Jun 30Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

Well I tried posting the Where Is Joe? video on TikTok yesterday and am now officially permanently banned. 🤣

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1. that means yer over the target on what'cha post (else, why the heck?) an'

2. who the heck are they protectin'? JOE? I mean c'mon... an'

3. I don't know how ta tick 'n tock (even with my analogue wrist watch!) or I'd do it myself but mebbe ya know someone who ain't banned yet that kin give it a try?

I think it would be fun on TikTok! Great idear! An' so TIMELY! (if anything he's gotten WORSE since our viddeyo an' the dog thing jus' came up again--ya likely sawr, they're tryin' ta hush up the poor SS Agent who got mangled)

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Jul 1Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

I’ll look into it, although my community notes were pretty damning. Of course, no I can’t event get to them to take a screen shot because they banned my account permanently. 😬

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that's cwazy--censorship sundaes all 'round... mebbe on X which of course is a monster but folks see stuff-- I think "tweeters" may need some laffs too--just read that 55% of dems want "OhBiden" to run...this poll AFTER the debates... egads!

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Jul 2Liked by Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot

They’re a lost cause. Just like the reps are a lost cause with Trump. I posted on X but it got no traction. :(

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shoot! I don't git it... but then again, ain't got the patience fer tryin'--glad ya tried tho'--somehow stuff duz git out! (osmosis?!)

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