Seriously for real ??? Why do people shop at these type of stores ? What on earth would be the attraction even if it was in order ? Cheap , sorry , good for nothing ,throw away items .

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I cain't speak for all folks an' their reasons but department stores have been a bedrock industry in America--long 'fore stuff got farmed out a Chynnnna. But not all of it's "cheap junk"--Target used ta have 100% cotton basics that many growin' famblies needed--eg. undies & socks (even--as I said--bein' mostly thrift shop folks--a few stores like Target & H&M --not sure if they're trashed too?--are helpful). Same as we normally git our veggies from farmers / farm markets but have been known to -- on occassion--dip inta a grocery store's organic section (I know it ain't local or the same) ta pick up something... Target socks last just as well as any other kind (even spendier ones!) -- grocery items even from "organic" factory farms sometimes are okay in a pinch--long answer ta yer short question! Sometimes we imperfect humans cain't foller our "highest" ideals--an' that's where retail comes in (lol)

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Jun 2Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

It is upsetting seeing all this lack of respect for products and people.

Did they have many customers.

Even if one bought something one could not put back properly the items looked at but not selected, as there's no method to follow.

It would need a lot of staff to fix this and I suspect that the customers have gotten into bad habits as well.

I would not trust the frozen food here.

Thank you for sharing the bad experience Daisy.

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Yup, very upsettin'--no respect an' surely it's not just staff not cleanin' up--it's the people who have "opted" to be careless just seein' others have done so. Reminds me of bein' back in The Rotten Apple (where we're from) an' if folks saw a trashcan near-full an' spillin' over, 'stead of carefully doin' their best to place their trash on the top an' balance it, some just chucked it an' let if tall "wherever" an' others just suck it on the sidewalk--too lazy ta even walk half a block more an' find one with space--same mentality--if others are doin' it--just as you observed.

I'd say it was not crowded--any given section had at least 5-10 shoppers but these spaces are HUGE an' they're under-staffed. Used ta be there were fewer stores--but even the big'uns were WELL staffed--Macy's used ta be like that--fer sure they too laid off a lotta workers.

100% agreein' re the habits--always a two way street. But when folks see something well-kept up "more" do their part--less likely to dump their trash on a well-kept park lawn than on one already covered with garbage! Me, I always folded items when shoppin', hung 'em up rightas I KNOW how hard it is ta keep up. At Tar-Git we didn't use any fittin' rooms but I bet they too were a war zone!

Oh no, I wouldn't trust anything frozen thar either--but I just walked around with my jaw dropped seein' HOW stuff was lookin' more like a landfill than a retail store.

Yer welcome--I wanted ta share b/c I worry this is a real harbinger of things to come--pushin' folks to shop online, killin' retail (Target, of course, is still an American-owned company...) I think ta have any kind of democratic republic we'll need proper retail to come back--all the Made in America--these are jobs an' no robots are gonna take their place! (I sure hope not ;-)

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Jun 2Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Lack of pride - in the shoppers, in the managers, in the employees. So important. It's like the disrespect to teachers, the vile language in school corridors, in the faces of so many people on the street.

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yup, a really good point how this is jus' like the "skools" and lack of decency I'm seein'--push folks, rude folks--more than usual.. we gave some wood away to a local skool bus driver an' he said kids now are nothin' like they were before in his 30 years of drivin' 'em--they are SO rude, mean, sass back (he's a "senior" so they have no respect)... I'm not sure if its them feelin' entitled or just lackin' manners--but it's same all around--in stores, on the streets... And yup, it's passed down from Management to Employees to Shoppers-- it could be turned around but it should start at the top--I just could not believe my eyes it had gotten that bad! (or that fast either)

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Jun 2Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Lots of agreement.

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Employees. No one wants to get dressed and show up to work and get paid tiny money.

Being on the cell phone is more interesting.

I do not shop Target anymore, mainly because I get a deal from Walmart: free delivery

Also, Target smells funny. It always has...to me. I do pick up hubbys eye meds at Target and I think their employees there seem pretty alert and awake. I have asked for items and they are quick to locate or give information. (look through that shelf with the t shirts, socks and shoes and shampoo is on the right, under the bra)

I believe Target stores have always been messy-ish. The piles of stuff. After a while, with few employees, things look ransacked. I do not know if they work nights anymore to restock so the stocking usually happens during the day?

Life is really different.

We have a dollar store a mile away, they are neat and tidy, but I rarely need anything there

The only physical store I shop in, at present, is the Lidl down the street and small business FABRIC STORES.

You are right, soon we will own nothing and be happy. Forget about clothing. We will just get a heavy winter coat and shelter in place.

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Good "pernt" re. how employees get dressed, how they show up ta work (don't even bother brushin' their hair, etc)--they too lack pride I used ta see... (indeed, I gotta piece on "Pride" comin' up given it bein' June)

But it ain't such tiny money. Target pays $17/hour for cashiers--, lot of the workers I saw weren't more than mebbe 20 or so--likely livin' home--so if our economy warn't so tanked it'd be "not horrible"..

Tee hee re the "smells funny"---I've left more stores due ta that--cain't git me near any "Body Shop"--I run fast from "per-FUME aisles!" plus I'm super sensitive ta mold -- I don't experience wonky smells at Target (yet at least) but I git it in some places-- fer example back in the city EVERY "Gristedes" (chain grocery) used ta stink like Clorox an' mildew so I know the feelin' (hence: avoid)

As fer tidiness--the three Targets I knew back in the city--one in Brooklyn, one in Manhattan (near Columbus Circle) an' one in Long Island were all pristine--really organized, not messy at all. The two I mentioned here were purdy neat too last I remember 'em (we aren't there often!) So it's all gone downhill.

But whenever they DO restock--night, day, or in-between, this situation had to have been "let to go on" fer quite some time--not one day or even a few--it's weeks!

LOL re the winter coat an' shelter in place! You said it!

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Jun 2Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Not just a dumpster, its the whole landfill. Dont know where you're at,

But the two Dollar Stores and the Walmart here in this very rural and remote Colorado mountain town still look very organized, clean and tidy.

People that shop there 8did that. Says a whole lot about the people that shop there and those who manage the chain from the store manager to Regional Manager up to District Manager. Apparently DEI politically correct protocol is more important now than actually running a decent store.

The place looks like the doors blew off at 30,000 ft....

Oh well at least the chaos you documented here on the ground isn't ENDANGERING PEOPLE'S LIVES if you catch my drift.

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Jun 2Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Perhaps this is unique to New York State.

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Daisy is FROM New York and she makes reference to it in this article but I understood that these fotos were taken locally to where she lives now, which is not in NYC or even New York State.

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It's upstate NY--purdy rural, not in the city--or in any big city--so this shocked me muchly--b/c I'd've "more likely" expected it in Brooklyn, not here! But at the end of my piece I share (moment of zen) our Brooklyn Dollar Store as I THOUGHT I'd never see such a thing anywhere else--so the same idea occurred ta me an' dag nabbit I wuz surprised!

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could it be just NY State? fer some reason I'm wonderin' if others have seen it--b/c this ain't in the city (we left it!)

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Lol re "the doors blew off at 30,000 ft...."--true! An' yup, that kinda chaos ain't dangerous (unless they slip on the thawin' fish filets on the linoleum!) but it's GOOD ta hear yer stores in CO are still in good shape, clean, tidy. ALL should be like that--shoppin' shouldn't be like a combo 'tween a landmine and an' ancient arty-fact dig!

I'm now in upstate NewYawk an' DEI has entered even rural life here--we see young folks of indeterminate genders an' there are "displays" at the library got me scritchin' my head cuz they seem more about gender dogma an' NOT about readin'...

I think the retail collapse is a symptom--sadly not a good one ;-(

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Jun 2Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Wow.. Those photos say a lot. :-( This post reminded me that I targeted target for my own personal boycotting way back when they started being blatantly "gender" political and changed the restroom and dressing room policies. That was the beginning of the target/ed retail chaos, IMO. Back then, a lot of people SAID they would boycott, but that lasted about a week or two for many, I think.

(Side bar: people are largely undisciplined and lack the will to do anything that makes life less convenient in the short term, while completely failing to consider the long term results of their actions.)

Anyway... Prior to that, T was well stocked, tidy, and filled with employees in red shirts doing their jobs. Then the decision makers of T sowed seeds of chaos... and now that chain is reaping its harvest (intentional or not) of its godless policies. Chaos.

I currently work in a mom and pop furniture and decor store in a lively tourist area in New England. About 10% of customers "TJ Maxx" the store... Messing it up royally. Another 10% plop on the furniture and crush decorative items in the process. A different 10% bring drinks and DOGS into the (FURNITURE) store, despite large signs at the entrance. And another type come in groups of 6--10 and just stand around waisting time and clogging the aisles while waiting for their table at a nearby restaurant to open up. This is all purely SELF CENTERED behavior.. They simply have no respect for others, no care for their fellow man. The Golden Rule is long gone from most parental teaching and from (maybe all?) schools. Surely we are headed into deeper darkness than we (all alive today) have ever known. Of course, the powers that be have planned this (great reset). Reject the programming. Do not be like everyone else! And yes, support local small business -- but not just with your money, but by your actions.

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Jun 2Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot


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yup, it's all captured fer posterity--as Bette Davis said, "What a dump!"

Funny ya mention the boycott--after years (over 20 at least) as a Target customer I too would not go in for a really long time once the "Pride" fiasco started... (I have nothin' against gay adults livin' their lives privately--it's the marketin' of agendas that got my goat--an' to kids no less!)

Then it died down an' I think I entered one once in Fall of '23 ta use the restroom (only) an' once 'round Xmas time to git a last minute glass pitcher fer a teen homeschool party as I wuz makin' lemonade an' didn't realize the hostess lacked one. Both times--neat 'n tidy. So after a full boycott fer quite some time I can't say they've gotten more 'n 10 bucks outta me--I felt okay with that decision.

Now, had they banned me like the ol' thee-ate-'ers back in NYC fer not havin' my Empire-Jab-Pass (those I continued ta boycott an' would now) that'd be a'nuther story--many venues like that I refused ta return to! I wrote 'em letters too--the Met Opera, some off B'Way houses I & my girls had performed in--grrr.!..

Such a sad tale 'bout how folks treat stuff (an' others) in the Mom n' Pop store ya work at--THAT is the kinda place I'm hopin' WILL survive. I've seen such behavior an' whut gits me is it's not just the "kids"--but the adults too! Yes, self centered is right--lackin' respect fer others' property. TOTALLY with ya, The Golden Rule--do unto others...

Interestin' but I'm still seein' some of this in the homeschool community here in "nowhereland"--I helped organize a holiday part with a dance an' I'd roped in a clean-up team expectin' food an' drinks left on tables and all manner of stuff on the floor--but NOPE these good kids were surprisin'ly well taught ta throw out their stuff, not leave messes (or clean 'em up). There's hope in that! (We moms were all pleasantly surprised!) Guess that Golden Rule yet lurks--quietly--in a few places yet ;-)

I think we kin git civility back but we gotta "re-educate" folks in all we took fer granted. An' yup, suppoer yer local small biznesses--with ya there!

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Jun 2Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Daisy, I noticed this quite awhile back! My mom (born in 1936) raised me to leave things the way I found them, or better!

It’s this decorum that seems to be missing in society today. I see it everywhere! Who taught kids that it’s okay to wear pajama bottoms and slippers in public?!

I’m born and raised in San Francisco, third generation…what a beautiful, elegant, classy city SF WAS!

I had to get dressed up to go downtown, and grandma wore gloves. One wouldn’t be caught dead in a pair of jeans riding the cable car!

City of Paris, I. Magnin, Joseph Magnin, The Emporium, Gump’s…so many magnificent stores! Even the “powder rooms” were beautiful. A long, gone era that I was fortunate to experience.

Oh…and lunch at Blum’s of course!💝

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Yup, ditto here--my gran'ma was from that same era--white gloves, always earrings, lipstick, never went out lookin' anythin' less than "presentable" as she said! My ma wuz a bit less formal but nobuddy would have been let outta the house lookin' like a "bum" (as they'd've called it) I'm all fer casual but you kin do this with a good amount of decorum, totally agreed! (lol, yup, I don't "git" the pj's an' slippers in public--me an' my girls used ta laff as in NYC those slippers would look so "grody"--no way they could stay clean--lord knows whut they picked up!)

San Francisco wuz SO beautiful an' elegant! Now I'm tryin' ta member--but I think we had "tea" at the Fairmont--is that the right hotel? It wuz special! All the neat houses--elegant shoppin' I member too-yup I. Magnin an' Gumps! (Lol re the Cable Car--I do 'member ridin' in one!) It was always clean, neat, friendly! (Great places ta eat too!) Never knew 'bout Blums (sounds dear 'n lovely!) but Chinatown there was SO great--Fisherman's Wharf too--an' now the photos I see look unrecognizable an' it seems that retail has gone ta the dawgs in SF too.

I wouldn't wanna bring back the age of nylons & girdles (lol) but I'm with ya fully 'bout dressin' proper, havin' some respect--missin' that decorum--you said it!

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Jun 2Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Thank you Daisy! 💜 It’s truly refreshing and very heartwarming to know that you, and many other people out there, remember this!

If my parents, and grandparents were alive today, I don’t think they could handle it-it would be too heartbreaking for them. I’m thankful that God has given them reprieve from this nightmare (and it is a nightmare).

I trust in God ALWAYS, and I know His Will is not always done how we may understand it.

I trust in His divine mercy and love.

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I often think've this--my dear gran'parents would have been so disturbed...not sure what they'd have handled but I'm glad they passed when America was still somethin' ta be proud of... even if that was thru rose-colored glasses! I think they'd have been hoppin' mad if they knew about stuff like "Operation Paperclip" an' other ways our gubbamint lied to us. But bless'em all--they worked hard, lived good lives, an' were spared all we've learned. (Our knowledge may be a blessin' too in disguise--not fer duckin' heads in the sand like ostriches!--an' yet, I think those of us that are awake are better prepared!)

Yes, I think that we cannot give up an' we must resonate bravely against all odds as human beans (none of this trans-human malarkey either!)--an' we must do so understanding that there is something way bigger than us alone--even if we cannot explain it fully. The side of what's good, real, humane an' human-loving!--My sense of this is far more keen now seein' all we're goin' thru that is more than what it seems to be. Yes, God, Faith-- however one chooses ta believe or express it (with or without a "roof" as they say), and ALL of us blessed humans which have the spark of divine in our hearts MUST join forces, for even while helpin' ourselfs each day, I think we must look beyond an' higher--as this is not just a "literal" war--it's indeed spiritual an' it's a battle of hearts and minds. An' we blessed humans must have the trust you speak of--trust we'll win out. Meantimes it's an uphill battle tho--whod've thunk it would come ta this, right?

all that's bright and beautiful in faith, in love, an' in aiming for something higher--that's what

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Jun 2Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Glad you put in a qualifier and disclaimer about the nylons and girdles, otherwise we would have parted ways then and there!! Lolololol. That said, back in the day nobody would have boarded a plane either, looking like they were getting ready to clean out the chicken coop. Nowadays, no class

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exactly! (no to bustles too!) I'm not old fashioned but the "homeless addict" look is just too abject ta even consider (some days I cain't tell the "woke kids" from the truly down 'n out!)

I'm full out fine with jeans an' casual (even denim dungarees are adorable)--

my dress code "rule" fer my girls as long as they're under my roof is purdy simple

a) nothin' ripped up like shredded wheat (that looks like the dickens! an' too much skin pokes out too),

b) nuthin' too revealin' or short ta invite unwanted looks or leers (i.e. no "parts" hangin' out or poppin' out)


c) brush yer hair !

That's it on my end.

If we're goin' out nice (like in the old daze when we had thee-ate-'er or op-er-ah) they had ta ditch the jeans an' spiff up a bit more--but it's more of a general attitude, self-respect, not lookin' like sumthin' the cat dragged in--or as ya say, like they're cleanin' out a chicken coop!

Beyond that they kin pick their era (groovy 70s style, big band 40s) or their own style--an' just be themselfs within those parameters of "decency." I'd have the same rules fer boys. I agree with what'cha said about "class." It's indeed lackin' class the way some young'uns an' adults too step out in public--an' that (as ya know) has nuttin' to do with income but lots ta do with self respect...which appears to be lackin' sorely in some folks today ;-)

I did a bit of a piece on "dignity" an' lack thereof when Lizzo appeared half-nekked at the Library of Congress :-O


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Jun 2Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Utter lack of taste and a waste of time. I dont think I have ever seen a more gratuitous display of stupidity....

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indeed--an' why (OH WHY) is this laydee famous? I'm so embarrassed fer our country, the impression we must make!--this is just as bad as the trannies in the White House...

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ps many MANY thanks fer subscribin' Catherine! alwayz grateful fer the support :-)

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Jun 2Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

What a MESS!! I can see why you think it's intentional, to push us toward online shopping. AND I think what others have said is also possible: there are just not enough people willing to work in places like that...

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yup yup! both reasons I think are in play; imo it's a two part takedown of retail--not enuf staff ta keep it clean "by design"--if there was enuf staff (real jobs an' I'm SURE there'd be takers!) then I think more would come ta shop because it would be a decent experience vs a frustratin' scavenger hunt that many would dread.

I think companies (by design) were forced ta open too many outlets on "cheaper" big lots vs fewer stores but each well staffed. Many in the cities are closin'--all the "scholars" rippin' 'em off daily with thievery -- yet I think it's all by design-- bad design, natch.

I have an' inkling that first companies were forced by Blackrock et all to adopt DEI an' start self-destructin' (or risk not bein' listed on the stock exchange--I think that wuz the threat) an' then the added death blow came when folks boycotted these woke or lame biznesses an' then THIS is the nail in the coffin--lay offs, lackadaisical attention to stock an' store--an' finally closure. That's a "win-win" fer Amazon an' the onliners--and the dang globalists too. Department stores are purdy important so this is a bigger deal than I'd like ta think!

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Jun 2Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

I realize the zombie staff are too few and not really there but most of the women I shop with pick things from the bottom of piles (toppling and messing up what remains) and randomly stirring up neatly stacked items. These are people who keep orderly homes. Some say they're making sure people have jobs (cleaning up their messes) but really, what gives?

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ah, so even stuff that starts out neatly stacked is gettin' messed up--i.e. these women who keep orderly homes aren't respectful of others spaces--interestin'--I wonder if they taught their kids this not-good behavior? Clearly they aren't takin' the "cue" ta keep stuff tidy... Got it, that's bad.

Me & my girls always fold, hang, etc. no matter how much've a dump--even in fittin' rooms at resale places, even at the grocery (put it back where ya got it) but I've seen the lazy ones ya mention. I still think the good "example" helps but perhaps it's not enuf? I do speak up when "safe" so in some store situations I'd likely say, "Oh ya dropped that dress" knowin' full well it was dumped not dropped by accident. Sometimes that "hint" is enuf ta make 'em see it's not okay. I say "save" cuz oncet I asked a man ta pick up after his dog--somethin' I often did back in the city--but this time he went off on me sumthin' scary! I try ta "read" folks first now!

But yup, What gives? (even with folks whose job is cleanin' up--shoppers could do a heap've good makin' that job lighter, right?!)

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Jun 2Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Right - how many women like this would it take before any store is a shambles? I do comment to my friends about their behavior but no dice. The last time she told me she picked from the bottom of stack of t-shirts because she wanted a 'fresh' one. Really?!

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fresh one? what? (like others were stale?) egads, it ain't wilted lettuce!

Sad she wouldn't listen but imho, just keep settin' the right example yerself, just as yer doin'. I think that's all we can do but in some cases--it might be enough over time--we kin always hope!

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Jun 2Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Exactly what I think. It's not lettuce! There's a kind of infantile selfishness about this behavior that I find revolting...

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