'er are they jus' BLUFFIN' ? MAD SCIENCE....?
Is what we’ve been TAUGHT neither real nor science? I’ve got sum’ new learnin's ta share on this topic that’s got everyone’s Dr. Dentons in a bunch! Plus a few not-so-bleak thoughts at the finish line…
Over the last few years I have struggled mightily with an ongoin’ two-sided dilemma: the debate between
Zey 'r full've it. Them DAVOSianWEENIES jus’ wanna SKEER US!
To frighten the scairdy pants offa us, we are made ta wartch a gruesome display’ a BRAGGIN' + BUNK + BRAVADO. Patents are displayed ‘fore our eyes like a pageant of be-bannered beauty queens, each more leggy than the next, all sayin’ “pick me pick me” (fer fundin’ of course). You kin get a patent on near-bouts anthing but it don’t mean they work! So, NAW an’ Pshaw!, many cynics “caw” that “zey” cain't really hack our brains 'er control us remotely. Makin’ human cyborgs outta us may be a twisted an’ distant “goal” but the goalposts iz far far away… DO NOT BUY IT.
To varyin’ degrees, two VELLY great minds I HIGHLY respect—JJ Couey & Sasha Latypova, both seem to fall on this side've the argue-mint, that it’s all just a bluff to skeer us. SURE they do wann’a cull we-the-herd (have ya heard?), but ya don’t need James Bond-type gadgets ‘er tech ta do it. All manner’ a soup-ta-nutz garbage is in the vials (VILES!) an’ that’s enuf ta cause MAJOR damage. Or, gain’-o’-perfection clones to git the ball rollin’ follered by FEAR ON TAP an’ “killer” counter measures… all that wuz ENOUGH to do HARM, right? Sure…
To boost the argument that we’ze bein’ “had” ‘bout where they are… we witness fElon MuskRat’s RIDICULOUS “fallin’ an' clumsy” robot (how many tech giants duz it take ta screw up a lightbulb…?). Witnessin’ such truly titter-worthy shenannigins it DUZ seem that they’ze bluffin’… The spendy plan to automate food delivery fell short literally—in L.A. where the townies had a field day tippin’ them things an’ stealin’ the delivery food! Then ya got a transhuman tranny billionaire bush-whacker Martine Rothblatt whose “wife,” known as Bina48, looks like one’a them Sharper Image Catalogue’s animatronic monkeys in the novelty shops (NO ya fools, not cuz she’s black, but ruther cuz she looks an’ behaves like a “better-on-film” but still fake-o-matic cheap plastic be-wigged prop on a set—in spite’ve costin’ millions).
BUT we also know that what they SHOW US….it’s ALL showbiz folks…STAGED.
So are they indeed bluffin’ or are they tryin’ ta trick us out so we think they ain’t there yet? So we trust we are safe an’ don’t look too deeply into the tech that’s real… Hmmm….
And IS the “tech” in us already? Are “zey” readin’ our thoughts, controllin’ us remotely (or able to), able ta kill us all with one ZAP? (“The Heat is On!” takes on a new meanin’…)
Neither of these gen-u-ine-ly schmart researchers (I should add) doubts the harms that 5g can do to us. Neither denies nor confirms graphene content (or “nano bots” or “hydrogels” either fer that matter) in them “jabs-bad” but both (if I ain't mis’statin') remain open-minded about graphene’s presence in the jabs and it’s specific harms while feelin’ confident that there’s no need to opine on their presence because the danged “protocols” an’ the “counter measures” were enough ta consty-toot as weaponry against us. They an’ other brainy researchers DO choose to focus elsewhere (no matter what, thank golly fer both 've 'em—we need their laser vision—pun intended!—used on OUR SIDE…er’ that’s side HUMAN since we’ze all split up other-wayz).
HOWEVER that leaves us somewhere in LIMBO… because they stop before enterin’ the “no man’s land” of transhuman tech… which brings us to…
Wherein Evil HardeeHarHarari is correct; we humans ARE "hackable animals." Of course this is a vile, reprehensible, an' deflatin' thought (but ta ignore whut these deviants ‘r sayin’ iz…. “sue-a’zide”).
SABRINA WALLACE (who is waaaay too complex fer my non-stemmy brain ta fully comprehend MOST’ve whut she sez—tho’ I’m tryin’ hard!) an’ some others a tad more plain-speakin’ like Deborah Tavares an’ Celeste Solum — ALL seem to agree that the tech IS in place and…that:
The exact deets ain’t QUITE what we “normie” humans are told—but, per these pundits, it’s THERE, the tech. It’s there an’ it’s BAD(ass) BAD. Addin’ too that former Monarch MKUltra’d victim turned mighty whistle blower Cathy O’Brien said in an interview that her late hubby Mark Phillips told her that the “tech” (in terms of mind control an’ other dastardly stuff…) is about 50-100 years AHEAD of what we regular folks git ta see. Throwin’ in Dr Rima Laibow too—she’s been FIERCE about plan-depop (aka “the culling”) and also ‘bout the 5g and the tech INSIDE the clot shots. Hmmmm…
Dr. Robert Delgado (from la Quinta Columna) an Dr. Ana Mihalcea (and her team-pals Dr. David Nixon, Dr. Shimon Yanowitz, researcher Mat Taylor, etc) all are QUITE alarmed by the presence of active an' self-assemblin' nanobots within the graphene-and-hydrogel-laden blood they examine. Rightly so!
(Thank golly for this team too! )
They (as a group) address the nano, the 5G/emf tech, and the light-based (quantum dot) killer tech that actually attacks red blood cells and communicates with ALL that IOT stuff including all the LED light bulbs, screens, more. Optigenics is a WHOLE CAN of WORMS (not goin’ inta it here tho…) an’ NOT a good one. But given all this stuff in the clot shots an’ even in unjabbed blood, no wunder we all have MAC Addresses an’ send out “Sieg-Nulls”… Sabrina W. sez there is redundance in the signals (signal address systems) so we’ve all been given MANY individual addresses “in the cloud” / fer decades—plus our “biofield” is an organ, they’ve HACKED IT… an’ they communicate with it MANY ways, includin’ with the “G’s” (2,3,4,5 ready ‘er not here zey come!)
As Deborah Tavares sez (wuther ya buy inta the story of all that “killer tech” er not…):
(not a “de-vice” even if the emphasis is on VICE!)
ALL them G’s (3, 4, 5, even 2) harm us and are bein’ used against us! Plus:
We humans have all been GROOMED ta carry the implement of our own destruction…
These aforementioned researchers wax darkly, all've 'em.
Not one iota of the “people are wakin’ up!” or “we’re winnin’ ” rah rah soft soap stuff… that don’t warsh too well neither…
Yet, most of these thinkers, even given the “tech is in us,” do not go quite SO far as ta say we have fully LOST our HUMANITY already. HOWEVER, I think it’s agreed, we’re on the precipice. An’ some do step inta the doom pit. THUS:
The difference AMONG those on ZIDE 2 (tho’ they don’t quibble much) is between:
a) they are trying to hack us, transform us, make us non-human…VS
b) they've already dunnit (an' the jabs-bad made it worse, all future jabs’ll make it worse)..
DAISY has come (kickin’ an’ screamin’) ta believe that YES:
It's ZIDE 2, Item b. that seems to be—most disturbin'ly—keerect.
I don’t 100% fully dismiss the “it’s a bluff” narrative but the more I LEARN an’ HEAR an’ READ the more I’m tippin’ to the side that sez the tech is there, it’s deadly, an’ it’s IN US. I've jus' been listen'in near-daily ta the above-mentioned Sabrina Wallace whose keen mind goes faster than the ol' Cyclone (roller coaster) at Coney. She herself wuz “hacked” in childhood, she sez she’s got implants an’ so-called “ENHANCEMENTS.” She sez all but herself an’ one Chinese gal that were ‘spearminted on DIED. All manner’ve illnesses plague her even now though, due to what’s been “implanted.”
Ya might say, OH Golly Moses Miz Daisy, ya’ve gone off the deep end. But look at PAGER THE MONKEY. All the other chimps DIED. This one (the survivor!) plays video Pong an’ takes his banana smoothies like a “good boy.” Human trials (n’ tribulations fer sure…) startin’ NOW fer that “implant.” IMO, them Weenies are countin’ on “some” survivin’… Sabrina, Pager, an’ a few others dodged the bullet an’ remain shinin’ examples of Mad Mad Mad Science. (Tho’ Sabrina fends off attacks daily…)
Miz Wallace is SO preternaturally an’ unusually brilliant in a manner that is SO not typical (her thinkin’, her visual presentations…) that I am (‘kay?) WILLIN’ to believe someone HAS indeed “augmented” her in some way. I look at all the splits that have spoken up—i.e. the MK Ultra’d minds that were so traumatized they split up inta many ALTERS an’ each alter may speak fluently MANY foreign languages, some have photograhpic memories, some have physical enhancements… An’ YES, this trauma-induced brilliance I buy 100%. Candy Jones is good’un ta start with if yer unfamiliar with these “engineered” split humans as spies - also pluggin’ Cathy Fox’s eggcellent Stack while I’m at it—great on all that stuff.
James Giordano (Gorgon-oh! aka Dr. Evil) brags ‘bout all this stuff. He’s the opposite of a whistle blower but ruther a DOD inside. So IS it just to scare us? He’s not a buffoon like fElon, so methinks it ain’t all hot air whut he’s boastin’ ‘bout (‘cept literal air hot ‘nuff ta melt us…). He seems ta be completely bereft of morals or warmth or humor (even the fElon kin be funny), but no this’uns kinda like them “business as usual” SS Men just “follerin’ orders.” Hired to do an ugly job, he likely does it VERY well, no quesitons asked.
One more thing on ZIDE 2 is that we also cain’t look away from DECADES of predictive programmin’ in movies, literature, even COMICS!
With a shakeeeey stomach, I wartched an’ visited a good bunch’ve the videyos Sabrina Wallace has made an’ links she's posted. SOME she has recently deleted but these that remain are “must watch” — even if yer undecided ‘er on the fence….
Sharin’ TWO goodies herewith—cuz there’ze SO MUCH we non-stem-brains kin take in:
NOTE: watch’em while ya can! Sabrina duz taken ‘em down fast….
ALSO, more elucidatin’ stuff to watch an’ listen to:
Optical Biosensors For Bidirectional Telemetry - Live Blood Analysis Of C19 Unvaccinated Blood
Dr. AnaWhy are Quantum Dots in the Covid Injections?
from Karen Kingston, the brave/ now-silenced whistleblower…Human Battery: Apparently under 4IR, that's where human evolution leads...
from Tessa Lena (whose Sustack is always worth readin’ !)
Supercapacitor fueled by ions in blood, serum, urine
According to a research paper published earlier this month, the supercapacitor is made up by a device called a "harvester" that operates by using the body's heat and movements to extract electrical charges from ions found in human body fluids, such as blood, serum, or urine.
As electrodes, the harvester uses a carbon nanomaterial called graphene, layered with modified human proteins. The electrodes collect energy from the human body, relay it to the harvester, which then stores it for later use.
Because graphene sheets can be drawn in sheets as thin as a few atoms, this allows for the creation of utra-thin supercapacitors that could be used as alternatives to classic batteries.
For example, the bio-friendly supercapacitors researchers created are thinner than a human hair, and are also flexible, moving and twisting with the human body.
Supercapacitors don't use toxic metals
Another advantage is that they're made of bio-friendly materials, like graphene,* which is a form of carbon, one of the core chemical elements that make up the human body.
*ummmm… these “non toxic” materials cause apotosis aka. CELL DEATH! wowee, that’s super safe! Here’s MORE on this supposedly “safe” substance…
THEN we got, THE LILY WAVE, a form’ve psychotronic warfare / “scalar countermeasures” of course used on US, here in the US of Ehhh?! (y’all know ‘bout this ‘un? it’s new ta me…)
You do not need implanted electrodes to cause the brains water molecules to be entrained to a certain frequency,it can be done by any waveform that can penetrate the skull and cause the entrainment of the brains water molecules. (…) For example radio waves emitted with a freq of 40hz targeted at a persons brain will entrain the water molecules to a degree of 40hz and thus the rest of the brains electrons will resonate at such a frequency. So it is possible to stimulate and control the brains wave patterns remotly with electromagnetism and even acoustic waves. However if the wave is not bi-phasic it will result in damage to the brains neurons and thus brain damage. (again’ it’s safe an’ effective!-ed )
ZIDE TWO from all I gather kin’ be summed up “like zo:”
1. for YEARS (about 30) we've been ALREADY HACKED*—HardeeHarHarari tells a story of the "soon-hack-able" but the truth is that SOON has been the "NOW" fer ages. Our precious holy bee-u-tee-ful DNA is being used to store data (theirs and our own to the extent that they can "save" our information medical, visual, whatever pleases them…) AND our energy has been used to power their computers for A LONG TIME.
*”hacked” seems so graphically brutal—like we’ze all the chickens on the butcher block at the Chinese restaurant, chopped by the deft hand of an expedient “chef”
This is The Matrix. What we SEE now is not YET the full-out VR world, but even without visible tubes or wires we ARE being used (remotely!) to power "their" world. Obscene, no?
To wit, we humans are not much more than walking COMPUTER SERVERS—data storage repositories because storing DATA in our DNA is cheap and redundancy is cheap. Even if one of us dies, others carry that same data "zey" want / need).
Zey haf stored MOVIES in human DNA / bacteria via CRISPR-Cas Encodin’:
Eadweard Muybridge’s famous gallopin’ horsie:
For NOW they do need some of us on Earth YET LIVING just to store their data but they don't need billions of us… an’ we won’t be needed “long term” (the term “long term storage” won’t apply…)
So in fact, most of us are ALREADY & FULLY “useless eaters” TO THEM.
WE are simply a RESOURCE, stock, supply… protoplasmic property. The tech (from all I’m larnin’) IS THERE. NOW. IN PLACE. BEIN’ USED as we speak…
“Zey” don't need anything but our “livin’ cellular water”(liquid in our tissues, the water of LIFE!) to store their data. Dumb an' enslaved is the desired “status” of us human beans /homo sapiens. (Yeah, it’s dee-spicable.)
To the surprise of many, it's NOT our brains they want ('cept ta make our brains dumb, docile, an’ compliant via fluoride, jabs, medi-sins… so as ta use us with our “con-sent”—CON indeed cuz they wanna con us inta givin’ up OUR bodily sovereignty!). Ya see, our “thinkin’” organs they cain’t harvest (control, mebbe so, harvest, nah); nobuddy’s doin’ gray-matter brain transplants (yet). Honestly, we could all be “brain dead” in comas an’ they still could use us fer data storage an’ energy ‘til they’ze ready ta harvest us fer parts like in movies like “The Island” (also not unlike them poor comatose mamas they torture an’ use as baby makin’ MKUltra’d torsos after hackin’ off their limbs, tongues—oh yeah, it’s THAT brutal…these folks is SICK). So, I dunno ‘bout all their dark holly-daze an’ solstices, but I’m SURE they do have a harvest “FEST” come “FALL” (that’s “THE” Fall…on repeat)… ‘Member y’all, the “cult” performin’ these rituals is ANCIENT. I myself feel the tech is newer (not THAT new tho’…) but Sabrina Wallace feels the tech is nearly as ancient as mankind! She sez it’s all in the MATH an’ that it’s older than we think! Wull ANYWHOO…
They extract our ENERGY, store their data in us ‘til it’s time ta cut out + sell our PREFERRED ORGANS (jus’ ta sell cuz they’ze worth a bunch at the ”wet market” kidneys, spleens, hearts, eyeballs…cannibal soup!), an’ ta make it easy on themselves, they wanna control us via our “zombified” (-fried!) brains (usin’ 5G, jabs-bad, chemtrails an’ other ways ta attack us like weaponized energy targettin’) BUT they care notta whit / notta mite fer preservin’ our noggins nor fer improvin’ them, etceteree etcetterah. (Heck, even the “enhanced” soldiers, assassins, an’ others under their thumbs claws only git ta live with improved senses —site, hearin’, memory, etc—fer a short while ‘fore they too are taken’ out or put on the trash heap when they decide ta upgrade ‘er “roll out” more advanced models… Giordano speaks about this at some point in one of his viddeyos: what ta do when deployment for the enhanced soldiers is DONE since ya cain’t take out the tech AND since the tech-in-use is risky ta have in civilian life, methinks they gotta just take these “enhanced individuals” outta circulation in all ways, mebbe use ‘im fer spare parts? Them that survived the enhancements then, they TOO are livin’ on borrowed time even if they were told other-wayz to rope ‘em in ta receivin’ them “enhancements.”
Cullin' the popu-lay-shun down to a manageable minimum makes sense given we are just data repositories AND energy sources… as per a couple’ve links I’ve listed above. ALSO Dr. Ana Mihalcea sez that the “nano” tech + hyrdogels zap our energy significantly. That’s why folks that report “cov!d” or “long cov!d” or post-jab symptoms that include shortness’ve breath an’ exhaustion—they ain’t kiddin!
Per Dr. Ana:
All people affected had symptoms of chronic fatigue, which overlaps with current findings of what people call “Long Covid”. This fatigue is a lack of energy, or life force which is obviously hijacked by these nanotechnological weapons, causing all diseases of aging, including cancer by induction of lower tissue oxygenation and hence increased blood acidity.
Zo yup, that's the other part… VE are their energy. The lame-o "grid" cain't power what WE can; there just ain’t enuf servers, ain’t enuf hard drive space. What’s more—we've been doin' it fer DECADES. I don’t mean just targeted or “ill” folks—I mean (per Sabrina): ALL OF US. Remotely! We are remote storage!
Each DNA strand kin store ‘bout 4mb of data—that adds up when ya think’a the INFINITE number of cells in our bodies, all teemin’ with DNA…
Yup, the SAD AmeriKan Cheeze Whiz diet is part’ve it, but also, is our havin’ less energy (now that “zey” are usin’ us to power their search engines an’ stores an’ apparatuses…) is this also “vhy ve” humans are “fetter” an’ more sedentary as a species? Why even the young’uns are “too tired ta think?” (an’ they’ze kinda fat too…)
Might this be cuz our energy is bein' taken from us, so we have LESS energy to power our bodies an' our minds?
Since Sabrina sez they've been doin' this since the early 90s I wonder if this is really indeed a factor in some’a my own stubborn health issues (long story but there’ze Lyme an’ other stuff; I'll spare y'all as nothing too serious yet….); yet, I wonder if the stealin' of our mojo, our energy is ALSO a factor in the eppy-demic (plandemic too!) of autism an' other health challenges (not that the vaxxxine schedule ain't also responsible / reprehensible but this augments the harms of injected an’ otherwise poisoned…) cuz we’ze ALL energy (we are vibratin’ with life!) an’ stealin’ some of it an’ screwin’ with it AFFECTS the BRAIN an’ the BODY ELECTRIC!
THE OLDSTERS are’ the deemed the MOST USELESS of us USELESS EATERS…CUZ they are LOW ENERGY… Yikes!
CULLIN' OUT the older folks whose older “cells” an’ wonkier DNA offer the “least” in reliable “data storage” an’ energy…. makes poifect sense if them GlobalistWeenies jus' want young bodies as energy sources and trusty data depositories usin’ their DNA like it wuz literally a “SELF STORAGE FACILITY” (‘cept fer them it ain’t overpriced, it’s FREE!)
(an’ not hopium… which nobuddy should be “smokin’ now’daze)
SO the above ZIDE 2 narrative is BLEAK but… Cockeyed Optimist that I am, I STILL think humans will WIN over these evil doers… an’ per Sabrina—we DO have a chance!
Do I BELIEVE HER? I do! I don’t fully understand whut she’s sayin’—but trust her honesty an’ her near-desperate effort to SAVE US HUMANS! BLESSIN’S TO SABRINA WALLACE (an’ her kiddos too!) THUS to save ourselves:
WE MUST RECLAIM THE STOLEN BODY “ORGAN” that surrounds us, our BIOFIELD, our AURA as some call it!
To do so, Miz Wallace invokes PRAYER, LOVE an’ simply KNOWING WHO WE ARE (individually an’ as humans)… She seems to imply that our inner power and strength are our main TOOLS to fight this evil / evil tech. It sounds (too) simple—but mebbe there’s somethin’ to it?—otherwise why aren’t we all DEAD ALREADY?
Like I said…even in the grim, I tend to keep my “Sunny Side Up”…
Since human DNA has been changed over decades (including that inherited by our offspring) the only way to FIX this mess PHYSICALLY is, per Sabrina Wallace, by:
A. Takin' down the 5g towers (my thought fer quite a long spell…) BUT/ALSO
B. Eliminatin' ALL the g's—3g. 4g, etc because ALL’ve ‘em have been used to eliminate our important organ / body part which is, as per above, our "auras."
Nope, I’m not goin' inta the "woo" here (tho' I'm often woo-begone!!!!) but ruther we are all (we know) electric vibratin' bee-u-tee-ful beings an' we DO resonate an' react to frequencies…an' wull… THERE IS SOMETHING TO IT!
C. Takin' down ALL them satellites… those our Millie-tarry stuck up thar, those from fElon Musk, all’ve ‘em—doin’ us HARMS
D. Takin' out all the LEDs (an' fluorescents too!) an' goin' back ta warm, safe, INCANDESCENT. Led’s ya must know by now kin harm our eyes with BLUE LIGHT, trigger the optical (opti-cull!) features in the bioweapons they're usin' against us (another topic fer another day!), plus the PURPLE spy-vs-spy trackin' lights, the SMART LIGHTBULBS—all that sh!t has gotta GO!
The rest is CAKE in comparison.
Now I ain't sayin' the above TAKEDOWN is gonna be easy but NAMING it IS a START as is LETTING FOLKS KNOW we have been HACKED + HIJACKED.
Letting folks know about “OUR STOLEN BODY PART” (our mojo / spirit / aura etc.) is the first step in gettin’ it back!
So this novel-but-plausible concept—the invisible theft of literally part’ve us—something that is part’a yer immune system, somethin’ they took over a CENTURY ago (tho’ the hackin’ is near-bout 30 years old…) has GOT. ME. THINKIN’.
All that 1970's secret-spook "hijackin'" that our Alphabets cooked up ta skeer us with (includin’ the movies ‘bout it to give us “Fear of Flyin’ “… er. no not that type…)—wuz actually indicative of what they were REALLY doin' to our wondrous human BODIES. They DID kidnap us in a sense—part’ve us at least!
WE have been HIJACKED! (an' not by central castin' A-rabs with Box Cutters workin' fer SAG day rate either! an’ nope, Charton Heston ain’t around ta save us neither!) Wuther ya call ‘em the Illuminatti (interestin’ly Miz Wallace duz not) they’ze devils fer sure. They kin also go by SOME OTHER NAME—VILLAINS! an’ they’ze THIEVES too!
SO WE LEARN HUMAN HISTORY as it REALLY WAS! To sum up this revelation….
The con and the theft wuz NOT ONLY of our formerly beloved NATIONS (or the illusions that were so real to us—and beautiful too!) but also…of our energy, our “body part”- auras, our SPIRIT! (different from a “soul” I guess… but something vital, it was OURS).
THUS…. WE MUST figger out a way to DESTROY the tech that's killin' us.
TECH is not a supernatural thing. It’s (per Miz Wallace) not demons, not witchcraft nor alien or anything other than (as Miz Wallace puts it) MATH.
Snarkers say “do the Math” but WE MUST UNDO THE MATH to STOP THE TECH. This we CAN do… those that understand it kindly step up while the rest of us speak up an’ help as best we are able.
AN ASIDE… as this “steal” of our life essence, our energy—an’ their usin’ us fer frickin’ data storage—all this makes me MADDER than a hornet under a cow patty in a dung heap! (Far more, even, than’ stealin’ eee-lections!)
REVENGE (a dish served cold an’ a fate I’d like ta imagine fer them that done this to US)—okay, it’s not nice but these Weenies have a lotta dead humans on their hands… good people—so here’yall go…
The GlobalistWeenies want us all to be their power-slaves like fElon's PAGER THE MONKEY. Sittin' at a lousy 'puter playin' viddeyo games all day, suckin' down sugary banana mush drinks as a reward, connected to THEIR cloud, THEIR Matrix. No friends ta frolic with, no fambly. An’ they call us useless protoplasm indeed?! ALL who did this ta Pager an’ the other poor creatures are the true USELESS ones… I have NO USE fer ‘em or their inhuman /inhumane plans!
AND… there’s no use on Gawd’s Green EARTH fer such criminals (crummy nulls too!), harmin’ beautiful, innocent sentient creatures. (Yeah, I know there is far more sophisticated tech than poor “Pager” here… but all an’ all, I’m askin’ fer some Quid Pro Quo…)
If “zey” want us to live out the rest of our lives (whuts left ‘ve ‘em if they git their durned way) like Pager here, then THAT is the fate I want fer them…
HOOK up InSanityKlaus an' lil’ YouFail ta the data server, suck out their evil energy an’ use it fer good!, store data in 'em (mebbe some banned patriotic movies backed up—that’d serve ‘em right!). An’ don't let 'em even stand up! no coffee breaks!—attach a stinkin’ shart bucket to their swivel chairs an' only clean it out once a week. An’ that ain’t it all! Nope, cuz zey vant us human beans all over-sexualized, right? Hookay, then let's turn that over to the AI an' have their dastardly "machines" use THEM fer all that "sex energy extractin'. "HOW? If ya know what Kinsey did ta them poor babies wull THAT is whut I wish on all them globalists in return—it's the fate they wish on US, so let 'em have it "too." Tug tug tug whoops. OH an’ give ‘em some “trans” surgery too as payback fer all that mutilation an’ dogma forced on our young’uns, ruinin’ innocent lives—give ‘em the freakish an’ perpetually infected “wounds that urinate”… see how “zey” like it. ZEY WILL OWN NUTHIN’, ZEY VILL BE HEPPY, ZEY VILL EAT THE DAMNED BUGZ… RANT OVER….
I'm sorry y’all, I know that ain't very Judeo-Christian / Chairtable 'er even NICE of me but hey, it's only WISHFUL thinkin'… right? WE KIN THINK, we kin re-think, act… or not. Heck, half’ve me wants ta just give’em the OFF RAMP an’ send ‘em out inta the cornfield bye-bye. It’s the other half that wants ta see ‘em suffer a bit since they imposed so much of it on use useless eaters / hackable animauls. But anywayz, this is SO evil whut they done that I don’t (always) have “nice” thoughts… (Daisy’d like ta skin’em all like possums an’ make a chowder outta ‘em too!)
The TAKEDOWN of the G's (2,3,4,5, etc) must be REAL.
Ditto fer the SATELLITES!
We don’t need their 5G or ANY of the G’s they’ze usin’ ta harm us. FIBER OPTIC is safe tech IF they don't weaponize it by hookin' it up to the g's or LEDs. EVERYONE could STILL be connected via fiber optics… even in the boonies where folks now are now gettin’ the Dark-StarLink courtesy of the fElon MuskOx (an' honestly, gettin fiber out inta the woods’d cost us way less than we gave ta Uke-Crain ta waste)!
IF it’s only MATH + the tech that stands in our way, we CAN fight ‘em!
Sabrina thinks our DNA CAN HEAL if we kin give it space an’ time. Gotta take down all the G's (per above) AND the satellites. AND (IMPORTANTLY!) if people are made aware! WE GOTTA let'em know. (But HOW?)
WHO kin take down 5g?
Construction folks with cherry pickers? Firefighters with tall ladders? WHO?
WHO can take down "satellites?
this is KEY as they are our FUTURE (an’ future parents…we hope…)
Sabrina sez the HARDEST part of it all is that most young folks UNDER 40 are HAPPY to sit at their desks an' collect INCOMES to destroy their fellow human beans AND our REAL world by designin' systems an’ (final) solutions an’ all this HUMANITY-KILLIN' software an' DNA-hackin' stuff.
She claims these younger generations have NOT been taught ta appreciate REAL stuff—love, family, BOOKS!, creatin' "REAL" things (vs digi-tale)… so they must be RETAUGHT b/c their parents were too distracted ta do it. (It’s a generational thing I guess…)
NOW… Miz Sabrina may be right but I DO see some PUSHBACK even in SOME of the young’uns. Not so much among them I know personally. More like some in their 20’s /30’s (older than my young’uns) that I see online… singin’ or writin’ or mockin’ the “status quo” of their generation. Now it is NOT true that 70% of our nay-shun (here at least) would be content to live life like PAGER THE FRICKIn’ MONKEY—strapped to a desk in a dark room starin' at a screen. NO WAY.
Even those screen-stunned AVATAR “KIDS” who failed to learn about history, language, art and all the wonderful things HUMAN BEANS CREATED…(we are mahvelous, ain't we?)…CAN appreciate SOME of life's pleasures without bein' connected to MACHINES. Swimmin', holdin' hands an' huggin' real warm bodies!, cuddlin' with dogs n' cats n' pets, enjoyin' a stroll in the country or even in a (safe, ha!) city park, sleepin-in in a warm bed, drinkin' a homemade cuppa tea, listenin' ta Mozart (yeah, that canceled ol’ white feller!).
YOUN'UNS (not jus' yers, mine, an' "ours" as a LARGE group of sentient humans) NEED the REAL WORLD. Methinks they would not give it up so easily in spite’a what HardeeHarHarari sez. This is true even if they ain’t exactly takin’ “full” advantage of what the “real world” has ta offer…
If you were told you can be culled at any moment if you don’t “put out” enough product and/or if yer social credit score dips, that you'll only have interactions with a computer (no time fer other human beans!), that yer energy will be sucked dry (automatically!) so you’ll feel wiped out all the time, that if yer “good” an’ never question authority you can suck on bug juice all day in return, too, fer yer immortal soul which they’ll take without askin’. OH an’ they expect ya ta do non-stop work, AND no matter whut, ya cain’t live past 60. Then WOULD YOU WANT THIS? Even if the pay wuz great?
I. think. NOT.
Even the most jaded an’ screen-addicted among ‘em cannot possibly want the dark underground nuke-free “safe” world of “the future” where all the carbon from “our” atmosphere is sucked into their plant-filled faux space… a facsimile of “real” life as it wuz, REALLY? Even with “VR pinball?”—yup, even with VR Pinball…
An' IF them GlobalSatinists an' Satanistas all git their wish—one day soon destroyin' our world an' livin' underground—suckin' up our O2 an' CO2 ta make the "atmosphere" in their underground UTOPIAS (some You Toe Pee Uhz!) – How FUN would that be? REALLY?
How fun would a future-world be, filled by an’ for dweeby Young Globalist Leaders livin' together in TUNNELS, knowin' they destroyed vibrant human life as it wuz once, knowin’ now that ALL CREATIVITY is GONE. Permanently… Woo hoo? Really?
How fun would it be fer them to press a button ta git a designer baby they (zey!) wouldn't wanna raise themselves anyway? Meh, why botha?!
BORED an’ BORING YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS… plus some adult “children” from the famed satanic bloodlines. All hangin’ out sippin’ adrenochrome mimosas an’ starin’ inta flickerin’ screens? Maybe they’ll watch some VR polo on the wall-o-screens?
That ta me is HELL. I guess instead’a marriage or love they kin just “watch the saucers” ‘er hook themselfs up to all-day"simulation an' stimulation" machines ta git off?
Is that what the YOUNG’UNS really want?
I “THINK” we can dissuade ‘em… at least TRY, no?
“ZO!”… WE HUMAN BEANS ain't done YET!
Our enemies only have MATH (an’ money)—we have SOULS an’ SPIRITS an’ we can RECLAIM ‘em, I do believe, along with our DNA, as long as we keep a STRONG picture in our minds of WHO WE ARE…
Bless all them truth tellers an' THANK YOU SABRINA WALLACE!
Thank you ALL you STEM BRAINS listed here (an’ a few more too…) fer figgerin' out all this tech stuff (cuz somma we "ahrtists" are better left ta singin' , dancin' , writin' an' beatin' the drums!)
Havin’ heard stuff I cain’t “unhear”… I say HECK YES…
Don’t git discouraged y’all, git bizzy!
Spread the world, turn off yer cell phones, take BACK yer stolen aura / energy field!
Git them young’uns away from their high-payin’ dystopian screen-jobs an’ inta the sunlight!
SHARE the love with yer dear ones cuz it’s a higer vibration!
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
1. SCIENCE IS REAL…really? Now I love “John n’ John” an’ took my littles ta see ‘em play live many times. But gener-ay-shuns’ve kids convinced that “Science is Real” gotta lotta banana oil ta warsh outta their earz cuz:
a. much science today is unreal / manufactured (ta name a few examples Hollywood went ta the moon with the DOD, bit "we" didn’t, there ain’t no fossil fuels ‘er peak oil, clean potable “primary” water is abundant on the planet—nobuddy should die fer lack of it!)
b. “trustin’" that science is one’ve the most DANGEROUS things folks kin do….
MAD DOCTOR… From the now-FROZEN HEAD of dark Uncle Walty….
But it’s this REALLY what itz all ‘bout? (jaw droppin’ lyrics below—sheesh, they WUZ tellin’ us! Whod’a thunk?!)
IT’s TOUGH TO BE A GOD (aka The Bilderbergers’ Ludicrous Lament)
I hardly think I'm qualified
To come across all sanctified
I just don't cut it with the cherubim
Arrogant, they’re on their knees
Being worshipped is a breeze!
Which rather suits us in the interim…
It's tough to be a god
Tread where mortals have not trod
Be deified when really you're a sham
Be an object of devotion
Be the subject of psalms
It's a rather touchin’ notion
All those prayers and those salaams
And who am I to bridle
If I’m forced to be an idol?
If they say that I’m a god that’s what I am!
Once more if we don't comply
With the locals' wishes I
Can see us being sacrificed or stuffed!
So let's be gods, the perks are great
El Dorado on a plate
Local feeling should not be rebuffed
It's tough to be a god
But if you get the people's nod
Count your blessings, keep ‘em sweet that’s our advice
(It's great advice)
Be a symbol of perfection
Be a legend, be a cult
Take their praise, take a collection
As the multitudes exalt
Don a supernatural habit
We'd be crazy not to grab it
You got it
So sign up two new gods for paradise
(Added verse, one of many…)
Be nirvana, be salvation
Be all things to all men
Butter up your congregation
Every Sunday score a ten
The alternative is dire
Simply frying pan to fire
So sign on two new gods for paradise, paradise!
NO humans are Gods an’ them weenies better learn that pronto!
Good pernt! (nice ta see ya here'bouts too Lex! )... so indeedy our dummies in charge have alienated all them BRICS countries to our own peril. Any back door buddy buddy with CCP goin' on chez the entity known as "Biden" ain't gonna werk on a global scale--an' yer right, no chips, no ability ta dip inta our DNA so easily. ( ...double edge sword re them chips as we normies kinda need 'em too, but meantimes gotta keep that eye on "Tie-One-On" which reminds me of Dr Seuss in Fox in Socks... Let's do tricks with bricks (brics) and blocks (blocs), sir, Let's do tricks with chicks (make it chips!) and clocks, sir... All a game!
An' yup, sans computers they'ze toast. In one'a my preevee-us postin's I mentioned that indeed we gotta take down their 'puters, their CPUs an' SeePUs!, an' somebuddy with mighty sous-chef hackin' chops gotta scramble their softward, laptops, etc (I suggested invadin' Davos, WEF, Bilderberg, an' all the table top / war game meetins' too!) I couldn't hack my way ta Chynna (!) but there are them that have the talent....we need 'em fast!
Ditto agreein' that Burns wuz abso-rootin' tootely correct! An' "mistakes DO happen" (I liked when Come,Maul-a'-Hair-Ass slipped up an' mentioned reducin' population ta give everyone "enuf ta eat"--slips (Freudian 'er otherwise), slides, an' glitches (like Mitch!) all spoil their festerin' stew (as duz the timely death of President Obama's "poison'all" Chef) an' such examples of "awry" show whuts under the hood(wink).
Sho' nuff them shortages (chips, etc) kin work in our favor--"zey" do have a timeline (I keep hearin' 2025 but in print it's Agenda 30). Mebbe if we all say JINX an' "butta fingers" when they'ze about ta deliver some killer x-y-z-rays they'll fumble (I hope so!)
All that said, as a wee caveat, seein' how the war-chest budge-itz are put together, with a lotta paddin' / overkill (all meanin's too!), I wouldn't put it past 'em to have stockpiled enuf chips to compete with Frito Lay! They got mountains've ammo fer the tax collect-turds (inspite a' well-publicized shortages), diapers an' formula fer the "asylum seekers" an' "Joe" (none fer wet an' hungry yanks), an' all manner've stockpiled "vaxxxines" fer "the next one".... So...yeah, mebbe enuf Frito Lay in a cave below a MidWestern Walmart-- which comes back to our needin' hackers an' mebbe a giant magnet--cuz then chips don't matter even if they did (Fox an') sock 'em away...
I'm late ta the pot luck myself! But woo hoo an' yay! Thanks Tonika for the heads up 'bout Joe (who just stumbled upstairs again!)--Cain't wait ta look! I'm a' hearin' ya--I have about 3K emails in my inbox, been a mite overwhelmed--much ado near daily now (today we ran outta fuel so cookin' on hotplates--fun!). Anywho, I'd missed yer message but just found it--will email ya back after I give it a look-see!