"Died Vocally" + "Lied Vocally" - sorry y'all Céline Dion DID NOT PERFORM at the Olympics
lip synchin' to a canned track ain't live, it ain't even Memorex... an' there was MUCH MASONIC MONKEY BIZNESS... all meant to "Mesmer-EYES" all of us...
A NOTE from yer favorite CRACKPOT! Sorry I been out of the loop fer a bit, ain't caught up on readin' nor postin' but hopefully this’ll make up fer lost time! We got “flooded” from the hurry-canes here'bouts an’ hit with a lousy case of toxic mold so I’ve been tryin’ ta keep my achin’ everthings above the warter! Literal water ha ha! Also, this week we’ll be visitin’ my poor be-jabbered an’ somewhat disoriented ma for a few days, this way the girls’ll see their gran’ma! So apologies in advance if I don’t git ta yer com-mints ‘til I return!
PROMISE I git ta ya’ll! An now without further ADO—a deeeep DIVE inta the strange case of DIVA Céline Dion performin’ at the Olympics!
A deep swan dive awaits ya folks—take yer time, it’s a LOT ta digest!
The Olympic Orgy is thankfully ovuh but while most are jabberin’ about the genuinely luciferian lusty lap dance that seems to have taken the place of a former display of athletic excellence—another CON took place…a BIG ONE. Many reasons we need ta look HARD at this… lemme count the ways for y’all!
Rrrrrip! went La Voix de Céline Dion and it’s also a R.I.P. for the death of a once veritable voice…an’ for the famed singer who has both “died” & “lied” vocally

Some have been talkin’ about the entire Olympic “Shew” bein’ pure blasphemy—I agreed! :
But is it BLASPHEMOUS to “out” yer Olympic-grade idols if they cheat? to call FOUL when the bird (fowl) in question is a somewhat ruthless BLACK SWAN 🦢 an’ the entire event is a laboriously staged SWAN SONG 🦢 not only for famed singer Céline Dion but also for, I daresay, the entire tradition of live music & live performance itself?!
WHAT if this is a TEST to see how much FAKERY the unsuspectin’ public will buy?” A test for ALL kinds of fakery, not just MOOSICAL (but indeed VOCAL) as (s)elected folks are now placed /REplaced in high positions, UNelected folks runnin’ many shows (Show Runners) an’ there’s a lotta tech that might be in play. IMHO— THIS SCAM was a TEST (we might’a failed too!)
I’ll do a real “swan dive” on that “Swan Song” theme along the way—as this is a Swan Song event AND a BLACK SWAN event, but suffice it ta say for now…this event was an END : not the touted new beginnin’, not a revival, not a celebratory “comeback.” NOT sumthin’ ta cheer about and NOT the one pure/decent performance (i.e. “the one lovely song”) that stood in stark contrast TO the otherwise debased debauchery display on tap.
NOPE! This performance too was right in line with all the others at the Oh-LIMP-PICKS!: a mockery, a farce, a perverse PANTO and a full-out CON; it’s just that most folks didn’t realize it! (I’m a gonna show ya tho!)
Might we start by sayin’ that Lady Céline was a bit like the afore-referenced Icarus up there. He, the human embodiment of the Swan Song so ta speak — he of a final flight, he of the last HURRAH! a grand gesture from one who aimed very high (nobly even in spite of the hubris) but at his own peril. IMO Miz Dion did the same as you’ll soon see, equally at her own peril in that the fans that DivaDion needs ta keep her goin’ — the fans whose cheers bring her “meaning” an’ vital sustenance — can turn onna dime if they feel lied-to. And they were!
Most simply don’t know it yet! So Icarus + Céline the Cygne! (swan) are both two swan-like aspirants flyin’ dangerously, riskily upward on waxen wings that MELTED in the bright light.

Our witnessin’ of her Fall from grace, from truth, from the “real” an’ from the heights to which she soared made me blink—I KNEW. It is sad, hard ta bear, this kind of brutal CRASH, an’ yet somehow “just” ‘n fair too—as “cheatin’,” artificially, with wings that have been confected ta fool, wings that will not bear the light of scrutiny or the weight of performance—is ultimately a wrong done. This ain’t a Barnum-like light-hearted humorous “humbug” in jest—cuz his public was “in on the joke.”
Ruther, it’s a deep, dark LIE. NOTHING you saw… was REAL.
No amount of ambition (blind or otherwise) rights it. Some, I know, cannot bear ta hear ‘bout this WRONG… but I hope you’ll all stick with me, it’s quite a TALE with many facets to it.
Zo! Let’s begin!
As I mentioned, there are those who cannot STAND the “blasphemous” idear of a once-shimmerin’ an’ honest-injun real-deal talented vocal “icon” (I mean La Dion) full out FAKIN’ a performance… But it’s TRUE! To avenge such brazen effrontery (of simply statin’ the facts held to light), they’re attackin’ a truth-tellin’ sleuth (named Fil), the honest sound engineer / musician who goes by the handle WINGS OF PEGASUS (Icarus & Pegasus in the same postin’ wowee!) who “outed” the fakery that counts as dishonest fukery.
(I also note the truth-teller’s circa-1970’s throwback bangs we also called “wings!”—an iconic hairstyle known fondly ta those of us who were around in the hilariously fashion “faux-wad” 70’s where blow dryers were all the rage) Thus, Wallah, on the wings of soothsayer FIL:
I’ll start with THE VOICE in pride-of-place (it’s a good story in an’ of itself, a caveat emptor…) but as usual per Chez Daisy there’s a LOT more FAKERY (an’ fukery) to Miz DieOn’s entire performance & appearance.
Let’s DIG IN!
QWIK NOTE: knowin' my readers an' their interests, if ya wanna git “right to” the Masonic stuff first, page-search for 💀MASONIC MONKEYSHINES💀 to ta jump there! (With a caveat that I touch upon some of that juicy stuff along the way...)
Now Fil, the fella that makes videos under the awning “Wings of Pegasus,” examined the sound tracks of Miz Dion’s Olympic performance (sharin’ below) an’ completely confirms—in two short, brilliant videos, that nothing was “live”… an’ WORSE on the pre-recorded track played for the gullible fans, there was at least 80% computerized "correction" of Céline Dion’s “natural voice” makin’ it 80% fakery at best.
LIKE. SOME. OL’. DRAG. QUEEN. (some of whom “do” Céline, oh the irony!)
ALSO—y’all should know they’ve VIRTUALLY SCRUBBED🎵 (pun intended!) them innertubes of the actual / original performance—”Wings” here was lucky to have nabbed it (downloaded live from the news) it ‘fore “zey” grabbed it…
🎵 ’tween the time I began this piece AND “now” (a good week later!) they managed to release an “official” polished video that has all the marks of AI / Autotune & every kind of filter known ta man… they got so much goin’ in Miz Dion looks 1 dimensional—I cry “foul” to this “off-fish-all” version belatedly released in place of of all the more “incriminatin’ “ recordins’
CLEARLY they don’t want’cha ta hear the canned track which was heavily “auto-tuned” to fix, what is… sadly… a ravaged voice—once a near-perfect instrument, smooth an’ sweet, now rough gravel on the highway. (Otherwise they would NOT have deleted it right ‘n left…) SO:
Click on the image below for the FIRST video….

Click on the image below for the SECOND video…. wherein the rehearsal syncs up with the supposedly “live” performance—SAME track… they line up:
F is for FAKE!
If ya listen to it all, you’re hear her natural voice, recorded in the background, singing “along” ta the master track—and… IT’s NOT GOOD. GRAVELY. Thin. Weak. I'm sorry, I’d never wish this on any singer but it’s not just the track bein’ “played”—it’s US.
So it makes sense WHY she lip-synced to “her” own track (fixed/sweetened…a mite TOO perfectly) BUT for them to lie about this— STINKS! It’s wrong.

Also, it’s rotten that Dion’s fans are now slamming this one guy, Fil the “Wings of Pegasus” bloke, the only voice showin’ we wuz duped, callin’ his behavior “shameful.” I mean WHY is truth shameful? It’s not honorable ta fool yer fans!… (It’s like puttin’ fake blueberries in the donuts, no?)
IMHO it’s La Dion disappointin’ her fans—literally by not WANTING TO disappoint…herself or them—she refuses to admit defeat, AND, (imho) engagin’ in one gigunda WHOPPER ain’t commendable OR something ta be proud of.
As ya see, those thunderin’ dunderheads sayin' she's "BACK!" an' it's a "LIVE vocal" and a “TRIUMPH” are lying TO themselfs… HOW can they “not know” the truth is what I wonder; if they are “true fans”—they’d have seen that recent video where she “croaks” out notes—how could anyone change on a dime?—literally in a matter of weeks?!
Hymne à l'amour - Part 1
(a hymn to love)

It’s worth notin’ that the “Olympic” performance of La Dion performin’ this song was not a “first” for Céline, who has been zingin’ this classic Edith Piaf ballad FOR AT LEAST 25 YEARS. REMEMBER THIS FACT!
IMHO the recordin’ she’s synchin’ her lips to is OLD—at least a DECADE old!
Tell ya WHY I think this is zo in a seccy…
Click on the pix below ta hear Dion in FULL FAB FINE VOICE belt her little heart out a decade ago at the American Music Awards—doin’ it justice—Hymne à l'amour:
OK, hear that? The ‘24 Olympics rendition of the song Hymne à l'amour EVEN with the tweakin’ an’ the sweetenin’—was the voice of a MUCH YOUNGER WOMAN. Hers, OUI, but a far YOUNGER version of herself.
I’ve spent years ‘round singers (an’ zingers!). I yodel an’ holler moo-sically a mite myself, an’ we got one in the fam with “legit pipes” (my “Minnie”—the younger one) who studies with more mature vocal coaches whose OWN voices have changed from their ingenue days. Illness aside, them pipes ALWAYS git a bit rusty with age—some zingers “cultivate” their rust: Rosie Clooney & Tony Bennett both come ta mind! (An’ neither of ‘em lip synched! They used that aged “character” like a “foin whine” an’ made it work.) TRUTH IS:
When it comes to LA VOIX, You cannot TURN BACK TIME!
I mean “on” the live human—you can only “do stuff” to the “heard recording.” (“in post” as we say-)
You cannot AUTOTUNE back time either—ANY good sound software can now detect modern-day “shenannagins”—so the digital fingerprint CANNOT be erased! Not even CHER can Auto-Turn-Back-Time! (talk about autotune ha ha!… BELIEVE it!)
As ol’ Ben Franklin said—not much ta be certain about EXCEPT death & taxes …and, I’ll add… CHER! (I’ll assume she will never retire no matter how much help she needs from “tech!”)

But, gettin’ back to Miss Dion—most of us know, a laydee kin git botox or fillers or even ‘effin’ adrenochrome (did she or didn’t she???? only her hairdresser knows for SURE!) — an’ at least STALL time VISUALLY— but you cannot “turn back” yer voice AUDIBLY.
ONLY machines can make it sound like ya did—but ya CAIN’T do it yerself.
Now, ask yerselfs, WHY in heck would the sound engineers wanna give themselfs a nightmare battle fixin’ what—sorry—is a CRONE TRACK—when they can just take some OLD GOLD an’ polish it?
Methinks that what they did with Céline. Old Gold.
This set of examples below (cited from from the interview from which the above still was taken) are only A FEW MONTHS OLD — recent examples of Céline TRYING to sing an’ breakin’ down in TEARS, completely UNABLE ta do so—it’s sad indeed!
NO WAY ANYONE can REPAIR a WRECKED VOICE in a matter of weeks, specially if the actual medical problem is not cured! (I’ve jumped to the exact spots so just click to PLAY each one)
LISTEN to the TRUTH from “I am Céline” (documentary):
VOICE EXAMPLE 1 here she's soundin' purdy much like Bonnie Rait

ONE MONTH BEFORE headlines say her voice is “nul”/nothin’—ie. she just cain’t. (The second headline above is purdy disturbin’—has she experienced strangulation before when she was privately “performin’ “ for the cabal? hmmm….I mean it’s kinda sick we are led to wonder but heck—we/wheee! know whut goes on in Hollyweird!)
In a June 2024 interview with Today's Hoda Kotb she stated:
"It’s like somebody’s pushing your larynx, pharynx, this way," she went on, demonstrating with her hand over her throat. "It’s like you’re talking like that, and you cannot go higher or lower."
We learn the disease is both “chronic” and “progressive.” More specifics about her voice HERE
She also tells us cover-ups have already happened:
"There's moments when I cheated"
—and now too, Madame? non? :
here she is lip syncing to herself…just as she'd do at the Olympics….
NO WAY in a SINGLE MONTH could her audibly ravaged voice do a 180 degree flip an’ go from the above bumpy bike path ta the smooth highway we “heard” (oh so briefly) in the alleged performance at the Olympics. Tellement triste—Oui.

Knowin’ the rotten truth ruins that “Rocky-esque” comeback-kid feel-good movie story, no?
But “MsDyeOn” here colored us FOOLISH!
She engaged in a MASQUERADE, shamefully lip synchin’, as I mentioned, like any ol’ nightclub drag queen an’ allowin’ the MeeDia ta say it was “LIVE.”
Lies, damned lies, an’ statistics!
Céline ain’t “live” (not sayin’ she’s six feet under gawdferbid, but she wasn’t singin’ “live” at Olympics) an’ as I mentioned:
She ain’t “Memorex” either!
Long ‘fore Autotune (1997) the idea was all ‘bout Hi-Fi (high fidelity) an’ good recordin’s—the better the fidelity (truthfulness!) in the recordin’, the closer it was to the natural unedited voice. Ella (a fave of mine!) REALLY broke GLASS live and (ssssh, with a “smatterin’ “ of amplification) the glass broke again with Memorex⭐—so “close to the real” was that recording.
⭐ Forbidden Knowledge TV shares a GREAT viddeyo by Michael Tellinger about the power of SOUND WAVES to create or break or even change 3D things!
THAT’s what we used ta aim for! (vocal verisimilitude—not moosical Kristallnacht lol). Of course in any professional recordin’s there was typically some editin’—best takes, a little splicin’ or sweeten’in of the tracks sure, but NEVER before Autotune did the studio do the heavy liftin’—NEVER! NOW it’s the (ab)“norm” so we got zingers that ain’t got the chops or the pipes!—ALSO that means we got old voices that are no longer allowed ta mellow, however imperfect they become. We’ll never be allowed ta HEAR those earned imperfections. All of it'; it ain’t HUMAN! (imho)—like Ella here (the real deal!)
So I’ll take MEMOREX any day over this Olympic FAIL!—over the fakery that’s not “loyal” to anthin’ REAL— includin’ this DION-OP “staged” at the Feast of Dionysus! (see my last postin‘ ‘bout that!)
On expectations…
I know that synchin’ to yer own vocals is the STANDARD for many (not all) outdoor events—Macy’s Thanksgivin’ Day Parade fer example—as nobuddy wants ta navigate the vagaries of weather, cold, technical issues, run-away balloons. But none of those non-live performances on floats an’ clearly sans-orchestra (while the invisible bands played!) pretended to be a comeback or proof-positive of healin’ a damaged “instrument.” Most were either announced as “singing TO“ or “FROM” their (pre-recorded) hit tracks. Also, those of us that grew up watchin’ American Bandstand (or New Year’s Rockin’ Eve) with Dick Clark knew the performers just lip synced to their hits—cuz we all owned the dang records an’ had played ‘em so much they were imprinted in our gray mattah! why we’d have detected any diffs, however nuanced, ya know an’ if all checked out we KNEW it was just the studio recordin’ that was bein’ replayed—like a Scopitone! or even MTV.
BUT this PARIS PERFORMANCE was a GIANT worldwide event—AND they made it her BIG COMEBACK story!:
Oh, yass, yass, she BEAT the odds! Back better than EVAH! (not!)

The mockin’boid media ATE IT UP. Of course they would.
We hear (per headline paste-ups above and too many similar headlines to count) that she “dazzles” an’ “STUNS folks BONKERS!” (Both words for folks bein’ startled ta the point where they are BLINDED an’ FROZEN! yup, duped an’ fooled too! these headlines given ta the mockin’boids are NOT RANDOM!)
Also we hear just how she makes that COMEBACK COMEBACK COMEBAAAAAACK!
(on repeat / refraub ad nauseum…)
But of course it’s not a COMEBACK, not even a Welcome Back
And she tells the world as much—even if she’s tryin’ ta keep her chin up…
Whereas prior ta the concert there were shots of her smilin’ in poses with her fans…
La Dion in Paris in 2017 greetin’ her adorin’ fans after her concert—all SMILES!
Here, the day AFTER her 2024 Olympic “tour de force” number (i.e. post-deceipt) she again poses with fans but now she’s wearin’ black like it’s a funeral (that for her voice as well…her last concert too, likely, unless “tech” becomes her new “M.O.”)—so this laydee’s in MOURNING.
She is NOT happy with her supposed “Triumph / Triomphe” — her own “Arc de Triomphe” is ovuh…as in she’s reached the end of that “arc.” I believe she knows it. It NEVER feels GREAT TO FAKE IT if you have a soul. Whatever she’s given away (or sold) ta the “Cabal” or at the “Crossroads”—I see DEEP SORROW, not elation…
Céline grew up as one of 14 kids an’ let’s say they were of VERY modest means—we learn that multiple kids shared BEDS (yup, not just bedrooms but BEDS). She started professionally singin’ at 12 when she was “discovered,” but it took some time for her career ta take off—for her to pull her humble fambly outta their “modest“ condition.” And that brings up TWO IMPORTANT PERNTS HERE:
Likely a) she doesn’t wanna be “poor” again (tho’ she tactfully never calls her humble beginnin’s poverty…) an’ b) she likely knows most of her fans make SIGNIFICANT financial sacrifices ta afford tix ta her shows—she knows they paid dearly ta see her in PARIS an’ knowin’ in her heart that she gave ‘em a BUM STEER must feel CRAPPY. LOUSY. BAD. Havin’ NOT been born with a silver spoon in her mouth—she has a great deal of empthy for her fan base. I think it’s 100% sincere.
IMHO—that’s part of the reason for the palpable sorrow an’ why see TEARS but NOT TEARS OF JOY—she tricked her fans, gave ‘em hope she was back, gave ‘em a fake HER. Her conscience ain’t sittin’ nicely now.
There are MANY such photos of her on tour schmoozin’ (all smiles) with her devoted fans. She is KNOWN to stop for autographs an’ poses. FANS are such a big deal to many performers who don’t only LOVE their audiences—they CRAVE that love, the applause, the adoration—out of NEED.
As an “acteur”-type myself I cannot properly ‘splain the joy of applause for “your turn” or your funny bit or the fuzzy feelin’ ya get for each person who takes yer hand after a show an’ tells ya they loved what’cha did. An’ for those who need this as their sustenance—it’d be STARVATION to lose it! It’s kinda…ineffable—whuther yer small potatoes or big fries!
So the risk of losin’ this important part of her life, her identity, ain’t SMALL at all. She is not ready ta fade off inta the foggy horizon an’ just be a “coach” or be a vocal “judge” on teevee shows.
In no uncertain terms, she will sing again!
(so she told the public)
In mid June literally a month ‘fore the Olympics she did this interview—she looked better (good makeup!) but the voice was scratchy—velly. But listen to her near-monomaniacal confidence when she says, “oh I’ll sing again.” It’s got an EDGE that sez “She already IS makin’ that happen”—EVEN if her (g*damn rotten) PR team an’ her wreck-hurd comp’ny left her out ta dry, SHE was gonna make SURE she had that Swan Song (“foul” tho’ it may have been in terms of CHEATIN’!…)—click on image below ta play it:
Even if her withdrawal from the public eye has taken place over a few years, this was NOT a gradual “normal” decline, this wasn’t how it went fer Sinatra or Mel Tormé or Eartha Kitt or even craggy-voiced Elaine Stritch—all who were allowed ta perform ‘til nearly the end makin’ up in character what they lost in vocal “quality.” IMO Miz Dion is DESPERATE not ta fade away at this stage in her life. She made a pact to not just disappear inta the woodwork—to at least go out with a BANG, a dramatic SWAN SONG… but at what price?
This laydee means BIZNESS an’ nothin’ (nothin’) is gonna git in HER WAY! (It’s near-SCARY how fierce she is in statin’ all this as FACT!—as in the above clip)
But, if she indeed made a PACT with her HANDLERS that she’d “make it happen”—methinks they LET IT HAPPEN as a TEST… that’s the CUI BONO… an’ as I was sayin’ that TEST WORKED—a test for HIGH TECH FAKERY on every level! We-the-public (for the most part) were hornswaggled! Folks were so focused on the tranny Last Supper they paid no attention to the phony baloney performance foisted upon us by a hi-tech phenomenon masqueradin’ as “Céline Dion.”
All the headlines were gushin’ ‘bout her BIG COMEBACK! (but of course as above, in the photo I shared, her dressed in black the day after) AND in the image below—in denim, later that very night—she’s so SAD. Not just grateful but full-out S.A.D. — it worked for “her fans” (of whom she speaks in the viddeyo), it worked for the CABAL too (they got their test, she scored a perfect 100), but mebbe, just mebbe this swan song did NOT work for her…
(remember the postin’s below are just ONE MONTH OLD—an’ her voice sounded gawd awful in both recorded interviews I’ve shared…)
ALSO: Céline likely didn’t git SALINE!
She herself PUSHED the jabs in interviews an’ told the “publique” on Radio Canada that was the only solution, the only way “out” (plus all show folks had ta git it or else not perform - all concert venues, once stuff reopened ,required it an’ imho she was determined ta be expendable so nobuddy have her “the mock”):
Even her fans warn’t convinced about the “official” MSM claim that her 2022-formally-diagnosed Stiff Person Syndrome wasn’t AT ALL jab-related (my guess is that her own accountin’ is honest in one way; she likely fell ill long BEFORE the jabs came out—but I’m 100% convinced the jabs at very least exacerbated the symptoms SIGNIFICANTLY). Fans speak up:
Desperate measures for desperate times!
ALSO: she has hEDS—that’s Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome — how’d I know this? First, my eagle-eyed younger one—my “Minnie” noticed the hyperextended elbows in this 2019 Vegas Clip of her performin’ live there—Miz Dion’s elbows do not stop where most do—she’s got it—guaranteed:
Say WHUT????! Whaddaya talkin’?! So it’s a genetic condition an’ it takes one ta know one (runs in our own fambly). AND if you have hEDS there’s a FAR greater likelihood you’ll react adversely ta the jabs bad (as did my own mama who took ‘em all in spite’a my misgivin’s…)—an‘ us hEDS folks react badly to any toxins, metals, etc. 💪🏼 AND it ALSO means YOUR joints are more easily messed up b/c it’s a tendon / ligament / soft tissue condition. Lotta dancers have it (some gotta retire early) but ‘specially in ballet it’s common as it makes doin’ the splits an’ extending the legs a cuppa tea fer hEDS gals that have it…it’s more girls than boys too.
💪🏼Refer to the link ta Doc Robert Yoho’s excellent stack intereviewin’ Becky Dutton—I cain’t find the exact link where hEDS comes up but Becky’s daughter has hEDS an’Becky’s an expert on this stuff!
THUS: In all probability I think Céline did NOT get saline! She got the real jab (they didn’t spare most old-schoolers past their “prime”… an’ to put it crudely, Madame Dion is too old to “put out” (as surely she once HAD TO DO), so she got the “real”—they kin put’er out to pasture 🐄 — oh la vache!)
No doubt the Pfffizer boosters didn’t help her voice or her other health symptoms which increased SIGNIFICANTLY durin’ the plandemic per all accounts.
Y’all when I heard Céline Dion was gonna sing at the “Olympics” I thought… no way…stiff person syndrome an’ all—an’ havin’ seen the month-old links with her croakin’ like LEAPPO THE FROG!
Again, you can refer ta the actual cracky voice HERE attemptin’ to sing - or in the second “scratch cut” from Fil with her singin’ along at dress rehearsal.

A VOCAL MASQUERADE: a fair comparison.
The honey-voiced Karen Carpenter (i’mma fan!) tried ta hide her severe anorexia for years… it killed her (literally broke her heart) and affected her voice too (all that vomitin’-induced acid harms the esophagus). Céline hid her own ailment for at LEAST five years too—that’d be her tragic “Stiff Person Syndrome” an’ like Miz Carpenter, Miz Dion also hid her anorexic-lookin’ body an’ CHIDED her fans for noticin’ her skeletal physique— tellin’ People Magazine the BOLDFACE LIE that “she had just lost some weight due to her intensive ballet practice routine” four times a week an’ later tellin’ other journalists that it was just a new “healthy diet” cuz “she’s always been skinny.” NONE of these phony-baloney excuses explained the differerence between her many decades in fine form, always maintaining a lean-healthy-normal weight, an’ the change to “freaky skeltal bag-o-bones with rouge on.”
SHE GASLIT her FANS an’ LIED not (imho) ta be cruel but havin’ no coping mechanism for admittin’ the disease that fried her voice along with gettin’ no decent tactical support from her “PR” team (that had likely written her off).
Click on the image below ta hear Karen Carpenter’s own hit, “Lost in a Masquerade,” which also had a “double meaning” considering her “health” secret…
Below, Céline in her truly skeletal stage durin’ which time fans were bascially fed the baloney that “she’s not sick, she wants it this way shut up.”

By the time of her Spring 2024 interview FINALLY “owning” that she had Stiff Person Syndrome she’d thankfully put on some weight but still looked “unwell,” an’ the voice—GONE. You could hear the “scratchy” when she spoke. An’ that LIE was a waaaay bigger whopper than the skinny bod excuses…
WHY have this “former” Singer GO THRU a PANTOMIME of PERFORMANCE, a “fakery” of all she once could do with ease? It’s a TEST!
Is this a TEST wherein the “Cabal” is seein’ if they can go one further than previously with a lip sync “ACT” to test how many BELIEVE the con fully, no questions? and….
IF SO, could this be a test for puppet polly-tisch-uns like Kacklin’ Kamalalala? - to see if she can also be trained ta lip sync to a pre-recorded (AI created?) TRACK an’ “fool ‘em” as good as Madame Dion?
Or if not just Kacklin’ Kamalalala there…maybe other “worthy” CANDY-DATES incapable of speakin’ fer themselfs? — CandyDates over-sweet / over-ripe an’ ready to foist upon the gullible public? Dummies, basically… An’ given COLOR WARS to take down all Western Nations an’ our perpetual placin’ of (s)elected folks in office globally—I ask sincererely: IS THIS A TEST?
As we speak, the normies, practically everyone an’ his Aunt Edna too, are all gushin’ with hearts, flowers, an’ cringe-worthy memes ‘bout Céline Dion’s “comeback” an’ “triumph” over Stiff Person Syndrome, the painful an’ debilitatin’ illness that’s plagued her for quite a few years now.
IF it WAS a TEST—the “SHEEPLES” passed it with FLYIN’ COLORS as near-nobuddy is callin’ FOUL. (I call FOUL!)
💧 La femme PLEURANTE (the cryin’ woman) 💧
Another angle to the sadness… There are VERY FEW photos of her after the show, very few the next day too. We see a scatterin’ of her greetin’ her fans post-”production” vs a TON of circulatin’ pix taken before the show where she was still all-smiles. I think the ruse she pulled off “got ta her.”
Many of the nooz sites play fast ‘n loose with the timestamps (when certain pix were taken) an’ share the smilin’ pix taken BEFORE the concert as if they came after… when sadness was far more palpable… a bit of the bittersweet…the sense of loss hittin’ her 💧
💧 I know I know, mebbe I’m readin’ too much inta her reaction—but there were no more real smiles after she “performed” even tho’ her fans were over the moon (fooled too), which should have evoked smiles of joy IF she’d really come back—so I’ll throw in my 2 cents—
CREEPY FACT—in all the footage we don’t see or hear her TALK AT ALL pre- or post-CONCERT.
Is she totally MUTE or just soundin’ so gawd awful she CAIN’T do much but whisper?! (again, Fil above has shared the terribly scratchy hoarse voice on the rogue scratch track someone recorded at the rehearsal—hope that person is still alive!) The “behind the scenes” viddeyos from Paris that suggest there’s footage of her talkin’—are a BLUFF! (It’s still photos an’ a narrator—NOT HER!). Later she TWEETS her grattytude—again’ nothing SPOKEN! Only TWEETED! Instagrammed! (yer instructions are to not notice this folks….)
Boy golly they’ve really got us HAD!
In the footage with her gettin’ roses she ONLY MIMES sad gratty-tude, puttin’ hand ta hart, tearin’ up—MOUTHING merci or “thank you.” BUT…
“The mute swan is less vocal than the noisy whooper and tundra swans; they do, however, make a variety of sounds, often described as "grunting, hoarse whistling, and snorting noises."
Regardin’ the headline below, her so-called “speakin’ out” is again, a post on INSTAGRAM! I cry FOUL (FOWL in swan-speak!)
MY GUESS is that she’s not “fully mute” but her speakin’ voice is SO BAD, so rough, so hoarse that if she dared talk nobuddy would’ve believed she sang that finale (i.e. they’d suspect the truth). So she CAREFULLY GESTURES & STAGES her “moments with la publique” both pre- & post- concert an’ also it’s been pre-arranged with the news folks (who clearly are TOLD not to speak to her, natch, NOT to ask her questions about her “comeback”) so the CON is COMPLETE!
HERE, (click on the link at left ta play it) the ONLY “fan viddeyo” that got out—wherein she sez NOTHING! She mouthes “merci” an’ something quick to her body guard… nothin’ that can be HEARD. (Sorry the screen grab is kinda fuzzy…)
Keep in mind the CONCEPT, briefly mentioned above, of this bein’ her “SWAN SONG” / her final farewell/ her grand goodbye…
I believe she leaves us, as always, performin’ a role, but here, now AS the mute swan… no longer the golden-throated “star”…
There’s more tho… MUCH! So keep on readin’!
Great Show! Love y’all mwah! mwah! Love you guys! MIRACULOUS comebacks are staged this way—I say Bulloney!
Like Damar Hamlin…(?)…whom I feel is “really sincerely” dead, but at least quite like Miz Dion… VOCALLY an’ now MORALLY DEAD. Our heroes/ our heroines! They’ve all come Baaaaak! 💕 — all hearts ‘n flowers. MWAH! Nope, not this kinda heart…

💕REMEMBER this HEART SIGN: I’ll git back ta it again under the signalin’ / Masonic Monkeyshines section!💕
Zo! We all enjoy our fairy tales but if ya believe Damar Hamlin is alive ‘n well after that fatal cardiac “incident” that killed ‘im, an’ if ya think that “this” photo above of the pretty young laydee is actually Céline Dion… tho’ she’s lookin’ a lot MORE like JLo who does not have Stiff Person Syndrome… I’ll eat my hat! (it’s made’a straw an’ it ain’t tasty either so I got sum’ confidence we’re bein’ “HAD!”)
MORE FAKERY??? (Not just the voice!)
An’ WHAT do we make of these official “live” concert photos that look SO pasted (badly), so ALTERED (badly too) an’ WHY in heck is Miz Dion’s nose in these pix so un-characteristic when….
The “real” Céline we’ve been lookin’ at (scroll up too for a few less altered pix) has quite the prominent sniffer… She does not look very FAUXtoshopped here below either…
The two Célines below were “captured” within’ 24 hours of each other this past week in Paris. IMPOSSIBLE! — the petit nez (nose) an’ the unlined hand, the shorter face, the smaller chin—so either it’s altered beyond all dang logic OR it’s “Who Wuz that Masked Ma’am?”…
Here, below, at least they remembered to stick on a mole for the two left poses but oopsie, that lil’ ol’ mole just run down inta it’s hole to hide for the right one! An’ them ears—this lady below has a round face an’ tight-to-the-head oreilles an’ a short upper lip - no “indent.” But la vraie (actual/true) Céline (see photos after the one below) has got a longish face and elf ears that stick out a bit (!) an’ a long upper lip with a deep indentation (scroll down ta see it). None of this jibes with the “Céline” here at the concert (above) an’ durin’ a recent interview (directly below) — have we a mask, or AI, a paste-up collage with elements of “real” + “fake” blended? Or just a buttload’a retouchin’? This “version” of the singer, below, looks quite a lot like the Olympic “Finale” Presentation “put together” for the public—or what I’ll call the “Laughter in the Rain” version — above right (cuz hardee har har, they are laffin’ at us! we cain’t even TELL which is the real one fergolly’s sake!)—An’ neither of these “off-fish’all” Miz Dions fully ressemble the actual long n’ lean faced laydee we see above pre-concert with fans (on the left) or in the un-retouched “candid” in the sunglasses “two below”…
Now this candid snapshot below taken in Paris the day before her performance seems REAL! —the longer face, the bigger ears — YES, that’s HER! An’ then there was this thing…couple years ago she had “ear surgery” that implied it was fer medical reasons but… if a double with different ears is gonna be used every so often—hmmm, that’s ONE excuse fer cosmetic “differences,” non?

So, did Gay Paree (an’ boy was it “gai” at the Olympics this year ha ha!) get…
THOUGHT: as nearly EVERY famous wax museum (Grevin, Tussauds, etc) has made ACCURATE molds of Miz Dion’s face & body it wouldn’t be at all hard fer anyone in “cabal land” (“cable land” too! for that matter…) ta borrow one ‘a them perfect life-masks of her (the casting) an’ make a top-notch “masque” in silicone for jus’ ‘bout any body-double ta wear… just sayin’ how easy it’d be…
THOUGHT 2: If they can bring Elvis & Freddie Mercury “BACK from the DEAD” in soooo convincin’ a set of holograms that one of ‘em “won” first prize on America’s Got Talent—then fer sure the tech is there. The dark night of Paris (perfect ta hide a screen if needed) an’ height + distance (waaaay up on that Eiffel Tower) and the “visual noise” caused by the rain storm all act together as a GREAT cover for any mechanical mischief… for which there is PUHLENTY of evidence! (hold tight, I’ll git to it!)
Heck, Céline Dion’s already been holler-grammed herself—back’ in 2007 she did a FULL concert with Elvis on “American Idol!”
An’ the FAKE goes ON…. lah dee dah dee Deee—on!
What’s the DRY IDEA? Thus I ask, MIGHT IT BE that Céline, bein’ frail of health, did NOT even dare go outside, did not dare go atop the La Tour Eiffel in the pourin’ RAIN an’ instead she gotta last minute stand-in an’ kept all dry?
If ya think her throat covers (‘cept when she’s on stage) are ta hide some wrinkles yer mistaken; most serious singers protect their throats from cold & chill wearin’ scarves (an’ high necks). Bad as her condition might be methinks no way would she stand out there in the cold, in the rain, gittin’ wet ta the bone!
Y’all know there was enough Do-Re-Me in $$$ an’ francs (euros, blech!) behind her “all expenses paid” performance ta cover the $40K for a top-flight mask an’ have someone else freeze their hiney off—je crois! If she was all cozy indoors (the Tour does have heated rooms & even a handy café!), either “inside” the famous Tour Eiffel or nearby, at the ready ta sign autographs “post performance” (which was all of 2 minutes give ‘er take a few…) who kin say wha’happened? I do NOT recall seein’ any pix of her bein’ “soaked” as would be the case if she’d been on her perch.
I will say that wuther “she” herself or a “facsimile” thereof performed in a state-of-the-ahrt “masque,” the MSM reported that a “cool” $ two mil was paid cuz Team Dion produced a “top flight” show number.

More on the MEGA BUNDLE she supposedly made for that ONE SONG:
NOTE: “Elle” walks it back a mite too sayin’ that instead of gettin’ paid directly the payments are “indirect” (ain’t that cryptic?!) an’ thus all costs are fully covered plus music sales’ll soar. I included that too just ta be complete… It’s POSSYYBULL the bad press on the mega payment caused ‘em ta change HOW the ladies were paid…
Re that BUNDLE BELOW (see screenshot)—er, which Céline is this’un pictured? The one that looks like Rudy Giuliani, of course! seriously y’all cain’t make this stuff up—lookit it! This double’s wearin’ DENTURES fer gawdsakes.
Also—what the heck is that “logo” on the story below—the lady-torch flame with the lips (flamin’ lips?!)—ah’ they say it’s the ”Goddess of Liberty” MARIANNE! (who was herself a sort of “ho!” for the République, kid’ja not)—NICE ta have a prostitute as a human mascot ta this “revolutionary” event—egads! But I guess these performers “sold themselfs’ (out) ta snag such a desirable an’ profitable gig, non? (Not sayin’ Miz Dion is exactly a “ho” but I’ve no doubt her chastity, sanctity, an’ moral rectitude was compromised lots ALL ALONG THE WAY to culminate in this NON-performance which is a form of… sellin’ out… Plus, interestin’ly, in her children’s clothing line she produced a set of t-shirts that boldly say Ho! on ‘em… for children! (yup they start early…)
Follow the MONEY!

SOMEONE put on a “rilly good shew” an’ got paid a BUNDLE fer it…
SOMEONE—but was it Céline? Some”one” called AI? Given that “the performer” was like a hundred (more?) feet up in the air … an’ ONLY projected on viddeyo as far as the audience could see (where you can easily add a filter or two or just do a hologram)—it’d be SOoooo easy ta fake at such a distance. This ain’t even “zoom lens” material up thar—AND, as we know from Hidin’ Biden, they make, as aforementioned, REALLY GOOD MASKS now!—(“masques”) an’ have done so for a cow’s age SO…. WAS IT EVEN HER?
the JAW WOBBLE! an’ a jaw-droppin’ FACT!
(ha ha not this ‘un tho!)
I noticed that lip-syncin’' “Laughter in the Rain” Céline (i.e. the one that duzn’t look like her that performed at the Olympics) has a prominent jaw wobble when she sings*—one that the REAL ONE (a non-fakin’ one) duz not have AND would NEVER HAVE as it’s a sign of vocal strain & tension (that can cause REAL vocal HARM ta yer vocal cords!).
* in the belatedly released “dokturd” up viddeyo as all the original ones were pulled…
REAL trained singers like Miz Dion would avoid such tactics like the plague! She’s normally a perfect / pitch perfect zinger (this ‘fore Stiff-Person-Syndrome sideswiped ‘er). The Jaw Wobble is a “trick” that makes NOVICE singers LOUDER an’ git out more vibrato but strains the voice.
The belatedly released “off-fish-all” viddeyo of Miz Dion’s Olympic “Performance” (with more “cut-aways” than a Bob Mackie gown!) has a LOT of “Jaw Wobble.” This too SCREAMS fakery (pardon da woidplay there). I went an’ on-purpose picked out an older Céline viddeyo (coverin’ Elvis lol!) just to prove ta my brain (an’ yerz too mah readers) that she normally does NOT have a wobble—yup! :
ROCK STEADY JAW!First, Miz Dion would’a been mic’d ta the gills if she had really been singing an’ would NOT have needed ta resort ta any such volume-inducin’ tactics even for a live concert. Second, she would NEVER do ANYTHING to strain her well-insured voice an’ would never choose not ta sing with a relaxed “open throat” — the oppysit of Jaw Wobble! Her voice is her FIRST love (like one’a her children!), it’s her livelihood—it’s a precious trained INSTRUMENT!
EVEN if it’s been harmed beyond REPAIR no sane person would trash it actually zingin’ with a WOBBLE (an’ no doubt she’d hold-out-hopes FOR some repair / healin’ over time so again, she’d NEVER use a technique that can harm the vocal cords—nevah!).
So there’s only one way for that “wobble” ta make sense—
— to make a person NOT zingin’ look like they ARE! If yer lip synchin’ an’ not producin’ any real sounds (whuther yer mock-singin’ along ta yer own earlier stuff—or whuther yer a FAKE tryin’ ta immitate a “real zinger” by “acting out” their track)—THEN ya might do a bit of “Jaw Wobble” to SIMPLY LOOK LIKE YER SINGIN’! Doin’ THAT wouldn’t be harmful if your voice was not engaged at all…
Welcome to ONIONVILLE!
Prepare for stingin’ eyeballs & tears as with each layer of fakery, subterfuge, general deception an’ outright LYIN’! we’re bein’ duped! or dipped (as in onion dip…)
Movin’ right along with this multi-layered ONION of FAKERY brings us to….
The ONLY “HoloHoax” which would be THIS ONE!
Natch bein’ of “da tribe” an’ havin’ non-imaginary fambly that DIED in the camps AND growin’ up ‘round people with numbers on their arms—there is no way I’m’a gonna “hang with” the Nazi-crazies—an’ it don’t mattah if there were “exactly” 6 million or NOT. Suit yerselfs if y’all wanna believe it was all fakery… but meanwhile there’s a very much verifiable HoloHoax goin’ on—right under our noses! We consumers have been GROOMED to accept holograms and “not notice” so normalized have they become!
Truth is, I honestly believe MANY of our PUBLIC ICONS (includin’ Senile Sniffy Joe) have appeared before us as HOLOGRAMS!
They include performer Holograms so real-seemin’ that fairly skeptical folks can be FOOLED!—or ”hoodwinked” which is an apt fraternal term fer it! (Miz Dion has “fun” playin’ with holograms…)
An’ the TECH is only BETTER now!
I brought up them holograms a moment ago in terms of Miz DION’s duets n’ concerts singin’ WITH holograms (includin’ one of her very own self). HOWEVER, she seems ta have a “thang” for these ILLUSIONS an’ it goes even DEEPR.
Didja know that this wuz the same lady that back in 2008 TOURED JAPAN as a HOLOGRAM?! Program below—yup, just her “hologram” toured (she was playin’ Vegas I believe…so that’s collectin’ TWO salaries too!) Knowin’ how “big” she is—”they” (the techs behind the tech) had ta have her permission—from her, from the record co., etc.. They could never “sneak” this kinda thing (early on when some companies tried ta sneak in hologrammed celebs sans permission for “one off” performances AND there were lawsuits).
Nope, I think this was all “off-fish-all!”
This is ta say, someone that strongly objects ta such “fakery ‘n fukery” would not have allowed her own “diggy-tale” self ta TOUR as a MIRAGE! Thus we must assume the Miz Dion is A-OK with her Hologram/”Hollergram!” goin’ on (paid!) Holiday! an’ that means she has long been A-OK with some “high tech” tomfoolery….
Yup, I know I said I’d git ta the Masonic signalin’ later so consider this just an hors d’oeuvre! (Yas indeed I know it still kin mean a simple wholesome OK—I use it myself—but what’cher seein’ from these signifyin’ tricksters simply AIN’T OK). ALSO, that sign means (accordin’ to them that seem ta know this stuff…) not only 666 but also the unholy trinity due ta the 3 fingers an’ that includes a horned god, a goddess and their demon offspring (the Antichrist!). Cozy, no? Illuminati-wise it means approval from their divine king a.k.a. The Antichrist.
SO! as fer that OLYMPIC FINALE… whom did folks see up there?
I mean it was her voice (imho an’ old recordin’) but did they do a switcheroo with some younger gal in a good mask an’ then the real La Dion came down “for real” to (silently) greet the fans? I DO NOT KNOW. I DO think it was for sure the real Céline doin’ the dress rehearsal—the one that Wings of Pegasus analyzed in the 2nd viddeyo I posted above.
An’ here’s an’nuther thought too. Fragile immune health aside (per the above conjecture which applies ta catchin’ somethin’), would she really wanna stand so high-up in torrential rain IN HEELS?! This laydee ALWAYS wears 6”-or-higher BDSM stilettos! An’ sometimes she SLIPS! (see below) Riskin’ not just a cold / cough / flu in torrential rain but a FALL via her already messed up / weakened leg muscles?!
Not only her jaw wobbled y’all—that laydee ain’t steady on her feet now!
Not ta mention standin’ outsdide on a METAL platform durin’ a STORM is a LIGHT’NIN’ RISK TOO!
Metal gits slipp’ry REAL fast apart from bein’ an electrical conductor… She ain’t no Spring chicken neither! (an’ that’s her real “beak” aside ha ha — no I ain’t bein’ mean—I just don’t see why she ain’t allowed her real “face” y’know… ) Anywhoo… her bein’ up on a metal buildin’ like a lightenin’ rod—in a HEAVY STORM over 100 feet up—WHILST bein’ frail ‘n sick—folks, that’s a LOT of RISK at any HEIGHT or hiw HIGH her insurance premium might be for that too!
so…. Who’s the DUMMY?!
My guess is there’s a good chance that we DID NOT EVEN SEE the REAL CÉLINE…
…an’ again, as I showed above, they PULLED / ERASED / MEMORY HOLED the entire dang performance which gives this theory no small amount of credence! (the seconds-long belated release official viddeyo is kinda a joke—most of the focus is on the Eiffel Tower! an’ mega-wide shots..) So, re dummies…

All this ta say (too!) that the French “ahrt” of making lifelike human fakeries, once confected exquisitely outta wax, got its sea legs DURING the French Revolution! (ooh la la!)—an’ the same enterprise that started it all (Madame Tussauds) has made Céline’s likness in wax many times (an’ yup, they keep the molds handy in storage, never destroyed…always!)
Unless sumbuddy fesses up we may not ever know if we sawr a dummy (a hologram? a masked stand in?) or the real “her” but we DO know… the voice was DEFINITELY NOT LIVE… (an’ likely NOT RECENT) jus’ sayin’…
To wit (re subs for the real deal)—
So if this (above) is our “szinger” then WHY does the “gal” dressed in orange below at the 2024 Grammys — the one that appeared “as” Céline Dion in three outta the four pix below NOT LOOK at all like the older TRUE Madame Dion (in green above) and on the top RIGHT of the 4-square quadrant? Yup, that one, (top-right), is the only photo that appears to be the real Céline Dion at the ‘24 Grammys (retouched a mite too but legit) an’ the same laydee appears in the other quadrants—clearly a younger “double” (methinks both of ‘em attended — but take a look-see for yerselfs!):
Younger drip-nosed Céline has NO MOLE (the famous mole!), not even one pasted on! (hence MISSING MOLE an’ DIFFERENT NOSE begin our list!)
The younger gal did the RED CARPET walk an’ later “SNAPS” on the way out… Is the “real” Céline’s on the right pasted in? Was it only her double that day an’ the paste came later? Was “real” Miz Dion’s voice was too hoarse to speak, pain too much? I dunno but these TWO are not the same human..no way… AND….LOOK AT THE HANDS—that’s some Masonic weirdness (I’ll git to it below!) afoot AND (also?) young Miz Dion was told to put hands thatta way so they could match up easily in the “re-paste-mint” — NOTICE TOO that young Céline’s RINGS fit her fine an’ aren’t slippin’ but “real” Céline’s rings have slipped down an’ the “stone” doesn’t face the top…
Notice too that “fake” Céline has a bit of an overjet / overbite (buck!)…. (‘specially noticeable in the lower left quadrant) but not “real Céline”…
“Real” Céline NOW has near-perfect teeth but used ta have teeth that noticeably tipped INWARD with with “snaggletooth” incisors — you’d never “OVERcorrect” by givin’ someone an overbite:
ALSO, last but not least the younger gal in the orange Grammy pix above is a (Damn) Yankee an' her speakin' voice is totally wrong… it ain’t a French-Canadian, no way! The “timbre” is higher… LISTEN: ‘specially at the 1:35 minute mark HERE! (play ‘til she sez “from my heart”)—
Methinks they keep the clips in this viddeyo (an some others) super short an’ cut away often—SO the substi-toot isn’t detected!
So MANY Célines!
An’ here THIS Céline from 2020 has gaps (an’ a short lip & a different nose bridge)…so… “mind the gap” y’all — don’t fall inta this strange rabbit hole like I did! Methinks that doubles were sent out startin’ a few years back once her “handlers”—in all senses—realized the “real one” had major health issues, initially kept from La Publique. Even the signature hairline here looks a bit off—like a weave or sumthin’ with gray roots stickin’ out ta mask it? I dunno… but sumthin’s off a bit here too…
WHADDA WE KNOW… ? Let’s momentarily depart from speculatin’ ‘bout DOUBLES?, CLONES? STAND-INS? AI ?/ HOLLOW-GRAMS?/ PHOTOSHOP"? / CGI? — all possibilities for what we “thought” we “witnessed” an’ leave the other inconsistencies with Miss Dion’s “looks” a giant QUESTION—acceptin’ just TWO certainties:
Assumin’ Céline is NOT a “shape shifter” or a human chameleon (ha!)—it’s likely she has at LEAST a couple people that “play her” in public…includin’ at BIG EVENTS like the Grammys. She’s a big enuf act ta warrant such things (fwiw my hubby once crossed paths with Lady Gaga’s double on Spring St. back in the city—years ago—a true story!)
She is no longer able to sing well. Sure, it might change but the ENTIRE Olympic “show” was a farce—WHY she acted it out—I’m not sure… Was it her choice? A bargain? Who with?
These “KNOWNs” bring us to an interestin’ UNKNOW whereby we may ask if she was literally….
SINGING IN THE RAIN???? (at the Olympics) — Hollywood-style!

Daisy’s older gal (my “Maxie” vs my “Minnie”) has a fine point ta make—she reminded me that it was pouring RAIN — TORRENTIAL ‘EFFIN’ RAIN! at the Olympics Opening when Céline sung. IF she didn’t have a “double” stand-in for her on topp’a that Tour—then she was literally “SINGING IN THE RAIN” moovie-style — doin’ the gestures, movin’ her mouth, “glittering.” (An’ otherwise her DOUBLE was the one “Singin’ in the Rain”.)
As y’all likely know in the movie, the "Star" Lena Lamont (the hilarious Jean Hagen) is NOT SINGING!—like Céline, she is LIP SYNCHING to the real voice—of—the younger Kathy Selden* (Debbie Reynolds) – and it's FAKERY (FULLY foolin’ the audience until the curtain is drawn to reveal the con, the truth, an’ the ARTIFICE).
*did she “Sell” Don (Lockwood) on her talents?!
EVEN if Céline is lip synchin’ to a much earlier version of her own song… it’s still FAKERY—but bringin’ in the ol’ Hollywood movie version is kind’ve a great angle, no?
I’ll betcha this was a kinda “SWAN SONG” for Miss Dion—goin’ out with a bang, not a whimper. I’ll betcha that just as they could NOT have another Apollo 11 (they lost the secret recipe lol!), they cannot do this a second time as too MANY more will catch wise… (and again, the now-deleted recordin’s say it all..)
“I’d love to say good-bye properly because I’ve been here so long…”
In fact, she sez this herself in the quote above. She seems a mite bittersweet—mebbe not feelin’ “great” about admittin’ the CON, havin’ a conscience knowin’ it would disappoint her loyal fans? She is NOT ELATED.
Is this last mega-“cheat” the hill she’s gonna… Die-On?
(takin’ her secret with her? / defendin’ her “return?”)
Take a look at the “astro-naughts” bein’ interviewed post-Apollo 11 an’ you’ll see—same thing… RELUCTANCE ta fake pride ‘n joy knowin’ that decent folks have been played…
I’m near-certain Miz Dion had what we call “buyers remorse” but in her case—she bought inta the con that fooled her public—however they dunnit—an’ now she CANNOT TAKE IT BACK. No “returns,” an’ no refunds either! Addin’ too that though I’m sure music sales of her old catalog kin still “modestly” support her an’ her three kids AND likely her giant fambly ta some degree—’member she’s one of 14 kids some of whom work with her (like one of her sisters is her hairdresser) an’ others she helps—SO I’m near-sure she needs a lot MORE ta keep up her more lavish lifestyle (she’s earned it—I ain’t denyin’ her her due!). If she really duz retire now—will that be a giant financial blow? Methinks mebbe so!
Now, fergettin’ fer a moment the blindfolded eyes (hoodwinks again!) which are purdy Masonic (Eye-of-Horus / Lucifer / Masonic initiation…) an’ the image of the light JUST outside the blindfold, waitin’ fer her ta “see the light,” we got ourselfs not just a DYIN’ SWAN last kiss good-bye (as in a farewell concert) but a whole BLACK SWAN DRAMA!
Look at my little “mock up” below—visually they’re in the same outfit, thematically—it’s a MATCH!
So keep in mind this concept of star as a Black Swan, fearful of replacement…
NEXT… an’ this is TOTALLY BIZARRE!—they git “star singer du jour” Kelly Clarkson ta “certify” that Céline knocked it outta the ballpark AS IF her “testy-money” as a fellow singer would hold warter? As if she would KNOW by listenin’? (An’ if she did know the truth, she wouldn’t tell…)
WHY HER? I’ll git ta that TOO!—it’s purdy CREEPY…
re. the above, an olympic CAULDRON sounds like WITCHERY! Indeed an ILLUSION was being CONJURED!
THE SOUND(s) OF SILENCE! (from the mute swan…)
Now I want’cha ta NOTICE sumthin’ ‘bout these repeated sound-bytes from Miss CLARKSON per above as she keeps referencin’ INABILITY TO SPEAK! MUTISM! (but, bizarrely—its her OWN! it was SHE who was SPEECHLESS at Céline’s performance when actually the opposite was true).
Miz Dion has a SECRET. She can no longer sing. Frequent mandatory Masonic signalin’ aside (likely she has many other secrets)—she is tellin’ those in the know that she will remain SILENT. This is an older image—the LIES change over time—but this one? The TRUTH that she HAS NO VOICE? THAT SHE DID NOT SING as single note?
That there was NO COMEBACK? Sssssh! Do not tell! SILENCE!
INTERESTIN’LY she convinced her late husband René to STAR in a film called OMERTA wherein Angélil, a real-life music producer of mega proportions, plays “The Godfather”—the powerful mob boss not so different from his real-life role in the music biz. OMERTA is the CODE of SILENCE for the Italian MOB but also—it’s a KNOWN Masonic VOW! Spill the beans or vow to like some have done and your prospects are grim (ANNE HECHE, an’ OTHERS equally brave have lost their lives for it) A dark fate awaits ya if you BREAK THAT CODE OF SILENCE!
IMHO, Celine CANNOT tell the truth about her performance…her NOT singin’. Clarkson is her “cover.”
Clarkson (as you read above) ODDLY projects the silence onto herself—but clearly since she’s talkin’ bout Céline it’s some MAJOR signifyin’— Highlighted above! She talks about BEING SPEECHLESS, has ta insist she can “ACTUALLY TALK” (she was all “teared up”… see below on that), AND she mentions both her own “STRUGGLING TO SPEAK” and “GETTING CHOKED UP.” (Choked is right! Céline has claimed she feels as if she’s bein’ STRANGLED!—reminder snippet below..)
Just keep this BIZARRE exchange in mind for now…
Normally no “zingers” need other celebs ta “vouch for” their performance—I smell a RAT! (actually…a SWAN!—a MUTE one! More on that’ll be comin’ below) Also ALL the others’ performances were not DELETED or SCRUBBED—that alone is telling!
Now, IMHO Miz Dion performed “per the planned con” — a “game” to safe face, to go out with a bang-not-whimper, an’ initially she was indeed GAME! — but then…after THE FALL… her true feelings started ta show…
and the Illuminati / Star Chamber REPLACEMENT SYSTEM
READ THIS DOCUMENT (download below) about the BLACK SWAN SYMBOLISM in the “Black Swan” movie; it’s a no-brainer how it applies to Celine Dion—then view the imagery below it for a MATCH
Dion WILL most certainly be replaced by younger singer KELLY CLARKSON (scroll down y’all) just as NINA replaced BETH in the movie “Black Swan.”
An’ remember what I shared above, to VALIDATE that Miz Dion actually performed, we now (bizarrely) have Miz Clarkson in the role of “tearful” mentee (she who was mentored by Céline—she the protege—she the REPLACEMENT! ) but MENTEE / “menter” in French, means also to LIE!)
She, Miz Kelly, who says she’s the one all choked up—but we know it’s really Celine!
I have uploaded my “most relevant extract” from a great article by Vigilant Citizen which you can read in full HERE. Otherwise, my shorter, highlighted extract is HERE below:
Look here now folks—her “character arc” is not unlike that of many stars of stage, film, & song… an’ hence that “OPENING FINALE” (oh the apt OXYMORONIC irony!) was Miz Dion’s SWAN SONG (imho):
Céline started off so PURE, so INNOCENT—such a WHITE SWAN—as did Nina in the “Black Swan” flick—an’ then their older (nay ruthless?) HANDLERS (in Céline’s case—was it husband-impressario René? Was it Hollyweird or some other Master within? In Nina’s it was her ballet “Maestro”— took over an’ groomed their inner Black Swan — until… they too FELL. (in Miz Dion’s case: Fell / Silent…)… re the film:
fwiw, I do NOT think Céline Dion has lost her marbles… but she has lost her CROWN… AND she IS bein’ replaced, by Kelly Clarkson as I’ve covered below; it’s also (of course!) the classic story of Swan Lake, a very old tale of doubles, replacements, competition..
LOOK below how they ODDLY interviewed Miz Clarkson MULTIPLE TIMES to ask her her opinion of Céline’s Olympic performance. Céline literally gets no “medal” is the case for event performers but CLARKSON shamelessly gives her a GOLD MEDAL. “Good Job!” “A++” “Gold Star” Really? (ALSO - why not interview someone more in Miss Dion’s league like…I dunno Barbra Streisand? Dionne Warwick?)
NOPE they seek the view an’ the emotional “ties” (lies) of Celine’s younger REPLACEMENT—just like Nina’s fears of bein’ relpaced by Lily in “Black Swan”—hence a “black swan” event here too…
Céline the CYGNE (again, that’s a swan) will FADE away… (unless there’s a more dramatic / operatic end caused by her heath conditon?). Most didn’t predict it, that’s fer sure but…
Mark my WOIDS folks! It gets WEIRDER too!

FIL (our audio trooth teller Wings of Pegasus) tells us that Mis Clarkson (unlike Céline in the past) is significantly AUTO-TUNED.
Replacin’ the “real” with the “mock” (or if Miss Clarkson’s pipes are decent let’s say replacin’ the ONCE immensely talented Céline with the less immensely talented Kelly…) is the plan, now with Miz Dion’s full participation (however unwillin’, however she was FORCED inta this performance / script, CHARADE).
Miss Clarkson recently lost a bundle of weight (she lied an’ said it was dietin’ until finally admittin’ she FAKED her dietin’ an’ used Ozempic—hmmm… deese laydees all lie ‘bout their beauty secrets… an’ HEALTH!) an’ now RESEMBLES the lean MISS DION even more (see her in her blonde “do” holdin’ her 2 Grammys).
Oh the irony as Miss Dion now SURRENDERS her title to her young “cover artist.”
It’s All About Eve! (Cain’t make this stuff up folks!) The “double image” of Kelly Clarkson (shown above) singin’ with herself on American Idol (Céline’s own stompin’ ground /turf) also evokes Miss Dion’s habit of singin’ with her own DOUBLE… yep—as the mock imitates the original / real.
We can say the Piaf song Miz Dion sang (Hymne à l'Amour ) was indeed a “Torch Song” (a sentimental love song about a lost love—I’ll go inta detail below but the song is about Piaf literally losin’ her lover in a PLANE CRASH—it’s a song of mournin’)— So it’s for SURE a Torch Song and in this case there lives a double meanin’ - passin’ along the torch to the younger singer…
ALSO.. speakin’ of BLACK & WHITE SWANS—when Miz Dion started ta fall ILL a few years ago, she LITERALLY gave her lucrative Vegas Gig to LADY GAGA (who is def. not her “ilk” but who can, actually sing…) — Gaga who dresses like/performs “as” a swan! Naturally both performers do whatever the “cabal” wishes… that’s fer sure… but jus’ sayin’ that Miss Clarkson aside, a prior torch was passed…

Up until right BEFORE the plandemic she still had that singing gig in Las Vegas—she managed ta sing (we don’t know if autotune sweetened any faults as her health worsened but it was likely HER voice!). She admits to havin’ trouble DANCIN’ — so her “backup boys” managed ta help her mask this weakness—heck, I saw puhlenty of old broads—includin’ Peggy Lee!—propped up by their “boys.” It worked. But such tricks of the trade only work “so long…” VEGAS is a HUGE money-maker that had kept her bizzy with her bespoke pockets well filled for nearly 20 years! SHE LOST IT — LOST THE GIG once concert halls re-opened, post-plandemic BECAUSE she could NO LONGER SING. (Again, she literally passed “the Torch” ta Gaga—the torch bein’ her lucrative Vegas gig-)
LOSING yer main 💸 SOURCE of INCOME 💸 (way more profitable than Spotty-fry downloads) SUCKS. Folks, my guess is she NEEDED The $2 MILLION from her Olympic (non-) Performance to make ends meet or at least needs album sales; she lost her main income souce back in 2019 an’ KNEW her days on stage were numbered.
Below—you’ll see that Miz Gaga (oy that name) really got inta the BLACK SWAN character dressin’ up like the Black Swan character, evoking the film an’ embodyin’ the black swan in her music viddeyo entitled “APPLAUSE” in which she portrays MANY ROLES (likely for her handlers too!). One that stands out is her hatchin’ out of an egg as a Black Swan (complete with eye makeup an’ “smoke ‘n fire breathin’” breath!)
Of course APPLAUSE an’ oodles of devoted loyal fans are what Miz Dion ALSO lives for…she’s said as much. On the right (below) we see Miss Dion in her feathered (peacock/bird) Las Vegas-style finery prior ta passin’ along the TORCH ta GAGA.
The feathered farce continued at the Olympics where Dion’s first replacement, Gaga, performs as a PINK swan, a comical FLAMINGO, here neither black nor white (she duz both, of course) — seemingly there to simply stand in mockery of the festivities. This is the most Gay/CAMPY number ever (tacky ain’t the word fer it) with dancin’ pink powder puffs that look like—BREASTS, silly muggin’, an’ candy-colored glitz. Gaga duz her “bump ‘n grind” on the the “Yellow Brick Road” (which has jack-all ta do with Paree, Gay or not! an’ LOTS ta do with programmin’—an’ then there’s that Masonic Staircase…okay, I won’t git distracted!).
Look y’all were this done (in a slightly less risqué manner) on the Sonny & Cher Show or a Paul Lynde Holiday Special 2.0 I’d’a laffed my donkey off, but this is the OLYMPICS — it need not be solumn but dancin’ pink powder puff boobies with a singin’ “grindin’” DODO BIRD is a most UNDIGNIFIED tribute to any athletes nor could it possibly honor "La France.” It’s a BRONX CHEER! no less ignoble than Miz Dion’s egregious fakery…
Dancin’ powder puffs, KNOCKERS UP! I fer one ain’t goin’ GAGA fer this GOO-GOO! (As always “zey”—the cabal—are laffin’ at us.)
Which brings us back to Céline — this bein’ her FAREWELL performance as she WILL be replaced by both Miz Gaga (already done in Vegas) an’ Miz Clarkson (the Olympics signaled the passing of that Torch) as per above.
This forced “demise” of the Songstress it is NOT a happy moment—thus the applause an’ congrats fall on deaf ears, cryin’ shoulders, an’ a MUTE Dyin’ Swan. I believe there was some predictive programmin’ goin’ on in advance, though.
Miz Dion wore a black father headdress an’ “posed’ in dying swan position at her husband René’s funeral. He died of… THROAT cancer (of all things since his world was song…albeit his wife’s…)
NOW I don’t doubt that her grief was SINCERE but this (oddly) was a public funeral (THAT’s how important her fans are to her…) an’ there are a TON of photos of Dion as the “weeping widow” in dyin’ swan pose bent over her hubby’s coffin (I share another good one below). All “staged” for the cameras.
NOT that this never happens now, that people dramatically heave over coffins BUT usually that’d be a PRIVATE moment, not “documented,” well-photographed, an’ surely not perfectly posed / staged as it appears here). Truly the only images I could find online of widows weepin’ over coffins were from “Shutterstock” and “Alamy” (i.e. “canned” stuff) — so I “gently” suggest this funeral was part theater harkening back to an old little-seen practice AND part predictive programmin’ for her fans—to associate her with dramatic MOURNING.
Not that I judge (your funeral, yer choice ha ha!) but the entire event looked somewhat 19th Century, like a PAGEANT—so methinks this is Céline in her “black swan” role—still vital at the time (perhaps losin’ her game a bit? (WHEN did that Stiff Person Syndrome START to affect her voice?) As in the progression of all things “stardom” (including in the music biz & Hollyweird), the black swans DO get replaced with the next white ones which become black as they soar… The cycle repeats… In fact, that’s exactly the movie “Black Swan…”
So I’m just sayin’ there was some signalin’ an’ pre-staging of this torch-passin’ progression—the dying swan imagery, the literal passing of the torch in Vegas (including showing Lady Gaga as a “new” swan HATCHING from an EGG! bein’ born for “Applause!”) Gaga is a black swan with a symbolic shock of white remaining…
I’ll betcha dollars ta donuts that Céline Dion duz NOT wanna be replaced, almost as if the Black Swan & White Swan are yet inside her doin’ battle (her black and white outfits includin’ those with feathers &“wings” are worth notin’ there) and she is NOT happy with the Black Swan winnin’—as it ultimately means “its”/her demise as a star performer. She does NOT want to give up the mantle! She does not want to pass on the torch! Clearly she had to, feelin’s be damned—both due to her illness AND her “handlers” makin’ a decision “for her”…
Also, of note is that husband René is no longer present to do battle for her as would have been the case—she might even be here own manager now. There might be compromised footage of her limitin’ her power to make statements or honor her own wishes….
We see the White swan of her younger days can no longer perform—it’s literally become MUTE! /mute swans are a thing. The black one that wrested the power away from the white one initially just bowed to the cabal (more on that below—indeed Miz Dion has been compromised we know not to what extent…) but now has CHEATED—an’ Olympic sized cheat too!
Miz Dion’s TRUE fear might not be so much that she’ll be overshadowed by a younger performer but bein’ forgotten by her fans, abandoned; in the “deal with the devil” she’s made to pull a CON / an Olympic-sized HOODWINK on her public—to wrestle with presenting a fake / artificial /non-singing “dummy” version of herself…an’ to mantain such a con is indeed a DEATH! A death of her own ethics, admisson her greatest gift is GONE an’ that loss might make her second greatest gift—the adoration of her devoted fans—disappear!
She bore the cheat “gracefully” in a way, with teary eyes an’ miming her love for her fans, but we can, as I said/showed, see it in her sad eyes…
Be that bird a black swan or a crow (tho’ now the voice she cherished ain’t sumthin’ ta crow ABOUT any longer!), IMHO this IS Bye Bye.
Below, another angle on her dyin’ swan (staged? art-directed) pose at her husband’s funeral: the ballet bun, the veil, the body language is CINEMATIC (sin-o-matic too!). The “killer” heels?! whaat? Yes she’s in mournin’—sincerely, sure—but is it just for spouse (who is responsible for discoverin’ her, for her full career)? I think it’s MORE! Setting the stage for the “diamond” farewell at the Olympics (more on diamond-signifyin’ below.)
All this “posed” imagery makes me wonder if her voice was also failin’ in 2016 when her husband passed (was 2016 2+1 sixes which is 3 sixes? dunno but some folks do all that gematria biz, could be?)—Was she signalin’ a funeral for a “friend too?”—her own voice? It might be this was so as per her own memory she first had vocal issues on the “Taking Chances World Tour” back in 2008-9!
Some say Stiff Person Syndrome can take a decade ta git really bad… who knows? Remember too, when yer that famous (CLEARLY these photos are STAGED / directed) someone helps with yer outfit (costume), yer accessories…even yer public “talks” on the subject. So what we’re seein’ is MORE than just a funeral scene—Yes, I do think it’s predictive for this Olympic MOMENT, the FAREWELL we’re havin’ in 2024.
To wit—her recent comments on the passin’ of her husband are a little unusual — DEATH is not acceptable for her! So if accepting DEATH is impossible for her, acceptin’ that her zingin’ career is DEAD / ovuh ain’t gonna be easy for this one…
Right, so she does not consider herself a widow—an’ while rememberin’ the dead with photos is common (it’s been 8 years tho!), bringin’ a portable shrine ta yer loved one along with ya is…unusual. So she’s BEEN in mournin’ for years but as I said it seems like the most recent death is for HER VOICE!
“She keeps him present by putting up photos of him around the house, allowing plenty of opportunities for her children to interact with him. "They kiss the pictures," she said. But Dion also carries Angélil with her when she needs his support.”
fwiw THE “CHILDREN” are in their 20’s! this is STRANGE!
When she has to travel for appointments or treatments, Dion takes photos of Angélil with her. But she also brings him along on family trips. "My kids are always asking, 'Did you bring Papa's pictures?' And I'm like, 'Yes, I have Papa's pictures!'" she explained.
A Black Swan event is DRAMATIC and seems impossible EXCEPT in hindsight:
The “cabal” is, of course, famous for “Black Swan Events.”
Normally these events are REALLY big like, say The Stock Crash of ‘29, or 9/11, or the overthrow of the Soviet Union.
I’m arguin’ that to a smaller degree—THIS particluar Olympics of 2024 was a type of “soft” Black Swan event (or a soft coup of Western Culture at very least).
It’s interestin’ (ta say the least), this TIMING. What I see as an insultin’ly faked FAREWELL “tour”🗼 for a once sparklin’ STAR, leavin’ her voice, fame, life an’ career behind with intention ta go out with grand “fireworks” an’ a lotta applause, became a MUCH bigger FAREWELL to what we have held SACRED, DEAR, an’ NOBLE.
🗼 “tour” in French means, interestingly, both Tower AND “Turn” in French—a “turn” is a big number in showbiz…”their star turn as”…
THE BLACK SWAN EVENT you witnessed, of which Miz Dion’s faked performance is only a small indicator, is that we are saying GOODBYE to STANDARDS! not just to the OLYMPICS and their own ATHLETIC STANDARDS (witness the embarrassment of RayGun in a faux sport “Break Dancin’ ”) as we once knew and esteemed them, but also to MEANING! to gender, to honor, to pride (the real/former sense of the word) and to NATIONAL UNIQUENESS vs the “global morass” that presented itself to the world.
They’ve taken the TORCH (not just the Olympic one either!) ta BURN the PARIS we knew! Sure it’s drag queens (per the “opening numbers” not unlike the above kinda depressin’ 1990 documentary by Jennie Livingston about the sad if sometimes funny lives of the black & Latino transgender & gender-queer drag queens in the failing “alt” Vogue Ball world & culture where poverty, drugs, depression, prosty2shun, an’ yes MURDER are the norm). BUT it’s burnin’ a TRADITION (of genu-ine/jenou-ine) athletic prowess an’ a TRADITION of PARIS as the HEIGHT of GOOD CULTURE an’ GOOD TASTE (de bon goût) too.
The comparison is helpful. The film (“Paris is Burning”) itself is purdy “woke” (as is the filmmaker tho’ she got slammed back fer bein’ a white chick even tho’ she’s gay an’ gender-non-conformin’ lol as she filmed drag-queens “of color” who came from “less priviledged” backgrounds—no degree from Yale them vogue-rz) but these “performers”—not unlike the Drag Race & Drag Queen Story Hour performers of this century, were then kinda lionized—she saw the trend in the late 1980’s!—the one that now has EXPLODED all over the innertubes & airwaves. She saw not ONLY a cultural “revolution” but in a way predicted the storm-the-Bastille / tear it down! French-Revolution Style BURNING of all that was sacred which we see presented “life” for all the world to see durin’ the 2024 Paris Olympics.
Miz Livingston found this movement to be both constructive & destructive—both “fierce an’ refreshing” an’ takin’ no prisoners HELL-BENT on turnin’ good to bad, an’ ugly upside on its “beauty” head—so there she and I would differ about the wisdom of that new paradigm…
But yup, in truth, PARIS IS BURNING as we speak… (riots aside!)
An’ its CHEEKS should be burnin’ too — in SHAME!—ALL KINDS of cheeks too! (ha ha)
(a short digression…I must!)
NOT just a farewell from Miz Dion but ALSO a farewell to the PARIS “we” Americans loved too! That’s be the Paris celebrated in too many mahvelous films to list but includin’ those like An American in Paris (with hats off ta producer Arthur Freed an’ to the MASSIVE talents of composer-lyricist team George & Ira Gershwin, dancer-stars Gene Kelly & Leslie Caron, scriptwriter Alan Jay Lerner, one half — as lyricist & librettist of the famous American Musical team Lerner & Lowe, an’ the once GREAT MGM Studios:
Old Hollywood “Runner ups” on my own hits list showin’ Yankee adoration of Paris include “Funny Face” (Directed by the late Stanley Donan’s with Audrey Hepburn, Fred Astaire, the truly FAB! Kay Thompson [nee Kitty Fink lol!] featurin’ MORE fab music by the Gershwin brothers!, “Gigi,”* a Lerner & Lowe musical based on the French novel by Colette, helmed once again by the late great Vincente Minnelli an’ bringin’ back Leslie Caron with a crackerjack ensemble of talents includin’ Maurice Chevalier, Louis Jourdan, an’ a’ nuther poisonal favorite of mine, the hilarious Hermione Gingold! There’s the unforgettable Lon Chaney silent of The Phantom of the Opera — depictin’ an indelibly romantic albeit ruthless Paris. Then one last “Runner Up” in my book would be Gay Purr-ee! — a little delightful animated musical amuse bouche love letter to Paris — and l’amour!— featurin’ the music of Harold Arlen an’ starrin’ a gob-smackin’ly fantastic voice cast starrin’ Judy Garland an’ featurin’ Robert Goulet, Red Buttons, Hermione Gingold, an’ the vocal gymastics of voice-artists Paul Frees, an’ Mel Blanc. YUP, THAT was the Paris I loved! (An’ having lived there fer a couple years an’ studied there at the “Sore Bun” ‘fore it all went “south”—yes, Paris was DIVINE!)
NOT just the farewell of the retirin’ Miz Dion (full of falsi-fukation!) but ALSO to the PARIS the FRENCH loved too!
From René Claire’s 1930 love-letter masterpiece “Sous les Toits de Paris” (Under the Roofs of Paris) an’ the shorter love-carte-postale which was a treat for children an’ adults alike—Albert Lamorisse's The Red Balloon to Truffaut’s fresh nouvelle-vague/ new wave autobiographical pieces The 400 Blows an’ Jules et Jim and also his later work The Last Metro which covered Paris under the Nazi occupation starrin’ the multi-talented beauty Catherine Deneuve an’ penultimate French actor (an’ gastronome! chewin’ up scenery an’ the plats-du-jour with equal gusto!) Gérard Depardieu to Jacques Demy’s TWO candy-colored delicious bon-bon 60’s musicals The Umbrellas of Cherbourg and The Young Girls of Rochefort both featurin’ the simultaneously joyful an’ heartbreakin’ music of legendary composer Michel Legrand AND starrin’ (once more) the exquisite Catherine Deneuve with her (late) twin sister Françoise Dorléac. An’ last but not least, the mahvelous historical filmes of Claude Autant-Lara starrin’ Gérard Philipe, the French version of Douglas Fairbanks (but better lookin’!) Zut alors! Too many ta list here too!
ALL THIS TO SAY that the Olympic Satanic Feast of Fools, That Last Supper / Trannie Ho Fest of Decapitation an’ Smurf-balled Debauchery “displayed” as a celebration of “individualism” an’ lord knows what—is supposed ta be a MIDDLE FINGER to LA FRANCE an’ to the PARIS WE LOVED… Methinks this coincided perfectly with Miz Dion’s choice of SWAN SONG.. an’ her inability ta even sing it… too sad /trop triste was this DIRGE of an event.
Here I see a farewell to La France (as we once knew it) to the noble pursuit of SPORTS (as we once knew ‘em), an’ to so much more—CULTURE! (as a once-dignified arena for music, dance, theater!) an’, like I said, a farewell to the FOUNDATIONS of WESTERN CIVILIZATION an’ the “Western” FAITHS (yes, Judeo-Christian too which did have Eastern Origins but became Westernized—go argue with sum’buddy else pas moi).
We know the Olympics (as once intended) looked like a grand display of HONOR! (Honneur!)… a “final” celebration of accomplishments for a finite period of time (every four years) showing hard work and extraordinary achievements. The Greek ideals were in place, each city nobly shown as a respected “host” whose culture and accomplishments are to be honored. (1948 poster for London Games below)
BUT this year the event WAS EMPTY! Devoid of it’s true-intended meanin’, signifyin’ only the dark, the fleshy, the twisted. An’ SO MUCH FAKERY! A FAKE FINALE to a MIS-REPRESENTATION of THE WORLD AS WE KNEW IT.
Céline’s big number of course EPITOMIZED this same FAUX-FILLED FAREWELL and THAT is why it’s worth examining!
It was, as we’ve seen, a STAGED HOAX, a CON, a DUPE as were the Olympics as a whole—LIES!
She lied about her voice / her “return” but that was no worse, no less egregious than the presentation of: the UNHOLY as HOLY, of men as women, of women as men, of the DEAD as bein’ ALIVE (a talkin’ decapitated head of Marie Antoinette fer example!), of the FAKE for the REAL (such as an AI-generated narrator / portscaster Al Michaels takin’ the place of the actual one!), of tacky-trash (most of the glitsy tacky show numbers) standin’ in for genuine “Art,” of faux history replacin’ the “real” (the French Revolution as “retold” included!), of faux “stunts” replacin’ REAL athletic prowess (Tom Cruise droppin’ down in a sin-o-matic “Mission Impossible” pratfall—seriously?! an’ “drivin’ off” with the flag…), of faux performances (Aussie “Break Dancer” RayGun was good fer some serious guffaws but frankly “Break Dancin’” at the OLYMPICS?! really?!), of faux religion replaced with the FAKE (the mock Dionysian “Last Supper” at Plato’s Retreat hold the moutard [mustard] bein’ quite an outrageously bad example!)—with the most undignified events ( nekked blue Smurf Men reclinin’ à table with their kiwis hangin’ out! beheaded bloody clerics all lined up like fleurs-du-mal in the garden in front of the Conciergerie), the indignity of havin’ Olympic-level athletes swimmin’ in the doity poop-filled Seine— where said Olympic Swimmers embarrASSin’ly got really sick from swimmin’ in the literal feces-infested filthy body of water…YES that HAPPENED!)—
The new “Torch Bearers”
The “big start” of the event presented drag queens in near-ghoulish makeup with phallic torches “leading the way”—tawdry, tacky, announcin’ (with their presence) that from now on what you’ll SEE is fakery—fake women, fake boobs, faked “events,” fake hair!
THEY were not accomplished athletes (unless runnin’ in heels is a new sport!)—they clearly were SETTIN’ FIRE to decent expectations—TORCHIN’ ‘EM! Folks are all blamin’ this twit Thomas Jolly but if y’all don’t think this “pride”-addled patsy was hand picked BY the cabal an’ GOOSED to be as outrageous as possible—as INSULTIN’ as possible—then yer mistaken.
This was a PLANNED DEMOLITION (a soft “Black Swan/Coup”) of the WEST!
Now’days we are oft-hearin’ about BLACK SWAN EVENTS arguably more apocalyptic than the shameful Olympic Sh*tStorm so “thunderously” staged from Mt. Olympus (imho they should’a TORCHED the entire event as it soitenly didn’t serve its purpose in carryin’ a torch for Athletic Achievements!).
Lotsa talk ‘bout CIVIL WAR an’ CYBER ATTACKS an’ NUKES (mebbe a hoax? nukes I mean…) an’ the DOWNFALL of AMERICA (Amerika!) seems nearly Apocalyptic—worthy of “Black Swan” status. But I DO see a connection between those predicted events an’ what we witnessed in the NWO Olympics of 2024. The downfall of WESTERN CIVILIZATION an’ WESTERN RELIGIONS? Such things, “soft” as may be their televised presentation, are kinda Black-Swan-ish / doom-’n-gloomy too.
IMHO The Revolution WILL be Televised!
…it’s just that most people will be too distracted ta notice! And no longer is it OUR revolution (of sorts) but an orchestrated “color revolution” by the WEF an’ the Global Elite. In fact, I think the ‘24 Olympics were part of that planned broadcast…
Funny, it used ta be that once we thought TV was “proof of TRUTH” an’ now it’s proof of LIES!
SO many thoughts like these come ta mind— death, destruction, LOSS OF THE VOICE (our voices too!)—flyin’ around this citadel, the literal Eiffel Tower (symbolic in an’ of itself—I’ll briefly touch on that as there’s a Masonic angle to it) AND the once-noble Olympics now representin’ the DEATH of all we held sacred—in sports, in culture, in dignity.
Let’s talk about THE SONG
Hymne à l'amour (a hymn to love) - Part 2
Once ya hear the “origins” of the love song Miz Dion sant, you’ll see just how TELLING this album cover is! (look at the 2 songs below—the hymn first… the confession after!) MON DIEU!
PER WickiWackyPaedia (git a load’ve this!):
The lyrics fo the song were written by Edith Piaf with music by Marguerite Monnot. It was written to Piaf's lover and the love of her life, the French BOXER, Marcel Cerdan. On October 28, 1949, Cerdan was killed in the PLANE CRASH of Air France Flight 009 on his way from Paris to New York to come to see her. She recorded the song on May 2, 1950. The song appeared on her albums, Edith Piaf (1953), Le Tour de Chant d'Édith Piaf a l'Olympia - No. 2 (1956) and Le Tour de Chant d'Édith Piaf a l'Olympia - No. 3 (1958).
First to note:
THIS IS A HYMN to a DEAD LOVER, it’s a bit of a DIRGE (Piaf’s hill to Die-On? they say she loved no other of her many loves like this’un…) that became one of Piaf’s signature ballads. Given Céline Die-On’s own voice—dead—the added meanin’ of this particular tune is that what she loved BEST (her voice) is now also bein’ mourned in this ceremony/performance, non? In the documentary she said she loved her fans but, “this is for me…”
THIS is a HYMN to a DEAD BOXER… I’ll just say the parallel is mighty interestin’ at this particular time when Olympic-hopeful “girl” boxer Imane Khelif… (who has male chromosomes an’ “might” have served in the Algerian Army as a dude)… is all over the funny papers over the GENDER MESS that’s causin’ a stir in women’s sports. Angela Carini who boxed with Khelif, ended the game early fearin’ for “her life” so she said. IMHO there’s MORE ta all this than what we’re seein’—folks who trained this hard, that long don’t just step down… SO there’s that… BUT… IF Imane is a fella, he could indeed be a dead boxer / dead-as-a-boxer too—as cross dressin’ in Muslim Algeria IS a death sentence if he’s really a fella in drag AND his/her career as a boxer could be dead if he lied… just notin’ the parallel…
The song was originally performed at—of all places—The OLYMPIA Theater—The Olympia is a famous Parisian Music Hall / Theater (there were / are many tho’!) — but the name, of all theaters…. interestin’ coincidence I guess— The iconic song was also performed at the Tokyo Olympics in 2020
The song is about singing thru PAIN! And MEDICATIN’ the pain too! Now, clearly it speaks to Miz Dion, deeply (again, she’s been singing this for decades!) but Edith Piaf (scribe & performer of the song) fought alcoholism an’ also…. after one of many car accidents developed a morphine dependency ta “fight the pain.”
Dion, as we know, suffers from SPS (Stiff Person Syndrome) an’ mentions in one interview as havin’ been on as many as 80 pills a day an’ havin’ ta wean herself off the pain meds. Piaf too spent time in the French equivalents of the Betty Ford clinic from the 1950’s until her untimely death from liver cancer (likely booze related).
Two ladies druggin’ away their PAIN…both with significant HEALTH issues.
Piaf was known for her ravaged-but-heartfelt voice. Dion’s voice formerly was neither pained nor fulla gravel… until NOW…
On the “scratch track” picked up by the cell phone in Viddeyo 2 (shared above by Wings of Pegasus) you’ll hear her sound far more like La Piaf than the Céline we know—albeit way more off key than Edith… Céline cain’t hit the dang notes any more…An’ to state the obvious, both laydees sang the SAME SONG for YEARS…
Dion (we’ll cover this down below) shilled for the CABAL; we don’t know how dark she got, what she “Had to Do for Love”… or what kinda “contracts” she had ta sign) but as I’ll show—her globalist NWO Satanic clothin’ line an’ her posin’ with the covered eye (of Horus, her devil-horn hands…), etc. all say she kinda had ta “whore herself out” ta achieve what she wanted.) Edith’s maman abandoned her at birth so she grew up, in part with her gran’ma who ran a brothel in Normandy an’ granny’s “girls” helped raise little Edith.
Piaf started singin’ in public at a young age, 14 an’ was “taken advantage of” by many men — Dion started her career at just 12 and an’ the older producer that discovered her—René Angélil—later became her husband. BOTH LADIES were songbirds to older “tomcats.”
Okey dokey—so we know the (🦢swan🦢) song was more than APT for Céline—in meanin’ an’ vocally too…
— NOT a joyful “RETURN”
So now with understandin’ of the HUGE CON, how were were played an’ nearly nobuddy noticed, let’s move onta the MASONIC angle to this Olympic-sized PLOT against “us” an’ what we held as noble and important:
FINALLY! What y’all been waitin’ fer—an’ boy golly there’s a LOT of it! Illuminati, Satanic, Masonic mayhem is the undercurrent of much of her signalin’ — now an’ historically too!

First, let’s start with Céline herself an’ her NEW WORLD ORDER Satanic Children’s Clothing Line which starts with Céline, wearing a silver “diamond”💎 dress ridin’ in a chauffeured limo—it’s a dress LIKE the one she sang in at the Olympics—then suddenly she’s “all in black” getting TACKLED violently but sayin’ “it’s okay” to her captors, adding absurdly that she CANNOT SPEND THE NIGHT IN JAIL because she’s Céline Dion (as if ya cain’t arrest a twisted Satanist if she’s THAT famous what?!—YES that! thanks fer tellin’ us!) :
💎 see below what I gotta say ‘bout wearin’ DIAMOND dresses!
In her sartorial gender-free future under “The New Order of Growth of 2018” tag-line, she tells us in her “promo” viddeyo that our children are not OURS! (oooh KlausSchwabbykins, zey ahr all yours, all yours!)
She carries with her, NOT a “Red Cross” of healin’ (or of Switzerland, land of the WEFfers!—an’ yes I know the Red Cross is captured too…), but ruther a MEDICAL BAG bearin’ a white-on-black cross which imho means the INVERSE of HEALING! Of un-healin’ or UNDOING—it’s reversal of known iconography. (Also ressembles the Greek & Maltese crosses but I think it’s more the former / above…) She caresses the MEDICAL BAG of Non-HEALING inappropriately—as if it were (pardonnez moi) a fetish object.
Wearin’ all black an’ lace up “bondage boods” an’ struttin’ inta the hoss-spit-all like she owned it—the plungin’ neckline makin’ her both un-motherly AND un-holy an’ sort of like a sexualized predator—she speaks cooly of motherhood as bein’ so YESTERDAY in way that’d creep out any NORMAL parent!
She explains that these “children” OWN the future (even as we might be nostalgic for the past) an’ then she blows BLACK DIAMOND DUST onta them. (‘Member them 💎DIAMONDS💎, I’ll git ta that soon!)
The dust TRANSFORMS the “pink/girl an’ boy/blue” of the cold hospital nursery (with all in incubators like it’s a factory!) to make all the babies GENDER-NEUTRAL Black + White an’ on the walls appear both WHITE & BLACK CROSSES. It’s a unholy dark scene with some kinda black Cerberus devil dog (with eyes in the back of its head—on the flankin’ both left & right)—in this scene that better resembles HADES than any kind of normal baby “ward.”
Miss DieOn’s black magic “killed GENDER” in the dark creepy WARD an’ brought on the NEW ORDER (aka NWO) in which gender-neutral baby on the right wears (pix below) with it’s little SKULL X-RAY CAP which means that these little babes are medical PATIENTS first—with skulls that can be SEEN-THRU / X-ray-diated, Xperimented ON… ah that satanic demonic X again! —but the other gender-neutral babe on the left wears “black stars” which are not just for fun either…★★★
★★★In ancient Egypt, the Black Star was known as the “Dog Star” or Sirius (see those dog “mascots” in the clip above). The Black Star was also associated with the goddess Isis, who was believed to have a connection to the star. Isis was also associated with the afterlife, and the black star was thought to represent the gateway to the underworld. (Isis is a Goddess that figures BIG TIME in the Egyptian / Babylonian “Mysteries” an’ in the Dark Symbology all over Paris itself!—a bit on that below) So this is the STAR of MORTALITY, the STAR of the AFTERLIFE that the baby on the left is STAMPED WITH. Death to babies as we knew ‘em then—rebirth as gender-neutral cyborgs, what?! The black star is also associated with MYSTERY & TRANSFORMATION. In (non-Egyptian) occult practices, the black star is often associated with the concept of the abyss, or the void. Ah, that’s nice for a newborn… tho’ these babies are not exactly newborns if ya noticed—WHY are they bein’ kept THERE that long if they are not SICK? Experiments? Or is it like BRAVE NEW WORLD where they’re all grown in test tubes (or “drawers”) an’ mature much faster? Last mention—a black “star” tattoo honors the death or loss of a loved one—these babies are all more ‘er less tattoo’d ain’t they?
At the END of the VIDDEYO the Hoss-Spit-All Suck-Your-Itty “Guards” tackle Miss Dion because she’s not supposed ta be there (clearly)—with her Medi-CULL bag an’ black demon-diamond dust—or is that stuff BLACK GRAPHENE? BLACK GOO? is it THAT?!
So… again, she tells them to RELAX (relax?!) an’ that they cannot arrest her because she’s Céline Dion —as in “certain” famous people are PROTECTED an’ can BREACH otherwise PROTECTED SPACES. She is implyin’ that she should not be CAUGHT or ARRESTED for her BLACK MAGIC, then? Are hoss-spit-alls all paid off too?
The guards joke (not recognizin’ her) an’ the female guard asks her if she (Dion) thinks she (the guard) is BEYONCÉ ?! I.e. in jest, implyin’ that Beyoncé WOULD BE ALLOWED in that space… (U bet she would too!)
Wull that’s an “in joke” known ta most of us, right? I mean of all celebs, BEYONCÉ ?!
Beyoncé is like the Illuminati Signal CHEERLEADER fer gawdsakes… Below she’s the “sun goddess” in a halo, PREGNANT like the famous Mary (the holy one) — but she plays both Mary roles (the “ho” too!)—see below her own twisted take on the “LAST SUPPER” an’ of COURSE she’s always doin’ them hand signals—below with handler Jay Z who does the “devil horn hand signal” while she does the 666 sign of Lucifer:
Compare the above: Beyoncé’s own uber risqué LAST SUPPER “on tour…” with the “feast” below showin’ the “LAST TANGO SUPPER IN PARIS” from the ‘24 Olympics. (Oh Mary!)
Cain’t make this up folks!
BACK TO HER LINE of… (sorry cain’t resist) DUDS!
No idear how well this stuff “sold” but who the heck would put a baby in a truly “skeery” skull onesie, who might cover their wee heads in DEVIL HORNS an’ black stars (which, as per my research above, mean mortality an’ the Isis cult!) or would deck’em out in duds that say “NEW ORDER” (as in NWO) or broadast a giant “A” for…what? Anarchy? I dunno but it’s dark, creepy, an’ not one bit cute. Twisted would be the most flatterin’ word I guess..
The chump’any’s still in bizness with a “flagship store” on Madison Ave. in NYC, many more in Chynnna, one in Taiwan, an’ one in Israel. I say “chump’any” as ya gotta be some kinda fool-chump ta over-pay for such twisted, ugly, an’ illuminati-infused ready-to-“scare wear.” Who’d wanna take their tots shoppin’ HERE?! (“flagship” store below)
Home home on the deRANGEd… the “mutha” company’s home page:
In their advertisin’ it seems it’s not JUST the clothes they’re sellin’—it’s the KIDS!
REALLY—how kin Miz DieOn NOT know the kinda message she’s sendin’? Of COURSE she knows. (Even if it was compelled?) Was it part’ve her CONTRACT (with Ol’ Scratch???)—was it in exchange for somethin’? Mebbe a bargain that her kiddos wouldn’t be TRANSformed or “sacrificed” if she put out fer NUNUNU? or …
MEBBE it was like Ursula stealin’ the voice & legs of The Little Mermaid??? (Miz Dion kinda lost both anyway with her “Stiff Person Syndrome”…didn’t she?…an’ that’s even AFTER puttin’ out fer the cabal at least “after a fashion!”) hmmmmm
Also, WHAT IS NUNUNUNU???? this lifestyle / fashion / New Order?
Is it: New-New-New as in NWO-New? (simple, right?! everything NEW out with the “olds?”)
or CELINE NEW NEW NEW NEW! — the coolest anti-gender anti-nurturin’ mom-in-black?Takin’ a look at the nu-nu-nu-nu “parent” comp’ny name (ha ha!): “NUNUNUWORLD” could also be:
NU NUN U WORLD — New NONE YOU World? (a world in which yer nothin’)
NuNuNuNu could sounds like “babytalk” for No!No!No!No!—as in what a small child might say if, fer example, someone was harmin’ in or drainin’ their blood ‘fore takin’ away their life…? Sick I know but these NAMES are not by accident!
Or is there some kinda in-joke code for stuff that sounds like — NOONOO?
NooNoo is the artificial “parent-vacuum” from the (equally dystopian) TeleTubbies show (where the “children” have no parents an’ have teevees inserted in their tummies an’ antennas on their heads an’ cross dress!?! yup!) 🤖
🤖 Teletubbies creator /producer Anne Wood also created “BoohBah” wherein candy-colored characters that look like what would happen if ya melted the TeleTubbies an’ cross-pollinated them with Evil Grimace also live “parent-less” an’ are robotically controlled—nice this NWO programmin’, no? or NU?
Would YOU want THIS as your parent???!!!! (I’d say No No No!)
An’ the similarly soundin’ NouNours (‘member now Céline is French-Canadian) means “teddy bear” in French an’ we KNOW ‘bout them Balenciaga “Bondage Bear” NouNours, don’t we? (one below) Eeeee! (Interestin’ly they sported pink & blue mixed up eyes kinda like the mixed up pink & blue gender mayhem in Celinununu’s viddeyo above…) So, yup, fer a time there was a whole dark-sickko-kids’ fashion thing an’ Céline Dion was smack dab in the middle of it—with its notes of Satanic Ritual Abuse, TransHumanism, an’ the NWO where children are a gender-neutral twisted product of the state… yeah, that “trend”…
Movin’ right along…
Directly below are those dang dark crosses again… kids dressed like druids or cult worshippers on the left! Playin’ “BAPHOMET” in the middle (oh whut fun!) an’ on the right—we have a boy with a giant skull MEMENTO MORI! (as in remember me when I DIE!) an’ the black stars of mortality / Isis deckin’ out his leggings (which look BOTH ill-fittin’ an’ fugly).
I don’t wonder that Miz Dion’s line of clothin’ was ruther a LEXICON of New Order/Death Cult ideology an’ ILLUMINATI SYMBOLOGY —than actual “play clothes” fer kids—though “zey” are playin’ WITH US watchin’ it all… an’—with the kids too. No doubt. With their bodies AND minds.
ALSO: no kids I’ve ever known would be…wait fer it…caught DEAD wearin’ this stuff! (mebbe that’s the point????)
Laura Ingraham on FOX NEWS did a nice (if somewhat naive an’ slightly clueless) exposé of the clothing line which includes (here / below) the line’s kinda butch “gender-queer” founders, joined by Dion, an’ tellin’ her with confiDENSE that they’re trying to shape the growth of all human beings in a New Order — egads.
"Demonic Designs"
An’ yet the line was TOUTED for a time—in all the “moms” magazines (online) an’ on all the fashist (er… fash’in-ish) sites… (my emphasis):
“Calling all moms and dads who love gender-neutral and nontraditional baby attire: Céline Dion just announced the launch of her very own kids' clothing line with an epic video (removed! -ed) that depicts her getting arrested(!) in her quest to free babies from the gender norms assigned to them by parents who place them in pink and blue clothing at birth.
Whoa, Céline—way to make a splash. But the Canadian singer—and mom of three—has strong feelings about this, which is why she decided to partner with alternative (and celebrated) kids clothing brand Nununu to launch her first-ever gender-neutral kids line called Célinununu.
The collection has pieces for babies and children ages 0 months to 14 years and features a minimalistic color palette, plus a range of letters, symbols and slogans (like "New Order," a nod to her video)—all part of her quest to break down stereotypes and help children speak freely through their clothes.
[Daisy’s take / rewordin’:
her quest to break down children an’ help stereotypes speak through their clothes!]Brava, Céline. If you need us, we'll be buying all the onesies.
Er... I guess they didn’t buy enuf onesies ta keep the chumpany afloat cuz Célinununu became CélinNO!NO!NO! ; I mean it’s GONE! The PARENT company (NuNuNuWorld is still there—as are their stores—but Célinununu is outta bizness it appears… or / but…
Was it ONLY an’ EVER meant ta be a temporary fever dream for the cabal? to suck us in an’ spit us out out fer a time? I wonder…
But I will share this photo—Miz Dion looks SAD / MISERABLE in her Eye-ball of Horus shirt, with the kids in their skull hats an’ Black Stars of Isis an’ Satanic Crosses… Is THIS how you would pose if ya were happy ‘bout yer product line? IMHO it looks like she did this begrudgin’ly—it’s like givin’ the finger to the photographer, no? Again, I think she was given NO CHOICE in the matter…
I don’t mean RHINESTONES… (Dion & Diamond Symbolism)
So back ta Céline herself in Masonic/Cabal land. I wanna FIRST mention that the SILVERY DIAMONDS in BOTH her Paris performance gown AND her git-up in the creepy NWO Clothing Line viddeyo shown HERE suggest DIAMOND PROGRAMMING and SIGNALING:
First, ta understand the bigger picture of where DIAMONDS (not rhinestones!) fit inta the programmin’ schemes of all these Monarch / SRA “victims” which make up purdy much now our “pantheon” of Stars (“Goddesses?”) let’s cover JEWEL(s) PROGRAMMIN’ FIRST:

So this programmin’ alone is not for the faint hearted. IMHO like many musicians, Céline Dion sold her soul (an’ likely her body too, also her integrity) in exchange for reachin’ the highest level of fame. It’s the story of “Black Swan” as I’ve covered above but it’s a tale as old as time. Her Icarus-like fall is all the more poignant as she likely sacrificed SO MUCH! I think the fall was softened at the Olympics by a MSM “feather bed,” but it’s possible they’ll pull out the mattress eventually an’ reveal the con (as I do here but I’m just a lil’ drop in the ocean of information right?)
Let Carol Channing tell y’all!—She’s the BEANS! An’ nope, I do NOT think every fine laydee wearin’ diamonds—rings or blings—are programmed includin’ the charmin’ Channing! but it IS something ta THINK ABOUT. Now as for Marilyn Monroe—as the viddeyo above mentions—an’ yup, even Brittany—it’s a YES—she an’ other top notch “Presidential Model” / fully BETA PROGRAMMED Monarch Slaves like her are DEFINITELY “diamond programmed.” So is Miz Dion Diamond Programmed? Given the viddeyo she produced? LIKELY. Is she signalin’? Yes. An’ imho the “black diamonds” in her viddeyo are indeed GRAPHENE to make the “babies of the future.” They too mature VERY FAST. Moving right along…
DIAMOND PROGRAMMING in Satanic Ritual Abuse (per Svali)

I will add too that the “DIAMOND DUST” she blows upon the cribs in her creepy fashion viddeyo (a mix of diamond silver sparkels & black sparkles—graphene? black goo?) is FOR THE CHILDREN as if in this moment she’s passin’ on the “illuminati” jewel-gifts to the next generation… as if this too is an early “training session” which erases gender an’ proves the children do NOT belong to the parents (but ruther to their handlers & programmers!)
And while we’re on the DARK SUBJECT of the CHILDREN—sacrificin’ them to the CABAL in ways we don’t wanna know! Let’s cover the very freaky invention of turnin’ DEAD BODIES inta DIAMONDS!
Read about this gruesome finery HERE and HERE — that there are many more “providers,” that this is bein’ NORMALIZED is quite DARK!
And ain’t it reassurin’ (not) that this completely bizarre creation is “precision SWISS MADE?“
Invented in SWITZERLAND by a fella named Rinaldo Willy (are y’all surprised by the country or the name?! — the lands where the Illuminati play & rule the world…)
I have read more than one disturbin’ account of sacrificed children bein’ turned inta diamonds to be worn as bobbles or possibly as “memento mori” by:
a) parents who were forced by the cabal ta have their first-borns murdered at the altar and
b) gloatin’ SRAbuses who delight in the idea that they can “wear” the child whose body they defiled, whose blood they drank… Some like to WEAR these sacrificed wee ones (some gutted for adrenochrome) like TROPHIES, not unlike the “Red Shoe Club.”
SICK is way too mild a term for this—but we must WONDER how many “diamond children” are bein’ worn on chains, in ears, on fingers… and just how GRUESOME these people who wear such fashions are…
This twisted practice of course gives the Bohemian Grove’s “Cremation of Care” in quite a new & lurid light…
Speakin’ of ASHES…
Miz Dion had a HUGE hit with her song ASHES that was featured in the movie “Deadpool 2” (which thankfully I’ve not seen—this poster is enough! The movie plot, however, seems both predictive an’ worth a look in this vein of symbolism. Bringin’ back THE DEAD is of course part of the Cult of Isis. Also, there are DOUBLES in the film (very Dion-ysian, eh?), there is something called an “X Mansion” (the letter X bein’ masonic, symbolically…an’ now SO popular thanks ta social meedia), there’s a character named Colossus (as in "The New Colossus" which is an’nuther name for the Statue of Liberty which was designed by a mason and is imbued with masonic symbolism), then there’s another character named "Cable" (Cabal?) a cybernetic i.e. transhuman soldier from the future whose family is slaughtered and who returns from the dead to also commit murder, there are orphans (that's popular now in the traffickin’ world!), there’s a "Mutant Re-education Center"(is that for us truthers?), and a prison for mutant criminals called "The Ice Box" (Antarctica? Freezing for later use????—hey they’re already doin’ it!) This sounds like the NWO ta me… Finally at the end—there's an alternate ending (kinda like the two endings in how people interpret Black Swan…) wherein the dead are saved in time travel and thus there's an "alternate version of the screenplay." WHOO! So apart from clickin’ off checkboxes fer the Illuminati, ASHES seems ta be a command performace for Miz Dion.
Wearin’ DIAMONDS on both her ears & necklace (an’ lookin’ like an AI Stepford Wife if ever there was one…) — the poster below shows a body (hers?) in TWISTED TRANSFORMATION.
Are ASHES bein’ made into DIAMONDS? HOW is “beauty” as she sings coming “out of the ashes?”
The lyrics (by DION) are also quite tellin’….
I dunno ‘bout you but this ASHES poster reminded me of something EQUALLY CREEPY. On the sculpture below, the body-position is bein’ forced / twisted in near-identical fashion is that on the ASHES release poster… EXCEPT this one is BEHEADED (bringin’ us back ta the opening number of the Olympics!):
The “Arch of Hysteria” (by an artist I otherwise DO like—Louise Bourgeois) seems EXCEEDINGLY disturbin’ in the home of the Podestas (given Pizzagate & those “Brothers Grim”). Are people—women? children? tortured this way? Did Miz Dion have ta create a song about ASHES for the cabal? Why does the poster look like tech and pills are “transforming” this blinded human into something? Is that not now how the NWO hopes ta transform us human “beans” into their cyber robots of the future?
Here’s CÉLINE in DIAMONDS showin’ yall the DEVIL HORN HANDS!
(double yer signalin’ double yer fun)
Clearly her handlers were WATCHIN’! And wuther that was “her” or some AI/masked “version” of “her” on that tower, we are SHOWN in no uncertain terms the MK ULTRA / SRA PROGRAMMIN’ — “DIAMOND PROGRAMMIN’ “ of the highest order (read below) that PROVES that Miz Dion is an ASSET of the CABAL (as if the New Order viddeyo wasn’t enuf?) an’ must signal to Lucifer or “his” equivalent. Here too she also wears diamond rings & ear “cuffs” (which are not the same as her audio earpiece) but are visible in some photos…
And of course, this isn’t new signalin’—she’s been doin’ it for quite some time (on the left the black/white checkerboard patter of her sweater is also the floor of the Masonic Temple representin’ the duality of human nature “as” explained by masonry). Also in the center image we have “rays” like the Sun God (a harkenin’ back ta Ra?) or one might say the points of Lady Liberty who, also, is not what she seems (I’ll briefly touch on that too)
A-OK? the 666 sign
This one of course means Lucifer / 666 (each finger the “stem” of a 6) but I already covered it “above” so just scroll up fer a reminder…
Next we got to:
(really…do! “zey’d” like it velly much if ya did! with fava beans an’ a good Chianti!)
Remember THIS heart signalin’ from up-top? It looks all SWEET an’ all ‘bout LOVE, don’t it?
Ya also find it here:
OKAY, here’s what it means - y’all (Have a Ba’al y’all !!!!):
So when mix Céline makes her “sweet little heart” she’s not sendin’ love yer way no matter what’cha think; she’s signalin’ ta “her” cabal / her handlers that she’s follerin’ directions well an’ pledging her devotion to the DEVIL in the form’a BEEZEBUB/Lord of the Flies / Ba’al. Ditto fer the other Olympic performers—cuz even if they don’t KNOW they just foller “orders.”
Back in the day when singers wanted to send sum’ lovin’ BACK to their audience they’d blow a kiss or mime one with a big Mwwwah! or they’d hug themselfs good to show the love they feel! (an’ send it back) Folks fergit that we could EASILY show love back without illuminati signals… WE HAD INNOCENT BODY LANGUAGE !
Now I feel young’uns are so steeped in the masonic/satanic symbolism they cannot read or recognize let alone communicate in what was once (innocent, meanin’ful) universal body language!
a smorgasbord note:
NOTE: there’s a mix of Masonic & Illuminati/Satanic imagery wherever we see these GESTURES because the former (Masonic) imbues that latter an’ then the latter informs the former (eg. ancient Babylonian / Egyptian mysteries inform Masonry)—so here when sharin’ what I’m seein’ I play a bit fast an’ loose with thiss signifyin’ as what I notice in watchin’ Miz Dion’s performance AND the others “Olympiques”— shows the same dark mix—of metaphors an’ symbols.
THE APPRENTICE: Fowl / Foul Play indeed!
I’ve mentioned the SWAN metaphor (mute an’ otherwise) & the Swan Song symbolism and shown the Black Swan / White Swan scenarios Celine (an others like Lady Gaga) play out in their “feathered finery.” Here, I’m callin’ FOUL play / FOWL play with her wearin’ FEATHERS an’ one leg of her pants hitched up in a an’ fashion-posin’ that CLEARLY imitates a Masonic INITIATION! Note that her “shoes” are slippers—so in a way she’s kinda “barefoot” like the initiate depicted. The “anklet” stands in for the “rope” by which she’d be led. Note TOO that her sunglasses act quite conveniently as the “blindfold” which the initiates must wear ‘fore the see the light. For some reason Miz Dion signals BOTH as an initiate AND as havin’ some MASTERY in the system—such as by bein’ allowed ta wear diamonds. Perhaps on this day they wanted to HUMBLE her an’ make’er look ridiculous (the outfit is absurd) so they droped down her “signalin’”—but know that SOMEONE makes these outfit choices as DECISIONS!
Gettin’ back ta the hand signalin’—at the Grammy’s (where I’m CONVINCED Miz Dion had at least one double speakin’ fer her…) we see a very odd two-handed gesture that ONLY makes sense two ways: a) indigestion! or 2) masonic symbolism—so this is the Sublime Knights’ Elected sign—it’s actually an HONOR awarded for “zeal and constancy.” So I guess that day she or her sub. performed her/their job with the right mix of enthusiam an’ consistency?
GRAND SALUTE of the Royal Arch
The Royal Arch Masonic degree “is said by many to be the most beautiful degree in all of Freemasonry.Freemasons who reach this degree may continue to Cryptic Masonry or go straight to Knights Templar (where permitted). My understandin’ is that it’s part of the YORK RITE an’ signalin’ it honors those “high up” in standin’. The “Imperfections” video is interestin’ as it’s like a LEXICON of Masonic hand signals…
Here we got the DEVIL HORNS again but also the legs form the:
Masonic “Square” + Compass (enclosed in a circle)
She’s doin’ them devil horns again but what grabbed my attention here is what her body’s doin’, forming the masonic square & compass…
The code of SILENCE! aka “She ain’t tellin’!”
I already mentioned “omerta”—the vow of silence! Nobuddy initiated inta the cabal may ever TELL any secrets, the penality is (usually) DEATH. Céline ain’ jokin’! (she signals the sssh! gesture often)
Blinded (by the light)
The hoodwink or eyes covered with a blindfold are usually part of the Masonic initiation ceremony wherein darkness comes before enlightenment. the bold RAYS of light suggest that knowledge outside of the blindfold.
My guess is that Miz Dion was initiated inta the CULT long ago but her signalin’ to “honor it” is mandatory. We see many other musical talents havin’ ta do the same.
Eye of Horus
And again, the ONE EYE the Eye of Horus is different from coverin’ BOTH eyes. It means protection an’ spiritual healing WITHIN the occult an’ has both DARK an’ LIGHT Magical Meaning:
Céline’s TRUE Sacrifice or “the pain in the neck!”
Actually it’s a Rosicrucian DEGREE sign and a RITUAL!
This is also a signal of SILENCE in that the neck grasp means SPEAK NO EVIL (or at least don’t give away secrets!) or else you might be drawn & quartered! See who else has taken a VOW OF SILENCE!
Below, the two handed gesture exactly as you see in the illustration:
A one-handed variation…

Which you see here above is not only Miz Dion signifyin’ this sign of ritual SACRIFICE (in a regrettable mistaken though possibly “predictive” headline that actually got sent out in 2023) but the same signal bein’ used by foundin’ father / loyal mason! Ben Franklin who took a LOT of secrets to his GRAVE! —an’nuther tale fer another time! (This portrait hangs in the White House, yall!)
I think this image that also draws on a fashion pose from Miz Dion’s creepy clothing line sums up the LOYALTY to the CABAL! Whatever they know they shall not hear, see, or speak evil about… wull, the DARK SIDE! Their tormentors! Their HANDLERS! Their ABUSERS! Their CONTROLLERS!
All the more tragic ta see little kids indoctrinated inta this signifyin’—this IS “on Célline”… it’s her clothing line, however compelled she was ta create it…
I’m SURE there is more—much more—but this is just a START to show us her irrefutable connections with “The Cabal” which play right inta the CON on us—she didn’t sing, she likely didn’t even lip sync that night (given the rotten weather). She did not PLAY but we were FULLY PLAYED!
In summary…
I’m a good will kinda gal. But I don’t give a pass to anyone that just escapes scruitiny by claimin’ “personal sufferin’” ‘til I know their story. Yes, she suffers, but her fans? ALL who BELIEVED in her comeback?
An’ thus I withhold my judgement for Céline Dion, but I don’t give her a free pass…no sirree.
While EVERYONE an’ his BROTHER has been talkin’ ‘bout the mockery of the “Last Supper” or John Lennon’s “Commie-themed” Imagine bein’ played on repeat while pianos burn… it seems near-NOBUDDY (‘cept me an’ mebbe Winged Pegasus) gave Céline Dion — with her grande sob story— an’thin’ but LOVE.
Pas moi! I cain’t ignore what I know! I have every sympathy fer her once-ample talents (tho’ I’ve personally never been a true fan of her material or style of zingin’)—she once had a BEAUTIFUL voice an’ that—we kin argue—is a DIVINE GIFT! An’ I’ve no doubt that she worked hard as heck to practice, train, an’ take the best care of her “instrument” as we performers call the voice.
BUT even if she got roped or even hog-tied inta the cabal—we cannot know what she’s done. She has not come out as a whistle blower or shown any sign of SAVING children. Can we say she’s a “good soul?” She certainly didn’t try ta fight back or speak out as some have done (Anne Heche an’ Issac Kappy are two who did—the former lost her life for doin’ so an’ supposedly the latter one did too tho’ some say he went inta Witness Protection). I know with children that’s a risk mebbe she could not take. Anyway…Miz Dion may just be one more laydee who sold her soul ta the devil for FAME an’ FORTUNE.
But I’ve no question that she would do near-ANYTHING for LOVE of her MUSIC an’ her gift of song:
Given the children’s clothin’ line an’ her signalin’ (one eye covered) on at least two of her albums not ta mention at the Olympics where she signed both devotion to the Devil an’ ta Beelzebub and LIED (cheated!) about doin’ that NOT-live performance… wull, let’s say I have my DOUBTS ‘BOUT HER integrity.
Was she involved in traffickin’? Did she participate in the sacrifices? Did she chug adrenochrome? Did she do more than just perform for the Bohemian Grove types, the Sultans an’ Dick-taters (ha!) so as ta help their globalist blackmailers git some juicy footage?
It’s one thing ta only compromise yerself (not noble but not near as reprehensible than lettin’ children die). WHAT she’s done—IF she’s gone beyond hurtin’ only herself—we may never know.
But what I DO know is this:
Céline Dion has most likely "Died Vocally" an’ certainly "Lied Vocally" and DID NOT PERFORM at the Olympics
and the CON that was pulled on her fans—on all of us—is (I worry) indicative of future cons to come—political cons included.
Voices will be SUBSTY-TOOTED!
Bodies will be “REPLACED” with hollow-”grahams” an’ AI imagery.
LITTLE will be real.
THIS WAS A TEST. Most of the world failed it—they didn’t even NOTICE.
Et tu Céline?… I can even hear her AI/Autotune covering it now:
Meatloaf: “I Would Do Anything for Love”
Excerps from the famous lyrics:
And I would do anything for love
I'd run right into hell and back…
[Girl:] (Golly, Céline herself could be sayin’ this…-ed)
Will you hold me sacred
Will you hold me tight
Can you colorize my life
I'm so sick of black and white!
Can you make it all a little less old
I can do that!
Oh, Oh, I can do that!
Will you make me some magic with your own two hands?
Can you build an Emerald city with these grains of sand?
Can you give me something I can take home?
I can do that
I can do that
(It just happened—the vocally sweetened performance “staged” at the Olympics—the youthful “substy-toot” — ALL THAT was the magic…-ed)
NOTE: In the song there’s a refrain, “But I won’t do that…”
Meatloaf gave a cryptic explaination in later years but it made no sense (he said it means he wouldn’t fergit the girl…but that’s not what the song is about)… I THINK the “but I won’t do that” is something dark… something maybe the cabal wanted him ta do? I dunno but seems Anthony Bourdain “did THAT” for love (for diva of darkness an’ light—Asia Argento) an ended up dead (“suicided”) hangin’ from a doorknob at Le Chambard Hotel in Kaysersberg-Vignoble, France. I’m purdy sure his (Bourdain’s) “did THAT” was cannibal cookery fer the satanists…an’ he felt he needed ta make things RIGHT…
What we do know…
ALL yer readin’ has been FALSE… there was NO triumphant performance…
The only triumph was in the CON that FOOLED most of her fans, most of the world public.
That’s my story, I’m stickin’ to it!
An’ maybe Miz Dion is singin’ this ballad now (at home, off key cuz nobuddy’s hearin’ her…), now that she’s back home from her GIANT PANTO show…. but maybe she’s singin’ this ol’ chestnut?
(fwiw this is NOT young Frank, it’s old Frank..my Gosh it’s still FABULOUS):
shoutin’ it out from the highest “tower!” F is for FAKE!
thanks fer bein’ here ya’ll!
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful!
ps an’ if ya wanna spread the word ‘bout this since nobuddy’s talkin’ ‘bout it by all means DO!
America, too, has likely been sold a bill ‘a goods for a looong time:
The Statue of Liberty may be female but to some who know their history she’s BASED on the pagan Roman Sun God SOL INVICTUS and his pagan CULT… if the god was MALE an’ LIBERTY is a lady — THEN we have a cross dresser there! (oy) Did Bartholdi, a MASON representing La France, play us? Was this a cruel joke? Or just one artist takin’ INSPIRATION from an old image—something quite common? Askin’ not tellin’ here as this stuff’s not nearly as “clear cut” as the “signalin’ “ we witnessed above.
Is she still the EXQUISITE GIFT we’ve all trusted her ta be? The statue itself is a beauty an’ has formed its own meanin’ apart from this stuff—that’s for sure… but lookin’ at these “SUN GOD/ess” images we might wonder, no?
Especially when we see who is PLAYING “pagan GOD / pagan Goddess” in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower?
Others insist our Lady Liberty was based on an ancient Roman goddess named Libertas, a goddess of freedom and liberty (er, that sounds better, no?) Others say based on the Goddess “Columbia” - a.k.a. Isis and/or Sibyl.
There is yet another (darker) theory that Lady Liberty is based on a 1797 portrait of Lucifer—you be the judge… but there is facial likeness… then again it’s that “Greek ideal” that applies to all of the “pantheon.”
Another rendering, here compared to a scupture…
And then we have “Marianne”—the French icon of liberty who LED the burnin’ of the Bastille, who is a bloody fierce human MASCOT for French Revolution leadin’ the way to MURDER the monarchs; not just her “ray crown” but also her TORCH is much like LIBERTY’s, no? Are they sisters of a sort?
Some say Marianne—famous for her bared breasts and signature “red cap” was a “ho” or prostitute. The controversy lasted quite some time until she became a more “maternal” symbol of The Republic and…well, WAR? In contrast, Joan-of-Arc, the other lady heroine who did battle, was the chaste, religious symbol of La France. Thus we can still wonder about the beloved “knockers-out” Marianne, no?
This tangent has, of course a CONNECTION between both PARIS and AMERICA!
And we cannot fergit the fact the Miz Dion’s BIG CONcert (a con on all of us, certainly…) took place “on” the Eiffel Tower! Visually it’s hard ta ignore!
So FREEMASON Eiffel constructed the framework for Lady Liberty—an’ also (if I recall) THE BASE too.
And… that Lady was a gift TO US from the French!
Were they havin’ a SNICKER at our expense? Or were they enjoining us in a tribute—however Masonic. That DOES sound more English (a Trojan Horse kinda gift) but hey, ya never know…
Paris has a lotta hidden Masonic / Egyptian “Cult” of Isis mythology & history an’ former Prime Minister François Mitterrand — some say FM stands for FreeMason — nicknamed “The Sphinx” due to never revealin’ his intentions—not only had the (uber fugly) Egyptian I.M. Pei masonic pyramid built smack dab in the Louvre Museum’s courtyard (ALL VISITORS basically have ta enter thru the pyramid / i.e. a temple to the dead—an’ ascend up the stairway—a velly masonic thing too—to see the art…) BUT ALSO the guy built a TON of architecture that has higly masonic references—all pointed out in the viddeyo below. Also there’s a lotta numbers stuff (gematria) that includes dates & measurements. Ce bon gars (the viddeyo guy) below digs up some interestin’ stuff INCLUDIN’ Masonic Connections that date back to The French Revolution… worth a gander, it’s short too!
Now THAT’s a LOTTA learnin’ no? It shows WHAT WE DON’T KNOW… but thought we KNEW, NO? (an’ if that ain’t a tongue twister I’ll eat an’nuther straw hat!)
Celine Dion has always made me gag.
Wow! You’ve put some work into this post! I don’t know how you do it?! That is one hell of an unpacking of the Celine Dion digital Tomfoolery! And you’re 100% on the mark! She is livin’ a total lie. She is not only fooling her fans, but fooling herself! And it’s all going to unravel on her, bigtime! I (being a musician myself), know full well, just how unpredictable digital applications can be. Glitches are always threatening to bring the whole thing down. I once lost a drum machine track I’d been obsessively slaving over for two weeks straight …. only to have it all disappear on me in one 10th of a second! Gone! Wiped out for good! Totally irretrievable! I was actually in tears at the thought of having to do the whole thing over again! (which I eventually did.. but it wasn’t half as good). Anyway… it’s all going to eventually fall in a heap for Celine! That crash is up ahead somewhere! And it’s gonna be mega! I sometimes wonder if she even realises that she’s severely jab injured? I’m guessing, probably not.