Bringin' back La Guillotine, "Chop Chop!"
AND not just in France either, this OLYMPIC PROGRAMMING is comin' to a Lowbrow but High"Camp" as in FEMA CAMP THEATER near YOU! (step right up, hurry, hurry, chop chop...)
While much of the justifiably horror-fried folks the world over are jaw-droppin’ ‘bout the outrageous an’ tasteless-but-definitely ”salty” Last Supper tableau scene featurin’ a nekked blue “Smurf Man,” fat trannies an’ a lotta “junk” on display (nope, it wuzn’t “matzoh balls” at that Seder!), full-out offendin’ both Christians & Jews the world over—”Bravo, La France!”—I’ve decided instead ta focus instead on the sickko predicatively programmed “history lesson” that kicked off the ceremonies—one which bodes eerily on the reinstatement of La Guilliotine in the USA where HiCamp/LowBrow FEMA Theaters have been preparin’ for this “rilly big shew.”
This ain’t to say that the mockin’ ERASURE of religion (so the UN / NWO can “instate” its new global one) isn’t predictive either—it soitenly is!—but, in particular, this staged bloody execution scene — I’ll let ya “feast yer eyes” below on the full opening “number”— seems even more pressin’ an’ dare-I-say “dicey” for all of us who wanna “keep our heads” when “all about you are losing theirs…”
On an’ Olympic-level (let’s say “from on-high”as they fancy themselfs “Gods”) in this game of “top” players, those of us with heads remainin’ see that EVERYONE else is losin’ theirs! I mean this figuratively of course, in that the Global-Illuminati-Satanic-Weenies are losin’ the narrative an’ goin’ batsh*t bonkers, but also literally—as in the guillotines have been purchased!, the “Zeys” have prepared for their (blood) “Sport.”
We have the “goods” on ‘em in the USA, I’ll be coverin’ that too, revealin’ what they been up to, stockpilin’ ‘n horading, but I’ve no doubt that the budgets for this brutal de-pop execution program…are global.
The Big Show Show Runners here are “bloody” outta their minds of course—orderin’ that heads roll (“Do YOU play Croquet?”) is not the kinda sport that most of us find…”amusing.”
I share what follers—these alarming observations—not ta skeer ya, but ruther to prepare ya!
Like the boyscouts, we gotta BE PREPARED so we recognize it when we see it… IT meaning the dangers & dastardly doin’s (chop chop) they got planned fer us. Cain’t believe I’m writing this but it ain’t no joke. Frankly, my dears, I wish I was kiddin’—I hope I’m wrong… BUT…lest we forget this apparatus has been a TOOL, nay a weapon, to take down one’s ennemies, for a LONG LONG time. :

So, pardon the pun but lemme not get a HEAD of myself (ha ha)… let’s start with OPENING NUMBER OF THE 2024 OLYMPICS!
SURELY y’all didn’t miss this “spectacle,” a musical ORGY of BLOOD & VIOLENCE, a perfect way (I guess? if Paris were Hell) to celebrate the sweat, sinew, an’ “athletic prowess” of mere mortals.
(Just hit play on the viddeyo below:)
The MUSIC (if you’ll call it that) that sets the “scene” is screechy dark “metal” about as loud as sharpened guillotine blades meetin’ steel (an’ BONE). The chosen song, “Ça Ira” (which means “it’ll be fine”) is the anthem of the Women’s March on Versailles —yup, it’s a genuine old song, a dark one, made tragically unWRECK-OG-nizeable in this unOlympic rendition. But it’s a bittersweet song in retrospect—the women callin’ for the DEATH of the ARISTOCRATS were temporarily “uplifed, elevated” on the (dare I say it—intersectionality ladder) so feelin’ quite chuffed they were some of the most bitter an’ bloody revolutionaries ONLY cuz they felt NOTICED, only cuz the dang Jacobins “weaponized” ‘em—kinda like the trannies an’ BLM “SJW’s” of their day—all these poor laydez later got summarily DUMPED! AND their former “uplifted” status squarshed down after they served their “masters” as useful idiots… TRUE HISTORY y’all… but no, it was NOT fine! Non, Ça N’Ira PAS mes amis! An’ the murder of the French monarchy (not change via human rights & elections) was a tragic frickin’ bloody mess. Here’s the great zinger Edith Piaf leadin’ the on Versaille en technicouleur!
(This is how y’a do it but it’s NOT appropriate for the Olympics, that’s fer sure)
So, as ya saw in the VIDDEYO of this OPENING DISASTER, there are what? Multiple decapitated Marie Antoinettes? the black-clad headless folks flankin’ the front are… decapitated clergy? (druids? priests? ladies in mournin’?). The scene is staged at an’ in front of the Conciergerie which was the actual courthouse and prison during the French Revolution (hence historic). Flames burn hot, a Dante-esque display kinda like the above-shared King Charles Spaniel’s Official Portrait of himself—as Baphomet! Presidin’ over the 9th Circle of Hell! COLORED in BLOOD RED. (That ain’t no “Rothschild”/Red Shield, that’s a Vampire bubble bath he’s soaked in—apt of course considerin’ his bein’ a descendent of VLAD the IMPALER!) Of course this even is “French” but the British Royal “flourish” fits right in…
Anywhoo, back to the Muse-Sick… which ain’t—truly it ain’t music folks. The orginal at least is a true anthem, catch even! But this?! In the land of Ravel & Saint-Saëns, this is effin’ NOIZE. What pride can the French have in such sonic weaponry masqeradin’ as moo-sic?
Betwixt “orgasmic” explosions of blood and electric geetar RIPPING ANGRILY thru the skies of Paree as performed by the selected band “Gojira,” an Opera “Diva”called Viotti of the metal band “Soulmaker” (no Christine Daaé she an’ golly, ya cain’t make this stuff up—Soulmaker?!) arrives by BARGE in a flamin’ BombBurstic explosion of bloody red smoke an’ apparantly sings “Ça Ira” but she’s drowned out by fuzz & feedback (aka merde!)
The result as a whole? an extra dark double-plus-good recreation of what so fondly the French hail as the Reign of Terror. Robespierre an’ Jacobin pals Marat & Danton would’a been PROUD of all that spilt blood. The audience, I’d think, duly shocked. The oxymoronic Orwellian irony was that the celebrated Messr. Robespierre formed and led The Committee of Public Safety. (ha! kinda like “The Patriot Act!”)
As for Gojira, they clearly are the ANTI Mireille Matthieu! (God bless her vigorously rollin’ r’s!)
Er, these dudes seem ta be a mite dark ‘n demonic, no?

An’ WHO “prey” tell, STAGED such an abomination? Why a JOLLY chap in motley named Thomas (Thomas Jolly💡 staged the entire “shew” in fact; check out the satanic tats!):
💡 fun fact’ bout our Jolly man: he’s not Jooish! Nope, all the haters wanted to say he wuz whilst slimin’ him fer this freak show AND sendin’ him “death threats” fer bein’ a Joo—but he formally denied any Jooish heritage an’ his gran’pappy even taught catechism in their house growin’ up—disappointin’ all the haters mightily…
Gorsh, he looks like he should be in “Joe Biden’s” cabinet! He’d fit right in!
Honestly folks…when it comes to executions I’d take GROUCHO any day over “Gojira!” :
Disney’s depiction of unhinged bloodlust for decapitation seems kinda “tame” in retrospect…
Gettin’ back ta “serious bizness”… guffaw tho’ I do at the re-dick-u-lost MESS such “staged” pageantry has become—so far it’s not us that git the last laff cuz as usual, the Illuminati WEENIES are laffin’ at US… all the way ta the bankos me buckos!
‘Member the “SCHMART GUILLOTINES,” body bags, new cremation facilities, an’ disposable COFFINS?
This was a “low buzz” at the beginnin’ of the plandemic then it quieted down… NOW I’m recallin’ it all—I think indeed that NOW is the time where it’s even more relevant…
So—this is from the OFFICAL UK Gubbamint website (from 2021 but meant to last 4 years which brings us to NOW)—click on the screenshot ta see the actual site:
An’ here we have the US equivalent—it’s so “cute” they call ‘em “pouches” — Uncle Miles got his pouch yestiddy! Auntie Roo’s gettin’ hers tomorrowee…
Or, meeebe this’ll ring a bell? Coffins stacked up like Dixie Cups! Enough for ALL’ve us?
(‘twasn’t the cough that carried him off, but ‘twas the coffin they carried ‘im off in…)
I guess they bought some’a these supplies well in advance…
“Barry” is always ahead of the curve… ONLY 5 million FEMA Coffins?
I dunno ‘bout you, but that looks like a “crap ton” of coffins…. all ready an’ (how nice) that they’re stackable…
CORPSE PROCESSING (courtesy of Natural News)-my emphasis..
In addition to the guillotines, many of FEMA Camp locations also boast "corpse processing facilities" which includes large numbers of the same type of incinerators which were ordered in large numbers under the cover of the covid-19 pandemic.
According to one source, there are literally thousands of incineration ovens positioned across America, ready to process the bodies after they are decapitated.
ALSO: The document also warns of 500,000 Chinese-trained narco troops that have been positioned near the Southern border of California, in Mexico, in Tijuana, ready to invade and occupy California as part of the globalist invasion of America. Their ultimate goal is the removal of President Trump, the destruction of the U.S. Constitution and the mass killing of all conservatives, Christians and Whites.
(gorsh, seems like that early prediction came ta pass, too!-ed)
AH, THAT’s why there’s only 5 million FEMA Coffins—they mean ta BURN the rest of us! (C’mon baby light my fire! eh?)
Indeed, mass CREMATION did git purdy popular in the Mockin’boid MeeDia durin’ CovidCon an’ lookee lookee, ONLINE ARRANGEMENTS! an’ CREMATION RATES will EXCEED 50% by 2035 (whoo hoo!). Here too, they’re plannin’ A-HEAD! (sorry cain’t stop myself tee hee!)
So many corpses, so little time! Sensational stories HERE an’ HERE an’ even HERE in the good ol’USA “primed” the sheeple. (It’s a death race so start yer engines furnaces! FIRE UP!) Got yer jabs? Wull, now you’ve…. URNed it!
Meanwhile, if the oven gits too hot, git outta the KITCHEN with COLD PROCESS CREMATION! (It’s ECO! It’s GREEN! an…. COOL!)
Now onta the BOXCARS… takin’ a cue from Nazi Germany right here in the USA (hey it worked for Adolph!). I’ll begin this share with yet another “King” (here below) ya also wouldn’t a wanted ta meet—CIA drug smuggler and sickko child trafficker BOXCAR WILLIE (emphasis on that last name, he was also a mean SOB / SRA/ MKUltra handler an’ abuser of SRA Whistleblower Cathy O’Brien’s young daughter Kelly). While the dirt on “Willie” is 6 feet down, here’s all the above-ground dirt on the BOXCARS!
BOXCARS with SHACKLES ! Some equipped with guillotines too!
So there was a lotta chatter ‘bout “BOXCARS with SHACKLES” that had gone round the innertubes an’ back some a while back. Kinda like dungeons on wheels? Some said these cars also carry guillotines. (Likely they have a minifridge an’ stocked bar too for the tormenters!) One CURIOUS fella felt inspired ta collect a LOT of info on this esoteric topic—some of the info is from various “comments” cobbled together direct from those citizens who actually sawr the things on the railroad tracks—regular folks who just share their own live observations of stuff that ain’t NORMAL. Wanna add that this angle may be a mite apocryphal but mebbe not—or leastways not ALL of it, so I’m sharin’ just in case—here below ta download:
This too caught my eye—HYDROGEN CYANIDE ORDERED? say whaaat?
Is that Cyanide ta be used for de-lousin’ us louses? It’d sure kill them lice (us too!)
Who needs GLAD when you can offer them CYANIDE!
and now fer sumthin’ completely different…
DON do it!
This bit below is kinda strange, no? Must’ve escaped me at the time but back durin’ DJTrump’s own “reign” this was brought up—now I ain’t sayin’ The Don meant it for us… but once you OPEN THOSE DOORS, once you bring back public executions… (wull, you fill in the rest, ‘kay?) but let’s just say it’s hard ta go vegetarian once folks git a taste for blood… (Jump down if ya like to the farcical illustration of Robespierre below—he got such a TASTE fer killin’ he executed the executioner when nobuddy else was left!) So here’s this oddity:
FEMA GUILLOTINES —take a look! (Click to watch)
Let’s pause a seccy while ya ketch yer breath…
This IS upsettin’ stuff, no? Induced TRAUMA fully intentional—methinks “zey” wanted us to know this stuff was ordered, requisitioned…planned..
La guillotine permanente
Here’s a CLASSIC French song to enjoy, here performed with gusto by Catherine Ribero—note the title, La Guillotine Permanente (as in permanent, indelible, everlastin’)
La guillotine permanente ("The Permanent Guillotine") was first composed, as a song, during the 1600’s but became a widely popular anthem during the French Revolution. The lyrics regard the guillotine and its usage as a weapon of revolution. Speakin’ of permanence… “The use of beheading machines in Europe long predates such use during the French Revolution in 1792. An early example of the principle is found in the Old French High History of the Holy Grail, dated to about 1210.” Oy vey.
An’ let’s take a moment to recall the “revolutionary” invention (again, as per above, there were prior versions but necessity is the mutha! of invention an’ clearly… a “need” arose)
We see that “Madame Guillotine” was even fêted (however ironically) in a Broadway Musical:
Vengeance victorious! These are the glorious days!
Women of Paris come gather your bloody bouquets!
Now gaze on our goddess of justice
With her shimmering glimmering blade!
As she kisses these traitors
She sings them a last serenade!
Camp time! FEMA CAMP FOR YOU AN’ THE FAM! (an’ yer little dog too!)
Ready now for more? I know it’s hard ta stomick but do…
Click on it to play the viddeyo:
(diff from link above)
Listen above to CELESTE SOLUM, a brilliant, lovely human, a brave WHISTLEBLOWER who actually worked for FEMA as FEMA CAMP ADMINISTRATOR…who is WARNING we regular FOLKS an’ freedom absolutists about these FEMA CAMPS an’ the planned EXECUTIONS of those who DO NOT COMPLY. Guillotines are very efficient—arguably more than clot shots—in culling we-the-herd. She SAYS here:
"This genocidal attack on Christians and conservatives is likely being unleashed this year," warns Celeste. "And guillotines are already distributed across America, stored in FEMA camps, ready to deploy as mass murder machines. Why guillotines? They're low-tech and have just one moving part. They don't break down and require no ammunition, no electricity and no fuel to operate. Unlike all other death machines, guillotines can be effectively used even when societal infrastructure is crippled. "
Yup, even woiks if we get an EMP! Yes it’s dark, but NO it doesn’t mean it’s a “sure thing” this’ll happen YET this IS what’s bein’ prepared for us an’ duckin’ yer head in the sand like an ostrich ain’t the best idear now… (Duck blades, not truth!) An’ yet an’nuther weapon:
IMPORTED KILLERS, serve cold with revenge, hold the mayo
Even tho’ the “gear” was ordered quite some time ago, it makes sense ta me they needed all the MyGrunts to be “imported” an’ willin’ ta be paid to murder us cuz statistics show that about 70% of American service men & women don’t wanna execute their fellow Americans—imagine that! Now mebbe more would be willin’ today in ‘24—given that the jabberoos wipe out empathy… but I guess “Zey” don’t vanna risk so many refusals, plus it’s “cheaper” to import slaves (an’ gee-haw’dists) an’ simply pay ‘em to do their “choppin’” — gives new meaning to the idear of “paid choppers”—a concept that got popular durin’ the plandemic AND is easily “executed” with the help of smart phones (all issued ta the MyGrunts “free”). Lotta these young fellas that have been woke-i-fied have puhlenty to “resent” too… but I think the biggest motive is moula (‘cept for the Muslims here ta murder “us” infidels…)
Now, IMHO these MyGrunts have no affinity or “love” for the American pee-pull. Some may have morals at least applicable to “their own” but many (for the right amount of money an’ “perks”) are likely COLD BLOODED when it comes ta killin’. Plus there’s “these guys” settin’ an example with their strap-on-dynomite.
Addin’ too that as a BONUS, if ya die via guillotine yer organs can be harvested immediately—sick thought, I know, but death’s a racket an’ the lethal injection might compromise or “contaminate” ‘em where decapitation is… “cleaner.” (ick, I know)
THERE IS ALSO THIS video about US / FEMA “Concentration Camps” already having been built in all FIFTY STATES. (How lucky we are…)
There’s also the very real an’ very ALARMING 1995 bill HB 1274 introduced by Georgia State representative Doug Teper:
“To amend Article 2 of Chapter 10 of Title 17 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the death penalty generally, so as to provide a statement of legislative policy; to provide for death by guillotine; to provide for applicability; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.”
Holy heck Batman, that’s serious—I mean a BILL?! They had to TALK ABOUT and VOTE ON this?!
I combined TWO articles below by David Hodges as they both have different research / information
Hodges suggests we do some fast math:
A single guillotine reportedly can chop off the heads of about 100 people per hour. In one hour, the federal government has the capacity to execute as many as three million people. In one ten hour day, 30 million people could be executed by way of the guillotine.
Hodges also cites the findin’s of MKULTRA / child traffickin’ whistleblower Ted Gunderson who in 2009 “allegedly” (recordin’s not available) spoke to a group of patriots an’ warned ‘em about the the guillotines. Now I DO have an’ share below his warnin’ ‘bout the FEMA CAMPS but not ‘bout the guillotines. Apparantly the “Southern Poverty Law” website also has some of this info (tho’ of course SPL has it’s own issues of untruthfullness).
Now there’s a laydee named Pamela Rae Schuffert who blogged’ bout meetin’ Staff Sergeant ARMY Special Ops man Donnie Boysel from Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington state in 2008 while travelin’ on a bus to Montana. Ms. Schuffert shared in cyberspace a strange an’ disturbin’ tale of this Sergeant bein’ AWARE of the guillotines but havin’ been misinformed by his commanders—he an’ his base-mates were all told the guillotines would be be used in IRAQ (i.e. on the “enemy”). (Er… notta noble concept that…) So, whoopsie! Once Ms. Schuffert told Boysel that the real use of the guillotines, he was full-out shocked. He fessed up ta her that he was gonna train 64 men in their use (‘fore learning their purpose) but now knowin’ the nefarious plans for the things to be used on US, he had a crisis of conscience on the spot. He called all his men an’ warned them all that the plan for the guillotines was ta use ‘em on US Citizens… In brief, he an’ those men all went AWOL fast an’ as far as Pamela knows, all were hunted, some were killed, as for the rest, she doesn’t know as of course Sg. Boysel couldn’t stay in communicado with her given the risks—she thinks he’s still “in hiding.” STORY in BRIEF here below (I pasted from Pamela’s blot) … or use the link above for the full “deets” (this sounds kinda wild but I don’t dismiss nuttin’ these days…):
a quick DETOUR in “blame da joos” land…
⚠️NOTE:⚠️ I MUST add, bein’ of the perpetually hated “race” that Miss Pamela identifies as da JOOS plannin’ all this, to kill YOU! My GUESS is that this is just her opinion bein’ a good Christian Jew Hater vs a good Christian Non-Hater of us Joos. But my not bein’ a gal ta throw out the baby with the bathwarter—an’ nope, I won’t be eatin’ that baby either!, I still won’t dismiss the PLAN she an’ the Sgt. describe in detail, even tho’ I know the “executioners” ain’t gonna be the joos… So Miz Pamela shares this doozie:
An’ WHY does she insist this is so? One reason of many? One of the short list of Nohide laws (same as the Big 10) is, #3—“Thou Shalt Not Kill” — it’s kinda not “optional…”
FWIW the 7 Noahides that get folks all in a tizzy ARE:
Do not deny God.
Do not blaspheme God
Do not murder.
Do not engage in sexual immorality, bestiality or homosexual relations.
Do not steal.
Do not eat flesh taken from a living animal (that is with its life-blood still in it).
Establish courts and a legal system to uphold these laws.
⚠️LAST THOUGHTS from a Christian Scholar aware of the Noahides an’ not one bit skeered of ‘em (this, in light of the not-so-nice assertion that we joos are gonna run the guillotines):
“Islamic jihad had killed over 60 million Christians, many by beheading. (Yup, real numbers over time.) Daniel 8 and 11 read in conjunction with history suggest that Antichrist may come from an Islamic country (possibly Turkey). So the Islamic religion is probably where the chief danger to Christians will arise, not from the Jewish community.”
Though the Talmud is legal arguments ABOUT laws, it’s not laws (important de-stink-shun!) the Noahides are are separate “laws” discussed in the Talmud. These Noahides were created in about 350 AD (waaaay after the 10 Commandments) in order that Christians (an’ others) could be incorporated inta the blessings of God, not having to convert or even worship the God of the Jews cuz any monotheistic god was OK per the 7 (including the Muslim one, actually). Between 1210 and about 1500, a lotta COMMENTS (not laws mind ya, not laws) were noted in the Talmud to elaborate on the Nohides but these COMMENTS or clarifications are ARGUED POINTS (as is all Talmud), separate from laws. They also happen ta be highly contested “additions and qualifications”ONLY. There are (so it’s said) hundreds of ‘em—an’ of all these hundreds of comments just ONE afaik talks about capital punishment for or execution of idol worshippers, likely under Noahide #3.
BUT (contrary to the beliefs of the ill-informed “haters”), idol worship was only meant—at the time—to trigger a severe warning, NOT death however dire the “opinion” put forth was. Maimonides the great Prophet and founder of Modern Judaism formally stated that Christians were not to be considered idol worshippers even though the Jews don’t worship human beans, living or dead. The comment on this issue—again one out of hundreds—only contemplated that the worst “punishment” for idol worship might be to convert to judaism—not be beheaded. And, not even “contemplated” opinions can contradict the 10 Commandments (as beheading surely would!) Also, chews don’t make folks convert to judaism NOR do “we” behead… yes even the Ultra Orthodox! Indeed, there are a few crazy old men say all sorts of crap… they are NOT the “norm”—all ya Christians have nutbars too!— like THIS PASTOR and THIS PURDY INFAMOUS ONE) HOWEVER if you look at the entire history of Judaism—nobody in the Jewish faith—any variety—does beheadings of Christians...NOBODY! It’s notta thing, really. Accountants we got, yes, doctors, yes, got lots, lawyers even god-help-us, yass ta tha too but head hunters? Nix.
⚠️Sorry I had ta share this—but there WILL BE FOLKS that say its “we” chews that commissioned the GUILLOTINES intending ‘em to bere “for” the Christians and to be operated by us Joos… nope. Untrue. Fully untrue. I gotta talk ‘bout this stuff separately one’a these days—stay tuned fer that eventually…(sigh) ANYWHOO…
One more FEMA + Guillotine paper here—some repetition, some new stuff… ALL worth a look-see!
LEGAL PROVISIONS… (makin’ it legal —Directive 51 + more!)
Can this REALLY be LEGAL? From all I gather (an’ Katherine Watt is far better equipped than I ta opine on this topic so I’m glad she DID) — it seems that Presidential Directive #51 lays the legal / legislative groundwork for these blasted camps: for the martial law, dictatorial takeover of the USA by the POTUS under “emergency” circumstances, AND for all OTHER peacetime laws to be suspended. I believe this kinda like when the consty-2-shun was hung out ta dry under “Covidcon.” (While Sophie Tucker may rightfully say that “the father is responsible!” — here nobuddy is fessin’ up ta fathering a killer baby like this one, Directive 51):
Katherine Watt’s 14-pager on the Directive 51 an’ beyond is here below:
But there’s MORE too in the above-cited article from Dave Hodge, an’ that, my friends, is an:
ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM ALERT! (tip: it wears a keffiyeh)
Also—an’ this mebbe a so-called “trigger warnin’ “ fer some of ya’s—Hodges both includes an’ links to many BEHEADINGS that Muslim / Islamist men perform on “infidels.” All that wanna close their eyes ta this “fact” an’ go def-con on the “joos,” by all means do so tho’ joos do NOT ever-never behead folks. BUT…. surely ya gotta admit that the USA has brought in STRONG YOUNG MEN loyal to their noble faith, who not only have the STOMACH FOR BEHEADINGS (specifically) but know it’s a “glory” to Allah ta “do ‘em.“
I’ll share sum’more onnit as it’s relevant…
First, there’s THIS stack postin’ I did not too long ago entitled “If ISRAEL FALLS, we are NEXT” — an’ I’m’a gonna quote myself with some LINKS ya mind find applicable to this particular pernt NOW:
IF we let this happen on our watch… heads will LITERALLY roll and roll and roll. (An' tho' I know many things ARE staged fer the cameras.. nope folks, these are not from Pallywood…they may “reHearse” but these hot-blooded executions are bizness as usual fer them so-called holy “rollers!,” no paid crisis “acturds” needed!) OR mebbe it will be just a dang Peckinpah - Tarantino shootin' party à la Charlie Hebdo . An’ I mean HERE (there, & everywhere).
We know how that turned out, don’t we?
Then there’s THIS brave lad of 18, a real hero like the fella’s we’re “invitin’” to the USA:I’d even take “Global Cap” over “De-Cap” any day! (…)
ZO… to the “head strong” “River to See’ers” I got one thing ta say: CAREFUL!
Do NOT lose yer head over this war, over Israel, or yer efforts will be repaid us ALL by REALLY “losin’ our heads” — on American soil! (Canadian too).
Moreover, the gubbamint is indeed preparin’ ghee-oh’teens (yup, real steel GUILLOTINES) for us who will lose our dang heads (if/when they bring in marshal law should we take the bait an’ rise up ta fight in a civil war). That too is whut “zey” want…
THUS …. I REPEAT that y’all need ta know & believe is that for these young men (teens included) it’s a heavenly blessin’ in the Noble Quran (see quote below) ta decapitate INFIDELS. They might even git 72 Virgins (whoo hoo!) and everlastin’ paradise if they die in the act, an’ in that case their famblies get paid for their “sacrifice.” (Kid. U. Not.) So they’re all lookin’ forward ta that kinda thing… At very least, if they survive the murder of an infidel, it’s written they get BOTH the possessions of the human they murder AND git ta share in ALL the spoils of war divided among their compatriots. Whoo whoo! It’s a “thing.”
So… young men who grew up passionate ‘bout this belief, their noble act, and made comfy with beheading, are being brought HERE (and to Canada + YourUp) in DROVES…
Their “work” will be made far more efficient with GUILLOTINES (not verboten under Sharia law…) at the rate of 100 people per hour PER guillotine! TO WIT:
In recent decades, extremist Salafi jihadist groups have used beheading as a method of killing captives and as a terror tactic.
“When the Lord inspired the angels (saying) I am with you. So make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger. (8:12)"
“Now when ye meet in battle those who disbelieve, then it is smiting of the necks until, when ye have routed them, making fast of bonds; and afterward either grace or ransom 'til the war lay down its burdens. (47:4)”
Decapitation in Islamic law
Decapitation was the normal method of executing the death penalty under classical Islamic law. It was also, together with hanging, one of the ordinary methods of execution in the Ottoman Empire. Currently, Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world which uses decapitation within its Islamic legal system.
The majority of executions carried out by the government of Saudi Arabia are public beheadings, which usually cause mass gatherings but are not allowed to be photographed or filmed.
Now “girls” aren’t supposed ta do the choppin’ normally (they just carry the baskets an’ pay the cashier, lol) but they ARE instructed from birth that it’s beautiful thang ta chop off the heads of the infidels—Jews first, natch, but all others too! Some are killed if they let their natural hair creep outta their hijabs even.
Soo…. THIS SCENE, below, WAS IN PHILLY—recently. Philadelphia, PA. Yes, not in some far flung Middle Eastern country, the land of Brotherly Love, Cream Cheese & the Liberty Bell:
There now, don’t y’all feel better?
Folks can side with whom they wish, I just putter out there, an’ I soitenly don’t wanna take away any good will or thunder from most ordinary Muslims who are, in the majority, just decent folks, who do not believe in jihad or violence or killin’ us “chews.” BUT this is a numbers game AND there are BOATLOADS of specifically single MUSLIM MEN who lack “US Judeo-Christian Values”✡️ ✝️ bein’ “imported.” (And I’m surely sorry if that offends—genuinely— but know that they want you to ignore this for just that reason—offendin’ someone. So hey, there’s an angry young man who’s been brought here to cut yer throat but it ain’t nice to notice?! hogwarsh)
✡️ ✝️ yes, it’s a THING… Judeo-Christian values is a “thing” they’re tryin’ desperately to erase on two prongs…one prong is that “joos” have no values at all an’ the Ol’ Testy-Mint was not jooish at all (so strike us chews from the menu if ya believe this) an’ the other prong is that Islam is very much like Christianity, a “sister faith,” an Abrahamic religion with shared values, morals, beliefs… I wouldn’t touch that with a 10 foot pole, talk amongst yerselves… but I will say that afaik “Judeo-Christian” values aren’t a mirage an’ some of the vaules of the Noble Faith are NOT consistent with those held sacred in Judeo-Christian religion—which is—as y’all know—on the chopping block itself!
Hard questions then—ya gotta better reason? I’ll hear it! An those tho think they’ll be spared if they’re not “chewish” have lots to learn. Christians ARE infidels to these folks… in fact, to these young radicals, so is ANYONE that ain’t Muslim. LOOK AGAIN!
Zo….Once more with FEELING!
Apart from the trauma of plantin’ these gruesome images in yer heads, the strident screeches in yer ears, they want to accustom you to accepting the coming of the new REIGN OF TERROR all over the WORLD. Like they told the French, they must DESTROY to SAVE La République!
How’d that work out for the French? Yes, eventually they survived (Vive La France!) but after so many deaths, so much bloodshed, an’—honestly—a lotta culture destruction. Also, from all I’ve read, Marie Antoinette was kind of a good person. So yeah—SLOGANS mean jack shart when you are hell-bent on destruction. We’re seein’ it AmeriKa now—there are many young’uns that wanna Wreck our own République! (République Democratique)
So that’s the plan, man / ma’am.
I’m sorry ta break it to ya but this stuff is NOT RANDOM. It’s NOT just “general debauchery” on display… it’s not ooh la la the French…
The OLYMPIC DISPLAY OF GORY DECAPITATION is a carefully constructed tableau set out for WORLD consumption. Also, it ain’t “just” FRENCH now (in terms of their historic REIGN OF TERROR) cuz they’re EXPORTING that bit’o gruesome history across the GLOBE with Islamic BEHEADINGS (comin’ to a blood sport theater near you? lordy I hope not!) an’ via the (hard ta reckon with) US orders of surplus guillotines AND the dang FEMA CAMPS.
It’s supposed to “catch on” an’ from all I read once folks get inta the “spirit” of the matter it’s “infectious”—they cain’t stop! The wokesters an’ the useful idiots on campus MIGHT join in the “fun” like one of those Hollywood Western bar scenes where someone comes in “swingin’” an’ the whole room breaks out in that bar room brawl… but worse. Below an oh-too-timely cartoon mockin’ Robespierre who had to EXECUTE THE EXECUTIONER because there was nobuddy else left to murder! (satire bein’ close to TRUTH!)
Bravo & oy vey.
Folks, I know the idea of BEHEADINGS being the new-normal methodology of depopulation for those who do not comply seems beyond IMPOSSIBLE. But I do NOT rule it out!
The clot shots are doin’ their “chobs” but not fast enuf for the 2030 Agenda. AND zo, even those that comply are now considered “excess humans” in general, we useless eaters—all over the US, CANADA, an’ YOUR-UP. From all I’m hearin’ + readin’, DEAGEL is accurate! If that don’t take the wind outta yer sails I dunno what will!
I say this boldly, loudly cuz:
They want ya ta git familiar with “La Guillotine” an’ “chop chop” as normal thing. Just like durin’ the French Revolution when the knitters would sit by the guillotines! 🧶They want execution to be a household word…familiar, “reassurin’ “ (cuz they’ll take down those tyrants!) until it’s clear that the tyrants are “all’ve us”—“And Then There Were None.”
🧶 Like the tricoteuses / knitters todays rabid executioners of freedom (Soros & Co.) elevate students, the libtards, the rah rah Hamassians, an’ other useful idiots… an’ then weaponize ‘em all against the rest of us
This is a takedown of Western Civilization, Westen Religions, Western MORALS… an’ all that we knew ta be fact an’ COMMON SENSE (as in men are men, women are women, kids should remain INNOCENT an’ ain’t “sex objects”) ….
From the Opening “Scare-a’Monie” (with multiple decapitated “Maries”) and the Last Supper which also implies “no more food” for da normies, eat the bugs, prepare to DIE!… (this “meal” is your last) AND that these lews & overstuffed “diners” ARE the food (cuz there’s a giant LID that was lowered OVER ‘em as this “human Soyent Green food” was served to the audience). We are absoLOOTly bein’ TOLD what their dastardly plan IS…
I’m not sayin’ we “ALL” gonna go “down” as they’re predicin’, but if ya got food, ammo, a place ta be safe that’s GOOD—
DO NOT COMPLY or enter EITHER a FEMA Camp or a “Walmart” (not even for emergency “supplies” in case of societal breakdown) cuz Sam Walton’s main JOB durin’ WWII was to oversee security at the prisoner of war camps and Walmarts are NOT all they seem. At the end of WWII the POW camps held mostly Germans (an’ were not, from all I gather, places were the prisoners were treated nicely). KNOW that those GIANT Walmart stores are ALL—every one’ve ‘em— DUAL PURPOSE! They all have DUMBS under ‘em too! CAREFUL!
So I’m not sure if Walmart is storin’ guillotines, coffins, cyanide, or body bags “down under” but they’re ready for us resisters…
Meanwhile, be aware that while the guillotine seems SHOCKING today in our groomed aversion to such “barbarism” (this is a good thing but it’s been worked against us…), nearly EVERY nation has some kinda connection with the ol’ guillotine or beheadings an’ the puppetmeisters now want you to SEE IT!
La France:

Tho’ we actually are one nation that never had guillotines or beheaded folks, the imagery has been familiarized here. The call fer Trump’s “HEAD” from the TDS gang is chillin’—this was NOT just a tasteless GAG—this is sly / planned PROGRAMMIN’ (an’ again, note the red white an’ blue “color scheme")

They groom the comics to make light of it an’ even the off-campus “protesters” in general ta accept violence (many of those campus protesters had blunt weapons). BLM riots were an appetizer! (bricks an’ bricquets were provided, just like everyone in these pro-Palestine protests had the same tents…). The guillotine is a purdy powerful SYMBOl — that and the gallows perhaps too…. And baddies beheaded or hung in effigy is just ONE ANGLE to normalized what to do with your “ennemies”
There’s the appeal to stew-dents an’ academics too…ACCLIMATION, git used to it!
Ain’t it nice that some TIMELY studies show….
let’s normalize it!
The FALLBEIL had a long history in German… some models were even portable! The Nazi Fallbeil-guillotine could chop off a head in just seven seconds (precision steel…). Yup, German cutlery IS the best": Wüsthof, Zwilling, Henckels, Messermeister, etc. The youngest lad who got his head lopped of was just 17 (he spoke out against “Heil Hitler”—i.e. a speech crime).
Anywhoo, while folks all over are now sayin’ Hitler wuz such a nice fella an’ undeservedly gotta bad rap (folks’ll believe what they like… an’ DO…SIGH), MOST people (Führer fans or not!) had no idear that Hitler also hadda guillotine for the REICH an’ murdered about 16,500 people on that “fine” contraption—includin’ the BRAVE Sophie Scholl who, with her brother Hans, led the White Rose Resistance Movement against the Nazis. This amazin’ly courageous young lady was decapitated at age 21 an’ the young fella shown with her below—Willi Graf, also a White Rose resistance fighter—follered in her footsteps losin’ his head shortly after Sophie. I DO hate how folks like ta erase hist’ry an’ make Hitler sound like such an upstandin’ guy… it’s these gutsy human-lovin’ young folks that should be remebered an’ far better known!
The film Sophie Scholl: The Final Days can be watched HERE (it tells the story of her courage, bravery an’ of course her tragic end when she was beheaded at age 21 for fighting against the SS/Nazi regime.

So y’all will they bring it BACK? There’s a LOTTA predictive info I’ve shared as ta FEMA Camps for us all (equivalent in other countries) an’ yup… also / too the GUILLOTINE!
Clearly, bein’ a lover of LIFE an’ LIBERTY an’ HAPPINESS an’ a lotta Borscht Belt Humor on the Side—I SURELY hope they will NOT succeed—not on a single head!
RANDOM THOUGHT: I DO wonder if some of these dastardly machines are bein’ tested in the DUMBS on trafficked folks, MyGrunts, dissidents, POWs an’ lord knows who else… “Zey” always test their equipment ‘fore they “DEPLOY IT” (not so much the vaxxxines but 8 mice are easier ta kill than we suprisin’ly resiliant human beans…) Hmmm….
This certainly IS their bloody-WET DREAM from Mt. Olympus:
HOW can we see that they don’t make it our reality?
Penny (a sou!) for yer thoughts! Meantimes, tho’ I cain’t say who besides the USA is currently “stockpilin’” these guillotines, boxcars, bodybags, an’ other supplies OR just how many FEMA / FEMA-like camps there are around the whirled waitin’ for “us”… I do believe it cain’t hurt to take a quick look at WHO / WHAT PEOPLE already HAD such equipment or did beheadings, no?
France, Germany, Belgium, England, Scottland, Italy, The Netherlands, Algeria, Sweden, Switzerland, and South Vietnam.
WHO HAD A HISTORY OF BEHEADING? (by sword, axe, etc.)
Read the “history” below: I think you’ll be kinda shocked (I was!) as to just HOW MANY NATIONS once had (a few yet HAVE) normalized beheading. It’s hard to contemplate BUT if we all know how prevalent this practice ONCE was, how normalized, we can better understand that our kind—the human kind—can EASILY be tipped to such brutality. These practices were kept well into the 20th Century. Just how ‘decent” humans once accepted this practice we’ll never know but it wasn’t few and it wasn’t “rare” as I’d’a believed—SO I think the current push to bring La Guillotine “back” into our consciousness, back in our radar range, are all the more nefarious, purposeful, an’ something worth our KEEPING IN MIND.
BEHEADING, a mode of executing capital punishment by which the head is severed from the body. The ancient Greeks and Romans regarded it as a most honorable form of death. (The famous Narmer Pallette depicts beheaded soldiers described as capital offence executions.) Before execution the criminal was tied to a stake and whipped with rods. In early times an ax was used, but later a sword, which was considered a more honorable instrument of death, was used for Roman citizens. Ritual decapitation known as seppuku (a two step process that starts with disembowelment and ends with decapitation) was practiced in Japan from the 15th through the 19th century. Decapitation was also a common punishment, sometimes for minor offences. Samurai were often allowed to decapitate soldiers who had fled from battle, as it was considered cowardly. Historically, decapitation had been the most common method of execution in Korea, until it was replaced by hanging in 1896. Decapitation had also been the main method of execution in Thailand until it was replaced by shooting in 1934. Execution by beheading was one of the most common forms of execution in Vietnam under the feudal system. This form of execution still existed in the South Vietnam regime until 1962. One symbolic consequence of the French Revolution was the extension of the privilege of beheading to criminals of ordinary birth, by means of the guillotine. Surprisingly, in France, until the abolition of capital punishment in 1981 by President Mitterand, the main method of execution had been by beheading by means of the guillotine. The first person executed by the guillotine in France was highwayman Nicolas Jacques Pelletier in April 1792. The last execution was of murderer Hamida Djandoubi, in Marseille, in 1977. Throughout its extensive overseas colonies and dependencies, however, the device was also used, including on St Pierre in 1889 and on Martinique as late as 1965. Early versions of the guillotine included the Halifax Gibbet, which was used in Halifax, England, from 1286 until the 17th century, and the "Maiden", employed in Edinburgh Scottland from the 16th through the 18th centuries. In British history, beheading was typically used for noblemen, while commoners would be hanged. According to tradition, beheading by sword was introduced to England by William the Conqueror in the 11th century. Death by the sword, in which the victim stood or knelt upright (because a block would have impeded the downward stroke of the weapon), was usually reserved for offenders of high rank, as it was considered to be the equivalent of being killed in battle. One of the most notable executions by decapitation in Britain was that of King Charles I of England, who was beheaded outside the Banqueting House in Whitehall in 1649, after being captured by parliamentarians during the English Civil War and tried for treason. Simon, Lord Lovat, was the last noble person to be so executed by beheading in England, in 1747. Beheading in England was ultimately degraded to a secondary means of execution, including for treason, with the abolition of drawing and quartering in 1870 and finally formally abolished by the Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1973. Beheading, usually by ax, was the customary method of executing traitors in England. The victim was drawn (dragged by a horse to the place of execution), hanged (not to the death), disemboweled, and whilst still living, was beheaded, and then quartered, sometimes by tying each of the four limbs to a different horse and spurring them in different directions. In 1820 the Cato Street Conspirators, led by Arthur Thistlewood, became the last persons to be beheaded by ax in England. Having plotted to murder members of the government, they were found guilty of high treason and hanged, and their corpses were then decapitated. The Celts of western Europe long pursued a "cult of the severed head", as evidenced by both Classical literary descriptions and archaeological contexts. This cult played a central role in their temples and religious practices and earned them a reputation as head hunters among the Mediterranean peoples. The Celts developed a mythology that the severed head of a brave warrior could be brought back to life. An example of this regeneration after beheading lies in the tales of Connemara's Saint Féchín, who after being beheaded by Vikings carried his head to the Holy Well on Omey Island and on dipping it into the well placed it back upon his neck and was restored to full health. In the Nordic Countries beheading was the usual means of carrying out capital punishment. Noblemen were beheaded with a sword, and commoners with an axe. The last executions by decapitation in Finland in 1825, Norway in 1876, Faroe Islands in 1609, and in Iceland in 1830 were carried out with axes. The same was the case in Denmark in 1892. Sweden continued the practice for a few decades, executing its second to last criminal—mass murderer Johan Filip Nordlund—by axe in 1900. It was replaced by the guillotine, which was used for the first and only time on Johan Alfred Ander in 1910. Finland's official beheading axe resides today at the Museum of Crime in Vantaa. It is a broad-bladed two-handed axe. It was last used when murderer Tahvo Putkonen was executed in 1825, the last execution in peacetime in Finland. In Spain during the 16th and 17th centuries, noblemen were sometimes executed by means of beheading. Examples include Anthony van Stralen, Lord of Merksem, Lamoral, Count of Egmont and Philip de Montmorency, Count of Horn. They were tied to a chair on a scaffold. The executioner used a knife to cut the head from the body. It was considered to be a more honourable death if the executioner started with cutting the throat The guillotine was also used in Algeria before the French relinquished control of it, as shown in Gillo Pontecorvo's film The Battle of Algiers. During the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992–1995) there were a number of ritual beheadings of Serbs and Croats who were taken as prisoners of war by mujahideen members of the Bosnian Army. At least one case is documented and proven in court by the ICTY where mujahedin, members of 3rd Corps of Army BiH, beheaded Bosnian Serb Dragan Popović Another guillotine existed in Vatican City Italy until recent years. It had been brought in by Napoleon's forces during the early 19th century and, as of 1870, the pope still claimed the authority to use it though capital punishment was eventually abolished there. Germans have a long history of using their Fallbeil in the 17th and 18th Centuries when it was the standard form of execution. The Fallbeil is a particular type of guillotine with differents from that of the French. Although beheading was one means of executing political prisoners in Nazi Germany and in Austria during WWII it lost popularity over time and was last used in communist East Germany in 1966 when former Auschwitz doctor Horst Fischer was executed by the German Democratic Republic by guillotine. Beheading was subsequently replaced by shooting in the neck In Africa, particularly in the Congo due to being well documented beginning in the late 19th Century and early 20th Century, Danish missionaries and officers reported that the Congolese were ordered by their own generals to "cut off the heads of the men and hang them on the village palisades ... and to hang the women and the children on the palisade in the form of a cross." Beheading is also and currently a legal punishment choice in Zamfara State, Nigeria although there is no documentation of it being practiced. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, Aacording to a UN report from Congolese refugees, they believed the Bana Mura and Kamuina Nsapu militias have "magical powers" as a result of drinking the blood of decapitated victims, making them invincible. Besides the massive decapitations (like the beheading of 40 members of the State Police), a globally notorious case happened in March 2017 to Swedish politician Zaida Catalán and American UN expert Michael Sharp, who were kidnapped and executed during a mission near the village of Ngombe in Kasaï Province. The UN was reportedly horrified when video footage of the beheading executions surfaced in April that same year, where some grisly details led to assume ritual components of the acts. Beginning with the murder of Daniel Pearl, an American journalist kidnapped in Pakistan in 2002, Islamic militant groups such as al-Qaeda embraced beheading as a propaganda tool, distributing gruesome videos of such executions to media outlets and on the Internet. ISIL, a Sunni insurgent group in Iraq and Syria, staged mass beheadings of Syrian and Iraqi captives beginning in 2014 and also used the threat of beheading to extract ransom payments from some Western governments. Several British and American hostages were beheaded by ISIL. In Saudi Arabia and Yemen beheading is still practiced. On March 12th, 2022, 81 individuals were executed by beheading in Saudi Arabia,the most beheadings that have occurred in just one day. Foreigners are not exempt from this punishment, accounting for "almost half" of executions in 2013. Iran, since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, has alleged it uses beheading as one of the methods of punishment. In Iraq, though not officially sanctioned, legal beheadings were carried out against at least 50 prostitutes and pimps under Saddam Hussein as late as 2000. Beheadings have emerged as another terror tactic especially in Iraq since 2003 however. Civilians have borne the brunt of the beheadings, although U.S. and Iraqi military personnel have also been targeted. After kidnapping the victim, the kidnappers typically make some sort of demand of the government of the hostage's nation and give a time limit for the demand to be carried out, often 72 hours. Beheading is often threatened if the government fails to heed the wishes of the hostage takers. Sometimes, the beheadings are videotaped and made available on the Internet. One of the most publicized of such executions was that of Nick Berg. Although Syria formally uses hangings and not beheadings for capital punishment the terrorist organisation known as the Islamic State, which controlled territory in much of eastern Syria, had regularly carried out beheadings of people. Syrian rebels attempting to overthrow the Syrian government have been implicated in beheadings too. During the 2016 Armenian–Azerbaijani clashes, Yazidi-Armenian serviceman Kyaram Sloyan was decapitated by Azerbaijani servicemen. In Azerbaijan several reports of decapitation, along with other types of mutilation of Armenian POWs by Azerbaijani soldiers, emerged in 2020 during the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War. In Mexico Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, Ignacio Allende, José Mariano Jiménez and Juan Aldama were tried for treason, executed by firing squad and then beheaded during the Mexican independence in 1811. Their heads were on display on the four corners of the Alhóndiga de Granaditas, in Guanajuato. During the Mexican Drug War, some Mexican drug cartels turned to decapitation and beheading of rival cartel members as a method of intimidation. This trend of beheading and publicly displaying the decapitated bodies was started by the Los Zetas, a criminal group composed by former Mexican special forces operators, trained in the infamous US Army School of the Americas. In traditional China, decapitation was practiced and was considered a more severe form of punishment than strangulation, although strangulation caused more prolonged suffering. There was also a practice of cutting the body at the waist, which was a common method of execution before being abolished in the early Qing dynasty. As for India, British officer John Masters recorded in his autobiography that Pathans in British India during the Anglo-Afghan Wars would behead enemy soldiers who were captured, such as British and Sikh soldiers. In the USA although beheading has never been a form of legal execution here, during the Vietnam War, as a terror tactic, "some American troops hacked the heads off dead Vietnamese and mounted them on pikes or poles." Correspondent Michael Herr noted "thousands" of photo-albums made by US soldiers "all seemed to contain the same pictures": "the severed head shot, the head often resting on the chest of the dead man or being held up by a smiling Marine, or a lot of the heads, arranged in a row, with a burning cigarette in each of the mouths, the eyes open". Some of the victims were "very young". General George Patton IV, son of the famous WWII general George S. Patton, was known for keeping "macabre souvenirs", such as "a Vietnamese skull that sat on his desk." Although the Utah Territory permitted a person sentenced to death to choose beheading as a means of execution, no person chose that option, and it was dropped when Utah became a state. Many tribal cultures engaged in "headhunting" (returning with the severed head as a badge of honor in war) but it's not always clear if those heads were severed after death or as the cause of it.
We know the rotten global eugenicists are in a HURRY to reduce the population of this dang planet post-haste. Chop chop, ya know, 2030 is “around the corner.” And just as it was during the Reign of Terror, what started with the “royals” ended up destroying COMMONERS (those who spoke up, those who spoke out!)
Louis and Marie were just used to jumpstart a literal murderous rampage, a DECADE of bloody HELL on Earth. IMAGINE the consequences now where hiding is impossible.
So… I know for all my humor this is, ultimately, a SOBER postin’—a scary thing ta contemplate. I want ALL Nation States ta git back their GUMPTION! to THRIVE an’ REVIVE their true CULTURES an’ bring back COMMON SENSE.
Thus I’d ruther end on a happier note wherein we DEFEAT the CHOP CHOPPERS ‘fore they bring out their “equipment.” We’ll WIN (imho) come hell ‘er high water tho!
remindin’ ALL of Ya’s that we human beans got the real “chops” to beat them baddies!
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
Bonus beats right here below, come ‘n git ‘em!
first, Irving Berlin’s heartfelt, poetic an’ ever-melodic GOD BLESS AMERICA!
An’ gol durnit n’ bless’er—Liza dun’ ROCKED IT HERE in 2007—I thought she’d lost her voice by that time but here she’s over 60 an’ I gotta say she did this beautifully in FINE voice…wow.
Next, The KING doin’ “America the Beautiful“— even the spoken part (Rex Harrison style) tho’ Elvis actually had the pipes! an’ even with the “ungepatchkeyed” waaay over the top orchestration—it’e pure GOLD—enjoy!
an’ now Frankie—a lovely version—totally straight-up no swingin’ it here:
No a treat fer ya’ll cuz this "Swing Out Sweet Land" appears ta be the most FUN TV Special evah in all ways (at LEAST as fun as the chalariously cheezy Paul Lynde Halloween Special!)—I’ll confess, I mebbe a Yankee but I LOVE John Wayne (an’ the fine Westerns AN’ the scenty-mental patriotism) cuz “old hat” tho’ it is, even with a dash of schmaltz—I always felt it was part of the GOODNES in this Land that I Love!— cornball, in good faith, always permitted! I gotta watch the whole shebang now!
Toppin’ off this set, sharin’ the honey-voiced Victory Boyd whose singin’ brought me to tears durin’ the plandemic—cuz she refused to git jabbed in order to perform the Star Spangled Banner for the NFL so… she did the song simply, humbly, in her apartment… an’ she kept her bodily integrity an’ her soul!
VIVE LA FRANCE cuz they are NOT a Nation of Decapitation!—they are SO MUCH MORE! (mwah!)
This rendition of La Marseillaise—THIS! — Soit fière La France! THIS is your tradition!
A favorite… Yves Montand
an’ this mahvelously MEMORABLE scene from Casablanca… if ya don’t know it, see what happens at “Rick’s Cafe”…
An’ last but not least—since the French dang fergot how ta put on a REAL show—I’m’a gonna leave ya with La Merman! (an’ of course a tune by the great Irving Berlin!)
FIN! (of this postin’—but not the end of US! ;-)
Outstanding research, Daisy. Starting the connect-the-dots with the Reign of Terror is brilliant, and sets the stage (so to speak) for everything else. Having spent some time around the fringes of the security consulting and emergency management industries, I can tell you that just because items (e.g., coffins) are stockpiled doesn't mean that there's a plan to use them. And, of course, there are more prosaic motivations, like graft. If some high-ranking bureaucrat's brother-in-law has a stackable coffin company, it would be a trivial matter to write a contract for a few million of them that could be stacked in a field somewhere until they disintegrate.
Speaking of companies, I'd be interested to know what firm - if any - is manufacturing "smart guillotines." If only we still had investigative journalists instead of payroll propagandists.
I say "bring back a decent razor blade, without a toxic moisturizing strip..."