Milton's "Paradise Lost" on the "Eve" of Destruction starrin' Satan
with "CATTY GORY" SIX serious predictive programmin' on our "movie screams"
Lordy, y’all this IS BIBLICAL (“weather” yer a person of faith or not!). I mean the massive SCALE of it as well as the obvious references are clear. I refer, natch, to Hurricane Milton. Dang.
An’ though I started this postin’ last night—literally on the “eve” of destruction, I feel that our nation, an’ all nations—are also-and-yet perched with breath bated on the brink of pendin’ disaster, thus we are all at sixes an’ sevens here on the “Eve” of Destruction… (not without hope… but still here we found ourselfs…)
So given it’s Hurricane MILTON, y’all, I mean, of course, MILTON! the hallowed author of “Paradise Lost,” how CAN the name of this hurry-Cain🗡️ NOT be prophetic? And… EPIC too! just like the poem (which is, itself of massive / epic proportions)!
We watch on screens small an’ slightly smaller a totally NON-NATURAL, full-out ENGINEERED, WEAPONIZED WEATHER disaster—we see a large hunk of the palm-treed an’ once sunny Florida (a “tropical paradise” right here in the USA sans island!)—LOST!
An’ of course also LOST (BUT not ta chance either) have been more 🎲pairs-o’-dice🎲 (pair-o’-dices?) as if gambled away by Ol’ Scratch himself! Like 🌴Hawaii’s Island Paradise of Lahina🌴, like 🌲“Palestine,” Ill.🌲 (once a mid-American Eden-like oasis of organic farmin’ & peace), of 🌴Alcapulco🌴 (“Mexican Paradise” / popular resort fer Yankees), and of course 🌲Appalacia🌲 (includin’ much of N.C.) which many called “God’s Paradise” while extolin’ the beauty of the mountains such as them Blue Ridges…
YES, we’re talkin’ ‘bout PARADISE LOST fer sure… one-by-one an’ right here in the formerly UNITED States of AmeriKa… and this IS the Devil’s work not unlike what’s depicted in Milton’s epic poem—an’ the fight that ensues! (I write this however ya wanna take it—cuz imho even the paper-pushin’ Globalist-Eugenicists all “high” on their “Mount Olympics” — are devils too!)
🗡️ Re “Cain’ above—I really DO mean the biblical tale of the Very SONS of Adam & Eve; I mean that “hurry Cain” is quite aptly named—cuz if y’all ‘member that “baddie” Cain murdered his only brother Able, the “good one”—as Cain wuz jealous of his brother’s LAND an’ the bountiful HARVEST it yielded for him. God punished Cain with only barren land an’ exile…
Now just ta be clear, I do not BLAME EVE fer fallin’ to temptation (I try not ta blame the laydeez!)—but to err is human an’ she erred an’ it didn’t make God/G_d happy, and as all Jude-Christian bibles tell it—her weakness was the “original sin” an’ that did cause us a level of DESTRUCTION. Yup, it caused us human beans (them bein’ the first ones) to git expelled from the Garden of Eden i.e. Paradise. An’ wuther y’all take that literally, figuratively, or with a grain of Celtic Sea Salt—makes no matter cuz the IMAGERY, the ALLEGORY is part of our Western Tradition, our lore, our—shall we say “our” STORY. An’ it SEEMS a good analogy fer what’s happenin’ now with the “DevilS” stirrin’ up troubles fer us humans:
Milton (I’m tryin’ ta ‘member from my college dayz) purdy much allowed “Satan” quite a lotta agency an’ power in the many-tome poem—all told in epic style as if those devilish deeds WOULD HAVE BEEN heroic were they not SINFUL an’ BAD and against all that’s HOLY. I.e. Milton doesn’t make Satan a dimwit—in fact he is clever an’ that makes him all more dangerous. He literally SEDUCES Eve with knowledge (hence the term “Carnal Knowledge” —I mean she & Adam then literally found out they were nekked an’ that leads to… wull, we’ll leave it at that). AND just as she (pridefully in Milton) gets that knowledge from Ol’ Scratch, she more or less follers his wicked lead an’ more ‘er less SEDUCES Adam inta temptation, “bite my apple please.”
Ultimately Milton DOES lettuce know that sinful humankind WILL see their “paradise” on Earth restored… it’s as if Satan “won” that first battle with Eve so ALL HUMANKIND must PAY (have we paid enuf yet fer our sins? our pride?—ha ha not fer me to answer) but humans will ultimately win via LOVE. And God (an’ Jesus fer the Christians) WILL forgive humans this ORIGINAL sin.
Which leads us readers to:
”Paradise Regained” the 1758 foller’up to “Paradise Lost” where (drumroll pleeze:) SATAN FAILS (big time). His inordinate pride leads him to FAIL and FALL inta the fiery pits of HELL which (fwiw) are depiced as “Volcanoes All Around” by Milton… i.e. the old-skool version of DEW’s & weaponized Quakes & ‘Canos too? But it’s the DEVIL that per Milton, GOD has BURN, not us. Indeedy, we “DO” seem to be undergoin’ some epic punishment on one level. Not my “line” (though) ta say this is really punishment for “all” our human sins as many true innocents are bein’ DEVASTATED by these “hurry-caines” and other weaponized “ACTS” of Weather & WHETHER too! AmeriKa (no longer America I know) IS takin’ a beatin’ and it ain’t good.
LORD’a’mighty I DO hope Milton was right an’ our Paradise will be REGAINED!
Cuz right now ALL SYSTEMS are GO on “PAVIN’ PARADISE” as the angelic-voiced Joni, who herself had a LOT in common with The Lady Eve (!) an’ some Rock n’ Roll devils of her own (ha ha), so presciently sang:
NONE of us want them “rat bastards” ta git their way an’ PAVE OVER our PARADISE. (Are our ugly now-rottin’ strip malls not ENOUGH fer heck’s sakes?) WE SAY NO!
An’ I call upon not only MILTON (the poet) but UNCLE MILTY ta help us!
Now my last word on the matta is the angle of this bein’ PREDICTIVE TO THE MAX!
Did y’all know about this MOOVIE?!
I was lookin’ up “category 6” all random like cuz I’d never hoid of a Cat. 6 HurryCaine (say what?!) an’ lookee what I found… that’s keerecht, right thar OVER the title “Day of Destruction”—cuz it sez clearly CATEGORY 6.
Made up this “new” catty-gory (at a time when gory cat eatin’ IS in the funny papers!) but made up BY HOLLYWOOD (aka HOLLYWEIRD) —gorsh!
Category 6: Day of Destruction
(Watch it here!)
So, we just HAD a Category 6 “Day of Destruction” today—replete with both HURRYCAINES & TORNADOS just like IN THE MOVIE! An’ ya know what—GRID DOWN too! Just like in “Flurry-dah” too—NO POWER fer over 2 million pee-pul.
I really (really) hate that they’ve told us an’ NOBUDDY noticed (sigh).
The miniseries focuses primarily on the city of Chicago as three unusual storm systems approach from the west, north and south and combine over the city to form a massive hurricane. At the same time a hacker-induced power outage cuts communications leaving a journalist and power officials scrambling to find the cause.

It looks crummy tho’ it stars THREE “acteurs: I like mightly—Dianne Wiest, Brian Dennehy, an’ Randy Quaid (the more talented thes-bean of the Quaid boys, Dennis got the looks) who is an’ interestin’ fella as he’s been “on the lam” fer years (I think he’s been gangstalked AND just plain stalked…) and he TOTALLY GITS IT (they write’im off as a tin-foil hatted crackpot conspiracy theorist of course—like mahself here!). I would NOT be surprised, in fact, if he gits brought back inta the public EYE as knowin’ ‘bout all this DiddyDoDaDay stuff too (he’d whistleblow if they weren’t tryin’ ta murder him… I do believe he’s tried ta drop trooth-bombs more ‘n once…) Anywhoo.. Quaid’s character is called TORNADO TOMMY DIXON🗺️
🗺️ Mason-Dixon line? What ABOUT them MASONS?… The MOVIE tornado hits CHICAGO an’ rural Illinois, but “our” tornadoes are hittin’ “below the belt” afaik—below that Mason DIXON line… in Red States…
Now Tommy Tornado aka Tornado Tommy sez (my emphasis):
I just pulled into Sangamon County, and I'm looking at... the total destruction... of a farm compound.
Yeah, well, if you're asking my gut, this is something we ain't never seen before. I don't think it's gonna stop anytime soon.
(character “Andy Goodman”:) Huh. I'm a little jealous. Tommy, listen. Our readings are showing this thing's spawning F4, F5 tornadoes. What are you seeing?
[Seeing Two Tornadoes Forming Over Chicago] I got twins over Chicago, Andy. Two giant beasts marching to the same drum. [after seeing three tornadoes]
I got triplets! I got triplets!
I'm lookin' at the St. Louis Arch. Ha-ha. Wait 'til you see some of this footage I've been gettin', Andy!
Now I have NOT (thankfully lol) SEEN this dubious predictive mini-series but these quotes shared in IMDB seem awfully “suss” cuz:
TOTAL destruction of farm compounds (familiar now?)
novel entity not seen before (i.e. Category 6)
the weather entity is bein’ referred to like a monster that is SPAWNING tornadoes (sounds kinda Rosemary’s Baby demonic ta me like these are devil spawn…)
again the “demon birth” analogy—TWINS an’ then TRIPLETS described as bein’ BEASTS… “marchin’ beasts” (that sounds like a reference but all I could find for “Marching Beasts” was a dystopian marching tune by a band called (lol) “666 Apocalypse!” if anyone knows some biblical reference lemme know…
Last but not least—WHY would they reference the St. Louis (M.O.) ARCH? First I asked myself, is it some Masonic Arch? It looks purdy creepy…eh?
We all know bout the Royal Arch as a Masonic thang. An’ there may be somethin’ “fraternal” ‘bout it yet—I looked up the bridge and found it’s a:
… “permanent public memorial to the men who made possible the western territorial expansion of the United States”
SO… it’s about celebratin’ WESTERN TERRITORIAL EXPANSION, eh? An’ Hurry-Cains an’ TORE-nay-doze help devastate that terry-tory makin’ “West-Ward” expansion possible?NOW I always say NOTHIN’ in the moovies is there “by accident”—surely what’s in the script an’ DIE-a-LOG! If anyone wants ta look at the numbers (dates heights etc) an’ do some gematria I’ll add it ta the postin’ here… as ther may indeed be sumtin’ more… shall we say “cryptic” to this arch, buuuuut….. I stumbled on the real meanin’ I’m near-certain:
Dang! I believe I’ve found what it’s about; it’s the ARCH designed for fascist Mussolini! Holly HECK it’s the SAME THANG! Lookee:
Golly-wow, we got ourselfs a real live FASCIST ARCH in St. Louis!
An’ they mention it in a predictive programmin’ moovie ‘bout weaponized weather… WOW!
Thus, in the Category 6 moovie the storm passes thru or by this fascist structure en route to DESTROY STUFF. Otherwise mention’in’ it is illogical fer the plot…
Let’s dig in a seccy:
So Il Duce wanted his “chief architect of the Fascist Regime” Pio Piacentini ta build a whole fascist city fer the “Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome” which was supposed ta take place in 1942—but then, of course, WWII put a damper on his fun. This entire expo city was supposed ta be the model for all new architecture to be built to honor Mussolini’s “redesigned fascist state.” Architect Piancentini held a competition to see who would design the best entrance to the Fair an’ the winner was Adalberto Libera’s monumental 300m wide x 200m tall Arch. (see pix above)
“Although the Monumental Arch was never built in EUR, the concept did eventually come to life in 1965 when Eero Saarinen designed his now iconic 192m x 192m St Louis Arch.”
So…the Finnish Saarinen totally LIFTED Libera’s design—an’ planted it in right the HEART of St. Louis (whose namesake was French King Louis IX who became the only king of France to ever be canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church).
Oh, an’ Saarinen also designed the iconic, swanky, an’ futuristic TWA terminal at JFK Airport in NYC which might have its own sym-bollock meanin’ too!
As Arte Johnson would say, “verrrry intersting!”
It gits a bit juicer here too:
Ya know what, CATEGORY 6 the SERIES had a FOLLOW UP in 2005 (Randy Quaid returnin’ as Tornado Tommy)—and are ya ready?:
Category 7: The End of the World
So the even newer made up catty-gory fer these hurry-cains is CATEGORY &, sure ta just blow us all off the face of the Earth. In this one we learn that it’s the MOST DEVASTATING STORM and now it’s THE STORM OF GLOBAL PROPORTIONS!
Yo YOUR-UP! It’s comin’ yer way TOO! Lady Liberty will go SWIMMIN’! an’ ohh la la La Tour Eiffel will SINK right along with ‘er. (Y’all know that Gustav Eiffel was a mason an’ had much ado with both these iconic structures…both imbued w/ masonic symbolism!—I covered a bunch of this in the last third of my Olympics “Op” story here:)
Category 6 & Category 7 are BOTH about DESTRUCTION (& the end of the world…)
Like I said I HATE when they TELL US this stuff an’ we MISS IT!
Ya cain’t make this shart up!
So we’ve all been told CAT 6 (as they plan it) is gonna be the NEWFANGLED DISASTER they’ll gift us with, but the SEQUEL is the END of the FRICKIN’ WORLD…
WHOM do we thank fer this “gift?” (or GRIFT if ya ask me! cuz all we got they’ll take!)
We are in the EYE of the STORM y’all—the EVIL EYE of the storm too!:
And I’ll add that there are ALSO (as surely ya’ve seen) a PASSLE’ve moovies about insane weather killin’ folks, takin’ out the country. I direct yer eyes to only a couple:
TWISTERS from 2024. In the plot there are “storm chasers” (yup, it’s a cwazy thing) an’ the young protagonists toss “barrels of sodium polyacrylate beads into a tornado (I think the above-mentioned beads are the gunk they put in disposable diapers…) in hopes of reducing its intensity and securing funding for further research” but it makes the storm WORSE an’ they all die except one gal named Kate. (I love the “reassurin’ “ message in the poster!)
Let’s REPEAT dat lesson:
Tossin’ chemi-CULLS into a storm makes it worse an’ near everyone DIES.
Now, Kate (what a plucky gal!) wants to try AGAIN to control the storms—she attempts to “hypothesize a change in the experiment to correct a previous oversight, namely adding silver iodide.” Hey friends, wasn’t silver iodide what they STILL USE to control our weather? THEN… (ohh doggies it gits better!) we learn that “just as the tornado catches fire after hitting an oil refinery, the tornado explodes in size, becoming a mile-wide.” (are they sayin’, “Let’s blow up all the evil oil refineries ‘fore they blow us up folks?”) Anywhoo—more folks die but finally Kate RETRIES her diaper beads AGAIN an’ ultimately the storm subsides (not clear if it’s fer sure from the beads or if the durned thang is just sick of Kate feedin’ it such crap so it ups an’ dies…) AND… Kate and her new pals (them that ain’t dead yet) start a RADAR STORM TRACKING BIZNESS…
Now THIS here is my kinda TWISTER !
an’ guess what—it’s got MILTON on it too!
That’d be Milton-Bradley tho, ha ha!… but mebbe not ha ha…
… because if they didn’t name the twister “Milton” after the author of “Paradise Lost” JOHN MILTON they might INDEED have named it after the “toy inventor” MILTON as in Mister Milton Bradley! cuz this IS their dang toy—as they toy with human lives!
Right Hand BLUE—Left hand RED… uniparty hand, hand of gawd…. just noticin’ that the MB logo is red & blue too….
Spin the spinner an’ call the shot—Twister ties you up in a knot!
Into the Storm (from 2014) - This one is interestin’ too fer a few details (it also starts out with “storm chasers”). The first thing that’s set up is one’a these major tornados begets more tornados & a hailstorm (does it really work this way when the gubbamint stays out’ve it?) an’ also that the teen storm chasers and SCHOOL KIDS find that SKOOLS are safe! They are all LOCKED up in SKOOL an’ must SHELTER in the SKOOL buildin’ to keep “safe.” (Of course many’ve us know skools are the most “unsafe” joints in the country but that’s another can’o worms!) An’ next: An explosion turns one of the tornadoes into a firenado. So this TOO Is a thang, HURRY-CAINs an STORMS as the cause of FIRES. ALSO we have this concept of “twinnin’” tornadoes—self-duplicatin’ so to speak, what they call a: “convergence of two large tornadoes (that) results in a colossal EF-5 tornado.” An’ fer a sick “TWISTER” at the end—the young’uns that survive are tryin’ ta build a “time capsule”
All of these predictive films sound like ARMMAGEDDON to me! (Arm MAGA get’ on?!!!!) Now that soitenly ain’t mah wheelhouse! Some folks say this is exactly what we’re seein’ (there’re folks that also call it “End Times”) an’ others not—I’ll stay neutral on the topic but I WILL SAY “zey” are DEFINITELY SIGNALIN’ that it is some kind’ve ARMAGEDDON-type apocalypse! Y’all they want US SKEERED as heck! They’ve even been givin’ this message to the kiddies! (Ain’t this too much?! :)
THEY WANT US DEAD! (I’ve said it before… notice ya’ll that I also predicted they go fer "weaponized weather” which you’ll find under item 4A.)
Blame that ol’ “snake in the grass”…er’ tree!… don’t blame EVE (or us laydeez) but let’s all be CLEAR ‘bout what they’re plannin’… it’s as dark as the day is (yet) bright… Er, then again they keep darkenin’ them skies an’ BillyBoyGates wants to just BLOCK OUT SUN… an’ we all NEED THE LIGHT! Gotta be IN the light too! So… I’d like ta remain hopeful but…
Far as I see it there are TWO angles to it—an’ I’m keepin’ it simple (not stoopid tho!)—Either:
this is the moment where folks wake up an’ smell the cawfee / eau de napalm in the mornin’ / the mildew on the sheetrock… an’ REALIZE they are tryin’ to KILL US in case they had no idear before this was the so…
AND upon awakenin’ we fergit our differences an’ TOGETHER fight back an’ TRY ta save what’s left of this shredded nayshun… which sorta means a “win” fer side HUMAN! even if things suck eggs fer a time… or…
we’re screwed as good as Bob Vila puttin’ up wall paneling— i.e. up the creek without a paddle—which means “zey vun” / not us even if some’ve us manage to survive an’ pahrty “like it’s 1899” in our velly un-Prince-like in off-grid hideouts in the post apocalyptic version of the former USSA…. while their trans-human/AI dystopian agenda goes full speed ahead…
No crystal ball here!
But tho’ it’s a CRYSTAL BALL I may lack—
I’m sendin’ my own “GOOD ENERGY BALLS” down South where all that awful devastation is! I pray in my own crackpotty way, sure, but I ALSO do this energy thing whar I concentrate on where ta send some healin’ out inta the universe towards those that need a boost—an’ it looks in my mind’s eye like a sphere!—an’ heck, I’ve NO IDEAR if it works (I do not believe I gots any special “powers”)—but I believe ALL we humans DO have some kinda gift we don’t understand—an’ this felt right ta me—it’s only POSITIVE never negative—so I concentrate on helpin’ folks, an’ I DO feel sumthin’—
…wull okay—it might be jus’ my strong cawfee (lol) but I try… I try!
Thus, I’m sendin’ my BALLS (tee hee!)—call ‘em MOJO BALLS if ya will— ta help the poor folks without electricty, without clean warter, without heat, an’ worried they won’t have a home standin’! An’ I HOPE that some’a my thoughts an’ good vibes come their way… I know we are mostly warter an’ that’s all good—but unlike fish we cani’t live in in it! 🏠
🏠 We’re still in a mess from our own post-tornado floodin’ up here in the North East—that was from August but the mold situation has improved! (thanks ta UVc light & ozone air filters)
I’ll wrap this up first with a bit of a dark song that just fits like a glove with what we’re seein’…. grim as it might be. YET somehow—I just know LIGHT’ll come! An END to destruction! So rest assured, the Daisy broadcast won’t linger on where we are, bleak as it seems…I’ promise y’all, I’ll stay hopeful as ta where we can be!
We ALL gotta git together now!
have a great EVE-nin’ y’all an’ blessin’s to all of ya’s at risk in “hurry-Cain” land while,
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful!
All that rain “be gone!”…(hope from Johnny Nash!)
an’… stay groovy now y’all…
yes… I know Joni went bonkers pushin’ the jabs bad…an’ bannin’ folks… but this is just so RIGHT… an’ so was she…once:
You really know how to connect dots ... and words, Daisy. Makes my head spin. Hats off!
The fall of man is a symbol for childhood development of the reasoning faculty. In this reasoning state, the child falls into abstraction and can never again participate in the present moment like he did before he fell. The fall of man happens to everyone between the ages of 1 and 2. When we're born, we aren't reasoning yet. It is only because we suffer that we reflect. We become captured by our own reflection (like Eve and Narcissus).