Well before April 8th we (my fambly) had all joked how we wuz real lucky ta be “right on the path” of near 100% coverage as we knew folks that were drivin’ over 200 miles to “experience the wonder” — some even booked “hot-eel” rooms.
Here’s the sum-total of our experience:
(in 3 easy steps)
Amp up the fear mongerin’ in all MeDia (MSM, ALT, half-baked, etc) ahead’ve time so folks are ANXIOUS, FEARFUL, an’ all “a’jitter” but nevertheless insist this is a “must see once in a lifetime nifty-kool event” — so folks show up frazzled but “lured” ta the bait like ants on a picnic blanket…. company marrrrch! (“Operators” are standin’ by ta take yer $)
Start yer non-stop CHEMTRAIL sprayin’ EARLY! ‘Bout 3 days before is good an’ then up the ante “day of” jus’ fer good measure.
Our local 4/8 SuperSprayers got bizzy bright ‘n early an’ started ‘bout 8:30 am. Them worker bees (more like drones!) continued ON THE HOUR until near-2pm. WOW-whee! Them early risers gotta special treat wartchin’ all the fancy AEROBATICS! (There wuz even some real sun in the sky early mornin’ but them SuperSprayers done KILLED it! (in both senses)Make an even tastier “Eeek! Lips Blue Plate Special” by addin’ some swell secret sauce, more-toxic-than-usual chemi-culls ta the firma-mint—so all the folks’ll git sikker than usual! (Captured audience an’ all...)
Now y’all, I have no solid proof’a this ah-choo!ly but anecDOTally, we had the greyest skies I’ve seen here yet (outside’a the ones we got the week after The Orange Colored Post Canadian Wildfire Skies) AND it wuz clear that our “usual” ho-hum tic-tac-toe motif got replaced by a far more complex (frozen) waffle pattern —kinda like this!
An’ while yer at it sprinklin’ all that “goodness” from above, by all means add some extree hydrogels or “earls” ‘er something sticky ‘nuff so they’ll cling ta the clouds longer ‘n last a few days (cough cough) more givin’ us “an encore.”
POST-FAUX-CLIPSE (a 2 step):
The next day show fake “perfect” eclipses on them innertubes. Make sure “no comments” are allowed on these fakeroo eclipse viddeos OR the NASA off-fish-all site.
Have MSM mockin’birds chirp a bunch how mahvelous an’ AMAZING yup, truly AMAZING the eeek-lips wuz—the one they didn’t see. Give folks who saw squat some $$$ to go on the nooz an’ say they LOVED it. Then… move right along, nuttin’ ta see here!
(in the sky, natch)
That’s it! Three leeetle steps, then ye wait fer the RUINATIOUS effect! (Free perks include wailin’ youngsters an’ cursin’ curmungeons.)
Disappoint & devastate all the kiddies, grown-ups, grannies & gran’pops—make ‘em wait out thar in the chilly air on them cheap lawn chairs (be bop de bop)…. HOPIN’ fer somethin’ nifty-cool ta see, sittin’ with them always-uncomfy “blackout” glasses (in our case we added uncomfy ear protectors too!*) — drag it out good, make ‘em hold them expectations fer just a leeeetle longer then…MEH. It passes not with a bang, not even with a whimper, mebbe with a near-silent pffst. In moments it starts gettin’ light again havin’ NEVER gottan dark—not even dim.
HA HA HA. Let ‘em eat cake or mebbe that flyin’ sky pie? AND assure they’ll see NOTHING! Zilch. Squat. NADA.
*’splained in my last stack as part’a my “tips” ta survive the eeeeclips
Only blackness thru the glasses (not even the “rim,” Jim an’ no time ta make a new plan, Stan…) — only a very “lite” dimmin’ of the skies, not even like twilight.
NO DARKNESS! (That’s what’s in their hearts).
Wuz yer EeeekLips a GHOST BURGER too? Nothin’ there? (Lemme know in the comments if yer experience matching ANYthing better than the ghost of a nothin’ burger we got!
Now if ya didn’t look at my last postin’ on this whole ECLIPSE / EEK-LIPS! fiasco, by all means take yer time an’ go pay it a visit (see below); it’s a long’un but all the stuff I cover is no less interestin’ now that it’s “OVUH” (‘cept mebbe the tips?) There’s a lotta juicy goodness in that’un so, as I said, dig in if ya got the time. WALLA!:
You’ll see I wuz indeed purdy much on the money-honey when I said I had no worries really safety-wise an’ added I felt it wuz velly unlikely they’d DO a DEW or pull somethin’ “funny” with that NahSaw Snake Oil tech or the Party-Cull Axe-Elevator ConCerns (fer sure, I wuz velly uncon-cerned!)
If anythin’ / at most they did some covert testin’ (findin’ out stuff like who had their devices in faraday bags, who showed up ta the “pahrty,” yadayada…) an’ mebbe in a couple-few select spots they did a little “more” (like giftin’ us extree chemtrails in NYSchtadt? grrrrr!)—but more or less it wuz a DRILL fer the first responders (gettin’ ‘em ready fer the next PANIC or PLANDEMIC) an’ a drill fer us too—ta see how many folks follered orders, how many acted in panic an’ got their panties in a bunch one way or an’nuther.
But overall: a HUGE NOTHIN’ BURGER, a GHOST BURGER, a DISAPPOINTMENT, a fly in our OINTMENT. fawwwwwh
Makin’ “Hey” while the sun still shines (sort of)
Gotta turn that ‘round with some tunes then, keepin’ up them spirits (the real ones an’ not the drinkable ones either!)—So here’s a little “hootenany” fer yer enjoy-mint!
Yippie Aie Ay, Yippie Aie Oh!
Ghost “Burgers” in the Sky
By far the hippest an’ grooviest version out there an’ whod’a thunk it’d be on “squaresville” Lawrence Welk? (that’s Neil LeVang)
It don’t git any better than THIS, just watch them fingers fly! —2 of the greatest geetar virtuoso’s ever!
Johnny’s take is one’a my all-time favorites:
An’ this one’s just a HOOT (bless the late GREAT Christopher Lee fer boldly goin’ where no actor’s gone before—he did it “his way” fer sure!)
Here’s the original—purdy durn great too!
’Roundin’ out this fantabulous set of Sky Ghosties with Bonanza’s “boss” baritone Lorne “Chaim” Green — YEE HAW L’CHAIM!
I sure would’a liked ta see what Mother Nature had planned fer us all…. I was hopin’ on something beeu-tee-ful, if fleetin’, like this:
To those Weenies (!) that took away Mother Nature’s “gift” ‘fore we could “open it,” I got one short message but I’m ’a gonna let Eric Cartman say it cuz I’m a laydee!:
“THANK YOU ERIC.” An’ we now return to our regular “programmin’ “….

Let’s hope the “next one” (20+ years away?) will bring us all we missed an’ more AND that “soitenly” by “then” we’ll have our nation back as well as our (formerly) friendly skies!
makin’ hay (not “hadrons”) while the sun shines! (I know that’s a mite “quarky” of me!)
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
I'm sorry New Yuck, and the US Government, screwed you over on the eclipse. We had totality here. They were out making chemtrails before, during, and after, but the skies were so clear it didn't make a difference. It was awesome.
The lead guitarist in the fab Lawrence Welk version had it goin' ON. I love the music you curate, Daisy -- such a blast from the past and so much fun!