I'll give Lizzo a pass on this one, she is actually a phenomenal flautist! You should see her when she plays for real and then judge :)

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Don't worry about the French government, they've fallen as far as we have.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Maybe it's like drowning. Maybe we just have to accept this is it.

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I'll hold mah nose (cuz what I'm seein' stinks) but it's not QUITE time to hold our breaths under water ... but yeah, culture is already sinkin' down with those Spanish doubloons!

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I think we've lost but I didn't expect you to agree.

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So well put Lucinda! Ya said it all thar... We too'r big history fans, monument fans... vaca'shuns used to always be goin' to sites, doin' the history tours, checkin' out all the amazin' old stuff (art, inventions, artifacts etc). HISTORY!!!!

Not long ago I heard that Colonial Williamsburg has sadly gone woke--there's a new focus on (non-existent) black trannies (ok cross dressers--as if they had some trans "identity" back then? realyl?). They got the Angry Itch thar and I won't take the fambly 'til they fix it as I don't wanna see that scratchin'!

Is half the country really buyin' it all? I wonder how many of Lizzo's gazillion "likes" are AI manufactured--or are people THAT deluded? To me, no prude as I say, the obscenity on display is jaw dropping (well, ya sawr my comment about the flag--I see it as THAT bad).

My big question is, is it too late to turn it all 'round and fix it? Clearly the destroyed stuff ain't gonna be repaired... the cost alone... and it's not just here, it's Notre Dame in France--it's world (wurled!) wide!

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Oct 14, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022Author

I know I know--it's HUGE!

As fer the fat (fergittin' the "fatuous fat fashion fad" fer the moment), yup, it's the SAD Amerikan diet, the HFCS, the GMOs, the BPA containers, the upside down pyramid that told folks to eat empty carbs n' sugars (aka crap)--and they DID (dang fools). Atkins was closer to gettin' it but they slammed him hard... Mary Enig's one to look'it as she was too under the radar to take down--she's the "eat fat to lose fat" Weston A Price lady. Also all the gut destroyin' antibiotics and additives (carageenan, etc) caused more fat and more disease (nutritional starvation)...all'a that. Stephanie Seneff writes a bunch on that stuff. It's a grand mess and it was made a' purpose. (Nods to them Rocky-fellers that put us all on a ledge!)

Organic is only a start but it's a good one--I'm not with Pollard on the eat mostly plants--but that's a quibble compared to the big pic'tur which is all a finger painted mess. In theory, we kin get there but gotta get the land back too--now'it Mister Gates grabbed it up!

Free speech is a hornets nest now, yup. Speakin' out (if the censors don't nab ya) can help some--avoidin' wokery and cancellation is another thing. I never went in for any of the social me-dia (as in me/I and dia/god-like as that's what it whar) but I got shoved offa parent lists n' yahoo groups and groups.io so it's similar.

I do believe some folks'll listen (they gotta be halfway there already--at least with some questions) but those that are group-minded (follerin' the crowd) need to have at least three people already in their current group / trusted circle to steer their lil' cow heads over to the other pastures, otherwise they ain't gonna graze on new grass... gotta come from within... these are not independent thinkers, I'm sorry to say.

Ditto fer using "right" words and that whole verbiage garbage (birthin' persons and home-insecure etc) group-think" speak an' related malarkey (which all stinks) ,as it all goes right in there with the cancel culture and none'a thats a' gonna change either unless the little cows feel "safe" in new pastures.

Not our job to make'em feel safe--how kin we? They're used to bein' molly coddled and folks is so fragile that even words are taken as if they were stab wounds. No grit thar. (Can we throw'em some?) They "follow" (as Paul Joseph Watson said) "the next big thing" and that includes "Go Ukraine" (To Infinity, n' Beyond which I guess is same as to OBLIVION?! until we're all blown to smithereens?) and then we gots, as ya said, the Royal Connery of BLM (fer all who enjoy buyin' fancy homes for grifters). And the ideology that is beyond nonsensical--choose yer gender like Baskin' Robbins 32 flavors (there are more phony baloney genders, actually) and pushin' porn in the skools, dirty drag queens fer the diaper set... BOGGLES the mind! (The one we've got left!) an so forth...

And yes, I read about Dr Teetus Deletus (skeery!) and I hope all these mad doktors are stopped... It's so much--it's truly a snowball effect and we gotta git some powerful fireball to melt it all before it hits bottom (it's close)

Like the Carl Sagan quote! I heard him speak once in person--amazin' man, amazin' mind (and it ticked me off no end that that scam-a-delic Neil deGrassTyson Chicken /GMO shill took over Sagan's show--man can't hold a candle to the original.

As yer long list entails, it's a LOT. We got our work cut out for us! (Or as Larry Elder sez, "We gotta country to save!"

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Mmmhuh, got me worried too--this is sum' sorry "cul-ture" with the emphasis on the "cul" (that's the rear end if ya ask a Frenchie 'er a donkey!) an it's got our Amerika lookin' like not much differen't than one Big Ass that Toots! I hope it ain't gonna last... 'er git worse!

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