Well, thank ya kindly Lucinda and yes, this here is very much Timmy's "gettin' ahead o' the curve ball" moment--reactin' in advance to any "‘Et tu Brute?" accusations that MAY come... he's sniffin the air. I wunder as JUST this week his ex Susie Q posted some footage of homeless camps along a blvd. in LA. --Smoke signals same time? Not sure if both members of this famous couple were "prompted" by their higher ups to "test the waters" to see if these wrong would fergiv' n' fergit easily or would their mighty bullshart detectors start pinnin;? Tim was with the pack--he done stabbed us and all his fellow performers in the back, but he's tryin' to ride ahead (or run the bases) to see if he can 'scape a shower' a smelly projectiles. But we kin smell the coffee (and all else in the air!). To the laundry with him-Tim.
ps I've yet to see the Shawshank Redemption but heard it's a good'un! Gotta separate the performer from their deeds...otherwise there's be little ta see!
pps I read a bunch'o the original W.of OZ with my girls and they read more on their own--yer correct but the way the write lays it out is far more morbid and gruesome than in the real story--the facts (JUST the facts, ma'am) are the same as covered, true--but really it's a LOVE story--he loves a girl (munchkin') and needs a heart--which is (of course) human and beautiful as is the message of the book! Tho in MOST cases I always prefer the books to the movies--in a few that stand out--the MOVIE may be even better: 1 Wizard of Oz and2. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and 3. Willy Wonka (the original)
All that said, I think the message 'bout needin' a heart comes thru the right way in the movie--one'a my favorites--Jack Haley brings some good tears to mah eyes... now THEMS some terrific performances!
Not exactly but it wuz a puff piece fer sure, very flatterin'-- no hardballs thrown at'im and all cozy an' deferential-like... Taibbi's no fool--he could'a asked, "well why didn't you just open yer doors to all actors THEN ruther than regrettin' it afterwards..?" But nope, didn't go there...
I’m fine with lukewarm apologies if there were more of them. Hopefully Timmy starts a trend. The culture needs to change. They’re still masking and asking for proof of injection in Chicago in some venues. It’s not a city policy. It’s them, they’re making that decision. The theatre Stasi are the worst.
Yes, the theater Stasi are the worst -- here too! TWO of the major dance studios require the jabs even now (where my daughter once took, sadly no more), and a BUNCH of theaters and other venues still require it--but I ain't goin' back... not to any of these places.
Sure, a lukewarm from a small theater co. may be somethin -- a start--' but from a MAJOR star who could've hired folks in his own company / theater? Nah... Let's hope for a trend and more apologies--sadly I fear they ain't forthcomin'
Tim did the pretty bare minimum. If there is a revolution (or even some isolated score-settling) I'd be fine if he ended up low on the punishment priority list. So many hypnotized, propagandized and bamboozled victims of U.S. education still aren't even close to how much (not that it's that much) Tim has opened his eyes and mildly confessed.
Next contestant, please, Bailiff...we got us time for one more b'fore the jury breaks for lunch.
Bless me, Fauci...it has been six months since my last booster.
Latin always reminds me of the legend of the British general (Napier) in India who was assigned to put down an uprising in the Sindh area. Supposedly he colored outside the lines of his orders and went on to subjugate what would later become the entire province, sending a wire back to HQ that read only "peccavi" (Latin for 'I have sinned'). Turns out it wasn't the general, but a woman back in England, named Catherine Winkworth, who came up with the joke and submitted it to Punch magazine, which ran it as though it were fact. In some timelines, none of the Monty Python crew are descendants of General Napier, but Paula Poundstone is the great-great-great-granddaughter of Catherine Winkworth...then again, maybe it's Daisy?
I hear ya re Woody n' Michael--BUT do read what Moses https://mosesfarrow.com/ (adopted son've Mia's) wrote 'fore ya judge fully--I think he's very credible (and he has nothin' to profit from in defendin' Woody). Famly was a mess--on Mia's side fer sure (and her brother was jailed for pedo stuff). Michael's another story, he was MKUltra'd and abused by his own greedy daddy--horrific story. My MO is to enjoy what's out there fer free OR in my own old collection BUT not to put money down on folks I question--fer example, I kin listen to Neil Young but no pennies go to his music since he railed against the unjabbed. It's a sorta compromise--but life's fulla gray areas...
I'll put the Shawshank on my "to watch" list, thanks kindly fer the rec an' the deets! OH and Wizard of Oz AND Wonderful Life AND Oklahoma are among my favorites too! Another one fer St. Paddy's (my hubby's half Irish) is Darby O'Gill and The Little People--oh my golly it's a good'un. Tee-riffic ensemble actin' Oh and Gone With the Wind (which they're also tryin' to cancel!)...
Re justice bein' done--boy I sure hope there WILL be revealed all the goods n' goodies 'bout the bribes Hollyweird n' others in media took, but I ain't holdin' my breath. I DO know that small clubs, theaters, cabaret and comedy an' other spots TOOK money too--not just the big studios n' such. It was a very all-round effort and they went inta corners too... evil, pure evil!
Oh yes, I did know about the dark side'o Mr Dahl cheatin' on Pat Neal but NOT about the Israel stuff--there was a LOT of anti-semitism in the UK, esp. in the upper crust, so I'm sure he sadly got that same "bug"... I think some've it still lingers though less in the theater world than the lit. world...) but but agin' I can separate the man from the "werk" and gotta do that... Tom Stoppard just found out he was Jewish (it was hidden when his parents escaped to the UK during WWII... Outrageous thoughts aside, Dahl was an odd bird--had all his teeth pulled so's he could eat lotsa candy and not have to worry 'bout cavities... Poor Pat Neal though--they lost a daughter early on, her stroke, some tragedies in that fambly--
Golly, I did NOT know about Seuss an' the affair. I do scoff at the calls of racism--he changed his feelins' over time (long after his war-cartoonin' days) as did many others who gained perspective with age--so good on him and shame on all them that'd cancel him OR his works fer such absurd reasons (also some say Cat in the Hat is based on Uncle Sam who is supposedly a racist Cake Walk Minstrel Show person, REALLY?) I just CAN'T.... And Mulberry St (once cited as the "wurst") ain't racist to me at'all--that's the bunk. Another mess the woke mob made'a a great author.
But as for the affair, we never walked a mile in his shoes... I dunno--it's grim but there may be more to it--there is a concerted effort to undermine the reps. of great authors SO AS to cancel 'em. The folks say oh, bad man--I won't let my kids read this or see this... Was it so? Or was it so but there was nuance? I 'member hearin' that Seuss hated kids an' didn't have any've his own fer that reason but much later I read that it was an infertility issue back then and one'a Audrey's girls wrote a LOVELY story about Seuss bein' a terrific stepdad. So the devil's in the details--
I won't cancel Seuss thou sounds like the marriage suffered lots. Many a spouse caved to temptation when dealin' with an ill (or mentally ill) mate--Olivia tried his best with Leigh and ended up with the FAR saner Plowright... And he'd left his first wife for Leigh. Won't cancel him either.... they all gots clay feet...
Anywho, it's gettin' late here and I have packin' to do--and thank ya back fer the thanks and for sharin' all yer thoughts too on them "ahrts" that we're both fond'a.
Meanwhile I just larned some danged fool at The Hague ak'tually glued his head on "Girl With a Pearl Earring" --no respect fer Vermeer either! EGADS!
Hey, I'm no epistemologist but I did once play one on TV. In any case I don't think we should seek health advice, political guidance or even cooking lessons from famous people, who, regardless of how good they are at pretending to be someone else.
Please note, Daisy (if that's really your name) this isn't a criticism of this piece or your ongoing work. Keep doing that which you do. We seekers of truth and sanity, well, we're in this together, aren't we?
Agreed! Many an "acteur" has garnered more shame than honor in "speakin' out" uninformed on a public platform of "authora-tee!" based on fame (which is none too strong, so they learn, if they fall from grace by the sword of stoopidity--in fact some'a them fall on their own swords!). Cat Stevens (still love his pre Yusef incarnation mightily...) made that mortal mistake as a newly minted Swedish-Greek "Muslim" when he spoke in favor of the fatwa against poor Salmon Rushdie. He later retracted (too much too little too late) and oh my what a foolish and harmful trap he fell into and he DOES have blood on his "Peace Train" guitar-strummin' hands... OUCH!
Another'un... I'm a big ol' Brando fan but unless he was havin' a toot with us (and knowin' him to be a prankster it's possible he wuz...)...So y'all know his Oscar refusal by sendin' one Native American named Sasheen Littlefeather in his stead to "raise awareness" for the plight of Native Americans is now a big joke as Mlle. Littlefeather was just revealed to be no more authentic Indian than the even MORE FAMOUS Iron Eyes Cody (aka Espera Oscar de Corti,, an Italian American central castin' regular). Did Brando know he picked a fake? Mebbe so...he played games--but the public was full-out fooled and it gives me a heart-warmin' chuckle to know that right before Mlle. Littlefeather's recent passin', BIG Hollywood made elaborate apologies to her fer mistreatin' Her Squawness at the Oscars (she was booed, okay, not tarred 'r featherd, just booed).
So Hollyweird layed out that red car-pit and Miss Sasheen L. got her chance to "sashay" on the "runway"---After a lifetime of bein' a con artist / spokesperson for American Indians, she finally snagged a special award an' banquet plus big STARS (stars in their eyes too) came out fer the BIG event. Wowee right?!
One year later after she kicked the proverbial bucket the fambly pipes up--no siree there wuz no Indian in'her it was all a lark. Half white half Mexican she whar... So Hollyweird wuz PUNKED (and I'm sure paid a hefty ticket cost fer the joke on THEM)!
In the land where identity (and identity polly-ticks) is KING, identity theft is Emperor!
Fooled first by Brando (who likely had sincere feelin's fer Native Americans--tho some say he misstated his own non-existent Native American ancestry as the man was French-Irish--ha ha!) ....but he was an ACTEUR in the most jovial sense and their JOB is to pretend! So he put out another faker who wuz one too (we jus' didn't know it, didn't know she was playin' a role beyond that of token "Indian Maiden"). ! Havin' a good laugh 'bout it all now.
Fer this reason, cuz I LOVE actin' and I believe in "playin' roles," I'm ALL FOR Central Castin' when many've us know some'a the best movie and stage "Injuns" were not only act-ual Native Americans but were Italians, Jews, Mexicans and more... AND some full Native Americans played all sorts'a roles as Italians and Jews and Mexicans! So nobuddy readin' this needs to jump on me... just statin' what ACTIN' is and always wuz--play-actin', role playin' AND cultural "APPROPRIATION" (a joy, notta crime fergawdsakes). Any folks wanna here more 'bout my take on all this should jump back to my early posts on the demise of the "The-ater" and Bye Bye Broadway... woke castin' is the BUNK....
Back on topic here...
As fer me, Daisy Moses, wull, I'm an "acteur" too! an' filmmaker and a few more thangs jack'o'all trades type--but canceled.... once whar in the "bizness" but bein' unjabbed and un-woke, and unwillin' to "werk" in a mask--I'm in a canoooo without a paddle--so mah paddle is my pen... er keyboard. Always been clear as a DingDong Bell about mahself, no foolin':
Wull, I'm often foolin' but that's jus mah manner... which also protects me so I kin name names and point my stubby index finger at the GUILTY!
Anywayz... I'd be a hippo-crit if I denied Mister Timmy Robbins his forum. This is apart from acteurs (and act-TURDS) spoutin' off on stuff they know zip-all about--my coverin' this faux apologia was more to call BULL not on matters of fact but rather on the fact that this particular man could'a made a difference and SHOULD'a--his speech-a-fyin' is just asset protection aka protectin' his proverbial ass (it)--hisself! 3 strikes yer out Mista R...
SO, one last thought--EVERY person should have a right to speak their minds... act-eurs too-- we all got "pinions" and a right to "pine" (sorry, cain't resist the cornball).
HOWEVER with very famous folks like Mister Robbins--those with money kin put it whar their mouth is as they say... those in power can put it to good use beyond coverin' their famous heinies!
Thanks for the "cheerin'" on'a my "heterdox cheerin' section" (as in I cheer on the heterodox m'self) --nope, didn't take it personal. We are indeed t'gether in questionin' all that's put before us...all POISON TESTERS, right? And even those that say they ain't "act-eurs" may be.... all'a DeeCee's fulla acters/actors/act-tuds an' many've em BAD in all the senses'a that word!
Thx agin'!
ps Thanks too fer sharin' ya did some actin' yerself! Ya must've had at least a line'r too as ya don't get "extree" work as an epistemologist (day player mebbe?) Ya still do actin'? or r was it jus' a one-time lark? no need to share if ya don't wanna but guess if y'are in the biz yer also banned by the protocols an' mandates yerself, no? Whod'a thunk this'd happen like it did?
Thanks for all this. It's getting increasingly difficult to keep up the banter. Could you maybe give me a few lines of your energy?
I don't know what to say about Cat Stevens. I listened to and liked his early work as many did. I know nothing about his later incarnations. Also don't know anything about Rushdie's music or lyrics. He was just another entity to which I formed an instant dislike, like B. Joel, B. Willis, B. Reynolds and a few million others.
I don't know much about Brando outside of his work. Perhaps his strangest role was in a remake of the The Island of Dr. WhatsHisName. I know he despised Reynolds, in part because of some ridiculous award ceremony stunt he (Reynolds) pulled and more for a twilight zone episode in which he mimicked and mocked Brando. It was a rotten episode as I recall. Brando was on a talk show some time after the murder of RFK and produced a handgun from inside a loose fitting shirt for dramatic effect. You probably know this. You have to admire all the celebrities and politicians with their armed security teams bravely speaking out against firearms.
Thanks again for your funny and informative responses. I appreciate them all. Let me know if you ever visit the theme park in which I currently reside.
Mah pleasure Jerry! My 'big" point is that celebrities (like "Chirpin' Robbins" here) are first and foremost "acteurs" and performers and keen on keepin' up their "image"-- they ain't "authorities" but blind hero worship ('specially in the US of A) gives them a greater platform (pedestal) from which they can speak their minds--er' lack of'em in some cases. Often without thinkin'...
Brando was a GREAT actor (imo) and some of what seemed to be "politiks" were career moves--keepin' up a "bad boy" image. (Some political sincerity too I reckon--the man also liked to thumb his nose at "Authori-tee") But as I said, he punked a whole nation'a gullibles with the "fake Indian" stunt... that has folks in Hollyweird eatin' humble pie now! (So mebbe in this case it's a good thing--two "acter's foolin' a lotta folks... ) But I do think it wasn't the right forum--the Academies... So in that sense Brando was wrong and others agreed (the whole mess was boo'd). John Wayne wanted to puch out Brando (who wasn't there) fer sending this Indian woman to refused his award--and fer "disrespectin'" the "holy Academy awards (which then was LOT less informal and a lot more important, admittedly)--I'm glad "the Duke" didn't get to punch his lights out (Brando had a very purdy face and Wayne a strong left hook--and I love Wayne too as an actor) but -- but Wayne too used his platform as an "actor" (and one time Academy head!) as a platform--keepin' up his "all American" image too--and bein' a big NRA supporter to boot--they ALL use their celebrity as a platform SO I call out Timmy's bull as "puff" an' self-interest not unknown in the "hissfitery" of Hollyweird... sayin' we can't take this at face value...
Re Cat Stevens, he should've abstained from opinin' on something WAY outta his wheelhouse and I think even he realized this... It's not that I'm a Rushdie fan--I'm a fan'o ALL writers speakin' their minds (Charlie Hebdo spoofers too) an' a strong supporter thus'a 1st amendment free speech. As the ol' chestnut goes in the venacular, I may disagree with what'cha say but I'll got to the end of the world to defend yer right to say it... So some new-to-a-faith pop rock SINGER (Stevens) was picked (because of his "celebrity status" -- HE was now a famous muslim) to pontificate on Rushdie's "Satanic Verses" (without havin' read them--dum dum dum...) and he horrifically supported the "Eye-a-Tole-ha's" fatwaw (all fer Rushdie's death) by sayin' "Well if the Eye-Man ordered it then "it must be done," (in so many words) and later regretted it sayin' that he was "new to Islam" at the time... He thought he was keepin' his image as a sincere acolyte of the faith--ended up garnering a lotta skeeery support for a deplorable act (death threats and attacks on a writer--a man who harmed nobody and even not all muslims were offended)
Hope this clarifies my' thinkin' here a bit--OH and if yer' gonna see a Brando film Moreau ain't the one to see--that's a scandal (with directors balin' and Val Kilmer settin' the hair of the DP on fire cuz he was a royal u know what)--and Brando just phoned it in literally--via an earpiece! Didn't bother even learnin' his lines--OH there are stories to that one... Seriously--go watch On the Waterfront which is incredible... (and many more but NOT Moreau...not even fer a laff)
OKeydokey, Daisy's gotta git to packin' now (gettin' outta town as they say, sayin' bye to Ol' Paint/ Leavin' Cheyenne (NYC), headin' fer the hills. (So no plans to visit the theme park land on the near horizon--but I DO love that ol' song "Palisades Park" which wuz written by the hilarious Gong Show Host (and ex-CIA agent, I kid ya not!!!!!) and creator've The Dating Game--the amazin' Chuck Barris!
So to wrap up this'un.... a BIG GONG to Tim Robbins here (yer out, man--Empire!!!!) and one added GONG n' Bronx Cheer to "Amnesty International's" newly minted Emily Oster (indeed, she "am nasty" and they should "oust-er" good!--another one usin' their faux left-handed "apology chops" to cover their hiney! (Everyone's talkin' about this Emily broad so I'm leavin' that storm to the others in this "sound fx" department) Enjoy yer day and thanks fer the support Jerry!
Well, thank ya kindly Lucinda and yes, this here is very much Timmy's "gettin' ahead o' the curve ball" moment--reactin' in advance to any "‘Et tu Brute?" accusations that MAY come... he's sniffin the air. I wunder as JUST this week his ex Susie Q posted some footage of homeless camps along a blvd. in LA. --Smoke signals same time? Not sure if both members of this famous couple were "prompted" by their higher ups to "test the waters" to see if these wrong would fergiv' n' fergit easily or would their mighty bullshart detectors start pinnin;? Tim was with the pack--he done stabbed us and all his fellow performers in the back, but he's tryin' to ride ahead (or run the bases) to see if he can 'scape a shower' a smelly projectiles. But we kin smell the coffee (and all else in the air!). To the laundry with him-Tim.
ps I've yet to see the Shawshank Redemption but heard it's a good'un! Gotta separate the performer from their deeds...otherwise there's be little ta see!
pps I read a bunch'o the original W.of OZ with my girls and they read more on their own--yer correct but the way the write lays it out is far more morbid and gruesome than in the real story--the facts (JUST the facts, ma'am) are the same as covered, true--but really it's a LOVE story--he loves a girl (munchkin') and needs a heart--which is (of course) human and beautiful as is the message of the book! Tho in MOST cases I always prefer the books to the movies--in a few that stand out--the MOVIE may be even better: 1 Wizard of Oz and2. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and 3. Willy Wonka (the original)
All that said, I think the message 'bout needin' a heart comes thru the right way in the movie--one'a my favorites--Jack Haley brings some good tears to mah eyes... now THEMS some terrific performances!
Puttin' Timmy in the penalty box!
"Gray Lady wears a shroud...designed by a tranny but it's still a shroud...she be dead"
damn. mic drop.
and i wonder did tiabbi call him a hero?
The coveted HERO designation is for the elites (and the wannabe elites jockeying for position) to fellate each other.
Not exactly but it wuz a puff piece fer sure, very flatterin'-- no hardballs thrown at'im and all cozy an' deferential-like... Taibbi's no fool--he could'a asked, "well why didn't you just open yer doors to all actors THEN ruther than regrettin' it afterwards..?" But nope, didn't go there...
Stuff him! He’d have been happy if we’d all been sent off to camps!
Much of the world is dead to me.
I’m fine with lukewarm apologies if there were more of them. Hopefully Timmy starts a trend. The culture needs to change. They’re still masking and asking for proof of injection in Chicago in some venues. It’s not a city policy. It’s them, they’re making that decision. The theatre Stasi are the worst.
Yes, the theater Stasi are the worst -- here too! TWO of the major dance studios require the jabs even now (where my daughter once took, sadly no more), and a BUNCH of theaters and other venues still require it--but I ain't goin' back... not to any of these places.
Sure, a lukewarm from a small theater co. may be somethin -- a start--' but from a MAJOR star who could've hired folks in his own company / theater? Nah... Let's hope for a trend and more apologies--sadly I fear they ain't forthcomin'
Once it becomes a trend to posture with a switched jersey... maybe?
Tim did the pretty bare minimum. If there is a revolution (or even some isolated score-settling) I'd be fine if he ended up low on the punishment priority list. So many hypnotized, propagandized and bamboozled victims of U.S. education still aren't even close to how much (not that it's that much) Tim has opened his eyes and mildly confessed.
Next contestant, please, Bailiff...we got us time for one more b'fore the jury breaks for lunch.
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea minima culpa.
Bless me, Fauci...it has been six months since my last booster.
Latin always reminds me of the legend of the British general (Napier) in India who was assigned to put down an uprising in the Sindh area. Supposedly he colored outside the lines of his orders and went on to subjugate what would later become the entire province, sending a wire back to HQ that read only "peccavi" (Latin for 'I have sinned'). Turns out it wasn't the general, but a woman back in England, named Catherine Winkworth, who came up with the joke and submitted it to Punch magazine, which ran it as though it were fact. In some timelines, none of the Monty Python crew are descendants of General Napier, but Paula Poundstone is the great-great-great-granddaughter of Catherine Winkworth...then again, maybe it's Daisy?
I hear ya re Woody n' Michael--BUT do read what Moses https://mosesfarrow.com/ (adopted son've Mia's) wrote 'fore ya judge fully--I think he's very credible (and he has nothin' to profit from in defendin' Woody). Famly was a mess--on Mia's side fer sure (and her brother was jailed for pedo stuff). Michael's another story, he was MKUltra'd and abused by his own greedy daddy--horrific story. My MO is to enjoy what's out there fer free OR in my own old collection BUT not to put money down on folks I question--fer example, I kin listen to Neil Young but no pennies go to his music since he railed against the unjabbed. It's a sorta compromise--but life's fulla gray areas...
I'll put the Shawshank on my "to watch" list, thanks kindly fer the rec an' the deets! OH and Wizard of Oz AND Wonderful Life AND Oklahoma are among my favorites too! Another one fer St. Paddy's (my hubby's half Irish) is Darby O'Gill and The Little People--oh my golly it's a good'un. Tee-riffic ensemble actin' Oh and Gone With the Wind (which they're also tryin' to cancel!)...
Re justice bein' done--boy I sure hope there WILL be revealed all the goods n' goodies 'bout the bribes Hollyweird n' others in media took, but I ain't holdin' my breath. I DO know that small clubs, theaters, cabaret and comedy an' other spots TOOK money too--not just the big studios n' such. It was a very all-round effort and they went inta corners too... evil, pure evil!
Oh yes, I did know about the dark side'o Mr Dahl cheatin' on Pat Neal but NOT about the Israel stuff--there was a LOT of anti-semitism in the UK, esp. in the upper crust, so I'm sure he sadly got that same "bug"... I think some've it still lingers though less in the theater world than the lit. world...) but but agin' I can separate the man from the "werk" and gotta do that... Tom Stoppard just found out he was Jewish (it was hidden when his parents escaped to the UK during WWII... Outrageous thoughts aside, Dahl was an odd bird--had all his teeth pulled so's he could eat lotsa candy and not have to worry 'bout cavities... Poor Pat Neal though--they lost a daughter early on, her stroke, some tragedies in that fambly--
Golly, I did NOT know about Seuss an' the affair. I do scoff at the calls of racism--he changed his feelins' over time (long after his war-cartoonin' days) as did many others who gained perspective with age--so good on him and shame on all them that'd cancel him OR his works fer such absurd reasons (also some say Cat in the Hat is based on Uncle Sam who is supposedly a racist Cake Walk Minstrel Show person, REALLY?) I just CAN'T.... And Mulberry St (once cited as the "wurst") ain't racist to me at'all--that's the bunk. Another mess the woke mob made'a a great author.
But as for the affair, we never walked a mile in his shoes... I dunno--it's grim but there may be more to it--there is a concerted effort to undermine the reps. of great authors SO AS to cancel 'em. The folks say oh, bad man--I won't let my kids read this or see this... Was it so? Or was it so but there was nuance? I 'member hearin' that Seuss hated kids an' didn't have any've his own fer that reason but much later I read that it was an infertility issue back then and one'a Audrey's girls wrote a LOVELY story about Seuss bein' a terrific stepdad. So the devil's in the details--
I won't cancel Seuss thou sounds like the marriage suffered lots. Many a spouse caved to temptation when dealin' with an ill (or mentally ill) mate--Olivia tried his best with Leigh and ended up with the FAR saner Plowright... And he'd left his first wife for Leigh. Won't cancel him either.... they all gots clay feet...
Anywho, it's gettin' late here and I have packin' to do--and thank ya back fer the thanks and for sharin' all yer thoughts too on them "ahrts" that we're both fond'a.
Meanwhile I just larned some danged fool at The Hague ak'tually glued his head on "Girl With a Pearl Earring" --no respect fer Vermeer either! EGADS!
3 hr ago
Hey, I'm no epistemologist but I did once play one on TV. In any case I don't think we should seek health advice, political guidance or even cooking lessons from famous people, who, regardless of how good they are at pretending to be someone else.
Please note, Daisy (if that's really your name) this isn't a criticism of this piece or your ongoing work. Keep doing that which you do. We seekers of truth and sanity, well, we're in this together, aren't we?
Agreed! Many an "acteur" has garnered more shame than honor in "speakin' out" uninformed on a public platform of "authora-tee!" based on fame (which is none too strong, so they learn, if they fall from grace by the sword of stoopidity--in fact some'a them fall on their own swords!). Cat Stevens (still love his pre Yusef incarnation mightily...) made that mortal mistake as a newly minted Swedish-Greek "Muslim" when he spoke in favor of the fatwa against poor Salmon Rushdie. He later retracted (too much too little too late) and oh my what a foolish and harmful trap he fell into and he DOES have blood on his "Peace Train" guitar-strummin' hands... OUCH!
Another'un... I'm a big ol' Brando fan but unless he was havin' a toot with us (and knowin' him to be a prankster it's possible he wuz...)...So y'all know his Oscar refusal by sendin' one Native American named Sasheen Littlefeather in his stead to "raise awareness" for the plight of Native Americans is now a big joke as Mlle. Littlefeather was just revealed to be no more authentic Indian than the even MORE FAMOUS Iron Eyes Cody (aka Espera Oscar de Corti,, an Italian American central castin' regular). Did Brando know he picked a fake? Mebbe so...he played games--but the public was full-out fooled and it gives me a heart-warmin' chuckle to know that right before Mlle. Littlefeather's recent passin', BIG Hollywood made elaborate apologies to her fer mistreatin' Her Squawness at the Oscars (she was booed, okay, not tarred 'r featherd, just booed).
So Hollyweird layed out that red car-pit and Miss Sasheen L. got her chance to "sashay" on the "runway"---After a lifetime of bein' a con artist / spokesperson for American Indians, she finally snagged a special award an' banquet plus big STARS (stars in their eyes too) came out fer the BIG event. Wowee right?!
One year later after she kicked the proverbial bucket the fambly pipes up--no siree there wuz no Indian in'her it was all a lark. Half white half Mexican she whar... So Hollyweird wuz PUNKED (and I'm sure paid a hefty ticket cost fer the joke on THEM)!
In the land where identity (and identity polly-ticks) is KING, identity theft is Emperor!
Fooled first by Brando (who likely had sincere feelin's fer Native Americans--tho some say he misstated his own non-existent Native American ancestry as the man was French-Irish--ha ha!) ....but he was an ACTEUR in the most jovial sense and their JOB is to pretend! So he put out another faker who wuz one too (we jus' didn't know it, didn't know she was playin' a role beyond that of token "Indian Maiden"). ! Havin' a good laugh 'bout it all now.
Fer this reason, cuz I LOVE actin' and I believe in "playin' roles," I'm ALL FOR Central Castin' when many've us know some'a the best movie and stage "Injuns" were not only act-ual Native Americans but were Italians, Jews, Mexicans and more... AND some full Native Americans played all sorts'a roles as Italians and Jews and Mexicans! So nobuddy readin' this needs to jump on me... just statin' what ACTIN' is and always wuz--play-actin', role playin' AND cultural "APPROPRIATION" (a joy, notta crime fergawdsakes). Any folks wanna here more 'bout my take on all this should jump back to my early posts on the demise of the "The-ater" and Bye Bye Broadway... woke castin' is the BUNK....
Back on topic here...
As fer me, Daisy Moses, wull, I'm an "acteur" too! an' filmmaker and a few more thangs jack'o'all trades type--but canceled.... once whar in the "bizness" but bein' unjabbed and un-woke, and unwillin' to "werk" in a mask--I'm in a canoooo without a paddle--so mah paddle is my pen... er keyboard. Always been clear as a DingDong Bell about mahself, no foolin':
Wull, I'm often foolin' but that's jus mah manner... which also protects me so I kin name names and point my stubby index finger at the GUILTY!
Anywayz... I'd be a hippo-crit if I denied Mister Timmy Robbins his forum. This is apart from acteurs (and act-TURDS) spoutin' off on stuff they know zip-all about--my coverin' this faux apologia was more to call BULL not on matters of fact but rather on the fact that this particular man could'a made a difference and SHOULD'a--his speech-a-fyin' is just asset protection aka protectin' his proverbial ass (it)--hisself! 3 strikes yer out Mista R...
SO, one last thought--EVERY person should have a right to speak their minds... act-eurs too-- we all got "pinions" and a right to "pine" (sorry, cain't resist the cornball).
HOWEVER with very famous folks like Mister Robbins--those with money kin put it whar their mouth is as they say... those in power can put it to good use beyond coverin' their famous heinies!
Thanks for the "cheerin'" on'a my "heterdox cheerin' section" (as in I cheer on the heterodox m'self) --nope, didn't take it personal. We are indeed t'gether in questionin' all that's put before us...all POISON TESTERS, right? And even those that say they ain't "act-eurs" may be.... all'a DeeCee's fulla acters/actors/act-tuds an' many've em BAD in all the senses'a that word!
Thx agin'!
ps Thanks too fer sharin' ya did some actin' yerself! Ya must've had at least a line'r too as ya don't get "extree" work as an epistemologist (day player mebbe?) Ya still do actin'? or r was it jus' a one-time lark? no need to share if ya don't wanna but guess if y'are in the biz yer also banned by the protocols an' mandates yerself, no? Whod'a thunk this'd happen like it did?
Thanks for all this. It's getting increasingly difficult to keep up the banter. Could you maybe give me a few lines of your energy?
I don't know what to say about Cat Stevens. I listened to and liked his early work as many did. I know nothing about his later incarnations. Also don't know anything about Rushdie's music or lyrics. He was just another entity to which I formed an instant dislike, like B. Joel, B. Willis, B. Reynolds and a few million others.
I don't know much about Brando outside of his work. Perhaps his strangest role was in a remake of the The Island of Dr. WhatsHisName. I know he despised Reynolds, in part because of some ridiculous award ceremony stunt he (Reynolds) pulled and more for a twilight zone episode in which he mimicked and mocked Brando. It was a rotten episode as I recall. Brando was on a talk show some time after the murder of RFK and produced a handgun from inside a loose fitting shirt for dramatic effect. You probably know this. You have to admire all the celebrities and politicians with their armed security teams bravely speaking out against firearms.
Thanks again for your funny and informative responses. I appreciate them all. Let me know if you ever visit the theme park in which I currently reside.
Mah pleasure Jerry! My 'big" point is that celebrities (like "Chirpin' Robbins" here) are first and foremost "acteurs" and performers and keen on keepin' up their "image"-- they ain't "authorities" but blind hero worship ('specially in the US of A) gives them a greater platform (pedestal) from which they can speak their minds--er' lack of'em in some cases. Often without thinkin'...
Brando was a GREAT actor (imo) and some of what seemed to be "politiks" were career moves--keepin' up a "bad boy" image. (Some political sincerity too I reckon--the man also liked to thumb his nose at "Authori-tee") But as I said, he punked a whole nation'a gullibles with the "fake Indian" stunt... that has folks in Hollyweird eatin' humble pie now! (So mebbe in this case it's a good thing--two "acter's foolin' a lotta folks... ) But I do think it wasn't the right forum--the Academies... So in that sense Brando was wrong and others agreed (the whole mess was boo'd). John Wayne wanted to puch out Brando (who wasn't there) fer sending this Indian woman to refused his award--and fer "disrespectin'" the "holy Academy awards (which then was LOT less informal and a lot more important, admittedly)--I'm glad "the Duke" didn't get to punch his lights out (Brando had a very purdy face and Wayne a strong left hook--and I love Wayne too as an actor) but -- but Wayne too used his platform as an "actor" (and one time Academy head!) as a platform--keepin' up his "all American" image too--and bein' a big NRA supporter to boot--they ALL use their celebrity as a platform SO I call out Timmy's bull as "puff" an' self-interest not unknown in the "hissfitery" of Hollyweird... sayin' we can't take this at face value...
Re Cat Stevens, he should've abstained from opinin' on something WAY outta his wheelhouse and I think even he realized this... It's not that I'm a Rushdie fan--I'm a fan'o ALL writers speakin' their minds (Charlie Hebdo spoofers too) an' a strong supporter thus'a 1st amendment free speech. As the ol' chestnut goes in the venacular, I may disagree with what'cha say but I'll got to the end of the world to defend yer right to say it... So some new-to-a-faith pop rock SINGER (Stevens) was picked (because of his "celebrity status" -- HE was now a famous muslim) to pontificate on Rushdie's "Satanic Verses" (without havin' read them--dum dum dum...) and he horrifically supported the "Eye-a-Tole-ha's" fatwaw (all fer Rushdie's death) by sayin' "Well if the Eye-Man ordered it then "it must be done," (in so many words) and later regretted it sayin' that he was "new to Islam" at the time... He thought he was keepin' his image as a sincere acolyte of the faith--ended up garnering a lotta skeeery support for a deplorable act (death threats and attacks on a writer--a man who harmed nobody and even not all muslims were offended)
Hope this clarifies my' thinkin' here a bit--OH and if yer' gonna see a Brando film Moreau ain't the one to see--that's a scandal (with directors balin' and Val Kilmer settin' the hair of the DP on fire cuz he was a royal u know what)--and Brando just phoned it in literally--via an earpiece! Didn't bother even learnin' his lines--OH there are stories to that one... Seriously--go watch On the Waterfront which is incredible... (and many more but NOT Moreau...not even fer a laff)
OKeydokey, Daisy's gotta git to packin' now (gettin' outta town as they say, sayin' bye to Ol' Paint/ Leavin' Cheyenne (NYC), headin' fer the hills. (So no plans to visit the theme park land on the near horizon--but I DO love that ol' song "Palisades Park" which wuz written by the hilarious Gong Show Host (and ex-CIA agent, I kid ya not!!!!!) and creator've The Dating Game--the amazin' Chuck Barris!
So to wrap up this'un.... a BIG GONG to Tim Robbins here (yer out, man--Empire!!!!) and one added GONG n' Bronx Cheer to "Amnesty International's" newly minted Emily Oster (indeed, she "am nasty" and they should "oust-er" good!--another one usin' their faux left-handed "apology chops" to cover their hiney! (Everyone's talkin' about this Emily broad so I'm leavin' that storm to the others in this "sound fx" department) Enjoy yer day and thanks fer the support Jerry!
(the emily oust-r link jus' in case ya didn't see it : https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/10/covid-response-forgiveness/671879/ )