Drones that first practiced poisonin’ PIGGIES went on to spread BIOWEAPON human-harmin’ death dust on the city of WOOOOO HAN: a tail / tale to be told! (a long’un…)
Back in February 2020, most've us didn't know it, but an American expat living in Chynnnna that goes by the pen name'a Uriah Heep (what the Dickens?!) laid out the ENTIRE story of how the plandemic started and how the practice run, made in years prior, was on pigs, later chickens—all wrought by the USA (with rogue Chinese part-tizzy-pay-shun) startin' in about 2014. It's quite an eye opener… sharin' the story an' my 2023 hot current room temp take on the matter given all we've larned since…
Not sure 'bout y'all, but we truth-tarriers didn't know squat 'bout this feller OR his insights—I didn't fer sure… in fact, I jus’ found this quite by CHANCE lit'rally 48 hours ago and about bust my britches, hoppin' up an' down like they wuz on fire cuz, dagnabbit!, there’s nothin’ more satisfyin’ than knowin’ yer intuitions wuz right!
So there're many ways ta skin a…coondawg (here kitty kitty… there's coins in that kitty!) an' as fer Daisy's thinkin' fer quite some time the way THEY (the rat bass-turds) dunnit (schtarted a plandemic…schtarted killin' us human beans off with EXTRA GUSTO) wuz to sprinkle a bioweapon in JUST a few prominent places: all over WoooHan, in Northern Italy, an' in New Yawk Shitty.
The rest as I an' many see it--wuz Fear INC. all ta show footage on the evening nooz—fake AND "act-chew-all" deaths (they mixed it up…), all ta skeeer the blazin' bejeebers outta everybuddy an' make 'em all wanna stay HOME an' BEE-LIEVE the WALRUS wuz REAL, not a weapon (perish that unthinkable thought). So there was a CON, but there were some real bioweapons too, however limited they were in timed "effectiveness" per some’ve our educated guesses.
Thus an' so, no matter that the publicized Walrus wuz Paul (i.e. a giant psyop / nothing is "real"…Strawberry…'er Poppy Fields Forever in Chynnna…) folks, the big shew—the rilly big shew that we all THOUGHT we sawr, was just a "sprinklin' for the May Queen"* Yes, they literally sprinkled, dropped ('er frickin' drop-kicked) an' aerosullied something VELLY bad an' VALLY toxic in a few target cities. The REST wuz misdirection an' a big 'ol light show.
*Just as lotsa folks HEARD Robert Plant sing (in Stairway to Heaven) a "sprinklin' for the May Queen" (raisin' my lil' ol' junior high hand thar too…) the real lyric was "Spring Clean"
Many of us intuited there wuz nuthin' ta see at no wet market (nor any dry one) an' the entire evil "gain 'o function" tale was a tall one (yes,Herr Fraudski plays them reindeer games and lotsa fundin' is directed thatta way…but the WEAPONS they "sprinkled" (or "fumed" on us…) had nuttin' ta do with all the – pardon the pun—monkey bizness in them bio labs. The biolabs DID play a huge part though—in collectin' DNA—selectively collectin' it—to use against certain people. Cue PUTIN’s entrance as he correctly felt that getting' rid of all the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine was to save his people from bioterrorism; he wasn't off his mark! So… WHAT wuz sprinkled down selectively?
Some say the bioweapon wuz anthrax, others say ricin, yet more (like Dr Ardis) suggest a man-made venom; there is evidence of ALL of these as viable options, singly or in combination, but whatever it wuz it WAS made in a lab. I "poison-ally" side with JJ Couey, the Scooby Doo n' Shaggy Smarty Pants BioExpert, who feels the thing they selectively dropped in just a few locations was a synthetic / cloned infectious "gain of perfection" virus-LIKE BIOWEAPON, fully lab-created and lab-replicated which lasted just enough time to cause some real-live DEATH 'fore it fizzled out. (Anything natch'ral per Couey wouldn't have had a ghost of a chance to even "take" long 'nuff to blip on the radar).
Daisy here has mentioned that in the NYC Subways they announced they were doin' multiple tests "releasin' " so-called "harmless" substances… (HARMLESS?!!!!) Also, JJ & fellow explorer Housatonic had some fascinatin' chats 'bout the release of certain VAPING flavors (later withdrawn due to "side FX"…) coin'cidin' with The Walrus. Sage Hana covers a lotta that good stuff HERE. So in NY-Seize fishbowl-metropolis, they used the underground AND likely vape-o-matic distribution both.
But how'd they do it in WoooHan? THIS is where the new info comes in AND informs the entire story….
ALSO, the new-ta-me reveal stuff goes FURTHER—it includes an American attack on the PRC WITH Canadian collaboration!, it includes collectin' CHINESE and RUSSIAN DNA (ta go after Putin aka Russia Russia Russia).
Oh my! So in brief (spoiler alert! read the deets folks…)
USA planned ta do major harm ta both CCP & RUSSIA an' this wuz "our" doin' WITH the well-greased helper-palms of MANY Chinese "turncoats." Much (not all) of this happened under Trump (whuther "he" knew or let it happen or others fed him a good story I cannot say but it WUZ fer sure on his watch…).
Here's the roller coaster ride we've all been missin'! Mister non-de-plume Uriah Heep told the world back in February of 2020 (!!!!!!) the complete TRUE CRIME story.
American Expat Uriah Heep
(interviewed in Feb. 2020 by Jeff J Brown of China Rising Radio Sinoland
and here it tiz on YT:
Follerin' up: interviewer JEFF J. BROWN ADDRESSES ALL NAYSAYERZ HERE (below):
(in case you don't have time to listen-in—if ya do, you can just skip ta my comments not in quotations…)
Uriah tells us that WoooHan they used DRONES ta drop the bioweapon and they first TESTED THE DEADLY STUFF in a coordinated effort "all over Chynna" on PIGS. They killed THOUSANDS of pigs (a main food supply for the Chinese people)—one way to starve folks. And then the poor citizens of polluted WoooooHan (cuz whatever they wuz misin' got mixed with the pollution…) became lab piglets at the slaughter themselves… And THEN the same folks used it on US (one way ta misdirect blame…) This brave feller who had security clearances and knows his covert action stuff AS AN INSIDER (his former work), TOLD THE WORLD only one month AFTER the plandemic "started" and one month BEFORE we sawr the first lockdowns--that yes indeedy it WAS a bioweapon and they tested it ('fore the planned plandemic) on piggies and imposed LOCKDOWNS when they did so The human piggies 4-legs bad/2 legs better Porkers in Charge actually FLEW them drones. As Amazin' Polly'd say, BOOM!!!!!!!
Many've us have spent the better part of the last few years just getting' ta the points this feller makes…wow!
While we truth-seekers (snitch dodgers!) knew that folks were fooled inta believin' that there wuz a REAL walrus and that it either started in a wet market and/or in a (ssssssh) gain'o-function' Fast Food Lab-rah-tory but what all've us was GUESSIN' (includin' Couey n' pals) just got verified by Mister Heep who claims three or four decades of learning what to look out for in his high-security clearance / expat-in-China milieu.
”MIS-FORTUNE” COOKIE INCLUDED…(all emphasis mine):
"This is a scene, the playbook straight from the movie 12 Monkeys, starring Bruce Willis, where this one guy creates this lethal viral agent and visits all these major cities and it totally goes all over the world and in the U.S. media, it’s completely in another world."
"People, this is a bioweapon. Tell me something that’s missing.(…) This is what a biological weapon is."
"Now, ever since the Trump trade wars, China has been racked with a long, ongoing series of biological events. And other events see, once the trade wars began, suddenly we have a virus that wipes out the poultry industry. OK? A virus that wipes out the pork industry and it’s propagated by drones. You don’t read this in the United States, it’s all over Chinese media: (there are) custom-made drones all over China. They’re spewing out these viral agents over all these remote farms. Then you have the pro-democracy protests, which are funded by the NED, which is a CIA branch, which, by the way, I know I know people are saying, oh, there’s no proof. Listen, people, China and Hong Kong are completely wired. There are video cameras everywhere. We have in China, China has video recordings, audio and video of Trump administration officials cutting deals with these people and training these people.
Are y'all hearin' this????
“So, as soon as American companies catch up with 5G technology, this narrative will change (…). Stay away from 5G. Terrible Chinese technology. (…) Chinese don’t give a fuck. I’m sorry. All right. I’m sorry about that. You can cut that later.” (Jeff: I’m not going to cut it out.)
"And the only way for America to get China to abide to America’s desires is to use other means. Other ways of persuasion and means apparently means revolution, death and biological warfare. "
So yup, this wuz an AMERICAN crime and CHINA (which per Heep is wired ta the gills an’ doesn’t really care so much ‘bout individual free”dumbs”) went into such "amazing lockdown" because it WAS a bioweapon! and they knew it—and sawr what it had done to pigs and chickens so they freaked out. Who (WHO! is right) knew what ain’t clear but the strong-arm tactics were likely ta prevent other cities bein’ decimated—not to protect/save individual lives. Mebbe they were a part of it officially too? But Ameri-CANS had their DNA after all, just as they have OURS (23&me stuff many fool citizens signed up fer… later they got it via them swabs…). So, this WAS (per Heep) a "gift" from America… Surely some (official? un-official?) in Chynna were complicit in this with lotsa thrown their way—think 'bout all the CCP folks at US universities… Take is that they WERE part of it an’ some folks were booted at the last minute before project went “live” (possibly to avoid questions?)….
"There has been some very curious foreshadowing that has happened just before the Wuhan outbreak. (…) A foundation had been created to come up with global strategies, if there was ever a global coronavirus epidemic, which includes Bill Gates. They had a high-level meeting recently to discuss this very same scenario. (…) John Bolton and all these military, American military and powerful people were there."
"Then a couple of Chinese scientists were evicted from Canada’s level-4 – I call them bioweapon – they say biosafety, but I call them bioweapon laboratories. Then the Wuhan lab received an unannounced package of coronavirus from this same Canadian lab, whereupon the Chinese lodged a complaint. And then China and Russia have both made official complaints that the United States was using bogus NGOs to collect thousands of their citizens’ DNA, which was all sent back to America. And you mentioned Harvard University was involved in this too."
Are y'all wondering why Xie n' Putin are doin' a buddy movie on the Silk Road yet???? Also the lab firins’ as per above might’ve been a CYA type move, not cuz those scientists were not longer collaboratin’ — they certainly didn’t speak out
"And then, this is the kicker. Two weeks before the outbreak in early December, three hundred U.S. athletes went to Wuhan for two weeks to participate in the Military World Games. And if you all don’t know what that is, it’s sort of like an Olympics where the athletes are, they’re athletes, but they have to be a member of that particular country’s military. Whereas obviously, these three hundred American soldiers had lots of opportunities to get out in the public and see all around Wuhan. I mean, we can’t make this stuff up. Yet, it happened."
So did the US Military GAMES athlete-soldiers operate the drones themselves???? or wuz it just gatherin’ data reconnaissance-style so the drones could be accurately directed?
Jeff: "Tell us about the Western Coronavirus Foundation, the brouhaha with the Canadian lab, the US hauling loads of Chinese and Slavic DNA back to laboratories and the huge delegation of American soldiers running around on the streets of Wuhan, just before the virus outbreak there."
"So, when this event occurred and I’m sitting in the middle of it, I’m wearing the masks, the gloves, locked in the house and all sorts of puzzle pieces start to fit together. Isolated, they don’t mean anything. An Olympic Games here, a complaint over there, an event in a lab over there. But if you put them all together, it points out a very, very damning picture."
"Firstly. Let’s talk just a second here about the pork shortage, which was germ warfare by drones."
"Now you don’t hear this. You don’t read this in the United States media. But all over China media, it’s police (who) are arresting people and they’re picking up all these custom-made drones, that all these criminal elements have all over the nation. During the height of the Trump trade war, the drones were flying back and forth, spraying lethal viral agents to kill pigs. And this was during the height of the trade war. Each time an agreement was reached, the negotiation team from the U.S. placed more demands. Most of them were totally ridiculous and then they’d walk back from the table and things started pressuring China."
Wuz it trade pressures at first from the Orange Man admin? Comply ‘er pigs fly die!?
"Now, the idea that drones would spread a virus is intriguing. And I’m going to talk to you as a technology wonk. Think about it for a minute. It’s not just that drones were being used. Who designed and modified the drones? "
"You’re telling me pig farmers all over the nation decided to modify a drone? (and do-in themselves?-ed) Who manufactured and modified them? So, these are professionally modified drones. Somebody designed them. Somebody got on a CAD system, designed the parts, went to a factory, had the plastic parts professionally injection molded, people. That takes at least 30 weeks to do, OK on a short run. All right. They had to have special electronics installed. Well, you can probably do that in somebody’s basement. But nevertheless, how were the drones in the south of China identical to those in the west of China? Identical to those in the north of China? Identical to those in the east of China? Somebody flooded China and agents with these professionally manufactured viral spraying drones."
"How can the pig farmers get a hold of the exact viral agent? It’s not just the drones. (Do) the pig farmers know how to create viral agents to kill pigs? Did they say, oh, that pig died? I will go over and extract the viral agent from it and spray it over here. No. How did they do it? How did pig farmers even know how to handle viral agents? Do you? Do you know how to handle a viral vial of viral agent and put it in a spraying system? Do you mix it with water? Do you make it into an aerosol? How do you handle it? It’s a pig farmer! And how did they know how to design, build and construct viral spraying mechanisms. Do you know how to construct the viral spraying mechanism? I’m an aerospace engineer. I know. And even that, I’d have to sit down and look it up. It’s not common knowledge."
MADE IN AMERIKA—tryin' to kill the main food source in Chynnnnna….THAT is how these same drones hit China's food supply East, West, (North n' South too!) AND DID YOU KNOW CHINA WENT INTO LOCKDOWN DURING THIS PORK PLANDEMIC TOO? No, you didn't… Uriah Heep sawr it tho! Wuz this also a test by our own swamp creatures given what they later did to “our own” food supply? ‘Fore the cattle HERE died, were the visited by drones too an’ the 5G completed the job?
"Meanwhile, the United States media is not reporting on the drone use to decimate the pork industry. OK, so this event and suddenly the entire nation goes into lockdown. I have to ask: what’s going on? So, I did some casual sleuthing. In 2018, the United States patented a very similar virus. They set it up and applied for the patent in 2014. OK? Now, listen. The news media is saying it’s just a natural virus. If this virus was natural, why did the United States patent it? OK? "
"Then after that happened, all the Chinese researchers were shut out of related biological viral research ventures in the United States and Canada. Why were suddenly all these researchers put out during twenty-nineteen? Then you had that meeting that you talked about with the Gates Foundation. Not only were the power players, the Gates, military and political figures involved, but you had some neocons that were on the Trump trade negotiation team* involved. Then, the very next day – the very next day – you have a meeting on Tuesday, Wednesday, the very next day, American military were in Wuhan. Two-week incubation period…(…) And then the first cases pop up."
*so mebbe The Don didn’t know what the necons were doin’ here—I mean Thoroughly Modern Millie fessed ta hindin’ stuff from ‘im—doesn’t mean Comb-Over Man gits off scott-free but it’s possy-bull
Jeff: "And they’re not going to get sick because they’re Americans. Having all that Slavic and Chinese DNA aided to make sure that it mostly, you know, focuses on Chinese DNA."
Uriah: "Yeah. So that’s something custom tailored. A virus that kills Asians, keeps the Caucasians safe."
SCHTOP! (schtop the presses!) This is big (bigly eveb!)… First, given what we KNOW about the Italian an’ US “releases”—mebbe the stuff released was NOT the same in each of those target locations? Mebbe the “infectious clones” (per Couey) were customized FURTHER for the DNA of the denizens in EACH spot to better target THIS and FUTURE plandemics…
ALSO, re the customization issues, let’s think ‘bout who WUZ there? DARPA/spook MICHAEL CALLAHAN (who rung up his CIA bud flyin’/Ridin’ ROBERT who asked him ta "spin up a team" an' thus Robert DID—an' rounded up yet another Robert (the type that goes ‘round in one'a them big black cadillacs (i.e.Robert-Kadlec) SIGH. All spooks, just as Heep said CIA. Heep felt the boyz in CCP (just visitin’?…right..) were "safe" cuz American DNA was not targeted in the bioweapon—I DOUBT, though, that the puppetmeisters would take ANY such risk. They likely TOOK a remedy for the bioweapon in ADVANCE—mebbe the soldiers took it at those "military games" and likely Callahan n' pals had it too…
Jeff: "So, if this stuff, for those drones, I heard, you know, that it (the swine virus) was possibly developed at the Richard Lugar Bioweapon Lab in Tbilisi, Georgia. And they said there was a little outbreak in Russia, but nothing really happened, because the population is so, so sparse. And then it just like leapfrogged to China. And then it was just like leapfrogging all over China. So, what you’re suggesting then is, is that there is obviously some real fifth column saboteurs in China who do it. I mean, obviously, if a white guy was running around the neighborhood with these drones… Can they operate them from outside of China or are there obviously some turncoats in China doing this?"
Uriah: "The people they are arresting, I’ve seen videos of the people that they’re arresting (and they) are Chinese citizens. OK?"
Jeff: "So, they’re turncoats."
Uriah: "And yeah, the Chinese are very closed mouth about it. But yeah, it’s obviously turncoats. OK. These are Chinese citizens and they’re pretty predatory."
PAUSE—Ah soooooo! So all the US "truther folks" that blame CCP only have a leeetle part of the full story (not in-kerrect, just in complete). YES, we got CCP here up the yin-yang (pun intended!)—they got their hooks in every uni-verse-shitty an' big corp-o-ration an' even got their own men n' women in the po-lice stations. Seems WE (our own rogue swamp rats) PAID CCP scientists and experts to DEVELOP the bioweapons that would be used AGAINST their own people (and ours too!) and then we FIRED 'em just at the right moment in ‘19 (how much DID they all know??? were they fired to just avoid timely questions…?). Now CCP, they'ze helping us with our "great" votin' systems… they'ze droppin' spy balloons all over like soap bubbles—but are we "in" on this? Who’s rogue, who’s "official?" It's FAR more complex than I figgered! So are these infilth-traitors on the US payroll? Are the "turncoats" funded by George Tsuris??? The better ta control 'em with my dear… An’ the bio-lappin’ Bidens—how da they fit in? Inquirin' minds wanna know…
Yup, there are teams wantin' ta destroy our nay-shun from the inside out but should we really "blame" the CCP at least to the extent we’re doin’ —OR just rogue players and/or did "WE" (wull not "we" but WE – our peer-less leaders in Swampland) bring 'in our own 2020+ "Red Scare" paid fer by the Red White n' BLEW?! Gotta wunder…
Movin' right along… back ta the Heep!
Jeff: "This isn’t the first horrifically mediatized flu outbreak against China. Going back to the 2002-2003 flu season, the SARS outbreak. How do you put it in perspective relative to what has happened in China in the last few years? I mean, they seem eerily similar. It’s just bizarre. It’s almost like, you know, rewind and repeat."
"It is rewind and repeat because they are similar. Wuhan is the very epicenter of the Han population. OK? It is in the middle of it. If you were to take a compass and draw a circle with one hand in the middle, you would cover 90 percent of Chinese population in the very center. But, if you want to go to a place that eats snakes and bats and everything, that would be Guangzhou, not Wuhan, OK? All right. Guangzhou has far, far more of these kinds of markets than Wuhan. And something I do want to say here. This is not something that’s developed in the last 10 years, this idea of eating wild critters. This is something that’s part of the Chinese culture for 5,000 years. All Right. If this kind of stuff would happen, it would have happened 5,000 years ago (…) So, in my mind, the SARS virus outbreak and everything were with viral agents that weren’t as powerful to accomplish the task. They were used as trial runs. "
Per patent-expert David Martin, the first SARS virus patents were from 1990 and it wuz known they didn’t “take well” when “employed” DEPLOYED so Heep’s reflection is consistent with whut David M. sez…
"Now, the advantage of these trial runs is that the instigators who develop these systems were improving their weaponized research. So, is China open in combating it? Yeah. All right. The SARS outbreak wasn’t treated anywhere like this is being treated. And now that being said, I want to make it totally clear that China is treating this as a biological weapons attack with an unspecified adversary. OK? * They’re not blaming anybody. They’re not pointing any fingers. There are not any editorials about this or that. But the military is out in full force. They’re implementing all kinds of procedures.
*remember, this is BEFORE the plandemic went worldwide—Chynnna acted as if they were under attack…that we followed 'em an’ FauxChee wuz a fan-fan-fannie of their extreme lockdowns n’ distancin’ an’ procedures had NOT happened YET, was not a blip on the public radar even at the time of this interview…
"And the reason why I wrote this and the reason why I’m talking to you right now is because I am scared to my shivers, because when you keep pushing, you keep poking the panda bear, you keep on laying punches on the little kid, eventually there’s going to be a strike back."
"You have no idea how bad things can get. You think, oh, well, there will be a nuclear bomb on one city. Think about every city. You’ve got “Satan” Russia. Russian weapons disguised as a whale set off, causes US citizens (to have) a tsunami with radioactive water, wipes out about seven states in one fell swoop. Hey! Play around with fire, dudes. You’re playing around with fire."
HEEP FEELS THAT WE ARE RISKIN' BEING NUCKED BY USING BIOWEAPONS IN POKIN' THE PANDA BEAR CHINA AND/OR POKIN' THE RUSSIAN BEAR. How many voices have said just this? How many of us are more n' a little concerned about retail-eeee-ay-shun?! (nuclear or otherwise…)
Jeff (makes a good point-ed):" I was just thinking of all these places, like the Nile Valley has 100 million people, plus their livestock concentrated on this narrow strip of land, you know, in less, much less sanitary conditions than China. Nigeria has almost 200 million citizens in very crowded cities with pigs and chickens living with them. Bangladesh has a hundred and sixty million people. Half the USA population living in an area the size of the United States’ West Virginia. Jampacked Jakarta, Indonesia. Eleven million inhabitants, which happens to be the same size as Wuhan, with open sewers running in the streets. And then, how about the tens of millions of people living in huge, squalid slums across Latin America? And then the most obvious cases, India, you know, 2.5 million children suffer from starvation there. And a million and a half of them under the age of five die every year, along with 700 million people who have no toilets, defecating and urinating everywhere. Why don’t these places and so many other perfect, socioeconomic Petri dishes around the planet not seem to have big viral outbreaks? And yet right now, it’s only China and Cuba that are under the gun. Cuba now has another brand-new Dengue fever. So right now, it’s China and Cuba. What’s going on?"
"Germ warfare. It’s a tool being used by the United States government to control nations that cannot be persuaded by other means. "
"The attacks are only in China because China’s a rising nation and America does not want to share that rise. You do not… And this is my big problem I have right now. You do not get larger, you do not grow by putting other people down. But that’s exactly the strategy. The belief is if you collapse China, America will get larger. It doesn’t work that way. It never works that way. "
"So why are only these attacks against Chinese people and livestock, with a couple of exceptions like you just mentioned? Why not donkeys, cats, dogs, camels, snakes, frogs, turtles, birds. OK? I’m telling you, the intensity, the frequency is timed to coincide with the Trump trade wars. Every aspect of this event fits a biological warfare model, (it) does."
Right—cuz attackin' the people and what they eat wuz specific…an' of course dastardly….
"If there’s one thing I know, and I can’t tell you about these things, the propagation, the implementation, the type, the systems that this viral agent uses is a biological weapon"
"Just keep in mind one point: the Chinese government is treating this as biological warfare, and that’s all matters."
NOW the extreme measures do make more sense—and in the process Heep is de-bunking any fiction about "leaks" and actual "walruses" that escaped from a lab and attacked (only) in the populated city of Woooohan. He goes on…
"The more dangerous, the more classified and the more critical the program and the project is, the more remote the location and access. Both the American and Chinese weapons research facilities are located in their Western deserts far away from casual visitation, and in China, that’s Xinjiang."
Jeff: "You wrote that many countries are testing and weaponizing microbes if not for offensive attack use, then to develop vaccines for them in case they are attacked."
"And the West has a long, long history of using germ warfare, not only on its own people, but especially on its enemies. And a few that come to mind are Americans using it on North Koreans and Chinese, during the Korean War, Cuba’s swine herd was wiped out by African swine flu in nineteen-seventy-one and then in nineteen-eighty-one, then being attacked by Dengue fever, which is a close cousin to Ebola, and the Ebola virus is owned and patented by the U.S. military; Zika virus is patented by the Rockefeller Foundation. The U.S. maintains three bioweapon labs in West Africa and the Richard Lugar Lab outside Tbilisi, Georgia. In both areas, viral outbreaks have occurred among nearby people, with hundreds dying, as if they are testing these new viruses on the local population. Yet just about every country in the world, except Israel – no surprise there – has signed the UN’s Biological Weapons Convention, which is obviously being flagrantly ignored. Please tell us your general take on this global phenomenon and what it means for the future of the human race."
Obviously the UN is in on all this so any "convention" would be a formality in name only…
"Well, certainly the globe is undergoing change. I think everybody realizes it. The United States is undergoing severe change via the fourth turning model, which I actually believe is accurate. It is a dangerous time. Change is always uncomfortable. Now, things are cyclic. So, by 2030, things should stabilize and mankind will change with it. But in the meantime, this day, this decade is very dangerous. There’ll be a shake down of sentience into defined vectors. Most people don’t know what the heck I’m talking about. But sentience, human sentience is undefined right now, it’s all over the place and it needs to be set. It needs to settle into a defined sentience. “Will I be selfish or will I be helpful?”, basically. And it’s going to settle down. And that’s what this is all about. In short, the world could be a paradise, or a boring, terrible nightmare. And I have no idea what’s going to happen. And I cannot predict which. All I can do is sit back with my face mask in isolation. Well, hopefully the win-win concept being promoted by the Chinese and mutually beneficial love, cooperation and trade will win the day."
Clearly at this point Heep is not sensin’ any bad vibes from the CCP…but what he sez about “cooperation” an’ “trade” ain’t nonsensical… It might be a little woo (wu?) but many’ve us are now questionin’ our role even at this stage… Some that WERE silent are realizin’ they’ze part’ve the problem an’ are peepin’ up… So I’m not nettled by the “philosophisin’ “— I mean don’t we saner folks want THIS? :
versus this creep-a-zoic boneyard playground we’re fast approachin’?
So what'ddya all think folks? I have zero doubts that Uriah Heep is anythin' more than a sincere whistle-blower type. He’s softer on CCP than mebbe he could be but then again, he’s also very fond of the ol’ USA and considers hisself a “patriot.” I trust what he’s sayin’ (as far as he knew in 2020) an’ note that NOBUDDY put this man inta the limelight (unlike, say Huff 'n Puff who suddenly got skyrocketed onta the Limited Hangout Gain O' Conjunction Junction What's Yer Function Scene). He may not have ALL the puzzle pieces assembled—but I do NOT think this non-slick feller is an "op" (sigh 'er otherwayz).
Where does it leave US?
Certainly Uriah wuz right about the US goin' full force against Russia, Russia, Russia. We poked the bear and yet keep on doin’ it… As fer Xie / CCP, their role is more nuanced as it's hard ta tell if those gone "rogue" are bein' arrested "for real" or for show… Biden's doin's with Ukraine / Labs there make even more sense, his doin's with the CCP (given that his labs UNDERMINE the Chinese People….) need 'splainin'…
Anywho, hope this makes y'all thirstier fer some coooolong tea! that's cool + oolong, tho 'a course TCM would never let'cha drink cold stuff as it stagnates—which we don't wanna do now… gotta keep on top've it ALL. But it all duz make me thirsty fer more…
So tzai jian y'all (that's so long for now in Chinese)…As I said, I regret ta deliver a slightly stale MISfortune cookie here but it "be-hooves" us human oinkers small n' tall ta know what's on the menu (for US!).
hungry an’ thirsty ta know more ‘ve the story…
a quick AFTERNOTE…
A KEY common factor ‘tween NYC / WooHan an’ Northern Italy is HEAVY POLLUTION! Backin’ up the argue-mints above, this observation both “masks” party-culls in the skies /air AND exacerbates the respiratory health’ve those living in these places makin’ them uniquely MORE vulnerable ta aerosolized bioweapons… The National Insta-Toot ‘ve Health in Italy’s data shows that “Northern Italy has one of the oldest populations and the worst air quality in Europe, which had already led to an increased number of respiratory diseases and deaths in the past and is likely an additional risk factor in the current epidemic.”
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
yes, that’s The Brady Bunch’s Eve Plumb…. oh my! (fruity treats aside…)
pps Uriah Heep ALSO happens ta be a GREAT prog-rock band
Very interesting story from Daisy Moses and I love the flying pig and pig drone images!
All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.
Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links. https://virustruth.net
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com
Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire
Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io
I read your summary and also the transcript. I'm not qualified to discuss the main idea, but I have to say, he comes across as a Chinese agent. Who retires in China? And he says if we poke the bears, they could nuke us. Would they really? We have nukes too. No doubt we are all close to getting nuked, but the way he states it, it's as if the USA had no deterrent. He also refers to the superiority of Chinese skills, meritocracy etc. And yet I hear the opposite, that China is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and everything is about bribery.
He also accuses Americans of being provincial and thinking other countries' standard of living is much lower. Well, I wandered around Europe and Mexico for 4 years after I retired, and I can tell you, even middle class Europeans are cheap and have a lower standard of living because they're poor. Except for the rich ones. Before the elites started crashing our way of life, there actually was a huge difference. Appliances in Europe are underpowered and just aren't what I was used to...blenders, stuff like that. People don't own good appliances outside of the USA. The average American can make a better smoothie at home than they can get in a European cafe because of the lower wattage. Stairwells have metered lights that run out too soon. They'd rather save money on electricity, even if they have to walk stairs in the dark.
That said, very interesting article. Of course our government is capable of all that, but this story has an unreliable narrator problem. And his point about sentience...are you selfish or what...Banal and manipulative. And his gratuitous dig at Israel, that he's not surprised they didn't sign some b.s. international treaty about pretending not to use bio weapons. I don't trust antisemites, they are all people of the lie, why shouldn't they make up other stuff?
PS: Those early Chinese videos of people falling in the street and the heroic whistleblower Chinese doctor were fake. I was skeptical at the time because I had already seen the amateurish melodramatic videos that the CCP used to con people about other issues. The fact that the man who tells the current story doesn't address the fakeness of the videos, is a tell.