You really know how to connect dots ... and words, Daisy. Makes my head spin. Hats off!

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why thank ya Petra!--tho' I hope we all at least hold on to our hats given them "wind machines" blowin' full blast on this soundstage we're in!

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The fall of man is a symbol for childhood development of the reasoning faculty. In this reasoning state, the child falls into abstraction and can never again participate in the present moment like he did before he fell. The fall of man happens to everyone between the ages of 1 and 2. When we're born, we aren't reasoning yet. It is only because we suffer that we reflect. We become captured by our own reflection (like Eve and Narcissus).

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interestin'! -- an' indeed both reasonin' & reflection are simultaneously gifts an' drawbacks... methinks it's most-always been looked upon thatta'way an' I daresay it's the writers, the poets, an' the artists that try ta capture the complexities of it all. (But today there are way too many whack-doodle narcissists--that's fer sure!)

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Very interesting about the Mussolini arch and others. I was just posting about Trump serving hamburgers and fries at McDonalds and how those golden arches!

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yup, it kinda struck me as ODD--I mean first they invent this CAT 6 hurry-caine but it was featured (predicatively) in a moovie--with that fascist arch as if it was a harbinger of things to come fer us... ? is it fascism or communism comin' here or BOTH? Now them "Golden Arches" weren't in the funny papers when I posted this but they did come ta mind fer a seccy bein' so smooth, but then there's two so I dismissed 'em...

But / then--there's the original single arch MickeyD's :


That's not too far from this one...

An' the Royal Arch / aka York Rite Arch is masonic... an' oft is painted gold in masonry..

In any case I find it uber creepy that a major city's "iconographic" buildin' sized structure is modeled after a fascist monument which also may have some "extree" Masonic meanin'...

As fer the Donald's little stunt--it's a cheeky an' kind've a Barnum like thing ta do! (callin' Camel'lah's bluff on her made up MickeyD's daze, she's such a hog-warsher...).... I DO think it's a hoot. I'm simultaneously charmed an' mortified (this IS a US President...)--but then he was sellin' gold sneakers an' bibles made in CCP an' gold coins like Caesar's with his side profile on 'em-- so this fits right in with the guy as "salesman" -- I kin see him now hawkin' a Ginsu-like knife an' hackin' thru a giant prime rib to "cut thru the bull" (egads too close ta home!) an' folks linin' up to get theirs ( with a gold plated handle, natch)

From all I gather the Right is lovin' his McDonald's stunt, the Left is horrified--lol--but the show must go on!

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