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Jan 26, 2024
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Yer welcome! Yup, sumthin' very fishy at the "hair dressers" an' the whole red wig thing seems like part of the pagent (illuminati like ta play dress up with both victims an' monarch slaves). I don't fer one minute believe she was intentionally on drugs / booze that day--they might've shot her up with something when she "arrived" but she fought it off enough ta sit up (not part've the plan). Murder, yes. I think so--'fore she blew the whistle on a lot of what she knew about the child traffickin'--it wuz just a matter of time, she had started workin' with Jackie Warlowski (also a whistleblower taken out in a car crash). In Hollyweird, not only duz life imitate "art" but also the dark arts--like a real-life horror movie real folks have to perform in! Take a look at the last post on Heche (Green Door one)--there's more there too--it's QUITE a rabbit hole an' sure--I agree there's likely a lot more even tho' I found so much!

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I don't have much time and I read this quickly (but intend to read it slowly and give it the time it deserves). But for now I will just say that regardless of who is guilty and/or culpable not one is innocent.

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Devils Advocate. (I do suspect staging of some, but doubts to).

How do you get so many to remain silent? Especially over the years?

Couldn't you kill people a lot simpler... less risk.

Why is YouTube showing it? Silicon V was Very effective at banning me!

IT Looks scary! Are they doing this to scare US during this psyops...

Cuz it's working. except I'm so bad ass

Tell me like I'm A 6 yr old... This world has gone off a cliff

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The silence thing is quite something that is part of this equation--a) bribery in exchange for silence and b) footage of folks in compromising positions and situations--oft with underage humans (Epstein was a CIA /Mossad guy, not just a pervert--he has footage on half our govt.). These cover ups are WAY bigger than the Heche one but it's the same folks. I know this is another topic but even the medical machine in the USA is similarly one big cover up-- how many govt. officials knew the "covid vaxxine" was toxic and kept silent--some sought out Zev Zelenko's treatment privately and yet never spoke out. Since I'm a crackpot I'll also add Man On The Moon. After all that, sure you can kill folks simply if they squawk and that MIGHT have been the plan for Heche but they (The Mr Globals, the Illuminati...) have no end of money (in Hollyweird) and like big productions and all is filmed (THAT is footage we do not see) for those who enjoy it (and it serves as a good "sliencer" for all who don't want same fate befalling them).

I've been looking into this stuff for years--so I cannot convince anyone here that coverups are easy for them (centuries of practice) and that they they often like the drama... Anyone can say, nah, too farfetched (most do). Maybe someone here can refer you to a good website or book--if you genuinely want to look into the abyss and see how all this is done and has been done for years. It would take more than a comment and a webpage for me to fully explain --so it's okay if it seems too impossible. I'm just putting out a "theory" for those wondering too. And yes all psyops are SCARY--our entire govt. is pulling them daily-- The world has gone off a cliff, as you say, this is not fiction--not that part. Thanks for commenting though! Somehow I do feel that there will some reckoning eventually and balance will hopefully return to the topsy turvy world...

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One more thought--I'm a public nobody and these are just "fictional" notions--there are many out there far more outspoken than I on this topic (bless them all!). This child trafficking thing needs to be outed for what it is--and stopped. I think Heche tried her best.

Maybe this speaks to her innocents in this and does a little good by offering this weird angle. Again, offered as fiction..

Come to think of it, I suggest watching the Fall of the Cabal series on bitchute --actually this will get normies up to speed if curious/


This topic is also not my bailiwick (I don't usually write about this stuff and I don't know anyone involved in this personally nor am I part of this world at all) . I DO love old Hollywood movies and we here adore music, theater, dance and the arts--so this touches upon all that. I do write, on occasion, about what's going on from diff. perspectives.

Anything I write down the road will focus on other topics, but sometimes we dip our toe into new waters (at least when we write). Many before me have done so skillfully and with heart. I'm grateful for that too.

Anyway, Peace to Anne Heche and I hope that one day some very big wrongs will be righted...

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I can't quite remember the source or wording but I recall the theme: the biggest lies and crimes are protected by [widespread] public incredulity. Add to that the undeniable fact that the figureheads and the reptilian overlords don't do the mass killing. The order followers do the wet and dirty work as well as all who profit big or small, i.e. get their piece of the action.

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Brilliant! If you find source...Please let us know.

I wss saying no pope since58... Then, oh, btw, this covid is actually a NWO mass depopulation plan...


I have a very tiny amount of humanity that knows what I'm talking about

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By the way, did you ever look into the death of Pope John Paul I in 1982? There's definitely something to see there.

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First, A heretic can't become pope. We haven't had pope since 1958 (Pope PiusXII).

His name, John Paul I


He challenged A free mason false cardinal about stealing huge amounts of $ .

In private.

No autopsy.

I think he was murdered, for sure. And besides being a heretic, Amazingky stupid



YouTube Father Cekada


My number ...

512 284 6535 . give out to anyone who has question about Rome.

Rome isn't Catholic.

Btw, child rape scandal under THEIR wstch.

I want Rome back

Want to defeat NWO? don't call francis, "Pope Francis" . he's a little bitch of commies.

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Wet work.... I dig your style. Film noire the best

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Thanks. Please read a little of my stuff. and comment. I've got lots more but I'm trying to generate some interest. Right now I'm just a voice in the wilderness.

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Oh, up the thread and link? Will do.

I will bookm, and read both of you all (from ny, in Tx) slowly.

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Daisy's doing fine work here and I was flattered when she read and commented on something I wrote:


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I will.. I bookmarked, and subsc.

TY for searching for the truth.


They changed mine again

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I will study carefully... Again, I think this looks Spooky as hell. Some of these mass shootings, I think might be staged.

LeCarre was hard? 3 little bears compared to this.

I'm paranoid, .. But I'm asking St Michael to protect you.

These people are evil

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A few Catholics say, no pope since 1958... But we're right.

Punchline... When we get true pope, covid scam over.

Dictators piss in their pants over popes...

Don't go over well.

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They threaten with one hand, and give financial compensation with the other.

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And I want to humbly apologize to Killary, I mean Hillary for anything that could be misconstrued by you in a negative light. I have been clinically insane since I first learnt abou, and my rants against you.... All due up to that. Please don't have me ya know... I have2 dogs that need me...

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One project, 2 collaborators dead... Game, set, match.

Lead with that... And be careful. Damn these child molesters... ( I don't know much on this.... but child molesters deserve death.).

You be careful, I am scared for you. This sounds like very powerful cult.

I will ask Saint Michael the Archangel to protect you. Guess what? Child rape scandals of Catholic Church... 1960s on....

I'm Catholic, we lost Vatican in 1958....child rape was our enemies.

I will walk u thru any of that mess... But most couldn't care kess.

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They deserve to be drowned with a heavy stone tied around their necks according to one reputable source.

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In the wake of all this I happened to remember the story a century ago of the death of actress Virginia Rappe. Stop me if you know of this but if not you can see a summary here:


Also, I just had a thought regarding the parking lot video purportedly showing Anne Heche driving her car into the corner of that garage.

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Just quickly--you maybe already know this but Arbuckle was framed, another deep dive...there is one film awesome researcher Steve Massa who has a few books out on Arbuckle -- the story has lots of twists and turns (just mentioning if you're interested!)

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Yes, thanks for this. Unless I'm mistaken the first time I encountered the Virginia Rappe story in a book about the censored movies that included photos from the pre-code era. I think it treated that death as an unsolved mystery. But instinctively I'm sure Arbuckle was set up.

I forget to mention (or think I forgot) something that occurred to me early on in the Anne Heche "story.". When her car struck the garage earlier on might that impact have been the controller trying to get the hang of what he was doing, just a little glitch on the way to the upcoming accident? Also, do we know (or how do we know) that Heche was ever in such and such a hospital?

Like you I question everything, including the questioners. But it's clear to me that you're the real deal.

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Just one more thing: I don't recall anyone mentioning (and I didn't know until minutes ago) of the Tim Bergling video about child trafficking called "For a Better Day." He died at a young age, almost made it into the 27 club.

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the Finders, Franklin Cover-up, Pizzagate, Isaac Kappy, ALL of Hollywood, Epstein, Maxwell, Israeli Intelligence, then there’s Australia and Their Satanism (I know it’s everywhere but Australia is really bad!) For sure Heche was murdered, it’s nothing to these people.

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In Your Face... whatcha gonna do...?

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Yes, it's in the comments about Heche's death but I'm not recalling if they are on my substack or Mark Crispin Millers--perhaps the latter? Avicii--the name for the young artist--who did the video which is very upsetting and the song is moving. Clearly his death was also to silence him... SO very sad

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saw ad for her last movie for Lifetime to air on Saturday 9/16

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This was murder pure and simple. Incredible how something so bleedingly obvious flew right under the radar! But then again... given the amount of blind apathy, cognitive dissonance and general mental disassociation we're witnessing throughout the world... perhaps it's NOT so incredible :(

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just seein' this now and agreed fully! folks just do not want to look into stuff beyond the surface b/c The Horror (as in Kurtz /Apocalypse Now). Cameras still roll on these "staged" take-outs....

Some are saying that Lisa Marie Presley MAY have been taken out not by clot-shot (or clot shot alone....) but b/c she was JUST about to testify / spill beans on Scientology and some of its dark doin's. Far as I'm concerned Scientology's just about as dark (and hollyweird-connected) as Church of Satan / Lavey and they have their hooks in deep (no surprise Mister Cruise an' then-wife Miss Nicole were front an' center of Eyes Wide Shut). All the above have MK Ultra connections (some say Elvis was handed by the Colonel -- no colonel that scumbag programmer--and had to put out...just as it sounds--for his MK Ultra handlers-- Big Elvis fan here so that saddened me ta hear it....


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Where can I read about the 'dark doings' of Scientology?

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So I'll share all this fer ya with a CAVEAT... read a lot, wartch a lot, an' do not believe any "one" source but take it in an' see where stories are consistent cuz The CHURCH is good at coverin' up dirt an' limited hangout stuff an' they got MONEY ta back it up. They have like an alt Hollywood--soundstages, production values in sound, costumes--I mean they have $$$$ an' are in-deep with the

"woist" 've the Hollyweird bizness-wise. (The biggest Hollyweird star ya know...)

They are historically "best buds" with Church of Satan (think Anton Lavey) an' have deep death-cult connections with both Jack Parsons (rocketman who died in a "mysterious" accident /satanist, good pal've Kenneth Anger..) and Aleister Crowley. Parsons was part of the FOUNDING of NASA (yup, NASA has Church've Satan AND Scientology connections!) and...and and... also had connections to the team developing The Manhattan Product. So Nukes/Scientology/NASA/Satanism all went to see in a lil' green boat... OH and the (sex slave) Nxivm cult is said to have pulled it's "operatin' MO" from Scientology (an' you know where that went...)

MORE RANDOM INFO ta git ya started!


Rumble an' Bitchute (heck even YT) ALL have good bits that pop up exposing "The Church" before they're "squarshed" by CensorsR-Us


WikiLeaks! https://wikileaks.org/wiki/Church_of_Scientology's_'Operating_Thetan'_documents_leaked_online

Here's a Hubbard gem from the reveals: "An individual being such as a man is a thetan, he is not a body and he does not think because he has no brain"

Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief by Lawrence Wright (book

Viddeyo re the above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLLKsMxPqn0

They address the way they manipulated spokesman Travolta...

Expose film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_q7TaJ__fQ

MAINSTREAM CRIT (not too hard ta' find in print or online):

Alex Gibney’s documentary Going Clear

Lea Remini (whistleblower insider)

Jenna Miscavige Hill (her daddy was David Miscavige, Church head) wrote Beyond Belief: My Secret Life Inside Scientology and My Harrowing Escape in 2013

Mark Headley wrote Blown for Good:Behind the Iron Curtain of Scientology book in 2009 who formerly worked with Tom Cruise, later was blackballed and also had family members told to shun him

Journalist Paulette Cooper (who wrote The Scandal of Scientology back in 1971)

Paul Haggis (screenwriter/director) and Jason Beghe both address how Scientology BOTH intends to break up traditional families and target gay people (married or not) in their exposes--per The Church, the only loyalty folks should have is to The Church (of Scientology)

Tom DeVocht

Diana Canova (daughter of famed commedienne Judy who was made to feel afraid and forced to attend "auditing" sessions which are high-priced brain warshin')

Sara Goldberg (who left the church when she was told to disown both her kids when they became critical of the church--that wanted to break up her family)

Spanky Taylor (who once recruited celebs to the cause 'til it turned on her)

Larry Anderson (who exposed the financial exploitation angle)


Hubbard had a policy called “attack the attacker” and hired oodles of lawyers an' shill-writers to do just that for anyone that'd criticize Scientology. Some were so virulently defamed, maligned and harassed that they ended up dead. There was also the punitive Rehabilitation Project Force (ya got sent if ya started showin' signs of "disagreement")

There's a whole nuther can've worms with them that includes ALIENS (mind-controllin' folks...using VR and connected with the whole Space thing...) and an' also with EST (new-age mind manipulations "program" that was popular back in the 1970s)

In brief, it goes DEEP! Put on yer waders, take a deep dive... there is a LOT out there on 'em fer sure.

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The remote control of the car scenario can be verified by checking the year and model of the vehicle to see if it has the pre-requisite servo motors in place to take over steering and pedals on the fly. All cars since about 2010 have been connected to the Cellular networks and 5G so they can track/trend/remote control whatever whenever. Been alot of that style "terror" in the movies over the last 5 years. ie fast n furious where cipher takes over remote controllable cars and has them self drive into the target... 2 ways to sort it if you have such on your late model vehicle is to find the cellular.internet connection and disconnect it, or go find the servos on the steering and pedals and disconnect those. Or better yet, buy older vehicles not equipped with that garbage in the first place.

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yup, absolutely--an' fer this reason they'ze tryin' ta ban the sale of older cars that can't be retro-adapted ta the AI/all-seein'-EYE of tech AND subject to jus' this kind of control. All the more reason ta git an' old faithful (pre-2000's is best ta avoid the trackin' too)! elsewhere I spoke of Michael Hastings an' how they did'im in-- I'm near-certain Heche's car wuz monkey'd with / weaponized to her peril...

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Not sure where you found a ban on older cars being sold. I've never seen a Ban. I won't buy anything newer than 2008 or so. And nothing with the onstar service.

The tracking part of it is moot if ones still carrying a smart phone with them everywhere one goes. Weird hick dialect being used for some sort of effect. I do recall hastings, and even paul from the fast and furious films too. Seems when the celebrity finds a conscience, they find their end. Best to find the conscience before becoming a useful idiot in duping the rest of everyone.

Did you see the film Songbird? Didn't get any airplay in the US, but like Harrison Bergerone, got some play internationally. ;)

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So by 2027 alcohol-detection de-VICES will be mandated fer all US cars.

here's one link:


In theory, cars that cain't be retrofitted by X date (yet undetermined) will be banned / deemed unsafe. Both Mike Adams an' Alex-wuz-Right opined on it--mebbe they're wrong but I wouldn't put it past the gubbamint to eliminate all cars that cannot be tracked, traced, an' STOPPED with the flip of a switch. Catty-litic converter? Yup they mandated that 'un. Gas stoves? Soon ta be outlawed in some states (mine!) So yer right ta buy 'em old--jus' sayin' I don't trust the miscreants in DeeCee given this new "mandate" which bodes ominously...

Sure, the smart phone is a trackin' device an' if ya listen ta Sabrina Wallace (see my more recent postin's ) you'll see that ya don't even need the phone (we all got the WBAN in our bodies from years of nano...anuther tale entirely). That said, imo, don't make it easy fer them--even with a phone they cain't stop yer car--they CAN stop you tho'--or send the "law" after ya on some made up charge if they decide they wanna remove yer drivin' "privileges"

Harrison Bergeron is all've us now--gotta talent? They'll shackle ya good (DEI etc). I heard 'bout Songbird (didn't see it) but I recall it wuz "velly" predictive programmin' an' got the plandemic right... There's a few out there... White Noise foreshadowed the train wreck/toxic chemical attack in Palestine, ILL (an' ill they got!)---it's all a game ta them...

Anywho, thanks fer stoppin' by--I do write in the "vernacular" which keeps the bots away! (an' trolls too...) --part've my nom-de-plume disguise (an' bein' an act-rice wull, it's in my wheelhouse)--Some like it muchly, others not so much--cain't please everyone... but so far it keeps this stack a lot safer than many others that've gotten hit with bots an' bugs an' spam an' more... so it helps!

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Hahaha, like Hell they will. I paid for and Own my cars, I don't obey illegal legislation. I do wonder that since more and more seem to be aware of all the shenanigans why we all don't get together and do something about it.

The vernacular is fine, sorta reminds me of firefly which I enjoyed. Thanks for the polite chat. I hope the day of action comes sooner than later!

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I hear ya! I'm quite a fan've cars (older the better!), boats, trains, planes - that "wuz" America ('fore it became AmerICKa)-- https://thcsofdaisymoses.substack.com/p/trains-and-boats-and-planes? I encourage folks ta drive, defy lockdowns / stop downs an' all that "illegal legislation" (legi-SLAY-SHUN!) -- that said, we all gotta wartch out fer the Great Takin'--an' yes that includes stuff we own free an' clear... almost too dystopian ta believe but (illegally) they dunnit--I hope folks'll ketch wise an' at least try ta stay ahead of the "grab"-- this'un is worth a viewin' --


Wull yer welcome! An' yup I too hope the day of action comes sooner ruther than later--AND that justice is done (even if it's overdue) fer whistleblowers like Anne Heche... too many good lives lost already -

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