Well, there's at least one more song that's works for the sound 'track' of "Paranoia in Springfield": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVhn1edWaDA

If you need a mental stretching exercise to handle all the Bison-ibilities, wrap yer head round this one... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_buffalo_Buffalo_buffalo_buffalo_buffalo_Buffalo_buffalo

*Curious to know if anyone has mapped out any/all of the intake & exhaust locations for what should be a fairly huge ventilation system...maybe not exposed, but built into what looks like buildings that are just sitting there with no identifiable purpose.

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1. didn't think of Buffalo Springfield--GREAT connection! (great song too!)...hmmm, wonder where THEY got the name (but Laurel Canyon produced a lotta interstin' stuff with more 'n one meanin'....) 2. WOW that's cwazy--sumthin' this "Buffalo Gal" never knew 'bout!3. an' as fer the ventilation / exhaust systems, yup, likely buildin's right above... in NewYawk they look like regular structures in most cases...the exhaust system's hidden completely--for the Lincoln tunnel in the city tho they have weird towers with no windas that clearly don't look like normal residential buildin's--an' if I recall I was told they are GUARDED by armed dudes... I'd guess fer these extensive nation-wide tunnels there's a lotta real estate devoted to JUST air ventilation / exhaust but in Springfield at least they own the land above so it's not an issue...

Guess those boys was prescient!: " You step out of line The man come and take you away!" (oh no!)

ps MANY thanks fer the "Cawfee"--just sawr that!

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Damn Girl, THIS is AMAZING work! 1st article I've read of yours.... it's scary astounding!

I've been TRYING to find Stabilized Rice Bran, Organic. Sourced from USA to avoid radiation coming in from India. It's Nowhere to be found .. it used to be plentiful for B1.

You just connected some major dots with the underground facilities being radiated. I also wonder IF they are hording it.

Maybe they feed it to "little people" underground to keep them awake & aware so when they hurt them....& harvest their "stuff" , it's more pure.

I hate this fuggin farm/place.

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Why thank ye muchly Jeannettecally!--so yup, I really WONDER why food needs ta pass thru like that an' radiation (there might be more they can do ta stuff in packages) came to mind... careful the arsenic in any rice products... sadly even organic has a buttload've it. This is true even fer brown rice syrup...all rice products... all left over from pesky-cides they eventually stopped usin' in the 1970s but the metals persist in the groundwarter needed ta paddy rice... LOL feedin' it to the "little people"--who may be eatin' "cheese" or SoylentGreen1.0 or whatever... sadly. Cathy O'Brien sez "aspertame" is the additive of cherce cuz it numbs the mind / makes "littles" more compliant. The late Donald Rumsfeld (of the missing billions....) dubiously owns the patent on it (not expired). Anywhoo... in workin' on this I realized that apart from the DUMBS (what they think've us too!), they gotta whole underground network connected with our food chain.. WHATEVER is in it! (welcome a'board! ;-)

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You're a wealth of knowledge! I appreciate you. :)

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😊 thank ya muchly again!

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Deep dives into the sinisterly hidden intrigues of this super bizzarro world that we're in, is your absolute specialty Daisy! You're so good at it! I've learned so much out of your posts. Thank you for all the effort you put into exposing the darker secrets of this twisted world!

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why shucks an' many thanks John! much appreciated!--an' indeed dark secrets / twisted world right below our feet!?! (with 'er without "cheese")...

I wonder if Australia & other continents have some'a this stuff too?... I know y'all got them nefarious quarantine "camps" (camps...jeez, talk about euphemism!) so I wouldn't doubt that there's underground spaces for "campers" in most'a the 5-Eyes Nay-shuns... (lotta space ta hide a lotta sins...)

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Dats a whole lotta speck-u-lay-shun!

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yup, s'what I do ;-)

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Anyone done a dive on Codex Alimentarius?

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Robert Verkerk!

fella's been fightin' against it fer YEARS!

They've act'chully had some wins albeit it's an uphill battle... of COURSE there's likely a LOT of dark stuff that could be unearthed beyond the obvious limitations on our access ta "supplements"--I'm amused 'n bemused at their usin' a riff on the name of an alchemical or at very least medieval reference "tome"... Then ag'in these folks that create rules fer us (but not fer them!) dabble in some dark 'n ancient mysteries

Verkerk's site here--it's good stuff!


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