I'm sorry New Yuck, and the US Government, screwed you over on the eclipse. We had totality here. They were out making chemtrails before, during, and after, but the skies were so clear it didn't make a difference. It was awesome.
I'm so glad ta hear it, Bandit! I guess the baddies warn't able ta spoil it fer y'all--they sure did try tho' ! Tennessee just banned chemtrails--if there ain't any loopholes in the lawr for chem-planes doin' their daily loop-de-loops, I'm hopin' that'll be a start fer all 48 remainin' an' may we ALL soon git ta see the next one clear without their monkeybizness!
Tee-riffic ya got ta enjoy it--I'm hopeful their sprayin' got foiled elsewhar too so they don't try it again!
Yesterday, the day after, was very overcast and today it's nothing but clouds and some rain. Maybe they were working a day ahead to get enough clouds built up for the rest of the week.
I wish we'd ban the chemtrails, like Tennessee. I don't think there's a snowball's chance to get that kind of law here.
yup yup, fer us too -- gray, rainy, like a bucket'a used dish warshin' warter comin' down from the skies-- I'm hoping that "snowball's chance" tho' will do jus' that--snowball! If a few states get' a rollin' with it, it could take off an' gain momentum--kinda like the folks in the Solomon Ashe conformity line experiments that were ONLY able to state whut they knew wuz true when about 20% (I think?) of their peers started ta state the obvious an' not go along with foolishness... I think a few normies are startin' ta look up an' wonder how natch'ral clouds kin look like waffles!
I sure do pray it'll snowball, too! My crappy state will be a late adopter if it does snowball. Not a lot of electeds with cajones, male or female. It's a sad place, but at least for now, red out numbers blue, so I always hope.
I hear ya--'cept fer "Caliph-formica" I'd say here'bouts in NewYawk is likely even crumbier (given HoHoHoHochul an' 'er horror-tine quarantine camps)--but outside'a the city lil' red 'n purple pockets are formin' -- I been writin' our right-leanin' "repre-zen-taters" 'bout the chemtrails an' the WHO (there's so much so I don't cover the warterfront)--I know NY mebbe last but if this all hits the "overTONNE" winda enuf weight from the other states could topple (er implode in its own footsteps?) this sprayin'--it's startin' with DEI "waverin'" so I hope the "trails" will follow suit!
I hear ya, Daisy! I keep busy praying that people all over the country will pull their heads out of their you-know-whats. I guess I just don't understand being evil for evils sake. HoHochul, Newscum, Inslee, etc. 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮
wull glad ya dig my "cure-ration!"--an' if them gee-tars could speak we'd all hear that they don't "pick 'em" like they used to! just heppy when I kin find the good stuff! (they'ze cullin' the innertubes now-daze too)
I can't comment on the eclipse visibility one way or another, because I couldn't view it myself from where I am, and its not worth driving hundreds of miles to be entertained at the 30,420th performance of THE EMPEROR ON THE CATWALK. Maybe to see a live Real Deal performance of Roy Clark, Glen Campbell and Johnny Cash but will give a hard pass to the rest......
The covers she chose of this iconic song were the BEST OF THE BEST. No nothingburger here!!
As for the REST OF THE LEAST, I'm with the little old lady in the WENDY"S commercial, asking: "WHERE'S THE BEEF?"
Ha! Yup, I'm with ya on that one! If ONLY those great moo-sicians were alive now--I jus' don't see that kinda talent today OR if it's out there, it sure ain't bein' shared with the rest of us who'd be "all ears" ta hear it!
Now as fer that Wendy's beef, the character actress with the memorable face that uttered that famous line with such gusto, Clara Peller, is a great "Amercian tale" in itself--she wuz the set-manicurist(!) an' they figgered out she had spunk--made them millions too--
As fer beef, we'ze nose-ta-tail eaters here so I couldn't say more 'bout the goodness a' grassfed beef like Miz Peller! An' not only are we hearin' crickets from the MeisterBurgers (vs BurgerMeisters? while they try ta cull our herd --an' sadly are already doin' that to too many a good cow too--along with senselessly killin' chickens for their faker-oo bird "flu"--they're now PUTTIN' cricket meal in the FOOD! Gotta be careful of any packaged "chow," includin' organic! They don't even call it "crickets" (I think they call it renewable insect protein or some other gobblydegook name). It's not only bad fer us human beans, it ain't "kosher"--literally (cuz bugs are off limits)--soon we'll all have ta look fer that stamp on the box as they kin "mask" any ingredient they wish, jus' like they did the skies durin' this eek-lips! (the nuthin' burger fer many of us that ya didn't miss!) there ya go!
aw shucks, thanks Catherine, much appreciated--an' as an'nuther commercial used ta say, "Try it You'll Like It" which is my motto fer "Ofally Good Cookin'!"
I havent eaten any organ meats for a long time except for chicken livers and gizzards. And beef liver
Have you ever eaten SCRAPPLE, Its a real thing amongst some Mennonite and Amish communities in Pennsylvania. Delicious fried up with eggs for breakfast.
Scrapple is hard to find outside of PA, Though.
Years ago, I used to eat kidney, which I do believe would work very well as a stand in for heart in your recipes. The thing with kidneys is that they need to be soaked in water a good long time with about 3 changes of water to make sure there's no urine residue left. But once you do that, it is very delicious and healthy
But hey, you got some nice tunes there to offset the mood. Don’t know if we’re gonna live long enough for the next one, but hopefully TPTB haven’t destroyed the world by then.
I know I know--I'm'a stayin' hopeful in spite'a what they're doin' sky-ward. I mebbe comin' ta the REALLY WOO conclusion that there's some chance the eek-lips we all "sawr" wuz a fake... a projection! may post 'bout it... We'll soitenly be 'round for the next one (the real one, that is, which I think is jus' 20 yrs ahead an' I ain't countion' on them baddies winnin'...) I heard this one wuz a surprise (like they didn't know 'bout it 2017--how sus is that?)--so meebbe a buzz kill for the fakeroo? I jus' don't know but what I DO know is not to trust the MEEEEEE-Dia!
gosh, that's really nifty--so I'm assumin' (via the tech they had in the 1800's an' mebbe not now lol!) that it wuz legit in some way tho' they certainly DID monkey with the skies--An' speakin' of buzz--then I "vunder" WHY in 2017 there wasn't talk 'bout the next one "even better" comin' up in '24? an' why many seemed ta think this one wuz indeed added "later"--tho' clearly it was always "on the menu"-- Perhaps it wasn't hyped much "then" as there were already plans in place ta monkey with this one with some added tech? It's turrible not ta trust what'cha see in the skies but they again, half (more?) of AmeriKa doesn't even own there are chemtrails. Reality is kinda a landmine! Some ground solid, other parts (myths, illusions?) blow up with every step... Think we need a NASA whistle blower ta come clean an' say which parts they "dun did" an' which parts were left alone so crackpots like myself could "imagine...!"
Another stupid big lie that the masses of US of Evil Empire fall for , over & over .
I'm sorry New Yuck, and the US Government, screwed you over on the eclipse. We had totality here. They were out making chemtrails before, during, and after, but the skies were so clear it didn't make a difference. It was awesome.
I'm so glad ta hear it, Bandit! I guess the baddies warn't able ta spoil it fer y'all--they sure did try tho' ! Tennessee just banned chemtrails--if there ain't any loopholes in the lawr for chem-planes doin' their daily loop-de-loops, I'm hopin' that'll be a start fer all 48 remainin' an' may we ALL soon git ta see the next one clear without their monkeybizness!
Tee-riffic ya got ta enjoy it--I'm hopeful their sprayin' got foiled elsewhar too so they don't try it again!
Yesterday, the day after, was very overcast and today it's nothing but clouds and some rain. Maybe they were working a day ahead to get enough clouds built up for the rest of the week.
I wish we'd ban the chemtrails, like Tennessee. I don't think there's a snowball's chance to get that kind of law here.
yup yup, fer us too -- gray, rainy, like a bucket'a used dish warshin' warter comin' down from the skies-- I'm hoping that "snowball's chance" tho' will do jus' that--snowball! If a few states get' a rollin' with it, it could take off an' gain momentum--kinda like the folks in the Solomon Ashe conformity line experiments that were ONLY able to state whut they knew wuz true when about 20% (I think?) of their peers started ta state the obvious an' not go along with foolishness... I think a few normies are startin' ta look up an' wonder how natch'ral clouds kin look like waffles!
I sure do pray it'll snowball, too! My crappy state will be a late adopter if it does snowball. Not a lot of electeds with cajones, male or female. It's a sad place, but at least for now, red out numbers blue, so I always hope.
I hear ya--'cept fer "Caliph-formica" I'd say here'bouts in NewYawk is likely even crumbier (given HoHoHoHochul an' 'er horror-tine quarantine camps)--but outside'a the city lil' red 'n purple pockets are formin' -- I been writin' our right-leanin' "repre-zen-taters" 'bout the chemtrails an' the WHO (there's so much so I don't cover the warterfront)--I know NY mebbe last but if this all hits the "overTONNE" winda enuf weight from the other states could topple (er implode in its own footsteps?) this sprayin'--it's startin' with DEI "waverin'" so I hope the "trails" will follow suit!
I hear ya, Daisy! I keep busy praying that people all over the country will pull their heads out of their you-know-whats. I guess I just don't understand being evil for evils sake. HoHochul, Newscum, Inslee, etc. 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮
The lead guitarist in the fab Lawrence Welk version had it goin' ON. I love the music you curate, Daisy -- such a blast from the past and so much fun!
wull glad ya dig my "cure-ration!"--an' if them gee-tars could speak we'd all hear that they don't "pick 'em" like they used to! just heppy when I kin find the good stuff! (they'ze cullin' the innertubes now-daze too)
I can't comment on the eclipse visibility one way or another, because I couldn't view it myself from where I am, and its not worth driving hundreds of miles to be entertained at the 30,420th performance of THE EMPEROR ON THE CATWALK. Maybe to see a live Real Deal performance of Roy Clark, Glen Campbell and Johnny Cash but will give a hard pass to the rest......
The covers she chose of this iconic song were the BEST OF THE BEST. No nothingburger here!!
As for the REST OF THE LEAST, I'm with the little old lady in the WENDY"S commercial, asking: "WHERE'S THE BEEF?"
So far, it's CRICKETS!!🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗
Ha! Yup, I'm with ya on that one! If ONLY those great moo-sicians were alive now--I jus' don't see that kinda talent today OR if it's out there, it sure ain't bein' shared with the rest of us who'd be "all ears" ta hear it!
Now as fer that Wendy's beef, the character actress with the memorable face that uttered that famous line with such gusto, Clara Peller, is a great "Amercian tale" in itself--she wuz the set-manicurist(!) an' they figgered out she had spunk--made them millions too--
As fer beef, we'ze nose-ta-tail eaters here so I couldn't say more 'bout the goodness a' grassfed beef like Miz Peller! An' not only are we hearin' crickets from the MeisterBurgers (vs BurgerMeisters? while they try ta cull our herd --an' sadly are already doin' that to too many a good cow too--along with senselessly killin' chickens for their faker-oo bird "flu"--they're now PUTTIN' cricket meal in the FOOD! Gotta be careful of any packaged "chow," includin' organic! They don't even call it "crickets" (I think they call it renewable insect protein or some other gobblydegook name). It's not only bad fer us human beans, it ain't "kosher"--literally (cuz bugs are off limits)--soon we'll all have ta look fer that stamp on the box as they kin "mask" any ingredient they wish, jus' like they did the skies durin' this eek-lips! (the nuthin' burger fer many of us that ya didn't miss!) there ya go!
You're an absolute hoot!. I can always count on you for a good laff or two which always comes served with a zinger of piquant truth on the side!!
"OFFALLY good cooking.....!!you're killing me, Daisy!!! Lolololol
aw shucks, thanks Catherine, much appreciated--an' as an'nuther commercial used ta say, "Try it You'll Like It" which is my motto fer "Ofally Good Cookin'!"
I havent eaten any organ meats for a long time except for chicken livers and gizzards. And beef liver
Have you ever eaten SCRAPPLE, Its a real thing amongst some Mennonite and Amish communities in Pennsylvania. Delicious fried up with eggs for breakfast.
Scrapple is hard to find outside of PA, Though.
Years ago, I used to eat kidney, which I do believe would work very well as a stand in for heart in your recipes. The thing with kidneys is that they need to be soaked in water a good long time with about 3 changes of water to make sure there's no urine residue left. But once you do that, it is very delicious and healthy
What a buzz kill!
But hey, you got some nice tunes there to offset the mood. Don’t know if we’re gonna live long enough for the next one, but hopefully TPTB haven’t destroyed the world by then.
I know I know--I'm'a stayin' hopeful in spite'a what they're doin' sky-ward. I mebbe comin' ta the REALLY WOO conclusion that there's some chance the eek-lips we all "sawr" wuz a fake... a projection! may post 'bout it... We'll soitenly be 'round for the next one (the real one, that is, which I think is jus' 20 yrs ahead an' I ain't countion' on them baddies winnin'...) I heard this one wuz a surprise (like they didn't know 'bout it 2017--how sus is that?)--so meebbe a buzz kill for the fakeroo? I jus' don't know but what I DO know is not to trust the MEEEEEE-Dia!
Wait, what? This book is from the 1800s and has the 2024 eclipse on there: https://x.com/geantechman/status/1778978227542757842?s=46&t=7l2vPxWrwUAtiT9h72osdQ
gosh, that's really nifty--so I'm assumin' (via the tech they had in the 1800's an' mebbe not now lol!) that it wuz legit in some way tho' they certainly DID monkey with the skies--An' speakin' of buzz--then I "vunder" WHY in 2017 there wasn't talk 'bout the next one "even better" comin' up in '24? an' why many seemed ta think this one wuz indeed added "later"--tho' clearly it was always "on the menu"-- Perhaps it wasn't hyped much "then" as there were already plans in place ta monkey with this one with some added tech? It's turrible not ta trust what'cha see in the skies but they again, half (more?) of AmeriKa doesn't even own there are chemtrails. Reality is kinda a landmine! Some ground solid, other parts (myths, illusions?) blow up with every step... Think we need a NASA whistle blower ta come clean an' say which parts they "dun did" an' which parts were left alone so crackpots like myself could "imagine...!"