I thought you might appreciate this regarding the lockstep mockery of the Olympic Mind Games:


I realize you're not Catholic - and neither am I - but he makes some good points.

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I'm a gonna look! Thanks fer the links--La France is mostly Catholic, they deserve bettah! Always glad ta hear "sanity" in the midst of such full insanity! (Nice ta see ya back Jerry! Did'ja move ta Mehico? If so, are ya likin' it? I believe Kate Wand--a'nnuther great substacker, just moved there from Canada..)

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So much to listen to!!!

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I know I know it! (if this all goes down as they're plannin' it--stay away from the Walmarts--you got'em in Canada too... FEMA dual use an' methinks they GOTTA have the equivalent up yer way since they're all in bed with each other...yikes, right?)

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David Crawley was in mid-production of a film called Gray State, when his wife and daughter were killed and he allegedly committed suicide in 2014. One form of execution of dissidents in the film was by guillotine. Was David warning of what was to come?


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wowee, thanks fer this.... never heard of David Crawley but off ta listen... this stuff does go deep (as in deep 6 egads!)

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okay, watched the clip an' the other article too... I'm now havin' some vague memory of havin' heard about this film (mebbe on Alex?) but it went waaay offa my radar... an' I don't believe it "fully registered" at the time...

Dang! it appears he was really onta sumthin'--no wonder they removed 'im. The scary "figure" in the mask (lookin' like V is for Vendetta meets Jason from Friday the 13th...) operatin' the "modern" bloody guillotines and the the mentions of FEMA camps are so spot-on it's certain he was over the target.

Someone--someone the fambly KNEW (as there was no sign of break in or big struggle)--took 'em all out. If all the film was shot / in the can it could'a been anyone involved--cast, crew, post-production...? Whatever was shot, it's clear that in erasing (removin') this guy's work no chances were taken, not even the poor kid was left alive.

I'm sure the drugs were planted by the spooks --- sounds like this guy was on the up 'n up...they framed 'im. Guess he didn't have a Dead Man Switch ta save himself as some DO.

Is all the footage gone / lost / stolen by those in charge 'cept what was in that trailer? Clearly NOW is the time for someone ta dig more inta that story--seems like Crawley was "the man who knew too much"-- a sad loss but this is how "zey" do it--Bill Cooper, Aaron Russo... many taken out.

(I was a little bit taken aback by the half-minute tacked onta the endin' 'bout Hitler bein' a "good guy" takin' out B'nai Brith in Germany--mebbe it was part of it, seemed like it was "added" as I cain't imagine--no matter how much the filmmaker hated the masons--they he fit the type ta think Hitlery was a good guy...) Anyway... thanks for sharin' this info--the warnings 'bout FEMA camps an' Guillotines sync well with this postin'... wish it were not the case as it kinda confirms my worst observations!

ps I know I've seen that footage with the Triangles (scars / "marks of the beast") branded on the hands before--is that original footage Crawley shot or pulled from Black Mirror or something like it?

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Same here, went off my radar.

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I say "bring back a decent razor blade, without a toxic moisturizing strip..."

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ha ha, I think they did that on Broadway... ("Demon Barber of Fleet Street" 'n all....)

very "modern" as Mrs Lovett's Soyent Green Pies (gotta love it!) were so velly econmical--waste not want not...

If ya want the moisturizin' AND the strip (nothin' toxic 'bout David Rose!) tho', I suggest ya try this!


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trump's grandfather was a barber, you'll find a lot of pole symbology behind the don- red and white in diagonal repose

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oooooh, I didn't know that... gonna keep an eye out (lol not literally, there's enuf 'a that!)... an' of course the red, white & blue are (as I heard it barber-wise) are the blood, the bandages, & the "blue" veins involved in blood lettin'... which of course involved a velly sharp razor..

+ ah oui! les barbiers sont toujours a little "sus" even now--chop chop!--the tale of Sweeney Todd was based on a Frenchie!


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trump's recent 'freudian' slip- a 'land-slayed'....

speaks to intentions.

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or mebbe he was just channelin' his inner Fleetwood Mac!

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stevie nicks (the ear) cancels again...

(see MCM)

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yikes- I recall this.... early programming...

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Do a search (not on satanic google) use startpage, or recommend one that does not support evil.

Whats up with all the Walmarts catching on fire : r/walmart (reddit.com)

I refuse to step in one of those CCP facial recognition spy stores, after Michael Yon reported that they warehouse trafficked children in them. You are right on the money Daisy! In the small town I live in there was a fire (sep 2023) and they used it as an excuse to re-model. Re-model with what added benefits, is the question.

Great work as usual, will need to look more closely later, trying to limit time on this thing.

Side note:

Have you noticed this while out and about? Drove by a Ross store parking lot today and noticed something very different, because I was close going into an Ace Hardware store. I actually had to sit for a while and count the number of Handicapped Zones close to the store. Two rows of 6 on each side. The one or two has turned into 12, like overnight, gee, wonder what could be happening?

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definitely sumthin's goin' down at the Walmarts--but not just recently ('cept an uptick) as it appears there's been a "thing" with fires there since 2012... I also recall at some point (when?) a lotta Walmarts closed (I don't shop at 'em but read this...) an' then re-opened. So there are the DUMBS that supposedly descend UNDER each Walmart which are all Dual Use an' used (too) for traffickin'... They also (as per the video) are giant so perfect to be used AS the Fema camps--the massive storage underneath likely has cots, an' far more nefarious things... guillotines? MEBBE! SO... My thoughts 'bout the fires are this:

1. those that are intentional (or cited ta be arson) could be "white hat types" tryin' to sabotage / EXPOSE what's goin' on--even if they cannot destroy the buildings (tho' massive damage would be nice if humans are not harmed), my thought is mebbe they hope to get fire fighters & others in there--those who might SEE what's goin' on IF they're there to put out fires (so for ex. if a section of floor is destroyed an' they see--I dunno--weapons or other weird stuff stockpiled they'd ketch on ta sumthin'?)--so that's the best case scenario--that the good guys are tryin' to get Camp Walmart noticed or at least inflict major damage...

2. Fires could be caused (as some say) by "renovations"--wull what kinda renovations? likely any "renovations" are not good... Are explosives bein' used after hours to blast thru rock to "expand" the campsites?

3. While some are sayin' that "faulty wiring" is the cause it may be something "more"--electrical fires can be caused by too much zappin' of power-- entire city/ town lights used ta dim when the Electric Chair was bein' used-- so could something electrical--heck, the "Chair" or something equally power zappin' meant to do us harm (some DEW?) be blowin' thru fuses an' causing these "electrical" fires?

4. Chemicals? (Napalm is uber flammable...) Something bein' stored under pressure that combusts?

5. Apparently Walmart had Tesla solar panels installed--an' they ignited an' there were lawsuits but Musk won. Now my question is were solar panels (all those things are flammable an' have toxic metals in 'em) bein' used to power some dubious machinery? WHY would you have so many unless you need to power something massive like generators below? These were not for sale but were "installed"...

So 4/5 of the ideas that come ta mind offa the top of my head re Walmart Fires all relate to "glitches" in the black hat agendas ta basically trap/lock us up an' "take us out"... only one in my mind means "white hat" kinda sabotage... at very least a "help call" to draw eyes on the thing... I don't literally believe much in "white hats" but I do think there are some decent humans tryin' ta right some of the wrongs .... so it's possible...

Thanks fer the heads up on the Walmarts--either way they ARE ALL part of this FEMA Camp / human depop agenda--just not sure how ta look at these fires "yet"....

RE Handicapped Parking--YES it's totally proliferated--good observation! So it used ta be there were just a couple spaces reserved for any bizness--even groceries had maybe 3-4 an' now I see in many locations it's the first 2 cars in each 'n every row... for bigger stores (chain stores, groceries) that's a LOT of handicapped... I don't think it's a factor of higher management tellin' these stores ta set aside spaces / repaint 'em in the lots but ruther my guess is that these places are likely respondin' to the greater no. of / increase in messed up humans that cannot walk (wheelchair bound, canes) or have other issues (COPD draggin' O2, etc) that handicapped 'em. Elephant in the lot is, of course, the CLOT SHOTS! that wrecked so many healthy humans an' turned 'em inta invalids or at least caused major damage...

When we go to a Home Depot or Lowes (etc) my girls have noticed how MANY folks are on those "Rascal" Scooters--electric wheelchairs... Seems WAY more than ever we've seen... It's a combo of Wall-E World (morbidly obese folks who no longer CAN walk...) an' truly damaged folks... My guess is when the prior no. of spaces got filled up at these stores customers came in an' requested more of 'em...

A few are fakers tho'! There's a South Park spoofin' the fakers thing--Cartman fakes needin' a wheelshair an' gits himself a Rascal an' all sorts of "handicap benefits" an' ends up racin' in the aisles an' grabbin' massive amounts of junk food / candy as he plows down regular shoppers... At first the other boys are jealous but eventually it wears off.... Sadly the "real life" folks I'm seein' ain't fakin'--America is lookin' purdy sad already--heck, they couldn't "roll away" from these guillotines if they tried!

Anywhoo--good links! Thanks fer the kind words too!

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Thanks for the great common sense, logical explanation. Staying clear of those Satanic Warehouses. I can feel the bad energy whenever I am close to one, same with any Drug Store. I only shop at one grocery stores in town now, that being the Safeway. Other than that, there is a Fry’s, Sprouts and a Walmart. Fry’s stopped selling pretty much anything organic years ago and went woke. Sprouts is filming. (see below) I became aware, back in March seeing the notice on the door.



______YOU COULD BE FAMOUS_______

SFM, LLC (Sprouts Farmers Market) is currently capturing photos and videos.

By entering our store or the promotional areas outside of the store, you

understand and consent that you may appear on camera and that the reproduction and use of your photograph image, voice or reproduction thereof, either in whole or in part, may be used by SFM, LLC and its agents or assignees, for any and all advertising, trade, or art purposes and in any and all publications and other advertising media without limitation or reservation.

Thank you for shopping at Sprouts!


Never stepped passed thru that door, and never will.

While reading this at the store, my first thought was," what a bunch of mumble jumble legal BS. Stood there and asked two people, did you know about this notice? Oblivious, could care less. How many shoppers read an 8x10 notice on the door? And the manager of this store did not have a clue when I called to complain.

Wonder who came up with the word “Handicap” Handy to be capped? These sickos and their word salad games is unbelievable

Trying to keep up with all of this bull, is really a double time job, good luck. After writing the Sprouts notice, I need to go a digg'n for the scoop on SFM. Probably owned by the CCP or Blackrock, is my guess.

Have a great rest of your day Daisy. God bless you, the girls and the hubby.

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aw wull many thanks yer way S&C with blessin's back-- SO this filimin' thing is HUGE. In the Rotten Apple they started doin' facial scans at Madison Sq Garden, Radio City--lotta big venues. A few folks got refused at the door b/c they were on legal teams suin' the parent Co.--the scan tagged 'em even tho' they'd come for entertainment. It's very dark stuff...

NEVER do self-checkout wherever ya shop--they do not "announce" that folks are bein' filmed but there are cameras attached ta the scan device "set ups"--they know who ya are, what'cha bought... I think ALL the big chains are owned by Blackrock once ya git down to it. Many that used ta be American-owned are now owned by European Conglomerates (eg. Hanneford--a grocery chain here in Upstate NY) is owned by some Swiss Co.--oh yes, SCHVITZERLUND --but no doubt Blackrock / Vanguard is at the top.

Most folks don't notice bein' filmed in the store or at checkout---we were in a Whole Foods recently an' I noticed the "fingerprint scanner" machine at checkout--I WONDER how many are usin' that thang? (An' of course it bein' owned by Amazon that'll link yer purchase of food ta yer regular non-comestable purchases an' for some their doorbell too, and Alexa, an' anything "privit" these folks do...) Dastardly!

Last but not least...yes, good catch, Handy Capped is quite the questionable term... Are they handily "marked" (as if with a cap)? -- surely they'll be first ta go when they bring out them chop-choppers--- Then again 'tain't "handy" at all--bein' capped at the knees--sounds near-violent! I gave a look ta the etymology... origins come from bettin' an' horseracin' (as used today) but when applied ta humans it's a mite dark -- disadvantaged in terms of survival is purdy much on the mark -- 'specially since they will be first to go (the Nazis took 'em out first too) https://www.etymonline.com/word/handicap

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Good info, fyi, don't know why but your comment went to spam. Might want to alert people.

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thanks fer the heads up! (I'll look but I think it all depends on the "soivice provider" an' platform -- like what folks use ta see their messages--outlook, tutamail, protonmail, etc). That said, there's some that say some kinda "AI" monkeybizness spams controversial stuff... could be, I've seen it myself an' of course AI has a (hive) mind of its own!

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Outstanding research, Daisy. Starting the connect-the-dots with the Reign of Terror is brilliant, and sets the stage (so to speak) for everything else. Having spent some time around the fringes of the security consulting and emergency management industries, I can tell you that just because items (e.g., coffins) are stockpiled doesn't mean that there's a plan to use them. And, of course, there are more prosaic motivations, like graft. If some high-ranking bureaucrat's brother-in-law has a stackable coffin company, it would be a trivial matter to write a contract for a few million of them that could be stacked in a field somewhere until they disintegrate.

Speaking of companies, I'd be interested to know what firm - if any - is manufacturing "smart guillotines." If only we still had investigative journalists instead of payroll propagandists.

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wull many thanks there Alex! So the problem is--we dunno--of COURSE there's graft--but they didn't order, say, boatloads of tarps or camp pillows or footlockers or long-storage irradiated milk (Parmalat!--yuk)--the kinda stuff that might SUSTAIN folks in FEMA camps however uncomfortably... nope, coffins an' body bags an' related items that aren't yer "typicals" an' assume there'll be casualties (from all I gather there items were not ordered in bulk in the past century, fer example, where we know grift & graf were "great"--I recall readin' some old document takin' 'bout $25 for a single aspirin, $4 a bandaid etc) Separately the gubbamint also is stockpilin' ammo.. while crushin' the 2nd / A2 for the useless eaters. So I smell a rat! (Or many...) So they say these "schmart guillotines" are made in Chynnna... this doesn't surprise me since all the major U's--from Harvard on down--are quite cozy with the CCP sharin' tech, "walrus" GOF research, an' when "we" allowed CCP operatives to grab the DNA from the nasal schwabs an' set up their own police in all major cities (they closed on of their offices in Chinatown / nyc)... Ironic that even planned "human farmin'" is "farmed out" -- not that I'd feel proud of coffins 'n cyanide "made in the USA" tho!

all the predictive programmin' of a new "civil" (uncivil, natch) war here on US soil--is totally consistent with all this French Revolution imagery bein' forced upon us now---methinks they want the "right" to storm the "Bastille" (DeeCee) an' release the J6erz from prison an' then the alphabets'll set up some giant bloody false flag op to trigger a bloody violent (color) revolution right here... "Jacobin-style" -- "Guillotines are standin' by to take your call..."--dark stuff I'm sad ta say!

AGREED we need some gusty investigative journalists here--Katherine Watt tho covered the legal angle ("emergency measures" etc)... but the "procurin'" an' the contracts... time for some FOIAs on that!

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Holy Epic Moses, Daisy! So many “off with their heads!” Every time the guillotine comes up in conversation, I can’t help but think about those two scientists that decided to see how long the head lives for after it has been severed from the torso and the chopped head managed to blink and respond to a question or two.

I’m actually surprised you didn’t bring up The Predator and its trophies of beheaded skulls. Predictive programming?

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Thanks Tonika--ah yes, keepin' the heads alive--that's indeed an'nuther angle--tho' that's just for the "Big Wigs" (lol!)--not even Marie Antoinette rated there--but Ol' Walt Disney's got his head on ice out West an' Martine (born Martin) Rothblatt plans ta sever "wife" Bima's head when the time comes so (s)he can preserve it--already havin' "uploaded Bima's thoughts to the cloud"--dastardly stuff! Did'ja see the 1950s experiment where a surgeon kept the HEAD (just the head!) of a German Shepherd alive after decapitation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhzEMJHQt2I )--these folks are INSANE!

But nope, they just want us DEAD.

Thx! Oh, I'll take a look-see 'bout "The Predator"--don't know it but beheaded-skull trophies fits right in--an' of course the entire history of head hunters & shrunken heads--made "pocket sized!" Tho' I dunno it, that film it sure sounds predictive!

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What in the Frankenstein did I just watch?!? 🫣 that poor dog. Oh my god. We’re so cruel.

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Astoundingly detailed and perceptive research and synthesizing information here!

The best cure for satanic evil is exposing it to the sunshine. To be forewarned is to be forearmed!

Bless you Daisy Moses for educating us and let's all keep ourselves centered, breathe deeply and KEEP OUR HEADS ON STRAIGHT AND FIRMLY ATTACHED TO OUR SHOULDERS!

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thanks Amy!--an' lol yes, indeedy the best cure for such evil is sunshine (like the vampire films where they're destroyed by daylight--if they don't git inta their "coffin beds" before dawn) but I fear these devils wanna keep US in the DARK 'bout what they're stockpilin' an' plannin' for us... We need some whistleblowers with military clearances ta go down inta those DUMBS an' -- with light!--sun or otherwise-- show us all what's there (an' how the USA has been bled dry financially to pay for it) cuz they're plannin' on usin' it against us...not good. (Walmart is makin' inroads inta NYC too--eek! https://www.foxbusiness.com/features/walmart-set-to-enter-new-york-city-but-not-its-stores )

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