The Total "Soul-Lure" Eclipse
some waxin' an' wanin' on the oncomin' DARKNESS ringed with LIGHT an' finally; "to the MOON Alice!"
No matter whar ya graze you’ll see sproutin’ up scary warnin’s ‘bout today’s Eeeeek-Lips! Let’s jus’ say “zey” are milkin’ this cow for all she’s worth! (Moooo!) So watch out for…

C’mon folks, these ARE “surreal” times ain’t they? (tee hee!)
So…many of us are noticin’ that all this Eeek-Lips-Stick (Eeek-lips-SCHTICK) is literally over the top, “made up” (both meanin’s) an’ “tarted up” red (warnin’ light & danger color!) to ketch yer attention! All this hollerin’ “Eeek! Lips!” acts both like shoutin’ fire in a crowded theater, an’ also functions like a kinda painted mask, drawin’ yer attention to the unimportant distractions where the real trouble brews elsewhar… (like, er, in our gubbamint? like with the WHO, like with wars, taxes, MyGrunts, etc)
Now ECLIPSES are purdy interestin’ in an of themselfs (rich n’ fertile soil fer plantin’ NOTIONS!) an’ I’m also going ta go inta the predictive Eclipse-related programmin’ in both current nooz events an’ in the “sin-e-ma” includin’ via “Leave The World Behind” an’ some others—cuz there’s a lotta meat on them bones—let’s pick ‘em good together!
So settle in fer a long’one here folks.
I’ll take ya in a few directions an’ then some… As this stack is comin’ out a few days later than I meant due to a LOTTA updates, I DO hope at very least ya go an’ read my “FREE SNAPPY TIPS” (search below) as they may be of some help ta y’all in enjoyin’ yer day with, as they used ta say, “an ounce’a prevention.”
So if yer hungry, by all means dig in!
(savor it with a bit’ve red-eye gravy’ll, it’ll do ya good!)
“These late eclipses in the sun and moon portend no good to us”
— loyal Gloucester, Shakespeare's King Lear
Baaaad OMENS
Eclipses in litter-airy land an’ (arguably) in many ancient cultures have NOT boded well… The eclipse, as a thematic element, has been thus-used in all manner of “werks” (includin’ Milton, Dante, even Emily Dickinson!). Even those unfamiliar with this powerful leitmotiv via the classics likely still would associate eclipses with the ill winds and bad omens that come with these fleetin’ yet sudden plunges into darkness when the moon an’ the sun play peek-a-boo. Crop failures, famines, plagues, lousy weather, tyrant-rulers an’ of COURSE stuff like earthquakes, monsoons, an’ storms are perpetually tied ta the beleagered eclipse which seems ta materialize “if/when” the Gods are Angry—an’ only a “sacrifice” on the part of the “good” peep-all will mollify said Gods an’ put a damper on that darkness.
ZO! takin’ full advantage of this “built-in” (nay programmed?) fear, is what the Global Goons are doin’ now, as we speak.
An’ TOO from the “alt” media whirled…:
a note: CLEARLY some alarm-bell-ringers are not meanin’ ta scam y’all—some are tho’—but by follerin’ right along with the “Trail of Fears” agenda wuther consciously or not—they’ze ALL shakin’ our snowglobes, nonetheless. Many logical thinkers I know are fairly FRAZZLED by wall-to-wall eeek-lips! The eclipse, methinks, is also about…

I’d argue, in part, that what is “UNKNOWN” or sin-ominously kept “in the dark” can be extra-“skerry” because in the dark we literally an’ physically “lose our senses”—at least one’ve ‘em—sight! (and our “bearings”—our place / in space, sense of direction / orientation). AND it’s always something “evil” that takes advantage of our “eclipsed” senses— the killer that lurks an’ stalks in the dark, the werewolf that leaps from the unlit shadows to “feed,” the vampire that swoops down in the black of night. Takin’ this further… Whereas in the light reign the glowin’ heavens, general goodness, AND the realm of “rational” thinkin’ we find in darkness the “demonic,” the unholy, the evil, an’ the “irrational”—which is also chaos! Powerful if we think on it, no?
“Soitenly” it’s RICH imagery — an’ we are near-religiously ”programmed” from early-on ta fear darkness. Thus, blockin’ out our SUN! our LIGHT!—it’s gotta be sinister, no?
NO. *
*except when Bill Gates-of-Hell literally wants ta put the world inta permanent eclipse, blockin’ out the sun an’ growin’ faux food under arty-fish-all light forever! That IS sinister but has little ta do with the short-lived eclipses that pass over our heads ever-so-rarely…
The “Yin an’ the Yang” of it…
It need not be “this-a-way.” Eastern wisdom ain’t exactly my wheelhouse but I do know that in traditional Chinese philosophy, like in TCM, harmony an’ balance are created BETWEEN lightness an’ darkness, as both co-exist, not as opposing forces but ruther as complementary ones—an’ this is how our every day goes when Mother Nature is left to her ever-wise self, night an’ day in a friendly “handshake” an’ thus the ECLIPSE just a shorter version of this kinda Tango-for-Two!
So keep that in mind, the yin & yang of life! Darkness is not always / inherently “evil” but just “the other half of the day.” And an eclipse, if we “rethink it,” is much like a yin & yang day in condensed form: balanced, harmonic, singular, only more brief!
Without night, rest, sleep (perchance ta dream!) our planet, our world would not last nor would we as livin’ wonders on an’ in it! Thus, the lightness an’ darkness cycle in a tradition wherein Yin, the female spirit, is darkness, an’ Yang, the male, light—an’ together they are LIFE!
Therefore, fillin’ yer mind an’ spirit with FEAR (inhalin’ all the noxious fear porn) about this brief an’ planetary “moment” of darkness ain’t gonna do ya any good an’ it’s more or less denyin’ the natural balance of life as distilled in this one (“yin & yang”) chiaroscuro event and all others like it.
Our world, our humanity, our presence, our ever-lovin’ spirit, our plants, our animals, heck even the rocks (an’ rock n’ rollers too!)—these things do not disappear, even in absence of physical light.
Fergit-not that darkness kin be a deep comfort, reassurin’ (“like an ol’ friend”), a time to rest, renew our energies for the comin’ day—an’ heck, we all came from the velvety soft dark of the womb—indeed, all life began in “nourishing” DARKNESS. (An’ at the risk of bein’ a mite risqué, life is most-oft “created” in the ever-lovin’ arms of darkness too! Romance would lose a lotta thunder under a bank of stadium fluorescents!)
IMO, the MSM is playin’ us, playin’ our FEAR (of the dark!), disallowin’ the yin & the yang of LIFE!, an’ thus our knowin’ this is half the battle!
Superstition ain’t the way, yea yea yea…
When you believe in things
That you don't understand
Then you suffer
Superstition ain't the way, yea yea yea…
-Stevie Wonder
So, “zey” are now playin’ the tight strings of our superstition-traditions, these “instruments” are not unlike LIES—able to contribute to our undoin’—pluckin’ from us wailing notes an’ strains of horror! (I know folks near-paralyzed by thought of this thing tomorree.)
Let us, instead, beWARE (an’ wary) of these foreboding “obfuscations” lest we look like durned fools ‘er worse!
The great satirist Hogarth here below knew a thing ‘r two ‘bout leadin’ folks “to distraction” via fool superstitions:
Like Odysseus did ta save his own hiney, I too suggest ya resist the “noise” (of both the superstitious an’ fear-mongerin’ types) an’ BLOCK OUT them “Sirens”
(literal sirens!—see product below! as well as sonic ones I’m’a gonna git ta soon!)
Federal “Eclipse Siren” made for crowd control:

SURELY we kin agree, not all superstitions pan out! Attack of the Killer “not-deadly nightshades” Tomatoes is a good example as well as the long-standin’ fear that left-handed folks are…wull “sinister” — which is the Latin word for “left” meanin’ ill-omened. I’ve known many a friendly black cat!
So… hokum & hogwarsh… see it fer whut it is: manipulation, know it, an’ leave it alone!
ECLIPSE: a sin-o-matic SKY-OP
My spidey sense sez they’d like it ta be a SIN-O’-MATIC / CINEMATIC! happenin’—all per the script they’ve been workin’ on… BUT their work is gonna be all over by the time Monday arrives.
IMO they want ya ta WATCH THE FILM they’ve crafted, to see this event through THEIR “filter”—their “lens”—nay, their PROJECTIONS!—an’ you, their rapt an’ CAPTIVE (!) audience…
BUT… lookin’ thru our own god-given lenses (not theirs!) we kin be aware of the film, aware of the “settin’” an’ the lightin’ an’ SIN-E-MATTE-o’GRAPH-y…. (we call’em the “plastic elements” — and ATTEND CONSCIOUSLY, UNFEARFUL, clued-inta the behind-the-scenes machinations, the artifice, the hype, the MANipulation of a NATURAL event…. thus and in other “woids” :
We kin find a way clear to ENJOY THE SPEC-TACKLE an’ yet keep our sanity an’ humanity (an’ not give in to “Fear Inc.”)
Ta do so… the next step (apart from that tango!) is:
TURNIN’ off the ALARM!
As ya’ve seen, there’z all manner’ve GRANDLY alarmist jabber waftin’ thru the ether, so I mean ta give my 2-cents on the matter which is now bein’ “FRAMED” an’ looked-at from more angles than a “DuChampion” Rude Nudist Descendin’ a Subway Staircase at Rush Hour! (lookin’ more n’ more like the subway of 2024 may I say)
Heck, even the “normies” are speculatin’ ‘bout this thing.
My own hot take is that most’ve what they’re plannin’ is merely:
psychological i.e. PSYCHO-LOGICAL !
But FIRST, ‘fore I bend yer earz more, reflectin’ on the matter, I’m offerin’ some free an’ handy snappy wreck-o’-mendations (ha!)… based on my own “Nancy Drew”-her own conclusions, so….
Come ‘n git it! FREE SNAPPY TIPS! for the eee-clips!
(a late addition:) IF you live on / near a “FAULT LINE” (eg. the New Madrid fault line, San Andreas, etc), go see the thing elsewhere… I’d say 100 miles away is a safe bet, less than 2 hours’ drive.
Tho’ I DO think this week’s not-so-charmin’ earthquakes were drummed up on purpose ta skeer the natives—i.e. us!—I’m not at all convinced they’ze gonna amp up the quakes for four-eight cuz we “natives” are already restless….
I read one article that said we should prepare for earthquakes for the entire next MONTH! But, sure, given the seismic activity this week, yeah, do head away from the “faults” just in case as playin’ it a mite safer cain’t hurt….
an’ THAT’s it as far as “steps to take”.
(a short list of 6 things you can do MONDAY so you can “enjoy the show”)
SO… to recap:
I do NOT think they’re gonna DEW-drop-in on us!
I do NOT think they’ll be hittin’ us with “killer” signals either.
Keep readin’ for MORE “thinks” on this
Con-CERN! cuz….
YES I know about “CERN” (I ain’t CONcerned)
A particle accelerator is a machine that uses electromagnetic fields to propel charged particles to very high speeds and energies, and to contain them in well-defined beams.
My lil’ graphic here below ‘bout sums up my worries about this majorly “signalin’” CON via a dastardly PARTY-CULL accelerator-whutsis / aka Hay-DRAWN “Collider” (then go let them Clydesdales pull it!)— which full-out sounds like a Flash Gordon plot device with no less than “Ming the Merciless” (chynna chynna chynna!) as the tyrant behind all the evil which is totally a When Worlds Collide plot to kill us all…
YES, I know that there is VERY REAL DANGEROUS electromagnetic tech they kin use on us well beyond even weaponized 5G (like the DEWs… sonic devices etc. which I will address down below) but IMO them comin’ out with all this “con-CERN-ing” TALK about “dark tech” right ‘fore the EEEK-lips! ta skeer us is simply the latest comic book they want us all ta buy.
A 15¢ Comic Book Plot
When they blasted MaoWhee (Lahina) an’ even Acapulco—there WAS NO WARNIN’. They even made sure the APP didn’t work! They didn’t try ta skeer folks or tip ‘em off ahead of time —nope, they wanted ‘em THERE as part of the Wipe Out! An’ we know when somethin’ works (MaoWhee sure did!) they do it again changin’ as little as possy-bull.
Regardin’ this Monday, Monday? It’s all ABOUT WARNIN’s—no attack at all—they removed all the “surprise” by “HAMMERIN’ “ these warnin’s into us fer weeks now (an’ not like Uncle Pete either!)— so I do think it’s a ONLY A PSY-OP meant ta “spook” us with these “ghosties” in their machines…
Con-CERN-related pernt #1
As for this cwazy PARTY-CULL EXCEL-o’-RATER—In truth, a lotta taxpayer $$$ gits laundered on buildin’ preposterous useless devices (like the entire “space program”) fer show ‘n tell / show ‘n quell. It looks impressive! So duz a film set showin’ ya all them “Star Wars”-type high-tech invent-shuns.
They don’t need anythin’ NEAR this big to “do us in”
Heck, they got tech smaller than a corn chip they kin use on us, make us spontaneously combust like Rhoda here:
Thus, the CON-CERN is, I feel, for SHOW.

Con-CERN-related pernt #2.
DITTO for all the signifyin’ “ART” givin’ folks nightmares ‘round this event. Specifically I mean the “Shiva the Destroyer” sculpture at the CERN headquarters per above (which is also “old news” by nearly a decade). Zey “punk us” with their overt D&D&D (death an’ destruction an’ demonic) symbolism an’ disingenuously call the dang thing a “life force” but such antics are not unlike the now-obvious 666 in their logo.
IN BRIEF: they have ta “show” us who they are. Devil horn-hands, coverin’ one eye photos… that too. YAWN. Ok, we got it. This is more’ve the same. An’ also, some of their bread ‘n butter bizness that actually makes money (unlike the ‘“show-y” HayDrawnWeenieAxeCeleryAter) is “Spectroscopic” state-of-the (f)art X-Ray Radiation Machines for Medi-Cull facilities.
If they were gonna MURDER us all tomorree they wouldn’t have folks ta X-Ray with their fawncy mash-ines… Nope, I think this is a MING-the-MERCILESS prop!
What they’re showin’ us is obviously a lotta tone-deaf Illuminatti a’ bangin’ their cymbal-izm but in reality it means zilch to us in terms of this pendin’ eclipse. Show us yer “tech” yer “weapons”—is that a THREAT or a promise? I think they wanna SUGGEST their destroyer is gonna blow up our party-culls but they won’t blow up their BREAD & BUTTER no-how / not yet.
My guess: they figure half the folks seein’ this conCERNing Hindu “god” will just see a dancin’ bronze figure from India an’ not think twice about it— surely won’t know it’s “The Destroyer.” An’ the other half’ll have fits b/c it’s “satanic” an’ evil which leaves the sober men in suits ta dismiss these “alarmists” as crackpot conspiracy theorists—like u-know-who here! So it’s a win-win situation, the “challenger” unchallenged—the dunnos accept tacitly in ignorance, the know-it-alls sound re-dick-u-lost an’ are easily dismissed… NORMIES will block it out. ALL an “inside joke” (just like the 666 in the Disney logo).
Thus ‘n so, IMO this whole old Flash Gordon trope of a threat (a fired up Hadron from a spot where they’ze a’ “sittin’ Shiva!”) is banana oil of NO-CON-CERN to we human beans now:
It’s fear-mongerin’ ta round up the “new age-erz” an’ the pearl-clutchin’ faithful an’ all others that BELIEVE in the All Powerful Masters (and don’t realize just how MEDIOCRE these fool globalists are)—cuz zey got a lotta different targets for FEAR Inc. an’ that’s how they roll…
What about NASA? nah I sawr it already too…
“NASA can't wait for its OSIRIS-APEX spacecraft to meet 'God of Chaos' asteroid Apophis in 2029”
AND…. the popular cries of outrage at this one:
Not at all unlike the CERN SHIVA-the-DESTROYER cymbal-izm bangin’ at us, this APEP SERPENT DEITY is more like a globalist type of media serendipity (sarin dippity?!)— SNAKE OIL bein’ the only serpent product that seems ta be in ample supply. More hokum ta scare-em!
(Be A-PEPper… wouldn’t’cha like ta be A-PEPper too!)
I think most’ve us know by now that ALL of NASA is a purdy dark operation (money launderin’ aside). This Serpent Deity APEP JACK-PARSON-esque Egyptian Crowley-like GOD-SPACE PROJECT (Parsons wuz one of NASA’s founders btw an’ also a former occult partner of L. Ron Hubbard an’ a Crowley “Thelemite”— need I say more?) TO blast the “dark matter” in the SHADOW OF THE ECLIPSE sounds like a double-scoop of symbolism (or cymbal-izm! BIG BANG fer y’all!) JUST for OUR benefit.
I’m sorry but this is all the same “ol’ song & dance” number NASAs been hoofin’ since the late 1930’s! Here’s a fun riff on that ol’ Jack “BLOOD & ROCKETS” Parsons:
NASA’s real THREAT is NOT gonna be an April 8th single installMINT transaction.
Nope, it’s been ALREADY goin’ on fer DECADES an’ per the super-sleuth / whistleblower Deborah Tavares, THIS is whut we gotta fear from NASA—not the Howard Carter “Curse of the Mummy” Thelemite pseudo-Egyptian garbage:
NASA plans ta take down our INFRASTRUCTURE (Francis Scott Key Bridge is one good example…JUST TODAY in NYShitty there wuz a near-miss downin’ the Verrazzano Bridge too—holy Hathor! ) an’ so much more—so look HERE an’ at the PDF above, not there (in the ether, inta the eye of the eek-lipse) for NASAs dark plans for 2025:
It’s all about SOFTWARE so tomorrow’s hardware (IMO) is a bluff.
As for NASA’s 2029 plans (jus’ in time fer Agenda 2030?) ta have their God-of-the-Dead / Osiris “spacecraft” ta meet a God-of-Chaos ASTEROID (more on asteroids / comets below…), I’d say that’s both FEAR INC. + proper-gander stuff AND yet it proves that the Earth (as we know it) will still be standin’ in 2029 even per NASA’s own plans—hence, they won’t take us down on April 8th.
SOOOOOOOoooo with those two more recent ALARMS turned off, I’ll bet’cha yer wonderin’ if other bad stuff (list below) could heppen that day? I’d say not bein’ the TESTING STAGE…
the worst we might feel or see is: TEST signals
Yup, mebbe some test signals (hence a few precautions like in my Qwik Chart above) but not killer ones… some SPOT-testin’ too—in denser areas perhaps (in the collapsin’ shitties?) but my guess is even with the tests (no matter the type OR the hype) it’s not gonna be enuf of whatever they’re dishin’ out (satellite dishes included!) ta trigger a full-on Crimson Mist scenario.
IMHO even the “elfs” (if they go that route…) won’t be released in numbers, at least not yet, so NYET ta that… even tho’ yass yass I know that is the kinda (bad) seeds they’re plantin’ —
An’ speakin’ of BAD SEEDS—why the HECK is Nick Cave (I love Nick Cave) tellin’ us the WORLD IS COMIN’ to an END (gonna git sucked inta The Black Holes) JUST IN TIME for the Eclipse in this unexpected art-poem number…???? WTF??? Noooooo!
Back to our previous program.
If ya ain’t in a hurry, take a ‘nuther deep breath, grab a nice cuppa cawfee, an’ “stay a spell” here, as I STILL got some thoughts (LOTS!) ‘bout their “forecasts” (MAJOR ⚰️ “Leave the World Behind” ☠️ pre-dick-tive programmin’!)* an’ how they’ze signalin’ like-crazy ‘round this event like a semaphore team at boot camp!
We begin with a…
for they share many DARK FORECASTS
intended to CREEP US OUT…. an’ SCARE!
So, OMENS an’ SUPERSTITIONS aside (disCUSSED above), ya’d think it’s a durned GYPSY FORTUNE TELLER FEST the way everybuddy’s givin’ dire (end-of-world) pre-dict-shuns (some doozies among ‘em!) AS IF ON CUE— an’ makin’ our world inta a “globe-all” crystal ball (more like a gumball if ya ask me!) since the SUN an’ the MOON have honestly “conversed” (quite nicely, that ye very much) since the World began!
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all, yeah
To be a rock and not to roll
-Led Zepplin
LISTEN. HARD. BE A ROCK. DO NOT ROLL OVER (or give/buy in ta the Greedy Dame of Artificial Temptation—or the AI ai ai apocalypse…). There is a LOT of noise out there muddyin’ the airwaves—so block out the FUZZ, tune in to the harmony, the solid the melody line… LISTEN. An’ LOOK (with proper eyeware, natch) at the WONDER (rilly, y’all, I think it’ll be OK)
THE FUZZ, the BUZZ (what’s the buzz?) — an’ the knee-knockin’
DIRE WARNINGS even in the ALT ME-DIA world, not just the MSM:
Will it be a giant EMP ?
Will it trigger our ever-lovin’ (not!) gubbamint ta commit crimes of BIO-TERROR upon us via deadly “smart dust” or ricin or DEWs or HAARP ELFs or just plain’ ol’ radioactive dumpin’? (it’s been done before…)
Might a timed 5G or 6G frequency blast burst the lipid-nano-particles in the bloodstreams of the jabbed (an’ we un-be-jabbered who got “shed-on?”) an’ release killer MARBURG or EBOLA into us humans in one giant ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE??? (scenario per the late Dr Rashid Buttar’s last warnin’?) Will Sound & UNSound LRAD SONIC AUDIO WEAPONS be used ta traumatize our frontal lobes inta cantaloupes?
Or could it be jus’ some kinda RF “Active Denial” Weaponized BLAST to cause PAIN an’ make us all run away an’ even “go at” each other “Killer KINGSMAN”-STYLE in CHAOS while our eardrums burst an’ our skin burns (set off by signal + a chip on the schmart phones)?All such scenarios are nicely summed up Barrett Browning-style as “How do I kill thee? Lemme count them ways!” (an’ get taxpayers ta foot the bill too!)
OR…. will the buzz “bee” this?…
Barely a WHISPER but if we listen (very hard!)—it’s there…
Will it be a BEE-you-tea-full GATHERING where children gaze in wonder an’ folks of all sizes, shapes, colors, ages, an’ beliefs all gather in hushed silence to witness a rare “stellar” moment where night an’ day meet miraculously under a clear, sacred sky?
My take…
The LATTER. Enjoy the bee-u-tee-FULL gatherin’!
Of course “zey” wanna ruin it fer us all—literally steal the thunder outta a purdy cool natural event…. by “dangerizin’” nature! So they git out the “Mashin’-All” 💂🏽🥷🏽 Guard an’ round up the 👊🏽 Fi r st Responders 🛡️ +🎖️ the Army, Navy, Marines! 👮🏽♂️) an’ make the entire celestial ☀️ 🕶️ 🌙 happenin’ inta a very earthly 🧱 boot camp 🪖 📡 trainin’ exercise for the pan-icked masses….

This ain’t ta say that “just in case” we shouldn’t have a few tricks up our sleeves as per my suggestion “cheat sheet” above… we can an’ should (methinks)
BUT mostly—this Shock & Awe Fest is all GROOMIN’ — all they’ze doin’ is groomin’ FEAR an’ groomin’ unsuspectin’ foot soldiers for “THE GREATER GOOD™” by havin’ First Responders prepare for the NEXT PLANDEMIC (usin’ the eclipse as their LARP / trainin’ session), normalizin’ EMERGENCY” MEASURES for an otherwise non-threatenin’ “stellar” phenomenon. I’m near-sure they ain’t gonna be pullin’ out their HAARPs an’ PLAYIN’ with FIRE this time ‘round—it’s just a DRILL with a most some minor tech-“testin’ “.
First responders… preparin’ like it’s 1999…?
Okay, mebbe not QUITE like that this time ‘round—but they wanna keep ‘em thirsty fer “team work” an’ doin’ proto-culls an’ bein’ “important” an’ bein’ honored as “ESSENTIAL” workers !!! it’s bizzy werk keepin’ the masses in their kill boxes, no? So yup, I think there is some “trainin’ “ goin’ on—exercises of “all kinds”… cuz folks feel important bein’ on the team “gettin’ ready” for these “big events”…
APRIL 8th—the DRILL, the THRILL has been done BEFORE:

As for them “GROOMIES” (i.e. goons an’ their clueless cadets bein’ sent out ta groom us with their messages!) —all over the USA they wanna call the eclipse a NATIONAL DISASTER fergawdsakes!
Heck, soon they’ze gonna call the daily sunrise Armegeddon! an’ the tyical sunset the End of the World as we know it!
Seein’ that this is their latest “M.O.” en route ta the NWO…
It’s gonna be EDUCATIONAL…
Think’ve it this way—it’s YOUR CHANCE ta SEE the signalin’ their sendin’ us—perch on that hilltop an’ note the smoke signals—your chance ta WATCH the BROADAST takin’ place before us an’ TAKE IN the very interestin’ MANEUVERS (Man-Oeuvres—the “woiks”) — but yer role is only to ANALYZE their plans… not ta git all ginned up n’ skerred. (While, of course yer enjoyin’ the “REAL” show skyward.)
‘K? Y’all with me on this? So my angle is ta see this event in CONTEXT—in terms of what they’re DOIN’ ta MAKE USE OF IT ALL ta suit their plan, which we don’t have ta buy inta. NOT ta git ya skeered (that’s “their” plan, not ourn)
Part of such a singular event like this (not much unlike surroundin’ a feller with a gaggle of georgeous gals!) is ENTRAPMENT! (An’ lordy do our would-be masters know it!)
The full solar eclipse may indeed be a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon that occurs only every 360 years (how circular!) but eclipses ain’t hens’ teeth an’ most’ve us over the age of 10 have experienced at least a few eclipses in our lives. The first TRAP is that they want ya ta remain convinced that this UNIQUE ONE cancels all prior experience.
They wanna make the familiar rarified. Oh, them other eclipses were safe, nifty, no biggie but THIS ONE is DANGEROUS!!!!
That’s the first TRAP. The NOT LIKE THE OTHERS con. Like the covidian con, them “other” annual flus we’ve tackled jus’ fine but now, see here, THIS “Covid” ONE is DANGEROUS!
Plants kin eat PEE-PULL too! when their seeds are exposed to… you guessed it…an ECLIPSE! Kid ya not they added that plot point to the 1986 “remake” of Little Shop of Horrors by Frank “WIZARD” of OZ… An’ them plant “JAWS” look positively Spielberg-ian (means playin’ on the mountain, no?) an’ SHARKIAN!
The ever-curious human mind is eager to partake of the novel while the ever-thirsty human SOUL craves to be part of something bigger, nay, universal, which harkens back to the olden days when only fantastic stories could explain the marvelous sights in the heavens, when stars were counted like blessings. And it’s not jus’ the curious mind but also, yes, the soul IS lured like moth to flame, to witness, to meld, to blend, to feel. BUT THAT PART IS OK, no? Yes! We know a bit more but even so, the old tradition still describes the human condition — to witness, to BEHOLD, to satisfy the thirst to “grasp” an’ gaze-amazed inta the vast firmament.
BEHOLD… an’ yet “Be-ware” THE RISKS!
Of course there always were RISKS in viewing the sun (blindness!), but for over a century, protecting our corporeal eyes from the “eye” of the eclipse has been purdy simple (cheapo dark specs’ll do just fine).
Sure, there were some risks associated with bein’ “in the crowd,” DISTRACTED, or as the case would be in all things celestial… cluelessly lookin’ up at the sky…
But the current risks are QUITE DIFFERENT…
The risks today come in THEIR MANIPULATIN’ YER MIND! In KNOWING that something awful might happen, THEY PLAY THE MINOR NOTES OF DOOM!
JUST LIKE “THE WAR OF THE WORLDS”… this is a test ta see how far you’ll FALL for IT…
It’s the fear-porn of FRIGHT kidnappin’ the thinkin’ MIND.
An’ as fear paralyzes logical / rational thinkin’— LOGIC too is absconded-with !… Bypassin’ all sanity is whut has historically an’ hysterically worked ta get folks all worked-up an’ a’feared about everythin’ from “witches all around” ta “alien invastions / War of the Worlds” an’ recently about the non-existant “covid walrus” (as mentioned above). The goal has been ta keep that hamster wheel SPINnin’ (“spin” is right!) propelling HIGH ANXIETY an’ the non-stop FOOTING of FEAR, of runnin’ skeered with folks be-jabbered an’ masked up an’ “social distancin’ “ their way ta bein’ stupefied an’ near-PARALYZED.
So the proper-gander ‘round the SOUL-LURE ECLIPSE desires that people literally block (black-out) out all reason, fergit all they even knew ‘bout eclipses-safe, an’ BE CAREFUL CAREFUL CAREFUL! (cuz eeeeek-eeeelipsis — eclipses are dangerous!)
But seriously, how they gonna do THAT?
(have we not advanced since ancient times?)
※MOVIES, TEEVEE, NOOZE, IMAGERY (includin’ AI)… non stop MEDIA※
※This HERE’s※ a good summation of the last few years of predictive eclipse-related imagery / messagin’ / numbers “games”, an’ even the creepy Geneva-based “CERN”(Center for Nuclear Research in Particle Physics) whose logo, as shown previously, is a 666 an’ which is responsible for everything from the miracull of “radiation therapy” for cancer ta the WWW an’ phone chips as we know ‘em… hmmmm. More here from a useful idiot…
Me-DIA! the God of Meeee! MANIPULATION up the wazoo! An’ tho’ we HAVE advanced in some ways “Ancient Times” — the deep primordial FEAR of losin’ the sun can be played like a violin (or HAARP!)… pluck that MAGIC TWANGER an’ folks REVERT…
Now, we know “zey” wish us harm. Thus, our sacred SOULS that are LURED to observe, are now vulnerable (genuinely!) by both the propaganda/media MANIPULATIONS an’, ironically (ironic-cully), by our added KNOWLEDGE —includin’ KNOWLEDGE of the EVIL “zey” DO!
Our AWARENESS of the Illuminatti, of the Globalist Satanist WEENIES! that sacrifice humans (an’ drink their Type A, B, an’ O+) or the AI CREEPS an’ the TRANSHUMANISTS an’ of all the “weapons” previously mentioned—is such that “we who are more aware” are ironically MORE at risk of gettin’ played an’ PLAGUED by FEAR (an’ fear-mongerin’—however well-intended) as those fully ignorant of such machinations (there are many who still don’t know a Schwab from a “Q-TIP” —both kinds too!), because we DO know our ENEMY!
An’ that enemy IS EVIL! PURE EVIL!
IF we succumb ta their hype, their fear, but most of all—their dark FREQUENCIES!—our bodies-electric can be deftly “de-sparked,” our vital energies depleted and degaussed, our pineal glands petrified like rock candy crystals — and, of course, a signal can be sent that stops hearts…and minds.
Like I said, they ain’t gonna do this NOW… come eee-lection day, mebbe. NOT NOW.
But from all I gather they want us ta “show up willin’ly”—that’s like givin’ PERMISSION for them ta do “what tho wilt,” be it enterin’ their trap eyes closed, eyes open or eyes wide shut!… BUT we kin show up an’ withhold permission… Now stay with me… promise this’ll make some sense…

Yup, I know that the idear of degaussin’ us an’ petrifyin’ our pineals sounds like MUCH MORE than jus’ skeerin’ us about an otherwise SAFE event…. if indeed they CAN mess with our “frequencies”… So ya might be askin’, does this not contradict my hunch that it’s okay ta go an’ “enjoy the show” so to speak? NOPE…
So, CAN they do this dastardly stuff? YES. But I don’t think they’re gonna do it NOW.
They DO (imo) want us WONDERIN’ if they’ll pull all them punches on April 8th—but I’m near-certain… they won’t / they’ze just TESTING us.
ALSO, if ya take stock in this kinda thing, some folks that know all that numerology esoteric mumbojumbo (not dismissin’ just sayin’ it’s beyond me!), are sayin’ it’s not April 8th but mebbe mid-Sept or October…
Again, number stuff is waaaay outta my wheelhouse, but the “not this time” message agrees with my take on it too
An’ again, that’s why I DID (in my tips, above) recommend some ear protection (more on that in a seccy) as well as not “bringin’ “ any electronic or cellular devices— but what “ZEY” won’t be countin’ on, no sirree!, is our:
This may sound too WOO but bringin’ yer own positive, protective energy —yer AURA, fully engaged—an’ havin’ FAITH (religious, divine, whut-evah!) in your POWERFUL inner-energy, yer own LIGHT (not their loo-sipher-aise), yer own BODY ELECTRIC… THEN I think that’s our own SECRET WEAPON that affords us more n’ ample protection to BEHOLD the eclipse an’ resist any “testin’ “ they might try…
Look, I cain’t be SURE they’re even gonna test (us) at all beyond wartchin’ our “reactions” an’ “actions”… the FEAR alone may be the ONLY test! BUT….
If they wanna test a mite, our bodies electric are REAL. We DO have POWER and energy that kin reach, I hear, a good 3 FEET around us! Kid ya not! This energy is part of our immune system part “MOJO Protection!” It’s measurable too!
I’m not sayin’ our “inner strength” kin have us walkin’ thru walls an’ stoppin’ the hearts of goats… but there is MUCH ta be said about AURAS and INTENTION (ours, human).
AGAIN, I’m not sure our auras (even for AURA MAVENS like the amazin’ Sabrina Wallace! who works her aura better than Wayne Newton works a crowd in Vegas!) could save us against the truly deadly HAVANA SYNDROME WEAPONS or DEWs etc.— BUT yes, I think comin’ prepared (as per above / tips) AND “wearin’“ yer AURA ARMOR… will keep ya safe from any spot “testin’ “ they may try — specially if yer takin’ good care a’ yerself—drinkin’ clean water, keepin’ away from GMOs, sugar, “white flour,” toxic cleanin’ an’ personal care products—ALL of IT!
TAKING GOOD CARE OF “OURSELFS” DOES bestow energetic strength an’ the ability to brilliantly an’ spiritually RESIST some very dark forces indeed. It may have sumthin’ ta do with our bodies bein’ mostly WATER which has its own energetic qualities—an’ keepin’ that water as “clean” as we kin make it an’, as Dr. Emoto discovered, and as CONSCIOUS makes us more resiliant, healthy, an’ able to face negative outside forces includin’— FEAR
So, now back ta FEAR…
FEAR is bein’ normalized at this fully natural event BUT / YET it can be WEAPONIZED too… with or even without some FREQUENCY monkey bizness… (To repeat: I do NOT think they’ll go the Full Monty with energy weapons but they could send out some test blasts that need FEAR an’ ta work!)
The real eclipse may indeed be one of the HEART when stripped of the SOUL an’ human emotion, empathy an’ yup, LOVE!
It’s no surprise then that the ol’ Bonnie Tyler “hit” has been “drug up” from the wreck-hurd vaults (the oldies crypts!)… an’ that she’s “reinvented” herself as a kinda new-age WITCH! (holy…cow!)
In imagining how evil some have become, to envision such harm, to master the delivery of evil, an’ yet to still remain—human—seems nearly oxymoronic. Thus we might call such dark “opportunists” as being INhuman, INhumane, ruthless, or, perhaps as having a…
“Total Eclipse of the HEART” - no?
An’ wait—it gets STRANGER-even!
MOON-EATER** Bonnie Tyler, (singer of Total Eclipse of the Heart) is found consumin’ the moon (in the form of odd little “Jaffa cakes” she BITES mischievously inta moons an’ half moons…) looks like a Singing Sorceress! An’ indeed, warblin’ ‘bout the total darkness of the heart is not yer ordinary love song.
The song is QUITE DARK an’—this may surprise y’all—it’s REALLY about blood-drinkin’ VAMPIRES!
Composer Jim Steinman explains: “I remembered I actually wrote ['Total Eclipse of the Heart'] to be a vampire love song. Its original title was 'Vampires in Love' because I was working on a musical of 'Nosferatu,' the other great vampire story," Steinman said. "If anyone listens to the lyrics, they're really like vampire lines. It's all about the darkness, the power of darkness and love's place in dark.
OY. Whod’a thunk?
**”Moon Eaters” include BAKUNAWA: The Moon Eating Dragon of Philippine Mythology. During a lunar eclipse in the ancient Philippines, it was believed that a monstrous dragon was attempting to swallow the moon!
It’s not only the music (of the night!) it’s HOLLYWEIRD too!
It’s been regular “hint fest” of predictive EPOCH-Eeek-LIPStick! programmin! (that’s where apocalyptic meets the eclipse all gussied up with lipstick!)
IMHO it’s clear, via quite OBVIOUS Hollyweird “hint crumbs” left fer us ta nibble-up, that by releasin’ “just in time” the dystopian DOOMSDAY disaster-fest “Leave the World Behind,” that they WANT us full’a FEAR & TREMBLIN’! … literally quakin’ in our boots the world’s gonna END!
In sync with the recent release of this flick an’ the upcomin’ eclipse, Hoss-spit-alls started issuing dire WARNINGS! Nooze stations all pumpin’ out adrenalin-riddled reportage includin’ a strip-tease of frightened officials, and a passle’ve alarms from der HomeLund Suck-yer-itty, the FAA, the Po-leece, an’ (most improbably) “Black People!”— ALL alarmed! all preparin’ for NATIONAL DISASTER like this wuz WAR!
An’ the WORLD AT WAR (against us)—an international BLACKOUT perp-e-trated by HACKERS is the SCRIPT of this high budget Prece-dential Production.
BLACKOUT describes BOTH the Eclipse and the GRID DOWN / ELECTRONICS DEAD scenario
Zey vant folks ta think that soon we’re all gonna leave the world (as we know it) behind for good! Velly NWO, no?
YET, what they WANT is not likely what they’ze gonna DO right now, they’re just lettin’ ya know their current AGENDA… cat danglin’ us mice, playin’ with us…
SURE they COULD destroy everything (no nukes—if indeed they even exist—needed!).
SURE they have DAW’s at the ready an’ COULD use ‘em.
SURE they got us invaded at our borders an’ have weaponized all them MyGrunts who’ll be happy ta take us out an’… YUP…replace us… an’ MIGHT indeed do so…
BUT again do they wanna? I think not.
If the US becomes Haiti or Venezuela or even Lahaina-MaoWhee!—it’ll be harder an’ more costlier ta clean up THAN if they make it more like CCP an’ issue social credit CBDCs (cbd-seize!), vastly reduce our numbers (clot shots, more indirect routes of DEMOCIDE), rule our minds with remote “weapons,” an’ have quarantine-death camps (above and below ground) ready for outliers or “conscious” objectors!
The movie is meant for both the clueless AND the “aware” (like us)—100% FEAR PORN but they’re not quite paintin’ the scenario I think they really have in mind. (My 2 cents)
I also an’ honestly think they got too many PLANS that, fer the moment, involve livin’ human beans if only ta experiment on us like mice (even tho’ yup, they DO wanna kill MOST of us off PDQ in the near-future). They got more clot-shots up their sleeves—why roll out the next plandemic if we’ll already be DEAD on April 8th? See? It’s a GAME.
The eclipse might also be used ta groom their sky plans (Project Blue Beam anybuddy????) .
They’re still TOYING with us (literally) an’ I figger they know they kin always bump us guinea piggies off any time they like—no eeeeclipse needed!
An’ tho’ the Illuminatti do like their baby-baloneyian calendar dates now ‘n then, their “fest ‘n feast” days come purdy often. THUS…
I believe we’d just git a “taste” of WHAT’S TO COME (not the whole enchilada on April 8th or even when they DO get things “fired up”…)
Small-scale testin’ first—if anythin’ …
MAYBE, just mebbe, they’ll try out the NEW SONIC TECH that’s different from LRAD.
Specifically, I’m thinkin’ ‘bout them testin’ out LOW FREQUENCY SOUND WAVES used in Team-Oh’bam-a-lama’s dystopian end-times flick “Leave the World Behind” as these waves are WEAPONS per the breathtakin’ research of Bonnie and John Mitchell of Awaken Video (MUST WATCH!): HERE and HERE (Part 2)
SONOGENETICS… ACOUSTIC WEAPONS… the above videos are a must-watch!
So we know they’re TESTIN’ out the TECH…
Now I hope it makes sense why in my tips the most important bit’ve practical advice I got fer y’all (apart from gettin’ the cheapo standard issue ECLIPSE-VIEWIN’ SPECS) is ta git yerselfs sum good-
Just in case they DO test out some’a that new sonic weaponry (on the “low” settin’). Worst case scenario, you’ll look like that poor geeked-out fella below—or if ya wanna spend a few more smackeroos, go on ‘n git the far more subtle “inside-the-ear-jobbies” (not the cheapo foam ones tho’) like the ones that hunters ‘n shootin’ range folks use ta protect their ear-drums many options out there).
The “sound” element is the one literal weapon embedded in the actual film / viewing experience so that’s why I’m highlightin’ that one “tool” an’ a simple solution fer y’all (just ta protect yer ears).
THE EMP (an EMP-a-thetic?) weapon…
In the film there is an EMP cyber attack (hack) that takes out the power grid an’ all electronics an’ both cellular and satellite communications — part of the total BLACKOUT. IMO it wouldn’t therefore hurt ta at least faraday yer phones an’ “unplug” yer other “electronic deVICES” for the day… tho’ frankly I’m near-certain they’re savin’ those “bigger” shennanigans for the next election next fall (an’ as above, I don’t think they’ll go full DEW on the entire country)—I’d say that these additional precautions run a distant second. But hey, havin’ a faraday bag is not a bad idear anyway (some folks faraday their phones every night!)
THE PLAN they want’cha ta SEE…
Specifically (specific-CULLy as in how they’re gonna cull us laid out in detail), I really do think we can go by the movie plot as a guide — an’ thus not git too riled up about Marburg an’ bioweapons — they literally TELL US that what’s in the FILM is the ultimate PLAN! (even amidst all that added bonus fear-porn)… It’s not total DEWs but it may be SONIC. It’s not scorched earth / nuke’em high or even naplm.
To wit:
….with a humble pardon fer the overt cursin’ in the quotes I’m sharin’ below (cuz I’m jus’ the messenger)…
PROOF that the Movie Plot IS their plan…more or less…
When else in HISTORY did a (former?) President start producin’ disaster movies? (an’ givin’ pointers ta the “director” to boot!)
If ya go by recent interviews, there’s PROOF POSITIVE of both CIA-PuppetMeister President “BombBama’s” direct involvement in the production (far beyond just Exec-Producin’ it) — AND also (waxin’ pre-DICK-tive here) added proof that the DETAILS IN THE MOVIE were mostly spot-on!
I mean gorsh, the director literally comes out an’ sez the events in the film are REAL an’ are GONNA HAPPEN! check it out folks from the aforementioned interview:
“….and President Obama, having the experience he does have, was able to ground me a little bit on how things might unfold in reality,” writer-director Sam Esmail told Vanity Fair
(…) “And to hear an ex-president say you’re off by a few details… I thought I was off by a lot! The fact that he said that scared the fuck out of me.”
Why else spend that much time, effort, an’ do-re-mi groomin’ folks in spendy sin-o-matic format if ya ain’t gonna use it?
I hear it’s a lousy film so it seems the entire “pernt” is to convey “zee plan zee plan!”
Given that a former President (arguably the CURRENT one in that Ol’DiaperJoe ain’t even operatin’ his home denture cleaner!) actually went over the pre-production script an’ CONFIRMED ACCURACY (an’ tweaked whut wuzn’t on the money), I’d say THIS is the most likely SCENARIO (or one of the top 3 they’re contemplatin’) if (if….) they’re gonna “DO US”—but again, not (imo) on April 8th—an’ mebbe not even as “one” singular event (i.e. turnin’ up the temp on the frog boil).
So yeah, yer sayin’ OK so this “MOVIE” is PREDICTIVE, yer not “turribly” concerned about the 8th Miz Daisy, then:
WHY d’ya think they’ll try something at all on April 8th?
1. CUZ in the “movie” there’s A MAJOR ECLIPSE
(+ 2 more that appear “visually”)
Now I didn’t see this flick my’self (not my cuppa tea…an’ I’m wary of embedded sound weapons an’ “poisoned t-leaves” i.e. bein’ disturbed by creepy predictions) but I hear-tell that the MAIN eclipse comes literally just ‘fore a cyber attack which takes down all the tech. ALSO as ye kin see in the visuals above, there’s a solar flare right ‘fore the eclipse—this matches the April 8th eclipse b/c the sun is at “max intensity” (not all eclipses would flare like that).
The other two are kinda like leitmotifs (i.e. light-motifs!), from all I gather, conveyed only in repeat eclips shots and angles—i.e they’re imagery-based (vs additional events).
Things go dark or the sun is fully blocked an’ such shots supposedly mimic’in the eclipse). Hmmmm?
2. cuz the eclipse triggers an energy-weapon MEDICAL CONDTION — here, the Loss of Teeth
RIGHT AFTER the ECLIPSE one of the lead characters, a boy named Archie (same name as Prince Harry’s baby..hmmm? hold that thought…), has his TEETH FALL OUT… As the story itself suggests thru a prepper character named Danny, it could be like what happened in Cuba (i.e. HAVANA Syndrome) caused by focused energy beams in the form of Directed Microwaves or some other variation of Microwave Radiation or perhaps it was indeed the sonic audio waves that were characterized by the shrill / ear-piercin’ NOISE (as cited above in the Mitchells’ work) whose skull-shakin’ vibrations triggered the loss of teeth. THUS, a life-destroyin’ form of Directed Energy Weapon CONNECTED with the eek!lips, be it the microwaves or the “sound beams” or some combo of the 2 —are signalin’ the power “zey” posess, the THREAT of what kin be done TO us. (FYI, I heard that in the book on which the movie is based, Archie’s mom Karen also gits loose teeth from the same “sound” weapon.)
Losin’ Teeth in Freudian-speak means IMPOTENCE—it means sterility too. (Fits nicely in line with the de-pop agenda, no?) Think about it… ol’ toothless men’ve lost their “bite” (also their power). We use the word TOOTHLESS ta indicate weak, IMPOTENT. Doin’ this to a CHILD / TEEN is especially TRAUMATIC as their “bite” has been stolen from ‘em prematurely—they’ve lost their ability (symbolically) to reproduce or carry on (an’ as for “Baby Archie,” seems the royals are indeed bein’ picked off like the duck shoot game at the carnival!—their “line” will not likely continue if the Black Nobility is cuttin’ off their bloodlines! So it may be the “end of the line” fer the Saxe-Coburg Gothas, no?)
Toothlessness is also connoted with insanity, abject poverty, an’ filth / squalor. In the film it’s not so likely, given the full destruction of the USA, that Archie will ever git costly state-of-the-art cosmetic dental EVEN if he does survive, which is uncertain in and of itself. I’d guess that “chewin’ “ might also be a challenge fer ‘im an’ there’s likely no Vitamix in his kit bag…
Folks I may not give a lotta weight ta Freud in the sphere of objective reality (he wuz a kinda crackpot himself!), but SYMBOLICALLY or more aptly symbollock-ly! — an’ as applies ta the LANGUAGE of CINEMA (Sin-e’ma)! Herr Sigmund packs a whollup an’ has historically an’ “histrionically” done so in many stage & screen traumas / dramas as well. The films of Hitchcock are perfect examples not only of great movie-makin’ but also how Freudian imagery is a rich, if twisted, resource hard ta ignore.
Again, YOU don’t need ta “hold on ta yer teeth” as I still do not think that even city-folks are gonna git a zap’ve “Havana Breeze” on the 8th. However, I DO think they’re showin’ us “THEIR TOYS”—what they kin do if they’d like! (Yeah, it’s SICK)
A BUG-OUT bonus aka “The Sting! & The King”
This is a bit’ve a strange “excursion” but apt I think… remember this: The ROYALS are descendents of Vampires—lit’rally from Vlad the Impaler—even King Charles Spaniel admits it! Vamplies suck on BLOOD (includin’ adrenochrome..). Vampires LOVE THE DARK yet could be tricked durin’ an eclipse ta think night has fallen… later to be “trapped” by the light. Many bugs “bite” but ticks, like vampires, ENGORGE themselfs on blood. Now with that lovely thought in mind, “Leave the World Behind” (where everybuddy is “buggin’ out!”) has some “buggy” elements that seem ta connect with CURRENT EVENTS an’ mebbe… the Royals…
The BUG BITE angle. So Archie (again, same name as the King of England’s grandson…) is walkin’ an’ follerin’ the ODDLY-behavin’ deer in the (eerie) woods RIGHT BEFORE THE SONIC BLAST an’ is BIT badly on the ankle by a BUG (species unnamed).
BUGS are now weapons given that Billy Gates-of-Hell is right now engineerin’ GMO mouse-ketos ta deliver “vaccines” an’ luciferase (read BIOWEAPONS !!!!). The added “perk” of his bugs is they’re bio-trackin’ us too cuz if we git bit or even needle-jabbed with opti-genetic luciferase material from the jab—we’ll GLOW under the purple UV spy lights that’ll show “them” whose jabbed (who ain’t) an’ will convey their MAC addresses… accordin’ly. Also b/c the signal in the nano (delivery by bug bite or jab) is remotely trackable… the BUG inside ya’ll tell them where ya are and whut yer doin’ ALL TIMES.YEAH, Archie got not only a bioweapon but then / ALSO a trackin’ device. Nice.
Y’all know such diabolical inventions (i.e. WEAPONIZED INSECTS) have ALREADY been released in a few states as “tests” (ha! some testin’)—an’ then there’s…. drumroll—LYME!
LYME is a Plum Island-invented bioweapon! TICKS suck out the blood (like lil’ vampires) an’ then inject their parasitic “weapons” inta yer bloodstream causin’ harm that kin last a lifetime…
In the movie, Archie is followin’ DEER. Deer actin’ strangley (mebbe due to both Lyme + Chronic Wastin’ Disease, also a man-made “gift” from the biolabs). Knowin’ that the BUG that deer carry is LYME (via deer ticks) they might be tellin’ us that they’ll git us with weaponized Lyme too, just like Archie—with them hittin’ his immune system with immune-wreckin’ PARASITES thus worsenin’ the FX (most likely) of the sonic / elf weapon.

Given this is what “they” want us to expect, as they say in South Park every time the character Kenny is killed : YOU BASTARDS!!!! (pardon my French!)
an’ last but not least:
3. CAR-GO (Cargo) BOOM! cuz the eclipse that coincides with the CYBER-BLACKOUT causes a CARGO SHIP TO CRASH!
(an’ we just sawr that in real time in Balto-Mo’…)
The destruction of infrastructure is a no-brainer fer us “aware” bears.
That the bridge that just got wrecked wuz the “Francis Scott Key Bridge” is of course symbolic as hell — it got destroyed in all its faded Star Spangled Glory (a “banner ocassion” for Mister Global") — an’ also remember—in the ECLIPSE scene in “Leave the World Behind” the faded-glory flag “barely” (yet?) waved on the frickin’ moon (i.e. only on a SOUNDSTAGE!). Huh. Symbo-IZM.
They’ze LAFFIN’ at us all…it’s purdy durn sick…
Here y’all go with the CARGO ship disasters—A Bridge Too Far if I may say so!—seems the MSM nooz-busters even filmed it from the same angle:
OH an’ in the moovie the eclipse-triggered wipe-out takes place ON THE BEACH — is that signalin’???? NAH….
On the Beach is a 1959 American post-apocalyptic science fiction drama film from United Artists starring Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner, Fred Astaire, and Anthony Perkins. Produced and directed by Stanley Kramer, it is based on Nevil Shute's 1957 novel On the Beach depicting the aftermath of a nuclear war.
Another eclipse parallel in movieland…
(feel free ta jump ahead if ya don’t wanna go down this rabbit hole!)
I’m not quite sure what to make of this connection, but it’s all over the “innertubes” in “mentions” (unmentionables, ha!) so here goes! There is a movie called Donnie Darko (didn’t see it either) but seems it has quite a foller’in. They reference it in “Leave the World Behind.”
Eclipses in BOTH FILMS.
There are some interestin’ parallels between the two an’, again, predictive programmin’ they want noticed so likely BOTH FILMS reflect on the current situation in which we find ourselves.
Settin’ aside a strange “Donnie-as-Trump” trope (it seems a mite complicated but per some in Q-land who have studied the film, Donnie is The Donald; but I won’t go down that “rabbit hole!”—an’ yet a rabbit does figure into the plot), AND as noted on the innertubes, the lead character Donnie wears an eye-like ECLIPSE on his tee-shirt* an’ this film, too, depicts an “End of World” scenario, lightness and darkness (blottin’ out the light), hence it’s Dark-O:
*eclipses & eyes look similar, more on that below!
Darko thus is also DARK-O with the O possibly bein’ the ring around the sun during eclipse (corona). hmmmm again… So with eclipses come EVIL (or at least, as per Gloucester, they portend no good!) and CHAOS.
WILL APRIL 8th BRING EVIL AN’ CHAOS? (again’ methinks they want us to BELIEVE it will…) Frankly the ONLY chaos that could happen might be some kinda “angry” MyGrunt triggerin’ in the big shitties—planned “trouble” (fights? robberies? violence?) that’ll bring in a call fer martial law. In The Rotten Apple (my hometown ‘til recently) durin’ “blackouts” there wuz always puhlenty of lootin’ an’ robbin’ an’ mayhem… it’s easier ta MANUFACTURE chaos when the lights are out… just sayin’ in case Soros / Tsuris! is a’ plannin’ somethin’ naughty

In “Leave the World Behind” there is some dialogue where they literally compare the character of “Rose” (Donnie’s mother is also called Rose btw) to the character “Donnie Darko,” specifically, i.e. the guy that sees impendin’ “end-of-world” DOOM in visions in which figure a “symbolic” eclipse on 10-2-88. (“Number-ology” anybuddy? is 4-8-24 similarly symbolic? both divisible by 2, all evens no odds…hmmm)
Anyhoo, as depicted in the movie, the eclipse is shown via a close up of an eye (Donnie’s), and as the camera moves that’s bit is followed by showin’ us an eye in a wall poster with a bright/solar light shining on it—an’ finally, as the camera pans up, we are left looking at an American flag oddly tacked onto the CEILING… (of all places—maybe like the sky?) with the whole scene corresponding to the movement of an eclipse in the firmament as the sun / light is covered. The eclipse theme I understand continues in the Darko plot…
BOTH FILMS offer Flags AND False Flags, symbols of AMERICA IN DISTRESS!
The symbol of an AMERICAN FLAG UPSIDE DOWN (actually part’ve the “Leave the World Behind” opening credits title sequence) is a serious one;
It means the NATION is in DISTRESS
Duh, but still—it’s way beyond “signalin’”—they’re shoutin’ it now.
Take a look back (scroll up) at the two eclipse images I shared from “Leave the World Behind;” the eclipse photographed from the moon looking Earth-ward shows the eclipse forming, and then at the moment it’s arrived at “peak darkness” … a dirty crumpled American flag rises and then fades out. “Rises” is quite interestin’.
Normally you put a flag into the ground from ABOVE (“Astro-NOT style”…an’ yeah, it waved on the soundstage…). NOT from below-to-rise-above… For it to RISE from BELOW the MOON surface indeed means it’s topsy-turvy-in-distress—wrong side (goin’) up…? It’s also REVERSED… in a FAMILIAR WAY… (lookee at the photo below…)
Normally we view the stars on the left but as shot in “Leave the World Behind”—we are seeing the flag “from the back”—mis-oriented—like a’nuther FAMOUS scene where the flag wuz views bass-awkwards, right?
FLAG literally in distress!
So does this mean—with both films using eclipse imagery in sequences that ends up framing a DISTRESSED / dis/mis-oriented American flag and/or a Flag-in-Distress—that that the flag doth “yet wave” after the “war” (in Star-Spangled-Banner style?) …but barely? All faded an’ near-disappeared? OR are they tellin’ us that flag is TOO FAR GONE… is THAT the signal we’re getting? That AMERICA THE BRAVE is LOST? (sure looks like it…)
Just some crumpled old icon that will fade, disappear, thereby signaling the END of the American Empire? “FADED GLORY” as they say. hmmmm again…. I fear the latter.
In both films it does seem like the eclipse immediately precedes the American flag in-the-sky (or on the celing) image with the flag in funky shape / misoriented / not right (even on a ceiling is wrong).
So, are we to think that April 8th will be a “start date” for the rapid decline of this “empire” (i.e. America) as symbolized by our flag ???? IS THAT IT?
In other words, is it just a symbolic “start date” for a faster descent? Rapid-fire deterioration of our country via the faded flag? Mebbe… perhaps the date has other meanin’s we don’t yet grasp?
Earth, Moon, Stars…
2001 and The “National Aeronautics and Space Administration”
MEANWHILE, “Donnie Darko”-the-film was made in 2001 (year indicated in one famous Space Odyssey, no?)—an’ therein we find another 2001 reference that PARALLELS the message to OBEY NASA (Obama sez OBEY!) shown us in “Leave the World Behind.”
Mah readers here purdy much know (apart from the above section on NASA’s “special” plans fer April 8th AND apart from the fact that NASA hosts the OFFICIAL ECLIPSE 2024 website-of-info…) that NASA is the literal site of fakery an’ (pardon my French) rank fukery! (the source of the staged moon landin’ an’ every FAKE shot of the moon or Earth seen from it—that has been seen by man!).
So, we should obey NASA?! Really? OBEY the seat of LIES?
(Stolen tax dollars? Home of PAPERCLIP NAZIs ???? really???)
FUNNY (ironic funny) that it’s indeed NASA that issues all the official documentation and info. about ALL the ECLIPSEs here in the USA. As if they own the patent on the things !!!!
Which makes me WONDER…
Will there be ANOTHER fake NASA-created EVENT to/from the skies or space? (If not Blue Beam, there are quite a lot of ways the SKY can be used as a MOVIE SCREEN! — not unlike the 2001 black obelisk!) Nope, I’m not talking about April 8th but I DO wonder about NASA’s role in future “screenings” in our skies…
Beam me down, Scottie!
WE NOW COME TO THE BAD BUNNY (still in DarkO land…)
MEANWHILE it seems that the RABBITS have hopped all the way to the End of the World and arrived at the point where that world will be Left Behind…
It’s the year of the RABBIT folks!
By this I mean that we are now in “Lunar” New Year / Year of the Rabbit in 2024 an’ some sleuths draw various parallels ‘tween this Lunar year an’ “Frank the Rabbit” (shown above)—an evil character from Donnie Darko, one always announcing impending disaster and reminding Donnie "…when the world will end.”
This dark bunny seems to bring not Spring or Easter (joyful symbols of rebirth or fertility as “happy bunnies” do) but rather death, destruction, and the END—as depicted in the movie.
Rabbits of COURSE and ALSO have a lot to do with Mind Control / MKUltra and SRA (Alice in Wonderland programmin’). Is Donnie Darko partly a tale about a MKUltra victim (him) involved in a mind-control experiment? Either way… in the YEAR of the RABBIT we have a TOTAL ECLIPSE an’ references to a DARK-O movie in which figures an EVIL BUNNY and… another ECLIPSE. Hmmmm again…
This whole thing make me think of brilliantly dark filmmaker Kenneth Anger’s “Rabbit’s Moon” which may hold a key or two to the answer to the above question as well—Anger bein’ a known Satanist an’ Crowley fan.
In this film a very real human version of Comedia del Arte clown, Pierrot, loves Columbine (a lovely dove, in French…and a high school with a symbolic name…) but is TRICKED by Harlequin’s Magic Lantern (a movie device: like a slide projector or movie camera, it creates the ILLUSION of reality—like AI or digital projections too though FAR MORE lovely imho) into THINKING he’s seeing Columbine vs just her image projected onto the moon.
He dies going moon-ward in search of Columbine, not realizing he’s chasing only the ILLUSION. He follows the rabbit… (it’s actually a GREAT short film…)
Are we all clowns like Pierrot? TRICKED by ARTIFICE so cleverly and tragically shown by Kenneth Anger? Are WE following the “bad bunny” at our peril? Frank is not the only “Bad Bunny” in Hollyweird — actors like “MAC” are made ta dress (MAC address?) in bunny outfits as part of their humiliation…
Wherein (in the land of strange cinematic synchronicities) PLANES DROP FROM THE SKIES after eclipses in BOTH “Donnie Darko” & “Leave the World Behind…” WHILE we also watch this happenin’ in REAL TIME on the telly (i.e. since the clot shots started an’ pie-lots started droppin’ dead, since the planes started nose-divin’ from our skies, since DEI hires messed up the airlines, an’ since Boeing Whistleblowers git murdered fer tellin’ the truth about unsafe planes an’ drugged up personnel…)…
In Donnie Darko a plane literally falls out of the sky crashes INTO Donnie’s house (killing his “love” Gretchen but he is able to time-travel to become the one the plane kills instead, thereby sparin’ Gretchen…).
In “Leave the World Behind” I understand self-drivin’ Tesla cars “pile up” AND planes are dropping from the skies as well—with people running to avoid the crash-explosions—surely this is due to the “cyber attack" (works for boats AND planes too I guess?!). I believe I also read that the planes are Teslas and on Auto-Pilot like the cars. (eeks!)
And of course we know what’s happening RIGHT NOW as air travel has become VERY unsafe.
So I mean c’mon y’all — if that ain’t TELLIN’ US, I don’t know what else is…
ANOTHER BONUS “TIP”! Higher Ground Productions
Signalin’ here is purdy likely given the production company name chosen by the “Obamas” (Big Mike an’ Lil’ Berry). “Leave the World Behind” is made by the “Obamas’” Higher Ground Productions.
Bein’ on Higher Ground normally means you are MORALLY and/or ETHICALLY SUPERIOR. I would guess that this is the Fabian / Rhodes-scholarly / Eugenicist / Globalist position. I’m SURE that SatanKlaus, HairAiry an’ pals feel they are on HIGHER MORAL GROUND an’ know whuts good fer us lil’ useless eaterz—who should own nothin’ an’ VILL be heppy. Right. Watchin’ footage from Davos, WEF, etc. zey all exude such a sense of moral superiority that I wanna loose my cricket cookies! (jus’ kiddin’) But really, this SO aptly describes there attitude that it’s NO WONDER they’ve chosen that name… which brings me to STEVIE:
Because “Higher Ground Productions” makes me think of Stevie Wonder’s GIANT hit Higher Ground ‘bout reincarnation an’ finding a more moral footin’ in life (from all I gather Lil’ Stevie was kind’ve a bad boy… at least for a time…) AND…remember—Lil’ Stevie is BLIND (not by eclipse—I think that was from birth) so his SUN is always in ELCLIPSE.
His song “Higher Ground” is on the “Innervisions” LP (his vision is inward…) — the cover of which depicts some sort of pyramid-like structures reflectin’ (in shape) a similar light/vision triangle: Stevie’s BLIND SEER visio?” Is that signalin’ somethin’? Are the Obamas referencin’ the song or this album in their efforts to make sure WE “Leave the World Behind” (thanks ta destroyin’ it!) to achieve “higher ground?” (after all that IS the stated goal of the globalists…’fore they “Build Back Better”)
Such a rare an’ singular event has us interactin’, en masse, “all together now!” with the “awe-some” celestial world above us both in “awe” of the wonder of our existence an’ that of the sun that gives us life—but with no small amount of FEAR too (per how they planned it). An’ innately—there is also the literal fear of bein’ blinded by the light — an’ the primitive but corporeal fear of bein’ plunged into DARKNESS in the world of the UNSEEN. So there’s now INNERVISION an’ OUTERVISION… the seen, the unseen —and thus:
The TALE of the ECLIPSE is a TALE OF THE EYE… (mon oeil!)
This uncanny concurrence brings me to the OCULAR nature of eclipses.
It is no coincidence that the ECLIPSE is so OCULAR—an’ the entire event surrounds our SEEING’ / VIEWIN’ vs NOT-SEEIN’, temporary BLINDNESS (or godferbid permanent if ya look inta the sun). I’m intrigued just how MUCH the eclipse ressembles a human eye, pupil dialated in the dark, the rays like the iris, an’ therefore viewing it has us more vulnerable… as we open our SOULS to the SOUL-LURE wonder, awesome in both marvel an’ as daunting too!
I’m also INTRIGUED that the bright “ring” around the eclipse is officially called a CORONA!
Timely ,no?
Might we call it another “crowning” event or mmoment? AH the parallels… they are strikin’ no?
the ELECTRICAL ONE ! (for our Bodies Electric)
In mentionin’ this “Eee-Clips” soon comin’ our way—as many are pronouncin’ that loooong e—I’d say my spellin’ it thattaway ain’t by accident. By usin’ the “EYE-TRIPLE E” or what is spelled out as “IEEE” (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) which runs yer “cyber-physical backbone”* to literally “clip ya”—meanin’ short-circuit ya or otherwise rip ya off! —we have the “eee-clips” affectin’ your body electric. Interestin’, no? There IS talk about electrical magnetism during these events… I DO wonder.
* the cyber-physical backbone is, per brilliant stem-brained whistleblower Sabrina Wallace, the means by which, since 1995, “they” have uses the IEEE/WBAN ta run “routing radio frequency through the human body” (Hope & Tivon & Maria Zee ‘splain it all ta ya in layman’s terms as Sabrina—bless her!—goes way too fast fer us non-stemmies!)
In laymans terms it means they jus’ might use this event ta try ta take away yer (our!) mojo, energy, life force. OR at least test fer doin’ so… in the dark!
Why’d I say such a thing? Again, not ta worry y’all. But indeed they’ve been SIGNALIN’ THIS fer years!
Again, I don’t think they’ll do much beyond testin’ on the 8th—but they keep plantin’ these clues…. THUS:
As I said, it’s the SOUL LURE “eee-clips”
A SOUL LURE — means drawin’ folks like flies ta a sugar bowl—a trap? You tell me. Heads uplifted in AWE & WONDER (i.e. vulnerable, prone… pupils wide-dilated) to “receive the event.” That’s how hypnosis happens too. Of course when nature is left untainted no harm is done (quite the contrary). But when they are MANipulatin’ this “lure”—ta great extent—it is like preparin’ the audience for THE SHOW—or perhaps for “the next one” if ya git my drift?
Here’s the first thing—I think the baddies are testin’ levels of “warnin’ “ (like that tri-colored alert system!) an’ levels of “hype” relative to OBEDIENCE ta see how many foller orders—an’ how well.
In terms of their April 8th TESTIN’ EXPERIMENT (today!!!!)
They kin find out how many attend, how many stay home “in fear.” Oh! an’ they kin certainly track BEHAVIORS on all them phones (usin’ robust tech) to differentiate ‘tween somebuddy stayin’ home outta disinterest VS somebuddy stayin’ home outta “FEAR”
An’ speakin’a fear—there are folks in our area sayin’ theyze SKEERED ta go to wartch the eee-clips because they are afraid it’s a—hold onta yer tinfoil hats— A SUPERSPREADER EVENT! Yup in 2024 THIS is whut’s gonna keep ‘em home…oy an’ golly—talk about hyp-GNOSIS an’ the false God Fraudski whose “spell” still holds most improbably on these inDOKTURDnated minds
Anywhoo—yup, the “THESE ARE JOBS FOLKS” kin easily check their “apps” ta see if sumbuddy’s stayin’ home an’ WHY. If it’s FEAR whut kind? — Fear of DEWs? Con-CERNS ‘bout NASA shootin’ at the MOON-SHADOW?
Yup an’ yassiree—they (zey) KNOW.
That’s a’nuther reason ta FARADY them cell phones as I advised too!
from MOONSHADOW by Cat Stevens (a few odd thoughts strikin’ me now…)
And if I ever lose my mouth
All my teeth, north and south (like Archie in the movie, per above?)
Yes, if I ever lose my mouth (y’all know about the Avatars with mouths erased? ***)
Oh, if…., I won't have to talk (ah, didn’t think of that “convenience” for the Masters)
Did it take long to find me? (via AI “Moon Trackin’?”)
I ask the faithful light
Oh, did it take long to find me?
And, are you gonna stay the night?
(a “real” moon would stay, but the MOON SHADOW???)
***From THIS Daisy postin’: On one platform if somebuddy mis-speaks too many times OR to the OBJECTION of those “in charge”— they may REMOVE that digital twin AVATAR’s MOUTH!!!!
CLEARLY NASA ain’t gonna leave even the MOONSHADOWS alone…
It Makes Ya Wonder, no? (an’ nope I don’t think FireCat wuz thinkin’ about AI but it’s just strange how the song ties in with whut’s goin’ down now…)
I DO think our human souls are genuinely drawn to these events but the LURE, the extra gravitational pull, is how the media (MSM & “ALT'“ BOTH) all play inta it, to make it bigger—yer only chance in lifetime! OR Yikes! a portal will be opened! or Demons & Vril maidens on the way! OR Hoss-spit-alls gonna be full! OR They’ll up the 5G an’ release Marburg!
Step right up! Hurry HURRRRRY! MILLIONS are goin’!
All the while folks are gettin’ mixed / frantic messages about the EMERGENCY to come! And in all this FRENZY! PANIC! DOOM!
We-the-people are bein’ GROOMED for emergencies ONGOING.
FEAR for ALL civilians (stock up on water, prepare yer first aid supplies! have yer go-back ready!)—WHILST first responders git skeered inta practicin’ their places an’ paces (for the “show”—as I’ve shown above with their, cough cough song’ an’ dance “routines”) an’ hired humans (LARPs an’ crisis actors, etc) all turnin’ up for roll call (role call?) “on set” “on time” an’ ready ta play their part in this “emergency drama” —
ALL, too, in preparation for FUTURE EMERGENCIES… THAT’s whut I think is goin’ down FOR REAL on the 8th. PREP.
“We” are bein’ prepped. Heck, even the preppers are bein’ “prepped!”
PLUS - there’s this COMET thing with an ODD TRUMP connection (I know I know, it’s STRANGE!)
First there’s THIS:

As for the DEVIL… (as if we didn’t know this?!) he’s baaaaack!
NOW as a comet —and apparantly this ain’t his first visit. Ol’ Scratch in the Sky (not down below?!) has a horn-like appearance, explosive outbursts, and a distorted shape. I think some’ve our (s)ell-ected officials fit that description velly nicely, so I guess we got some devil-comets in office, no?
But WHY this devil-comet tomfoolery? Methinks they are pushin’ their own version of SATANIC PANIC! via this “satanic terminology” as well as the Egyptial “pagan” gods an’ Shiva (Hindu destroyer) an’ a general pan-theistic form of dark talk to hit all bases and, as they say, ta offend EVERYBODY indescriminately!
Something there ta trigger, pique, “skeer,” blaspheme or otherwise outrage just ‘bout EVERYBODY (‘cept mebbe the Church of Satan folks an’ some Trannie Wiccans who are diggin’ all this????). And (while they’ze at it) this is also a “test” for resilience or reactions an’ who knows whut the heck else?
And in the midst of all this “chaos” comes an Orange Man in the Moon…
NOW this COMET thing is whar “The Donald” comes in via a TRACKDOWN!
Whod’a thunk that Donald J. Trump has ANYTHIN’ ta do with the EEEK-Lips! (which sounds MORE like his honest reaction to the whack-doodles E. Jean Carroll) — but see, there’s this episode…
So LOOKEE here at an’ old show called “Trackdown.” In the 1958 Episode: The End of the World, a “magic man” (a grifter-quack-charlatan it’s later revealed—hmmmm) named Walter TRUMP wearin’ a “dreamcoat” with Masonic-like symbols painted on it, a man later referred to as the “High Priest of Fraud,” shows up in a small town, tells folks it’s the End of the World that very evenin’ WHEN THE ECLIPSE HAPPENS becuz:
…. at the exact moment of the eclipse when the sun is blocked a COMET is gonna crash onto EARTH an’ KILL THEM ALL. At MIDNIGHT. “Everybody in the world will be DEAD” they are told.
Duz this NOT sound like the nooz from THIS WEEK y’all?
Is sum’buddy tryin’ ta tell US that there’s a COMET joinin’ the EEEK-Lips an’ it might (also) bring on the End of the World an’… but it’s a HOAX (?) an’ No, No-Trump is gonna save us? Is that it?
Specifically, in the show, this Mista Trump sez that:
The Earth will collide with a comet in a cosmic explosion OR a meteor storm an’ DESTROY THEM ALL UNLESS (unless!) they all buy his “FORCE REPELLERS” that BUILD A WALL against this deadly GRAVITY. Build. A. Wall.
He tells the people that only he can save them (Whereas The Donald, referrin’ ta the whole dang country, tells his fans that “Only I can fix it!”) Specifically:
“I am the only one—just me—I can build a wall around your homes that NOTHING will PENETRATE” - Trump
Screen Trump may not look like The Donald but he kinda sounds like him, NO?
PAUSE—so we dunno if this is the “devil comet” or an angel one but we are led ta believe that some quack named Trump is doin’ a crackerjack job’ve convincin’ regular folks that a deadly ECLIPSE an’ COMET DUO will end THE WORLD (the world we’re to leave behind?) unless folks snap up his FORCE REPELLERS which are…paper parasols. (UNLESS folks buy up Trumps “fixes?”) Anywhoo—the threats are believed an’ thus:
The man’s REAL TRADE is FEAR an’ he plys it well.
That these Trump-touted “FORCE REPELLERS” look no different from ordinary paper parisols next gits him some curious looks but in response he reveals that it’s the mystic MARKINGS on the umbrellers (not the parisols themselfs) that hold their POWER ta save them.
“Don’t laugh--it’s the markings, it’s the magnetic force that is called up by these markings.”
So esoteric icons an’ symbols chez Trump denote power an’ confer magnetic force…check. (Re the “markings” he IS a Jesuit after all…) An’ COVFEFE ta you too, sir! Also, we’re aware of “Mysterious an’ magical” ingredients in the Trump-Vaxx?
When folks ask about their animals, who cannot “hold” umbrellers ta protect themselfs from the eeeeclipse, Trump pulls out an ordinary washer an’ sez that he has these ta sell too. They are specially made in Peru (!) from MAGNETIUM!—the force of the universe (MAGA-net-ee-yum?) But again—we have the electro an’ the magnetic here…. Anywhoo-
Thus, we learn that Trump tells us he kin REPEL gravity with just “markings.” (I’d say that the current Don with the comb-over certainly has some TEFLON repellant force goin’ as he’s been able ta fend off a passle of (im)peaches hurled his way from the “branches” of our court system—some say this is indeed “an act” however.)
Interstin’ly, in the episode, Judge “Clement” cain’t use the courts ta stop Trump — so we see the “court” is useles! The Judge says he “knows” Trump is a charlatan but because they cannot “prove” he’s broken the law they cain’t stop or arrest him. HOBBLED JUSTICE. This too is soundin’ familiar re the current useless court system too. Only today it seems weaponized against Trump, not workin’ in his favor…
So next the sale of the FORCE REPELLERs takes place (these arguably are fake energy “counter” weapons / COUNTER-MEASURES no?)—we are to believe these gadgets are kinda like the IRON DOME??? INVISIBLE FORCE FIELD? hmmm… Y’all know SOME say the Iron Dome, an’uther invisible force field, is just a bit ol’ bluff—it’s a nothin’ burger (parasol?). In any case Trump DID sell weapons including some to Israel durin’ his time in office—an’ tho’ I won’t go inta that now—that’s fer sure!—I find the parallels interstin’ ta say the least. INVISIBLE WEAPONRY….check.
So Walter Trump repeats ta the crowd that their purchases will BUILD A WALL b/c without the wall they won’t LIVE until tomorrow. But the wall is “conceptual” not literal—it’s an ENERGY WALL sez-he. (Kin we call in Marcel Marceau now? He too built invisible walls!)
Trumpman plays his role actin’ like he’ll give the people their “WALL” for free but he turns inta the Pied Piper demandin’ top dollar an’ or-elsin’ these good people when naysayers, includin’ the noble “Ranger” Hoby Gilman question his intentions.
The Sherrif (who is corrupt) tells the townsfolk he himself trusts Trump but we later learn that sherrif’s been brought in locally as part of itinerant Trump’s con (have we seen this before with “trusted” team members compromised?) Anywhoo— Trump IS challenged by Hoby to the point where he feels he’s gotta PROVE that his power-umbrellas WORK. (Clearly he’s done this demonstration before so he came prepared—let’s call it a “slick” demo). YET, when pushed about this “proof” he even threatens Ranger Hoby that he’ll SUE HIM for suggestin’ that the Force Reactors ain’t on the up ‘n up… (which duz sound a mite like the litiginous Donny Sr., no?)
As “proof” that only he/Trump kin protect these good people, Trump next shows the rubes a few cheapo pyrotechnics (burnin’ up a wagon wheel he says is “unprotected”) as evidence that without his “tech” FORCE FIELD that destruction’ll take place. The gullible townsfolk are quickly convinced. An’ again, it’s all gotta heppen at WARP SPEED (ha ha, i.e. that very NIGHT).

The “good people” who were fooled by the firewerks demo (a set-up but they don’t know it!—no nanothermite or DEWs needed, ha ha!—yup, I know that wuz ‘fore his time…) buy up the umbrellas, now sellin’ like hotcakes. However, these umbrella force repellers are now quite spendy (punitive / inflated pricin’? over-estimatin’ value…? wull that duz sound Trumpian…) an’ many folks cain’t afford ‘em or at least don’t have enough do-re-mi on hand ta pay fer ‘em. HOWEVER Trump only will take CASH, no collateral either! (A real biznessman!) So the desperate townspeople actually break inta the bank ta pull out their precious savin’s to buy the TRUMP FIX (hmmmm).
The run on the bank ALSO looks like J6!
Meanwhile our yet-unsung “hero,” Ranger Hoby, who has now deputized himself!, discovers that Trump is fixin’ ta take off with the dough ‘fore the eclipse even happens.
Hoby foils the escape plot. Trump asks about the charges against him an’ Hoby sez, “Any charge you like—grand theft, fraud—any way a jury will find it’s stealin’.” (Hmmm, I’d say that’s kinda true today—”any charge you’d like” an’ these mickey mouse juries will find Trump guilty of “stealin’” even if he’s guilty— Somethin’ thar too, no?
Back in the town square, the corrupt Sherrif has ta confess his complicity in these crimes ta the citizens. The duped people ONLY understand the con when they are asked ta drop their ‘brellas ‘fore midnight (when the world wuz to end with the eeeek-lips an’ deadly comets).
When said -world DID NOT END (includin’ fer the folks that didn’t ever have umbrellers!)—then finally the townsfolk finally understood they’d been “had” — but thankfully Ranger Hoby had gotten their money back from con-man Trump too. So THANKS TO an’ HONEST RANGER the only thing lost wuz their PRIDE (an’ Trump’s life). THE END
All I can say is that there are STRANGE COMMON THREADS ‘tween this episode an’ the REALITY of havin’ had The Donald in office.
Trump’s “fleetin’” power an’ ability ta convince the pop-u-last ta spend their money on fool solutions ta fool problems that didn’t even exist, per this series, seems ta have PASSED. An’ some say (fer better or worse) that Trump’ll never serve a 2nd term. Time’ll tell if this “program” is in any way right…
If this whole episode with eclipse an’ comet an’ Trump an’ “BUILD THE WALL” NOW all ain’t predictive I’ll eat my $2 hat.
MEANWHILE… there’s a mite more “goin’ on” than meets the “eye” here
Our “Lawman” (who declared himself sherrif!) was Robert Culp, also STAR of the series called I SPY ! (think too of “eye spy”) — a secret agent teevee show, basically attemptin’ ta imitate James Bond (which wuz MI6 all the way). Note the Co-Star…
Also, ‘fore we leave “The End of the World” an’ its “Trackdown”—there’s yet a bit more ta share ‘bout this series…
Again, I’ve no idea if this is all just happenstance but mebbe sum’buddy knew sumthin’ given the followin’ info:
SHOW PRODUCED by CBS (a CIA-station, nuff said, natch:)
OH, this’ll perk up yer ears oh curious peeps— 666 seems ta have afflicted (Hail! / Hal?) Columbia Broadcastin’ Corp TOO. DANG!
TRACKDOWN!: The End of the World…
So apparantly (tho’ we know producers lie…) we are to believe that this is BASED ON A TRUE STORY. So, DID a “real” town git duped like this? Wuz the stranger “Trump” a name just picked from a HAT? OR wuz the “true story” to come LATER?
Also, thinkin’ out loud here, since when would ya build a WALL ta block objects fallin’ from the SKY? (A dome? sure but not a “wall”…) So it must’ve been important ta keep emphasizin’ BUILDING THE WALL bein’ necessary….
We learn early-on in the show that this faker, Trump, who comes with this dire threat of a message, brags about his DEGREES. They are not ordinary or typical ones either! (Degrees, hmmmm a Mason has “degrees” too…). Old West Trumps degrees are spelled out thusly via the acronym DUMCSSR which translates as:
Doctor of the Universe
Master of “Cometry” (Commettry?)
Student of Stellar Reactions
(Any’ buddy wanna throw in an idea as ta DUMCSSR—mebbe more to it?) The DUMBS of course we know about… underground military bases etc.
Tho’ I cain’t figger out Donald Trump’s connections ta the Old West, he has PLENTY with Space an’ Stellar “reactions” that might connect directly with some of this magnetic matter jive in the TRACK DOWN episode.
His connections to his own Uncle John Trump—who worked on X-Ray Machines like CERN’s early-on, an’ then progressed ta working on High-Voltage ACCELLERATORS (like NASA’s!), an’ Space stuff, specifically with Vannevar Bush, head of the Manhattan Project, who had control of Tesla’s papers (many went “mysteriously” missin’ an’ were never returned to Tesla’s fambly would all be “of interest” to inquirin’ minds…
So now we got an’ ol’ teevee show connectin’ Trump, the Eeek-lips!, comets (dangerous if not demonic) an’ showin’ elements ‘bout everything from corrupt courts ta “magnetic” mayhem. If nuttin’ else—it’s INTERSTIN’, no? Food for thought…
As I wrote above, I’m not gonna fall inta the DOOM ROOM nor am I buyin’ inta the theory that April 8th (now today as I finish this stack!) is gonna be the release day fer all the “Pandora’s Box” of diseases in them hydrogels NOR am I buyin’ that this’ll be the day they merge us human beans with the Metaverse (or try to).
But I’d be remiss if I didn’t share some’a my findins’ via at least one link ‘bout this interestin’ if alarmin’ THEORY regardin’ “them” choosin’ “this” day of eclipse ta create human androids, uploading our “minds” inta the cloud, “separating (y)our Divine Consciousness or your Soul from the physical body or (y)our “Magnetic Body” of the “Molecular Electronic Device” from (y)our “Biological Body.”
As I wrote before, I’m fairly certain they CAN do this stuff but not so sure they will—now/today—or at very least…YET. Again, I’ll hold out for “YET!” with hopes we’ll schtop “them” before they “fix” us!
OF KINGS & COURTS (and a Connecticut Yankee)
It is said that Charlemagne’s son, Emperor Louis, was so perplexed by the five minutes of total darkness (eclipse of May 5, 840 A.D.), that the poor boy died shortly afterwards, some say of fright.
Wuther true or apocryphal, I DO believe there is much ta say about mind-over-matter (‘specially when the matter is YOU!). HOW you approach something novel (awesome? mysterious?) an’ how you steel yer spirits an’ steer, brake, an’ then gently park yerself in the world…kin make all the difference. An’ that applies DOUBLE fer this ECLIPSE! Dread, under the right conditions, kin definitely lead to “dead” an’ it sure seems like it did for poor Louis here.
This loooong an’ somewhat “cubist” (multi-angled / multi-dimensional) think on today’s soon-happenin’ event, brings me back ta not lettin’ the FEAR into the door at all—to instead opt for FACIN’ this WONDEROUS phenomenon of Mother Nature with hearty alacrity, lookin’ for the moment where Yin & Yang, Sun & Moon, EMBRACE not ERASE (each other)! It’s DANCIN’ in the DARK, a Tango! We kin set our “AURA” channel on LOVE to witness somethin’ beautiful that cannot take down our own inner power.
Which brings me to Mark this end-of-post moment with a Twain!
(not a whimper, tee hee!)
Whereas many a fine writer explores only the dark side’ve an eclipse, Mark Twain ingeniously allows his clever protagonist Hank Morgan ta MILK an eclipse fer all it’s worth an’ then some!
In a memorable chapter from A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, mechanic Hank Morgan, who has “fallen” into the Middle Ages after an unfortunate head injury, is about to be burned at the stake, his modern ways not goin’ over well in the olden days of chivalry. This act (of burnin’ Hank to a crisp) wuz cheered-on by an exceedingly jealous Merlin but clearly it was NOT a welcome “end” for Hank who decided ta save himself from “cookery.”
As the pyre is prepped for him, Hank (knowin’ the eclipse day from his trusty Almanac) threatens the King that if he’s burned alive he’ll take away the sun—for good! Thankfully the King believes Hank! However, since Hank can’t just summon up the eclipse immediately, he’s gotta stall-convincingly! He thus begins an elaborate bluff show of sheer bravado involvin’ both well-placed banter an’ the strategic sendin’ out of court members on errands for him. This solid (unfearin’) “thinkery” not only saves his life, buyin’ him time for the eclipse to arrive, but gits him a promotion! An’ when the eclipse does come—that’s when he shows he can “reverse it,” in exchange for his requests bein’ honored of course, thereby elicitin’ much unwarranted gratty-tude from his Highness (even though Hank knows the thing’ll go away on its own!).
It’s a GREAT plot device but also a new take on the eclipse as a blessin’ and NOT as a curse!
As it goes, not only is Hank released from the stake, he’s promptly promoted ta “Sir Boss” an’ helps bring a bit of the Industrial Revolution to King Arthur’s court!
May we all take a page from that book! (good ol’ ingenuity comes in handy as well as thinkin’ on yer feet an’ not gettin’ stymied by fear)
TO THE MOON ALICE! to the Moon!
I know y’all were waitin’ fer this—but it only makes sense ta share it NOW, at the end of this postin’.
If ya know The Honeymooners (one’a the BEST teevee shows ever—I grew up on the reruns!) you’ll know that Alice more or less runs the household an’ is VERY MUCH beloved by Ralph an’ vice versa. When Ralph gits angry he mock-threatens ta punch Alice an’ hollers “to the moon Alice, to the moon!” which means that “one’a these days” he’ll get SOoooo mad he’ll knock her all the way to the moon. Of course he’ll never do that. NOT in a million years!
If ya look at Alice’s body language she’s not skeered at all. In fact she’s either full on deadpan or ever-so-slightly smirkin’—not ta be mean, but because she knows this is how Ralph rolls. It’s all good, he’s blowin’ off STEAM….
I LOVE this because I’m thinkin’ this eclipse too is a “to the moon” empty threat—an’ just as Alice makes light of Ralph’s manly posturin’ (boys will be boys!)—with love, of course—so we too kin make light of the “manly” an’ even “womanly” posturin’s (of all sorts) goin’ on surroundin’ this eeeeek-lips. It’s OK. Like Ralph an’ Alice, the moon AND the sun will be there—for us, for “each other!” For always!
An’ tho’ we humans didn’t really visit the place yet in a rocket, I’m more ‘n happy ta ROCK-IT on the most marvelous trip “To the Moon” ever!
Leavin’ the MOON behind now—once again, we have the TOTAL ECLIPSE of the SUN!
an’ now for something completely UPBEAT! Here’s the late, great Klaus Nomi, whose classically trained operatic voice an’ space-aged “uniforms” literally broke the mold if ever there was one… Rock on in Heaven Klaus—I’ll be a channelin’ ya this afternoon!
An’ next time ya hear folks worried about the EEEK-Lips! just show ‘em this—no eeks an’ all the lips you could want!
Finally, ENJOY the spectacle today!
never throwin’ “shade”
NOW ya kin buy me a cuppa java if ya like, alwayz grateful fer y’all!
PS Bonus Trax! Pink Floyd’s always-awesome Eclipse
PS a little BONUS WEIRDNESS! fer y’all
Here’z a tiny tabloid “treat” from Daisy’s Daughter (the younger ‘un!) who decided that a bit of humor wuz much-needed ta honor this rather “unusual” day…
"... PARTY-CULL accelerator ..." LOL !
Thanks also for the Claypool Lennon video link. Don't think i ever saw that one before. 😂😂
I only glanced - but I think you forgot this: