my fav-o-rite Miller tunes (great fer choppin' veggies in 4/4 time) is a perfect drivin' tune:


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You are sooo wonderful!

My wife and I just agreed that if her grandma was still alive, she would say the same things as you are! :)

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