Wow! You’ve put some work into this post! I don’t know how you do it?! That is one hell of an unpacking of the Celine Dion digital Tomfoolery! And you’re 100% on the mark! She is livin’ a total lie. She is not only fooling her fans, but fooling herself! And it’s all going to unravel on her, bigtime! I (being a musician myself), know full well, just how unpredictable digital applications can be. Glitches are always threatening to bring the whole thing down. I once lost a drum machine track I’d been obsessively slaving over for two weeks straight …. only to have it all disappear on me in one 10th of a second! Gone! Wiped out for good! Totally irretrievable! I was actually in tears at the thought of having to do the whole thing over again! (which I eventually did.. but it wasn’t half as good). Anyway… it’s all going to eventually fall in a heap for Celine! That crash is up ahead somewhere! And it’s gonna be mega! I sometimes wonder if she even realises that she’s severely jab injured? I’m guessing, probably not.

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(I'm baaack!) an' thanks so much John, an' that's a compliment 'specially from you as a musician. I think she felt lower than a worm after performin' -- knowing she lied. Doubtful she expected her conscience ta interfere with her ego but her tears are not those of one acceptin' well-deserved applause but more've the "What have I done?" sort...

IF the world sees the con that was pulled--the non-comeback, THEN that might wake up a few sleepers (I hear the Milli Vanilli "reveal" woke up a LOT of folks that had no idea such fakery wuz even possible) It would be my hope that she's fully outed to her shame an' that those who feel the sting of fallin' fer the con realize if they can do that with Miz Dion they kin do it with ANYONE--anyone! Ka-maul-ah bein' first on my list of folks ta cyber dubb like this...

Re the JAB? Nah. She promoted the thing so I don't think she knows THAT is what put her health issues inta "warp speed." My guess is all "her people" have tossed her on the heap now an' she has nobuddy but her kids an' what's left of her fambly (some also died of cancer, etc); she did the concert with "support" clearly (an' made that deal with the devil) but nobuddy is gonna have her back for shows, etc. Such deep fakes are doable ongoin' but not worth it for (let's face it) a has-been. Unlike Sinatra who may have conned many folks in life, he never short changed his audience (I saw him near the end an' tho' his voice was ruined his style, his delivery--made it worthwhile.... He had ta be over 80 an' gave a full concert--no phonin' it in--worth a trip to Joisey!. Many--includin' Ol' Blue Eyes also, like Miz Dion, had a lotta skeletons in the closet but one thing ya don't do is screw yer fans. Frankie never did.

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Thank you!! And wow!!!

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wull thx back! a lot ta unpack but we need ta start mistrustin' performances now--I worry LESS 'bout concerts than I do speeches--political, academic--if we don't see the level of fakery now we're done fer!

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Celine Dion has always made me gag.

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ha ha never been a fan myself! her's ain't my kinda moosic--but she DID have a real voice an' I respect that. A trained voice -- not like Madonna or JLo or any of the others that have relied on tech all along. An' she worked her hiney off so for her "old self" I have nuttin' but admiration for even if she ain't my cuppa tea either.

I will say that this love song--the Piaf song--is a classic--when I heard her do it in the old recordin' I have ta say--she did it justice (it's the link with younger on the image of the Eiffel Tower in red, white, & blue). Not many kin do it justice....

There are few real voices left--we had so many...ONCE. Now it's about makin' stars even if they don't have the pipes so this marks the END of an ERA, the START of a NEW LEVEL of FAKERY an' I write about her not cuz I like her moosic but because HER STORY / HER LIE is something we all need ta see--as more lies will come upon us--too few noticed. Make sense now?

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It makes sense, but I have absolutely no admiration for her or her voice. I despise her and everything about her. It's too bad that we're losing a good voice, but it's her's and it gives me glee.

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lol, wull that's all the more reason fer her lies ta be known an' not swept under the rug, by all means use that glee to expose the bigger con!--cuz it's not about losin' a once-good voice, it's about the end of ALL real voices!

Will they replace the Word Salad of Karine Jean-Pierre with an AI plate of Ambrosia? (a type of salad that'd make anybuddy sick ha ha!) Wull they could! Will they now git confident such that even "Glitch" McConnell & Nancy "Birdbath" Pelosi would never mince, mash, & gum words again?

We're bein' pushed inta the AI / fake blue-pill matrix an' most folks have no idea their philosophers, interviewers, political idols an' even medical "trutthers" could be subbed just as easy as it was done fer Miz Dion.... Audibly 'n visually too!

It's a danger--too many folks not knowin'--- so even tho' I likely feel a mite more bad fer her than y'all do--tho' I too ain't no fan of her zingin'--fer me it's the larger issue... this is pre-BlueBeam stuff! It's groomin' us for acceptin' things like fake eeeek-lipses (we had one), fake "aurora bore-ee-Alices" and other such illusions. So that's more my pernt here... (That said, CD deserves a comeuppance fer what she pulled... so we agree on that I think!)

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Whew! Need to get this published as an e-book!

Yeah, terminally amateur guitarist who follows Wings of Pegasus. As you pointed out in detail, the fakery has probably been around since 'art' itself.

Cheers, and much thanks for more than this twitter-brain can read in a couple of sittings.

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take yer time 'er jus' scan or stop on what'cha like! Nice ya foller Wings of Pegasus who exposes others who "cheat" with tech. As Fil shows, we humans do better with our imperfections--an' not just musically! My pleasure an' thanks fer the nice words!

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What an interesting article. I wonder why the name Ozempic was chosen for the pill for fatties. It sounds so much like Olympic.

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Wull thanks! An' ah yes, I had remarked that too! A killer diet drug made ta seem more romantic by association with "Godliness" as in the Gods on Mt. Olympus! A lotta the famous "users" of the product act like gods & goddesses too--Oprah, John Goodman (who trashed Roseanne Barr like she was an' old Candy Bar when she made his career).... they all look like the fires of Vulcan have singed them a little--it's not a natural skinny look. I think those "Gods & Goddesses" will also topple--Oprah can afford repairs, others maybe not...? But yup, we need to watch that whole story too as it's also a CON (an' many are fallin' for it at their peril!)

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💯 everything you said, here!!!

The 2024 Paris Olympics was absolutely a desecration of France, of the West, of Christianity, of fair play, of excellence, of rule of law – a total Satanic Inversion sh!tfest!

And remember how the French gov copyright-struck people who shared the videos on social media?

So, what's the point of hosting the Olympics, then? To show you that France is over, that your liberté égalité fraternité are GONE GONE GONE.

And about how they can censor you for no reason, just because they can. It's not personal, it's algorithmic.

Personalized MKULTRA, everywhere – just for YOU!

And we don't need people to be popstars, anymore, we'll just use AI as our financial vehicles (entertaining who, exactly???) – and as our presidents.

Definitely a test of the tech.

And even as exhaustive and amazing as this head-spinning post is, it could go on and on! That picture of her without make-up looks posed to exactly match the famous final sketch of Marie Antoinette hands tied, at the guillotine - you showed the death mask, but there's also this:





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shucks 'n thanks Alexandra an' YES it IS here to traumatize us to watchin' a murder--of Western Civ / Western Religions--an' reality itself -- here too to show us the downfall of La France--the "Paris is Burnin'" dumpst-urd fire ta smear in our faces--what was once admirable is of course detestable (an' as ya know it's a satanic "thang" ta inverse everything--from the cross to every truth--men are women, a trannie with a ding dong is Mother Mary, an' zingers with stiff person syndrome can have come-backs too... but only in blue pill land of drugged out soma addicts).

GREAT sketch from JLDavid (love his paintin's)--an' yes, good point there! Miz Dion is velly much like the French Queen, not lookin' raw in the starkness of her unmade bed-head, rudely cut off at the neck--which would soitenly remove the possibility of singin'! CD is humiliated, in white (like Marie in her underthangs) in a pre-death humiliation ritual.

Actually David is an' interestin' case-in-pernt here in terms of survival. I admire his work muchly but his was the rare career that flourished under the monarchy, then under the rabid Jacobins, an' later under Napoleon too! He adapted his work each time to suit the needs of each regime--an' document each. He was kinda like the Edward Bernays of his era--a painterly ad man that knew what ta depict an' when....an' then how ta "market" that imagery so it became the way the French viewed themselves! (smart stuff indeed...)

But yes, it's really GROSS as it's very much a "whaddaya take us for, fools?!" an' the answer is YES...

A great nation has fallen far from Glory an' now is more like a dang Glory Hole! (an' given Mister Brigitte that's likely close to the truth)

Meanwhile we all gotta stay frosty--they ARE fakin' our singers, our speakers... soon ta be (I fear) our trusted "troothers" when it suits 'em... this STEAL (ongoin') beats the one at the ballot box!

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Oh - and Tony Podesta's hanging sculpture was based on how Jeffrey Dahmer mutilated and posed his victims (not sure if x.com links work, here): https://x.com/KelemenCari/status/925060971911053313

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1. OMG I i didn't know that--beyond gruesome / horrific.... (THX for link) and.....

2. Dahmer was (you likely know) a full out MK Ultra boy--got in trouble with the long arm of the law with a hit + run as a wild youth--his daddyo told him ta hide the body but of course the troopers found that ruse out quick.... baby Jeffy was put in the slammer an' he & daddyo given an offer they THOUGHT they couldn't refuse--no jail time if ya offer ta be a test subject for some psychological experiments.... better deal than rottin' in stir, no? (ha ha). NO. the rest is history-- they started him out with mall kidnappin's of little kids (delivery service) an' only later went for bigger programmin'--some say the boy was sub-normal IQ an' was told every step an' wasn't remotely gay either so there's that.....

That Louise Bourgeois (who had a dang studio in DUMBO an' was such a major figure in the NYC ahrt scene...) was given a commission to create such a piece for Podesta & Co. gives me the willies... had no idear! Also that Celine Dion was asked to "strike a pose" as that same victim is beyond the pale... Luciferian laff fest for them.... sick joke's on us!

pps John Walsh (missin' person's "hero guy" of America's Most Wanted) it's said help set up Jeffy to take his son Adam (as yer first born has ta go ta the cabal). Walsh's daughter spilled the beans on her parents as child traffickers... the rabbit hole gits deeper an' funkier...

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OMG, no, I didn't know that about Dahmer but, of course it makes total sense. I distinctly recall a major TV "story" (likely produced by 60 Minutes), interviewing both Dahmer and his father, the "story" ending, with both very gently proclaiming their love for each other.

It seemed so odd to me that people involved in such horrors could speak this way about their love for each other!

Compartmentalization of the mind/alters and your description of how the father got his son into all of this explains this to me, now.

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yup, the only thing they didn't count on wuz him gettin' shiv'd in prison--the rest was all a show + mkultra... Walsh's daughter Meghan has come down hard on her dad fer the traffickin' an' her daddyo's squeaky clean image was already tarnished earlier with claim's bout his drug-doin' an' lyin' 'bout stuff, fambly abuse, etc.... Meghan is one who thinks her dad worked with Dahmer & team-spook on all this stuff an' got paid richly fer it... his "fame" too was a set up (payback for his "work")

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A masterpiece! Worthy of a PhD from the University of Hard Knocks at the very minimum!

My hat is forever off to your supreme and thorough treatment of this subject.

I have sent you a founding patron subscription in gratitude for your existence.

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wowee, thanks muchly Frances! much appreciated! I joke about the skool of hard knocks--we've all taken more of 'em lately too! (what times!) I just dig in where I see dirt (an' a lotta doity doin's!)--an' with this faux concert there's just too dang much of it--my worry is that since they pulled this off (nobuddy noticed--they swallowed it hook, line an' sinGer!) -- they'll go higher up purdy soon--it could be a VICE (vice!) "Precedent" (first one then the next...) or a known Pudit / Speaker--Member of Parliament even-- as the "tech" is generously shared among the 5 eyes. Who'll they fake next? Now that they kin do it "live" the stakes are higher!

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In every one of her recent photos, Celine looks terrified. As though she knows full well if she stops singing and entertaining the masses for their bread and circuses (keep them distracted until the bread is taken away), they’ll decide she is also now useless, and just kill her with the rest of us.

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agreed! but I think it's not so much that they'll kill her if she stops singin'--she's already a "has been" fer the cabal--her voice is GONE, scary enuf as that is "who" she is!--so I think it's more like now she's gotta keep mum about the fakery--an' do their biddin' or else--there is a desperation in her face / demeanor tho'--I agree! Also since she's bein' replaced that's like a form of death an' she has ta meet it head-on, even support her replacement which is dark...always has been (as are all such black swan tales!)

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Wow awesome work, thank you for this.

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Did Ann Heche fake her death? The facts of the crash don’t add up. https://mileswmathis.com/heche.pdf

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not imho, nope, I think the cabal took 'er out--she wuz gonna spill the beans 'bout child traffickin', that did it. Mistah Mathis is quite the interestin' character--from his ANGLE everything--all deaths--are FAKED an' near-everyone is a Rothschild or some other notch on the royal totem pole--I don't pay him much nevermind an' I don't know if he's "real" or "spooky" but with some of these deaths I DO believe they were very much real--an' havin' covered Heche's one in about three stacks--I think that the not addin' up--also can work fer the yes-they-killed-'er story too... But I'm glad there are many angles on this tale! the more eyes the better!--what's fer CERTAIN is it ain't what it seemed!

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Thanks for this amazing dense detailed deep dive and all the 'hidden' meanings. No wonder I avoid pop culture like the plague!

I try and make my performances the 100% opposite of what the 'mainstream' is all about.

What I do cannot be faked, is a cultivated skill and meant to uplift and inspire against all evil, and I'll never be famous or wealthy, I just spread the yoga love to help make the world a better place!

Bless you Daisy Moses!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Dance Entertainer




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aw shucks an' thank ya Amy an' blessin's back at'cha!--it's true they won't bother ta "fake" us outliers includin' all true originals--like yerself! They're lookin' first ta see if they fool the public in fakin' the "big name acts" --sadly with Miz Dion they got away with it. More will come... that's fer sure...it's how they "groom us" (not all've us thankfully!)

Given they're movin' up fast we now we gotta be alert fer them fakin' upwards in terms of political candy-dates an' leaders 'n such--that's got me more worried than entertainment deep fakes. Fakin' a VICE (emphasis on Vice!) "Precedent" or a political talkin' head with gazillions of followers... THAT's where we gotta be velly watchful! Meantimes, you jus' keep on keepin' on with all ya do in the real an' from yer heart but keep a hairy eye on the MSM--cuz we all gotta mistrust what we see in the MeeeDia! EVEN MORE than evah now!

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