I have to admit (regretfully) that while I appreciate the observation, research and dot connecting for which you're known, albeit insufficiently, I meanwhile can't read your stuff. At this point I just look at the title and briefly check out the graphics. I honestly can't deal with the comedic style you've chosen.
Again, I appreciate your effort(s) but your style of conveyance dishonors it. I know another reader or two has made the same comment.
It's common enough in writing to fall in love with the wrong thing. Some make adjustments and some double down.
Now I'm gonna be as polite as I kin given the somewhat ornery comment. however "well meanin', " (ain't they always?). Thus I'll give it more time than it deserves, just "cuz."
Like it 'er not, today folks is used ta readin' online, skimmin', scrollin' thru, an' resentin' havin' ta take a bit MORE TIME ta chaw thru just 'bout anything--not jus' dialect but complexities, dense language, academic stuff yadayada. OK, fair 'nuff but that may (I daresay) reflect more on the reader than the writer. Askin' even the most litter-airy articulate readers ta concentrate to some is considered a "joy" an' fun, to others it's considered an onus or at worst, an annoyance. I hear y'all, I know there ARE a few of ya's that cain't be bothered. So. Be. It.
I choose ta write AS Daisy, I speak AS Daisy. Heck, I'm an act-truss, I DO things in character. I write 'bout some stuff that's "controversial" an' writing "in character" under a nom-de-plume keeps me safer, AVOIDS all that AI bot stuff (which plagues most other frank writers) because (HA!) most AI doesn't know what in tarnation ta make of my accent 'er my "woids." My dialect turns off trolls (why botha?) an' lordy I'm grateful fer that! Sure, it limits my audience to them that wanna make the trek here an' wade inta the weeds. Some dip in a toe, some plow thru it all! Yer welcome! Glad ya stopped by, y'know. Sit a spell or just say howdy. It's all good ta me...
Tho' it's true some complain 'bout the "accent," I have more readers that ruther LOVE IT! Readership is in the decent hundreds now'daze, so if they wuz all hatin' it they'd of unsubscribed. Nobody is twistin' any arms ta read whut Daisy's sayin'. I've had folks say it makes their day, makes 'em smile, reminds 'em of Hee Haw an' of COURSE the Beverly Hillbillies, an' some (from the South) git a big kick outta it as a kinda tribute. (Some like it hot, some like it cold...)
No-buddy is forced ta read what I write--if yer too tired ta dig in, either come back when yer eyes are bright n' yer bushy tailed or skip n' hop away ta something that goes down the hatch more smoothly.
Havin' ta concentrate more n' ya might like to (folks used'ta be more accustomed to it however) is true with Shakespeare (as written), Falkner, Twain, an' many more I admire!
2. Joel Chandler Harris (some prefer readin' him sans dialect but I think it loses the flavor completely):
(W'y, der's er old gray rat w'at uses 'bout yer, en time atter time he comes out w'en you all done gone ter bed en sets up dar in de cornder en dozes, en me en him talks by de 'our; en w'at dat old rat dunno ain't down in de spellin' book. Des now, w'en you run in and broke me up, I wuz fetchin' into my mine w'at Brer Tarrypin say ter Brer Fox w'en he turn 'im loose in de branch." )
3. Steven Berkoff the brilliant playwright who has been known to use COCKNEY RHYMING SLANG as dialogue.
4. Damon Runyon (a Kansas man who writes hilariously in New Yawk ease....)
IDOLS all've 'em!
I fall in love with dialect (ALL dialect, soitenly not just mine); you may call it "the wrong thing" but I call it my voice! Bong, Boo, Ping, and a JibberJabberJoo.... Daisy's fond'a nonsense too!
On the Ning Nang Nong
Where the Cows go Bong!
and the monkeys all say BOO!
There's a Nong Nang Ning
Where the trees go Ping!
And the tea pots jibber jabber joo.
-Spike Milligan
My advice, come back (if ya like) after a cuppa Joe an' sit a spell--some things (like buildin' Rome) take a bit 'o time...
PS... I'm recallin' yer a poet so I'm purdy sure that in that vein yer happy ta slog thru dense forests've woids!
An' speakin' of sloggin' an' wadin' thru the kinda text that needs attention "cuz" written in Olde Englishe and/or in the vernacular, just TODAY I wuz readin' a very amusin' piece a writin' by Milton against all "censorship" via a "meaty" analogy. (Whatever yer habits dietary, I hope this will be an amuse-bouche -literary!) Milton posits that if books are meat, then "bad meat" will not harm / defile a sound, good "reader" who may indeed use them as cause to edify, inform, refute, etc. (ergo don't censor 'em). Similarly "good meat"/good lit. will not edify or enlighten the "naughty mind" as they will remain indigestible to the "vitiated stomack"
With that said, fer yer culinary concentration, an' delectation--a slice of Milton (not Mutton!), dig in!:
To the pure, all things are pure, not only meats and drinks, but all kinde of knowledge whether of good or evill; the knowledge cannot defile, nor consequently the books, if the will and conscience be not defil’d. For books are as meats and viands are; some of good, some of evill substance; and yet God in that unapocryphall vision, said without exception, Rise Peter, kill and eat, leaving the choice to each mans discretion. Wholesome meats to a vitiated stomack differ little or nothing from unwholesome; and best books to a naughty mind are not unappliable to occasions of evill. Bad meats will scarce breed good nourishment in the healthiest concoction; but herein the difference is of bad books, that they to a discreet and judicious Reader serve in many respects to discover, to confute, to forewarn, and to illustrate.
As Robert Burns observed, "the best laid plans o' mice an' men go oft awry." Whether it's real or not, all this garbage runs on microchips that are mostly manufactured in two places: Taiwan and China. If "they" get the WWIII they seem to be pushing for, with the West on one side and BRICS on the other, they are in for a hard lesson in the perils of supply chain management. When your adversary controls your resources, you are, as the technical term goes, shit out of luck. Good luck trying to do any of this without computers.
Good pernt! (nice ta see ya here'bouts too Lex! )... so indeedy our dummies in charge have alienated all them BRICS countries to our own peril. Any back door buddy buddy with CCP goin' on chez the entity known as "Biden" ain't gonna werk on a global scale--an' yer right, no chips, no ability ta dip inta our DNA so easily. ( ...double edge sword re them chips as we normies kinda need 'em too, but meantimes gotta keep that eye on "Tie-One-On" which reminds me of Dr Seuss in Fox in Socks... Let's do tricks with bricks (brics) and blocks (blocs), sir, Let's do tricks with chicks (make it chips!) and clocks, sir... All a game!
An' yup, sans computers they'ze toast. In one'a my preevee-us postin's I mentioned that indeed we gotta take down their 'puters, their CPUs an' SeePUs!, an' somebuddy with mighty sous-chef hackin' chops gotta scramble their softward, laptops, etc (I suggested invadin' Davos, WEF, Bilderberg, an' all the table top / war game meetins' too!) I couldn't hack my way ta Chynna (!) but there are them that have the talent....we need 'em fast!
Ditto agreein' that Burns wuz abso-rootin' tootely correct! An' "mistakes DO happen" (I liked when Come,Maul-a'-Hair-Ass slipped up an' mentioned reducin' population ta give everyone "enuf ta eat"--slips (Freudian 'er otherwise), slides, an' glitches (like Mitch!) all spoil their festerin' stew (as duz the timely death of President Obama's "poison'all" Chef) an' such examples of "awry" show whuts under the hood(wink).
Sho' nuff them shortages (chips, etc) kin work in our favor--"zey" do have a timeline (I keep hearin' 2025 but in print it's Agenda 30). Mebbe if we all say JINX an' "butta fingers" when they'ze about ta deliver some killer x-y-z-rays they'll fumble (I hope so!)
All that said, as a wee caveat, seein' how the war-chest budge-itz are put together, with a lotta paddin' / overkill (all meanin's too!), I wouldn't put it past 'em to have stockpiled enuf chips to compete with Frito Lay! They got mountains've ammo fer the tax collect-turds (inspite a' well-publicized shortages), diapers an' formula fer the "asylum seekers" an' "Joe" (none fer wet an' hungry yanks), an' all manner've stockpiled "vaxxxines" fer "the next one".... So...yeah, mebbe enuf Frito Lay in a cave below a MidWestern Walmart-- which comes back to our needin' hackers an' mebbe a giant magnet--cuz then chips don't matter even if they did (Fox an') sock 'em away...
I’ve taken in some Sabrina as well, and although some of it is over my head, I have to say, it can scare the shit out of me. I keep having to remind myself that no matter what, no man made thing can outperform millions of years of evolution. That everything is gonna be ok in the end. And if it’s not ok, it’s not the end.
I completely agree about the kids, the youngest generation, reject the temptations of the status quo. They simply think it’s uncool. Talk about a humbling experience. One of my kids who is trying out school this year (and don’t get me started on this), was stuck in class while we were having a wonderful late summer temps in Chi. So I went and pulled him out of school, so he, his twin, the toddler, and the dog can go to the doggie beach and swim. Under reason for early dismissal, I put down “unschooling event”. I can’t wait to get an email this week from the school. 🙄but we had a blast. Worth it. We locked up all our devices in the microwave, not because we really believed that the emergency system was gonna turn us into zombies, but because it was a fun activity. And then we enjoyed non digital time together. I have sand where the good Lord don’t shine and I’m currently waiting for the twins to get out of choir, but nothing a good long shower can fix. Despite all the culling, they can eat crud. We’re having fun anyway.
Please te me where you nabbed those fabulous 60s future illustrations from.
Yup, with Sabrina it's kinda bleak an' over the head like when yer shirt gits stuck takin' it off---but even Sabrina (as I wuz sure ta mention) offered HOPE-not-HOPIUM in terms of savin' us all by first havin' us claim' back our "body part" (this sounds like an Edward Gorey moment...), next takin' down the worst of the tech (5G, satellites) an' yup, third, gettin' the young'uns on board. She's a mama too an' I KNOW she ain't givin' up. Just take it in little doses... it helps!
I DO think we'll all be OK an' mebbe not livin' in the forest recitin' books like in Fahrenheit 451 (fun tho a day in the woods kin be). I just think we all gotta keep vibratin' at a higher plane--sounds a bit woo but that's how I imagine this "aura"...
I LOVE how ya pulled yer kiddo outta school fer unschoolin' today an' stuck the de-vices in the microwave (git ridda that radiatin' thing tho if ya kin--it zaps out nutrients... toaster oven is better in a pinch... ) -- SO great ya had a fun day on the beach! Playin' hookey is the next best thing to not-back-ta-skool. Oddly, we headed fer the cemetery ta stay outta the "waves" (it wuz a purdy one an' super old too), lotsa trees, no wireless!
Instead'a sand in the pants I had Leaves of Grass up my As....! (rhymin' aside, seriously, I took at cat nap on the grass an' somehow the green stuff snuck in!) Re skool (I won't git ya started...) when I post 'bout my younger one (an' I hope ta git to it soon), one of the rollercoasters I had ta ride out with her wuz her beggin' ta do skool--until she learned a lot more 'bout how it all works (track n' trace, no electives, ALL Stuff on 'puters / no paper 'er cute notebooks with frogs on 'em... yadayada). FINALLY we found homeschoolin' folks up here in the boonies and there's a lot've us so it's better... finally. now. But I hear ya! Havin' fun IS rockin' yer energy, yer "body part" as Sabrina sez, an' ta me that's makes the lemonade.
Found them illustrations on "Pinterest" -- I cain't find nuttin' any more with search "engines" (even ones that used ta work!)
Thanks for the few chortles here😉 I’m so late with responding!
Btw, I emailed you the second draft of the where is Joe video. But I’m told my email is starting to come with “email suspicious” warnings. Wasn’t sure if you had received it at all or if you decided not to open.
Wull thank ye kindly, Sharon! Glad ta give yer brain a little workout; I'm inspired by all kinda folks an' all kinda accents an' fer sure good people like yer granny (mine too!) I may be a Yankee(Doodle too!), but I had a whip-smart great Uncle (may he RIP) from Kentucky in my own fambly -- kinda feller that figger'd out the punchline 'fore the joke was told-out, kind-hearted, well mannered, no tolerance fer fools! The American South is near n' dear ta me no matter where I roam. An' I try ta have a little fun here even when the sky's fallin' (Henny Penny wuz smarter than we thought!) ;-)
I'm late ta the pot luck myself! But woo hoo an' yay! Thanks Tonika for the heads up 'bout Joe (who just stumbled upstairs again!)--Cain't wait ta look! I'm a' hearin' ya--I have about 3K emails in my inbox, been a mite overwhelmed--much ado near daily now (today we ran outta fuel so cookin' on hotplates--fun!). Anywho, I'd missed yer message but just found it--will email ya back after I give it a look-see!
I have to admit (regretfully) that while I appreciate the observation, research and dot connecting for which you're known, albeit insufficiently, I meanwhile can't read your stuff. At this point I just look at the title and briefly check out the graphics. I honestly can't deal with the comedic style you've chosen.
Again, I appreciate your effort(s) but your style of conveyance dishonors it. I know another reader or two has made the same comment.
It's common enough in writing to fall in love with the wrong thing. Some make adjustments and some double down.
Now I'm gonna be as polite as I kin given the somewhat ornery comment. however "well meanin', " (ain't they always?). Thus I'll give it more time than it deserves, just "cuz."
Like it 'er not, today folks is used ta readin' online, skimmin', scrollin' thru, an' resentin' havin' ta take a bit MORE TIME ta chaw thru just 'bout anything--not jus' dialect but complexities, dense language, academic stuff yadayada. OK, fair 'nuff but that may (I daresay) reflect more on the reader than the writer. Askin' even the most litter-airy articulate readers ta concentrate to some is considered a "joy" an' fun, to others it's considered an onus or at worst, an annoyance. I hear y'all, I know there ARE a few of ya's that cain't be bothered. So. Be. It.
I choose ta write AS Daisy, I speak AS Daisy. Heck, I'm an act-truss, I DO things in character. I write 'bout some stuff that's "controversial" an' writing "in character" under a nom-de-plume keeps me safer, AVOIDS all that AI bot stuff (which plagues most other frank writers) because (HA!) most AI doesn't know what in tarnation ta make of my accent 'er my "woids." My dialect turns off trolls (why botha?) an' lordy I'm grateful fer that! Sure, it limits my audience to them that wanna make the trek here an' wade inta the weeds. Some dip in a toe, some plow thru it all! Yer welcome! Glad ya stopped by, y'know. Sit a spell or just say howdy. It's all good ta me...
Tho' it's true some complain 'bout the "accent," I have more readers that ruther LOVE IT! Readership is in the decent hundreds now'daze, so if they wuz all hatin' it they'd of unsubscribed. Nobody is twistin' any arms ta read whut Daisy's sayin'. I've had folks say it makes their day, makes 'em smile, reminds 'em of Hee Haw an' of COURSE the Beverly Hillbillies, an' some (from the South) git a big kick outta it as a kinda tribute. (Some like it hot, some like it cold...)
No-buddy is forced ta read what I write--if yer too tired ta dig in, either come back when yer eyes are bright n' yer bushy tailed or skip n' hop away ta something that goes down the hatch more smoothly.
Havin' ta concentrate more n' ya might like to (folks used'ta be more accustomed to it however) is true with Shakespeare (as written), Falkner, Twain, an' many more I admire!
A couple more "pernts" of reference...
1. Al Capp (Lil' Abner) https://tinyurl.com/2s38md7s
2. Joel Chandler Harris (some prefer readin' him sans dialect but I think it loses the flavor completely):
(W'y, der's er old gray rat w'at uses 'bout yer, en time atter time he comes out w'en you all done gone ter bed en sets up dar in de cornder en dozes, en me en him talks by de 'our; en w'at dat old rat dunno ain't down in de spellin' book. Des now, w'en you run in and broke me up, I wuz fetchin' into my mine w'at Brer Tarrypin say ter Brer Fox w'en he turn 'im loose in de branch." )
3. Steven Berkoff the brilliant playwright who has been known to use COCKNEY RHYMING SLANG as dialogue.
4. Damon Runyon (a Kansas man who writes hilariously in New Yawk ease....)
IDOLS all've 'em!
I fall in love with dialect (ALL dialect, soitenly not just mine); you may call it "the wrong thing" but I call it my voice! Bong, Boo, Ping, and a JibberJabberJoo.... Daisy's fond'a nonsense too!
On the Ning Nang Nong
Where the Cows go Bong!
and the monkeys all say BOO!
There's a Nong Nang Ning
Where the trees go Ping!
And the tea pots jibber jabber joo.
-Spike Milligan
My advice, come back (if ya like) after a cuppa Joe an' sit a spell--some things (like buildin' Rome) take a bit 'o time...
PS... I'm recallin' yer a poet so I'm purdy sure that in that vein yer happy ta slog thru dense forests've woids!
An' speakin' of sloggin' an' wadin' thru the kinda text that needs attention "cuz" written in Olde Englishe and/or in the vernacular, just TODAY I wuz readin' a very amusin' piece a writin' by Milton against all "censorship" via a "meaty" analogy. (Whatever yer habits dietary, I hope this will be an amuse-bouche -literary!) Milton posits that if books are meat, then "bad meat" will not harm / defile a sound, good "reader" who may indeed use them as cause to edify, inform, refute, etc. (ergo don't censor 'em). Similarly "good meat"/good lit. will not edify or enlighten the "naughty mind" as they will remain indigestible to the "vitiated stomack"
With that said, fer yer culinary concentration, an' delectation--a slice of Milton (not Mutton!), dig in!:
To the pure, all things are pure, not only meats and drinks, but all kinde of knowledge whether of good or evill; the knowledge cannot defile, nor consequently the books, if the will and conscience be not defil’d. For books are as meats and viands are; some of good, some of evill substance; and yet God in that unapocryphall vision, said without exception, Rise Peter, kill and eat, leaving the choice to each mans discretion. Wholesome meats to a vitiated stomack differ little or nothing from unwholesome; and best books to a naughty mind are not unappliable to occasions of evill. Bad meats will scarce breed good nourishment in the healthiest concoction; but herein the difference is of bad books, that they to a discreet and judicious Reader serve in many respects to discover, to confute, to forewarn, and to illustrate.
(That's just a piece of it but it's a juicy one!)
As Robert Burns observed, "the best laid plans o' mice an' men go oft awry." Whether it's real or not, all this garbage runs on microchips that are mostly manufactured in two places: Taiwan and China. If "they" get the WWIII they seem to be pushing for, with the West on one side and BRICS on the other, they are in for a hard lesson in the perils of supply chain management. When your adversary controls your resources, you are, as the technical term goes, shit out of luck. Good luck trying to do any of this without computers.
Good pernt! (nice ta see ya here'bouts too Lex! )... so indeedy our dummies in charge have alienated all them BRICS countries to our own peril. Any back door buddy buddy with CCP goin' on chez the entity known as "Biden" ain't gonna werk on a global scale--an' yer right, no chips, no ability ta dip inta our DNA so easily. ( ...double edge sword re them chips as we normies kinda need 'em too, but meantimes gotta keep that eye on "Tie-One-On" which reminds me of Dr Seuss in Fox in Socks... Let's do tricks with bricks (brics) and blocks (blocs), sir, Let's do tricks with chicks (make it chips!) and clocks, sir... All a game!
An' yup, sans computers they'ze toast. In one'a my preevee-us postin's I mentioned that indeed we gotta take down their 'puters, their CPUs an' SeePUs!, an' somebuddy with mighty sous-chef hackin' chops gotta scramble their softward, laptops, etc (I suggested invadin' Davos, WEF, Bilderberg, an' all the table top / war game meetins' too!) I couldn't hack my way ta Chynna (!) but there are them that have the talent....we need 'em fast!
Ditto agreein' that Burns wuz abso-rootin' tootely correct! An' "mistakes DO happen" (I liked when Come,Maul-a'-Hair-Ass slipped up an' mentioned reducin' population ta give everyone "enuf ta eat"--slips (Freudian 'er otherwise), slides, an' glitches (like Mitch!) all spoil their festerin' stew (as duz the timely death of President Obama's "poison'all" Chef) an' such examples of "awry" show whuts under the hood(wink).
Sho' nuff them shortages (chips, etc) kin work in our favor--"zey" do have a timeline (I keep hearin' 2025 but in print it's Agenda 30). Mebbe if we all say JINX an' "butta fingers" when they'ze about ta deliver some killer x-y-z-rays they'll fumble (I hope so!)
All that said, as a wee caveat, seein' how the war-chest budge-itz are put together, with a lotta paddin' / overkill (all meanin's too!), I wouldn't put it past 'em to have stockpiled enuf chips to compete with Frito Lay! They got mountains've ammo fer the tax collect-turds (inspite a' well-publicized shortages), diapers an' formula fer the "asylum seekers" an' "Joe" (none fer wet an' hungry yanks), an' all manner've stockpiled "vaxxxines" fer "the next one".... So...yeah, mebbe enuf Frito Lay in a cave below a MidWestern Walmart-- which comes back to our needin' hackers an' mebbe a giant magnet--cuz then chips don't matter even if they did (Fox an') sock 'em away...
I’ve taken in some Sabrina as well, and although some of it is over my head, I have to say, it can scare the shit out of me. I keep having to remind myself that no matter what, no man made thing can outperform millions of years of evolution. That everything is gonna be ok in the end. And if it’s not ok, it’s not the end.
I completely agree about the kids, the youngest generation, reject the temptations of the status quo. They simply think it’s uncool. Talk about a humbling experience. One of my kids who is trying out school this year (and don’t get me started on this), was stuck in class while we were having a wonderful late summer temps in Chi. So I went and pulled him out of school, so he, his twin, the toddler, and the dog can go to the doggie beach and swim. Under reason for early dismissal, I put down “unschooling event”. I can’t wait to get an email this week from the school. 🙄but we had a blast. Worth it. We locked up all our devices in the microwave, not because we really believed that the emergency system was gonna turn us into zombies, but because it was a fun activity. And then we enjoyed non digital time together. I have sand where the good Lord don’t shine and I’m currently waiting for the twins to get out of choir, but nothing a good long shower can fix. Despite all the culling, they can eat crud. We’re having fun anyway.
Please te me where you nabbed those fabulous 60s future illustrations from.
Yup, with Sabrina it's kinda bleak an' over the head like when yer shirt gits stuck takin' it off---but even Sabrina (as I wuz sure ta mention) offered HOPE-not-HOPIUM in terms of savin' us all by first havin' us claim' back our "body part" (this sounds like an Edward Gorey moment...), next takin' down the worst of the tech (5G, satellites) an' yup, third, gettin' the young'uns on board. She's a mama too an' I KNOW she ain't givin' up. Just take it in little doses... it helps!
I DO think we'll all be OK an' mebbe not livin' in the forest recitin' books like in Fahrenheit 451 (fun tho a day in the woods kin be). I just think we all gotta keep vibratin' at a higher plane--sounds a bit woo but that's how I imagine this "aura"...
I LOVE how ya pulled yer kiddo outta school fer unschoolin' today an' stuck the de-vices in the microwave (git ridda that radiatin' thing tho if ya kin--it zaps out nutrients... toaster oven is better in a pinch... ) -- SO great ya had a fun day on the beach! Playin' hookey is the next best thing to not-back-ta-skool. Oddly, we headed fer the cemetery ta stay outta the "waves" (it wuz a purdy one an' super old too), lotsa trees, no wireless!
Instead'a sand in the pants I had Leaves of Grass up my As....! (rhymin' aside, seriously, I took at cat nap on the grass an' somehow the green stuff snuck in!) Re skool (I won't git ya started...) when I post 'bout my younger one (an' I hope ta git to it soon), one of the rollercoasters I had ta ride out with her wuz her beggin' ta do skool--until she learned a lot more 'bout how it all works (track n' trace, no electives, ALL Stuff on 'puters / no paper 'er cute notebooks with frogs on 'em... yadayada). FINALLY we found homeschoolin' folks up here in the boonies and there's a lot've us so it's better... finally. now. But I hear ya! Havin' fun IS rockin' yer energy, yer "body part" as Sabrina sez, an' ta me that's makes the lemonade.
Found them illustrations on "Pinterest" -- I cain't find nuttin' any more with search "engines" (even ones that used ta work!)
Thanks for the few chortles here😉 I’m so late with responding!
Btw, I emailed you the second draft of the where is Joe video. But I’m told my email is starting to come with “email suspicious” warnings. Wasn’t sure if you had received it at all or if you decided not to open.
I don't know who you are, but I love the way your language makes my brain work.
( and my granny used to talk this way natural, God rest her. and granny warnt no dummy 😉)
Wull thank ye kindly, Sharon! Glad ta give yer brain a little workout; I'm inspired by all kinda folks an' all kinda accents an' fer sure good people like yer granny (mine too!) I may be a Yankee(Doodle too!), but I had a whip-smart great Uncle (may he RIP) from Kentucky in my own fambly -- kinda feller that figger'd out the punchline 'fore the joke was told-out, kind-hearted, well mannered, no tolerance fer fools! The American South is near n' dear ta me no matter where I roam. An' I try ta have a little fun here even when the sky's fallin' (Henny Penny wuz smarter than we thought!) ;-)
I'm late ta the pot luck myself! But woo hoo an' yay! Thanks Tonika for the heads up 'bout Joe (who just stumbled upstairs again!)--Cain't wait ta look! I'm a' hearin' ya--I have about 3K emails in my inbox, been a mite overwhelmed--much ado near daily now (today we ran outta fuel so cookin' on hotplates--fun!). Anywho, I'd missed yer message but just found it--will email ya back after I give it a look-see!